Nick Alexander cca5010671 Part 1: Fix testing errors.
Some of these were just typos, but `with-open` was fatally flawed on
CLJS (we couldn't call `.close` at all), and `deftest-async` was hiding
all failures (due to a typo).
2016-07-13 18:19:22 -07:00

39 lines
1.5 KiB

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(ns datomish.test-macros
(:require-macros [datomish.test-macros]))
;; From
(defn cljs-env?
"Take the &env from a macro, and tell whether we are expanding into cljs."
(boolean (:ns env)))
(defmacro if-cljs
"Return then if we are generating cljs code and else for Clojure code."
[then else]
(if (cljs-env? &env) then else))
;; It's a huge pain to declare cross-environment macros. This is awful, but making the namespace a
;; parameter appears to be *even worse*.
(defmacro deftest-async
[name & body]
~(with-meta name {:async true})
(cljs.test/async done#
(datomish.pair-chan/go-pair ~@body)
(cljs.core.async/take! (fn [[v# e#]]
(cljs.test/is (= e# nil))
~(with-meta name {:async true})
(let [[v# e#] (clojure.core.async/<!! (datomish.pair-chan/go-pair ~@body))]
(clojure.test/is (= e# nil))))))