
186 lines
4.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
home = {
file = {
"${config.xdg.configHome}/neofetch/config.conf".text = builtins.readFile ./neofetch.conf;
packages = with pkgs; [
sessionVariables = {
EDITOR = "micro";
MANPAGER = "sh -c 'col --no-backspaces --spaces | bat --language man'";
VISUAL = "micro";
programs = {
atuin = {
enable = true;
enableBashIntegration = true;
enableFishIntegration = true;
flags = [
package = pkgs.unstable.atuin;
settings = {
auto_sync = true;
dialect = "uk";
show_preview = true;
style = "compact";
sync_frequency = "1h";
sync_address = "";
update_check = false;
bat = {
enable = true;
extraPackages = with pkgs.bat-extras; [
bottom = {
enable = true;
settings = {
colors = {
high_battery_color = "green";
medium_battery_color = "yellow";
low_battery_color = "red";
disk_filter = {
is_list_ignored = true;
list = [ "/dev/loop" ];
regex = true;
case_sensitive = false;
whole_word = false;
flags = {
dot_marker = false;
enable_gpu_memory = true;
group_processes = true;
hide_table_gap = true;
mem_as_value = true;
tree = true;
dircolors = {
enable = true;
enableBashIntegration = true;
enableFishIntegration = true;
direnv = {
enable = true;
enableBashIntegration = true;
nix-direnv = {
enable = true;
exa = {
enable = true;
enableAliases = true;
icons = true;
fish = {
enable = true;
shellAliases = {
cat = "bat --paging=never --style=plain";
htop = "btm --basic --tree --hide_table_gap --dot_marker --mem_as_value";
ip = "ip --color --brief";
less = "bat --paging=always";
more = "bat --paging=always";
top = "btm --basic --tree --hide_table_gap --dot_marker --mem_as_value";
tree = "exa --tree";
gh = {
enable = true;
extensions = with pkgs; [ gh-markdown-preview ];
settings = {
editor = "micro";
git_protocol = "ssh";
prompt = "enabled";
git = {
enable = true;
delta = {
enable = true;
options = {
features = "decorations";
navigate = true;
side-by-side = true;
aliases = {
lg = "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit";
extraConfig = {
push = {
default = "matching";
pull = {
rebase = true;
init = {
defaultBranch = "main";
ignores = [
gpg.enable = true;
home-manager.enable = true;
info.enable = true;
jq.enable = true;
micro = {
enable = true;
settings = {
colorscheme = "simple";
diffgutter = true;
rmtrailingws = true;
savecursor = true;
saveundo = true;
scrollbar = true;
powerline-go = {
enable = true;
settings = {
cwd-max-depth = 5;
cwd-max-dir-size = 12;
max-width = 60;
services = {
gpg-agent = {
enable = true;
enableSshSupport = true;
pinentryFlavor = "curses";
# Nicely reload system units when changing configs
systemd.user.startServices = "sd-switch";
xdg = {
enable = true;
userDirs = {
enable = true;
createDirectories = lib.mkDefault true;
extraConfig = {
XDG_SCREENSHOTS_DIR = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/Pictures/Screenshots";