file.".ssh/config".text = '' Host * * ForwardAgent yes Host floki ForwardAgent yes RemoteForward /%d/.gnupg-sockets/S.gpg-agent /%d/.gnupg-sockets/S.gpg-agent.extra Host * ForwardAgent no Compression no ServerAliveInterval 0 ServerAliveCountMax 3 HashKnownHosts no UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts ControlMaster no ControlPath ~/.ssh/master-%r@%n:%p ControlPersist no Host HostName User git ''; file.".gitconfig".text = '' [user] name = Greg Burd email = [color] ui = auto diff = auto status = auto branch = auto [format] pretty=format:%C(yellow)%h%Creset | %C(green)%ad (%ar)%Creset | %C(blue)%an%Creset | %s [push] default = simple autoSetupRemote = true [branch] autosetuprebase = always [receive] denyCurrentBranch = warn [filter "media"] clean = git media clean %f smudge = git media smudge %f required = true # [filter "cr"] clean = LC_CTYPE=C awk '{printf(\"%s\\n\", $0)}' | LC_CTYPE=C tr '\\r' '\\n' smudge = tr '\\n' '\\r' [diff] tool = meld [difftool] prompt = false [difftool "meld"] cmd = meld "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" [merge] tool = meld [mergetool "meld"] # Choose one of these 2 lines (not both!) explained below. cmd = meld "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE" --output "$MERGED" cmd = meld "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" --output "$MERGED" [core] editor = nvim # editor = emacs -nw -q excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global pager = less -FMRiX quotepath = false [filter "lfs"] process = git-lfs filter-process required = true clean = git-lfs clean -- %f smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f [init] templateDir = /home/gregburd/.git-template defaultBranch = main [commit] # gpgsign = true ''; file.".config/Code/User/keybindings.json".text = '' // Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults [ // allow arrow keys to work in the find widget { "key": "right", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit" }, { "key": "left", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit" }, { "key": "up", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit" }, { "key": "down", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit" }, // allow ctrl+f to find next in the find widget { "key": "ctrl+f", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, // allow other stuff to functional normally in the find widget { "key": "ctrl+b", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl+p", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl+n", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl+a", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "ctrl+e", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible" }, { "key": "enter", "command": "-emacs-mcx.isearchExit" }, // allow curly quotes and ellipses characters on mac { "key": "alt+shift+[", "command": "-emacs-mcx.backwardParagraph" }, { "key": "alt+shift+]", "command": "-emacs-mcx.forwardParagraph" }, { "key": "alt+;", "command": "-editor.action.blockComment", "when": "editorTextFocus && !config.emacs-mcx.useMetaPrefixMacCmd && !editorReadonly" }, { "key": "alt+;", "command": "-emacs-mcx.executeCommands", "when": "editorFocus && findWidgetVisible && !config.emacs-mcx.useMetaPrefixMacCmd" }, // stop backward kill word from adding to clipboard { "key": "alt+backspace", "command": "-emacs-mcx.backwardKillWord", "when": "editorTextFocus && !config.emacs-mcx.useMetaPrefixMacCmd && !editorReadonly" } ] ''; bash = { shellAliases = { pubip = "curl -s"; # "curl -s"; speedtest = "speedtest-go"; vi = "nvim"; vim = "nvim"; }; }; fish = { shellAliases = { #diff = "diffr"; #fast = "fast -u"; #glow = "glow --pager"; pubip = "curl -s"; # "curl -s"; speedtest = "speedtest-go"; vi = "nvim"; vim = "nvim"; }; }; systemd.user.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d ${config.home.homeDirectory}/ws 0755 ${username} users - -" "d ${config.home.homeDirectory}/Dropbox 0755 ${username} users - -" # "d ${config.home.homeDirectory}/Quickemu/nixos-console 0755 ${username} users - -" # "d ${config.home.homeDirectory}/Quickemu/nixos-desktop 0755 ${username} users - -" "d ${config.home.homeDirectory}/bin 0755 ${username} users - -" "d ${config.home.homeDirectory}/Studio/OBS/config/obs-studio/ 0755 ${username} users - -" # "d ${config.home.homeDirectory}/Syncthing 0755 ${username} users - -" "d ${config.home.homeDirectory}/Websites 0755 ${username} users - -" "L+ ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.config/obs-studio/ - - - - ${config.home.homeDirectory}/Studio/OBS/config/obs-studio/" ];