{ config, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./neovim.nix ./tmux.nix ]; home = { file = { "${config.xdg.configHome}/neofetch/config.conf".text = builtins.readFile ./neofetch.conf; }; # A Modern Unix experience # https://jvns.ca/blog/2022/04/12/a-list-of-new-ish--command-line-tools/ packages = with pkgs; [ asciinema # Terminal recorder breezy # Terminal bzr client butler # Terminal Itch.io API client chafa # Terminal image viewer dconf2nix # Nix code from Dconf files diffr # Modern Unix `diff` difftastic # Modern Unix `diff` dua # Modern Unix `du` duf # Modern Unix `df` du-dust # Modern Unix `du` entr # Modern Unix `watch` fd # Modern Unix `find` ffmpeg-headless # Terminal video encoder fzf # Command-line fuzzy finder glow # Terminal Markdown renderer gping # Modern Unix `ping` hexyl # Modern Unix `hexedit` hyperfine # Terminal benchmarking jpegoptim # Terminal JPEG optimizer jiq # Modern Unix `jq` lazygit # Terminal Git client neofetch # Terminal system info nixpkgs-review # Nix code review nurl # Nix URL fetcher nyancat # Terminal rainbow spewing feline optipng # Terminal PNG optimizer page # Modern pager procs # Modern Unix `ps` quilt # Terminal patch manager ripgrep # Modern Unix `grep` tldr # Modern Unix `man` tokei # Modern Unix `wc` for code wget # Terminal downloader yq-go # Terminal `jq` for YAML ]; sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; PAGER = "page"; SYSTEMD_EDITOR = "nvim"; VISUAL = "nvim"; }; }; programs = { atuin = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = true; enableFishIntegration = true; flags = [ "--disable-up-arrow" ]; package = pkgs.unstable.atuin; settings = { auto_sync = true; dialect = "us"; show_preview = true; style = "compact"; sync_frequency = "1h"; sync_address = "https://api.atuin.sh"; update_check = false; }; }; bottom = { enable = true; settings = { colors = { high_battery_color = "green"; medium_battery_color = "yellow"; low_battery_color = "red"; }; disk_filter = { is_list_ignored = true; list = [ "/dev/loop" ]; regex = true; case_sensitive = false; whole_word = false; }; flags = { dot_marker = false; enable_gpu_memory = true; group_processes = true; hide_table_gap = true; mem_as_value = true; tree = true; }; }; }; dircolors = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = true; enableFishIntegration = true; }; direnv = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = true; nix-direnv = { enable = true; }; }; eza = { enable = true; enableAliases = true; icons = true; }; fish = { enable = true; shellAliases = { diff = "diffr"; glow = "glow --pager"; htop = "btm --basic --tree --hide_table_gap --dot_marker --mem_as_value"; ip = "ip --color --brief"; top = "btm --basic --tree --hide_table_gap --dot_marker --mem_as_value"; tree = "eza --tree"; }; functions = let doCurl = type: url: "$(curl -L \"${url}\" 2>/dev/null | ${type}sum | awk '{print $1}')"; makeSriHasher = type: content: "nix-hash --type ${type} --to-sri ${content}"; makeSriUrlHasher = url: type: makeSriHasher type (doCurl type url); makeSriUrlHasherFishFunction = makeSriUrlHasher "$argv[1]"; in { shell = '' nix develop $HOME/ws/nix-config#$argv[1] || nix develop $HOME/ws/nix-config#( \ git remote -v \ | grep '(push)' \ | awk '{print $2}' \ | cut -d ':' -f 2 \ | rev \ | sed 's/tig.//' \ | rev \ ) ''; is-number = '' string match --quiet --regex "^\d+\$" $argv[1] ''; deploy-nuc = "is-number $argv[1] && nixos-rebuild --fast --flake $HOME/ws/nix-config#nuc$argv[1] --target-host root@$argv[1] $argv[2..]"; sriMd5Url = makeSriUrlHasherFishFunction "md5"; sriSha1Url = makeSriUrlHasherFishFunction "sha1"; sriSha256Url = makeSriUrlHasherFishFunction "sha256"; sriSha512Url = makeSriUrlHasherFishFunction "sha512"; }; plugins = with pkgs.fishPlugins; [ { name = "foreign-env"; inherit (foreign-env) src; } { name = "fzf"; inherit (fzf-fish) src; } ]; }; gh = { enable = true; extensions = with pkgs; [ gh-markdown-preview ]; settings = { editor = "nvim"; git_protocol = "ssh"; prompt = "enabled"; }; }; git = { enable = true; delta = { enable = true; options = { features = "decorations"; navigate = true; line-numbers = true; side-by-side = true; syntax-theme = "GitHub"; }; }; aliases = { a = "add"; aa = "add --all"; aaa = "!git a $(git rd)"; add-nowhitespace = "!git diff -U0 -w --no-color | git apply --cached --ignore-whitespace --unidiff-zero -"; # amend am = "!git cm --amend --no-edit --date=\"$(date +'%Y %D')\""; amend = "commit --amend"; # branch name bn = "br --show-current"; br = "branch"; ci = "commit"; co = "checkout"; cob = "co -b"; d = "diff"; dag = "log --graph --format='format:%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %C(blue)\"%an\" <%ae>%C(reset) %C(magenta)%cr%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)%n%s' --date-order"; dc = "diff --cached"; di = "diff"; div = "divergence"; ds = "d --staged"; f = "fetch"; fa = "f --all"; fast-forward = "merge --ff-only"; ff = "merge --ff-only"; files = "show --oneline"; gn = "goodness"; gnc = "goodness --cached"; # generate patch gp = "!gitgenpatch() { target=$1; git format-patch $target --stdout | sed -n -e '/^diff --git/,$p' | head -n -3; }; gitgenpatch"; graph = "log --decorate --oneline --graph"; h = "!git head"; head = "!git l -1"; # shows commit history hist = "log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --date=short"; l = "log --graph --abbrev-commit --date=relative"; la = "!git l --all"; lastchange = "log -n 1 -p"; lg = "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative"; lol = "log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit"; lola = "log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all"; mend = "commit --amend --no-edit"; p = "push"; # force with lease pf = "poh --force-with-lease"; # FORCEEEE pff = "poh --force"; # push to origin HEAD poh = "p origin HEAD"; pom = "push origin master"; # push and open pr ppr = "!git poh; !git pr"; # open pr pr = "!gh pr create"; pullff = "pull --ff-only"; pushall = "!git remote | xargs -L1 git push --all"; r = "!git --no-pager l -20"; ra = "!git r --all"; rb = "rebase"; rbc = "rebase --continue"; # gets root directory rd = "rev-parse --show-toplevel"; rh = "rs --hard"; rho = "!git rh origin/$(git bn)"; rs = "reset"; # squash it sq = "!gitsq() { git rb -i $(git sr $1) $2; }; gitsq"; # gets latest shared commit sr = "merge-base HEAD"; st = "status --short"; subdate = "submodule update --init --recursive"; sync = "pull --rebase"; unadd = "reset --"; unedit = "checkout --"; unrm = "checkout --"; unstage = "reset HEAD"; unstash = "stash pop"; update = "merge --ff-only origin/master"; }; extraConfig = { push = { default = "matching"; }; pull = { rebase = true; ff = "only"; }; init = { defaultBranch = "main"; }; }; ignores = [ "*.log" "*.out" ".DS_Store" "bin/" "dist/" "result" ]; }; gpg.enable = true; home-manager.enable = true; info.enable = true; jq.enable = true; micro = { enable = true; settings = { colorscheme = "simple"; diffgutter = true; rmtrailingws = true; savecursor = true; saveundo = true; scrollbar = true; }; }; powerline-go = { enable = true; settings = { cwd-max-depth = 5; cwd-max-dir-size = 12; max-width = 60; }; }; zoxide = { enable = true; enableBashIntegration = true; enableFishIntegration = true; }; }; }