{ pkgs, lib, config, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkIf; hasPackage = pname: lib.any (p: p ? pname && p.pname == pname) config.home.packages; hasRipgrep = hasPackage "ripgrep"; hasExa = hasPackage "eza"; hasNeovim = config.programs.neovim.enable; hasEmacs = config.programs.emacs.enable; hasNeomutt = config.programs.neomutt.enable; hasShellColor = config.programs.shellcolor.enable; hasKitty = config.programs.kitty.enable; shellcolor = "${pkgs.shellcolord}/bin/shellcolor"; in { programs.fish = { enable = true; shellAbbrs = rec { jqless = "jq -C | less -r"; n = "nix"; nd = "nix develop -c $SHELL"; ns = "nix shell"; nsn = "nix shell nixpkgs#"; nb = "nix build"; nbn = "nix build nixpkgs#"; nf = "nix flake"; nr = "nixos-rebuild --flake ."; nrs = "nixos-rebuild --flake . switch"; snr = "sudo nixos-rebuild --flake ."; snrs = "sudo nixos-rebuild --flake . switch"; hm = "home-manager --flake ."; hms = "home-manager --flake . switch"; ls = mkIf hasExa "eza"; exa = mkIf hasExa "eza"; e = mkIf hasEmacs "emacsclient -t"; vrg = mkIf (hasNeomutt && hasRipgrep) "nvimrg"; vim = mkIf hasNeovim "nvim"; vi = vim; v = vim; mutt = mkIf hasNeomutt "neomutt"; m = mutt; cik = mkIf hasKitty "clone-in-kitty --type os-window"; ck = cik; }; shellAliases = { # Clear screen and scrollback clear = "printf '\\033[2J\\033[3J\\033[1;1H'"; }; functions = { # Disable greeting fish_greeting = ""; # Grep using ripgrep and pass to nvim nvimrg = mkIf (hasNeomutt && hasRipgrep) "nvim -q (rg --vimgrep $argv | psub)"; # Integrate ssh with shellcolord ssh = mkIf hasShellColor '' ${shellcolor} disable $fish_pid # Check if kitty is available if set -q KITTY_PID && set -q KITTY_WINDOW_ID && type -q -f kitty kitty +kitten ssh $argv else command ssh $argv end ${shellcolor} enable $fish_pid ${shellcolor} apply $fish_pid ''; }; interactiveShellInit = # Open command buffer in vim when alt+e is pressed '' bind \ee edit_command_buffer '' + # kitty integration '' set --global KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR "${pkgs.kitty}/lib/kitty" set --global KITTY_SHELL_INTEGRATION enabled source "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/fish/vendor_conf.d/kitty-shell-integration.fish" set --prepend fish_complete_path "$KITTY_INSTALLATION_DIR/shell-integration/fish/vendor_completions.d" '' + # Use vim bindings and cursors '' fish_vi_key_bindings set fish_cursor_default block blink set fish_cursor_insert line blink set fish_cursor_replace_one underscore blink set fish_cursor_visual block '' + # Use terminal colors '' set -U fish_color_autosuggestion brblack set -U fish_color_cancel -r set -U fish_color_command brgreen set -U fish_color_comment brmagenta set -U fish_color_cwd green set -U fish_color_cwd_root red set -U fish_color_end brmagenta set -U fish_color_error brred set -U fish_color_escape brcyan set -U fish_color_history_current --bold set -U fish_color_host normal set -U fish_color_match --background=brblue set -U fish_color_normal normal set -U fish_color_operator cyan set -U fish_color_param brblue set -U fish_color_quote yellow set -U fish_color_redirection bryellow set -U fish_color_search_match 'bryellow' '--background=brblack' set -U fish_color_selection 'white' '--bold' '--background=brblack' set -U fish_color_status red set -U fish_color_user brgreen set -U fish_color_valid_path --underline set -U fish_pager_color_completion normal set -U fish_pager_color_description yellow set -U fish_pager_color_prefix 'white' '--bold' '--underline' set -U fish_pager_color_progress 'brwhite' '--background=cyan' ''; }; }