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/* Block Sorting, Lossless Data Compression Library. */
/* Range coder */
This file is a part of bsc and/or libbsc, a program and a library for
lossless, block-sorting data compression.
Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Ilya Grebnov <ilya.grebnov@gmail.com>
See file AUTHORS for a full list of contributors.
The bsc and libbsc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
The bsc and libbsc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with the bsc and libbsc. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Please see the files COPYING and COPYING.LIB for full copyright information.
See also the bsc and libbsc web site:
http://libbsc.com/ for more information.
#include "../../platform/platform.h"
class RangeCoder
union ari
struct u
unsigned int low32;
unsigned int carry;
} u;
unsigned long long low;
} ari;
unsigned int ari_code;
unsigned int ari_ffnum;
unsigned int ari_cache;
unsigned int ari_range;
const unsigned short * RESTRICT ari_input;
unsigned short * RESTRICT ari_output;
unsigned short * RESTRICT ari_outputEOB;
unsigned short * RESTRICT ari_outputStart;
INLINE void OutputShort(unsigned short s)
*ari_output++ = s;
INLINE unsigned short InputShort()
return *ari_input++;
INLINE void ShiftLow()
if (ari.u.low32 < 0xffff0000U || ari.u.carry)
OutputShort(ari_cache + ari.u.carry);
if (ari_ffnum)
unsigned short s = ari.u.carry - 1;
do { OutputShort(s); } while (--ari_ffnum);
ari_cache = ari.u.low32 >> 16; ari.u.carry = 0;
} else ari_ffnum++;
ari.u.low32 <<= 16;
INLINE bool CheckEOB()
return ari_output >= ari_outputEOB;
INLINE void InitEncoder(unsigned char * output, int outputSize)
ari_outputStart = (unsigned short *)output;
ari_output = (unsigned short *)output;
ari_outputEOB = (unsigned short *)(output + outputSize - 16);
ari.low = 0;
ari_ffnum = 0;
ari_cache = 0;
ari_range = 0xffffffff;
INLINE int FinishEncoder()
ShiftLow(); ShiftLow(); ShiftLow();
return (int)(ari_output - ari_outputStart) * sizeof(ari_output[0]);
INLINE void EncodeBit0(int probability)
ari_range = (ari_range >> 12) * probability;
if (ari_range < 0x10000)
ari_range <<= 16; ShiftLow();
INLINE void EncodeBit1(int probability)
unsigned int range = (ari_range >> 12) * probability;
ari.low += range; ari_range -= range;
if (ari_range < 0x10000)
ari_range <<= 16; ShiftLow();
INLINE void EncodeBit(unsigned int bit)
if (bit) EncodeBit1(2048); else EncodeBit0(2048);
INLINE void EncodeByte(unsigned int byte)
for (int bit = 7; bit >= 0; --bit)
EncodeBit(byte & (1 << bit));
INLINE void EncodeWord(unsigned int word)
for (int bit = 31; bit >= 0; --bit)
EncodeBit(word & (1 << bit));
INLINE void InitDecoder(const unsigned char * input)
ari_input = (unsigned short *)input;
ari_code = 0;
ari_range = 0xffffffff;
ari_code = (ari_code << 16) | InputShort();
ari_code = (ari_code << 16) | InputShort();
ari_code = (ari_code << 16) | InputShort();
INLINE int DecodeBit(int probability)
unsigned int range = (ari_range >> 12) * probability;
if (ari_code >= range)
ari_code -= range; ari_range -= range;
if (ari_range < 0x10000)
ari_range <<= 16; ari_code = (ari_code << 16) | InputShort();
return 1;
ari_range = range;
if (ari_range < 0x10000)
ari_range <<= 16; ari_code = (ari_code << 16) | InputShort();
return 0;
INLINE unsigned int DecodeBit()
return DecodeBit(2048);
INLINE unsigned int DecodeByte()
unsigned int byte = 0;
for (int bit = 7; bit >= 0; --bit)
byte += byte + DecodeBit();
return byte;
INLINE unsigned int DecodeWord()
unsigned int word = 0;
for (int bit = 31; bit >= 0; --bit)
word += word + DecodeBit();
return word;
/* End rangecoder.h */