From 07dfed776975ea316a54b00894e17955afc90f00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Moinak Ghosh Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 20:19:29 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] Initial Commit. --- COPYING.LESSER | 459 ++++++++ Makefile | 70 ++ adaptive_compress.c | 189 ++++ allocator.c | 396 +++++++ allocator.h | 34 + bzip2_compress.c | 154 +++ lzma/CpuArch.c | 168 +++ lzma/CpuArch.h | 155 +++ lzma/LzFind.c | 856 ++++++++++++++ lzma/LzFind.h | 115 ++ lzma/LzHash.h | 54 + lzma/LzmaDec.c | 999 +++++++++++++++++ lzma/LzmaDec.h | 231 ++++ lzma/LzmaEnc.c | 2449 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lzma/LzmaEnc.h | 79 ++ lzma/Ppmd.h | 82 ++ lzma/Ppmd8.c | 1119 +++++++++++++++++++ lzma/Ppmd8.h | 135 +++ lzma/Ppmd8Dec.c | 198 ++++ lzma/Ppmd8Enc.c | 201 ++++ lzma/Types.h | 255 +++++ lzma/crc32_fast.c | 82 ++ lzma/crc32_table.c | 23 + lzma/crc32_table_be.h | 526 +++++++++ lzma/crc32_table_le.h | 526 +++++++++ lzma/crc32_tablegen.c | 117 ++ lzma/crc64_fast.c | 120 ++ lzma/crc64_table.c | 24 + lzma/crc64_table_be.h | 521 +++++++++ lzma/crc64_table_le.h | 522 +++++++++ lzma/crc64_tablegen.c | 88 ++ lzma/crc_macros.h | 32 + lzma_compress.c | 190 ++++ main.c | 1066 ++++++++++++++++++ pcompress.h | 121 ++ ppmd_compress.c | 147 +++ utils.c | 179 +++ utils.h | 116 ++ zlib_compress.c | 144 +++ 39 files changed, 12942 insertions(+) create mode 100644 COPYING.LESSER create mode 100644 Makefile create mode 100644 adaptive_compress.c create mode 100644 allocator.c create mode 100644 allocator.h create mode 100644 bzip2_compress.c create mode 100755 lzma/CpuArch.c create mode 100755 lzma/CpuArch.h create mode 100644 lzma/LzFind.c create mode 100644 lzma/LzFind.h create mode 100644 lzma/LzHash.h create mode 100644 lzma/LzmaDec.c create mode 100644 lzma/LzmaDec.h create mode 100644 lzma/LzmaEnc.c create mode 100644 lzma/LzmaEnc.h create mode 100755 lzma/Ppmd.h create mode 100755 lzma/Ppmd8.c create mode 100755 lzma/Ppmd8.h create mode 100755 lzma/Ppmd8Dec.c create mode 100755 lzma/Ppmd8Enc.c create mode 100644 lzma/Types.h create mode 100644 lzma/crc32_fast.c create mode 100644 lzma/crc32_table.c create mode 100644 lzma/crc32_table_be.h create mode 100644 lzma/crc32_table_le.h create mode 100644 lzma/crc32_tablegen.c create mode 100644 lzma/crc64_fast.c create mode 100644 lzma/crc64_table.c create mode 100644 lzma/crc64_table_be.h create mode 100644 lzma/crc64_table_le.h create mode 100644 lzma/crc64_tablegen.c create mode 100644 lzma/crc_macros.h create mode 100644 lzma_compress.c create mode 100644 main.c create mode 100644 pcompress.h create mode 100644 ppmd_compress.c create mode 100644 utils.c create mode 100644 utils.h create mode 100644 zlib_compress.c diff --git a/COPYING.LESSER b/COPYING.LESSER new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8bfbc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING.LESSER @@ -0,0 +1,459 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd06db6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# +# This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- +# algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. +# +# Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. +# Use is subject to license terms. +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public +# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# Lesser General Public License for more details. +# +#, +# +# This program includes partly-modified public domain source +# code from the LZMA SDK: +# + +PROG= pcompress +MAINSRCS= main.c utils.c allocator.c zlib_compress.c bzip2_compress.c \ + lzma_compress.c ppmd_compress.c adaptive_compress.c +MAINOBJS = $(MAINSRCS:.c=.o) + +LZMASRCS = lzma/LzmaEnc.c lzma/LzFind.c lzma/LzmaDec.c +LZMAOBJS = $(LZMASRCS:.c=.o) + +PPMDSRCS = lzma/Ppmd8.c lzma/Ppmd8Enc.c lzma/Ppmd8Dec.c +PPMDHDRS = lzma/Ppmd.h lzma/Ppmd8.h +PPMDOBJS = $(PPMDSRCS:.c=.o) + +CRCSRCS = lzma/crc64_fast.c lzma/crc64_table.c +CRCOBJS = $(CRCSRCS:.c=.o) + +BAKFILES = *~ lzma/*~ + +RM = rm -f +CPPFLAGS = -I. -I./lzma -D_7ZIP_ST -DNODEFAULT_PROPS -DFILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 \ + -D_REENTRANT -D__USE_SSE_INTRIN__ -DNDEBUG -D_LZMA_PROB32 +VEC_FLAGS = -ftree-vectorize +LOOP_OPTFLAGS = $(VEC_FLAGS) -floop-interchange -floop-block +LDLIBS = -ldl -lbz2 $(ZLIB_DIR) -lz -lm + +LINK = gcc -m64 -pthread -msse3 +COMPILE = gcc -m64 -O3 -msse3 -c + +all: $(PROG) + +$(LZMAOBJS): $(LZMASRCS) + $(COMPILE) $(CPPFLAGS) $(@:.o=.c) -o $@ + +$(CRCOBJS): $(CRCSRCS) + $(COMPILE) $(VEC_FLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(@:.o=.c) -o $@ + +$(PPMDOBJS): $(PPMDSRCS) $(PPMDHDRS) + $(COMPILE) $(VEC_FLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(@:.o=.c) -o $@ + +$(MAINOBJS): $(MAINSRCS) + $(COMPILE) $(LOOP_OPTFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(@:.o=.c) -o $@ + +$(PROG): $(MAINOBJS) $(LZMAOBJS) $(PPMDOBJS) $(CRCOBJS) + $(LINK) -o $@ $(MAINOBJS) $(LZMAOBJS) $(PPMDOBJS) $(CRCOBJS) $(LDLIBS) + +clean: + $(RM) $(PROG) $(MAINOBJS) $(LZMAOBJS) $(PPMDOBJS) $(CRCOBJS) $(BAKFILES) + diff --git a/adaptive_compress.c b/adaptive_compress.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29b62b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/adaptive_compress.c @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +extern int lzma_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *destlen, int level, void *data); +extern int bzip2_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *destlen, int level, void *data); +extern int ppmd_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); + +extern int lzma_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); +extern int bzip2_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); +extern int ppmd_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); + +extern int lzma_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +extern int lzma_deinit(void **data); +extern int ppmd_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +extern int ppmd_deinit(void **data); + +struct adapt_data { + void *lzma_data; + void *ppmd_data; + int adapt_mode; +}; + +int +adapt_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize) +{ + struct adapt_data *adat = (struct adapt_data *)(*data); + int rv; + + if (!adat) { + adat = (struct adapt_data *)slab_alloc(NULL, sizeof (struct adapt_data)); + adat->adapt_mode = 1; + adat->ppmd_data = NULL; + rv = lzma_init(&(adat->lzma_data), level, chunksize); + *data = adat; + if (*level > 9) *level = 9; + } + return (rv); +} + +int +adapt2_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize) +{ + struct adapt_data *adat = (struct adapt_data *)(*data); + int rv, lv; + + if (!adat) { + adat = (struct adapt_data *)slab_alloc(NULL, sizeof (struct adapt_data)); + adat->adapt_mode = 2; + adat->ppmd_data = NULL; + lv = *level; + rv = lzma_init(&(adat->lzma_data), &lv, chunksize); + lv = *level; + if (rv == 0) + ppmd_init(&(adat->ppmd_data), &lv, chunksize); + *data = adat; + if (*level > 9) *level = 9; + } + return (rv); +} + +int +adapt_deinit(void **data) +{ + struct adapt_data *adat = (struct adapt_data *)(*data); + int rv; + + if (adat) { + rv = lzma_deinit(&(adat->lzma_data)); + if (adat->ppmd_data) + rv += ppmd_deinit(&(adat->ppmd_data)); + slab_free(NULL, adat); + *data = NULL; + } + return (rv); +} + +int +adapt_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + struct adapt_data *adat = (struct adapt_data *)(data); + int rv, rv1, rv2; + size_t dst2len, dst3len, smaller_dstlen; + uchar_t *dst2, *smaller_dst, *larger_dst; + void *tmp; + + dst2 = slab_alloc(NULL, *dstlen); + if (!dst2) { + fprintf(stderr, "Adapt: Out of memory\n"); + return (-1); + } + + rv = COMPRESS_LZMA; + dst2len = *dstlen; + dst3len = *dstlen; + rv1 = bzip2_compress(src, srclen, dst2, &dst2len, level, data); + if (rv1 < 0) dst2len = dst3len; + rv2 = lzma_compress(src, srclen, dst, dstlen, level, adat->lzma_data); + if (rv2 < 0) *dstlen = dst3len; + + if (dst2len < *dstlen) { + rv = COMPRESS_BZIP2; + larger_dst = dst; + smaller_dstlen = dst2len; + smaller_dst = dst2; + } else { + larger_dst = dst2; + smaller_dstlen = *dstlen; + smaller_dst = dst; + } + + if (adat->adapt_mode == 2) { + rv2 = ppmd_compress(src, srclen, larger_dst, &dst2len, + level, adat->ppmd_data); + if (rv2 < 0) dst2len = dst3len; + if (dst2len < smaller_dstlen) { + rv = COMPRESS_PPMD; + smaller_dstlen = dst2len; + smaller_dst = larger_dst; + } + } + + if (smaller_dst != dst) { + memcpy(dst, smaller_dst, smaller_dstlen); + *dstlen = smaller_dstlen; + } + slab_free(NULL, dst2); + return (rv); +} + +int +adapt_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + struct adapt_data *adat = (struct adapt_data *)(data); + uchar_t HDR; + + HDR = *((uchar_t *)src); + + if (HDR & (COMPRESS_LZMA << 4)) { + return (lzma_decompress(src, srclen, dst, dstlen, level, adat->lzma_data)); + + } else if (HDR & (COMPRESS_BZIP2 << 4)) { + return (bzip2_decompress(src, srclen, dst, dstlen, level, NULL)); + + } else if (HDR & (COMPRESS_PPMD << 4)) { + return (ppmd_decompress(src, srclen, dst, dstlen, level, adat->ppmd_data)); + + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized compression mode, file corrupt.\n"); + } + return (-1); +} diff --git a/allocator.c b/allocator.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..308e326 --- /dev/null +++ b/allocator.c @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +/* + * A basic slab allocator that uses power of 2 and fixed interval + * slab sizes and uses integer hashing to track pointers. It uses + * per-slab and per-hash-bucket locking for scalability. This + * allocator is being used in Pcompress as repeated compression of + * fixed-size chunks causes repeated and predictable memory allocation + * and freeing patterns. Using pre-allocated buffer pools in this + * case causes significant speedup. + * + * There is no provision yet to reap buffers from high-usage slabs + * and return them to the heap. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "utils.h" +#include "allocator.h" + +/* + * Number of slabs: + * 256 bytes to 1M in power of 2 steps: 13 + * 1M to 256M in linear steps of 1M: 256 + * + * By doing this we try to get reasonable memory usage while not + * sacrificing performance. + */ +#define NUM_SLABS 269 +#define NUM_POW2 13 +#define SLAB_START 256 +#define SLAB_START_POW2 8 /* 2 ^ SLAB_START_POW2 = SLAB_START. */ +#define HTABLE_SZ 16384 +#define TWOM (2UL * 1024UL * 1024UL) +#define ONEM (1UL * 1024UL * 1024UL) + +static const unsigned int bv[] = { + 0xAAAAAAAA, + 0xCCCCCCCC, + 0xF0F0F0F0, + 0xFF00FF00, + 0xFFFF0000 +}; + +struct bufentry { + void *ptr; + int slab_index; + struct bufentry *next; +}; +struct slabentry { + struct bufentry *avail; + struct bufentry *used; + size_t sz; + uint64_t allocs, hits; + pthread_mutex_t slab_lock; +}; +static struct slabentry slabheads[NUM_SLABS]; +static struct bufentry **htable; +static pthread_mutex_t *hbucket_locks; +static pthread_mutex_t htable_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; +static int inited = 0; + +static uint64_t total_allocs, oversize_allocs, hash_collisions, hash_entries; + +/* + * Hash function for 64Bit pointers that generates a 32Bit hash value. + * Taken from Thomas Wang's Integer hashing paper: + * + */ +uint32_t +hash6432shift(uint64_t key) +{ + key = (~key) + (key << 18); // key = (key << 18) - key - 1; + key = key ^ (key >> 31); + key = key * 21; // key = (key + (key << 2)) + (key << 4); + key = key ^ (key >> 11); + key = key + (key << 6); + key = key ^ (key >> 22); + return (uint32_t) key; +} + +void +slab_init() +{ + int i; + size_t slab_sz; + int nprocs; + + /* Initialize first NUM_POW2 power of 2 slots. */ + slab_sz = SLAB_START; + for (i = 0; i < NUM_POW2; i++) { + slabheads[i].avail = NULL; + slabheads[i].used = NULL; + slabheads[i].sz = slab_sz; + slabheads[i].allocs = 0; + slabheads[i].hits = 0; + /* Speed up: Copy from already inited but not yet used lock object. */ + slabheads[i].slab_lock = htable_lock; + slab_sz *= 2; + } + + /* At this point slab_sz is 2M. So linear slots start at 2M. */ + for (i = NUM_POW2; i < NUM_SLABS; i++) { + slabheads[i].avail = NULL; + slabheads[i].used = NULL; + slabheads[i].sz = slab_sz; + slabheads[i].allocs = 0; + slabheads[i].hits = 0; + /* Speed up: Copy from already inited but not yet used lock object. */ + slabheads[i].slab_lock = htable_lock; + slab_sz += ONEM; + } + + htable = (struct bufentry **)calloc(HTABLE_SZ, sizeof (struct bufentry *)); + hbucket_locks = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(HTABLE_SZ * sizeof (pthread_mutex_t)); + + for (i=0; inext; + free(buf->ptr); + free(buf); + buf = buf1; + } while (buf); + } + } + + if (!quiet) { + fprintf(stderr, "==================================================================\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "Oversize Allocations : %llu\n", oversize_allocs); + fprintf(stderr, "Total Requests : %llu\n", total_allocs); + fprintf(stderr, "Hash collisions : %llu\n", hash_collisions); + fprintf(stderr, "Leaked allocations : %llu\n", hash_entries); + } + + if (hash_entries > 0) { + nonfreed_oversize = 0; + for (i=0; islab_index == -1) { + nonfreed_oversize++; + } else { + slabheads[buf->slab_index].allocs++; + } + buf1 = buf->next; + free(buf->ptr); + free(buf); + buf = buf1; + } + } + free(htable); + free(hbucket_locks); + + if (!quiet) { + fprintf(stderr, "==================================================================\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " Slab Size | Allocations: leaked |\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "==================================================================\n"); + for (i=0; i SLAB_START_POW2) + r -= SLAB_START_POW2; + else + r = 0; + + return (r); +} + +void * +slab_alloc(void *p, size_t size) +{ + size_t slab_sz = SLAB_START; + int i, found; + size_t div; + + ATOMIC_ADD(total_allocs, 1); + found = -1; + if (size <= ONEM) { + /* First eleven slots are power of 2 sizes upto 1M. */ + found = find_slot(size); + } else { + /* Next slots are in intervals of 1M. */ + div = size / ONEM; + if (size % ONEM) div++; + if (div < NUM_SLABS) found = div + NUM_POW2; + } + if (found == -1) { + struct bufentry *buf = (struct bufentry *)malloc(sizeof (struct bufentry)); + uint32_t hindx; + + buf->ptr = malloc(size); + buf->slab_index = -1; + hindx = hash6432shift((unsigned long)(buf->ptr)) & (HTABLE_SZ - 1); + + pthread_mutex_lock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + buf->next = htable[hindx]; + htable[hindx] = buf; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + ATOMIC_ADD(oversize_allocs, 1); + return (buf->ptr); + } else { + struct bufentry *buf; + uint32_t hindx; + + pthread_mutex_lock(&(slabheads[found].slab_lock)); + if (slabheads[found].avail == NULL) { + slabheads[found].allocs++; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&(slabheads[found].slab_lock)); + buf = (struct bufentry *)malloc(sizeof (struct bufentry)); + buf->ptr = malloc(slabheads[found].sz); + buf->slab_index = found; + hindx = hash6432shift((unsigned long)(buf->ptr)) & (HTABLE_SZ - 1); + + if (htable[hindx]) ATOMIC_ADD(hash_collisions, 1); + pthread_mutex_lock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + buf->next = htable[hindx]; + htable[hindx] = buf; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + ATOMIC_ADD(hash_entries, 1); + } else { + buf = slabheads[found].avail; + slabheads[found].avail = buf->next; + slabheads[found].hits++; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&(slabheads[found].slab_lock)); + hindx = hash6432shift((unsigned long)(buf->ptr)) & (HTABLE_SZ - 1); + + if (htable[hindx]) ATOMIC_ADD(hash_collisions, 1); + pthread_mutex_lock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + buf->next = htable[hindx]; + htable[hindx] = buf; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + ATOMIC_ADD(hash_entries, 1); + } + return (buf->ptr); + } +} + +void +slab_free(void *p, void *address) +{ + struct bufentry *buf, *pbuf; + int found = 0; + uint32_t hindx; + + if (!address) return; + hindx = hash6432shift((uint64_t)(address)) & (HTABLE_SZ - 1); + + pthread_mutex_lock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + buf = htable[hindx]; + pbuf = NULL; + while (buf) { + if (buf->ptr == address) { + if (buf->slab_index == -1) { + if (pbuf) + pbuf->next = buf->next; + else + htable[hindx] = buf->next; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + ATOMIC_SUB(hash_entries, 1); + + free(buf->ptr); + free(buf); + found = 1; + break; + } else { + if (pbuf) + pbuf->next = buf->next; + else + htable[hindx] = buf->next; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + ATOMIC_SUB(hash_entries, 1); + + pthread_mutex_lock(&(slabheads[buf->slab_index].slab_lock)); + buf->next = slabheads[buf->slab_index].avail; + slabheads[buf->slab_index].avail = buf; + pthread_mutex_unlock(&(slabheads[buf->slab_index].slab_lock)); + found = 1; + break; + } + } + pbuf = buf; + buf = buf->next; + } + if (!found) { + pthread_mutex_unlock(&hbucket_locks[hindx]); + free(address); + fprintf(stderr, "Freed buf(%p) not in slab allocations!\n", address); + fflush(stderr); + } +} + diff --git a/allocator.h b/allocator.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be8df05 --- /dev/null +++ b/allocator.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#ifndef __ALLOCATOR_H__ +#define __ALLOCATOR_H__ + +void slab_init(); +void slab_cleanup(int quiet); +void *slab_alloc(void *p, size_t size); +void *slab_calloc(void *p, size_t items, size_t size); +void slab_free(void *p, void *address); + +#endif + diff --git a/bzip2_compress.c b/bzip2_compress.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b820e47 --- /dev/null +++ b/bzip2_compress.c @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static void * +slab_alloc_i(void *p, int items, int size) { + void *ptr; + size_t tot = (size_t)items * (size_t)size; + + ptr = slab_alloc(p, tot); + return (ptr); +} + +int +bzip2_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize) +{ + if (*level > 9) *level = 9; + return (0); +} + +static void +bzerr(int err) +{ + switch (err) { + case BZ_SEQUENCE_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Bzip2: Call sequence error, buggy code ?\n"); + break; + case BZ_PARAM_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Bzip2: Invalid parameter\n"); + break; + case BZ_MEM_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Bzip2: Out of memory\n"); + break; + case BZ_DATA_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Bzip2: Data integrity checksum error\n"); + break; + case BZ_DATA_ERROR_MAGIC: + fprintf(stderr, "Bzip2: Invalid magic number in compressed buf\n"); + break; + case BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL: + fprintf(stderr, "Bzip2: Output buffer overflow\n"); + break; + case BZ_CONFIG_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Bzip2: Improper library config on platform\n"); + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, "Bzip2: Unknown error code: %d\n", err); + } +} + +int +bzip2_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + bz_stream bzs; + int ret; + unsigned int _dstlen; + + bzs.bzalloc = slab_alloc_i; + bzs.bzfree = slab_free; + bzs.opaque = NULL; + + ret = BZ2_bzCompressInit(&bzs, level, 0, 30); + if (ret != BZ_OK) { + bzerr(ret); + return (-1); + } + + bzs.next_in = src; + bzs.avail_in = srclen; + bzs.next_out = dst; + bzs.avail_out = *dstlen; + + ret = BZ2_bzCompress(&bzs, BZ_FINISH); + if (ret == BZ_FINISH_OK) { + BZ2_bzCompressEnd(&bzs); + return (-1); + } + if (ret != BZ_STREAM_END) { + BZ2_bzCompressEnd(&bzs); + bzerr(ret); + return (-1); + } + + /* normal termination */ + *dstlen -= bzs.avail_out; + BZ2_bzCompressEnd(&bzs); + return (0); +} + +int +bzip2_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + bz_stream bzs; + int ret; + + bzs.bzalloc = slab_alloc_i; + bzs.bzfree = slab_free; + bzs.opaque = NULL; + + ret = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&bzs, 0, 0); + if (ret != BZ_OK) { + bzerr(ret); + return (-1); + } + + bzs.next_in = (uchar_t *)src + CHDR_SZ; + bzs.avail_in = srclen; + bzs.next_out = dst; + bzs.avail_out = *dstlen; + + ret = BZ2_bzDecompress(&bzs); + if (ret == BZ_FINISH_OK) { + BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&bzs); + bzerr(ret); + return (-1); + } + if (ret != BZ_STREAM_END) { + BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&bzs); + bzerr(ret); + return (-1); + } + + /* normal termination */ + *dstlen -= bzs.avail_out; + BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&bzs); + return (0); +} diff --git a/lzma/CpuArch.c b/lzma/CpuArch.c new file mode 100755 index 0000000..36e7680 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/CpuArch.c @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +/* CpuArch.c -- CPU specific code +2010-10-26: Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#include "CpuArch.h" + +#ifdef MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64 + +#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(MY_CPU_AMD64)) || defined(__GNUC__) +#define USE_ASM +#endif + +#if defined(USE_ASM) && !defined(MY_CPU_AMD64) +static UInt32 CheckFlag(UInt32 flag) +{ + #ifdef _MSC_VER + __asm pushfd; + __asm pop EAX; + __asm mov EDX, EAX; + __asm xor EAX, flag; + __asm push EAX; + __asm popfd; + __asm pushfd; + __asm pop EAX; + __asm xor EAX, EDX; + __asm push EDX; + __asm popfd; + __asm and flag, EAX; + #else + __asm__ __volatile__ ( + "pushf\n\t" + "pop %%EAX\n\t" + "movl %%EAX,%%EDX\n\t" + "xorl %0,%%EAX\n\t" + "push %%EAX\n\t" + "popf\n\t" + "pushf\n\t" + "pop %%EAX\n\t" + "xorl %%EDX,%%EAX\n\t" + "push %%EDX\n\t" + "popf\n\t" + "andl %%EAX, %0\n\t": + "=c" (flag) : "c" (flag)); + #endif + return flag; +} +#define CHECK_CPUID_IS_SUPPORTED if (CheckFlag(1 << 18) == 0 || CheckFlag(1 << 21) == 0) return False; +#else +#define CHECK_CPUID_IS_SUPPORTED +#endif + +static void MyCPUID(UInt32 function, UInt32 *a, UInt32 *b, UInt32 *c, UInt32 *d) +{ + #ifdef USE_ASM + + #ifdef _MSC_VER + + UInt32 a2, b2, c2, d2; + __asm xor EBX, EBX; + __asm xor ECX, ECX; + __asm xor EDX, EDX; + __asm mov EAX, function; + __asm cpuid; + __asm mov a2, EAX; + __asm mov b2, EBX; + __asm mov c2, ECX; + __asm mov d2, EDX; + + *a = a2; + *b = b2; + *c = c2; + *d = d2; + + #else + + __asm__ __volatile__ ( + "cpuid" + : "=a" (*a) , + "=b" (*b) , + "=c" (*c) , + "=d" (*d) + : "0" (function)) ; + + #endif + + #else + + int CPUInfo[4]; + __cpuid(CPUInfo, function); + *a = CPUInfo[0]; + *b = CPUInfo[1]; + *c = CPUInfo[2]; + *d = CPUInfo[3]; + + #endif +} + +Bool x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(Cx86cpuid *p) +{ + CHECK_CPUID_IS_SUPPORTED + MyCPUID(0, &p->maxFunc, &p->vendor[0], &p->vendor[2], &p->vendor[1]); + MyCPUID(1, &p->ver, &p->b, &p->c, &p->d); + return True; +} + +static UInt32 kVendors[][3] = +{ + { 0x756E6547, 0x49656E69, 0x6C65746E}, + { 0x68747541, 0x69746E65, 0x444D4163}, + { 0x746E6543, 0x48727561, 0x736C7561} +}; + +int x86cpuid_GetFirm(const Cx86cpuid *p) +{ + unsigned i; + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(kVendors) / sizeof(kVendors[i]); i++) + { + const UInt32 *v = kVendors[i]; + if (v[0] == p->vendor[0] && + v[1] == p->vendor[1] && + v[2] == p->vendor[2]) + return (int)i; + } + return -1; +} + +Bool CPU_Is_InOrder() +{ + Cx86cpuid p; + int firm; + UInt32 family, model; + if (!x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(&p)) + return True; + family = x86cpuid_GetFamily(&p); + model = x86cpuid_GetModel(&p); + firm = x86cpuid_GetFirm(&p); + switch (firm) + { + case CPU_FIRM_INTEL: return (family < 6 || (family == 6 && model == 0x100C)); + case CPU_FIRM_AMD: return (family < 5 || (family == 5 && (model < 6 || model == 0xA))); + case CPU_FIRM_VIA: return (family < 6 || (family == 6 && model < 0xF)); + } + return True; +} + +#if !defined(MY_CPU_AMD64) && defined(_WIN32) +static Bool CPU_Sys_Is_SSE_Supported() +{ + OSVERSIONINFO vi; + vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(vi); + if (!GetVersionEx(&vi)) + return False; + return (vi.dwMajorVersion >= 5); +} +#define CHECK_SYS_SSE_SUPPORT if (!CPU_Sys_Is_SSE_Supported()) return False; +#else +#define CHECK_SYS_SSE_SUPPORT +#endif + +Bool CPU_Is_Aes_Supported() +{ + Cx86cpuid p; + CHECK_SYS_SSE_SUPPORT + if (!x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(&p)) + return False; + return (p.c >> 25) & 1; +} + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/CpuArch.h b/lzma/CpuArch.h new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0a709bb --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/CpuArch.h @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +/* CpuArch.h -- CPU specific code +2010-10-26: Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#ifndef __CPU_ARCH_H +#define __CPU_ARCH_H + +#include "Types.h" + +EXTERN_C_BEGIN + +/* +MY_CPU_LE means that CPU is LITTLE ENDIAN. +If MY_CPU_LE is not defined, we don't know about that property of platform (it can be LITTLE ENDIAN). + +MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN means that CPU is LITTLE ENDIAN and CPU supports unaligned memory accesses. +If MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN is not defined, we don't know about these properties of platform. +*/ + +#if defined(_M_X64) || defined(_M_AMD64) || defined(__x86_64__) +#define MY_CPU_AMD64 +#endif + +#if defined(MY_CPU_AMD64) || defined(_M_IA64) +#define MY_CPU_64BIT +#endif + +#if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(__i386__) +#define MY_CPU_X86 +#endif + +#if defined(MY_CPU_X86) || defined(MY_CPU_AMD64) +#define MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64 +#endif + +#if defined(MY_CPU_X86) || defined(_M_ARM) +#define MY_CPU_32BIT +#endif + +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_M_ARM) +#define MY_CPU_ARM_LE +#endif + +#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_M_IA64) +#define MY_CPU_IA64_LE +#endif + +#if defined(MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64) +#define MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN +#endif + +#if defined(MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64) || defined(MY_CPU_ARM_LE) || defined(MY_CPU_IA64_LE) || defined(__ARMEL__) || defined(__MIPSEL__) || defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__) +#define MY_CPU_LE +#endif + +#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) +#define MY_CPU_BE +#endif + +#if defined(MY_CPU_LE) && defined(MY_CPU_BE) +Stop_Compiling_Bad_Endian +#endif + +#ifdef MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN + +#define GetUi16(p) (*(const UInt16 *)(p)) +#define GetUi32(p) (*(const UInt32 *)(p)) +#define GetUi64(p) (*(const UInt64 *)(p)) +#define SetUi16(p, d) *(UInt16 *)(p) = (d); +#define SetUi32(p, d) *(UInt32 *)(p) = (d); +#define SetUi64(p, d) *(UInt64 *)(p) = (d); + +#else + +#define GetUi16(p) (((const Byte *)(p))[0] | ((UInt16)((const Byte *)(p))[1] << 8)) + +#define GetUi32(p) ( \ + ((const Byte *)(p))[0] | \ + ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[1] << 8) | \ + ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[2] << 16) | \ + ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[3] << 24)) + +#define GetUi64(p) (GetUi32(p) | ((UInt64)GetUi32(((const Byte *)(p)) + 4) << 32)) + +#define SetUi16(p, d) { UInt32 _x_ = (d); \ + ((Byte *)(p))[0] = (Byte)_x_; \ + ((Byte *)(p))[1] = (Byte)(_x_ >> 8); } + +#define SetUi32(p, d) { UInt32 _x_ = (d); \ + ((Byte *)(p))[0] = (Byte)_x_; \ + ((Byte *)(p))[1] = (Byte)(_x_ >> 8); \ + ((Byte *)(p))[2] = (Byte)(_x_ >> 16); \ + ((Byte *)(p))[3] = (Byte)(_x_ >> 24); } + +#define SetUi64(p, d) { UInt64 _x64_ = (d); \ + SetUi32(p, (UInt32)_x64_); \ + SetUi32(((Byte *)(p)) + 4, (UInt32)(_x64_ >> 32)); } + +#endif + +#if defined(MY_CPU_LE_UNALIGN) && defined(_WIN64) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) + +#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_ulong) +#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_uint64) +#define GetBe32(p) _byteswap_ulong(*(const UInt32 *)(const Byte *)(p)) +#define GetBe64(p) _byteswap_uint64(*(const UInt64 *)(const Byte *)(p)) + +#else + +#define GetBe32(p) ( \ + ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[0] << 24) | \ + ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[1] << 16) | \ + ((UInt32)((const Byte *)(p))[2] << 8) | \ + ((const Byte *)(p))[3] ) + +#define GetBe64(p) (((UInt64)GetBe32(p) << 32) | GetBe32(((const Byte *)(p)) + 4)) + +#endif + +#define GetBe16(p) (((UInt16)((const Byte *)(p))[0] << 8) | ((const Byte *)(p))[1]) + + +#ifdef MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64 + +typedef struct +{ + UInt32 maxFunc; + UInt32 vendor[3]; + UInt32 ver; + UInt32 b; + UInt32 c; + UInt32 d; +} Cx86cpuid; + +enum +{ + CPU_FIRM_INTEL, + CPU_FIRM_AMD, + CPU_FIRM_VIA +}; + +Bool x86cpuid_CheckAndRead(Cx86cpuid *p); +int x86cpuid_GetFirm(const Cx86cpuid *p); + +#define x86cpuid_GetFamily(p) (((p)->ver >> 8) & 0xFF00F) +#define x86cpuid_GetModel(p) (((p)->ver >> 4) & 0xF00F) +#define x86cpuid_GetStepping(p) ((p)->ver & 0xF) + +Bool CPU_Is_InOrder(); +Bool CPU_Is_Aes_Supported(); + +#endif + +EXTERN_C_END + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/LzFind.c b/lzma/LzFind.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6dae9fd --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/LzFind.c @@ -0,0 +1,856 @@ +/* LzFind.c -- Match finder for LZ algorithms +2009-04-22 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#include +#ifdef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ +#include +#endif + +#include "LzFind.h" +#include "LzHash.h" + +#define kEmptyHashValue 0 +#define kMaxValForNormalize ((UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) +#define kNormalizeStepMin (1 << 10) /* it must be power of 2 */ +#define kNormalizeMask (~(kNormalizeStepMin - 1)) +#define kMaxHistorySize ((UInt32)3 << 30) + +#define kStartMaxLen 3 + +static void LzInWindow_Free(CMatchFinder *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + if (!p->directInput) + { + alloc->Free(alloc, p->bufferBase); + p->bufferBase = 0; + } +} + +/* keepSizeBefore + keepSizeAfter + keepSizeReserv must be < 4G) */ + +static int LzInWindow_Create(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 keepSizeReserv, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + UInt32 blockSize = p->keepSizeBefore + p->keepSizeAfter + keepSizeReserv; + if (p->directInput) + { + p->blockSize = blockSize; + return 1; + } + if (p->bufferBase == 0 || p->blockSize != blockSize) + { + LzInWindow_Free(p, alloc); + p->blockSize = blockSize; + p->bufferBase = (Byte *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, (size_t)blockSize); + } + return (p->bufferBase != 0); +} + +Byte *MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos(CMatchFinder *p) { return p->buffer; } +Byte MatchFinder_GetIndexByte(CMatchFinder *p, Int32 index) { return p->buffer[index]; } + +UInt32 MatchFinder_GetNumAvailableBytes(CMatchFinder *p) { return p->streamPos - p->pos; } + +void MatchFinder_ReduceOffsets(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 subValue) +{ + p->posLimit -= subValue; + p->pos -= subValue; + p->streamPos -= subValue; +} + +static void MatchFinder_ReadBlock(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + if (p->streamEndWasReached || p->result != SZ_OK) + return; + if (p->directInput) + { + UInt32 curSize = 0xFFFFFFFF - p->streamPos; + if (curSize > p->directInputRem) + curSize = (UInt32)p->directInputRem; + p->directInputRem -= curSize; + p->streamPos += curSize; + if (p->directInputRem == 0) + p->streamEndWasReached = 1; + return; + } + for (;;) + { + Byte *dest = p->buffer + (p->streamPos - p->pos); + size_t size = (p->bufferBase + p->blockSize - dest); + if (size == 0) + return; + p->result = p->stream->Read(p->stream, dest, &size); + if (p->result != SZ_OK) + return; + if (size == 0) + { + p->streamEndWasReached = 1; + return; + } + p->streamPos += (UInt32)size; + if (p->streamPos - p->pos > p->keepSizeAfter) + return; + } +} + +void MatchFinder_MoveBlock(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + memmove(p->bufferBase, + p->buffer - p->keepSizeBefore, + (size_t)(p->streamPos - p->pos + p->keepSizeBefore)); + p->buffer = p->bufferBase + p->keepSizeBefore; +} + +int MatchFinder_NeedMove(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + if (p->directInput) + return 0; + /* if (p->streamEndWasReached) return 0; */ + return ((size_t)(p->bufferBase + p->blockSize - p->buffer) <= p->keepSizeAfter); +} + +void MatchFinder_ReadIfRequired(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + if (p->streamEndWasReached) + return; + if (p->keepSizeAfter >= p->streamPos - p->pos) + MatchFinder_ReadBlock(p); +} + +static void MatchFinder_CheckAndMoveAndRead(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + if (MatchFinder_NeedMove(p)) + MatchFinder_MoveBlock(p); + MatchFinder_ReadBlock(p); +} + +static void MatchFinder_SetDefaultSettings(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + p->cutValue = 32; + p->btMode = 1; + p->numHashBytes = 4; + p->bigHash = 0; +} + +#define kCrcPoly 0xEDB88320 + +void MatchFinder_Construct(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + UInt32 i; + p->bufferBase = 0; + p->directInput = 0; + p->hash = 0; + MatchFinder_SetDefaultSettings(p); + + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + { + UInt32 r = i; + int j; + for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) + r = (r >> 1) ^ (kCrcPoly & ~((r & 1) - 1)); + p->crc[i] = r; + } +} + +static void MatchFinder_FreeThisClassMemory(CMatchFinder *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + alloc->Free(alloc, p->hash); + p->hash = 0; +} + +void MatchFinder_Free(CMatchFinder *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + MatchFinder_FreeThisClassMemory(p, alloc); + LzInWindow_Free(p, alloc); +} + +static CLzRef* AllocRefs(UInt32 num, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + size_t sizeInBytes = (size_t)num * sizeof(CLzRef); + if (sizeInBytes / sizeof(CLzRef) != num) + return 0; + return (CLzRef *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, sizeInBytes); +} + +int MatchFinder_Create(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 historySize, + UInt32 keepAddBufferBefore, UInt32 matchMaxLen, UInt32 keepAddBufferAfter, + ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + UInt32 sizeReserv; + if (historySize > kMaxHistorySize) + { + MatchFinder_Free(p, alloc); + return 0; + } + sizeReserv = historySize >> 1; + if (historySize > ((UInt32)2 << 30)) + sizeReserv = historySize >> 2; + sizeReserv += (keepAddBufferBefore + matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter) / 2 + (1 << 19); + + p->keepSizeBefore = historySize + keepAddBufferBefore + 1; + p->keepSizeAfter = matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter; + /* we need one additional byte, since we use MoveBlock after pos++ and before dictionary using */ + if (LzInWindow_Create(p, sizeReserv, alloc)) + { + UInt32 newCyclicBufferSize = historySize + 1; + UInt32 hs; + p->matchMaxLen = matchMaxLen; + { + p->fixedHashSize = 0; + if (p->numHashBytes == 2) + hs = (1 << 16) - 1; + else + { + hs = historySize - 1; + hs |= (hs >> 1); + hs |= (hs >> 2); + hs |= (hs >> 4); + hs |= (hs >> 8); + hs >>= 1; + hs |= 0xFFFF; /* don't change it! It's required for Deflate */ + if (hs > (1 << 24)) + { + if (p->numHashBytes == 3) + hs = (1 << 24) - 1; + else + hs >>= 1; + } + } + p->hashMask = hs; + hs++; + if (p->numHashBytes > 2) p->fixedHashSize += kHash2Size; + if (p->numHashBytes > 3) p->fixedHashSize += kHash3Size; + if (p->numHashBytes > 4) p->fixedHashSize += kHash4Size; + hs += p->fixedHashSize; + } + + { + UInt32 prevSize = p->hashSizeSum + p->numSons; + UInt32 newSize; + p->historySize = historySize; + p->hashSizeSum = hs; + p->cyclicBufferSize = newCyclicBufferSize; + p->numSons = (p->btMode ? newCyclicBufferSize * 2 : newCyclicBufferSize); + newSize = p->hashSizeSum + p->numSons; + if (p->hash != 0 && prevSize == newSize) + return 1; + MatchFinder_FreeThisClassMemory(p, alloc); + p->hash = AllocRefs(newSize, alloc); + if (p->hash != 0) + { + p->son = p->hash + p->hashSizeSum; + return 1; + } + } + } + MatchFinder_Free(p, alloc); + return 0; +} + +static void MatchFinder_SetLimits(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + UInt32 limit = kMaxValForNormalize - p->pos; + UInt32 limit2 = p->cyclicBufferSize - p->cyclicBufferPos; + if (limit2 < limit) + limit = limit2; + limit2 = p->streamPos - p->pos; + if (limit2 <= p->keepSizeAfter) + { + if (limit2 > 0) + limit2 = 1; + } + else + limit2 -= p->keepSizeAfter; + if (limit2 < limit) + limit = limit2; + { + UInt32 lenLimit = p->streamPos - p->pos; + if (lenLimit > p->matchMaxLen) + lenLimit = p->matchMaxLen; + p->lenLimit = lenLimit; + } + p->posLimit = p->pos + limit; +} + +void MatchFinder_Init(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + UInt32 i; + /* + * Optimized following loop: + * for (i = 0; i < p->hashSizeSum; i++) + * p->hash[i] = kEmptyHashValue; + * + * Given that kEmptyHashValue == 0, we can use memset which uses SSE + * on x86. + */ + memset((void *)(p->hash), 0, p->hashSizeSum * sizeof (p->hash[0])); + p->cyclicBufferPos = 0; + p->buffer = p->bufferBase; + p->pos = p->streamPos = p->cyclicBufferSize; + p->result = SZ_OK; + p->streamEndWasReached = 0; + MatchFinder_ReadBlock(p); + MatchFinder_SetLimits(p); +} + +static UInt32 MatchFinder_GetSubValue(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + return (p->pos - p->historySize - 1) & kNormalizeMask; +} + +void MatchFinder_Normalize3(UInt32 subValue, CLzRef *items, UInt32 numItems) +{ + UInt32 i; + for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) + { + UInt32 value = items[i]; + if (value <= subValue) + value = kEmptyHashValue; + else + value -= subValue; + items[i] = value; + } +} + +static void MatchFinder_Normalize(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + UInt32 subValue = MatchFinder_GetSubValue(p); + MatchFinder_Normalize3(subValue, p->hash, p->hashSizeSum + p->numSons); + MatchFinder_ReduceOffsets(p, subValue); +} + +static void MatchFinder_CheckLimits(CMatchFinder *p) +{ + if (p->pos == kMaxValForNormalize) + MatchFinder_Normalize(p); + if (!p->streamEndWasReached && p->keepSizeAfter == p->streamPos - p->pos) + MatchFinder_CheckAndMoveAndRead(p); + if (p->cyclicBufferPos == p->cyclicBufferSize) + p->cyclicBufferPos = 0; + MatchFinder_SetLimits(p); +} + +static UInt32 * Hc_GetMatchesSpec(UInt32 lenLimit, UInt32 curMatch, UInt32 pos, const Byte *cur, CLzRef *son, + UInt32 _cyclicBufferPos, UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize, UInt32 cutValue, + UInt32 *distances, UInt32 maxLen) +{ + son[_cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; + for (;;) + { + UInt32 delta = pos - curMatch; + if (cutValue-- == 0 || delta >= _cyclicBufferSize) + return distances; + { + const Byte *pb = cur - delta; + curMatch = son[_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)]; + if (pb[maxLen] == cur[maxLen] && *pb == *cur) + { + UInt32 len = 0; + while (++len != lenLimit) + if (pb[len] != cur[len]) + break; + if (maxLen < len) + { + *distances++ = maxLen = len; + *distances++ = delta - 1; + if (len == lenLimit) + return distances; + } + } + } + } +} + +UInt32 * GetMatchesSpec1(UInt32 lenLimit, UInt32 curMatch, UInt32 pos, const Byte *cur, CLzRef *son, + UInt32 _cyclicBufferPos, UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize, UInt32 cutValue, + UInt32 *distances, UInt32 maxLen) +{ + CLzRef *ptr0 = son + (_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1; + CLzRef *ptr1 = son + (_cyclicBufferPos << 1); + UInt32 len0 = 0, len1 = 0; + for (;;) + { + UInt32 delta = pos - curMatch; + if (cutValue-- == 0 || delta >= _cyclicBufferSize) + { + *ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; + return distances; + } + { + CLzRef *pair = son + ((_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)) << 1); + const Byte *pb = cur - delta; + UInt32 len = (len0 < len1 ? len0 : len1); + if (pb[len] == cur[len]) + { +#ifndef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ + UInt64 a, b; + while (lenLimit - len > 8) { + a = *((UInt64 *)(&pb[len])); + b = *((UInt64 *)(&cur[len])); + if (a != b) { + UInt64 c = a ^ b; + if (c & 0xff) goto diff_cont_g; + len++; + if (c & 0xff00) goto diff_cont_g; + len++; c >>= 16; + if (c & 0xff) goto diff_cont_g; + len++; + if (c & 0xff00) goto diff_cont_g; + len++; c >>= 16; + if (c & 0xff) goto diff_cont_g; + len++; + if (c & 0xff00) goto diff_cont_g; + len++; c >>= 16; + if (c & 0xff) goto diff_cont_g; + len++; + goto diff_cont_g; + } + len += 8; + } +#else + int mask; + UInt32 byt; + while (lenLimit - len > 16) { + __m128i span1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(pb+len)); + __m128i span2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(cur+len)); + mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(span1, span2)) ^ 0xffff; + if (mask) { + byt = __builtin_ctz(mask); + len += byt; + goto diff_cont_g; + } + len += 16; + } +#endif + do { + if (pb[len] != cur[len]) break; + } while (++len != lenLimit); +/* while (++len != lenLimit && pb[len] == cur[len]);*/ +diff_cont_g: + if (maxLen < len) + { + *distances++ = maxLen = len; + *distances++ = delta - 1; + if (len == lenLimit) + { + *ptr1 = pair[0]; + *ptr0 = pair[1]; + return distances; + } + } + } + if (pb[len] < cur[len]) + { + *ptr1 = curMatch; + ptr1 = pair + 1; + curMatch = *ptr1; + len1 = len; + } + else + { + *ptr0 = curMatch; + ptr0 = pair; + curMatch = *ptr0; + len0 = len; + } + } + } +} + +static void SkipMatchesSpec(UInt32 lenLimit, UInt32 curMatch, UInt32 pos, const Byte *cur, CLzRef *son, + UInt32 _cyclicBufferPos, UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize, UInt32 cutValue) +{ + CLzRef *ptr0 = son + (_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1; + CLzRef *ptr1 = son + (_cyclicBufferPos << 1); + UInt32 len0 = 0, len1 = 0; + for (;;) + { + UInt32 delta = pos - curMatch; + if (cutValue-- == 0 || delta >= _cyclicBufferSize) + { + *ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; + return; + } + { + CLzRef *pair = son + ((_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)) << 1); + const Byte *pb = cur - delta; + UInt32 len = (len0 < len1 ? len0 : len1); + if (pb[len] == cur[len]) + { +#ifndef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ + UInt64 a, b; + while (lenLimit - len > 8) { + a = *((UInt64 *)(&pb[len])); + b = *((UInt64 *)(&cur[len])); + if (a != b) { + UInt64 c = a ^ b; + if (c & 0xff) goto diff_cont; + len++; + if (c & 0xff00) goto diff_cont; + len++; c >>= 16; + if (c & 0xff) goto diff_cont; + len++; + if (c & 0xff00) goto diff_cont; + len++; c >>= 16; + if (c & 0xff) goto diff_cont; + len++; + if (c & 0xff00) goto diff_cont; + len++; c >>= 16; + if (c & 0xff) goto diff_cont; + len++; + goto diff_cont; + } + len += 8; + } +#else + int mask; + UInt32 byt; + while (lenLimit - len > 16) { + __m128i span1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(pb+len)); + __m128i span2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(cur+len)); + mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(span1, span2)) ^ 0xffff; + if (mask) { + byt = __builtin_ctz(mask); + len += byt; + goto diff_cont; + } + len += 16; + } +#endif + do { + if (pb[len] != cur[len]) break; + } while (++len != lenLimit); +/* while (++len != lenLimit) + if (pb[len] != cur[len]) + break;*/ +diff_cont: + { + if (len == lenLimit) + { + *ptr1 = pair[0]; + *ptr0 = pair[1]; + return; + } + } + } + if (pb[len] < cur[len]) + { + *ptr1 = curMatch; + ptr1 = pair + 1; + curMatch = *ptr1; + len1 = len; + } + else + { + *ptr0 = curMatch; + ptr0 = pair; + curMatch = *ptr0; + len0 = len; + } + } + } +} + +#define MOVE_POS \ + ++p->cyclicBufferPos; \ + p->buffer++; \ + if (++p->pos == p->posLimit) MatchFinder_CheckLimits(p); + +#define MOVE_POS_RET MOVE_POS return offset; + +static void MatchFinder_MovePos(CMatchFinder *p) { MOVE_POS; } + +#define GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, ret_op) \ + UInt32 lenLimit; UInt32 hashValue; const Byte *cur; UInt32 curMatch; \ + lenLimit = p->lenLimit; { if (lenLimit < minLen) { MatchFinder_MovePos(p); ret_op; }} \ + cur = p->buffer; + +#define GET_MATCHES_HEADER(minLen) GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, return 0) +#define SKIP_HEADER(minLen) GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, continue) + +#define MF_PARAMS(p) p->pos, p->buffer, p->son, p->cyclicBufferPos, p->cyclicBufferSize, p->cutValue + +#define GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, maxLen) \ + offset = (UInt32)(GetMatchesSpec1(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p), \ + distances + offset, maxLen) - distances); MOVE_POS_RET; + +#define SKIP_FOOTER \ + SkipMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p)); MOVE_POS; + +static UInt32 Bt2_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) +{ + UInt32 offset; + GET_MATCHES_HEADER(2) + HASH2_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[hashValue]; + p->hash[hashValue] = p->pos; + offset = 0; + GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, 1) +} + +UInt32 Bt3Zip_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) +{ + UInt32 offset; + GET_MATCHES_HEADER(3) + HASH_ZIP_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[hashValue]; + p->hash[hashValue] = p->pos; + offset = 0; + GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, 2) +} + +static UInt32 Bt3_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) +{ + UInt32 hash2Value, delta2, maxLen, offset; + GET_MATCHES_HEADER(3) + + HASH3_CALC; + + delta2 = p->pos - p->hash[hash2Value]; + curMatch = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hashValue]; + + p->hash[hash2Value] = + p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; + + + maxLen = 2; + offset = 0; + if (delta2 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta2) == *cur) + { + for (; maxLen != lenLimit; maxLen++) + if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)maxLen - delta2] != cur[maxLen]) + break; + distances[0] = maxLen; + distances[1] = delta2 - 1; + offset = 2; + if (maxLen == lenLimit) + { + SkipMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p)); + MOVE_POS_RET; + } + } + GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, maxLen) +} + +static UInt32 Bt4_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) +{ + UInt32 hash2Value, hash3Value, delta2, delta3, maxLen, offset; + GET_MATCHES_HEADER(4) + + HASH4_CALC; + + delta2 = p->pos - p->hash[ hash2Value]; + delta3 = p->pos - p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value]; + curMatch = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue]; + + p->hash[ hash2Value] = + p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value] = + p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; + + maxLen = 1; + offset = 0; + if (delta2 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta2) == *cur) + { + distances[0] = maxLen = 2; + distances[1] = delta2 - 1; + offset = 2; + } + if (delta2 != delta3 && delta3 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta3) == *cur) + { + maxLen = 3; + distances[offset + 1] = delta3 - 1; + offset += 2; + delta2 = delta3; + } + if (offset != 0) + { + for (; maxLen != lenLimit; maxLen++) + if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)maxLen - delta2] != cur[maxLen]) + break; + distances[offset - 2] = maxLen; + if (maxLen == lenLimit) + { + SkipMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p)); + MOVE_POS_RET; + } + } + if (maxLen < 3) + maxLen = 3; + GET_MATCHES_FOOTER(offset, maxLen) +} + +static UInt32 Hc4_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) +{ + UInt32 hash2Value, hash3Value, delta2, delta3, maxLen, offset; + GET_MATCHES_HEADER(4) + + HASH4_CALC; + + delta2 = p->pos - p->hash[ hash2Value]; + delta3 = p->pos - p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value]; + curMatch = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue]; + + p->hash[ hash2Value] = + p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value] = + p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; + + maxLen = 1; + offset = 0; + if (delta2 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta2) == *cur) + { + distances[0] = maxLen = 2; + distances[1] = delta2 - 1; + offset = 2; + } + if (delta2 != delta3 && delta3 < p->cyclicBufferSize && *(cur - delta3) == *cur) + { + maxLen = 3; + distances[offset + 1] = delta3 - 1; + offset += 2; + delta2 = delta3; + } + if (offset != 0) + { + for (; maxLen != lenLimit; maxLen++) + if (cur[(ptrdiff_t)maxLen - delta2] != cur[maxLen]) + break; + distances[offset - 2] = maxLen; + if (maxLen == lenLimit) + { + p->son[p->cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; + MOVE_POS_RET; + } + } + if (maxLen < 3) + maxLen = 3; + offset = (UInt32)(Hc_GetMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p), + distances + offset, maxLen) - (distances)); + MOVE_POS_RET +} + +UInt32 Hc3Zip_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) +{ + UInt32 offset; + GET_MATCHES_HEADER(3) + HASH_ZIP_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[hashValue]; + p->hash[hashValue] = p->pos; + offset = (UInt32)(Hc_GetMatchesSpec(lenLimit, curMatch, MF_PARAMS(p), + distances, 2) - (distances)); + MOVE_POS_RET +} + +static void Bt2_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) +{ + do + { + SKIP_HEADER(2) + HASH2_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[hashValue]; + p->hash[hashValue] = p->pos; + SKIP_FOOTER + } + while (--num != 0); +} + +void Bt3Zip_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) +{ + do + { + SKIP_HEADER(3) + HASH_ZIP_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[hashValue]; + p->hash[hashValue] = p->pos; + SKIP_FOOTER + } + while (--num != 0); +} + +static void Bt3_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) +{ + do + { + UInt32 hash2Value; + SKIP_HEADER(3) + HASH3_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hashValue]; + p->hash[hash2Value] = + p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; + SKIP_FOOTER + } + while (--num != 0); +} + +static void Bt4_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) +{ + do + { + UInt32 hash2Value, hash3Value; + SKIP_HEADER(4) + HASH4_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue]; + p->hash[ hash2Value] = + p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value] = p->pos; + p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; + SKIP_FOOTER + } + while (--num != 0); +} + +static void Hc4_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) +{ + do + { + UInt32 hash2Value, hash3Value; + SKIP_HEADER(4) + HASH4_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue]; + p->hash[ hash2Value] = + p->hash[kFix3HashSize + hash3Value] = + p->hash[kFix4HashSize + hashValue] = p->pos; + p->son[p->cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; + MOVE_POS + } + while (--num != 0); +} + +void Hc3Zip_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) +{ + do + { + SKIP_HEADER(3) + HASH_ZIP_CALC; + curMatch = p->hash[hashValue]; + p->hash[hashValue] = p->pos; + p->son[p->cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; + MOVE_POS + } + while (--num != 0); +} + +void MatchFinder_CreateVTable(CMatchFinder *p, IMatchFinder *vTable) +{ + vTable->Init = (Mf_Init_Func)MatchFinder_Init; + vTable->GetIndexByte = (Mf_GetIndexByte_Func)MatchFinder_GetIndexByte; + vTable->GetNumAvailableBytes = (Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes_Func)MatchFinder_GetNumAvailableBytes; + vTable->GetPointerToCurrentPos = (Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos_Func)MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos; + if (!p->btMode) + { + vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Hc4_MatchFinder_GetMatches; + vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Hc4_MatchFinder_Skip; + } + else if (p->numHashBytes == 2) + { + vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt2_MatchFinder_GetMatches; + vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt2_MatchFinder_Skip; + } + else if (p->numHashBytes == 3) + { + vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt3_MatchFinder_GetMatches; + vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt3_MatchFinder_Skip; + } + else + { + vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt4_MatchFinder_GetMatches; + vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt4_MatchFinder_Skip; + } +} diff --git a/lzma/LzFind.h b/lzma/LzFind.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ebdfa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/LzFind.h @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +/* LzFind.h -- Match finder for LZ algorithms +2009-04-22 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#ifndef __LZ_FIND_H +#define __LZ_FIND_H + +#include "Types.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +typedef UInt32 CLzRef; + +typedef struct _CMatchFinder +{ + Byte *buffer; + UInt32 pos; + UInt32 posLimit; + UInt32 streamPos; + UInt32 lenLimit; + + UInt32 cyclicBufferPos; + UInt32 cyclicBufferSize; /* it must be = (historySize + 1) */ + + UInt32 matchMaxLen; + CLzRef *hash; + CLzRef *son; + UInt32 hashMask; + UInt32 cutValue; + + Byte *bufferBase; + ISeqInStream *stream; + int streamEndWasReached; + + UInt32 blockSize; + UInt32 keepSizeBefore; + UInt32 keepSizeAfter; + + UInt32 numHashBytes; + int directInput; + size_t directInputRem; + int btMode; + int bigHash; + UInt32 historySize; + UInt32 fixedHashSize; + UInt32 hashSizeSum; + UInt32 numSons; + SRes result; + UInt32 crc[256]; +} CMatchFinder; + +#define Inline_MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos(p) ((p)->buffer) +#define Inline_MatchFinder_GetIndexByte(p, index) ((p)->buffer[(Int32)(index)]) + +#define Inline_MatchFinder_GetNumAvailableBytes(p) ((p)->streamPos - (p)->pos) + +int MatchFinder_NeedMove(CMatchFinder *p); +Byte *MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos(CMatchFinder *p); +void MatchFinder_MoveBlock(CMatchFinder *p); +void MatchFinder_ReadIfRequired(CMatchFinder *p); + +void MatchFinder_Construct(CMatchFinder *p); + +/* Conditions: + historySize <= 3 GB + keepAddBufferBefore + matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter < 511MB +*/ +int MatchFinder_Create(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 historySize, + UInt32 keepAddBufferBefore, UInt32 matchMaxLen, UInt32 keepAddBufferAfter, + ISzAlloc *alloc); +void MatchFinder_Free(CMatchFinder *p, ISzAlloc *alloc); +void MatchFinder_Normalize3(UInt32 subValue, CLzRef *items, UInt32 numItems); +void MatchFinder_ReduceOffsets(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 subValue); + +UInt32 * GetMatchesSpec1(UInt32 lenLimit, UInt32 curMatch, UInt32 pos, const Byte *buffer, CLzRef *son, + UInt32 _cyclicBufferPos, UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize, UInt32 _cutValue, + UInt32 *distances, UInt32 maxLen); + +/* +Conditions: + Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes_Func must be called before each Mf_GetMatchLen_Func. + Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos_Func's result must be used only before any other function +*/ + +typedef void (*Mf_Init_Func)(void *object); +typedef Byte (*Mf_GetIndexByte_Func)(void *object, Int32 index); +typedef UInt32 (*Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes_Func)(void *object); +typedef const Byte * (*Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos_Func)(void *object); +typedef UInt32 (*Mf_GetMatches_Func)(void *object, UInt32 *distances); +typedef void (*Mf_Skip_Func)(void *object, UInt32); + +typedef struct _IMatchFinder +{ + Mf_Init_Func Init; + Mf_GetIndexByte_Func GetIndexByte; + Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes_Func GetNumAvailableBytes; + Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos_Func GetPointerToCurrentPos; + Mf_GetMatches_Func GetMatches; + Mf_Skip_Func Skip; +} IMatchFinder; + +void MatchFinder_CreateVTable(CMatchFinder *p, IMatchFinder *vTable); + +void MatchFinder_Init(CMatchFinder *p); +UInt32 Bt3Zip_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances); +UInt32 Hc3Zip_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances); +void Bt3Zip_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num); +void Hc3Zip_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/LzHash.h b/lzma/LzHash.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2f0e3c --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/LzHash.h @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +/* LzHash.h -- HASH functions for LZ algorithms +2009-02-07 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#ifndef __LZ_HASH_H +#define __LZ_HASH_H + +#define kHash2Size (1 << 10) +#define kHash3Size (1 << 16) +#define kHash4Size (1 << 20) + +#define kFix3HashSize (kHash2Size) +#define kFix4HashSize (kHash2Size + kHash3Size) +#define kFix5HashSize (kHash2Size + kHash3Size + kHash4Size) + +#define HASH2_CALC hashValue = cur[0] | ((UInt32)cur[1] << 8); + +#define HASH3_CALC { \ + UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ + hash2Value = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ + hashValue = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8)) & p->hashMask; } + +#define HASH4_CALC { \ + UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ + hash2Value = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ + hash3Value = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8)) & (kHash3Size - 1); \ + hashValue = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8) ^ (p->crc[cur[3]] << 5)) & p->hashMask; } + +#define HASH5_CALC { \ + UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ + hash2Value = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ + hash3Value = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8)) & (kHash3Size - 1); \ + hash4Value = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8) ^ (p->crc[cur[3]] << 5)); \ + hashValue = (hash4Value ^ (p->crc[cur[4]] << 3)) & p->hashMask; \ + hash4Value &= (kHash4Size - 1); } + +/* #define HASH_ZIP_CALC hashValue = ((cur[0] | ((UInt32)cur[1] << 8)) ^ p->crc[cur[2]]) & 0xFFFF; */ +#define HASH_ZIP_CALC hashValue = ((cur[2] | ((UInt32)cur[0] << 8)) ^ p->crc[cur[1]]) & 0xFFFF; + + +#define MT_HASH2_CALC \ + hash2Value = (p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]) & (kHash2Size - 1); + +#define MT_HASH3_CALC { \ + UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ + hash2Value = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ + hash3Value = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8)) & (kHash3Size - 1); } + +#define MT_HASH4_CALC { \ + UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ + hash2Value = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ + hash3Value = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8)) & (kHash3Size - 1); \ + hash4Value = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8) ^ (p->crc[cur[3]] << 5)) & (kHash4Size - 1); } + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/LzmaDec.c b/lzma/LzmaDec.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fdc11d --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/LzmaDec.c @@ -0,0 +1,999 @@ +/* LzmaDec.c -- LZMA Decoder +2009-09-20 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#include "LzmaDec.h" + +#include + +#define kNumTopBits 24 +#define kTopValue ((UInt32)1 << kNumTopBits) + +#define kNumBitModelTotalBits 11 +#define kBitModelTotal (1 << kNumBitModelTotalBits) +#define kNumMoveBits 5 + +#define RC_INIT_SIZE 5 + +#define NORMALIZE if (range < kTopValue) { range <<= 8; code = (code << 8) | (*buf++); } + +#define IF_BIT_0(p) ttt = *(p); NORMALIZE; bound = (range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * ttt; if (code < bound) +#define UPDATE_0(p) range = bound; *(p) = (CLzmaProb)(ttt + ((kBitModelTotal - ttt) >> kNumMoveBits)); +#define UPDATE_1(p) range -= bound; code -= bound; *(p) = (CLzmaProb)(ttt - (ttt >> kNumMoveBits)); +#define GET_BIT2(p, i, A0, A1) IF_BIT_0(p) \ + { UPDATE_0(p); i = (i + i); A0; } else \ + { UPDATE_1(p); i = (i + i) + 1; A1; } +#define GET_BIT(p, i) GET_BIT2(p, i, ; , ;) + +#define TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i) { GET_BIT((probs + i), i); } +#define TREE_DECODE(probs, limit, i) \ + { i = 1; do { TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); } while (i < limit); i -= limit; } + +/* #define _LZMA_SIZE_OPT */ + +#ifdef _LZMA_SIZE_OPT +#define TREE_6_DECODE(probs, i) TREE_DECODE(probs, (1 << 6), i) +#else +#define TREE_6_DECODE(probs, i) \ + { i = 1; \ + TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ + TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ + TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ + TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ + TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ + TREE_GET_BIT(probs, i); \ + i -= 0x40; } +#endif + +#define NORMALIZE_CHECK if (range < kTopValue) { if (buf >= bufLimit) return DUMMY_ERROR; range <<= 8; code = (code << 8) | (*buf++); } + +#define IF_BIT_0_CHECK(p) ttt = *(p); NORMALIZE_CHECK; bound = (range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * ttt; if (code < bound) +#define UPDATE_0_CHECK range = bound; +#define UPDATE_1_CHECK range -= bound; code -= bound; +#define GET_BIT2_CHECK(p, i, A0, A1) IF_BIT_0_CHECK(p) \ + { UPDATE_0_CHECK; i = (i + i); A0; } else \ + { UPDATE_1_CHECK; i = (i + i) + 1; A1; } +#define GET_BIT_CHECK(p, i) GET_BIT2_CHECK(p, i, ; , ;) +#define TREE_DECODE_CHECK(probs, limit, i) \ + { i = 1; do { GET_BIT_CHECK(probs + i, i) } while (i < limit); i -= limit; } + + +#define kNumPosBitsMax 4 +#define kNumPosStatesMax (1 << kNumPosBitsMax) + +#define kLenNumLowBits 3 +#define kLenNumLowSymbols (1 << kLenNumLowBits) +#define kLenNumMidBits 3 +#define kLenNumMidSymbols (1 << kLenNumMidBits) +#define kLenNumHighBits 8 +#define kLenNumHighSymbols (1 << kLenNumHighBits) + +#define LenChoice 0 +#define LenChoice2 (LenChoice + 1) +#define LenLow (LenChoice2 + 1) +#define LenMid (LenLow + (kNumPosStatesMax << kLenNumLowBits)) +#define LenHigh (LenMid + (kNumPosStatesMax << kLenNumMidBits)) +#define kNumLenProbs (LenHigh + kLenNumHighSymbols) + + +#define kNumStates 12 +#define kNumLitStates 7 + +#define kStartPosModelIndex 4 +#define kEndPosModelIndex 14 +#define kNumFullDistances (1 << (kEndPosModelIndex >> 1)) + +#define kNumPosSlotBits 6 +#define kNumLenToPosStates 4 + +#define kNumAlignBits 4 +#define kAlignTableSize (1 << kNumAlignBits) + +#define kMatchMinLen 2 +#define kMatchSpecLenStart (kMatchMinLen + kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols + kLenNumHighSymbols) + +#define IsMatch 0 +#define IsRep (IsMatch + (kNumStates << kNumPosBitsMax)) +#define IsRepG0 (IsRep + kNumStates) +#define IsRepG1 (IsRepG0 + kNumStates) +#define IsRepG2 (IsRepG1 + kNumStates) +#define IsRep0Long (IsRepG2 + kNumStates) +#define PosSlot (IsRep0Long + (kNumStates << kNumPosBitsMax)) +#define SpecPos (PosSlot + (kNumLenToPosStates << kNumPosSlotBits)) +#define Align (SpecPos + kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex) +#define LenCoder (Align + kAlignTableSize) +#define RepLenCoder (LenCoder + kNumLenProbs) +#define Literal (RepLenCoder + kNumLenProbs) + +#define LZMA_BASE_SIZE 1846 +#define LZMA_LIT_SIZE 768 + +#define LzmaProps_GetNumProbs(p) ((UInt32)LZMA_BASE_SIZE + (LZMA_LIT_SIZE << ((p)->lc + (p)->lp))) + +#if Literal != LZMA_BASE_SIZE +StopCompilingDueBUG +#endif + +#define LZMA_DIC_MIN (1 << 12) + +/* First LZMA-symbol is always decoded. +And it decodes new LZMA-symbols while (buf < bufLimit), but "buf" is without last normalization +Out: + Result: + SZ_OK - OK + SZ_ERROR_DATA - Error + p->remainLen: + < kMatchSpecLenStart : normal remain + = kMatchSpecLenStart : finished + = kMatchSpecLenStart + 1 : Flush marker + = kMatchSpecLenStart + 2 : State Init Marker +*/ + +static int MY_FAST_CALL LzmaDec_DecodeReal(CLzmaDec *p, SizeT limit, const Byte *bufLimit) +{ + CLzmaProb *probs = p->probs; + + unsigned state = p->state; + UInt32 rep0 = p->reps[0], rep1 = p->reps[1], rep2 = p->reps[2], rep3 = p->reps[3]; + unsigned pbMask = ((unsigned)1 << (p->prop.pb)) - 1; + unsigned lpMask = ((unsigned)1 << (p->prop.lp)) - 1; + unsigned lc = p->; + + Byte *dic = p->dic; + SizeT dicBufSize = p->dicBufSize; + SizeT dicPos = p->dicPos; + + UInt32 processedPos = p->processedPos; + UInt32 checkDicSize = p->checkDicSize; + unsigned len = 0; + + const Byte *buf = p->buf; + UInt32 range = p->range; + UInt32 code = p->code; + + do + { + CLzmaProb *prob; + UInt32 bound; + unsigned ttt; + unsigned posState = processedPos & pbMask; + + prob = probs + IsMatch + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState; + IF_BIT_0(prob) + { + unsigned symbol; + UPDATE_0(prob); + prob = probs + Literal; + if (checkDicSize != 0 || processedPos != 0) + prob += (LZMA_LIT_SIZE * (((processedPos & lpMask) << lc) + + (dic[(dicPos == 0 ? dicBufSize : dicPos) - 1] >> (8 - lc)))); + + if (state < kNumLitStates) + { + state -= (state < 4) ? state : 3; + symbol = 1; + do { GET_BIT(prob + symbol, symbol) } while (symbol < 0x100); + } + else + { + unsigned matchByte = p->dic[(dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0)]; + unsigned offs = 0x100; + state -= (state < 10) ? 3 : 6; + symbol = 1; + do + { + unsigned bit; + CLzmaProb *probLit; + matchByte <<= 1; + bit = (matchByte & offs); + probLit = prob + offs + bit + symbol; + GET_BIT2(probLit, symbol, offs &= ~bit, offs &= bit) + } + while (symbol < 0x100); + } + dic[dicPos++] = (Byte)symbol; + processedPos++; + continue; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1(prob); + prob = probs + IsRep + state; + IF_BIT_0(prob) + { + UPDATE_0(prob); + state += kNumStates; + prob = probs + LenCoder; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1(prob); + if (checkDicSize == 0 && processedPos == 0) + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + prob = probs + IsRepG0 + state; + IF_BIT_0(prob) + { + UPDATE_0(prob); + prob = probs + IsRep0Long + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState; + IF_BIT_0(prob) + { + UPDATE_0(prob); + dic[dicPos] = dic[(dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0)]; + dicPos++; + processedPos++; + state = state < kNumLitStates ? 9 : 11; + continue; + } + UPDATE_1(prob); + } + else + { + UInt32 distance; + UPDATE_1(prob); + prob = probs + IsRepG1 + state; + IF_BIT_0(prob) + { + UPDATE_0(prob); + distance = rep1; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1(prob); + prob = probs + IsRepG2 + state; + IF_BIT_0(prob) + { + UPDATE_0(prob); + distance = rep2; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1(prob); + distance = rep3; + rep3 = rep2; + } + rep2 = rep1; + } + rep1 = rep0; + rep0 = distance; + } + state = state < kNumLitStates ? 8 : 11; + prob = probs + RepLenCoder; + } + { + unsigned limit, offset; + CLzmaProb *probLen = prob + LenChoice; + IF_BIT_0(probLen) + { + UPDATE_0(probLen); + probLen = prob + LenLow + (posState << kLenNumLowBits); + offset = 0; + limit = (1 << kLenNumLowBits); + } + else + { + UPDATE_1(probLen); + probLen = prob + LenChoice2; + IF_BIT_0(probLen) + { + UPDATE_0(probLen); + probLen = prob + LenMid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits); + offset = kLenNumLowSymbols; + limit = (1 << kLenNumMidBits); + } + else + { + UPDATE_1(probLen); + probLen = prob + LenHigh; + offset = kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols; + limit = (1 << kLenNumHighBits); + } + } + TREE_DECODE(probLen, limit, len); + len += offset; + } + + if (state >= kNumStates) + { + UInt32 distance; + prob = probs + PosSlot + + ((len < kNumLenToPosStates ? len : kNumLenToPosStates - 1) << kNumPosSlotBits); + TREE_6_DECODE(prob, distance); + if (distance >= kStartPosModelIndex) + { + unsigned posSlot = (unsigned)distance; + int numDirectBits = (int)(((distance >> 1) - 1)); + distance = (2 | (distance & 1)); + if (posSlot < kEndPosModelIndex) + { + distance <<= numDirectBits; + prob = probs + SpecPos + distance - posSlot - 1; + { + UInt32 mask = 1; + unsigned i = 1; + do + { + GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= mask); + mask <<= 1; + } + while (--numDirectBits != 0); + } + } + else + { + numDirectBits -= kNumAlignBits; + do + { + NORMALIZE + range >>= 1; + + { + UInt32 t; + code -= range; + t = (0 - ((UInt32)code >> 31)); /* (UInt32)((Int32)code >> 31) */ + distance = (distance << 1) + (t + 1); + code += range & t; + } + /* + distance <<= 1; + if (code >= range) + { + code -= range; + distance |= 1; + } + */ + } + while (--numDirectBits != 0); + prob = probs + Align; + distance <<= kNumAlignBits; + { + unsigned i = 1; + GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= 1); + GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= 2); + GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= 4); + GET_BIT2(prob + i, i, ; , distance |= 8); + } + if (distance == (UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) + { + len += kMatchSpecLenStart; + state -= kNumStates; + break; + } + } + } + rep3 = rep2; + rep2 = rep1; + rep1 = rep0; + rep0 = distance + 1; + if (checkDicSize == 0) + { + if (distance >= processedPos) + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + } + else if (distance >= checkDicSize) + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + state = (state < kNumStates + kNumLitStates) ? kNumLitStates : kNumLitStates + 3; + } + + len += kMatchMinLen; + + if (limit == dicPos) + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + { + SizeT rem = limit - dicPos; + unsigned curLen = ((rem < len) ? (unsigned)rem : len); + SizeT pos = (dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0); + + processedPos += curLen; + + len -= curLen; + if (pos + curLen <= dicBufSize) + { + Byte *dest = dic + dicPos; + ptrdiff_t src = (ptrdiff_t)pos - (ptrdiff_t)dicPos; + const Byte *lim = dest + curLen; + dicPos += curLen; + do + *(dest) = (Byte)*(dest + src); + while (++dest != lim); + } + else + { + do + { + dic[dicPos++] = dic[pos]; + if (++pos == dicBufSize) + pos = 0; + } + while (--curLen != 0); + } + } + } + } + while (dicPos < limit && buf < bufLimit); + NORMALIZE; + p->buf = buf; + p->range = range; + p->code = code; + p->remainLen = len; + p->dicPos = dicPos; + p->processedPos = processedPos; + p->reps[0] = rep0; + p->reps[1] = rep1; + p->reps[2] = rep2; + p->reps[3] = rep3; + p->state = state; + + return SZ_OK; +} + +static void MY_FAST_CALL LzmaDec_WriteRem(CLzmaDec *p, SizeT limit) +{ + if (p->remainLen != 0 && p->remainLen < kMatchSpecLenStart) + { + Byte *dic = p->dic; + SizeT dicPos = p->dicPos; + SizeT dicBufSize = p->dicBufSize; + unsigned len = p->remainLen; + UInt32 rep0 = p->reps[0]; + if (limit - dicPos < len) + len = (unsigned)(limit - dicPos); + + if (p->checkDicSize == 0 && p->prop.dicSize - p->processedPos <= len) + p->checkDicSize = p->prop.dicSize; + + p->processedPos += len; + p->remainLen -= len; + while (len-- != 0) + { + dic[dicPos] = dic[(dicPos - rep0) + ((dicPos < rep0) ? dicBufSize : 0)]; + dicPos++; + } + p->dicPos = dicPos; + } +} + +static int MY_FAST_CALL LzmaDec_DecodeReal2(CLzmaDec *p, SizeT limit, const Byte *bufLimit) +{ + do + { + SizeT limit2 = limit; + if (p->checkDicSize == 0) + { + UInt32 rem = p->prop.dicSize - p->processedPos; + if (limit - p->dicPos > rem) + limit2 = p->dicPos + rem; + } + RINOK(LzmaDec_DecodeReal(p, limit2, bufLimit)); + if (p->processedPos >= p->prop.dicSize) + p->checkDicSize = p->prop.dicSize; + LzmaDec_WriteRem(p, limit); + } + while (p->dicPos < limit && p->buf < bufLimit && p->remainLen < kMatchSpecLenStart); + + if (p->remainLen > kMatchSpecLenStart) + { + p->remainLen = kMatchSpecLenStart; + } + return 0; +} + +typedef enum +{ + DUMMY_ERROR, /* unexpected end of input stream */ + DUMMY_LIT, + DUMMY_MATCH, + DUMMY_REP +} ELzmaDummy; + +static ELzmaDummy LzmaDec_TryDummy(const CLzmaDec *p, const Byte *buf, SizeT inSize) +{ + UInt32 range = p->range; + UInt32 code = p->code; + const Byte *bufLimit = buf + inSize; + CLzmaProb *probs = p->probs; + unsigned state = p->state; + ELzmaDummy res; + + { + CLzmaProb *prob; + UInt32 bound; + unsigned ttt; + unsigned posState = (p->processedPos) & ((1 << p->prop.pb) - 1); + + prob = probs + IsMatch + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState; + IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) + { + UPDATE_0_CHECK + + /* if (bufLimit - buf >= 7) return DUMMY_LIT; */ + + prob = probs + Literal; + if (p->checkDicSize != 0 || p->processedPos != 0) + prob += (LZMA_LIT_SIZE * + ((((p->processedPos) & ((1 << (p->prop.lp)) - 1)) << p-> + + (p->dic[(p->dicPos == 0 ? p->dicBufSize : p->dicPos) - 1] >> (8 - p->; + + if (state < kNumLitStates) + { + unsigned symbol = 1; + do { GET_BIT_CHECK(prob + symbol, symbol) } while (symbol < 0x100); + } + else + { + unsigned matchByte = p->dic[p->dicPos - p->reps[0] + + ((p->dicPos < p->reps[0]) ? p->dicBufSize : 0)]; + unsigned offs = 0x100; + unsigned symbol = 1; + do + { + unsigned bit; + CLzmaProb *probLit; + matchByte <<= 1; + bit = (matchByte & offs); + probLit = prob + offs + bit + symbol; + GET_BIT2_CHECK(probLit, symbol, offs &= ~bit, offs &= bit) + } + while (symbol < 0x100); + } + res = DUMMY_LIT; + } + else + { + unsigned len; + UPDATE_1_CHECK; + + prob = probs + IsRep + state; + IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) + { + UPDATE_0_CHECK; + state = 0; + prob = probs + LenCoder; + res = DUMMY_MATCH; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1_CHECK; + res = DUMMY_REP; + prob = probs + IsRepG0 + state; + IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) + { + UPDATE_0_CHECK; + prob = probs + IsRep0Long + (state << kNumPosBitsMax) + posState; + IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) + { + UPDATE_0_CHECK; + NORMALIZE_CHECK; + return DUMMY_REP; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1_CHECK; + } + } + else + { + UPDATE_1_CHECK; + prob = probs + IsRepG1 + state; + IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) + { + UPDATE_0_CHECK; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1_CHECK; + prob = probs + IsRepG2 + state; + IF_BIT_0_CHECK(prob) + { + UPDATE_0_CHECK; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1_CHECK; + } + } + } + state = kNumStates; + prob = probs + RepLenCoder; + } + { + unsigned limit, offset; + CLzmaProb *probLen = prob + LenChoice; + IF_BIT_0_CHECK(probLen) + { + UPDATE_0_CHECK; + probLen = prob + LenLow + (posState << kLenNumLowBits); + offset = 0; + limit = 1 << kLenNumLowBits; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1_CHECK; + probLen = prob + LenChoice2; + IF_BIT_0_CHECK(probLen) + { + UPDATE_0_CHECK; + probLen = prob + LenMid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits); + offset = kLenNumLowSymbols; + limit = 1 << kLenNumMidBits; + } + else + { + UPDATE_1_CHECK; + probLen = prob + LenHigh; + offset = kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols; + limit = 1 << kLenNumHighBits; + } + } + TREE_DECODE_CHECK(probLen, limit, len); + len += offset; + } + + if (state < 4) + { + unsigned posSlot; + prob = probs + PosSlot + + ((len < kNumLenToPosStates ? len : kNumLenToPosStates - 1) << + kNumPosSlotBits); + TREE_DECODE_CHECK(prob, 1 << kNumPosSlotBits, posSlot); + if (posSlot >= kStartPosModelIndex) + { + int numDirectBits = ((posSlot >> 1) - 1); + + /* if (bufLimit - buf >= 8) return DUMMY_MATCH; */ + + if (posSlot < kEndPosModelIndex) + { + prob = probs + SpecPos + ((2 | (posSlot & 1)) << numDirectBits) - posSlot - 1; + } + else + { + numDirectBits -= kNumAlignBits; + do + { + NORMALIZE_CHECK + range >>= 1; + code -= range & (((code - range) >> 31) - 1); + /* if (code >= range) code -= range; */ + } + while (--numDirectBits != 0); + prob = probs + Align; + numDirectBits = kNumAlignBits; + } + { + unsigned i = 1; + do + { + GET_BIT_CHECK(prob + i, i); + } + while (--numDirectBits != 0); + } + } + } + } + } + NORMALIZE_CHECK; + return res; +} + + +static void LzmaDec_InitRc(CLzmaDec *p, const Byte *data) +{ + p->code = ((UInt32)data[1] << 24) | ((UInt32)data[2] << 16) | ((UInt32)data[3] << 8) | ((UInt32)data[4]); + p->range = 0xFFFFFFFF; + p->needFlush = 0; +} + +void LzmaDec_InitDicAndState(CLzmaDec *p, Bool initDic, Bool initState) +{ + p->needFlush = 1; + p->remainLen = 0; + p->tempBufSize = 0; + + if (initDic) + { + p->processedPos = 0; + p->checkDicSize = 0; + p->needInitState = 1; + } + if (initState) + p->needInitState = 1; +} + +void LzmaDec_Init(CLzmaDec *p) +{ + p->dicPos = 0; + LzmaDec_InitDicAndState(p, True, True); +} + +static void LzmaDec_InitStateReal(CLzmaDec *p) +{ + UInt32 numProbs = Literal + ((UInt32)LZMA_LIT_SIZE << (p-> + p->prop.lp)); + UInt32 i; + CLzmaProb *probs = p->probs; + for (i = 0; i < numProbs; i++) + probs[i] = kBitModelTotal >> 1; + p->reps[0] = p->reps[1] = p->reps[2] = p->reps[3] = 1; + p->state = 0; + p->needInitState = 0; +} + +SRes LzmaDec_DecodeToDic(CLzmaDec *p, SizeT dicLimit, const Byte *src, SizeT *srcLen, + ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status) +{ + SizeT inSize = *srcLen; + (*srcLen) = 0; + LzmaDec_WriteRem(p, dicLimit); + + *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_SPECIFIED; + + while (p->remainLen != kMatchSpecLenStart) + { + int checkEndMarkNow; + + if (p->needFlush != 0) + { + for (; inSize > 0 && p->tempBufSize < RC_INIT_SIZE; (*srcLen)++, inSize--) + p->tempBuf[p->tempBufSize++] = *src++; + if (p->tempBufSize < RC_INIT_SIZE) + { + *status = LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT; + return SZ_OK; + } + if (p->tempBuf[0] != 0) + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + + LzmaDec_InitRc(p, p->tempBuf); + p->tempBufSize = 0; + } + + checkEndMarkNow = 0; + if (p->dicPos >= dicLimit) + { + if (p->remainLen == 0 && p->code == 0) + { + *status = LZMA_STATUS_MAYBE_FINISHED_WITHOUT_MARK; + return SZ_OK; + } + if (finishMode == LZMA_FINISH_ANY) + { + *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED; + return SZ_OK; + } + if (p->remainLen != 0) + { + *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED; + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + } + checkEndMarkNow = 1; + } + + if (p->needInitState) + LzmaDec_InitStateReal(p); + + if (p->tempBufSize == 0) + { + SizeT processed; + const Byte *bufLimit; + if (inSize < LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX || checkEndMarkNow) + { + int dummyRes = LzmaDec_TryDummy(p, src, inSize); + if (dummyRes == DUMMY_ERROR) + { + memcpy(p->tempBuf, src, inSize); + p->tempBufSize = (unsigned)inSize; + (*srcLen) += inSize; + *status = LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT; + return SZ_OK; + } + if (checkEndMarkNow && dummyRes != DUMMY_MATCH) + { + *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED; + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + } + bufLimit = src; + } + else + bufLimit = src + inSize - LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX; + p->buf = src; + if (LzmaDec_DecodeReal2(p, dicLimit, bufLimit) != 0) + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + processed = (SizeT)(p->buf - src); + (*srcLen) += processed; + src += processed; + inSize -= processed; + } + else + { + unsigned rem = p->tempBufSize, lookAhead = 0; + while (rem < LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX && lookAhead < inSize) + p->tempBuf[rem++] = src[lookAhead++]; + p->tempBufSize = rem; + if (rem < LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX || checkEndMarkNow) + { + int dummyRes = LzmaDec_TryDummy(p, p->tempBuf, rem); + if (dummyRes == DUMMY_ERROR) + { + (*srcLen) += lookAhead; + *status = LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT; + return SZ_OK; + } + if (checkEndMarkNow && dummyRes != DUMMY_MATCH) + { + *status = LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED; + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + } + } + p->buf = p->tempBuf; + if (LzmaDec_DecodeReal2(p, dicLimit, p->buf) != 0) + return SZ_ERROR_DATA; + lookAhead -= (rem - (unsigned)(p->buf - p->tempBuf)); + (*srcLen) += lookAhead; + src += lookAhead; + inSize -= lookAhead; + p->tempBufSize = 0; + } + } + if (p->code == 0) + *status = LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK; + return (p->code == 0) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_DATA; +} + +SRes LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(CLzmaDec *p, Byte *dest, SizeT *destLen, const Byte *src, SizeT *srcLen, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status) +{ + SizeT outSize = *destLen; + SizeT inSize = *srcLen; + *srcLen = *destLen = 0; + for (;;) + { + SizeT inSizeCur = inSize, outSizeCur, dicPos; + ELzmaFinishMode curFinishMode; + SRes res; + if (p->dicPos == p->dicBufSize) + p->dicPos = 0; + dicPos = p->dicPos; + if (outSize > p->dicBufSize - dicPos) + { + outSizeCur = p->dicBufSize; + curFinishMode = LZMA_FINISH_ANY; + } + else + { + outSizeCur = dicPos + outSize; + curFinishMode = finishMode; + } + + res = LzmaDec_DecodeToDic(p, outSizeCur, src, &inSizeCur, curFinishMode, status); + src += inSizeCur; + inSize -= inSizeCur; + *srcLen += inSizeCur; + outSizeCur = p->dicPos - dicPos; + memcpy(dest, p->dic + dicPos, outSizeCur); + dest += outSizeCur; + outSize -= outSizeCur; + *destLen += outSizeCur; + if (res != 0) + return res; + if (outSizeCur == 0 || outSize == 0) + return SZ_OK; + } +} + +void LzmaDec_FreeProbs(CLzmaDec *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + alloc->Free(alloc, p->probs); + p->probs = 0; +} + +static void LzmaDec_FreeDict(CLzmaDec *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + alloc->Free(alloc, p->dic); + p->dic = 0; +} + +void LzmaDec_Free(CLzmaDec *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + LzmaDec_FreeProbs(p, alloc); + LzmaDec_FreeDict(p, alloc); +} + +SRes LzmaProps_Decode(CLzmaProps *p, const Byte *data, unsigned size) +{ + UInt32 dicSize; + Byte d; + + if (size < LZMA_PROPS_SIZE) + return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; + else + dicSize = data[1] | ((UInt32)data[2] << 8) | ((UInt32)data[3] << 16) | ((UInt32)data[4] << 24); + + if (dicSize < LZMA_DIC_MIN) + dicSize = LZMA_DIC_MIN; + p->dicSize = dicSize; + + d = data[0]; + if (d >= (9 * 5 * 5)) + return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; + + p->lc = d % 9; + d /= 9; + p->pb = d / 5; + p->lp = d % 5; + + return SZ_OK; +} + +static SRes LzmaDec_AllocateProbs2(CLzmaDec *p, const CLzmaProps *propNew, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + UInt32 numProbs = LzmaProps_GetNumProbs(propNew); + if (p->probs == 0 || numProbs != p->numProbs) + { + LzmaDec_FreeProbs(p, alloc); + p->probs = (CLzmaProb *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, numProbs * sizeof(CLzmaProb)); + p->numProbs = numProbs; + if (p->probs == 0) + return SZ_ERROR_MEM; + } + return SZ_OK; +} + +SRes LzmaDec_AllocateProbs(CLzmaDec *p, const Byte *props, unsigned propsSize, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + CLzmaProps propNew; + RINOK(LzmaProps_Decode(&propNew, props, propsSize)); + RINOK(LzmaDec_AllocateProbs2(p, &propNew, alloc)); + p->prop = propNew; + return SZ_OK; +} + +SRes LzmaDec_Allocate(CLzmaDec *p, const Byte *props, unsigned propsSize, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + CLzmaProps propNew; + SizeT dicBufSize; + RINOK(LzmaProps_Decode(&propNew, props, propsSize)); + RINOK(LzmaDec_AllocateProbs2(p, &propNew, alloc)); + dicBufSize = propNew.dicSize; + if (p->dic == 0 || dicBufSize != p->dicBufSize) + { + LzmaDec_FreeDict(p, alloc); + p->dic = (Byte *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, dicBufSize); + if (p->dic == 0) + { + LzmaDec_FreeProbs(p, alloc); + return SZ_ERROR_MEM; + } + } + p->dicBufSize = dicBufSize; + p->prop = propNew; + return SZ_OK; +} + +SRes LzmaDecode(Byte *dest, SizeT *destLen, const Byte *src, SizeT *srcLen, + const Byte *propData, unsigned propSize, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, + ELzmaStatus *status, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + CLzmaDec p; + SRes res; + SizeT inSize = *srcLen; + SizeT outSize = *destLen; + *srcLen = *destLen = 0; + if (inSize < RC_INIT_SIZE) + return SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF; + + LzmaDec_Construct(&p); + res = LzmaDec_AllocateProbs(&p, propData, propSize, alloc); + if (res != 0) + return res; + p.dic = dest; + p.dicBufSize = outSize; + + LzmaDec_Init(&p); + + *srcLen = inSize; + res = LzmaDec_DecodeToDic(&p, outSize, src, srcLen, finishMode, status); + + if (res == SZ_OK && *status == LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT) + res = SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF; + + (*destLen) = p.dicPos; + LzmaDec_FreeProbs(&p, alloc); + return res; +} diff --git a/lzma/LzmaDec.h b/lzma/LzmaDec.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6741a64 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/LzmaDec.h @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +/* LzmaDec.h -- LZMA Decoder +2009-02-07 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#ifndef __LZMA_DEC_H +#define __LZMA_DEC_H + +#include "Types.h" + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* #define _LZMA_PROB32 */ +/* _LZMA_PROB32 can increase the speed on some CPUs, + but memory usage for CLzmaDec::probs will be doubled in that case */ + +#ifdef _LZMA_PROB32 +#define CLzmaProb UInt32 +#else +#define CLzmaProb UInt16 +#endif + + +/* ---------- LZMA Properties ---------- */ + +#define LZMA_PROPS_SIZE 5 + +typedef struct _CLzmaProps +{ + unsigned lc, lp, pb; + UInt32 dicSize; +} CLzmaProps; + +/* LzmaProps_Decode - decodes properties +Returns: + SZ_OK + SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED - Unsupported properties +*/ + +SRes LzmaProps_Decode(CLzmaProps *p, const Byte *data, unsigned size); + + +/* ---------- LZMA Decoder state ---------- */ + +/* LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX = number of required input bytes for worst case. + Num bits = log2((2^11 / 31) ^ 22) + 26 < 134 + 26 = 160; */ + +#define LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX 20 + +typedef struct +{ + CLzmaProps prop; + CLzmaProb *probs; + Byte *dic; + const Byte *buf; + UInt32 range, code; + SizeT dicPos; + SizeT dicBufSize; + UInt32 processedPos; + UInt32 checkDicSize; + unsigned state; + UInt32 reps[4]; + unsigned remainLen; + int needFlush; + int needInitState; + UInt32 numProbs; + unsigned tempBufSize; + Byte tempBuf[LZMA_REQUIRED_INPUT_MAX]; +} CLzmaDec; + +#define LzmaDec_Construct(p) { (p)->dic = 0; (p)->probs = 0; } + +void LzmaDec_Init(CLzmaDec *p); + +/* There are two types of LZMA streams: + 0) Stream with end mark. That end mark adds about 6 bytes to compressed size. + 1) Stream without end mark. You must know exact uncompressed size to decompress such stream. */ + +typedef enum +{ + LZMA_FINISH_ANY, /* finish at any point */ + LZMA_FINISH_END /* block must be finished at the end */ +} ELzmaFinishMode; + +/* ELzmaFinishMode has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit !!! + + You must use LZMA_FINISH_END, when you know that current output buffer + covers last bytes of block. In other cases you must use LZMA_FINISH_ANY. + + If LZMA decoder sees end marker before reaching output limit, it returns SZ_OK, + and output value of destLen will be less than output buffer size limit. + You can check status result also. + + You can use multiple checks to test data integrity after full decompression: + 1) Check Result and "status" variable. + 2) Check that output(destLen) = uncompressedSize, if you know real uncompressedSize. + 3) Check that output(srcLen) = compressedSize, if you know real compressedSize. + You must use correct finish mode in that case. */ + +typedef enum +{ + LZMA_STATUS_NOT_SPECIFIED, /* use main error code instead */ + LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK, /* stream was finished with end mark. */ + LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED, /* stream was not finished */ + LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT, /* you must provide more input bytes */ + LZMA_STATUS_MAYBE_FINISHED_WITHOUT_MARK /* there is probability that stream was finished without end mark */ +} ELzmaStatus; + +/* ELzmaStatus is used only as output value for function call */ + + +/* ---------- Interfaces ---------- */ + +/* There are 3 levels of interfaces: + 1) Dictionary Interface + 2) Buffer Interface + 3) One Call Interface + You can select any of these interfaces, but don't mix functions from different + groups for same object. */ + + +/* There are two variants to allocate state for Dictionary Interface: + 1) LzmaDec_Allocate / LzmaDec_Free + 2) LzmaDec_AllocateProbs / LzmaDec_FreeProbs + You can use variant 2, if you set dictionary buffer manually. + For Buffer Interface you must always use variant 1. + +LzmaDec_Allocate* can return: + SZ_OK + SZ_ERROR_MEM - Memory allocation error + SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED - Unsupported properties +*/ + +SRes LzmaDec_AllocateProbs(CLzmaDec *p, const Byte *props, unsigned propsSize, ISzAlloc *alloc); +void LzmaDec_FreeProbs(CLzmaDec *p, ISzAlloc *alloc); + +SRes LzmaDec_Allocate(CLzmaDec *state, const Byte *prop, unsigned propsSize, ISzAlloc *alloc); +void LzmaDec_Free(CLzmaDec *state, ISzAlloc *alloc); + +/* ---------- Dictionary Interface ---------- */ + +/* You can use it, if you want to eliminate the overhead for data copying from + dictionary to some other external buffer. + You must work with CLzmaDec variables directly in this interface. + + STEPS: + LzmaDec_Constr() + LzmaDec_Allocate() + for (each new stream) + { + LzmaDec_Init() + while (it needs more decompression) + { + LzmaDec_DecodeToDic() + use data from CLzmaDec::dic and update CLzmaDec::dicPos + } + } + LzmaDec_Free() +*/ + +/* LzmaDec_DecodeToDic + + The decoding to internal dictionary buffer (CLzmaDec::dic). + You must manually update CLzmaDec::dicPos, if it reaches CLzmaDec::dicBufSize !!! + +finishMode: + It has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit (dicLimit). + LZMA_FINISH_ANY - Decode just dicLimit bytes. + LZMA_FINISH_END - Stream must be finished after dicLimit. + +Returns: + SZ_OK + status: + LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK + LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED + LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT + LZMA_STATUS_MAYBE_FINISHED_WITHOUT_MARK + SZ_ERROR_DATA - Data error +*/ + +SRes LzmaDec_DecodeToDic(CLzmaDec *p, SizeT dicLimit, + const Byte *src, SizeT *srcLen, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status); + + +/* ---------- Buffer Interface ---------- */ + +/* It's zlib-like interface. + See LzmaDec_DecodeToDic description for information about STEPS and return results, + but you must use LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf instead of LzmaDec_DecodeToDic and you don't need + to work with CLzmaDec variables manually. + +finishMode: + It has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit (*destLen). + LZMA_FINISH_ANY - Decode just destLen bytes. + LZMA_FINISH_END - Stream must be finished after (*destLen). +*/ + +SRes LzmaDec_DecodeToBuf(CLzmaDec *p, Byte *dest, SizeT *destLen, + const Byte *src, SizeT *srcLen, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, ELzmaStatus *status); + + +/* ---------- One Call Interface ---------- */ + +/* LzmaDecode + +finishMode: + It has meaning only if the decoding reaches output limit (*destLen). + LZMA_FINISH_ANY - Decode just destLen bytes. + LZMA_FINISH_END - Stream must be finished after (*destLen). + +Returns: + SZ_OK + status: + LZMA_STATUS_FINISHED_WITH_MARK + LZMA_STATUS_NOT_FINISHED + LZMA_STATUS_MAYBE_FINISHED_WITHOUT_MARK + SZ_ERROR_DATA - Data error + SZ_ERROR_MEM - Memory allocation error + SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED - Unsupported properties + SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF - It needs more bytes in input buffer (src). +*/ + +SRes LzmaDecode(Byte *dest, SizeT *destLen, const Byte *src, SizeT *srcLen, + const Byte *propData, unsigned propSize, ELzmaFinishMode finishMode, + ELzmaStatus *status, ISzAlloc *alloc); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/LzmaEnc.c b/lzma/LzmaEnc.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19feb80 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/LzmaEnc.c @@ -0,0 +1,2449 @@ +/* LzmaEnc.c -- LZMA Encoder +2010-04-16 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#include + +/* #define SHOW_STAT */ +/* #define SHOW_STAT2 */ + +#if defined(SHOW_STAT) || defined(SHOW_STAT2) +#include +#endif +#ifdef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ +#include +#endif + +#include "LzmaEnc.h" + +#include "LzFind.h" +#ifndef _7ZIP_ST +#include "LzFindMt.h" +#endif + +#ifdef SHOW_STAT +static int ttt = 0; +#endif + +#define kBlockSizeMax ((1 << LZMA_NUM_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS) - 1) + +#define kBlockSize (9 << 10) +#define kUnpackBlockSize (1 << 18) +#define kMatchArraySize (1 << 21) +#define kMatchRecordMaxSize ((LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX * 2 + 3) * LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX) + +#define kNumMaxDirectBits (31) + +#define kNumTopBits 24 +#define kTopValue ((UInt32)1 << kNumTopBits) + +#define kNumBitModelTotalBits 11 +#define kBitModelTotal (1 << kNumBitModelTotalBits) +#define kNumMoveBits 5 +#define kProbInitValue (kBitModelTotal >> 1) + +#define kNumMoveReducingBits 4 +#define kNumBitPriceShiftBits 4 +#define kBitPrice (1 << kNumBitPriceShiftBits) + +#ifdef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ +#define MOV_DBL_QUAD(mem, val) __asm (\ + "movntiq %[val], (%[ptr1]);"\ + "movntiq %[val], 0x8(%[ptr1]);"\ + : \ + : [ptr1] "q" (mem), [val] "q" (val) \ + :) +#define MOV_DBL_QUAD_UNALIGNED(mem, val) \ + *((UInt64 *)(mem)) = val; *((UInt64 *)((Byte *)mem + 8)) = val + +#define MOV_QUAD_QUAD(mem, val) __asm (\ + "movntiq %[val], (%[ptr1]);"\ + "movntiq %[val], 0x8(%[ptr1]);"\ + "movntiq %[val], 0x10(%[ptr1]);"\ + "movntiq %[val], 0x18(%[ptr1]);"\ + : \ + : [ptr1] "q" (mem), [val] "q" (val) \ + :) +#define MOV_QUAD_QUAD_UNALIGNED(mem, val) \ + *((UInt64 *)(mem)) = val; *((UInt64 *)((Byte *)mem + 8)) = val; \ + *((UInt64 *)((Byte *)mem + 16)) = val; *((UInt64 *)((Byte *)mem + 24)) = val +#else +#define MOV_DBL_QUAD(mem, val) \ + *((UInt64 *)(mem)) = val; *((UInt64 *)((Byte *)mem + 8)) = val +#define MOV_QUAD_QUAD(mem, val) \ + *((UInt64 *)(mem)) = val; *((UInt64 *)((Byte *)mem + 8)) = val; \ + *((UInt64 *)((Byte *)mem + 16)) = val; *((UInt64 *)((Byte *)mem + 24)) = val +#endif + +#ifdef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ +#define SET_ARRAY_Int32(ary, num, qval, ival, stval) \ + { UInt32 j = stval; \ + if (!((UInt64)ary & 7)) { \ + for (; j < num-8; j += 8) { \ + MOV_QUAD_QUAD(&(ary[j]), qval); \ + } \ + __asm( "sfence" ); \ + } else { \ + for (; j < num-8; j += 8) { \ + MOV_QUAD_QUAD_UNALIGNED(&(ary[j]), qval); \ + } \ + } \ + for (; j < num; j++) { \ + ary[j] = ival; \ + } } +#else +#define SET_ARRAY_Int32(ary, num, qval, ival, stval) \ + { UInt32 j = stval; \ + for (; j < num-8; j += 8) { \ + MOV_QUAD_QUAD(&(ary[j]), qval); \ + } \ + for (; j < num; j++) { \ + ary[j] = ival; \ + } \ + } +#endif + +void LzmaEncProps_Init(CLzmaEncProps *p) +{ + p->level = 5; + p->dictSize = p->mc = 0; + p->lc = p->lp = p->pb = p->algo = p->fb = p->btMode = p->numHashBytes = p->numThreads = -1; + p->writeEndMark = 0; + p->normalized = 0; +} + +void LzmaEncProps_Normalize(CLzmaEncProps *p) +{ + int level = p->level; + if (!p->normalized) { + if (level < 0) level = 5; + p->level = level; + if (p->dictSize == 0) p->dictSize = (level <= 5 ? (1 << (level * 2 + 14)) : (level == 6 ? (1 << 25) : (1 << 26))); + if (p->lc < 0) p->lc = 3; + if (p->lp < 0) p->lp = 0; + if (p->pb < 0) p->pb = 2; + if (p->algo < 0) p->algo = (level < 5 ? 0 : 1); + if (p->fb < 0) p->fb = (level < 7 ? 32 : 64); + if (p->btMode < 0) p->btMode = (p->algo == 0 ? 0 : 1); + if (p->numHashBytes < 0) p->numHashBytes = 4; + if (p->mc == 0) p->mc = (16 + (p->fb >> 1)) >> (p->btMode ? 0 : 1); + if (p->numThreads < 0) + p->numThreads = + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + ((p->btMode && p->algo) ? 2 : 1); + #else + 1; + #endif + p->normalized = 1; + } +} + +UInt32 LzmaEncProps_GetDictSize(const CLzmaEncProps *props2) +{ + CLzmaEncProps props = *props2; + LzmaEncProps_Normalize(&props); + return props.dictSize; +} + +/* #define LZMA_LOG_BSR */ +/* Define it for Intel's CPU */ + + +#ifdef LZMA_LOG_BSR + +#define kDicLogSizeMaxCompress 30 + +//#define BSR2_RET(pos, res) { unsigned long i; _BitScanReverse(&i, (pos)); res = (i + i) + ((pos >> (i - 1)) & 1); } +#define BSR2_RET(pos, res) { unsigned long i; if (!(pos)) { i = 0; } else { i = __builtin_clz((pos)); }; res = (i + i) + ((pos >> (i - 1)) & 1); } + +UInt32 GetPosSlot1(UInt32 pos) +{ + UInt32 res; + BSR2_RET(pos, res); + return res; +} +#define GetPosSlot2(pos, res) { BSR2_RET(pos, res); } +#define GetPosSlot(pos, res) { if (pos < 2) res = pos; else BSR2_RET(pos, res); } + +#else + +#define kNumLogBits (9 + (int)sizeof(size_t) / 2) +#define kDicLogSizeMaxCompress ((kNumLogBits - 1) * 2 + 7) + +void LzmaEnc_FastPosInit(Byte *g_FastPos) +{ + int slotFast; + *g_FastPos++ = 0; + *g_FastPos++ = 1; + + for (slotFast = 2; slotFast < kNumLogBits * 2; slotFast++) + { + UInt32 k = (1 << ((slotFast >> 1) - 1)); + memset(g_FastPos, slotFast, k); + g_FastPos += k; + } +} + +#define BSR2_RET(pos, res) { UInt32 i = 6 + ((kNumLogBits - 1) & \ + (0 - (((((UInt32)1 << (kNumLogBits + 6)) - 1) - pos) >> 31))); \ + res = p->g_FastPos[pos >> i] + (i * 2); } +/* +#define BSR2_RET(pos, res) { res = (pos < (1 << (kNumLogBits + 6))) ? \ + p->g_FastPos[pos >> 6] + 12 : \ + p->g_FastPos[pos >> (6 + kNumLogBits - 1)] + (6 + (kNumLogBits - 1)) * 2; } +*/ + +#define GetPosSlot1(pos) p->g_FastPos[pos] +#define GetPosSlot2(pos, res) { BSR2_RET(pos, res); } +#define GetPosSlot(pos, res) { if (pos < kNumFullDistances) res = p->g_FastPos[pos]; else BSR2_RET(pos, res); } + +#endif + + +#define LZMA_NUM_REPS 4 + +typedef unsigned CState; + +typedef struct +{ + UInt32 price; + + CState state; + int prev1IsChar; + int prev2; + + UInt32 posPrev2; + UInt32 backPrev2; + + UInt32 posPrev; + UInt32 backPrev; + UInt32 backs[LZMA_NUM_REPS]; +} COptimal; + +#define kNumOpts (1 << 12) + +#define kNumLenToPosStates 4 +#define kNumPosSlotBits 6 +#define kDicLogSizeMin 0 +#define kDicLogSizeMax 32 +#define kDistTableSizeMax (kDicLogSizeMax * 2) + + +#define kNumAlignBits 4 +#define kAlignTableSize (1 << kNumAlignBits) +#define kAlignMask (kAlignTableSize - 1) + +#define kStartPosModelIndex 4 +#define kEndPosModelIndex 14 +#define kNumPosModels (kEndPosModelIndex - kStartPosModelIndex) + +#define kNumFullDistances (1 << (kEndPosModelIndex >> 1)) + +#ifdef _LZMA_PROB32 +#define CLzmaProb UInt32 +#else +#define CLzmaProb UInt16 +#endif + +#define LZMA_PB_MAX 4 +#define LZMA_LC_MAX 8 +#define LZMA_LP_MAX 4 + +#define LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX (1 << LZMA_PB_MAX) + + +#define kLenNumLowBits 3 +#define kLenNumLowSymbols (1 << kLenNumLowBits) +#define kLenNumMidBits 3 +#define kLenNumMidSymbols (1 << kLenNumMidBits) +#define kLenNumHighBits 8 +#define kLenNumHighSymbols (1 << kLenNumHighBits) + +#define kLenNumSymbolsTotal (kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols + kLenNumHighSymbols) + +#define LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN 2 +#define LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX (LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN + kLenNumSymbolsTotal - 1) + +#define kNumStates 12 + +typedef struct +{ + CLzmaProb choice; + CLzmaProb choice2; + CLzmaProb low[LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumLowBits]; + CLzmaProb mid[LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumMidBits]; + CLzmaProb high[kLenNumHighSymbols]; +} CLenEnc; + +typedef struct +{ + CLenEnc p; + UInt32 prices[LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX][kLenNumSymbolsTotal]; + UInt32 tableSize; + UInt32 counters[LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX]; +} CLenPriceEnc; + +typedef struct +{ + UInt32 range; + Byte cache; + UInt64 low; + UInt64 cacheSize; + Byte *buf; + Byte *bufLim; + Byte *bufBase; + ISeqOutStream *outStream; + UInt64 processed; + SRes res; +} CRangeEnc; + +typedef struct +{ + CLzmaProb *litProbs; + + CLzmaProb isMatch[kNumStates][LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX]; + CLzmaProb isRep[kNumStates]; + CLzmaProb isRepG0[kNumStates]; + CLzmaProb isRepG1[kNumStates]; + CLzmaProb isRepG2[kNumStates]; + CLzmaProb isRep0Long[kNumStates][LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX]; + + CLzmaProb posSlotEncoder[kNumLenToPosStates][1 << kNumPosSlotBits]; + CLzmaProb posEncoders[kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex]; + CLzmaProb posAlignEncoder[1 << kNumAlignBits]; + + CLenPriceEnc lenEnc; + CLenPriceEnc repLenEnc; + + UInt32 reps[LZMA_NUM_REPS]; + UInt32 state; +} CSaveState; + +typedef struct +{ + IMatchFinder matchFinder; + void *matchFinderObj; + + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + Bool mtMode; + CMatchFinderMt matchFinderMt; + #endif + + CMatchFinder matchFinderBase; + + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + Byte pad[128]; + #endif + + UInt32 optimumEndIndex; + UInt32 optimumCurrentIndex; + + UInt32 longestMatchLength; + UInt32 numPairs; + UInt32 numAvail; + COptimal opt[kNumOpts]; + + #ifndef LZMA_LOG_BSR + Byte g_FastPos[1 << kNumLogBits]; + #endif + + UInt32 ProbPrices[kBitModelTotal >> kNumMoveReducingBits]; + UInt32 matches[LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX * 2 + 2 + 1]; + UInt32 numFastBytes; + UInt32 additionalOffset; + UInt32 reps[LZMA_NUM_REPS]; + UInt32 state; + + UInt32 posSlotPrices[kNumLenToPosStates][kDistTableSizeMax]; + UInt32 distancesPrices[kNumLenToPosStates][kNumFullDistances]; + UInt32 alignPrices[kAlignTableSize]; + UInt32 alignPriceCount; + + UInt32 distTableSize; + + unsigned lc, lp, pb; + unsigned lpMask, pbMask; + + CLzmaProb *litProbs; + + CLzmaProb isMatch[kNumStates][LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX]; + CLzmaProb isRep[kNumStates]; + CLzmaProb isRepG0[kNumStates]; + CLzmaProb isRepG1[kNumStates]; + CLzmaProb isRepG2[kNumStates]; + CLzmaProb isRep0Long[kNumStates][LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX]; + + CLzmaProb posSlotEncoder[kNumLenToPosStates][1 << kNumPosSlotBits]; + CLzmaProb posEncoders[kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex]; + CLzmaProb posAlignEncoder[1 << kNumAlignBits]; + + CLenPriceEnc lenEnc; + CLenPriceEnc repLenEnc; + + unsigned lclp; + + Bool fastMode; + + CRangeEnc rc; + + Bool writeEndMark; + UInt64 nowPos64; + UInt32 matchPriceCount; + Bool finished; + Bool multiThread; + + SRes result; + UInt32 dictSize; + UInt32 matchFinderCycles; + + int needInit; + + CSaveState saveState; +} CLzmaEnc; + +void LzmaEnc_SaveState(CLzmaEncHandle pp) +{ + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + CSaveState *dest = &p->saveState; + int i; + dest->lenEnc = p->lenEnc; + dest->repLenEnc = p->repLenEnc; + dest->state = p->state; + + for (i = 0; i < kNumStates; i++) + { + memcpy(dest->isMatch[i], p->isMatch[i], sizeof(p->isMatch[i])); + memcpy(dest->isRep0Long[i], p->isRep0Long[i], sizeof(p->isRep0Long[i])); + } + for (i = 0; i < kNumLenToPosStates; i++) + memcpy(dest->posSlotEncoder[i], p->posSlotEncoder[i], sizeof(p->posSlotEncoder[i])); + memcpy(dest->isRep, p->isRep, sizeof(p->isRep)); + memcpy(dest->isRepG0, p->isRepG0, sizeof(p->isRepG0)); + memcpy(dest->isRepG1, p->isRepG1, sizeof(p->isRepG1)); + memcpy(dest->isRepG2, p->isRepG2, sizeof(p->isRepG2)); + memcpy(dest->posEncoders, p->posEncoders, sizeof(p->posEncoders)); + memcpy(dest->posAlignEncoder, p->posAlignEncoder, sizeof(p->posAlignEncoder)); + memcpy(dest->reps, p->reps, sizeof(p->reps)); + memcpy(dest->litProbs, p->litProbs, (0x300 << p->lclp) * sizeof(CLzmaProb)); +} + +void LzmaEnc_RestoreState(CLzmaEncHandle pp) +{ + CLzmaEnc *dest = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + const CSaveState *p = &dest->saveState; + int i; + dest->lenEnc = p->lenEnc; + dest->repLenEnc = p->repLenEnc; + dest->state = p->state; + + for (i = 0; i < kNumStates; i++) + { + memcpy(dest->isMatch[i], p->isMatch[i], sizeof(p->isMatch[i])); + memcpy(dest->isRep0Long[i], p->isRep0Long[i], sizeof(p->isRep0Long[i])); + } + for (i = 0; i < kNumLenToPosStates; i++) + memcpy(dest->posSlotEncoder[i], p->posSlotEncoder[i], sizeof(p->posSlotEncoder[i])); + memcpy(dest->isRep, p->isRep, sizeof(p->isRep)); + memcpy(dest->isRepG0, p->isRepG0, sizeof(p->isRepG0)); + memcpy(dest->isRepG1, p->isRepG1, sizeof(p->isRepG1)); + memcpy(dest->isRepG2, p->isRepG2, sizeof(p->isRepG2)); + memcpy(dest->posEncoders, p->posEncoders, sizeof(p->posEncoders)); + memcpy(dest->posAlignEncoder, p->posAlignEncoder, sizeof(p->posAlignEncoder)); + memcpy(dest->reps, p->reps, sizeof(p->reps)); + memcpy(dest->litProbs, p->litProbs, (0x300 << dest->lclp) * sizeof(CLzmaProb)); +} + +SRes LzmaEnc_SetProps(CLzmaEncHandle pp, const CLzmaEncProps *props2) +{ + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + CLzmaEncProps props = *props2; + LzmaEncProps_Normalize(&props); + + if ( > LZMA_LC_MAX || props.lp > LZMA_LP_MAX || props.pb > LZMA_PB_MAX || + props.dictSize > ((UInt32)1 << kDicLogSizeMaxCompress) || props.dictSize > ((UInt32)1 << 30)) + return SZ_ERROR_PARAM; + p->dictSize = props.dictSize; + p->matchFinderCycles =; + { + unsigned fb = props.fb; + if (fb < 5) + fb = 5; + if (fb > LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX) + fb = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX; + p->numFastBytes = fb; + } + p->lc =; + p->lp = props.lp; + p->pb = props.pb; + p->fastMode = (props.algo == 0); + p->matchFinderBase.btMode = props.btMode; + { + UInt32 numHashBytes = 4; + if (props.btMode) + { + if (props.numHashBytes < 2) + numHashBytes = 2; + else if (props.numHashBytes < 4) + numHashBytes = props.numHashBytes; + } + p->matchFinderBase.numHashBytes = numHashBytes; + } + + p->matchFinderBase.cutValue =; + + p->writeEndMark = props.writeEndMark; + + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + /* + if (newMultiThread != _multiThread) + { + ReleaseMatchFinder(); + _multiThread = newMultiThread; + } + */ + p->multiThread = (props.numThreads > 1); + #endif + + return SZ_OK; +} + +static const int kLiteralNextStates[kNumStates] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 5}; +static const int kMatchNextStates[kNumStates] = {7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10}; +static const int kRepNextStates[kNumStates] = {8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11}; +static const int kShortRepNextStates[kNumStates]= {9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11}; + +#define IsCharState(s) ((s) < 7) + +#define GetLenToPosState(len) (((len) < kNumLenToPosStates + 1) ? (len) - 2 : kNumLenToPosStates - 1) + +#define kInfinityPrice (1 << 30) + +static void RangeEnc_Construct(CRangeEnc *p) +{ + p->outStream = 0; + p->bufBase = 0; +} + +#define RangeEnc_GetProcessed(p) ((p)->processed + ((p)->buf - (p)->bufBase) + (p)->cacheSize) + +#define RC_BUF_SIZE (1 << 16) +static int RangeEnc_Alloc(CRangeEnc *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + if (p->bufBase == 0) + { + p->bufBase = (Byte *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, RC_BUF_SIZE); + if (p->bufBase == 0) + return 0; + p->bufLim = p->bufBase + RC_BUF_SIZE; + } + return 1; +} + +static void RangeEnc_Free(CRangeEnc *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + alloc->Free(alloc, p->bufBase); + p->bufBase = 0; +} + +static void RangeEnc_Init(CRangeEnc *p) +{ + /* Stream.Init(); */ + p->low = 0; + p->range = 0xFFFFFFFF; + p->cacheSize = 1; + p->cache = 0; + + p->buf = p->bufBase; + + p->processed = 0; + p->res = SZ_OK; +} + +static void RangeEnc_FlushStream(CRangeEnc *p) +{ + size_t num; + if (p->res != SZ_OK) + return; + num = p->buf - p->bufBase; + if (num != p->outStream->Write(p->outStream, p->bufBase, num)) + p->res = SZ_ERROR_WRITE; + p->processed += num; + p->buf = p->bufBase; +} + +static void MY_FAST_CALL RangeEnc_ShiftLow(CRangeEnc *p) +{ + if ((UInt32)p->low < (UInt32)0xFF000000 || (int)(p->low >> 32) != 0) + { + Byte temp = p->cache; + do + { + Byte *buf = p->buf; + *buf++ = (Byte)(temp + (Byte)(p->low >> 32)); + p->buf = buf; + if (buf == p->bufLim) + RangeEnc_FlushStream(p); + temp = 0xFF; + } + while (--p->cacheSize != 0); + p->cache = (Byte)((UInt32)p->low >> 24); + } + p->cacheSize++; + p->low = (UInt32)p->low << 8; +} + +static void RangeEnc_FlushData(CRangeEnc *p) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) + RangeEnc_ShiftLow(p); +} + +static void RangeEnc_EncodeDirectBits(CRangeEnc *p, UInt32 value, int numBits) +{ + do + { + p->range >>= 1; + p->low += p->range & (0 - ((value >> --numBits) & 1)); + if (p->range < kTopValue) + { + p->range <<= 8; + RangeEnc_ShiftLow(p); + } + } + while (numBits != 0); +} + +static void RangeEnc_EncodeBit(CRangeEnc *p, CLzmaProb *prob, UInt32 symbol) +{ + UInt32 ttt = *prob; + UInt32 newBound = (p->range >> kNumBitModelTotalBits) * ttt; + if (symbol == 0) + { + p->range = newBound; + ttt += (kBitModelTotal - ttt) >> kNumMoveBits; + } + else + { + p->low += newBound; + p->range -= newBound; + ttt -= ttt >> kNumMoveBits; + } + *prob = (CLzmaProb)ttt; + if (p->range < kTopValue) + { + p->range <<= 8; + RangeEnc_ShiftLow(p); + } +} + +static void LitEnc_Encode(CRangeEnc *p, CLzmaProb *probs, UInt32 symbol) +{ + symbol |= 0x100; + do + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(p, probs + (symbol >> 8), (symbol >> 7) & 1); + symbol <<= 1; + } + while (symbol < 0x10000); +} + +static void LitEnc_EncodeMatched(CRangeEnc *p, CLzmaProb *probs, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 matchByte) +{ + UInt32 offs = 0x100; + symbol |= 0x100; + do + { + matchByte <<= 1; + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(p, probs + (offs + (matchByte & offs) + (symbol >> 8)), (symbol >> 7) & 1); + symbol <<= 1; + offs &= ~(matchByte ^ symbol); + } + while (symbol < 0x10000); +} + +void LzmaEnc_InitPriceTables(UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + UInt32 i; + for (i = (1 << kNumMoveReducingBits) / 2; i < kBitModelTotal; i += (1 << kNumMoveReducingBits)) + { + const int kCyclesBits = kNumBitPriceShiftBits; + UInt32 w = i; + UInt32 bitCount = 0; + int j; + for (j = 0; j < kCyclesBits; j++) + { + w = w * w; + bitCount <<= 1; + while (w >= ((UInt32)1 << 16)) + { + w >>= 1; + bitCount++; + } + } + ProbPrices[i >> kNumMoveReducingBits] = ((kNumBitModelTotalBits << kCyclesBits) - 15 - bitCount); + } +} + + +#define GET_PRICE(prob, symbol) \ + p->ProbPrices[((prob) ^ (((-(int)(symbol))) & (kBitModelTotal - 1))) >> kNumMoveReducingBits]; + +#define GET_PRICEa(prob, symbol) \ + ProbPrices[((prob) ^ ((-((int)(symbol))) & (kBitModelTotal - 1))) >> kNumMoveReducingBits]; + +#define GET_PRICE_0(prob) p->ProbPrices[(prob) >> kNumMoveReducingBits] +#define GET_PRICE_1(prob) p->ProbPrices[((prob) ^ (kBitModelTotal - 1)) >> kNumMoveReducingBits] + +#define GET_PRICE_0a(prob) ProbPrices[(prob) >> kNumMoveReducingBits] +#define GET_PRICE_1a(prob) ProbPrices[((prob) ^ (kBitModelTotal - 1)) >> kNumMoveReducingBits] + +static UInt32 LitEnc_GetPrice(const CLzmaProb *probs, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + UInt32 price = 0; + symbol |= 0x100; + do + { + price += GET_PRICEa(probs[symbol >> 8], (symbol >> 7) & 1); + symbol <<= 1; + } + while (symbol < 0x10000); + return price; +} + +static UInt32 LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(const CLzmaProb *probs, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 matchByte, UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + UInt32 price = 0; + UInt32 offs = 0x100; + symbol |= 0x100; + do + { + matchByte <<= 1; + price += GET_PRICEa(probs[offs + (matchByte & offs) + (symbol >> 8)], (symbol >> 7) & 1); + symbol <<= 1; + offs &= ~(matchByte ^ symbol); + } + while (symbol < 0x10000); + return price; +} + + +static void RcTree_Encode(CRangeEnc *rc, CLzmaProb *probs, int numBitLevels, UInt32 symbol) +{ + UInt32 m = 1; + int i; + for (i = numBitLevels; i != 0;) + { + UInt32 bit; + i--; + bit = (symbol >> i) & 1; + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, probs + m, bit); + m = (m << 1) | bit; + } +} + +static void RcTree_ReverseEncode(CRangeEnc *rc, CLzmaProb *probs, int numBitLevels, UInt32 symbol) +{ + UInt32 m = 1; + int i; + for (i = 0; i < numBitLevels; i++) + { + UInt32 bit = symbol & 1; + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, probs + m, bit); + m = (m << 1) | bit; + symbol >>= 1; + } +} + +static UInt32 RcTree_GetPrice(const CLzmaProb *probs, int numBitLevels, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + UInt32 price = 0; + symbol |= (1 << numBitLevels); + while (symbol != 1) + { + price += GET_PRICEa(probs[symbol >> 1], symbol & 1); + symbol >>= 1; + } + return price; +} + +static UInt32 RcTree_ReverseGetPrice(const CLzmaProb *probs, int numBitLevels, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + UInt32 price = 0; + UInt32 m = 1; + int i; + for (i = numBitLevels; i != 0; i--) + { + UInt32 bit = symbol & 1; + symbol >>= 1; + price += GET_PRICEa(probs[m], bit); + m = (m << 1) | bit; + } + return price; +} + + +static void LenEnc_Init(CLenEnc *p) +{ + unsigned i; + UInt64 val; + val = kProbInitValue; + val <<= 32; + val |= kProbInitValue; + p->choice = p->choice2 = kProbInitValue; + /* + * for (i = 0; i < (LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumLowBits); i++) + * p->low[i] = kProbInitValue; + * for (i = 0; i < (LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumMidBits); i++) + * p->mid[i] = kProbInitValue; + * for (i = 0; i < kLenNumHighSymbols; i++) + * p->high[i] = kProbInitValue; + */ + SET_ARRAY_Int32(p->low, (LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumLowBits), val, kProbInitValue, 0); + SET_ARRAY_Int32(p->mid, (LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX << kLenNumMidBits), val, kProbInitValue, 0); + SET_ARRAY_Int32(p->high, kLenNumHighSymbols, val, kProbInitValue, 0); +} + +static void LenEnc_Encode(CLenEnc *p, CRangeEnc *rc, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 posState) +{ + if (symbol < kLenNumLowSymbols) + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, &p->choice, 0); + RcTree_Encode(rc, p->low + (posState << kLenNumLowBits), kLenNumLowBits, symbol); + } + else + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, &p->choice, 1); + if (symbol < kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols) + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, &p->choice2, 0); + RcTree_Encode(rc, p->mid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits), kLenNumMidBits, symbol - kLenNumLowSymbols); + } + else + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(rc, &p->choice2, 1); + RcTree_Encode(rc, p->high, kLenNumHighBits, symbol - kLenNumLowSymbols - kLenNumMidSymbols); + } + } +} + +static void LenEnc_SetPrices(CLenEnc *p, UInt32 posState, UInt32 numSymbols, UInt32 *prices, UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + UInt32 a0 = GET_PRICE_0a(p->choice); + UInt32 a1 = GET_PRICE_1a(p->choice); + UInt32 b0 = a1 + GET_PRICE_0a(p->choice2); + UInt32 b1 = a1 + GET_PRICE_1a(p->choice2); + UInt32 i = 0; + for (i = 0; i < kLenNumLowSymbols; i++) + { + if (i >= numSymbols) + return; + prices[i] = a0 + RcTree_GetPrice(p->low + (posState << kLenNumLowBits), kLenNumLowBits, i, ProbPrices); + } + for (; i < kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols; i++) + { + if (i >= numSymbols) + return; + prices[i] = b0 + RcTree_GetPrice(p->mid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits), kLenNumMidBits, i - kLenNumLowSymbols, ProbPrices); + } + for (; i < numSymbols; i++) + prices[i] = b1 + RcTree_GetPrice(p->high, kLenNumHighBits, i - kLenNumLowSymbols - kLenNumMidSymbols, ProbPrices); +} + +static void MY_FAST_CALL LenPriceEnc_UpdateTable(CLenPriceEnc *p, UInt32 posState, UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + LenEnc_SetPrices(&p->p, posState, p->tableSize, p->prices[posState], ProbPrices); + p->counters[posState] = p->tableSize; +} + +static void LenPriceEnc_UpdateTables(CLenPriceEnc *p, UInt32 numPosStates, UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + UInt32 posState; + for (posState = 0; posState < numPosStates; posState++) + LenPriceEnc_UpdateTable(p, posState, ProbPrices); +} + +static void LenEnc_Encode2(CLenPriceEnc *p, CRangeEnc *rc, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 posState, Bool updatePrice, UInt32 *ProbPrices) +{ + LenEnc_Encode(&p->p, rc, symbol, posState); + if (updatePrice) + if (--p->counters[posState] == 0) + LenPriceEnc_UpdateTable(p, posState, ProbPrices); +} + + + + +static void MovePos(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 num) +{ + #ifdef SHOW_STAT + ttt += num; + printf("\n MovePos %d", num); + #endif + if (num != 0) + { + p->additionalOffset += num; + p->matchFinder.Skip(p->matchFinderObj, num); + } +} + +static UInt32 ReadMatchDistances(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 *numDistancePairsRes) +{ + UInt32 lenRes = 0, numPairs; + p->numAvail = p->matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes(p->matchFinderObj); + numPairs = p->matchFinder.GetMatches(p->matchFinderObj, p->matches); + #ifdef SHOW_STAT + printf("\n i = %d numPairs = %d ", ttt, numPairs / 2); + ttt++; + { + UInt32 i; + for (i = 0; i < numPairs; i += 2) + printf("%2d %6d | ", p->matches[i], p->matches[i + 1]); + } + #endif + if (numPairs > 0) + { + lenRes = p->matches[numPairs - 2]; + if (lenRes == p->numFastBytes) + { + const Byte *pby = p->matchFinder.GetPointerToCurrentPos(p->matchFinderObj) - 1; + UInt32 distance = p->matches[numPairs - 1] + 1; + UInt32 numAvail = p->numAvail; + if (numAvail > LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX) + numAvail = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX; + { + const Byte *pby2 = pby - distance; + for (; lenRes < numAvail && pby[lenRes] == pby2[lenRes]; lenRes++); + } + } + } + p->additionalOffset++; + *numDistancePairsRes = numPairs; + return lenRes; +} + + +#define MakeAsChar(p) (p)->backPrev = (UInt32)(-1); (p)->prev1IsChar = False; +#define MakeAsShortRep(p) (p)->backPrev = 0; (p)->prev1IsChar = False; +#define IsShortRep(p) ((p)->backPrev == 0) + +static UInt32 GetRepLen1Price(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 state, UInt32 posState) +{ + return + GET_PRICE_0(p->isRepG0[state]) + + GET_PRICE_0(p->isRep0Long[state][posState]); +} + +static UInt32 GetPureRepPrice(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 repIndex, UInt32 state, UInt32 posState) +{ + UInt32 price; + if (repIndex == 0) + { + price = GET_PRICE_0(p->isRepG0[state]); + price += GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep0Long[state][posState]); + } + else + { + price = GET_PRICE_1(p->isRepG0[state]); + if (repIndex == 1) + price += GET_PRICE_0(p->isRepG1[state]); + else + { + price += GET_PRICE_1(p->isRepG1[state]); + price += GET_PRICE(p->isRepG2[state], repIndex - 2); + } + } + return price; +} + +static UInt32 GetRepPrice(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 repIndex, UInt32 len, UInt32 state, UInt32 posState) +{ + return p->repLenEnc.prices[posState][len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN] + + GetPureRepPrice(p, repIndex, state, posState); +} + +static UInt32 Backward(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 *backRes, UInt32 cur) +{ + UInt32 posMem = p->opt[cur].posPrev; + UInt32 backMem = p->opt[cur].backPrev; + p->optimumEndIndex = cur; + do + { + if (p->opt[cur].prev1IsChar) + { + MakeAsChar(&p->opt[posMem]) + p->opt[posMem].posPrev = posMem - 1; + if (p->opt[cur].prev2) + { + p->opt[posMem - 1].prev1IsChar = False; + p->opt[posMem - 1].posPrev = p->opt[cur].posPrev2; + p->opt[posMem - 1].backPrev = p->opt[cur].backPrev2; + } + } + { + UInt32 posPrev = posMem; + UInt32 backCur = backMem; + + backMem = p->opt[posPrev].backPrev; + posMem = p->opt[posPrev].posPrev; + + p->opt[posPrev].backPrev = backCur; + p->opt[posPrev].posPrev = cur; + cur = posPrev; + } + } + while (cur != 0); + *backRes = p->opt[0].backPrev; + p->optimumCurrentIndex = p->opt[0].posPrev; + return p->optimumCurrentIndex; +} + +#define LIT_PROBS(pos, prevByte) (p->litProbs + ((((pos) & p->lpMask) << p->lc) + ((prevByte) >> (8 - p->lc))) * 0x300) + +static UInt32 GetOptimum(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 position, UInt32 *backRes) +{ + UInt32 numAvail, mainLen, numPairs, repMaxIndex, i, posState, lenEnd, len, cur; + UInt32 matchPrice, repMatchPrice, normalMatchPrice; + UInt32 reps[LZMA_NUM_REPS], repLens[LZMA_NUM_REPS]; + UInt32 *matches; + const Byte *data; + Byte curByte, matchByte; +#ifdef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ + int mask; + UInt32 byt; +#endif + UInt64 val; + val = kInfinityPrice; + val <<= 32; + val |= kInfinityPrice; + + if (p->optimumEndIndex != p->optimumCurrentIndex) + { + const COptimal *opt = &p->opt[p->optimumCurrentIndex]; + UInt32 lenRes = opt->posPrev - p->optimumCurrentIndex; + *backRes = opt->backPrev; + p->optimumCurrentIndex = opt->posPrev; + return lenRes; + } + p->optimumCurrentIndex = p->optimumEndIndex = 0; + + if (p->additionalOffset == 0) + mainLen = ReadMatchDistances(p, &numPairs); + else + { + mainLen = p->longestMatchLength; + numPairs = p->numPairs; + } + + numAvail = p->numAvail; + if (numAvail < 2) + { + *backRes = (UInt32)(-1); + return 1; + } + if (numAvail > LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX) + numAvail = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX; + + data = p->matchFinder.GetPointerToCurrentPos(p->matchFinderObj) - 1; + repMaxIndex = 0; + for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) + { + UInt32 lenTest; + const Byte *data2; + reps[i] = p->reps[i]; + data2 = data - (reps[i] + 1); + if (data[0] != data2[0] || data[1] != data2[1]) + { + repLens[i] = 0; + continue; + } +#ifndef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ + for (lenTest = 2; lenTest < numAvail && data[lenTest] == data2[lenTest]; lenTest++); +#else + lenTest = 2; + while (numAvail - lenTest > 16) + { + __m128i span1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(data+lenTest)); + __m128i span2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(data2+lenTest)); + mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(span1, span2)) ^ 0xffff; + if (mask) { + byt = __builtin_ctz(mask); + lenTest += byt; + goto cont_1; + } + lenTest += 16; + } + for (;lenTest < numAvail && data[lenTest] == data2[lenTest]; lenTest++); +cont_1: +#endif + repLens[i] = lenTest; + if (lenTest > repLens[repMaxIndex]) + repMaxIndex = i; + } + if (repLens[repMaxIndex] >= p->numFastBytes) + { + UInt32 lenRes; + *backRes = repMaxIndex; + lenRes = repLens[repMaxIndex]; + MovePos(p, lenRes - 1); + return lenRes; + } + + matches = p->matches; + if (mainLen >= p->numFastBytes) + { + *backRes = matches[numPairs - 1] + LZMA_NUM_REPS; + MovePos(p, mainLen - 1); + return mainLen; + } + curByte = *data; + matchByte = *(data - (reps[0] + 1)); + + if (mainLen < 2 && curByte != matchByte && repLens[repMaxIndex] < 2) + { + *backRes = (UInt32)-1; + return 1; + } + + p->opt[0].state = (CState)p->state; + + posState = (position & p->pbMask); + + { + const CLzmaProb *probs = LIT_PROBS(position, *(data - 1)); + p->opt[1].price = GET_PRICE_0(p->isMatch[p->state][posState]) + + (!IsCharState(p->state) ? + LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(probs, curByte, matchByte, p->ProbPrices) : + LitEnc_GetPrice(probs, curByte, p->ProbPrices)); + } + + MakeAsChar(&p->opt[1]); + + matchPrice = GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[p->state][posState]); + repMatchPrice = matchPrice + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[p->state]); + + if (matchByte == curByte) + { + UInt32 shortRepPrice = repMatchPrice + GetRepLen1Price(p, p->state, posState); + if (shortRepPrice < p->opt[1].price) + { + p->opt[1].price = shortRepPrice; + MakeAsShortRep(&p->opt[1]); + } + } + lenEnd = ((mainLen >= repLens[repMaxIndex]) ? mainLen : repLens[repMaxIndex]); + + if (lenEnd < 2) + { + *backRes = p->opt[1].backPrev; + return 1; + } + + p->opt[1].posPrev = 0; + /* Unroll for small iterations. */ +#if LZMA_NUM_REPS > 4 + for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) + p->opt[0].backs[i] = reps[i]; +#else + p->opt[0].backs[0] = reps[0]; + p->opt[0].backs[1] = reps[1]; + p->opt[0].backs[2] = reps[2]; + p->opt[0].backs[3] = reps[3]; +#endif + + len = lenEnd; + do + p->opt[len--].price = kInfinityPrice; + while (len >= 2); + + for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) + { + UInt32 repLen = repLens[i]; + UInt32 price; + if (repLen < 2) + continue; + price = repMatchPrice + GetPureRepPrice(p, i, p->state, posState); + do + { + UInt32 curAndLenPrice = price + p->repLenEnc.prices[posState][repLen - 2]; + COptimal *opt = &p->opt[repLen]; + if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) + { + opt->price = curAndLenPrice; + opt->posPrev = 0; + opt->backPrev = i; + opt->prev1IsChar = False; + } + } + while (--repLen >= 2); + } + + normalMatchPrice = matchPrice + GET_PRICE_0(p->isRep[p->state]); + + len = ((repLens[0] >= 2) ? repLens[0] + 1 : 2); + if (len <= mainLen) + { + UInt32 offs = 0; + while (len > matches[offs]) + offs += 2; + for (; ; len++) + { + COptimal *opt; + UInt32 distance = matches[offs + 1]; + + UInt32 curAndLenPrice = normalMatchPrice + p->lenEnc.prices[posState][len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN]; + UInt32 lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(len); + if (distance < kNumFullDistances) + curAndLenPrice += p->distancesPrices[lenToPosState][distance]; + else + { + UInt32 slot; + GetPosSlot2(distance, slot); + curAndLenPrice += p->alignPrices[distance & kAlignMask] + p->posSlotPrices[lenToPosState][slot]; + } + opt = &p->opt[len]; + if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) + { + opt->price = curAndLenPrice; + opt->posPrev = 0; + opt->backPrev = distance + LZMA_NUM_REPS; + opt->prev1IsChar = False; + } + if (len == matches[offs]) + { + offs += 2; + if (offs == numPairs) + break; + } + } + } + + cur = 0; + + #ifdef SHOW_STAT2 + if (position >= 0) + { + unsigned i; + printf("\n pos = %4X", position); + for (i = cur; i <= lenEnd; i++) + printf("\nprice[%4X] = %d", position - cur + i, p->opt[i].price); + } + #endif + + for (;;) + { + UInt32 numAvailFull, newLen, numPairs, posPrev, state, posState, startLen; + UInt32 curPrice, curAnd1Price, matchPrice, repMatchPrice; + Bool nextIsChar; + Byte curByte, matchByte; + const Byte *data; + COptimal *curOpt; + COptimal *nextOpt; + + cur++; + if (cur == lenEnd) + return Backward(p, backRes, cur); + + newLen = ReadMatchDistances(p, &numPairs); + if (newLen >= p->numFastBytes) + { + p->numPairs = numPairs; + p->longestMatchLength = newLen; + return Backward(p, backRes, cur); + } + position++; + curOpt = &p->opt[cur]; + posPrev = curOpt->posPrev; + if (curOpt->prev1IsChar) + { + posPrev--; + if (curOpt->prev2) + { + state = p->opt[curOpt->posPrev2].state; + if (curOpt->backPrev2 < LZMA_NUM_REPS) + state = kRepNextStates[state]; + else + state = kMatchNextStates[state]; + } + else + state = p->opt[posPrev].state; + state = kLiteralNextStates[state]; + } + else + state = p->opt[posPrev].state; + if (posPrev == cur - 1) + { + if (IsShortRep(curOpt)) + state = kShortRepNextStates[state]; + else + state = kLiteralNextStates[state]; + } + else + { + UInt32 pos; + const COptimal *prevOpt; + if (curOpt->prev1IsChar && curOpt->prev2) + { + posPrev = curOpt->posPrev2; + pos = curOpt->backPrev2; + state = kRepNextStates[state]; + } + else + { + pos = curOpt->backPrev; + if (pos < LZMA_NUM_REPS) + state = kRepNextStates[state]; + else + state = kMatchNextStates[state]; + } + prevOpt = &p->opt[posPrev]; + if (pos < LZMA_NUM_REPS) + { + UInt32 i; + reps[0] = prevOpt->backs[pos]; + for (i = 1; i <= pos; i++) + reps[i] = prevOpt->backs[i - 1]; + for (; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) + reps[i] = prevOpt->backs[i]; + } + else + { + UInt32 i; + reps[0] = (pos - LZMA_NUM_REPS); + /* Unroll for small iterations. */ +#if LZMA_NUM_REPS > 4 + for (i = 1; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) + reps[i] = prevOpt->backs[i - 1]; +#else + reps[1] = prevOpt->backs[0]; + reps[2] = prevOpt->backs[1]; + reps[3] = prevOpt->backs[2]; +#endif + } + } + curOpt->state = (CState)state; + + curOpt->backs[0] = reps[0]; + curOpt->backs[1] = reps[1]; + curOpt->backs[2] = reps[2]; + curOpt->backs[3] = reps[3]; + + curPrice = curOpt->price; + nextIsChar = False; + data = p->matchFinder.GetPointerToCurrentPos(p->matchFinderObj) - 1; + curByte = *data; + matchByte = *(data - (reps[0] + 1)); + + posState = (position & p->pbMask); + + curAnd1Price = curPrice + GET_PRICE_0(p->isMatch[state][posState]); + { + const CLzmaProb *probs = LIT_PROBS(position, *(data - 1)); + curAnd1Price += + (!IsCharState(state) ? + LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(probs, curByte, matchByte, p->ProbPrices) : + LitEnc_GetPrice(probs, curByte, p->ProbPrices)); + } + + nextOpt = &p->opt[cur + 1]; + + if (curAnd1Price < nextOpt->price) + { + nextOpt->price = curAnd1Price; + nextOpt->posPrev = cur; + MakeAsChar(nextOpt); + nextIsChar = True; + } + + matchPrice = curPrice + GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[state][posState]); + repMatchPrice = matchPrice + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[state]); + + if (matchByte == curByte && !(nextOpt->posPrev < cur && nextOpt->backPrev == 0)) + { + UInt32 shortRepPrice = repMatchPrice + GetRepLen1Price(p, state, posState); + if (shortRepPrice <= nextOpt->price) + { + nextOpt->price = shortRepPrice; + nextOpt->posPrev = cur; + MakeAsShortRep(nextOpt); + nextIsChar = True; + } + } + numAvailFull = p->numAvail; + { + UInt32 temp = kNumOpts - 1 - cur; + if (temp < numAvailFull) + numAvailFull = temp; + } + + if (numAvailFull < 2) + continue; + numAvail = (numAvailFull <= p->numFastBytes ? numAvailFull : p->numFastBytes); + + if (!nextIsChar && matchByte != curByte) /* speed optimization */ + { + /* try Literal + rep0 */ + UInt32 temp; + UInt32 lenTest2; + const Byte *data2 = data - (reps[0] + 1); + UInt32 limit = p->numFastBytes + 1; + if (limit > numAvailFull) + limit = numAvailFull; + +#ifndef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ + for (temp = 1; temp < limit && data[temp] == data2[temp]; temp++); +#else + temp = 1; + while (limit - temp > 16) + { + __m128i span1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(data+temp)); + __m128i span2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(data2+temp)); + mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(span1, span2)) ^ 0xffff; + if (mask) { + byt = __builtin_ctz(mask); + temp += byt; + goto cont_2; + } + temp += 16; + } + for (;temp < limit && data[temp] == data2[temp]; temp++); +cont_2: +#endif + lenTest2 = temp - 1; + if (lenTest2 >= 2) + { + UInt32 state2 = kLiteralNextStates[state]; + UInt32 posStateNext = (position + 1) & p->pbMask; + UInt32 nextRepMatchPrice = curAnd1Price + + GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[state2]); + /* for (; lenTest2 >= 2; lenTest2--) */ + { + UInt32 curAndLenPrice; + COptimal *opt; + UInt32 offset = cur + 1 + lenTest2; + while (lenEnd < offset) + p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; + curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + GetRepPrice(p, 0, lenTest2, state2, posStateNext); + opt = &p->opt[offset]; + if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) + { + opt->price = curAndLenPrice; + opt->posPrev = cur + 1; + opt->backPrev = 0; + opt->prev1IsChar = True; + opt->prev2 = False; + } + } + } + } + + startLen = 2; /* speed optimization */ + { + UInt32 repIndex; + for (repIndex = 0; repIndex < LZMA_NUM_REPS; repIndex++) + { + UInt32 lenTest; + UInt32 lenTestTemp; + UInt32 price; + const Byte *data2 = data - (reps[repIndex] + 1); + if (data[0] != data2[0] || data[1] != data2[1]) + continue; +#ifndef __USE_SSE_INTRIN__ + for (lenTest = 2; lenTest < numAvail && data[lenTest] == data2[lenTest]; lenTest++); +#else + lenTest = 2; + while (numAvail - lenTest > 16) + { + __m128i span1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(data+lenTest)); + __m128i span2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(data2+lenTest)); + mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(span1, span2)) ^ 0xffff; + if (mask) { + byt = __builtin_ctz(mask); + lenTest += byt; + goto cont_3; + } + lenTest += 16; + } + for (;lenTest < numAvail && data[lenTest] == data2[lenTest]; lenTest++); +cont_3: +#endif + while (lenEnd < cur + lenTest) + p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; + lenTestTemp = lenTest; + price = repMatchPrice + GetPureRepPrice(p, repIndex, state, posState); + do + { + UInt32 curAndLenPrice = price + p->repLenEnc.prices[posState][lenTest - 2]; + COptimal *opt = &p->opt[cur + lenTest]; + if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) + { + opt->price = curAndLenPrice; + opt->posPrev = cur; + opt->backPrev = repIndex; + opt->prev1IsChar = False; + } + } + while (--lenTest >= 2); + lenTest = lenTestTemp; + + if (repIndex == 0) + startLen = lenTest + 1; + + /* if (_maxMode) */ + { + UInt32 lenTest2 = lenTest + 1; + UInt32 limit = lenTest2 + p->numFastBytes; + UInt32 nextRepMatchPrice; + if (limit > numAvailFull) + limit = numAvailFull; + for (; lenTest2 < limit && data[lenTest2] == data2[lenTest2]; lenTest2++); + lenTest2 -= lenTest + 1; + if (lenTest2 >= 2) + { + UInt32 state2 = kRepNextStates[state]; + UInt32 posStateNext = (position + lenTest) & p->pbMask; + UInt32 curAndLenCharPrice = + price + p->repLenEnc.prices[posState][lenTest - 2] + + GET_PRICE_0(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + + LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(LIT_PROBS(position + lenTest, data[lenTest - 1]), + data[lenTest], data2[lenTest], p->ProbPrices); + state2 = kLiteralNextStates[state2]; + posStateNext = (position + lenTest + 1) & p->pbMask; + nextRepMatchPrice = curAndLenCharPrice + + GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[state2]); + + /* for (; lenTest2 >= 2; lenTest2--) */ + { + UInt32 curAndLenPrice; + COptimal *opt; + UInt32 offset = cur + lenTest + 1 + lenTest2; + while (lenEnd < offset) + p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; + curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + GetRepPrice(p, 0, lenTest2, state2, posStateNext); + opt = &p->opt[offset]; + if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) + { + opt->price = curAndLenPrice; + opt->posPrev = cur + lenTest + 1; + opt->backPrev = 0; + opt->prev1IsChar = True; + opt->prev2 = True; + opt->posPrev2 = cur; + opt->backPrev2 = repIndex; + } + } + } + } + } + } + /* for (UInt32 lenTest = 2; lenTest <= newLen; lenTest++) */ + if (newLen > numAvail) + { + newLen = numAvail; + for (numPairs = 0; newLen > matches[numPairs]; numPairs += 2); + matches[numPairs] = newLen; + numPairs += 2; + } + if (newLen >= startLen) + { + UInt32 normalMatchPrice = matchPrice + GET_PRICE_0(p->isRep[state]); + UInt32 offs, curBack, posSlot; + UInt32 lenTest; + while (lenEnd < cur + newLen) + p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; + + offs = 0; + while (startLen > matches[offs]) + offs += 2; + curBack = matches[offs + 1]; + GetPosSlot2(curBack, posSlot); + for (lenTest = /*2*/ startLen; ; lenTest++) + { + UInt32 curAndLenPrice = normalMatchPrice + p->lenEnc.prices[posState][lenTest - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN]; + UInt32 lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(lenTest); + COptimal *opt; + if (curBack < kNumFullDistances) + curAndLenPrice += p->distancesPrices[lenToPosState][curBack]; + else + curAndLenPrice += p->posSlotPrices[lenToPosState][posSlot] + p->alignPrices[curBack & kAlignMask]; + + opt = &p->opt[cur + lenTest]; + if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) + { + opt->price = curAndLenPrice; + opt->posPrev = cur; + opt->backPrev = curBack + LZMA_NUM_REPS; + opt->prev1IsChar = False; + } + + if (/*_maxMode && */lenTest == matches[offs]) + { + /* Try Match + Literal + Rep0 */ + const Byte *data2 = data - (curBack + 1); + UInt32 lenTest2 = lenTest + 1; + UInt32 limit = lenTest2 + p->numFastBytes; + UInt32 nextRepMatchPrice; + if (limit > numAvailFull) + limit = numAvailFull; + for (; lenTest2 < limit && data[lenTest2] == data2[lenTest2]; lenTest2++); + lenTest2 -= lenTest + 1; + if (lenTest2 >= 2) + { + UInt32 state2 = kMatchNextStates[state]; + UInt32 posStateNext = (position + lenTest) & p->pbMask; + UInt32 curAndLenCharPrice = curAndLenPrice + + GET_PRICE_0(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + + LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(LIT_PROBS(position + lenTest, data[lenTest - 1]), + data[lenTest], data2[lenTest], p->ProbPrices); + state2 = kLiteralNextStates[state2]; + posStateNext = (posStateNext + 1) & p->pbMask; + nextRepMatchPrice = curAndLenCharPrice + + GET_PRICE_1(p->isMatch[state2][posStateNext]) + + GET_PRICE_1(p->isRep[state2]); + + /* for (; lenTest2 >= 2; lenTest2--) */ + { + UInt32 offset = cur + lenTest + 1 + lenTest2; + UInt32 curAndLenPrice; + COptimal *opt; + while (lenEnd < offset) + p->opt[++lenEnd].price = kInfinityPrice; + curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + GetRepPrice(p, 0, lenTest2, state2, posStateNext); + opt = &p->opt[offset]; + if (curAndLenPrice < opt->price) + { + opt->price = curAndLenPrice; + opt->posPrev = cur + lenTest + 1; + opt->backPrev = 0; + opt->prev1IsChar = True; + opt->prev2 = True; + opt->posPrev2 = cur; + opt->backPrev2 = curBack + LZMA_NUM_REPS; + } + } + } + offs += 2; + if (offs == numPairs) + break; + curBack = matches[offs + 1]; + if (curBack >= kNumFullDistances) + GetPosSlot2(curBack, posSlot); + } + } + } + } +} + +#define ChangePair(smallDist, bigDist) (((bigDist) >> 7) > (smallDist)) + +static UInt32 GetOptimumFast(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 *backRes) +{ + UInt32 numAvail, mainLen, mainDist, numPairs, repIndex, repLen, i; + const Byte *data; + const UInt32 *matches; + + if (p->additionalOffset == 0) + mainLen = ReadMatchDistances(p, &numPairs); + else + { + mainLen = p->longestMatchLength; + numPairs = p->numPairs; + } + + numAvail = p->numAvail; + *backRes = (UInt32)-1; + if (numAvail < 2) + return 1; + if (numAvail > LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX) + numAvail = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX; + data = p->matchFinder.GetPointerToCurrentPos(p->matchFinderObj) - 1; + + repLen = repIndex = 0; + for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) + { + UInt32 len; + const Byte *data2 = data - (p->reps[i] + 1); + if (data[0] != data2[0] || data[1] != data2[1]) + continue; + for (len = 2; len < numAvail && data[len] == data2[len]; len++); + if (len >= p->numFastBytes) + { + *backRes = i; + MovePos(p, len - 1); + return len; + } + if (len > repLen) + { + repIndex = i; + repLen = len; + } + } + + matches = p->matches; + if (mainLen >= p->numFastBytes) + { + *backRes = matches[numPairs - 1] + LZMA_NUM_REPS; + MovePos(p, mainLen - 1); + return mainLen; + } + + mainDist = 0; /* for GCC */ + if (mainLen >= 2) + { + mainDist = matches[numPairs - 1]; + while (numPairs > 2 && mainLen == matches[numPairs - 4] + 1) + { + if (!ChangePair(matches[numPairs - 3], mainDist)) + break; + numPairs -= 2; + mainLen = matches[numPairs - 2]; + mainDist = matches[numPairs - 1]; + } + if (mainLen == 2 && mainDist >= 0x80) + mainLen = 1; + } + + if (repLen >= 2 && ( + (repLen + 1 >= mainLen) || + (repLen + 2 >= mainLen && mainDist >= (1 << 9)) || + (repLen + 3 >= mainLen && mainDist >= (1 << 15)))) + { + *backRes = repIndex; + MovePos(p, repLen - 1); + return repLen; + } + + if (mainLen < 2 || numAvail <= 2) + return 1; + + p->longestMatchLength = ReadMatchDistances(p, &p->numPairs); + if (p->longestMatchLength >= 2) + { + UInt32 newDistance = matches[p->numPairs - 1]; + if ((p->longestMatchLength >= mainLen && newDistance < mainDist) || + (p->longestMatchLength == mainLen + 1 && !ChangePair(mainDist, newDistance)) || + (p->longestMatchLength > mainLen + 1) || + (p->longestMatchLength + 1 >= mainLen && mainLen >= 3 && ChangePair(newDistance, mainDist))) + return 1; + } + + data = p->matchFinder.GetPointerToCurrentPos(p->matchFinderObj) - 1; + for (i = 0; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) + { + UInt32 len, limit; + const Byte *data2 = data - (p->reps[i] + 1); + if (data[0] != data2[0] || data[1] != data2[1]) + continue; + limit = mainLen - 1; + for (len = 2; len < limit && data[len] == data2[len]; len++); + if (len >= limit) + return 1; + } + *backRes = mainDist + LZMA_NUM_REPS; + MovePos(p, mainLen - 2); + return mainLen; +} + +static void WriteEndMarker(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 posState) +{ + UInt32 len; + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isMatch[p->state][posState], 1); + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRep[p->state], 0); + p->state = kMatchNextStates[p->state]; + len = LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN; + LenEnc_Encode2(&p->lenEnc, &p->rc, len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN, posState, !p->fastMode, p->ProbPrices); + RcTree_Encode(&p->rc, p->posSlotEncoder[GetLenToPosState(len)], kNumPosSlotBits, (1 << kNumPosSlotBits) - 1); + RangeEnc_EncodeDirectBits(&p->rc, (((UInt32)1 << 30) - 1) >> kNumAlignBits, 30 - kNumAlignBits); + RcTree_ReverseEncode(&p->rc, p->posAlignEncoder, kNumAlignBits, kAlignMask); +} + +static SRes CheckErrors(CLzmaEnc *p) +{ + if (p->result != SZ_OK) + return p->result; + if (p->rc.res != SZ_OK) + p->result = SZ_ERROR_WRITE; + if (p->matchFinderBase.result != SZ_OK) + p->result = SZ_ERROR_READ; + if (p->result != SZ_OK) + p->finished = True; + return p->result; +} + +static SRes Flush(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 nowPos) +{ + /* ReleaseMFStream(); */ + p->finished = True; + if (p->writeEndMark) + WriteEndMarker(p, nowPos & p->pbMask); + RangeEnc_FlushData(&p->rc); + RangeEnc_FlushStream(&p->rc); + return CheckErrors(p); +} + +static void FillAlignPrices(CLzmaEnc *p) +{ + UInt32 i; + for (i = 0; i < kAlignTableSize; i++) + p->alignPrices[i] = RcTree_ReverseGetPrice(p->posAlignEncoder, kNumAlignBits, i, p->ProbPrices); + p->alignPriceCount = 0; +} + +static void FillDistancesPrices(CLzmaEnc *p) +{ + UInt32 tempPrices[kNumFullDistances]; + UInt32 i, lenToPosState; + for (i = kStartPosModelIndex; i < kNumFullDistances; i++) + { + UInt32 posSlot = GetPosSlot1(i); + UInt32 footerBits = ((posSlot >> 1) - 1); + UInt32 base = ((2 | (posSlot & 1)) << footerBits); + tempPrices[i] = RcTree_ReverseGetPrice(p->posEncoders + base - posSlot - 1, footerBits, i - base, p->ProbPrices); + } + + for (lenToPosState = 0; lenToPosState < kNumLenToPosStates; lenToPosState++) + { + UInt32 posSlot; + const CLzmaProb *encoder = p->posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState]; + UInt32 *posSlotPrices = p->posSlotPrices[lenToPosState]; + for (posSlot = 0; posSlot < p->distTableSize; posSlot++) + posSlotPrices[posSlot] = RcTree_GetPrice(encoder, kNumPosSlotBits, posSlot, p->ProbPrices); + for (posSlot = kEndPosModelIndex; posSlot < p->distTableSize; posSlot++) + posSlotPrices[posSlot] += ((((posSlot >> 1) - 1) - kNumAlignBits) << kNumBitPriceShiftBits); + + { + UInt32 *distancesPrices = p->distancesPrices[lenToPosState]; + UInt32 i; + for (i = 0; i < kStartPosModelIndex; i++) + distancesPrices[i] = posSlotPrices[i]; + for (; i < kNumFullDistances; i++) + distancesPrices[i] = posSlotPrices[GetPosSlot1(i)] + tempPrices[i]; + } + } + p->matchPriceCount = 0; +} + +void LzmaEnc_Construct(CLzmaEnc *p) +{ + RangeEnc_Construct(&p->rc); + MatchFinder_Construct(&p->matchFinderBase); + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + MatchFinderMt_Construct(&p->matchFinderMt); + p->matchFinderMt.MatchFinder = &p->matchFinderBase; + #endif + + #ifndef NODEFAULT_PROPS + { + CLzmaEncProps props; + LzmaEncProps_Init(&props); + LzmaEnc_SetProps(p, &props); + } + #endif + + #ifndef LZMA_LOG_BSR + LzmaEnc_FastPosInit(p->g_FastPos); + #endif + + LzmaEnc_InitPriceTables(p->ProbPrices); + p->litProbs = 0; + p->saveState.litProbs = 0; +} + +CLzmaEncHandle LzmaEnc_Create(ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + void *p; + p = alloc->Alloc(alloc, sizeof(CLzmaEnc)); + if (p != 0) + LzmaEnc_Construct((CLzmaEnc *)p); + return p; +} + +void LzmaEnc_FreeLits(CLzmaEnc *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + alloc->Free(alloc, p->litProbs); + alloc->Free(alloc, p->saveState.litProbs); + p->litProbs = 0; + p->saveState.litProbs = 0; +} + +void LzmaEnc_Destruct(CLzmaEnc *p, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + MatchFinderMt_Destruct(&p->matchFinderMt, allocBig); + #endif + MatchFinder_Free(&p->matchFinderBase, allocBig); + LzmaEnc_FreeLits(p, alloc); + RangeEnc_Free(&p->rc, alloc); +} + +void LzmaEnc_Destroy(CLzmaEncHandle p, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + LzmaEnc_Destruct((CLzmaEnc *)p, alloc, allocBig); + alloc->Free(alloc, p); +} + +static SRes LzmaEnc_CodeOneBlock(CLzmaEnc *p, Bool useLimits, UInt32 maxPackSize, UInt32 maxUnpackSize) +{ + UInt32 nowPos32, startPos32; + if (p->needInit) + { + p->matchFinder.Init(p->matchFinderObj); + p->needInit = 0; + } + + if (p->finished) + return p->result; + RINOK(CheckErrors(p)); + + nowPos32 = (UInt32)p->nowPos64; + startPos32 = nowPos32; + + if (p->nowPos64 == 0) + { + UInt32 numPairs; + Byte curByte; + if (p->matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes(p->matchFinderObj) == 0) + return Flush(p, nowPos32); + ReadMatchDistances(p, &numPairs); + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isMatch[p->state][0], 0); + p->state = kLiteralNextStates[p->state]; + curByte = p->matchFinder.GetIndexByte(p->matchFinderObj, 0 - p->additionalOffset); + LitEnc_Encode(&p->rc, p->litProbs, curByte); + p->additionalOffset--; + nowPos32++; + } + + if (p->matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes(p->matchFinderObj) != 0) + for (;;) + { + UInt32 pos, len, posState; + + if (p->fastMode) + len = GetOptimumFast(p, &pos); + else + len = GetOptimum(p, nowPos32, &pos); + + #ifdef SHOW_STAT2 + printf("\n pos = %4X, len = %d pos = %d", nowPos32, len, pos); + #endif + + posState = nowPos32 & p->pbMask; + if (len == 1 && pos == (UInt32)-1) + { + Byte curByte; + CLzmaProb *probs; + const Byte *data; + + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isMatch[p->state][posState], 0); + data = p->matchFinder.GetPointerToCurrentPos(p->matchFinderObj) - p->additionalOffset; + curByte = *data; + probs = LIT_PROBS(nowPos32, *(data - 1)); + if (IsCharState(p->state)) + LitEnc_Encode(&p->rc, probs, curByte); + else + LitEnc_EncodeMatched(&p->rc, probs, curByte, *(data - p->reps[0] - 1)); + p->state = kLiteralNextStates[p->state]; + } + else + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isMatch[p->state][posState], 1); + if (pos < LZMA_NUM_REPS) + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRep[p->state], 1); + if (pos == 0) + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG0[p->state], 0); + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRep0Long[p->state][posState], ((len == 1) ? 0 : 1)); + } + else + { + UInt32 distance = p->reps[pos]; + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG0[p->state], 1); + if (pos == 1) + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG1[p->state], 0); + else + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG1[p->state], 1); + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRepG2[p->state], pos - 2); + if (pos == 3) + p->reps[3] = p->reps[2]; + p->reps[2] = p->reps[1]; + } + p->reps[1] = p->reps[0]; + p->reps[0] = distance; + } + if (len == 1) + p->state = kShortRepNextStates[p->state]; + else + { + LenEnc_Encode2(&p->repLenEnc, &p->rc, len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN, posState, !p->fastMode, p->ProbPrices); + p->state = kRepNextStates[p->state]; + } + } + else + { + UInt32 posSlot; + RangeEnc_EncodeBit(&p->rc, &p->isRep[p->state], 0); + p->state = kMatchNextStates[p->state]; + LenEnc_Encode2(&p->lenEnc, &p->rc, len - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN, posState, !p->fastMode, p->ProbPrices); + pos -= LZMA_NUM_REPS; + GetPosSlot(pos, posSlot); + RcTree_Encode(&p->rc, p->posSlotEncoder[GetLenToPosState(len)], kNumPosSlotBits, posSlot); + + if (posSlot >= kStartPosModelIndex) + { + UInt32 footerBits = ((posSlot >> 1) - 1); + UInt32 base = ((2 | (posSlot & 1)) << footerBits); + UInt32 posReduced = pos - base; + + if (posSlot < kEndPosModelIndex) + RcTree_ReverseEncode(&p->rc, p->posEncoders + base - posSlot - 1, footerBits, posReduced); + else + { + RangeEnc_EncodeDirectBits(&p->rc, posReduced >> kNumAlignBits, footerBits - kNumAlignBits); + RcTree_ReverseEncode(&p->rc, p->posAlignEncoder, kNumAlignBits, posReduced & kAlignMask); + p->alignPriceCount++; + } + } + p->reps[3] = p->reps[2]; + p->reps[2] = p->reps[1]; + p->reps[1] = p->reps[0]; + p->reps[0] = pos; + p->matchPriceCount++; + } + } + p->additionalOffset -= len; + nowPos32 += len; + if (p->additionalOffset == 0) + { + UInt32 processed; + if (!p->fastMode) + { + if (p->matchPriceCount >= (1 << 7)) + FillDistancesPrices(p); + if (p->alignPriceCount >= kAlignTableSize) + FillAlignPrices(p); + } + if (p->matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes(p->matchFinderObj) == 0) + break; + processed = nowPos32 - startPos32; + if (useLimits) + { + if (processed + kNumOpts + 300 >= maxUnpackSize || + RangeEnc_GetProcessed(&p->rc) + kNumOpts * 2 >= maxPackSize) + break; + } + else if (processed >= (1 << 15)) + { + p->nowPos64 += nowPos32 - startPos32; + return CheckErrors(p); + } + } + } + p->nowPos64 += nowPos32 - startPos32; + return Flush(p, nowPos32); +} + +#define kBigHashDicLimit ((UInt32)1 << 24) + +static SRes LzmaEnc_Alloc(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 keepWindowSize, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + UInt32 beforeSize = kNumOpts; + Bool btMode; + if (!RangeEnc_Alloc(&p->rc, alloc)) + return SZ_ERROR_MEM; + btMode = (p->matchFinderBase.btMode != 0); + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + p->mtMode = (p->multiThread && !p->fastMode && btMode); + #endif + + { + unsigned lclp = p->lc + p->lp; + if (p->litProbs == 0 || p->saveState.litProbs == 0 || p->lclp != lclp) + { + LzmaEnc_FreeLits(p, alloc); + p->litProbs = (CLzmaProb *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, (0x300 << lclp) * sizeof(CLzmaProb)); + p->saveState.litProbs = (CLzmaProb *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, (0x300 << lclp) * sizeof(CLzmaProb)); + if (p->litProbs == 0 || p->saveState.litProbs == 0) + { + LzmaEnc_FreeLits(p, alloc); + return SZ_ERROR_MEM; + } + p->lclp = lclp; + } + } + + p->matchFinderBase.bigHash = (p->dictSize > kBigHashDicLimit); + + if (beforeSize + p->dictSize < keepWindowSize) + beforeSize = keepWindowSize - p->dictSize; + + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + if (p->mtMode) + { + RINOK(MatchFinderMt_Create(&p->matchFinderMt, p->dictSize, beforeSize, p->numFastBytes, LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX, allocBig)); + p->matchFinderObj = &p->matchFinderMt; + MatchFinderMt_CreateVTable(&p->matchFinderMt, &p->matchFinder); + } + else + #endif + { + if (!MatchFinder_Create(&p->matchFinderBase, p->dictSize, beforeSize, p->numFastBytes, LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MAX, allocBig)) + return SZ_ERROR_MEM; + p->matchFinderObj = &p->matchFinderBase; + MatchFinder_CreateVTable(&p->matchFinderBase, &p->matchFinder); + } + return SZ_OK; +} + +void LzmaEnc_Init(CLzmaEnc *p) +{ + UInt32 i; + p->state = 0; + UInt64 val = 0; + val |= kProbInitValue; + val <<= 32; + val |= kProbInitValue; + /* Unroll for small iterations. */ +#if LZMA_NUM_REPS > 4 + for (i = 0 ; i < LZMA_NUM_REPS; i++) + p->reps[i] = 0; +#else + p->reps[0] = 0; + p->reps[1] = 0; + p->reps[2] = 0; + p->reps[3] = 0; +#endif + + RangeEnc_Init(&p->rc); + + + for (i = 0; i < kNumStates; i++) + { + UInt32 j; + /* + * for (j = 0; j < LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX; j++) + * { + * p->isMatch[i][j] = kProbInitValue; + * p->isRep0Long[i][j] = kProbInitValue; + * } + */ + SET_ARRAY_Int32(p->isMatch[i], LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX, val, kProbInitValue, 0); + SET_ARRAY_Int32(p->isRep0Long[i], LZMA_NUM_PB_STATES_MAX, val, kProbInitValue, 0); + p->isRep[i] = kProbInitValue; + p->isRepG0[i] = kProbInitValue; + p->isRepG1[i] = kProbInitValue; + p->isRepG2[i] = kProbInitValue; + } + + { + UInt32 num = 0x300 << (p->lp + p->lc); + /* + * for (i = 0; i < num; i++) + * p->litProbs[i] = kProbInitValue; + */ + SET_ARRAY_Int32(p->litProbs, num, val, kProbInitValue, 0); + } + + { + for (i = 0; i < kNumLenToPosStates; i++) + { + CLzmaProb *probs = p->posSlotEncoder[i]; + /* + * for (j = 0; j < (1 << kNumPosSlotBits); j++) + * probs[j] = kProbInitValue; + */ + SET_ARRAY_Int32(probs, (1 << kNumPosSlotBits), val, kProbInitValue, 0); + } + } + /* + * for (i = 0; i < kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex; i++) + * p->posEncoders[i] = kProbInitValue; + */ + SET_ARRAY_Int32(p->posEncoders, (kNumFullDistances - kEndPosModelIndex), val, kProbInitValue, 0); + + LenEnc_Init(&p->lenEnc.p); + LenEnc_Init(&p->repLenEnc.p); + + /* + * for (i = 0; i < (1 << kNumAlignBits); i++) + * p->posAlignEncoder[i] = kProbInitValue; + */ + SET_ARRAY_Int32(p->posAlignEncoder, (1 << kNumAlignBits), val, kProbInitValue, 0); + + p->optimumEndIndex = 0; + p->optimumCurrentIndex = 0; + p->additionalOffset = 0; + + p->pbMask = (1 << p->pb) - 1; + p->lpMask = (1 << p->lp) - 1; +} + +void LzmaEnc_InitPrices(CLzmaEnc *p) +{ + if (!p->fastMode) + { + FillDistancesPrices(p); + FillAlignPrices(p); + } + + p->lenEnc.tableSize = + p->repLenEnc.tableSize = + p->numFastBytes + 1 - LZMA_MATCH_LEN_MIN; + LenPriceEnc_UpdateTables(&p->lenEnc, 1 << p->pb, p->ProbPrices); + LenPriceEnc_UpdateTables(&p->repLenEnc, 1 << p->pb, p->ProbPrices); +} + +static SRes LzmaEnc_AllocAndInit(CLzmaEnc *p, UInt32 keepWindowSize, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + UInt32 i; + for (i = 0; i < (UInt32)kDicLogSizeMaxCompress; i++) + if (p->dictSize <= ((UInt32)1 << i)) + break; + p->distTableSize = i * 2; + + p->finished = False; + p->result = SZ_OK; + RINOK(LzmaEnc_Alloc(p, keepWindowSize, alloc, allocBig)); + LzmaEnc_Init(p); + LzmaEnc_InitPrices(p); + p->nowPos64 = 0; + return SZ_OK; +} + +static SRes LzmaEnc_Prepare(CLzmaEncHandle pp, ISeqOutStream *outStream, ISeqInStream *inStream, + ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + p-> = inStream; + p->needInit = 1; + p->rc.outStream = outStream; + return LzmaEnc_AllocAndInit(p, 0, alloc, allocBig); +} + +SRes LzmaEnc_PrepareForLzma2(CLzmaEncHandle pp, + ISeqInStream *inStream, UInt32 keepWindowSize, + ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + p-> = inStream; + p->needInit = 1; + return LzmaEnc_AllocAndInit(p, keepWindowSize, alloc, allocBig); +} + +static void LzmaEnc_SetInputBuf(CLzmaEnc *p, const Byte *src, SizeT srcLen) +{ + p->matchFinderBase.directInput = 1; + p->matchFinderBase.bufferBase = (Byte *)src; + p->matchFinderBase.directInputRem = srcLen; +} + +SRes LzmaEnc_MemPrepare(CLzmaEncHandle pp, const Byte *src, SizeT srcLen, + UInt32 keepWindowSize, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + LzmaEnc_SetInputBuf(p, src, srcLen); + p->needInit = 1; + + return LzmaEnc_AllocAndInit(p, keepWindowSize, alloc, allocBig); +} + +void LzmaEnc_Finish(CLzmaEncHandle pp) +{ + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + if (p->mtMode) + MatchFinderMt_ReleaseStream(&p->matchFinderMt); + #else + pp = pp; + #endif +} + +typedef struct +{ + ISeqOutStream funcTable; + Byte *data; + SizeT rem; + Bool overflow; +} CSeqOutStreamBuf; + +static size_t MyWrite(void *pp, const void *data, size_t size) +{ + CSeqOutStreamBuf *p = (CSeqOutStreamBuf *)pp; + if (p->rem < size) + { + size = p->rem; + p->overflow = True; + } + memcpy(p->data, data, size); + p->rem -= size; + p->data += size; + return size; +} + + +UInt32 LzmaEnc_GetNumAvailableBytes(CLzmaEncHandle pp) +{ + const CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + return p->matchFinder.GetNumAvailableBytes(p->matchFinderObj); +} + +const Byte *LzmaEnc_GetCurBuf(CLzmaEncHandle pp) +{ + const CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + return p->matchFinder.GetPointerToCurrentPos(p->matchFinderObj) - p->additionalOffset; +} + +SRes LzmaEnc_CodeOneMemBlock(CLzmaEncHandle pp, Bool reInit, + Byte *dest, size_t *destLen, UInt32 desiredPackSize, UInt32 *unpackSize) +{ + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + UInt64 nowPos64; + SRes res; + CSeqOutStreamBuf outStream; + + outStream.funcTable.Write = MyWrite; + = dest; + outStream.rem = *destLen; + outStream.overflow = False; + + p->writeEndMark = False; + p->finished = False; + p->result = SZ_OK; + + if (reInit) + LzmaEnc_Init(p); + LzmaEnc_InitPrices(p); + nowPos64 = p->nowPos64; + RangeEnc_Init(&p->rc); + p->rc.outStream = &outStream.funcTable; + + res = LzmaEnc_CodeOneBlock(p, True, desiredPackSize, *unpackSize); + + *unpackSize = (UInt32)(p->nowPos64 - nowPos64); + *destLen -= outStream.rem; + if (outStream.overflow) + return SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF; + + return res; +} + +static SRes LzmaEnc_Encode2(CLzmaEnc *p, ICompressProgress *progress) +{ + SRes res = SZ_OK; + + #ifndef _7ZIP_ST + Byte allocaDummy[0x300]; + int i = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) + allocaDummy[i] = (Byte)i; + #endif + + for (;;) + { + res = LzmaEnc_CodeOneBlock(p, False, 0, 0); + if (res != SZ_OK || p->finished != 0) + break; + if (progress != 0) + { + res = progress->Progress(progress, p->nowPos64, RangeEnc_GetProcessed(&p->rc)); + if (res != SZ_OK) + { + res = SZ_ERROR_PROGRESS; + break; + } + } + } + LzmaEnc_Finish(p); + return res; +} + +SRes LzmaEnc_Encode(CLzmaEncHandle pp, ISeqOutStream *outStream, ISeqInStream *inStream, ICompressProgress *progress, + ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + RINOK(LzmaEnc_Prepare(pp, outStream, inStream, alloc, allocBig)); + return LzmaEnc_Encode2((CLzmaEnc *)pp, progress); +} + +SRes LzmaEnc_WriteProperties(CLzmaEncHandle pp, Byte *props, SizeT *size) +{ + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + int i; + UInt32 dictSize = p->dictSize; + if (*size < LZMA_PROPS_SIZE) + return SZ_ERROR_PARAM; + *size = LZMA_PROPS_SIZE; + props[0] = (Byte)((p->pb * 5 + p->lp) * 9 + p->lc); + + for (i = 11; i <= 30; i++) + { + if (dictSize <= ((UInt32)2 << i)) + { + dictSize = (2 << i); + break; + } + if (dictSize <= ((UInt32)3 << i)) + { + dictSize = (3 << i); + break; + } + } + + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) + props[1 + i] = (Byte)(dictSize >> (8 * i)); + return SZ_OK; +} + +SRes LzmaEnc_MemEncode(CLzmaEncHandle pp, Byte *dest, SizeT *destLen, const Byte *src, SizeT srcLen, + int writeEndMark, ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + SRes res; + CLzmaEnc *p = (CLzmaEnc *)pp; + + CSeqOutStreamBuf outStream; + + //LzmaEnc_SetInputBuf(p, src, srcLen); + + outStream.funcTable.Write = MyWrite; + = dest; + outStream.rem = *destLen; + outStream.overflow = False; + + p->writeEndMark = writeEndMark; + + p->rc.outStream = &outStream.funcTable; + res = LzmaEnc_MemPrepare(pp, src, srcLen, 0, alloc, allocBig); + if (res == SZ_OK) + res = LzmaEnc_Encode2(p, progress); + + *destLen -= outStream.rem; + if (outStream.overflow) + return SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF; + return res; +} + +SRes LzmaEncode(Byte *dest, SizeT *destLen, const Byte *src, SizeT srcLen, + CLzmaEncProps *props, Byte *propsEncoded, SizeT *propsSize, int writeEndMark, + ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig) +{ + CLzmaEnc *p; + SRes res = SZ_OK; + + p = (CLzmaEnc *)LzmaEnc_Create(alloc); + if (p == 0) + return SZ_ERROR_MEM; + + res = LzmaEnc_SetProps(p, props); + if (res == SZ_OK) + { + res = LzmaEnc_WriteProperties(p, propsEncoded, propsSize); + if (res == SZ_OK) + res = LzmaEnc_MemEncode(p, dest, destLen, src, srcLen, + writeEndMark, progress, alloc, allocBig); + } + + LzmaEnc_Destroy(p, alloc, allocBig); + return res; +} + diff --git a/lzma/LzmaEnc.h b/lzma/LzmaEnc.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c71d2ff --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/LzmaEnc.h @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + */ + +/* LzmaEnc.h -- LZMA Encoder +2008-10-04 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#ifndef __LZMAENC_H +#define __LZMAENC_H + +#include "Types.h" + +#define LZMA_PROPS_SIZE 5 + +typedef struct _CLzmaEncProps +{ + int level; /* 0 <= level <= 9 */ + UInt32 dictSize; /* (1 << 12) <= dictSize <= (1 << 27) for 32-bit version + (1 << 12) <= dictSize <= (1 << 30) for 64-bit version + default = (1 << 24) */ + int lc; /* 0 <= lc <= 8, default = 3 */ + int lp; /* 0 <= lp <= 4, default = 0 */ + int pb; /* 0 <= pb <= 4, default = 2 */ + int algo; /* 0 - fast, 1 - normal, default = 1 */ + int fb; /* 5 <= fb <= 273, default = 32 */ + int btMode; /* 0 - hashChain Mode, 1 - binTree mode - normal, default = 1 */ + int numHashBytes; /* 2, 3 or 4, default = 4 */ + UInt32 mc; /* 1 <= mc <= (1 << 30), default = 32 */ + unsigned writeEndMark; /* 0 - do not write EOPM, 1 - write EOPM, default = 0 */ + int numThreads; /* 1 or 2, default = 2 */ + int normalized; +} CLzmaEncProps; + +extern void LzmaEncProps_Init(CLzmaEncProps *p); +void LzmaEncProps_Normalize(CLzmaEncProps *p); +UInt32 LzmaEncProps_GetDictSize(const CLzmaEncProps *props2); + + +/* ---------- CLzmaEncHandle Interface ---------- */ + +/* LzmaEnc_* functions can return the following exit codes: +Returns: + SZ_OK - OK + SZ_ERROR_MEM - Memory allocation error + SZ_ERROR_PARAM - Incorrect paramater in props + SZ_ERROR_WRITE - Write callback error. + SZ_ERROR_PROGRESS - some break from progress callback + SZ_ERROR_THREAD - errors in multithreading functions (only for Mt version) +*/ + +typedef void * CLzmaEncHandle; + +CLzmaEncHandle LzmaEnc_Create(ISzAlloc *alloc); +void LzmaEnc_Destroy(CLzmaEncHandle p, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig); +SRes LzmaEnc_SetProps(CLzmaEncHandle p, const CLzmaEncProps *props); +SRes LzmaEnc_WriteProperties(CLzmaEncHandle p, Byte *properties, SizeT *size); +SRes LzmaEnc_Encode(CLzmaEncHandle p, ISeqOutStream *outStream, ISeqInStream *inStream, + ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig); +SRes LzmaEnc_MemEncode(CLzmaEncHandle p, Byte *dest, SizeT *destLen, const Byte *src, SizeT srcLen, + int writeEndMark, ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig); + +/* ---------- One Call Interface ---------- */ + +/* LzmaEncode +Return code: + SZ_OK - OK + SZ_ERROR_MEM - Memory allocation error + SZ_ERROR_PARAM - Incorrect paramater + SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF - output buffer overflow + SZ_ERROR_THREAD - errors in multithreading functions (only for Mt version) +*/ + +extern SRes LzmaEncode(Byte *dest, SizeT *destLen, const Byte *src, SizeT srcLen, + CLzmaEncProps *props, Byte *propsEncoded, SizeT *propsSize, int writeEndMark, + ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAlloc *alloc, ISzAlloc *allocBig); + + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/Ppmd.h b/lzma/Ppmd.h new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7e3e2b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/Ppmd.h @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/* Ppmd.h -- PPMD codec common code +2010-03-12 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain +This code is based on PPMd var.H (2001): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain */ + +#ifndef __PPMD_H +#define __PPMD_H + +#include +#include "Types.h" +#include "CpuArch.h" + +EXTERN_C_BEGIN + +#ifdef MY_CPU_32BIT + #define PPMD_32BIT +#endif + +#define PPMD_INT_BITS 7 +#define PPMD_PERIOD_BITS 7 +#define PPMD_BIN_SCALE (1 << (PPMD_INT_BITS + PPMD_PERIOD_BITS)) + +#define PPMD_GET_MEAN_SPEC(summ, shift, round) (((summ) + (1 << ((shift) - (round)))) >> (shift)) +#define PPMD_GET_MEAN(summ) PPMD_GET_MEAN_SPEC((summ), PPMD_PERIOD_BITS, 2) +#define PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_0(prob) ((prob) + (1 << PPMD_INT_BITS) - PPMD_GET_MEAN(prob)) +#define PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_1(prob) ((prob) - PPMD_GET_MEAN(prob)) + +#define PPMD_N1 4 +#define PPMD_N2 4 +#define PPMD_N3 4 +#define PPMD_N4 ((128 + 3 - 1 * PPMD_N1 - 2 * PPMD_N2 - 3 * PPMD_N3) / 4) +#define PPMD_NUM_INDEXES (PPMD_N1 + PPMD_N2 + PPMD_N3 + PPMD_N4) + +/* SEE-contexts for PPM-contexts with masked symbols */ +typedef struct +{ + UInt16 Summ; /* Freq */ + Byte Shift; /* Speed of Freq change; low Shift is for fast change */ + Byte Count; /* Count to next change of Shift */ +} CPpmd_See; + +#define Ppmd_See_Update(p) if ((p)->Shift < PPMD_PERIOD_BITS && --(p)->Count == 0) \ + { (p)->Summ <<= 1; (p)->Count = (Byte)(3 << (p)->Shift++); } + +typedef struct +{ + Byte Symbol; + Byte Freq; + UInt16 SuccessorLow; + UInt16 SuccessorHigh; +} CPpmd_State; + +typedef + #ifdef PPMD_32BIT + CPpmd_State * + #else + UInt32 + #endif + CPpmd_State_Ref; + +typedef + #ifdef PPMD_32BIT + void * + #else + UInt32 + #endif + CPpmd_Void_Ref; + +typedef + #ifdef PPMD_32BIT + Byte * + #else + UInt32 + #endif + CPpmd_Byte_Ref; + +#define PPMD_SetAllBitsIn256Bytes(p) \ + { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < 256 / sizeof(p[0]); i += 8) { \ + p[i+7] = p[i+6] = p[i+5] = p[i+4] = p[i+3] = p[i+2] = p[i+1] = p[i+0] = ~(size_t)0; }} + +EXTERN_C_END + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/Ppmd8.c b/lzma/Ppmd8.c new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7788ba9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/Ppmd8.c @@ -0,0 +1,1119 @@ +/* Ppmd8.c -- PPMdI codec +2010-03-24 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain +This code is based on PPMd var.I (2002): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain */ + +#include + +#include "Ppmd8.h" + +const Byte PPMD8_kExpEscape[16] = { 25, 14, 9, 7, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 }; +static const UInt16 kInitBinEsc[] = { 0x3CDD, 0x1F3F, 0x59BF, 0x48F3, 0x64A1, 0x5ABC, 0x6632, 0x6051}; + +#define MAX_FREQ 124 +#define UNIT_SIZE 12 + +#define U2B(nu) ((UInt32)(nu) * UNIT_SIZE) +#define U2I(nu) (p->Units2Indx[(nu) - 1]) +#define I2U(indx) (p->Indx2Units[indx]) + +#ifdef PPMD_32BIT + #define REF(ptr) (ptr) +#else + #define REF(ptr) ((UInt32)((Byte *)(ptr) - (p)->Base)) +#endif + +#define STATS_REF(ptr) ((CPpmd_State_Ref)REF(ptr)) + +#define CTX(ref) ((CPpmd8_Context *)Ppmd8_GetContext(p, ref)) +#define STATS(ctx) Ppmd8_GetStats(p, ctx) +#define ONE_STATE(ctx) Ppmd8Context_OneState(ctx) +#define SUFFIX(ctx) CTX((ctx)->Suffix) + +typedef CPpmd8_Context * CTX_PTR; + +struct CPpmd8_Node_; + +typedef + #ifdef PPMD_32BIT + struct CPpmd8_Node_ * + #else + UInt32 + #endif + CPpmd8_Node_Ref; + +typedef struct CPpmd8_Node_ +{ + UInt32 Stamp; + CPpmd8_Node_Ref Next; + UInt32 NU; +} CPpmd8_Node; + +#ifdef PPMD_32BIT + #define NODE(ptr) (ptr) +#else + #define NODE(offs) ((CPpmd8_Node *)(p->Base + (offs))) +#endif + +#define EMPTY_NODE 0xFFFFFFFF + +void Ppmd8_Construct(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + unsigned i, k, m; + + for (i = 0, k = 0; i < PPMD_NUM_INDEXES; i++) + { + unsigned step = (i >= 12 ? 4 : (i >> 2) + 1); + do { p->Units2Indx[k++] = (Byte)i; } while(--step); + p->Indx2Units[i] = (Byte)k; + } + + p->NS2BSIndx[0] = (0 << 1); + p->NS2BSIndx[1] = (1 << 1); + memset(p->NS2BSIndx + 2, (2 << 1), 9); + memset(p->NS2BSIndx + 11, (3 << 1), 256 - 11); + + for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) + p->NS2Indx[i] = (Byte)i; + for (m = i, k = 1; i < 260; i++) + { + p->NS2Indx[i] = (Byte)m; + if (--k == 0) + k = (++m) - 4; + } +} + +void Ppmd8_Free(CPpmd8 *p, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + alloc->Free(alloc, p->Base); + p->Size = 0; + p->Base = 0; +} + +Bool Ppmd8_Alloc(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 size, ISzAlloc *alloc) +{ + if (p->Base == 0 || p->Size != size) + { + Ppmd8_Free(p, alloc); + p->AlignOffset = + #ifdef PPMD_32BIT + (4 - size) & 3; + #else + 4 - (size & 3); + #endif + if ((p->Base = (Byte *)alloc->Alloc(alloc, p->AlignOffset + size)) == 0) + return False; + p->Size = size; + } + return True; +} + +static void InsertNode(CPpmd8 *p, void *node, unsigned indx) +{ + ((CPpmd8_Node *)node)->Stamp = EMPTY_NODE; + ((CPpmd8_Node *)node)->Next = (CPpmd8_Node_Ref)p->FreeList[indx]; + ((CPpmd8_Node *)node)->NU = I2U(indx); + p->FreeList[indx] = REF(node); + p->Stamps[indx]++; +} + +static void *RemoveNode(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned indx) +{ + CPpmd8_Node *node = NODE((CPpmd8_Node_Ref)p->FreeList[indx]); + p->FreeList[indx] = node->Next; + p->Stamps[indx]--; + return node; +} + +static void SplitBlock(CPpmd8 *p, void *ptr, unsigned oldIndx, unsigned newIndx) +{ + unsigned i, nu = I2U(oldIndx) - I2U(newIndx); + ptr = (Byte *)ptr + U2B(I2U(newIndx)); + if (I2U(i = U2I(nu)) != nu) + { + unsigned k = I2U(--i); + InsertNode(p, ((Byte *)ptr) + U2B(k), nu - k - 1); + } + InsertNode(p, ptr, i); +} + +static void GlueFreeBlocks(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + CPpmd8_Node_Ref head = 0; + CPpmd8_Node_Ref *prev = &head; + unsigned i; + + p->GlueCount = 1 << 13; + memset(p->Stamps, 0, sizeof(p->Stamps)); + + /* Order-0 context is always at top UNIT, so we don't need guard NODE at the end. + All blocks up to p->LoUnit can be free, so we need guard NODE at LoUnit. */ + if (p->LoUnit != p->HiUnit) + ((CPpmd8_Node *)p->LoUnit)->Stamp = 0; + + /* Glue free blocks */ + for (i = 0; i < PPMD_NUM_INDEXES; i++) + { + CPpmd8_Node_Ref next = (CPpmd8_Node_Ref)p->FreeList[i]; + p->FreeList[i] = 0; + while (next != 0) + { + CPpmd8_Node *node = NODE(next); + if (node->NU != 0) + { + CPpmd8_Node *node2; + *prev = next; + prev = &(node->Next); + while ((node2 = node + node->NU)->Stamp == EMPTY_NODE) + { + node->NU += node2->NU; + node2->NU = 0; + } + } + next = node->Next; + } + } + *prev = 0; + + /* Fill lists of free blocks */ + while (head != 0) + { + CPpmd8_Node *node = NODE(head); + unsigned nu; + head = node->Next; + nu = node->NU; + if (nu == 0) + continue; + for (; nu > 128; nu -= 128, node += 128) + InsertNode(p, node, PPMD_NUM_INDEXES - 1); + if (I2U(i = U2I(nu)) != nu) + { + unsigned k = I2U(--i); + InsertNode(p, node + k, nu - k - 1); + } + InsertNode(p, node, i); + } +} + +static void *AllocUnitsRare(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned indx) +{ + unsigned i; + void *retVal; + if (p->GlueCount == 0) + { + GlueFreeBlocks(p); + if (p->FreeList[indx] != 0) + return RemoveNode(p, indx); + } + i = indx; + do + { + if (++i == PPMD_NUM_INDEXES) + { + UInt32 numBytes = U2B(I2U(indx)); + p->GlueCount--; + return ((UInt32)(p->UnitsStart - p->Text) > numBytes) ? (p->UnitsStart -= numBytes) : (NULL); + } + } + while (p->FreeList[i] == 0); + retVal = RemoveNode(p, i); + SplitBlock(p, retVal, i, indx); + return retVal; +} + +static void *AllocUnits(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned indx) +{ + UInt32 numBytes; + if (p->FreeList[indx] != 0) + return RemoveNode(p, indx); + numBytes = U2B(I2U(indx)); + if (numBytes <= (UInt32)(p->HiUnit - p->LoUnit)) + { + void *retVal = p->LoUnit; + p->LoUnit += numBytes; + return retVal; + } + return AllocUnitsRare(p, indx); +} + + +#define MyMem12Cpy(dest, src, num) \ + { UInt32 *d = (UInt32 *)dest; const UInt32 *s = (const UInt32 *)src; UInt32 n = num; \ + do { d[0] = s[0]; d[1] = s[1]; d[2] = s[2]; s += 3; d += 3; } while(--n); } + +static void *ShrinkUnits(CPpmd8 *p, void *oldPtr, unsigned oldNU, unsigned newNU) +{ + unsigned i0 = U2I(oldNU); + unsigned i1 = U2I(newNU); + if (i0 == i1) + return oldPtr; + if (p->FreeList[i1] != 0) + { + void *ptr = RemoveNode(p, i1); + MyMem12Cpy(ptr, oldPtr, newNU); + InsertNode(p, oldPtr, i0); + return ptr; + } + SplitBlock(p, oldPtr, i0, i1); + return oldPtr; +} + +static void FreeUnits(CPpmd8 *p, void *ptr, unsigned nu) +{ + InsertNode(p, ptr, U2I(nu)); +} + +static void SpecialFreeUnit(CPpmd8 *p, void *ptr) +{ + if ((Byte *)ptr != p->UnitsStart) + InsertNode(p, ptr, 0); + else + { + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + *(UInt32 *)ptr = EMPTY_NODE; /* it's used for (Flags == 0xFF) check in RemoveBinContexts */ + #endif + p->UnitsStart += UNIT_SIZE; + } +} + +static void *MoveUnitsUp(CPpmd8 *p, void *oldPtr, unsigned nu) +{ + unsigned indx = U2I(nu); + void *ptr; + if ((Byte *)oldPtr > p->UnitsStart + 16 * 1024 || REF(oldPtr) > p->FreeList[indx]) + return oldPtr; + ptr = RemoveNode(p, indx); + MyMem12Cpy(ptr, oldPtr, nu); + if ((Byte*)oldPtr != p->UnitsStart) + InsertNode(p, oldPtr, indx); + else + p->UnitsStart += U2B(I2U(indx)); + return ptr; +} + +static void ExpandTextArea(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + UInt32 count[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES]; + unsigned i; + memset(count, 0, sizeof(count)); + if (p->LoUnit != p->HiUnit) + ((CPpmd8_Node *)p->LoUnit)->Stamp = 0; + + { + CPpmd8_Node *node = (CPpmd8_Node *)p->UnitsStart; + for (; node->Stamp == EMPTY_NODE; node += node->NU) + { + node->Stamp = 0; + count[U2I(node->NU)]++; + } + p->UnitsStart = (Byte *)node; + } + + for (i = 0; i < PPMD_NUM_INDEXES; i++) + { + CPpmd8_Node_Ref *next = (CPpmd8_Node_Ref *)&p->FreeList[i]; + while (count[i] != 0) + { + CPpmd8_Node *node = NODE(*next); + while (node->Stamp == 0) + { + *next = node->Next; + node = NODE(*next); + p->Stamps[i]--; + if (--count[i] == 0) + break; + } + next = &node->Next; + } + } +} + +#define SUCCESSOR(p) ((CPpmd_Void_Ref)((p)->SuccessorLow | ((UInt32)(p)->SuccessorHigh << 16))) + +static void SetSuccessor(CPpmd_State *p, CPpmd_Void_Ref v) +{ + (p)->SuccessorLow = (UInt16)((UInt32)(v) & 0xFFFF); + (p)->SuccessorHigh = (UInt16)(((UInt32)(v) >> 16) & 0xFFFF); +} + +#define RESET_TEXT(offs) { p->Text = p->Base + p->AlignOffset + (offs); } + +static void RestartModel(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + unsigned i, k, m, r; + + memset(p->FreeList, 0, sizeof(p->FreeList)); + memset(p->Stamps, 0, sizeof(p->Stamps)); + RESET_TEXT(0); + p->HiUnit = p->Text + p->Size; + p->LoUnit = p->UnitsStart = p->HiUnit - p->Size / 8 / UNIT_SIZE * 7 * UNIT_SIZE; + p->GlueCount = 0; + + p->OrderFall = p->MaxOrder; + p->RunLength = p->InitRL = -(Int32)((p->MaxOrder < 12) ? p->MaxOrder : 12) - 1; + p->PrevSuccess = 0; + + p->MinContext = p->MaxContext = (CTX_PTR)(p->HiUnit -= UNIT_SIZE); /* AllocContext(p); */ + p->MinContext->Suffix = 0; + p->MinContext->NumStats = 255; + p->MinContext->Flags = 0; + p->MinContext->SummFreq = 256 + 1; + p->FoundState = (CPpmd_State *)p->LoUnit; /* AllocUnits(p, PPMD_NUM_INDEXES - 1); */ + p->LoUnit += U2B(256 / 2); + p->MinContext->Stats = REF(p->FoundState); + for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) + { + CPpmd_State *s = &p->FoundState[i]; + s->Symbol = (Byte)i; + s->Freq = 1; + SetSuccessor(s, 0); + } + + for (i = m = 0; m < 25; m++) + { + while (p->NS2Indx[i] == m) + i++; + for (k = 0; k < 8; k++) + { + UInt16 val = (UInt16)(PPMD_BIN_SCALE - kInitBinEsc[k] / (i + 1)); + UInt16 *dest = p->BinSumm[m] + k; + for (r = 0; r < 64; r += 8) + dest[r] = val; + } + } + + for (i = m = 0; m < 24; m++) + { + while (p->NS2Indx[i + 3] == m + 3) + i++; + for (k = 0; k < 32; k++) + { + CPpmd_See *s = &p->See[m][k]; + s->Summ = (UInt16)((2 * i + 5) << (s->Shift = PPMD_PERIOD_BITS - 4)); + s->Count = 7; + } + } +} + +void Ppmd8_Init(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned maxOrder, unsigned restoreMethod) +{ + p->MaxOrder = maxOrder; + p->RestoreMethod = restoreMethod; + RestartModel(p); + p->DummySee.Shift = PPMD_PERIOD_BITS; + p->DummySee.Summ = 0; /* unused */ + p->DummySee.Count = 64; /* unused */ +} + +static void Refresh(CPpmd8 *p, CTX_PTR ctx, unsigned oldNU, unsigned scale) +{ + unsigned i = ctx->NumStats, escFreq, sumFreq, flags; + CPpmd_State *s = (CPpmd_State *)ShrinkUnits(p, STATS(ctx), oldNU, (i + 2) >> 1); + ctx->Stats = REF(s); + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + /* fixed over Shkarin's code. Fixed code is not compatible with original code for some files in FREEZE mode. */ + scale |= (ctx->SummFreq >= ((UInt32)1 << 15)); + #endif + flags = (ctx->Flags & (0x10 + 0x04 * scale)) + 0x08 * (s->Symbol >= 0x40); + escFreq = ctx->SummFreq - s->Freq; + sumFreq = (s->Freq = (Byte)((s->Freq + scale) >> scale)); + do + { + escFreq -= (++s)->Freq; + sumFreq += (s->Freq = (Byte)((s->Freq + scale) >> scale)); + flags |= 0x08 * (s->Symbol >= 0x40); + } + while (--i); + ctx->SummFreq = (UInt16)(sumFreq + ((escFreq + scale) >> scale)); + ctx->Flags = (Byte)flags; +} + +static void SwapStates(CPpmd_State *t1, CPpmd_State *t2) +{ + CPpmd_State tmp = *t1; + *t1 = *t2; + *t2 = tmp; +} + +static CPpmd_Void_Ref CutOff(CPpmd8 *p, CTX_PTR ctx, unsigned order) +{ + int i; + unsigned tmp; + CPpmd_State *s; + + if (!ctx->NumStats) + { + s = ONE_STATE(ctx); + if ((Byte *)Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, SUCCESSOR(s)) >= p->UnitsStart) + { + if (order < p->MaxOrder) + SetSuccessor(s, CutOff(p, CTX(SUCCESSOR(s)), order + 1)); + else + SetSuccessor(s, 0); + if (SUCCESSOR(s) || order <= 9) /* O_BOUND */ + return REF(ctx); + } + SpecialFreeUnit(p, ctx); + return 0; + } + + ctx->Stats = STATS_REF(MoveUnitsUp(p, STATS(ctx), tmp = ((unsigned)ctx->NumStats + 2) >> 1)); + + for (s = STATS(ctx) + (i = ctx->NumStats); s >= STATS(ctx); s--) + if ((Byte *)Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, SUCCESSOR(s)) < p->UnitsStart) + { + CPpmd_State *s2 = STATS(ctx) + (i--); + SetSuccessor(s, 0); + SwapStates(s, s2); + } + else if (order < p->MaxOrder) + SetSuccessor(s, CutOff(p, CTX(SUCCESSOR(s)), order + 1)); + else + SetSuccessor(s, 0); + + if (i != ctx->NumStats && order) + { + ctx->NumStats = (Byte)i; + s = STATS(ctx); + if (i < 0) + { + FreeUnits(p, s, tmp); + SpecialFreeUnit(p, ctx); + return 0; + } + if (i == 0) + { + ctx->Flags = (ctx->Flags & 0x10) + 0x08 * (s->Symbol >= 0x40); + *ONE_STATE(ctx) = *s; + FreeUnits(p, s, tmp); + ONE_STATE(ctx)->Freq = (Byte)((unsigned)ONE_STATE(ctx)->Freq + 11) >> 3; + } + else + Refresh(p, ctx, tmp, ctx->SummFreq > 16 * i); + } + return REF(ctx); +} + +#ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT +static CPpmd_Void_Ref RemoveBinContexts(CPpmd8 *p, CTX_PTR ctx, unsigned order) +{ + CPpmd_State *s; + if (!ctx->NumStats) + { + s = ONE_STATE(ctx); + if ((Byte *)Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, SUCCESSOR(s)) >= p->UnitsStart && order < p->MaxOrder) + SetSuccessor(s, RemoveBinContexts(p, CTX(SUCCESSOR(s)), order + 1)); + else + SetSuccessor(s, 0); + /* Suffix context can be removed already, since different (high-order) + Successors may refer to same context. So we check Flags == 0xFF (Stamp == EMPTY_NODE) */ + if (!SUCCESSOR(s) && (!SUFFIX(ctx)->NumStats || SUFFIX(ctx)->Flags == 0xFF)) + { + FreeUnits(p, ctx, 1); + return 0; + } + else + return REF(ctx); + } + + for (s = STATS(ctx) + ctx->NumStats; s >= STATS(ctx); s--) + if ((Byte *)Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, SUCCESSOR(s)) >= p->UnitsStart && order < p->MaxOrder) + SetSuccessor(s, RemoveBinContexts(p, CTX(SUCCESSOR(s)), order + 1)); + else + SetSuccessor(s, 0); + + return REF(ctx); +} +#endif + +static UInt32 GetUsedMemory(const CPpmd8 *p) +{ + UInt32 v = 0; + unsigned i; + for (i = 0; i < PPMD_NUM_INDEXES; i++) + v += p->Stamps[i] * I2U(i); + return p->Size - (UInt32)(p->HiUnit - p->LoUnit) - (UInt32)(p->UnitsStart - p->Text) - U2B(v); +} + +#ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + #define RESTORE_MODEL(c1, fSuccessor) RestoreModel(p, c1, fSuccessor) +#else + #define RESTORE_MODEL(c1, fSuccessor) RestoreModel(p, c1) +#endif + +static void RestoreModel(CPpmd8 *p, CTX_PTR c1 + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + , CTX_PTR fSuccessor + #endif + ) +{ + CTX_PTR c; + CPpmd_State *s; + RESET_TEXT(0); + for (c = p->MaxContext; c != c1; c = SUFFIX(c)) + if (--(c->NumStats) == 0) + { + s = STATS(c); + c->Flags = (c->Flags & 0x10) + 0x08 * (s->Symbol >= 0x40); + *ONE_STATE(c) = *s; + SpecialFreeUnit(p, s); + ONE_STATE(c)->Freq = (ONE_STATE(c)->Freq + 11) >> 3; + } + else + Refresh(p, c, (c->NumStats+3) >> 1, 0); + + for (; c != p->MinContext; c = SUFFIX(c)) + if (!c->NumStats) + ONE_STATE(c)->Freq -= ONE_STATE(c)->Freq >> 1; + else if ((c->SummFreq += 4) > 128 + 4 * c->NumStats) + Refresh(p, c, (c->NumStats + 2) >> 1, 1); + + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + if (p->RestoreMethod > PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_FREEZE) + { + p->MaxContext = fSuccessor; + p->GlueCount += !(p->Stamps[1] & 1); + } + else if (p->RestoreMethod == PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_FREEZE) + { + while (p->MaxContext->Suffix) + p->MaxContext = SUFFIX(p->MaxContext); + RemoveBinContexts(p, p->MaxContext, 0); + p->RestoreMethod++; + p->GlueCount = 0; + p->OrderFall = p->MaxOrder; + } + else + #endif + if (p->RestoreMethod == PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_RESTART || GetUsedMemory(p) < (p->Size >> 1)) + RestartModel(p); + else + { + while (p->MaxContext->Suffix) + p->MaxContext = SUFFIX(p->MaxContext); + do + { + CutOff(p, p->MaxContext, 0); + ExpandTextArea(p); + } + while (GetUsedMemory(p) > 3 * (p->Size >> 2)); + p->GlueCount = 0; + p->OrderFall = p->MaxOrder; + } +} + +static CTX_PTR CreateSuccessors(CPpmd8 *p, Bool skip, CPpmd_State *s1, CTX_PTR c) +{ + CPpmd_State upState; + Byte flags; + CPpmd_Byte_Ref upBranch = (CPpmd_Byte_Ref)SUCCESSOR(p->FoundState); + /* fixed over Shkarin's code. Maybe it could work without + 1 too. */ + CPpmd_State *ps[PPMD8_MAX_ORDER + 1]; + unsigned numPs = 0; + + if (!skip) + ps[numPs++] = p->FoundState; + + while (c->Suffix) + { + CPpmd_Void_Ref successor; + CPpmd_State *s; + c = SUFFIX(c); + if (s1) + { + s = s1; + s1 = NULL; + } + else if (c->NumStats != 0) + { + for (s = STATS(c); s->Symbol != p->FoundState->Symbol; s++); + if (s->Freq < MAX_FREQ - 9) + { + s->Freq++; + c->SummFreq++; + } + } + else + { + s = ONE_STATE(c); + s->Freq += (!SUFFIX(c)->NumStats & (s->Freq < 24)); + } + successor = SUCCESSOR(s); + if (successor != upBranch) + { + c = CTX(successor); + if (numPs == 0) + return c; + break; + } + ps[numPs++] = s; + } + + upState.Symbol = *(const Byte *)Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, upBranch); + SetSuccessor(&upState, upBranch + 1); + flags = 0x10 * (p->FoundState->Symbol >= 0x40) + 0x08 * (upState.Symbol >= 0x40); + + if (c->NumStats == 0) + upState.Freq = ONE_STATE(c)->Freq; + else + { + UInt32 cf, s0; + CPpmd_State *s; + for (s = STATS(c); s->Symbol != upState.Symbol; s++); + cf = s->Freq - 1; + s0 = c->SummFreq - c->NumStats - cf; + upState.Freq = (Byte)(1 + ((2 * cf <= s0) ? (5 * cf > s0) : ((cf + 2 * s0 - 3) / s0))); + } + + do + { + /* Create Child */ + CTX_PTR c1; /* = AllocContext(p); */ + if (p->HiUnit != p->LoUnit) + c1 = (CTX_PTR)(p->HiUnit -= UNIT_SIZE); + else if (p->FreeList[0] != 0) + c1 = (CTX_PTR)RemoveNode(p, 0); + else + { + c1 = (CTX_PTR)AllocUnitsRare(p, 0); + if (!c1) + return NULL; + } + c1->NumStats = 0; + c1->Flags = flags; + *ONE_STATE(c1) = upState; + c1->Suffix = REF(c); + SetSuccessor(ps[--numPs], REF(c1)); + c = c1; + } + while (numPs != 0); + + return c; +} + +static CTX_PTR ReduceOrder(CPpmd8 *p, CPpmd_State *s1, CTX_PTR c) +{ + CPpmd_State *s = NULL; + CTX_PTR c1 = c; + CPpmd_Void_Ref upBranch = REF(p->Text); + + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + /* The BUG in Shkarin's code was fixed: ps could overflow in CUT_OFF mode. */ + CPpmd_State *ps[PPMD8_MAX_ORDER + 1]; + unsigned numPs = 0; + ps[numPs++] = p->FoundState; + #endif + + SetSuccessor(p->FoundState, upBranch); + p->OrderFall++; + + for (;;) + { + if (s1) + { + c = SUFFIX(c); + s = s1; + s1 = NULL; + } + else + { + if (!c->Suffix) + { + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + if (p->RestoreMethod > PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_FREEZE) + { + do { SetSuccessor(ps[--numPs], REF(c)); } while (numPs); + RESET_TEXT(1); + p->OrderFall = 1; + } + #endif + return c; + } + c = SUFFIX(c); + if (c->NumStats) + { + if ((s = STATS(c))->Symbol != p->FoundState->Symbol) + do { s++; } while (s->Symbol != p->FoundState->Symbol); + if (s->Freq < MAX_FREQ - 9) + { + s->Freq += 2; + c->SummFreq += 2; + } + } + else + { + s = ONE_STATE(c); + s->Freq += (s->Freq < 32); + } + } + if (SUCCESSOR(s)) + break; + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + ps[numPs++] = s; + #endif + SetSuccessor(s, upBranch); + p->OrderFall++; + } + + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + if (p->RestoreMethod > PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_FREEZE) + { + c = CTX(SUCCESSOR(s)); + do { SetSuccessor(ps[--numPs], REF(c)); } while (numPs); + RESET_TEXT(1); + p->OrderFall = 1; + return c; + } + else + #endif + if (SUCCESSOR(s) <= upBranch) + { + CTX_PTR successor; + CPpmd_State *s1 = p->FoundState; + p->FoundState = s; + + successor = CreateSuccessors(p, False, NULL, c); + if (successor == NULL) + SetSuccessor(s, 0); + else + SetSuccessor(s, REF(successor)); + p->FoundState = s1; + } + + if (p->OrderFall == 1 && c1 == p->MaxContext) + { + SetSuccessor(p->FoundState, SUCCESSOR(s)); + p->Text--; + } + if (SUCCESSOR(s) == 0) + return NULL; + return CTX(SUCCESSOR(s)); +} + +static void UpdateModel(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + CPpmd_Void_Ref successor, fSuccessor = SUCCESSOR(p->FoundState); + CTX_PTR c; + unsigned s0, ns, fFreq = p->FoundState->Freq; + Byte flag, fSymbol = p->FoundState->Symbol; + CPpmd_State *s = NULL; + + if (p->FoundState->Freq < MAX_FREQ / 4 && p->MinContext->Suffix != 0) + { + c = SUFFIX(p->MinContext); + + if (c->NumStats == 0) + { + s = ONE_STATE(c); + if (s->Freq < 32) + s->Freq++; + } + else + { + s = STATS(c); + if (s->Symbol != p->FoundState->Symbol) + { + do { s++; } while (s->Symbol != p->FoundState->Symbol); + if (s[0].Freq >= s[-1].Freq) + { + SwapStates(&s[0], &s[-1]); + s--; + } + } + if (s->Freq < MAX_FREQ - 9) + { + s->Freq += 2; + c->SummFreq += 2; + } + } + } + + c = p->MaxContext; + if (p->OrderFall == 0 && fSuccessor) + { + CTX_PTR cs = CreateSuccessors(p, True, s, p->MinContext); + if (cs == 0) + { + SetSuccessor(p->FoundState, 0); + RESTORE_MODEL(c, CTX(fSuccessor)); + } + else + { + SetSuccessor(p->FoundState, REF(cs)); + p->MaxContext = cs; + } + return; + } + + *p->Text++ = p->FoundState->Symbol; + successor = REF(p->Text); + if (p->Text >= p->UnitsStart) + { + RESTORE_MODEL(c, CTX(fSuccessor)); /* check it */ + return; + } + + if (!fSuccessor) + { + CTX_PTR cs = ReduceOrder(p, s, p->MinContext); + if (cs == NULL) + { + RESTORE_MODEL(c, 0); + return; + } + fSuccessor = REF(cs); + } + else if ((Byte *)Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, fSuccessor) < p->UnitsStart) + { + CTX_PTR cs = CreateSuccessors(p, False, s, p->MinContext); + if (cs == NULL) + { + RESTORE_MODEL(c, 0); + return; + } + fSuccessor = REF(cs); + } + + if (--p->OrderFall == 0) + { + successor = fSuccessor; + p->Text -= (p->MaxContext != p->MinContext); + } + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + else if (p->RestoreMethod > PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_FREEZE) + { + successor = fSuccessor; + RESET_TEXT(0); + p->OrderFall = 0; + } + #endif + + s0 = p->MinContext->SummFreq - (ns = p->MinContext->NumStats) - fFreq; + flag = 0x08 * (fSymbol >= 0x40); + + for (; c != p->MinContext; c = SUFFIX(c)) + { + unsigned ns1; + UInt32 cf, sf; + if ((ns1 = c->NumStats) != 0) + { + if ((ns1 & 1) != 0) + { + /* Expand for one UNIT */ + unsigned oldNU = (ns1 + 1) >> 1; + unsigned i = U2I(oldNU); + if (i != U2I(oldNU + 1)) + { + void *ptr = AllocUnits(p, i + 1); + void *oldPtr; + if (!ptr) + { + RESTORE_MODEL(c, CTX(fSuccessor)); + return; + } + oldPtr = STATS(c); + MyMem12Cpy(ptr, oldPtr, oldNU); + InsertNode(p, oldPtr, i); + c->Stats = STATS_REF(ptr); + } + } + c->SummFreq = (UInt16)(c->SummFreq + (3 * ns1 + 1 < ns)); + } + else + { + CPpmd_State *s = (CPpmd_State*)AllocUnits(p, 0); + if (!s) + { + RESTORE_MODEL(c, CTX(fSuccessor)); + return; + } + *s = *ONE_STATE(c); + c->Stats = REF(s); + if (s->Freq < MAX_FREQ / 4 - 1) + s->Freq <<= 1; + else + s->Freq = MAX_FREQ - 4; + c->SummFreq = (UInt16)(s->Freq + p->InitEsc + (ns > 2)); + } + cf = 2 * fFreq * (c->SummFreq + 6); + sf = (UInt32)s0 + c->SummFreq; + if (cf < 6 * sf) + { + cf = 1 + (cf > sf) + (cf >= 4 * sf); + c->SummFreq += 4; + } + else + { + cf = 4 + (cf > 9 * sf) + (cf > 12 * sf) + (cf > 15 * sf); + c->SummFreq = (UInt16)(c->SummFreq + cf); + } + { + CPpmd_State *s = STATS(c) + ns1 + 1; + SetSuccessor(s, successor); + s->Symbol = fSymbol; + s->Freq = (Byte)cf; + c->Flags |= flag; + c->NumStats = (Byte)(ns1 + 1); + } + } + p->MaxContext = p->MinContext = CTX(fSuccessor); +} + +static void Rescale(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + unsigned i, adder, sumFreq, escFreq; + CPpmd_State *stats = STATS(p->MinContext); + CPpmd_State *s = p->FoundState; + { + CPpmd_State tmp = *s; + for (; s != stats; s--) + s[0] = s[-1]; + *s = tmp; + } + escFreq = p->MinContext->SummFreq - s->Freq; + s->Freq += 4; + adder = (p->OrderFall != 0 + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + || p->RestoreMethod > PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_FREEZE + #endif + ); + s->Freq = (Byte)((s->Freq + adder) >> 1); + sumFreq = s->Freq; + + i = p->MinContext->NumStats; + do + { + escFreq -= (++s)->Freq; + s->Freq = (Byte)((s->Freq + adder) >> 1); + sumFreq += s->Freq; + if (s[0].Freq > s[-1].Freq) + { + CPpmd_State *s1 = s; + CPpmd_State tmp = *s1; + do + s1[0] = s1[-1]; + while (--s1 != stats && tmp.Freq > s1[-1].Freq); + *s1 = tmp; + } + } + while (--i); + + if (s->Freq == 0) + { + unsigned numStats = p->MinContext->NumStats; + unsigned n0, n1; + do { i++; } while ((--s)->Freq == 0); + escFreq += i; + p->MinContext->NumStats = (Byte)(p->MinContext->NumStats - i); + if (p->MinContext->NumStats == 0) + { + CPpmd_State tmp = *stats; + tmp.Freq = (Byte)((2 * tmp.Freq + escFreq - 1) / escFreq); + if (tmp.Freq > MAX_FREQ / 3) + tmp.Freq = MAX_FREQ / 3; + InsertNode(p, stats, U2I((numStats + 2) >> 1)); + p->MinContext->Flags = (p->MinContext->Flags & 0x10) + 0x08 * (tmp.Symbol >= 0x40); + *(p->FoundState = ONE_STATE(p->MinContext)) = tmp; + return; + } + n0 = (numStats + 2) >> 1; + n1 = (p->MinContext->NumStats + 2) >> 1; + if (n0 != n1) + p->MinContext->Stats = STATS_REF(ShrinkUnits(p, stats, n0, n1)); + p->MinContext->Flags &= ~0x08; + p->MinContext->Flags |= 0x08 * ((s = STATS(p->MinContext))->Symbol >= 0x40); + i = p->MinContext->NumStats; + do { p->MinContext->Flags |= 0x08*((++s)->Symbol >= 0x40); } while (--i); + } + p->MinContext->SummFreq = (UInt16)(sumFreq + escFreq - (escFreq >> 1)); + p->MinContext->Flags |= 0x4; + p->FoundState = STATS(p->MinContext); +} + +CPpmd_See *Ppmd8_MakeEscFreq(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned numMasked1, UInt32 *escFreq) +{ + CPpmd_See *see; + if (p->MinContext->NumStats != 0xFF) + { + see = p->See[p->NS2Indx[p->MinContext->NumStats + 2] - 3] + + (p->MinContext->SummFreq > 11 * ((unsigned)p->MinContext->NumStats + 1)) + + 2 * (2 * (unsigned)p->MinContext->NumStats < + ((unsigned)SUFFIX(p->MinContext)->NumStats + numMasked1)) + + p->MinContext->Flags; + { + unsigned r = (see->Summ >> see->Shift); + see->Summ = (UInt16)(see->Summ - r); + *escFreq = r + (r == 0); + } + } + else + { + see = &p->DummySee; + *escFreq = 1; + } + return see; +} + +static void NextContext(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + CTX_PTR c = CTX(SUCCESSOR(p->FoundState)); + if (p->OrderFall == 0 && (Byte *)c >= p->UnitsStart) + p->MinContext = p->MaxContext = c; + else + { + UpdateModel(p); + p->MinContext = p->MaxContext; + } +} + +void Ppmd8_Update1(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + CPpmd_State *s = p->FoundState; + s->Freq += 4; + p->MinContext->SummFreq += 4; + if (s[0].Freq > s[-1].Freq) + { + SwapStates(&s[0], &s[-1]); + p->FoundState = --s; + if (s->Freq > MAX_FREQ) + Rescale(p); + } + NextContext(p); +} + +void Ppmd8_Update1_0(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + p->PrevSuccess = (2 * p->FoundState->Freq >= p->MinContext->SummFreq); + p->RunLength += p->PrevSuccess; + p->MinContext->SummFreq += 4; + if ((p->FoundState->Freq += 4) > MAX_FREQ) + Rescale(p); + NextContext(p); +} + +void Ppmd8_UpdateBin(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + p->FoundState->Freq = (Byte)(p->FoundState->Freq + (p->FoundState->Freq < 196)); + p->PrevSuccess = 1; + p->RunLength++; + NextContext(p); +} + +void Ppmd8_Update2(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + p->MinContext->SummFreq += 4; + if ((p->FoundState->Freq += 4) > MAX_FREQ) + Rescale(p); + p->RunLength = p->InitRL; + UpdateModel(p); + p->MinContext = p->MaxContext; +} + +/* H->I changes: + NS2Indx + GlewCount, and Glue method + BinSum + See / EscFreq + CreateSuccessors updates more suffix contexts + UpdateModel consts. + PrevSuccess Update +*/ diff --git a/lzma/Ppmd8.h b/lzma/Ppmd8.h new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b8dd2ee --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/Ppmd8.h @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +/* Ppmd8.h -- PPMdI codec +2010-03-24 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain +This code is based on: + PPMd var.I (2002): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain + Carryless rangecoder (1999): Dmitry Subbotin : Public domain */ + +#ifndef __PPMD8_H +#define __PPMD8_H + +#include "Ppmd.h" + +EXTERN_C_BEGIN + +#define PPMD8_MIN_ORDER 2 +#define PPMD8_MAX_ORDER 16 + +struct CPpmd8_Context_; + +typedef + #ifdef PPMD_32BIT + struct CPpmd8_Context_ * + #else + UInt32 + #endif + CPpmd8_Context_Ref; + +typedef struct CPpmd8_Context_ +{ + Byte NumStats; + Byte Flags; + UInt16 SummFreq; + CPpmd_State_Ref Stats; + CPpmd8_Context_Ref Suffix; +} CPpmd8_Context; + +#define Ppmd8Context_OneState(p) ((CPpmd_State *)&(p)->SummFreq) + +/* The BUG in Shkarin's code for FREEZE mode was fixed, but that fixed + code is not compatible with original code for some files compressed + in FREEZE mode. So we disable FREEZE mode support. */ + +enum +{ + PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_RESTART, + PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_CUT_OFF + #ifdef PPMD8_FREEZE_SUPPORT + , PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_FREEZE + #endif +}; + +typedef struct +{ + CPpmd8_Context *MinContext, *MaxContext; + CPpmd_State *FoundState; + unsigned OrderFall, InitEsc, PrevSuccess, MaxOrder; + Int32 RunLength, InitRL; /* must be 32-bit at least */ + + /* Model order to be used by calling program. */ + Int32 Order; + + UInt32 Size; + UInt32 GlueCount; + Byte *Base, *LoUnit, *HiUnit, *Text, *UnitsStart; + UInt32 AlignOffset; + unsigned RestoreMethod; + + /* Range Coder */ + UInt32 Range; + UInt32 Code; + UInt32 Low; + Byte *buf; + UInt32 bufUsed, bufLen; + + Byte Indx2Units[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES]; + Byte Units2Indx[128]; + CPpmd_Void_Ref FreeList[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES]; + UInt32 Stamps[PPMD_NUM_INDEXES]; + + Byte NS2BSIndx[256], NS2Indx[260]; + CPpmd_See DummySee, See[24][32]; + UInt16 BinSumm[25][64]; +} CPpmd8; + +void Ppmd8_Construct(CPpmd8 *p); +Bool Ppmd8_Alloc(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 size, ISzAlloc *alloc); +void Ppmd8_Free(CPpmd8 *p, ISzAlloc *alloc); +void Ppmd8_Init(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned maxOrder, unsigned restoreMethod); +#define Ppmd8_WasAllocated(p) ((p)->Base != NULL) + + +/* ---------- Internal Functions ---------- */ + +extern const Byte PPMD8_kExpEscape[16]; + +#ifdef PPMD_32BIT + #define Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, ptr) (ptr) + #define Ppmd8_GetContext(p, ptr) (ptr) + #define Ppmd8_GetStats(p, ctx) ((ctx)->Stats) +#else + #define Ppmd8_GetPtr(p, offs) ((void *)((p)->Base + (offs))) + #define Ppmd8_GetContext(p, offs) ((CPpmd8_Context *)Ppmd8_GetPtr((p), (offs))) + #define Ppmd8_GetStats(p, ctx) ((CPpmd_State *)Ppmd8_GetPtr((p), ((ctx)->Stats))) +#endif + +void Ppmd8_Update1(CPpmd8 *p); +void Ppmd8_Update1_0(CPpmd8 *p); +void Ppmd8_Update2(CPpmd8 *p); +void Ppmd8_UpdateBin(CPpmd8 *p); + +#define Ppmd8_GetBinSumm(p) \ + &p->BinSumm[p->NS2Indx[Ppmd8Context_OneState(p->MinContext)->Freq - 1]][ \ + p->NS2BSIndx[Ppmd8_GetContext(p, p->MinContext->Suffix)->NumStats] + \ + p->PrevSuccess + p->MinContext->Flags + ((p->RunLength >> 26) & 0x20)] + +CPpmd_See *Ppmd8_MakeEscFreq(CPpmd8 *p, unsigned numMasked, UInt32 *scale); + + +/* ---------- Decode ---------- */ + +Bool Ppmd8_RangeDec_Init(CPpmd8 *p); +#define Ppmd8_RangeDec_IsFinishedOK(p) ((p)->Code == 0) +int Ppmd8_DecodeSymbol(CPpmd8 *p); /* returns: -1 as EndMarker, -2 as DataError */ +int Ppmd8_DecodeToBuffer(CPpmd8 *p, Byte *buf, size_t buflen, size_t *decodedlen); + + +/* ---------- Encode ---------- */ + +#define Ppmd8_RangeEnc_Init(p) { (p)->Low = 0; (p)->Range = 0xFFFFFFFF; } +void Ppmd8_RangeEnc_FlushData(CPpmd8 *p); +void Ppmd8_EncodeSymbol(CPpmd8 *p, int symbol); /* symbol = -1 means EndMarker */ +void Ppmd8_EncodeBuffer(CPpmd8 *p, Byte *buf, size_t buflen); + +EXTERN_C_END + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/Ppmd8Dec.c b/lzma/Ppmd8Dec.c new file mode 100755 index 0000000..89c135d --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/Ppmd8Dec.c @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +/* Ppmd8Dec.c -- PPMdI Decoder +2010-04-16 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain +This code is based on: + PPMd var.I (2002): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain + Carryless rangecoder (1999): Dmitry Subbotin : Public domain */ + +#include "Ppmd8.h" + +#define kTop (1 << 24) +#define kBot (1 << 15) + +Bool Ppmd8_RangeDec_Init(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + unsigned i; + p->Low = 0; + p->Range = 0xFFFFFFFF; + p->Code = 0; + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + p->Code = (p->Code << 8) | p->buf[p->bufUsed]; + p->bufUsed++; + } + return (p->Code < 0xFFFFFFFF); +} + +static UInt32 RangeDec_GetThreshold(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 total) +{ + return p->Code / (p->Range /= total); +} + +static void RangeDec_Decode(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 start, UInt32 size) +{ + start *= p->Range; + p->Low += start; + p->Code -= start; + p->Range *= size; + + while ((p->Low ^ (p->Low + p->Range)) < kTop || + (p->Range < kBot && ((p->Range = (0 - p->Low) & (kBot - 1)), 1))) + { + p->Code = (p->Code << 8) | p->buf[p->bufUsed]; + p->bufUsed++; + p->Range <<= 8; + p->Low <<= 8; + } +} + +#define MASK(sym) ((signed char *)charMask)[sym] +int Ppmd8_DecodeSymbol(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + int res; + size_t dl; + Byte buf[1]; + + res = Ppmd8_DecodeToBuffer(p, buf, 1, &dl); + if (res < 0 || dl == 0) + return (res); + return (buf[0]); +} + +int Ppmd8_DecodeToBuffer(CPpmd8 *p, Byte *buf, size_t buflen, size_t *decodedlen) +{ + size_t charMask[256 / sizeof(size_t)]; + size_t _cnt; + int _sym; + + *decodedlen = 0; + for (_cnt = 0; _cnt < buflen; _cnt++) { + if (p->MinContext->NumStats != 0) + { + CPpmd_State *s = Ppmd8_GetStats(p, p->MinContext); + unsigned i; + UInt32 count, hiCnt; + if ((count = RangeDec_GetThreshold(p, p->MinContext->SummFreq)) < (hiCnt = s->Freq)) + { + Byte symbol; + RangeDec_Decode(p, 0, s->Freq); + p->FoundState = s; + symbol = s->Symbol; + Ppmd8_Update1_0(p); + _sym = symbol; + goto next_iter; + //return symbol; + } + p->PrevSuccess = 0; + i = p->MinContext->NumStats; + do + { + if ((hiCnt += (++s)->Freq) > count) + { + Byte symbol; + RangeDec_Decode(p, hiCnt - s->Freq, s->Freq); + p->FoundState = s; + symbol = s->Symbol; + Ppmd8_Update1(p); + _sym = symbol; + goto next_iter; + //return symbol; + } + } + while (--i); + if (count >= p->MinContext->SummFreq) { + _sym = -2; + goto next_iter; + //return -2; + } + RangeDec_Decode(p, hiCnt, p->MinContext->SummFreq - hiCnt); + PPMD_SetAllBitsIn256Bytes(charMask); + MASK(s->Symbol) = 0; + i = p->MinContext->NumStats; + do { MASK((--s)->Symbol) = 0; } while (--i); + } + else + { + UInt16 *prob = Ppmd8_GetBinSumm(p); + if (((p->Code / (p->Range >>= 14)) < *prob)) + { + Byte symbol; + RangeDec_Decode(p, 0, *prob); + *prob = (UInt16)PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_0(*prob); + symbol = (p->FoundState = Ppmd8Context_OneState(p->MinContext))->Symbol; + Ppmd8_UpdateBin(p); + _sym = symbol; + goto next_iter; + //return symbol; + } + RangeDec_Decode(p, *prob, (1 << 14) - *prob); + *prob = (UInt16)PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_1(*prob); + p->InitEsc = PPMD8_kExpEscape[*prob >> 10]; + PPMD_SetAllBitsIn256Bytes(charMask); + MASK(Ppmd8Context_OneState(p->MinContext)->Symbol) = 0; + p->PrevSuccess = 0; + } + for (;;) + { + CPpmd_State *ps[256], *s; + UInt32 freqSum, count, hiCnt; + CPpmd_See *see; + unsigned i, num, numMasked = p->MinContext->NumStats; + do + { + p->OrderFall++; + if (!p->MinContext->Suffix) { + _sym = -1; + goto next_iter; + //return -1; + } + p->MinContext = Ppmd8_GetContext(p, p->MinContext->Suffix); + } + while (p->MinContext->NumStats == numMasked); + hiCnt = 0; + s = Ppmd8_GetStats(p, p->MinContext); + i = 0; + num = p->MinContext->NumStats - numMasked; + do + { + int k = (int)(MASK(s->Symbol)); + hiCnt += (s->Freq & k); + ps[i] = s++; + i -= k; + } + while (i != num); + + see = Ppmd8_MakeEscFreq(p, numMasked, &freqSum); + freqSum += hiCnt; + count = RangeDec_GetThreshold(p, freqSum); + + if (count < hiCnt) + { + Byte symbol; + CPpmd_State **pps = ps; + for (hiCnt = 0; (hiCnt += (*pps)->Freq) <= count; pps++); + s = *pps; + RangeDec_Decode(p, hiCnt - s->Freq, s->Freq); + Ppmd_See_Update(see); + p->FoundState = s; + symbol = s->Symbol; + Ppmd8_Update2(p); + _sym = symbol; + goto next_iter; + //return symbol; + } + if (count >= freqSum) { + _sym = -2; + goto next_iter; + //return -2; + } + RangeDec_Decode(p, hiCnt, freqSum - hiCnt); + see->Summ = (UInt16)(see->Summ + freqSum); + do { MASK(ps[--i]->Symbol) = 0; } while (i != 0); + } +next_iter: + if (_sym < -1) return (_sym); + (*decodedlen)++; + if (_sym < 0) return (_sym); + buf[_cnt] = _sym; + } + return (0); +} diff --git a/lzma/Ppmd8Enc.c b/lzma/Ppmd8Enc.c new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2c334d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/Ppmd8Enc.c @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +/* Ppmd8Enc.c -- PPMdI Encoder +2010-04-16 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain +This code is based on: + PPMd var.I (2002): Dmitry Shkarin : Public domain + Carryless rangecoder (1999): Dmitry Subbotin : Public domain */ + +#include "Ppmd8.h" + +#define kTop (1 << 24) +#define kBot (1 << 15) + +void Ppmd8_RangeEnc_FlushData(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + unsigned i; + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, p->Low <<= 8 ) { + p->buf[p->bufUsed] = (Byte)(p->Low >> 24); + p->bufUsed++; + } +// p->Stream.Out->Write(p->Stream.Out, (Byte)(p->Low >> 24)); +} + +static void RangeEnc_Normalize(CPpmd8 *p) +{ + while ((p->Low ^ (p->Low + p->Range)) < kTop || + (p->Range < kBot && ((p->Range = (0 - p->Low) & (kBot - 1)), 1))) + { + p->buf[p->bufUsed] = (Byte)(p->Low >> 24); + p->bufUsed++; + //p->Stream.Out->Write(p->Stream.Out, (Byte)(p->Low >> 24)); + p->Range <<= 8; + p->Low <<= 8; + } +} + +static void RangeEnc_Encode(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 start, UInt32 size, UInt32 total) +{ + p->Low += start * (p->Range /= total); + p->Range *= size; + RangeEnc_Normalize(p); +} + +static void RangeEnc_EncodeBit_0(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 size0) +{ + p->Range >>= 14; + p->Range *= size0; + RangeEnc_Normalize(p); +} + +static void RangeEnc_EncodeBit_1(CPpmd8 *p, UInt32 size0) +{ + p->Low += size0 * (p->Range >>= 14); + p->Range *= ((1 << 14) - size0); + RangeEnc_Normalize(p); +} + + +#define MASK(sym) ((signed char *)charMask)[sym] + +void Ppmd8_EncodeSymbol(CPpmd8 *p, int symbol) +{ + Byte buf[1]; + + if (symbol == -1) { + Ppmd8_EncodeBuffer(p, NULL, 1); + } else { + buf[0] = symbol; + Ppmd8_EncodeBuffer(p, buf, 1); + } +} + +void Ppmd8_EncodeBuffer(CPpmd8 *p, Byte *buf, size_t buflen) +{ + size_t charMask[256 / sizeof(size_t)]; + size_t _cnt; + int symbol; + + if (!buf) buflen = 1; + for (_cnt = 0; _cnt < buflen; _cnt++) { + if (buf) + symbol = buf[_cnt]; + else + symbol = -1; + if (p->MinContext->NumStats != 0) + { + CPpmd_State *s = Ppmd8_GetStats(p, p->MinContext); + UInt32 sum; + unsigned i; + if (s->Symbol == symbol) + { + RangeEnc_Encode(p, 0, s->Freq, p->MinContext->SummFreq); + p->FoundState = s; + Ppmd8_Update1_0(p); + //return; + goto next_iter; + } + p->PrevSuccess = 0; + sum = s->Freq; + i = p->MinContext->NumStats; + do + { + if ((++s)->Symbol == symbol) + { + RangeEnc_Encode(p, sum, s->Freq, p->MinContext->SummFreq); + p->FoundState = s; + Ppmd8_Update1(p); + //return; + goto next_iter; + } + sum += s->Freq; + } + while (--i); + + PPMD_SetAllBitsIn256Bytes(charMask); + MASK(s->Symbol) = 0; + i = p->MinContext->NumStats; + do { MASK((--s)->Symbol) = 0; } while (--i); + RangeEnc_Encode(p, sum, p->MinContext->SummFreq - sum, p->MinContext->SummFreq); + } + else + { + UInt16 *prob = Ppmd8_GetBinSumm(p); + CPpmd_State *s = Ppmd8Context_OneState(p->MinContext); + if (s->Symbol == symbol) + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit_0(p, *prob); + *prob = (UInt16)PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_0(*prob); + p->FoundState = s; + Ppmd8_UpdateBin(p); + //return; + goto next_iter; + } + else + { + RangeEnc_EncodeBit_1(p, *prob); + *prob = (UInt16)PPMD_UPDATE_PROB_1(*prob); + p->InitEsc = PPMD8_kExpEscape[*prob >> 10]; + PPMD_SetAllBitsIn256Bytes(charMask); + MASK(s->Symbol) = 0; + p->PrevSuccess = 0; + } + } + for (;;) + { + UInt32 escFreq; + CPpmd_See *see; + CPpmd_State *s; + UInt32 sum; + unsigned i, numMasked = p->MinContext->NumStats; + do + { + p->OrderFall++; + if (!p->MinContext->Suffix) + goto next_iter; + //return; /* EndMarker (symbol = -1) */ + p->MinContext = Ppmd8_GetContext(p, p->MinContext->Suffix); + } + while (p->MinContext->NumStats == numMasked); + + see = Ppmd8_MakeEscFreq(p, numMasked, &escFreq); + s = Ppmd8_GetStats(p, p->MinContext); + sum = 0; + i = p->MinContext->NumStats + 1; + do + { + int cur = s->Symbol; + if (cur == symbol) + { + UInt32 low = sum; + CPpmd_State *s1 = s; + while (i > 2) + { + sum += (s->Freq & (int)(MASK(s->Symbol))); + s++; i--; + sum += (s->Freq & (int)(MASK(s->Symbol))); + s++; i--; + } + do + { + sum += (s->Freq & (int)(MASK(s->Symbol))); + s++; + } + while (--i); + RangeEnc_Encode(p, low, s1->Freq, sum + escFreq); + Ppmd_See_Update(see); + p->FoundState = s1; + Ppmd8_Update2(p); + //return; + goto next_iter; + } + sum += (s->Freq & (int)(MASK(cur))); + MASK(cur) = 0; + s++; + } + while (--i); + + RangeEnc_Encode(p, sum, escFreq, sum + escFreq); + see->Summ = (UInt16)(see->Summ + sum + escFreq); + } +next_iter:; + } +} diff --git a/lzma/Types.h b/lzma/Types.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cefd8ee --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/Types.h @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +/* Types.h -- Basic types +2010-10-09 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ + +#ifndef __7Z_TYPES_H +#define __7Z_TYPES_H + +#include + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include +#endif + +#ifndef EXTERN_C_BEGIN +#ifdef __cplusplus +#define EXTERN_C_BEGIN extern "C" { +#define EXTERN_C_END } +#else +#define EXTERN_C_BEGIN +#define EXTERN_C_END +#endif +#endif + +EXTERN_C_BEGIN + +#define SZ_OK 0 + +#define SZ_ERROR_DATA 1 +#define SZ_ERROR_MEM 2 +#define SZ_ERROR_CRC 3 +#define SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED 4 +#define SZ_ERROR_PARAM 5 +#define SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF 6 +#define SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF 7 +#define SZ_ERROR_READ 8 +#define SZ_ERROR_WRITE 9 +#define SZ_ERROR_PROGRESS 10 +#define SZ_ERROR_FAIL 11 +#define SZ_ERROR_THREAD 12 + +#define SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE 16 +#define SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE 17 + +typedef int SRes; + +#ifdef _WIN32 +typedef DWORD WRes; +#else +typedef int WRes; +#endif + +#ifndef RINOK +#define RINOK(x) { int __result__ = (x); if (__result__ != 0) return __result__; } +#endif + +typedef unsigned char Byte; +typedef short Int16; +typedef unsigned short UInt16; + +#ifdef _LZMA_UINT32_IS_ULONG +typedef long Int32; +typedef unsigned long UInt32; +#else +typedef int Int32; +typedef unsigned int UInt32; +#endif + +#ifdef _SZ_NO_INT_64 + +/* define _SZ_NO_INT_64, if your compiler doesn't support 64-bit integers. + NOTES: Some code will work incorrectly in that case! */ + +typedef long Int64; +typedef unsigned long UInt64; + +#else + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) +typedef __int64 Int64; +typedef unsigned __int64 UInt64; +#define UINT64_CONST(n) n +#else +typedef long long int Int64; +typedef unsigned long long int UInt64; +#define UINT64_CONST(n) n ## ULL +#endif + +#endif + +#ifdef _LZMA_NO_SYSTEM_SIZE_T +typedef UInt32 SizeT; +#else +typedef size_t SizeT; +#endif + +typedef int Bool; +#define True 1 +#define False 0 + + +#ifdef _WIN32 +#define MY_STD_CALL __stdcall +#else +#define MY_STD_CALL +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + +#if _MSC_VER >= 1300 +#define MY_NO_INLINE __declspec(noinline) +#else +#define MY_NO_INLINE +#endif + +#define MY_CDECL __cdecl +#define MY_FAST_CALL __fastcall + +#else + +#define MY_CDECL +#define MY_FAST_CALL + +#endif + + +/* The following interfaces use first parameter as pointer to structure */ + +typedef struct +{ + Byte (*Read)(void *p); /* reads one byte, returns 0 in case of EOF or error */ +} IByteIn; + +typedef struct +{ + void (*Write)(void *p, Byte b); +} IByteOut; + +typedef struct +{ + SRes (*Read)(void *p, void *buf, size_t *size); + /* if (input(*size) != 0 && output(*size) == 0) means end_of_stream. + (output(*size) < input(*size)) is allowed */ +} ISeqInStream; + +/* it can return SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF */ +SRes SeqInStream_Read(ISeqInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size); +SRes SeqInStream_Read2(ISeqInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size, SRes errorType); +SRes SeqInStream_ReadByte(ISeqInStream *stream, Byte *buf); + +typedef struct +{ + size_t (*Write)(void *p, const void *buf, size_t size); + /* Returns: result - the number of actually written bytes. + (result < size) means error */ +} ISeqOutStream; + +typedef enum +{ + SZ_SEEK_SET = 0, + SZ_SEEK_CUR = 1, + SZ_SEEK_END = 2 +} ESzSeek; + +typedef struct +{ + SRes (*Read)(void *p, void *buf, size_t *size); /* same as ISeqInStream::Read */ + SRes (*Seek)(void *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin); +} ISeekInStream; + +typedef struct +{ + SRes (*Look)(void *p, const void **buf, size_t *size); + /* if (input(*size) != 0 && output(*size) == 0) means end_of_stream. + (output(*size) > input(*size)) is not allowed + (output(*size) < input(*size)) is allowed */ + SRes (*Skip)(void *p, size_t offset); + /* offset must be <= output(*size) of Look */ + + SRes (*Read)(void *p, void *buf, size_t *size); + /* reads directly (without buffer). It's same as ISeqInStream::Read */ + SRes (*Seek)(void *p, Int64 *pos, ESzSeek origin); +} ILookInStream; + +SRes LookInStream_LookRead(ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t *size); +SRes LookInStream_SeekTo(ILookInStream *stream, UInt64 offset); + +/* reads via ILookInStream::Read */ +SRes LookInStream_Read2(ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size, SRes errorType); +SRes LookInStream_Read(ILookInStream *stream, void *buf, size_t size); + +#define LookToRead_BUF_SIZE (1 << 14) + +typedef struct +{ + ILookInStream s; + ISeekInStream *realStream; + size_t pos; + size_t size; + Byte buf[LookToRead_BUF_SIZE]; +} CLookToRead; + +void LookToRead_CreateVTable(CLookToRead *p, int lookahead); +void LookToRead_Init(CLookToRead *p); + +typedef struct +{ + ISeqInStream s; + ILookInStream *realStream; +} CSecToLook; + +void SecToLook_CreateVTable(CSecToLook *p); + +typedef struct +{ + ISeqInStream s; + ILookInStream *realStream; +} CSecToRead; + +void SecToRead_CreateVTable(CSecToRead *p); + +typedef struct +{ + SRes (*Progress)(void *p, UInt64 inSize, UInt64 outSize); + /* Returns: result. (result != SZ_OK) means break. + Value (UInt64)(Int64)-1 for size means unknown value. */ +} ICompressProgress; + +typedef struct +{ + void *(*Alloc)(void *p, size_t size); + void (*Free)(void *p, void *address); /* address can be 0 */ + void (*FreeSz)(void *p, void *address, size_t size); /* address can be 0 */ +} ISzAlloc; + +#define IAlloc_Alloc(p, size) (p)->Alloc((p), size) +#define IAlloc_Free(p, a) (p)->Free((p), a) + +#ifdef _WIN32 + +#define CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\' +#define WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR L'\\' +#define STRING_PATH_SEPARATOR "\\" +#define WSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR L"\\" + +#else + +#define CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR '/' +#define WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR L'/' +#define STRING_PATH_SEPARATOR "/" +#define WSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR L"/" + +#endif + +EXTERN_C_END + +#endif diff --git a/lzma/crc32_fast.c b/lzma/crc32_fast.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0900d49 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc32_fast.c @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +/// \file crc32.c +/// \brief CRC32 calculation +/// +/// Calculate the CRC32 using the slice-by-eight algorithm. +/// It is explained in this document: +/// +/// The code in this file is not the same as in Intel's paper, but +/// the basic principle is identical. +// +// Author: Lasse Collin +// +// This file has been put into the public domain. +// You can do whatever you want with this file. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#include + +extern const uint32_t lzma_crc32_table[8][256]; + +// If you make any changes, do some bench marking! Seemingly unrelated +// changes can very easily ruin the performance (and very probably is +// very compiler dependent). +extern uint32_t +lzma_crc32(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size, uint32_t crc) +{ + crc = ~crc; + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + crc = bswap32(crc); +#endif + + if (size > 8) { + // Fix the alignment, if needed. The if statement above + // ensures that this won't read past the end of buf[]. + while ((uintptr_t)(buf) & 7) { + crc = lzma_crc32_table[0][*buf++ ^ A(crc)] ^ S8(crc); + --size; + } + + // Calculate the position where to stop. + const uint8_t *const limit = buf + (size & ~(size_t)(7)); + + // Calculate how many bytes must be calculated separately + // before returning the result. + size &= (size_t)(7); + + // Calculate the CRC32 using the slice-by-eight algorithm. + while (buf < limit) { + crc ^= *(const uint32_t *)(buf); + buf += 4; + + crc = lzma_crc32_table[7][A(crc)] + ^ lzma_crc32_table[6][B(crc)] + ^ lzma_crc32_table[5][C(crc)] + ^ lzma_crc32_table[4][D(crc)]; + + const uint32_t tmp = *(const uint32_t *)(buf); + buf += 4; + + // At least with some compilers, it is critical for + // performance, that the crc variable is XORed + // between the two table-lookup pairs. + crc = lzma_crc32_table[3][A(tmp)] + ^ lzma_crc32_table[2][B(tmp)] + ^ crc + ^ lzma_crc32_table[1][C(tmp)] + ^ lzma_crc32_table[0][D(tmp)]; + } + } + + while (size-- != 0) + crc = lzma_crc32_table[0][*buf++ ^ A(crc)] ^ S8(crc); + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + crc = bswap32(crc); +#endif + + return ~crc; +} diff --git a/lzma/crc32_table.c b/lzma/crc32_table.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57fc457 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc32_table.c @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +/// \file crc32_table.c +/// \brief Precalculated CRC32 table with correct endianness +// +// Author: Lasse Collin +// +// This file has been put into the public domain. +// You can do whatever you want with this file. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +/* + * This gives us BYTE_ORDER macro both on Linux and Solaris derived + * systems. + */ +#include + +#if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN +# include "crc32_table_le.h" +#else +# include "crc32_table_be.h" +#endif diff --git a/lzma/crc32_table_be.h b/lzma/crc32_table_be.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca90d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc32_table_be.h @@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ +/* This file has been automatically generated by crc32_tablegen.c. */ +#include + +const uint32_t lzma_crc32_table[8][256] = { + { + 0x00000000, 0x96300777, 0x2C610EEE, 0xBA510999, + 0x19C46D07, 0x8FF46A70, 0x35A563E9, 0xA395649E, + 0x3288DB0E, 0xA4B8DC79, 0x1EE9D5E0, 0x88D9D297, + 0x2B4CB609, 0xBD7CB17E, 0x072DB8E7, 0x911DBF90, + 0x6410B71D, 0xF220B06A, 0x4871B9F3, 0xDE41BE84, + 0x7DD4DA1A, 0xEBE4DD6D, 0x51B5D4F4, 0xC785D383, + 0x56986C13, 0xC0A86B64, 0x7AF962FD, 0xECC9658A, + 0x4F5C0114, 0xD96C0663, 0x633D0FFA, 0xF50D088D, + 0xC8206E3B, 0x5E10694C, 0xE44160D5, 0x727167A2, + 0xD1E4033C, 0x47D4044B, 0xFD850DD2, 0x6BB50AA5, + 0xFAA8B535, 0x6C98B242, 0xD6C9BBDB, 0x40F9BCAC, + 0xE36CD832, 0x755CDF45, 0xCF0DD6DC, 0x593DD1AB, + 0xAC30D926, 0x3A00DE51, 0x8051D7C8, 0x1661D0BF, + 0xB5F4B421, 0x23C4B356, 0x9995BACF, 0x0FA5BDB8, + 0x9EB80228, 0x0888055F, 0xB2D90CC6, 0x24E90BB1, + 0x877C6F2F, 0x114C6858, 0xAB1D61C1, 0x3D2D66B6, + 0x9041DC76, 0x0671DB01, 0xBC20D298, 0x2A10D5EF, + 0x8985B171, 0x1FB5B606, 0xA5E4BF9F, 0x33D4B8E8, + 0xA2C90778, 0x34F9000F, 0x8EA80996, 0x18980EE1, + 0xBB0D6A7F, 0x2D3D6D08, 0x976C6491, 0x015C63E6, + 0xF4516B6B, 0x62616C1C, 0xD8306585, 0x4E0062F2, + 0xED95066C, 0x7BA5011B, 0xC1F40882, 0x57C40FF5, + 0xC6D9B065, 0x50E9B712, 0xEAB8BE8B, 0x7C88B9FC, + 0xDF1DDD62, 0x492DDA15, 0xF37CD38C, 0x654CD4FB, + 0x5861B24D, 0xCE51B53A, 0x7400BCA3, 0xE230BBD4, + 0x41A5DF4A, 0xD795D83D, 0x6DC4D1A4, 0xFBF4D6D3, + 0x6AE96943, 0xFCD96E34, 0x468867AD, 0xD0B860DA, + 0x732D0444, 0xE51D0333, 0x5F4C0AAA, 0xC97C0DDD, + 0x3C710550, 0xAA410227, 0x10100BBE, 0x86200CC9, + 0x25B56857, 0xB3856F20, 0x09D466B9, 0x9FE461CE, + 0x0EF9DE5E, 0x98C9D929, 0x2298D0B0, 0xB4A8D7C7, + 0x173DB359, 0x810DB42E, 0x3B5CBDB7, 0xAD6CBAC0, + 0x2083B8ED, 0xB6B3BF9A, 0x0CE2B603, 0x9AD2B174, + 0x3947D5EA, 0xAF77D29D, 0x1526DB04, 0x8316DC73, + 0x120B63E3, 0x843B6494, 0x3E6A6D0D, 0xA85A6A7A, + 0x0BCF0EE4, 0x9DFF0993, 0x27AE000A, 0xB19E077D, + 0x44930FF0, 0xD2A30887, 0x68F2011E, 0xFEC20669, + 0x5D5762F7, 0xCB676580, 0x71366C19, 0xE7066B6E, + 0x761BD4FE, 0xE02BD389, 0x5A7ADA10, 0xCC4ADD67, + 0x6FDFB9F9, 0xF9EFBE8E, 0x43BEB717, 0xD58EB060, + 0xE8A3D6D6, 0x7E93D1A1, 0xC4C2D838, 0x52F2DF4F, + 0xF167BBD1, 0x6757BCA6, 0xDD06B53F, 0x4B36B248, + 0xDA2B0DD8, 0x4C1B0AAF, 0xF64A0336, 0x607A0441, + 0xC3EF60DF, 0x55DF67A8, 0xEF8E6E31, 0x79BE6946, + 0x8CB361CB, 0x1A8366BC, 0xA0D26F25, 0x36E26852, + 0x95770CCC, 0x03470BBB, 0xB9160222, 0x2F260555, + 0xBE3BBAC5, 0x280BBDB2, 0x925AB42B, 0x046AB35C, + 0xA7FFD7C2, 0x31CFD0B5, 0x8B9ED92C, 0x1DAEDE5B, + 0xB0C2649B, 0x26F263EC, 0x9CA36A75, 0x0A936D02, + 0xA906099C, 0x3F360EEB, 0x85670772, 0x13570005, + 0x824ABF95, 0x147AB8E2, 0xAE2BB17B, 0x381BB60C, + 0x9B8ED292, 0x0DBED5E5, 0xB7EFDC7C, 0x21DFDB0B, + 0xD4D2D386, 0x42E2D4F1, 0xF8B3DD68, 0x6E83DA1F, + 0xCD16BE81, 0x5B26B9F6, 0xE177B06F, 0x7747B718, + 0xE65A0888, 0x706A0FFF, 0xCA3B0666, 0x5C0B0111, + 0xFF9E658F, 0x69AE62F8, 0xD3FF6B61, 0x45CF6C16, + 0x78E20AA0, 0xEED20DD7, 0x5483044E, 0xC2B30339, + 0x612667A7, 0xF71660D0, 0x4D476949, 0xDB776E3E, + 0x4A6AD1AE, 0xDC5AD6D9, 0x660BDF40, 0xF03BD837, + 0x53AEBCA9, 0xC59EBBDE, 0x7FCFB247, 0xE9FFB530, + 0x1CF2BDBD, 0x8AC2BACA, 0x3093B353, 0xA6A3B424, + 0x0536D0BA, 0x9306D7CD, 0x2957DE54, 0xBF67D923, + 0x2E7A66B3, 0xB84A61C4, 0x021B685D, 0x942B6F2A, + 0x37BE0BB4, 0xA18E0CC3, 0x1BDF055A, 0x8DEF022D + }, { + 0x00000000, 0x41311B19, 0x82623632, 0xC3532D2B, + 0x04C56C64, 0x45F4777D, 0x86A75A56, 0xC796414F, + 0x088AD9C8, 0x49BBC2D1, 0x8AE8EFFA, 0xCBD9F4E3, + 0x0C4FB5AC, 0x4D7EAEB5, 0x8E2D839E, 0xCF1C9887, + 0x5112C24A, 0x1023D953, 0xD370F478, 0x9241EF61, + 0x55D7AE2E, 0x14E6B537, 0xD7B5981C, 0x96848305, + 0x59981B82, 0x18A9009B, 0xDBFA2DB0, 0x9ACB36A9, + 0x5D5D77E6, 0x1C6C6CFF, 0xDF3F41D4, 0x9E0E5ACD, + 0xA2248495, 0xE3159F8C, 0x2046B2A7, 0x6177A9BE, + 0xA6E1E8F1, 0xE7D0F3E8, 0x2483DEC3, 0x65B2C5DA, + 0xAAAE5D5D, 0xEB9F4644, 0x28CC6B6F, 0x69FD7076, + 0xAE6B3139, 0xEF5A2A20, 0x2C09070B, 0x6D381C12, + 0xF33646DF, 0xB2075DC6, 0x715470ED, 0x30656BF4, + 0xF7F32ABB, 0xB6C231A2, 0x75911C89, 0x34A00790, + 0xFBBC9F17, 0xBA8D840E, 0x79DEA925, 0x38EFB23C, + 0xFF79F373, 0xBE48E86A, 0x7D1BC541, 0x3C2ADE58, + 0x054F79F0, 0x447E62E9, 0x872D4FC2, 0xC61C54DB, + 0x018A1594, 0x40BB0E8D, 0x83E823A6, 0xC2D938BF, + 0x0DC5A038, 0x4CF4BB21, 0x8FA7960A, 0xCE968D13, + 0x0900CC5C, 0x4831D745, 0x8B62FA6E, 0xCA53E177, + 0x545DBBBA, 0x156CA0A3, 0xD63F8D88, 0x970E9691, + 0x5098D7DE, 0x11A9CCC7, 0xD2FAE1EC, 0x93CBFAF5, + 0x5CD76272, 0x1DE6796B, 0xDEB55440, 0x9F844F59, + 0x58120E16, 0x1923150F, 0xDA703824, 0x9B41233D, + 0xA76BFD65, 0xE65AE67C, 0x2509CB57, 0x6438D04E, + 0xA3AE9101, 0xE29F8A18, 0x21CCA733, 0x60FDBC2A, + 0xAFE124AD, 0xEED03FB4, 0x2D83129F, 0x6CB20986, + 0xAB2448C9, 0xEA1553D0, 0x29467EFB, 0x687765E2, + 0xF6793F2F, 0xB7482436, 0x741B091D, 0x352A1204, + 0xF2BC534B, 0xB38D4852, 0x70DE6579, 0x31EF7E60, + 0xFEF3E6E7, 0xBFC2FDFE, 0x7C91D0D5, 0x3DA0CBCC, + 0xFA368A83, 0xBB07919A, 0x7854BCB1, 0x3965A7A8, + 0x4B98833B, 0x0AA99822, 0xC9FAB509, 0x88CBAE10, + 0x4F5DEF5F, 0x0E6CF446, 0xCD3FD96D, 0x8C0EC274, + 0x43125AF3, 0x022341EA, 0xC1706CC1, 0x804177D8, + 0x47D73697, 0x06E62D8E, 0xC5B500A5, 0x84841BBC, + 0x1A8A4171, 0x5BBB5A68, 0x98E87743, 0xD9D96C5A, + 0x1E4F2D15, 0x5F7E360C, 0x9C2D1B27, 0xDD1C003E, + 0x120098B9, 0x533183A0, 0x9062AE8B, 0xD153B592, + 0x16C5F4DD, 0x57F4EFC4, 0x94A7C2EF, 0xD596D9F6, + 0xE9BC07AE, 0xA88D1CB7, 0x6BDE319C, 0x2AEF2A85, + 0xED796BCA, 0xAC4870D3, 0x6F1B5DF8, 0x2E2A46E1, + 0xE136DE66, 0xA007C57F, 0x6354E854, 0x2265F34D, + 0xE5F3B202, 0xA4C2A91B, 0x67918430, 0x26A09F29, + 0xB8AEC5E4, 0xF99FDEFD, 0x3ACCF3D6, 0x7BFDE8CF, + 0xBC6BA980, 0xFD5AB299, 0x3E099FB2, 0x7F3884AB, + 0xB0241C2C, 0xF1150735, 0x32462A1E, 0x73773107, + 0xB4E17048, 0xF5D06B51, 0x3683467A, 0x77B25D63, + 0x4ED7FACB, 0x0FE6E1D2, 0xCCB5CCF9, 0x8D84D7E0, + 0x4A1296AF, 0x0B238DB6, 0xC870A09D, 0x8941BB84, + 0x465D2303, 0x076C381A, 0xC43F1531, 0x850E0E28, + 0x42984F67, 0x03A9547E, 0xC0FA7955, 0x81CB624C, + 0x1FC53881, 0x5EF42398, 0x9DA70EB3, 0xDC9615AA, + 0x1B0054E5, 0x5A314FFC, 0x996262D7, 0xD85379CE, + 0x174FE149, 0x567EFA50, 0x952DD77B, 0xD41CCC62, + 0x138A8D2D, 0x52BB9634, 0x91E8BB1F, 0xD0D9A006, + 0xECF37E5E, 0xADC26547, 0x6E91486C, 0x2FA05375, + 0xE836123A, 0xA9070923, 0x6A542408, 0x2B653F11, + 0xE479A796, 0xA548BC8F, 0x661B91A4, 0x272A8ABD, + 0xE0BCCBF2, 0xA18DD0EB, 0x62DEFDC0, 0x23EFE6D9, + 0xBDE1BC14, 0xFCD0A70D, 0x3F838A26, 0x7EB2913F, + 0xB924D070, 0xF815CB69, 0x3B46E642, 0x7A77FD5B, + 0xB56B65DC, 0xF45A7EC5, 0x370953EE, 0x763848F7, + 0xB1AE09B8, 0xF09F12A1, 0x33CC3F8A, 0x72FD2493 + }, { + 0x00000000, 0x376AC201, 0x6ED48403, 0x59BE4602, + 0xDCA80907, 0xEBC2CB06, 0xB27C8D04, 0x85164F05, + 0xB851130E, 0x8F3BD10F, 0xD685970D, 0xE1EF550C, + 0x64F91A09, 0x5393D808, 0x0A2D9E0A, 0x3D475C0B, + 0x70A3261C, 0x47C9E41D, 0x1E77A21F, 0x291D601E, + 0xAC0B2F1B, 0x9B61ED1A, 0xC2DFAB18, 0xF5B56919, + 0xC8F23512, 0xFF98F713, 0xA626B111, 0x914C7310, + 0x145A3C15, 0x2330FE14, 0x7A8EB816, 0x4DE47A17, + 0xE0464D38, 0xD72C8F39, 0x8E92C93B, 0xB9F80B3A, + 0x3CEE443F, 0x0B84863E, 0x523AC03C, 0x6550023D, + 0x58175E36, 0x6F7D9C37, 0x36C3DA35, 0x01A91834, + 0x84BF5731, 0xB3D59530, 0xEA6BD332, 0xDD011133, + 0x90E56B24, 0xA78FA925, 0xFE31EF27, 0xC95B2D26, + 0x4C4D6223, 0x7B27A022, 0x2299E620, 0x15F32421, + 0x28B4782A, 0x1FDEBA2B, 0x4660FC29, 0x710A3E28, + 0xF41C712D, 0xC376B32C, 0x9AC8F52E, 0xADA2372F, + 0xC08D9A70, 0xF7E75871, 0xAE591E73, 0x9933DC72, + 0x1C259377, 0x2B4F5176, 0x72F11774, 0x459BD575, + 0x78DC897E, 0x4FB64B7F, 0x16080D7D, 0x2162CF7C, + 0xA4748079, 0x931E4278, 0xCAA0047A, 0xFDCAC67B, + 0xB02EBC6C, 0x87447E6D, 0xDEFA386F, 0xE990FA6E, + 0x6C86B56B, 0x5BEC776A, 0x02523168, 0x3538F369, + 0x087FAF62, 0x3F156D63, 0x66AB2B61, 0x51C1E960, + 0xD4D7A665, 0xE3BD6464, 0xBA032266, 0x8D69E067, + 0x20CBD748, 0x17A11549, 0x4E1F534B, 0x7975914A, + 0xFC63DE4F, 0xCB091C4E, 0x92B75A4C, 0xA5DD984D, + 0x989AC446, 0xAFF00647, 0xF64E4045, 0xC1248244, + 0x4432CD41, 0x73580F40, 0x2AE64942, 0x1D8C8B43, + 0x5068F154, 0x67023355, 0x3EBC7557, 0x09D6B756, + 0x8CC0F853, 0xBBAA3A52, 0xE2147C50, 0xD57EBE51, + 0xE839E25A, 0xDF53205B, 0x86ED6659, 0xB187A458, + 0x3491EB5D, 0x03FB295C, 0x5A456F5E, 0x6D2FAD5F, + 0x801B35E1, 0xB771F7E0, 0xEECFB1E2, 0xD9A573E3, + 0x5CB33CE6, 0x6BD9FEE7, 0x3267B8E5, 0x050D7AE4, + 0x384A26EF, 0x0F20E4EE, 0x569EA2EC, 0x61F460ED, + 0xE4E22FE8, 0xD388EDE9, 0x8A36ABEB, 0xBD5C69EA, + 0xF0B813FD, 0xC7D2D1FC, 0x9E6C97FE, 0xA90655FF, + 0x2C101AFA, 0x1B7AD8FB, 0x42C49EF9, 0x75AE5CF8, + 0x48E900F3, 0x7F83C2F2, 0x263D84F0, 0x115746F1, + 0x944109F4, 0xA32BCBF5, 0xFA958DF7, 0xCDFF4FF6, + 0x605D78D9, 0x5737BAD8, 0x0E89FCDA, 0x39E33EDB, + 0xBCF571DE, 0x8B9FB3DF, 0xD221F5DD, 0xE54B37DC, + 0xD80C6BD7, 0xEF66A9D6, 0xB6D8EFD4, 0x81B22DD5, + 0x04A462D0, 0x33CEA0D1, 0x6A70E6D3, 0x5D1A24D2, + 0x10FE5EC5, 0x27949CC4, 0x7E2ADAC6, 0x494018C7, + 0xCC5657C2, 0xFB3C95C3, 0xA282D3C1, 0x95E811C0, + 0xA8AF4DCB, 0x9FC58FCA, 0xC67BC9C8, 0xF1110BC9, + 0x740744CC, 0x436D86CD, 0x1AD3C0CF, 0x2DB902CE, + 0x4096AF91, 0x77FC6D90, 0x2E422B92, 0x1928E993, + 0x9C3EA696, 0xAB546497, 0xF2EA2295, 0xC580E094, + 0xF8C7BC9F, 0xCFAD7E9E, 0x9613389C, 0xA179FA9D, + 0x246FB598, 0x13057799, 0x4ABB319B, 0x7DD1F39A, + 0x3035898D, 0x075F4B8C, 0x5EE10D8E, 0x698BCF8F, + 0xEC9D808A, 0xDBF7428B, 0x82490489, 0xB523C688, + 0x88649A83, 0xBF0E5882, 0xE6B01E80, 0xD1DADC81, + 0x54CC9384, 0x63A65185, 0x3A181787, 0x0D72D586, + 0xA0D0E2A9, 0x97BA20A8, 0xCE0466AA, 0xF96EA4AB, + 0x7C78EBAE, 0x4B1229AF, 0x12AC6FAD, 0x25C6ADAC, + 0x1881F1A7, 0x2FEB33A6, 0x765575A4, 0x413FB7A5, + 0xC429F8A0, 0xF3433AA1, 0xAAFD7CA3, 0x9D97BEA2, + 0xD073C4B5, 0xE71906B4, 0xBEA740B6, 0x89CD82B7, + 0x0CDBCDB2, 0x3BB10FB3, 0x620F49B1, 0x55658BB0, + 0x6822D7BB, 0x5F4815BA, 0x06F653B8, 0x319C91B9, + 0xB48ADEBC, 0x83E01CBD, 0xDA5E5ABF, 0xED3498BE + }, { + 0x00000000, 0x6567BCB8, 0x8BC809AA, 0xEEAFB512, + 0x5797628F, 0x32F0DE37, 0xDC5F6B25, 0xB938D79D, + 0xEF28B4C5, 0x8A4F087D, 0x64E0BD6F, 0x018701D7, + 0xB8BFD64A, 0xDDD86AF2, 0x3377DFE0, 0x56106358, + 0x9F571950, 0xFA30A5E8, 0x149F10FA, 0x71F8AC42, + 0xC8C07BDF, 0xADA7C767, 0x43087275, 0x266FCECD, + 0x707FAD95, 0x1518112D, 0xFBB7A43F, 0x9ED01887, + 0x27E8CF1A, 0x428F73A2, 0xAC20C6B0, 0xC9477A08, + 0x3EAF32A0, 0x5BC88E18, 0xB5673B0A, 0xD00087B2, + 0x6938502F, 0x0C5FEC97, 0xE2F05985, 0x8797E53D, + 0xD1878665, 0xB4E03ADD, 0x5A4F8FCF, 0x3F283377, + 0x8610E4EA, 0xE3775852, 0x0DD8ED40, 0x68BF51F8, + 0xA1F82BF0, 0xC49F9748, 0x2A30225A, 0x4F579EE2, + 0xF66F497F, 0x9308F5C7, 0x7DA740D5, 0x18C0FC6D, + 0x4ED09F35, 0x2BB7238D, 0xC518969F, 0xA07F2A27, + 0x1947FDBA, 0x7C204102, 0x928FF410, 0xF7E848A8, + 0x3D58149B, 0x583FA823, 0xB6901D31, 0xD3F7A189, + 0x6ACF7614, 0x0FA8CAAC, 0xE1077FBE, 0x8460C306, + 0xD270A05E, 0xB7171CE6, 0x59B8A9F4, 0x3CDF154C, + 0x85E7C2D1, 0xE0807E69, 0x0E2FCB7B, 0x6B4877C3, + 0xA20F0DCB, 0xC768B173, 0x29C70461, 0x4CA0B8D9, + 0xF5986F44, 0x90FFD3FC, 0x7E5066EE, 0x1B37DA56, + 0x4D27B90E, 0x284005B6, 0xC6EFB0A4, 0xA3880C1C, + 0x1AB0DB81, 0x7FD76739, 0x9178D22B, 0xF41F6E93, + 0x03F7263B, 0x66909A83, 0x883F2F91, 0xED589329, + 0x546044B4, 0x3107F80C, 0xDFA84D1E, 0xBACFF1A6, + 0xECDF92FE, 0x89B82E46, 0x67179B54, 0x027027EC, + 0xBB48F071, 0xDE2F4CC9, 0x3080F9DB, 0x55E74563, + 0x9CA03F6B, 0xF9C783D3, 0x176836C1, 0x720F8A79, + 0xCB375DE4, 0xAE50E15C, 0x40FF544E, 0x2598E8F6, + 0x73888BAE, 0x16EF3716, 0xF8408204, 0x9D273EBC, + 0x241FE921, 0x41785599, 0xAFD7E08B, 0xCAB05C33, + 0x3BB659ED, 0x5ED1E555, 0xB07E5047, 0xD519ECFF, + 0x6C213B62, 0x094687DA, 0xE7E932C8, 0x828E8E70, + 0xD49EED28, 0xB1F95190, 0x5F56E482, 0x3A31583A, + 0x83098FA7, 0xE66E331F, 0x08C1860D, 0x6DA63AB5, + 0xA4E140BD, 0xC186FC05, 0x2F294917, 0x4A4EF5AF, + 0xF3762232, 0x96119E8A, 0x78BE2B98, 0x1DD99720, + 0x4BC9F478, 0x2EAE48C0, 0xC001FDD2, 0xA566416A, + 0x1C5E96F7, 0x79392A4F, 0x97969F5D, 0xF2F123E5, + 0x05196B4D, 0x607ED7F5, 0x8ED162E7, 0xEBB6DE5F, + 0x528E09C2, 0x37E9B57A, 0xD9460068, 0xBC21BCD0, + 0xEA31DF88, 0x8F566330, 0x61F9D622, 0x049E6A9A, + 0xBDA6BD07, 0xD8C101BF, 0x366EB4AD, 0x53090815, + 0x9A4E721D, 0xFF29CEA5, 0x11867BB7, 0x74E1C70F, + 0xCDD91092, 0xA8BEAC2A, 0x46111938, 0x2376A580, + 0x7566C6D8, 0x10017A60, 0xFEAECF72, 0x9BC973CA, + 0x22F1A457, 0x479618EF, 0xA939ADFD, 0xCC5E1145, + 0x06EE4D76, 0x6389F1CE, 0x8D2644DC, 0xE841F864, + 0x51792FF9, 0x341E9341, 0xDAB12653, 0xBFD69AEB, + 0xE9C6F9B3, 0x8CA1450B, 0x620EF019, 0x07694CA1, + 0xBE519B3C, 0xDB362784, 0x35999296, 0x50FE2E2E, + 0x99B95426, 0xFCDEE89E, 0x12715D8C, 0x7716E134, + 0xCE2E36A9, 0xAB498A11, 0x45E63F03, 0x208183BB, + 0x7691E0E3, 0x13F65C5B, 0xFD59E949, 0x983E55F1, + 0x2106826C, 0x44613ED4, 0xAACE8BC6, 0xCFA9377E, + 0x38417FD6, 0x5D26C36E, 0xB389767C, 0xD6EECAC4, + 0x6FD61D59, 0x0AB1A1E1, 0xE41E14F3, 0x8179A84B, + 0xD769CB13, 0xB20E77AB, 0x5CA1C2B9, 0x39C67E01, + 0x80FEA99C, 0xE5991524, 0x0B36A036, 0x6E511C8E, + 0xA7166686, 0xC271DA3E, 0x2CDE6F2C, 0x49B9D394, + 0xF0810409, 0x95E6B8B1, 0x7B490DA3, 0x1E2EB11B, + 0x483ED243, 0x2D596EFB, 0xC3F6DBE9, 0xA6916751, + 0x1FA9B0CC, 0x7ACE0C74, 0x9461B966, 0xF10605DE + }, { + 0x00000000, 0xB029603D, 0x6053C07A, 0xD07AA047, + 0xC0A680F5, 0x708FE0C8, 0xA0F5408F, 0x10DC20B2, + 0xC14B7030, 0x7162100D, 0xA118B04A, 0x1131D077, + 0x01EDF0C5, 0xB1C490F8, 0x61BE30BF, 0xD1975082, + 0x8297E060, 0x32BE805D, 0xE2C4201A, 0x52ED4027, + 0x42316095, 0xF21800A8, 0x2262A0EF, 0x924BC0D2, + 0x43DC9050, 0xF3F5F06D, 0x238F502A, 0x93A63017, + 0x837A10A5, 0x33537098, 0xE329D0DF, 0x5300B0E2, + 0x042FC1C1, 0xB406A1FC, 0x647C01BB, 0xD4556186, + 0xC4894134, 0x74A02109, 0xA4DA814E, 0x14F3E173, + 0xC564B1F1, 0x754DD1CC, 0xA537718B, 0x151E11B6, + 0x05C23104, 0xB5EB5139, 0x6591F17E, 0xD5B89143, + 0x86B821A1, 0x3691419C, 0xE6EBE1DB, 0x56C281E6, + 0x461EA154, 0xF637C169, 0x264D612E, 0x96640113, + 0x47F35191, 0xF7DA31AC, 0x27A091EB, 0x9789F1D6, + 0x8755D164, 0x377CB159, 0xE706111E, 0x572F7123, + 0x4958F358, 0xF9719365, 0x290B3322, 0x9922531F, + 0x89FE73AD, 0x39D71390, 0xE9ADB3D7, 0x5984D3EA, + 0x88138368, 0x383AE355, 0xE8404312, 0x5869232F, + 0x48B5039D, 0xF89C63A0, 0x28E6C3E7, 0x98CFA3DA, + 0xCBCF1338, 0x7BE67305, 0xAB9CD342, 0x1BB5B37F, + 0x0B6993CD, 0xBB40F3F0, 0x6B3A53B7, 0xDB13338A, + 0x0A846308, 0xBAAD0335, 0x6AD7A372, 0xDAFEC34F, + 0xCA22E3FD, 0x7A0B83C0, 0xAA712387, 0x1A5843BA, + 0x4D773299, 0xFD5E52A4, 0x2D24F2E3, 0x9D0D92DE, + 0x8DD1B26C, 0x3DF8D251, 0xED827216, 0x5DAB122B, + 0x8C3C42A9, 0x3C152294, 0xEC6F82D3, 0x5C46E2EE, + 0x4C9AC25C, 0xFCB3A261, 0x2CC90226, 0x9CE0621B, + 0xCFE0D2F9, 0x7FC9B2C4, 0xAFB31283, 0x1F9A72BE, + 0x0F46520C, 0xBF6F3231, 0x6F159276, 0xDF3CF24B, + 0x0EABA2C9, 0xBE82C2F4, 0x6EF862B3, 0xDED1028E, + 0xCE0D223C, 0x7E244201, 0xAE5EE246, 0x1E77827B, + 0x92B0E6B1, 0x2299868C, 0xF2E326CB, 0x42CA46F6, + 0x52166644, 0xE23F0679, 0x3245A63E, 0x826CC603, + 0x53FB9681, 0xE3D2F6BC, 0x33A856FB, 0x838136C6, + 0x935D1674, 0x23747649, 0xF30ED60E, 0x4327B633, + 0x102706D1, 0xA00E66EC, 0x7074C6AB, 0xC05DA696, + 0xD0818624, 0x60A8E619, 0xB0D2465E, 0x00FB2663, + 0xD16C76E1, 0x614516DC, 0xB13FB69B, 0x0116D6A6, + 0x11CAF614, 0xA1E39629, 0x7199366E, 0xC1B05653, + 0x969F2770, 0x26B6474D, 0xF6CCE70A, 0x46E58737, + 0x5639A785, 0xE610C7B8, 0x366A67FF, 0x864307C2, + 0x57D45740, 0xE7FD377D, 0x3787973A, 0x87AEF707, + 0x9772D7B5, 0x275BB788, 0xF72117CF, 0x470877F2, + 0x1408C710, 0xA421A72D, 0x745B076A, 0xC4726757, + 0xD4AE47E5, 0x648727D8, 0xB4FD879F, 0x04D4E7A2, + 0xD543B720, 0x656AD71D, 0xB510775A, 0x05391767, + 0x15E537D5, 0xA5CC57E8, 0x75B6F7AF, 0xC59F9792, + 0xDBE815E9, 0x6BC175D4, 0xBBBBD593, 0x0B92B5AE, + 0x1B4E951C, 0xAB67F521, 0x7B1D5566, 0xCB34355B, + 0x1AA365D9, 0xAA8A05E4, 0x7AF0A5A3, 0xCAD9C59E, + 0xDA05E52C, 0x6A2C8511, 0xBA562556, 0x0A7F456B, + 0x597FF589, 0xE95695B4, 0x392C35F3, 0x890555CE, + 0x99D9757C, 0x29F01541, 0xF98AB506, 0x49A3D53B, + 0x983485B9, 0x281DE584, 0xF86745C3, 0x484E25FE, + 0x5892054C, 0xE8BB6571, 0x38C1C536, 0x88E8A50B, + 0xDFC7D428, 0x6FEEB415, 0xBF941452, 0x0FBD746F, + 0x1F6154DD, 0xAF4834E0, 0x7F3294A7, 0xCF1BF49A, + 0x1E8CA418, 0xAEA5C425, 0x7EDF6462, 0xCEF6045F, + 0xDE2A24ED, 0x6E0344D0, 0xBE79E497, 0x0E5084AA, + 0x5D503448, 0xED795475, 0x3D03F432, 0x8D2A940F, + 0x9DF6B4BD, 0x2DDFD480, 0xFDA574C7, 0x4D8C14FA, + 0x9C1B4478, 0x2C322445, 0xFC488402, 0x4C61E43F, + 0x5CBDC48D, 0xEC94A4B0, 0x3CEE04F7, 0x8CC764CA + }, { + 0x00000000, 0xA5D35CCB, 0x0BA1C84D, 0xAE729486, + 0x1642919B, 0xB391CD50, 0x1DE359D6, 0xB830051D, + 0x6D8253EC, 0xC8510F27, 0x66239BA1, 0xC3F0C76A, + 0x7BC0C277, 0xDE139EBC, 0x70610A3A, 0xD5B256F1, + 0x9B02D603, 0x3ED18AC8, 0x90A31E4E, 0x35704285, + 0x8D404798, 0x28931B53, 0x86E18FD5, 0x2332D31E, + 0xF68085EF, 0x5353D924, 0xFD214DA2, 0x58F21169, + 0xE0C21474, 0x451148BF, 0xEB63DC39, 0x4EB080F2, + 0x3605AC07, 0x93D6F0CC, 0x3DA4644A, 0x98773881, + 0x20473D9C, 0x85946157, 0x2BE6F5D1, 0x8E35A91A, + 0x5B87FFEB, 0xFE54A320, 0x502637A6, 0xF5F56B6D, + 0x4DC56E70, 0xE81632BB, 0x4664A63D, 0xE3B7FAF6, + 0xAD077A04, 0x08D426CF, 0xA6A6B249, 0x0375EE82, + 0xBB45EB9F, 0x1E96B754, 0xB0E423D2, 0x15377F19, + 0xC08529E8, 0x65567523, 0xCB24E1A5, 0x6EF7BD6E, + 0xD6C7B873, 0x7314E4B8, 0xDD66703E, 0x78B52CF5, + 0x6C0A580F, 0xC9D904C4, 0x67AB9042, 0xC278CC89, + 0x7A48C994, 0xDF9B955F, 0x71E901D9, 0xD43A5D12, + 0x01880BE3, 0xA45B5728, 0x0A29C3AE, 0xAFFA9F65, + 0x17CA9A78, 0xB219C6B3, 0x1C6B5235, 0xB9B80EFE, + 0xF7088E0C, 0x52DBD2C7, 0xFCA94641, 0x597A1A8A, + 0xE14A1F97, 0x4499435C, 0xEAEBD7DA, 0x4F388B11, + 0x9A8ADDE0, 0x3F59812B, 0x912B15AD, 0x34F84966, + 0x8CC84C7B, 0x291B10B0, 0x87698436, 0x22BAD8FD, + 0x5A0FF408, 0xFFDCA8C3, 0x51AE3C45, 0xF47D608E, + 0x4C4D6593, 0xE99E3958, 0x47ECADDE, 0xE23FF115, + 0x378DA7E4, 0x925EFB2F, 0x3C2C6FA9, 0x99FF3362, + 0x21CF367F, 0x841C6AB4, 0x2A6EFE32, 0x8FBDA2F9, + 0xC10D220B, 0x64DE7EC0, 0xCAACEA46, 0x6F7FB68D, + 0xD74FB390, 0x729CEF5B, 0xDCEE7BDD, 0x793D2716, + 0xAC8F71E7, 0x095C2D2C, 0xA72EB9AA, 0x02FDE561, + 0xBACDE07C, 0x1F1EBCB7, 0xB16C2831, 0x14BF74FA, + 0xD814B01E, 0x7DC7ECD5, 0xD3B57853, 0x76662498, + 0xCE562185, 0x6B857D4E, 0xC5F7E9C8, 0x6024B503, + 0xB596E3F2, 0x1045BF39, 0xBE372BBF, 0x1BE47774, + 0xA3D47269, 0x06072EA2, 0xA875BA24, 0x0DA6E6EF, + 0x4316661D, 0xE6C53AD6, 0x48B7AE50, 0xED64F29B, + 0x5554F786, 0xF087AB4D, 0x5EF53FCB, 0xFB266300, + 0x2E9435F1, 0x8B47693A, 0x2535FDBC, 0x80E6A177, + 0x38D6A46A, 0x9D05F8A1, 0x33776C27, 0x96A430EC, + 0xEE111C19, 0x4BC240D2, 0xE5B0D454, 0x4063889F, + 0xF8538D82, 0x5D80D149, 0xF3F245CF, 0x56211904, + 0x83934FF5, 0x2640133E, 0x883287B8, 0x2DE1DB73, + 0x95D1DE6E, 0x300282A5, 0x9E701623, 0x3BA34AE8, + 0x7513CA1A, 0xD0C096D1, 0x7EB20257, 0xDB615E9C, + 0x63515B81, 0xC682074A, 0x68F093CC, 0xCD23CF07, + 0x189199F6, 0xBD42C53D, 0x133051BB, 0xB6E30D70, + 0x0ED3086D, 0xAB0054A6, 0x0572C020, 0xA0A19CEB, + 0xB41EE811, 0x11CDB4DA, 0xBFBF205C, 0x1A6C7C97, + 0xA25C798A, 0x078F2541, 0xA9FDB1C7, 0x0C2EED0C, + 0xD99CBBFD, 0x7C4FE736, 0xD23D73B0, 0x77EE2F7B, + 0xCFDE2A66, 0x6A0D76AD, 0xC47FE22B, 0x61ACBEE0, + 0x2F1C3E12, 0x8ACF62D9, 0x24BDF65F, 0x816EAA94, + 0x395EAF89, 0x9C8DF342, 0x32FF67C4, 0x972C3B0F, + 0x429E6DFE, 0xE74D3135, 0x493FA5B3, 0xECECF978, + 0x54DCFC65, 0xF10FA0AE, 0x5F7D3428, 0xFAAE68E3, + 0x821B4416, 0x27C818DD, 0x89BA8C5B, 0x2C69D090, + 0x9459D58D, 0x318A8946, 0x9FF81DC0, 0x3A2B410B, + 0xEF9917FA, 0x4A4A4B31, 0xE438DFB7, 0x41EB837C, + 0xF9DB8661, 0x5C08DAAA, 0xF27A4E2C, 0x57A912E7, + 0x19199215, 0xBCCACEDE, 0x12B85A58, 0xB76B0693, + 0x0F5B038E, 0xAA885F45, 0x04FACBC3, 0xA1299708, + 0x749BC1F9, 0xD1489D32, 0x7F3A09B4, 0xDAE9557F, + 0x62D95062, 0xC70A0CA9, 0x6978982F, 0xCCABC4E4 + }, { + 0x00000000, 0xB40B77A6, 0x29119F97, 0x9D1AE831, + 0x13244FF4, 0xA72F3852, 0x3A35D063, 0x8E3EA7C5, + 0x674EEF33, 0xD3459895, 0x4E5F70A4, 0xFA540702, + 0x746AA0C7, 0xC061D761, 0x5D7B3F50, 0xE97048F6, + 0xCE9CDE67, 0x7A97A9C1, 0xE78D41F0, 0x53863656, + 0xDDB89193, 0x69B3E635, 0xF4A90E04, 0x40A279A2, + 0xA9D23154, 0x1DD946F2, 0x80C3AEC3, 0x34C8D965, + 0xBAF67EA0, 0x0EFD0906, 0x93E7E137, 0x27EC9691, + 0x9C39BDCF, 0x2832CA69, 0xB5282258, 0x012355FE, + 0x8F1DF23B, 0x3B16859D, 0xA60C6DAC, 0x12071A0A, + 0xFB7752FC, 0x4F7C255A, 0xD266CD6B, 0x666DBACD, + 0xE8531D08, 0x5C586AAE, 0xC142829F, 0x7549F539, + 0x52A563A8, 0xE6AE140E, 0x7BB4FC3F, 0xCFBF8B99, + 0x41812C5C, 0xF58A5BFA, 0x6890B3CB, 0xDC9BC46D, + 0x35EB8C9B, 0x81E0FB3D, 0x1CFA130C, 0xA8F164AA, + 0x26CFC36F, 0x92C4B4C9, 0x0FDE5CF8, 0xBBD52B5E, + 0x79750B44, 0xCD7E7CE2, 0x506494D3, 0xE46FE375, + 0x6A5144B0, 0xDE5A3316, 0x4340DB27, 0xF74BAC81, + 0x1E3BE477, 0xAA3093D1, 0x372A7BE0, 0x83210C46, + 0x0D1FAB83, 0xB914DC25, 0x240E3414, 0x900543B2, + 0xB7E9D523, 0x03E2A285, 0x9EF84AB4, 0x2AF33D12, + 0xA4CD9AD7, 0x10C6ED71, 0x8DDC0540, 0x39D772E6, + 0xD0A73A10, 0x64AC4DB6, 0xF9B6A587, 0x4DBDD221, + 0xC38375E4, 0x77880242, 0xEA92EA73, 0x5E999DD5, + 0xE54CB68B, 0x5147C12D, 0xCC5D291C, 0x78565EBA, + 0xF668F97F, 0x42638ED9, 0xDF7966E8, 0x6B72114E, + 0x820259B8, 0x36092E1E, 0xAB13C62F, 0x1F18B189, + 0x9126164C, 0x252D61EA, 0xB83789DB, 0x0C3CFE7D, + 0x2BD068EC, 0x9FDB1F4A, 0x02C1F77B, 0xB6CA80DD, + 0x38F42718, 0x8CFF50BE, 0x11E5B88F, 0xA5EECF29, + 0x4C9E87DF, 0xF895F079, 0x658F1848, 0xD1846FEE, + 0x5FBAC82B, 0xEBB1BF8D, 0x76AB57BC, 0xC2A0201A, + 0xF2EA1688, 0x46E1612E, 0xDBFB891F, 0x6FF0FEB9, + 0xE1CE597C, 0x55C52EDA, 0xC8DFC6EB, 0x7CD4B14D, + 0x95A4F9BB, 0x21AF8E1D, 0xBCB5662C, 0x08BE118A, + 0x8680B64F, 0x328BC1E9, 0xAF9129D8, 0x1B9A5E7E, + 0x3C76C8EF, 0x887DBF49, 0x15675778, 0xA16C20DE, + 0x2F52871B, 0x9B59F0BD, 0x0643188C, 0xB2486F2A, + 0x5B3827DC, 0xEF33507A, 0x7229B84B, 0xC622CFED, + 0x481C6828, 0xFC171F8E, 0x610DF7BF, 0xD5068019, + 0x6ED3AB47, 0xDAD8DCE1, 0x47C234D0, 0xF3C94376, + 0x7DF7E4B3, 0xC9FC9315, 0x54E67B24, 0xE0ED0C82, + 0x099D4474, 0xBD9633D2, 0x208CDBE3, 0x9487AC45, + 0x1AB90B80, 0xAEB27C26, 0x33A89417, 0x87A3E3B1, + 0xA04F7520, 0x14440286, 0x895EEAB7, 0x3D559D11, + 0xB36B3AD4, 0x07604D72, 0x9A7AA543, 0x2E71D2E5, + 0xC7019A13, 0x730AEDB5, 0xEE100584, 0x5A1B7222, + 0xD425D5E7, 0x602EA241, 0xFD344A70, 0x493F3DD6, + 0x8B9F1DCC, 0x3F946A6A, 0xA28E825B, 0x1685F5FD, + 0x98BB5238, 0x2CB0259E, 0xB1AACDAF, 0x05A1BA09, + 0xECD1F2FF, 0x58DA8559, 0xC5C06D68, 0x71CB1ACE, + 0xFFF5BD0B, 0x4BFECAAD, 0xD6E4229C, 0x62EF553A, + 0x4503C3AB, 0xF108B40D, 0x6C125C3C, 0xD8192B9A, + 0x56278C5F, 0xE22CFBF9, 0x7F3613C8, 0xCB3D646E, + 0x224D2C98, 0x96465B3E, 0x0B5CB30F, 0xBF57C4A9, + 0x3169636C, 0x856214CA, 0x1878FCFB, 0xAC738B5D, + 0x17A6A003, 0xA3ADD7A5, 0x3EB73F94, 0x8ABC4832, + 0x0482EFF7, 0xB0899851, 0x2D937060, 0x999807C6, + 0x70E84F30, 0xC4E33896, 0x59F9D0A7, 0xEDF2A701, + 0x63CC00C4, 0xD7C77762, 0x4ADD9F53, 0xFED6E8F5, + 0xD93A7E64, 0x6D3109C2, 0xF02BE1F3, 0x44209655, + 0xCA1E3190, 0x7E154636, 0xE30FAE07, 0x5704D9A1, + 0xBE749157, 0x0A7FE6F1, 0x97650EC0, 0x236E7966, + 0xAD50DEA3, 0x195BA905, 0x84414134, 0x304A3692 + }, { + 0x00000000, 0x9E00AACC, 0x7D072542, 0xE3078F8E, + 0xFA0E4A84, 0x640EE048, 0x87096FC6, 0x1909C50A, + 0xB51BE5D3, 0x2B1B4F1F, 0xC81CC091, 0x561C6A5D, + 0x4F15AF57, 0xD115059B, 0x32128A15, 0xAC1220D9, + 0x2B31BB7C, 0xB53111B0, 0x56369E3E, 0xC83634F2, + 0xD13FF1F8, 0x4F3F5B34, 0xAC38D4BA, 0x32387E76, + 0x9E2A5EAF, 0x002AF463, 0xE32D7BED, 0x7D2DD121, + 0x6424142B, 0xFA24BEE7, 0x19233169, 0x87239BA5, + 0x566276F9, 0xC862DC35, 0x2B6553BB, 0xB565F977, + 0xAC6C3C7D, 0x326C96B1, 0xD16B193F, 0x4F6BB3F3, + 0xE379932A, 0x7D7939E6, 0x9E7EB668, 0x007E1CA4, + 0x1977D9AE, 0x87777362, 0x6470FCEC, 0xFA705620, + 0x7D53CD85, 0xE3536749, 0x0054E8C7, 0x9E54420B, + 0x875D8701, 0x195D2DCD, 0xFA5AA243, 0x645A088F, + 0xC8482856, 0x5648829A, 0xB54F0D14, 0x2B4FA7D8, + 0x324662D2, 0xAC46C81E, 0x4F414790, 0xD141ED5C, + 0xEDC29D29, 0x73C237E5, 0x90C5B86B, 0x0EC512A7, + 0x17CCD7AD, 0x89CC7D61, 0x6ACBF2EF, 0xF4CB5823, + 0x58D978FA, 0xC6D9D236, 0x25DE5DB8, 0xBBDEF774, + 0xA2D7327E, 0x3CD798B2, 0xDFD0173C, 0x41D0BDF0, + 0xC6F32655, 0x58F38C99, 0xBBF40317, 0x25F4A9DB, + 0x3CFD6CD1, 0xA2FDC61D, 0x41FA4993, 0xDFFAE35F, + 0x73E8C386, 0xEDE8694A, 0x0EEFE6C4, 0x90EF4C08, + 0x89E68902, 0x17E623CE, 0xF4E1AC40, 0x6AE1068C, + 0xBBA0EBD0, 0x25A0411C, 0xC6A7CE92, 0x58A7645E, + 0x41AEA154, 0xDFAE0B98, 0x3CA98416, 0xA2A92EDA, + 0x0EBB0E03, 0x90BBA4CF, 0x73BC2B41, 0xEDBC818D, + 0xF4B54487, 0x6AB5EE4B, 0x89B261C5, 0x17B2CB09, + 0x909150AC, 0x0E91FA60, 0xED9675EE, 0x7396DF22, + 0x6A9F1A28, 0xF49FB0E4, 0x17983F6A, 0x899895A6, + 0x258AB57F, 0xBB8A1FB3, 0x588D903D, 0xC68D3AF1, + 0xDF84FFFB, 0x41845537, 0xA283DAB9, 0x3C837075, + 0xDA853B53, 0x4485919F, 0xA7821E11, 0x3982B4DD, + 0x208B71D7, 0xBE8BDB1B, 0x5D8C5495, 0xC38CFE59, + 0x6F9EDE80, 0xF19E744C, 0x1299FBC2, 0x8C99510E, + 0x95909404, 0x0B903EC8, 0xE897B146, 0x76971B8A, + 0xF1B4802F, 0x6FB42AE3, 0x8CB3A56D, 0x12B30FA1, + 0x0BBACAAB, 0x95BA6067, 0x76BDEFE9, 0xE8BD4525, + 0x44AF65FC, 0xDAAFCF30, 0x39A840BE, 0xA7A8EA72, + 0xBEA12F78, 0x20A185B4, 0xC3A60A3A, 0x5DA6A0F6, + 0x8CE74DAA, 0x12E7E766, 0xF1E068E8, 0x6FE0C224, + 0x76E9072E, 0xE8E9ADE2, 0x0BEE226C, 0x95EE88A0, + 0x39FCA879, 0xA7FC02B5, 0x44FB8D3B, 0xDAFB27F7, + 0xC3F2E2FD, 0x5DF24831, 0xBEF5C7BF, 0x20F56D73, + 0xA7D6F6D6, 0x39D65C1A, 0xDAD1D394, 0x44D17958, + 0x5DD8BC52, 0xC3D8169E, 0x20DF9910, 0xBEDF33DC, + 0x12CD1305, 0x8CCDB9C9, 0x6FCA3647, 0xF1CA9C8B, + 0xE8C35981, 0x76C3F34D, 0x95C47CC3, 0x0BC4D60F, + 0x3747A67A, 0xA9470CB6, 0x4A408338, 0xD44029F4, + 0xCD49ECFE, 0x53494632, 0xB04EC9BC, 0x2E4E6370, + 0x825C43A9, 0x1C5CE965, 0xFF5B66EB, 0x615BCC27, + 0x7852092D, 0xE652A3E1, 0x05552C6F, 0x9B5586A3, + 0x1C761D06, 0x8276B7CA, 0x61713844, 0xFF719288, + 0xE6785782, 0x7878FD4E, 0x9B7F72C0, 0x057FD80C, + 0xA96DF8D5, 0x376D5219, 0xD46ADD97, 0x4A6A775B, + 0x5363B251, 0xCD63189D, 0x2E649713, 0xB0643DDF, + 0x6125D083, 0xFF257A4F, 0x1C22F5C1, 0x82225F0D, + 0x9B2B9A07, 0x052B30CB, 0xE62CBF45, 0x782C1589, + 0xD43E3550, 0x4A3E9F9C, 0xA9391012, 0x3739BADE, + 0x2E307FD4, 0xB030D518, 0x53375A96, 0xCD37F05A, + 0x4A146BFF, 0xD414C133, 0x37134EBD, 0xA913E471, + 0xB01A217B, 0x2E1A8BB7, 0xCD1D0439, 0x531DAEF5, + 0xFF0F8E2C, 0x610F24E0, 0x8208AB6E, 0x1C0801A2, + 0x0501C4A8, 0x9B016E64, 0x7806E1EA, 0xE6064B26 + } +}; diff --git a/lzma/crc32_table_le.h b/lzma/crc32_table_le.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b616b78 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc32_table_le.h @@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ +/* This file has been automatically generated by crc32_tablegen.c. */ +#include + +const uint32_t lzma_crc32_table[8][256] = { + { + 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA, + 0x076DC419, 0x706AF48F, 0xE963A535, 0x9E6495A3, + 0x0EDB8832, 0x79DCB8A4, 0xE0D5E91E, 0x97D2D988, + 0x09B64C2B, 0x7EB17CBD, 0xE7B82D07, 0x90BF1D91, + 0x1DB71064, 0x6AB020F2, 0xF3B97148, 0x84BE41DE, + 0x1ADAD47D, 0x6DDDE4EB, 0xF4D4B551, 0x83D385C7, + 0x136C9856, 0x646BA8C0, 0xFD62F97A, 0x8A65C9EC, + 0x14015C4F, 0x63066CD9, 0xFA0F3D63, 0x8D080DF5, + 0x3B6E20C8, 0x4C69105E, 0xD56041E4, 0xA2677172, + 0x3C03E4D1, 0x4B04D447, 0xD20D85FD, 0xA50AB56B, + 0x35B5A8FA, 0x42B2986C, 0xDBBBC9D6, 0xACBCF940, + 0x32D86CE3, 0x45DF5C75, 0xDCD60DCF, 0xABD13D59, + 0x26D930AC, 0x51DE003A, 0xC8D75180, 0xBFD06116, + 0x21B4F4B5, 0x56B3C423, 0xCFBA9599, 0xB8BDA50F, + 0x2802B89E, 0x5F058808, 0xC60CD9B2, 0xB10BE924, + 0x2F6F7C87, 0x58684C11, 0xC1611DAB, 0xB6662D3D, + 0x76DC4190, 0x01DB7106, 0x98D220BC, 0xEFD5102A, + 0x71B18589, 0x06B6B51F, 0x9FBFE4A5, 0xE8B8D433, + 0x7807C9A2, 0x0F00F934, 0x9609A88E, 0xE10E9818, + 0x7F6A0DBB, 0x086D3D2D, 0x91646C97, 0xE6635C01, + 0x6B6B51F4, 0x1C6C6162, 0x856530D8, 0xF262004E, + 0x6C0695ED, 0x1B01A57B, 0x8208F4C1, 0xF50FC457, + 0x65B0D9C6, 0x12B7E950, 0x8BBEB8EA, 0xFCB9887C, + 0x62DD1DDF, 0x15DA2D49, 0x8CD37CF3, 0xFBD44C65, + 0x4DB26158, 0x3AB551CE, 0xA3BC0074, 0xD4BB30E2, + 0x4ADFA541, 0x3DD895D7, 0xA4D1C46D, 0xD3D6F4FB, + 0x4369E96A, 0x346ED9FC, 0xAD678846, 0xDA60B8D0, + 0x44042D73, 0x33031DE5, 0xAA0A4C5F, 0xDD0D7CC9, + 0x5005713C, 0x270241AA, 0xBE0B1010, 0xC90C2086, + 0x5768B525, 0x206F85B3, 0xB966D409, 0xCE61E49F, + 0x5EDEF90E, 0x29D9C998, 0xB0D09822, 0xC7D7A8B4, + 0x59B33D17, 0x2EB40D81, 0xB7BD5C3B, 0xC0BA6CAD, + 0xEDB88320, 0x9ABFB3B6, 0x03B6E20C, 0x74B1D29A, + 0xEAD54739, 0x9DD277AF, 0x04DB2615, 0x73DC1683, + 0xE3630B12, 0x94643B84, 0x0D6D6A3E, 0x7A6A5AA8, + 0xE40ECF0B, 0x9309FF9D, 0x0A00AE27, 0x7D079EB1, + 0xF00F9344, 0x8708A3D2, 0x1E01F268, 0x6906C2FE, + 0xF762575D, 0x806567CB, 0x196C3671, 0x6E6B06E7, + 0xFED41B76, 0x89D32BE0, 0x10DA7A5A, 0x67DD4ACC, + 0xF9B9DF6F, 0x8EBEEFF9, 0x17B7BE43, 0x60B08ED5, + 0xD6D6A3E8, 0xA1D1937E, 0x38D8C2C4, 0x4FDFF252, + 0xD1BB67F1, 0xA6BC5767, 0x3FB506DD, 0x48B2364B, + 0xD80D2BDA, 0xAF0A1B4C, 0x36034AF6, 0x41047A60, + 0xDF60EFC3, 0xA867DF55, 0x316E8EEF, 0x4669BE79, + 0xCB61B38C, 0xBC66831A, 0x256FD2A0, 0x5268E236, + 0xCC0C7795, 0xBB0B4703, 0x220216B9, 0x5505262F, + 0xC5BA3BBE, 0xB2BD0B28, 0x2BB45A92, 0x5CB36A04, + 0xC2D7FFA7, 0xB5D0CF31, 0x2CD99E8B, 0x5BDEAE1D, + 0x9B64C2B0, 0xEC63F226, 0x756AA39C, 0x026D930A, + 0x9C0906A9, 0xEB0E363F, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, + 0x95BF4A82, 0xE2B87A14, 0x7BB12BAE, 0x0CB61B38, + 0x92D28E9B, 0xE5D5BE0D, 0x7CDCEFB7, 0x0BDBDF21, + 0x86D3D2D4, 0xF1D4E242, 0x68DDB3F8, 0x1FDA836E, + 0x81BE16CD, 0xF6B9265B, 0x6FB077E1, 0x18B74777, + 0x88085AE6, 0xFF0F6A70, 0x66063BCA, 0x11010B5C, + 0x8F659EFF, 0xF862AE69, 0x616BFFD3, 0x166CCF45, + 0xA00AE278, 0xD70DD2EE, 0x4E048354, 0x3903B3C2, + 0xA7672661, 0xD06016F7, 0x4969474D, 0x3E6E77DB, + 0xAED16A4A, 0xD9D65ADC, 0x40DF0B66, 0x37D83BF0, + 0xA9BCAE53, 0xDEBB9EC5, 0x47B2CF7F, 0x30B5FFE9, + 0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6, + 0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF, + 0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94, + 0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D + }, { + 0x00000000, 0x191B3141, 0x32366282, 0x2B2D53C3, + 0x646CC504, 0x7D77F445, 0x565AA786, 0x4F4196C7, + 0xC8D98A08, 0xD1C2BB49, 0xFAEFE88A, 0xE3F4D9CB, + 0xACB54F0C, 0xB5AE7E4D, 0x9E832D8E, 0x87981CCF, + 0x4AC21251, 0x53D92310, 0x78F470D3, 0x61EF4192, + 0x2EAED755, 0x37B5E614, 0x1C98B5D7, 0x05838496, + 0x821B9859, 0x9B00A918, 0xB02DFADB, 0xA936CB9A, + 0xE6775D5D, 0xFF6C6C1C, 0xD4413FDF, 0xCD5A0E9E, + 0x958424A2, 0x8C9F15E3, 0xA7B24620, 0xBEA97761, + 0xF1E8E1A6, 0xE8F3D0E7, 0xC3DE8324, 0xDAC5B265, + 0x5D5DAEAA, 0x44469FEB, 0x6F6BCC28, 0x7670FD69, + 0x39316BAE, 0x202A5AEF, 0x0B07092C, 0x121C386D, + 0xDF4636F3, 0xC65D07B2, 0xED705471, 0xF46B6530, + 0xBB2AF3F7, 0xA231C2B6, 0x891C9175, 0x9007A034, + 0x179FBCFB, 0x0E848DBA, 0x25A9DE79, 0x3CB2EF38, + 0x73F379FF, 0x6AE848BE, 0x41C51B7D, 0x58DE2A3C, + 0xF0794F05, 0xE9627E44, 0xC24F2D87, 0xDB541CC6, + 0x94158A01, 0x8D0EBB40, 0xA623E883, 0xBF38D9C2, + 0x38A0C50D, 0x21BBF44C, 0x0A96A78F, 0x138D96CE, + 0x5CCC0009, 0x45D73148, 0x6EFA628B, 0x77E153CA, + 0xBABB5D54, 0xA3A06C15, 0x888D3FD6, 0x91960E97, + 0xDED79850, 0xC7CCA911, 0xECE1FAD2, 0xF5FACB93, + 0x7262D75C, 0x6B79E61D, 0x4054B5DE, 0x594F849F, + 0x160E1258, 0x0F152319, 0x243870DA, 0x3D23419B, + 0x65FD6BA7, 0x7CE65AE6, 0x57CB0925, 0x4ED03864, + 0x0191AEA3, 0x188A9FE2, 0x33A7CC21, 0x2ABCFD60, + 0xAD24E1AF, 0xB43FD0EE, 0x9F12832D, 0x8609B26C, + 0xC94824AB, 0xD05315EA, 0xFB7E4629, 0xE2657768, + 0x2F3F79F6, 0x362448B7, 0x1D091B74, 0x04122A35, + 0x4B53BCF2, 0x52488DB3, 0x7965DE70, 0x607EEF31, + 0xE7E6F3FE, 0xFEFDC2BF, 0xD5D0917C, 0xCCCBA03D, + 0x838A36FA, 0x9A9107BB, 0xB1BC5478, 0xA8A76539, + 0x3B83984B, 0x2298A90A, 0x09B5FAC9, 0x10AECB88, + 0x5FEF5D4F, 0x46F46C0E, 0x6DD93FCD, 0x74C20E8C, + 0xF35A1243, 0xEA412302, 0xC16C70C1, 0xD8774180, + 0x9736D747, 0x8E2DE606, 0xA500B5C5, 0xBC1B8484, + 0x71418A1A, 0x685ABB5B, 0x4377E898, 0x5A6CD9D9, + 0x152D4F1E, 0x0C367E5F, 0x271B2D9C, 0x3E001CDD, + 0xB9980012, 0xA0833153, 0x8BAE6290, 0x92B553D1, + 0xDDF4C516, 0xC4EFF457, 0xEFC2A794, 0xF6D996D5, + 0xAE07BCE9, 0xB71C8DA8, 0x9C31DE6B, 0x852AEF2A, + 0xCA6B79ED, 0xD37048AC, 0xF85D1B6F, 0xE1462A2E, + 0x66DE36E1, 0x7FC507A0, 0x54E85463, 0x4DF36522, + 0x02B2F3E5, 0x1BA9C2A4, 0x30849167, 0x299FA026, + 0xE4C5AEB8, 0xFDDE9FF9, 0xD6F3CC3A, 0xCFE8FD7B, + 0x80A96BBC, 0x99B25AFD, 0xB29F093E, 0xAB84387F, + 0x2C1C24B0, 0x350715F1, 0x1E2A4632, 0x07317773, + 0x4870E1B4, 0x516BD0F5, 0x7A468336, 0x635DB277, + 0xCBFAD74E, 0xD2E1E60F, 0xF9CCB5CC, 0xE0D7848D, + 0xAF96124A, 0xB68D230B, 0x9DA070C8, 0x84BB4189, + 0x03235D46, 0x1A386C07, 0x31153FC4, 0x280E0E85, + 0x674F9842, 0x7E54A903, 0x5579FAC0, 0x4C62CB81, + 0x8138C51F, 0x9823F45E, 0xB30EA79D, 0xAA1596DC, + 0xE554001B, 0xFC4F315A, 0xD7626299, 0xCE7953D8, + 0x49E14F17, 0x50FA7E56, 0x7BD72D95, 0x62CC1CD4, + 0x2D8D8A13, 0x3496BB52, 0x1FBBE891, 0x06A0D9D0, + 0x5E7EF3EC, 0x4765C2AD, 0x6C48916E, 0x7553A02F, + 0x3A1236E8, 0x230907A9, 0x0824546A, 0x113F652B, + 0x96A779E4, 0x8FBC48A5, 0xA4911B66, 0xBD8A2A27, + 0xF2CBBCE0, 0xEBD08DA1, 0xC0FDDE62, 0xD9E6EF23, + 0x14BCE1BD, 0x0DA7D0FC, 0x268A833F, 0x3F91B27E, + 0x70D024B9, 0x69CB15F8, 0x42E6463B, 0x5BFD777A, + 0xDC656BB5, 0xC57E5AF4, 0xEE530937, 0xF7483876, + 0xB809AEB1, 0xA1129FF0, 0x8A3FCC33, 0x9324FD72 + }, { + 0x00000000, 0x01C26A37, 0x0384D46E, 0x0246BE59, + 0x0709A8DC, 0x06CBC2EB, 0x048D7CB2, 0x054F1685, + 0x0E1351B8, 0x0FD13B8F, 0x0D9785D6, 0x0C55EFE1, + 0x091AF964, 0x08D89353, 0x0A9E2D0A, 0x0B5C473D, + 0x1C26A370, 0x1DE4C947, 0x1FA2771E, 0x1E601D29, + 0x1B2F0BAC, 0x1AED619B, 0x18ABDFC2, 0x1969B5F5, + 0x1235F2C8, 0x13F798FF, 0x11B126A6, 0x10734C91, + 0x153C5A14, 0x14FE3023, 0x16B88E7A, 0x177AE44D, + 0x384D46E0, 0x398F2CD7, 0x3BC9928E, 0x3A0BF8B9, + 0x3F44EE3C, 0x3E86840B, 0x3CC03A52, 0x3D025065, + 0x365E1758, 0x379C7D6F, 0x35DAC336, 0x3418A901, + 0x3157BF84, 0x3095D5B3, 0x32D36BEA, 0x331101DD, + 0x246BE590, 0x25A98FA7, 0x27EF31FE, 0x262D5BC9, + 0x23624D4C, 0x22A0277B, 0x20E69922, 0x2124F315, + 0x2A78B428, 0x2BBADE1F, 0x29FC6046, 0x283E0A71, + 0x2D711CF4, 0x2CB376C3, 0x2EF5C89A, 0x2F37A2AD, + 0x709A8DC0, 0x7158E7F7, 0x731E59AE, 0x72DC3399, + 0x7793251C, 0x76514F2B, 0x7417F172, 0x75D59B45, + 0x7E89DC78, 0x7F4BB64F, 0x7D0D0816, 0x7CCF6221, + 0x798074A4, 0x78421E93, 0x7A04A0CA, 0x7BC6CAFD, + 0x6CBC2EB0, 0x6D7E4487, 0x6F38FADE, 0x6EFA90E9, + 0x6BB5866C, 0x6A77EC5B, 0x68315202, 0x69F33835, + 0x62AF7F08, 0x636D153F, 0x612BAB66, 0x60E9C151, + 0x65A6D7D4, 0x6464BDE3, 0x662203BA, 0x67E0698D, + 0x48D7CB20, 0x4915A117, 0x4B531F4E, 0x4A917579, + 0x4FDE63FC, 0x4E1C09CB, 0x4C5AB792, 0x4D98DDA5, + 0x46C49A98, 0x4706F0AF, 0x45404EF6, 0x448224C1, + 0x41CD3244, 0x400F5873, 0x4249E62A, 0x438B8C1D, + 0x54F16850, 0x55330267, 0x5775BC3E, 0x56B7D609, + 0x53F8C08C, 0x523AAABB, 0x507C14E2, 0x51BE7ED5, + 0x5AE239E8, 0x5B2053DF, 0x5966ED86, 0x58A487B1, + 0x5DEB9134, 0x5C29FB03, 0x5E6F455A, 0x5FAD2F6D, + 0xE1351B80, 0xE0F771B7, 0xE2B1CFEE, 0xE373A5D9, + 0xE63CB35C, 0xE7FED96B, 0xE5B86732, 0xE47A0D05, + 0xEF264A38, 0xEEE4200F, 0xECA29E56, 0xED60F461, + 0xE82FE2E4, 0xE9ED88D3, 0xEBAB368A, 0xEA695CBD, + 0xFD13B8F0, 0xFCD1D2C7, 0xFE976C9E, 0xFF5506A9, + 0xFA1A102C, 0xFBD87A1B, 0xF99EC442, 0xF85CAE75, + 0xF300E948, 0xF2C2837F, 0xF0843D26, 0xF1465711, + 0xF4094194, 0xF5CB2BA3, 0xF78D95FA, 0xF64FFFCD, + 0xD9785D60, 0xD8BA3757, 0xDAFC890E, 0xDB3EE339, + 0xDE71F5BC, 0xDFB39F8B, 0xDDF521D2, 0xDC374BE5, + 0xD76B0CD8, 0xD6A966EF, 0xD4EFD8B6, 0xD52DB281, + 0xD062A404, 0xD1A0CE33, 0xD3E6706A, 0xD2241A5D, + 0xC55EFE10, 0xC49C9427, 0xC6DA2A7E, 0xC7184049, + 0xC25756CC, 0xC3953CFB, 0xC1D382A2, 0xC011E895, + 0xCB4DAFA8, 0xCA8FC59F, 0xC8C97BC6, 0xC90B11F1, + 0xCC440774, 0xCD866D43, 0xCFC0D31A, 0xCE02B92D, + 0x91AF9640, 0x906DFC77, 0x922B422E, 0x93E92819, + 0x96A63E9C, 0x976454AB, 0x9522EAF2, 0x94E080C5, + 0x9FBCC7F8, 0x9E7EADCF, 0x9C381396, 0x9DFA79A1, + 0x98B56F24, 0x99770513, 0x9B31BB4A, 0x9AF3D17D, + 0x8D893530, 0x8C4B5F07, 0x8E0DE15E, 0x8FCF8B69, + 0x8A809DEC, 0x8B42F7DB, 0x89044982, 0x88C623B5, + 0x839A6488, 0x82580EBF, 0x801EB0E6, 0x81DCDAD1, + 0x8493CC54, 0x8551A663, 0x8717183A, 0x86D5720D, + 0xA9E2D0A0, 0xA820BA97, 0xAA6604CE, 0xABA46EF9, + 0xAEEB787C, 0xAF29124B, 0xAD6FAC12, 0xACADC625, + 0xA7F18118, 0xA633EB2F, 0xA4755576, 0xA5B73F41, + 0xA0F829C4, 0xA13A43F3, 0xA37CFDAA, 0xA2BE979D, + 0xB5C473D0, 0xB40619E7, 0xB640A7BE, 0xB782CD89, + 0xB2CDDB0C, 0xB30FB13B, 0xB1490F62, 0xB08B6555, + 0xBBD72268, 0xBA15485F, 0xB853F606, 0xB9919C31, + 0xBCDE8AB4, 0xBD1CE083, 0xBF5A5EDA, 0xBE9834ED + }, { + 0x00000000, 0xB8BC6765, 0xAA09C88B, 0x12B5AFEE, + 0x8F629757, 0x37DEF032, 0x256B5FDC, 0x9DD738B9, + 0xC5B428EF, 0x7D084F8A, 0x6FBDE064, 0xD7018701, + 0x4AD6BFB8, 0xF26AD8DD, 0xE0DF7733, 0x58631056, + 0x5019579F, 0xE8A530FA, 0xFA109F14, 0x42ACF871, + 0xDF7BC0C8, 0x67C7A7AD, 0x75720843, 0xCDCE6F26, + 0x95AD7F70, 0x2D111815, 0x3FA4B7FB, 0x8718D09E, + 0x1ACFE827, 0xA2738F42, 0xB0C620AC, 0x087A47C9, + 0xA032AF3E, 0x188EC85B, 0x0A3B67B5, 0xB28700D0, + 0x2F503869, 0x97EC5F0C, 0x8559F0E2, 0x3DE59787, + 0x658687D1, 0xDD3AE0B4, 0xCF8F4F5A, 0x7733283F, + 0xEAE41086, 0x525877E3, 0x40EDD80D, 0xF851BF68, + 0xF02BF8A1, 0x48979FC4, 0x5A22302A, 0xE29E574F, + 0x7F496FF6, 0xC7F50893, 0xD540A77D, 0x6DFCC018, + 0x359FD04E, 0x8D23B72B, 0x9F9618C5, 0x272A7FA0, + 0xBAFD4719, 0x0241207C, 0x10F48F92, 0xA848E8F7, + 0x9B14583D, 0x23A83F58, 0x311D90B6, 0x89A1F7D3, + 0x1476CF6A, 0xACCAA80F, 0xBE7F07E1, 0x06C36084, + 0x5EA070D2, 0xE61C17B7, 0xF4A9B859, 0x4C15DF3C, + 0xD1C2E785, 0x697E80E0, 0x7BCB2F0E, 0xC377486B, + 0xCB0D0FA2, 0x73B168C7, 0x6104C729, 0xD9B8A04C, + 0x446F98F5, 0xFCD3FF90, 0xEE66507E, 0x56DA371B, + 0x0EB9274D, 0xB6054028, 0xA4B0EFC6, 0x1C0C88A3, + 0x81DBB01A, 0x3967D77F, 0x2BD27891, 0x936E1FF4, + 0x3B26F703, 0x839A9066, 0x912F3F88, 0x299358ED, + 0xB4446054, 0x0CF80731, 0x1E4DA8DF, 0xA6F1CFBA, + 0xFE92DFEC, 0x462EB889, 0x549B1767, 0xEC277002, + 0x71F048BB, 0xC94C2FDE, 0xDBF98030, 0x6345E755, + 0x6B3FA09C, 0xD383C7F9, 0xC1366817, 0x798A0F72, + 0xE45D37CB, 0x5CE150AE, 0x4E54FF40, 0xF6E89825, + 0xAE8B8873, 0x1637EF16, 0x048240F8, 0xBC3E279D, + 0x21E91F24, 0x99557841, 0x8BE0D7AF, 0x335CB0CA, + 0xED59B63B, 0x55E5D15E, 0x47507EB0, 0xFFEC19D5, + 0x623B216C, 0xDA874609, 0xC832E9E7, 0x708E8E82, + 0x28ED9ED4, 0x9051F9B1, 0x82E4565F, 0x3A58313A, + 0xA78F0983, 0x1F336EE6, 0x0D86C108, 0xB53AA66D, + 0xBD40E1A4, 0x05FC86C1, 0x1749292F, 0xAFF54E4A, + 0x322276F3, 0x8A9E1196, 0x982BBE78, 0x2097D91D, + 0x78F4C94B, 0xC048AE2E, 0xD2FD01C0, 0x6A4166A5, + 0xF7965E1C, 0x4F2A3979, 0x5D9F9697, 0xE523F1F2, + 0x4D6B1905, 0xF5D77E60, 0xE762D18E, 0x5FDEB6EB, + 0xC2098E52, 0x7AB5E937, 0x680046D9, 0xD0BC21BC, + 0x88DF31EA, 0x3063568F, 0x22D6F961, 0x9A6A9E04, + 0x07BDA6BD, 0xBF01C1D8, 0xADB46E36, 0x15080953, + 0x1D724E9A, 0xA5CE29FF, 0xB77B8611, 0x0FC7E174, + 0x9210D9CD, 0x2AACBEA8, 0x38191146, 0x80A57623, + 0xD8C66675, 0x607A0110, 0x72CFAEFE, 0xCA73C99B, + 0x57A4F122, 0xEF189647, 0xFDAD39A9, 0x45115ECC, + 0x764DEE06, 0xCEF18963, 0xDC44268D, 0x64F841E8, + 0xF92F7951, 0x41931E34, 0x5326B1DA, 0xEB9AD6BF, + 0xB3F9C6E9, 0x0B45A18C, 0x19F00E62, 0xA14C6907, + 0x3C9B51BE, 0x842736DB, 0x96929935, 0x2E2EFE50, + 0x2654B999, 0x9EE8DEFC, 0x8C5D7112, 0x34E11677, + 0xA9362ECE, 0x118A49AB, 0x033FE645, 0xBB838120, + 0xE3E09176, 0x5B5CF613, 0x49E959FD, 0xF1553E98, + 0x6C820621, 0xD43E6144, 0xC68BCEAA, 0x7E37A9CF, + 0xD67F4138, 0x6EC3265D, 0x7C7689B3, 0xC4CAEED6, + 0x591DD66F, 0xE1A1B10A, 0xF3141EE4, 0x4BA87981, + 0x13CB69D7, 0xAB770EB2, 0xB9C2A15C, 0x017EC639, + 0x9CA9FE80, 0x241599E5, 0x36A0360B, 0x8E1C516E, + 0x866616A7, 0x3EDA71C2, 0x2C6FDE2C, 0x94D3B949, + 0x090481F0, 0xB1B8E695, 0xA30D497B, 0x1BB12E1E, + 0x43D23E48, 0xFB6E592D, 0xE9DBF6C3, 0x516791A6, + 0xCCB0A91F, 0x740CCE7A, 0x66B96194, 0xDE0506F1 + }, { + 0x00000000, 0x3D6029B0, 0x7AC05360, 0x47A07AD0, + 0xF580A6C0, 0xC8E08F70, 0x8F40F5A0, 0xB220DC10, + 0x30704BC1, 0x0D106271, 0x4AB018A1, 0x77D03111, + 0xC5F0ED01, 0xF890C4B1, 0xBF30BE61, 0x825097D1, + 0x60E09782, 0x5D80BE32, 0x1A20C4E2, 0x2740ED52, + 0x95603142, 0xA80018F2, 0xEFA06222, 0xD2C04B92, + 0x5090DC43, 0x6DF0F5F3, 0x2A508F23, 0x1730A693, + 0xA5107A83, 0x98705333, 0xDFD029E3, 0xE2B00053, + 0xC1C12F04, 0xFCA106B4, 0xBB017C64, 0x866155D4, + 0x344189C4, 0x0921A074, 0x4E81DAA4, 0x73E1F314, + 0xF1B164C5, 0xCCD14D75, 0x8B7137A5, 0xB6111E15, + 0x0431C205, 0x3951EBB5, 0x7EF19165, 0x4391B8D5, + 0xA121B886, 0x9C419136, 0xDBE1EBE6, 0xE681C256, + 0x54A11E46, 0x69C137F6, 0x2E614D26, 0x13016496, + 0x9151F347, 0xAC31DAF7, 0xEB91A027, 0xD6F18997, + 0x64D15587, 0x59B17C37, 0x1E1106E7, 0x23712F57, + 0x58F35849, 0x659371F9, 0x22330B29, 0x1F532299, + 0xAD73FE89, 0x9013D739, 0xD7B3ADE9, 0xEAD38459, + 0x68831388, 0x55E33A38, 0x124340E8, 0x2F236958, + 0x9D03B548, 0xA0639CF8, 0xE7C3E628, 0xDAA3CF98, + 0x3813CFCB, 0x0573E67B, 0x42D39CAB, 0x7FB3B51B, + 0xCD93690B, 0xF0F340BB, 0xB7533A6B, 0x8A3313DB, + 0x0863840A, 0x3503ADBA, 0x72A3D76A, 0x4FC3FEDA, + 0xFDE322CA, 0xC0830B7A, 0x872371AA, 0xBA43581A, + 0x9932774D, 0xA4525EFD, 0xE3F2242D, 0xDE920D9D, + 0x6CB2D18D, 0x51D2F83D, 0x167282ED, 0x2B12AB5D, + 0xA9423C8C, 0x9422153C, 0xD3826FEC, 0xEEE2465C, + 0x5CC29A4C, 0x61A2B3FC, 0x2602C92C, 0x1B62E09C, + 0xF9D2E0CF, 0xC4B2C97F, 0x8312B3AF, 0xBE729A1F, + 0x0C52460F, 0x31326FBF, 0x7692156F, 0x4BF23CDF, + 0xC9A2AB0E, 0xF4C282BE, 0xB362F86E, 0x8E02D1DE, + 0x3C220DCE, 0x0142247E, 0x46E25EAE, 0x7B82771E, + 0xB1E6B092, 0x8C869922, 0xCB26E3F2, 0xF646CA42, + 0x44661652, 0x79063FE2, 0x3EA64532, 0x03C66C82, + 0x8196FB53, 0xBCF6D2E3, 0xFB56A833, 0xC6368183, + 0x74165D93, 0x49767423, 0x0ED60EF3, 0x33B62743, + 0xD1062710, 0xEC660EA0, 0xABC67470, 0x96A65DC0, + 0x248681D0, 0x19E6A860, 0x5E46D2B0, 0x6326FB00, + 0xE1766CD1, 0xDC164561, 0x9BB63FB1, 0xA6D61601, + 0x14F6CA11, 0x2996E3A1, 0x6E369971, 0x5356B0C1, + 0x70279F96, 0x4D47B626, 0x0AE7CCF6, 0x3787E546, + 0x85A73956, 0xB8C710E6, 0xFF676A36, 0xC2074386, + 0x4057D457, 0x7D37FDE7, 0x3A978737, 0x07F7AE87, + 0xB5D77297, 0x88B75B27, 0xCF1721F7, 0xF2770847, + 0x10C70814, 0x2DA721A4, 0x6A075B74, 0x576772C4, + 0xE547AED4, 0xD8278764, 0x9F87FDB4, 0xA2E7D404, + 0x20B743D5, 0x1DD76A65, 0x5A7710B5, 0x67173905, + 0xD537E515, 0xE857CCA5, 0xAFF7B675, 0x92979FC5, + 0xE915E8DB, 0xD475C16B, 0x93D5BBBB, 0xAEB5920B, + 0x1C954E1B, 0x21F567AB, 0x66551D7B, 0x5B3534CB, + 0xD965A31A, 0xE4058AAA, 0xA3A5F07A, 0x9EC5D9CA, + 0x2CE505DA, 0x11852C6A, 0x562556BA, 0x6B457F0A, + 0x89F57F59, 0xB49556E9, 0xF3352C39, 0xCE550589, + 0x7C75D999, 0x4115F029, 0x06B58AF9, 0x3BD5A349, + 0xB9853498, 0x84E51D28, 0xC34567F8, 0xFE254E48, + 0x4C059258, 0x7165BBE8, 0x36C5C138, 0x0BA5E888, + 0x28D4C7DF, 0x15B4EE6F, 0x521494BF, 0x6F74BD0F, + 0xDD54611F, 0xE03448AF, 0xA794327F, 0x9AF41BCF, + 0x18A48C1E, 0x25C4A5AE, 0x6264DF7E, 0x5F04F6CE, + 0xED242ADE, 0xD044036E, 0x97E479BE, 0xAA84500E, + 0x4834505D, 0x755479ED, 0x32F4033D, 0x0F942A8D, + 0xBDB4F69D, 0x80D4DF2D, 0xC774A5FD, 0xFA148C4D, + 0x78441B9C, 0x4524322C, 0x028448FC, 0x3FE4614C, + 0x8DC4BD5C, 0xB0A494EC, 0xF704EE3C, 0xCA64C78C + }, { + 0x00000000, 0xCB5CD3A5, 0x4DC8A10B, 0x869472AE, + 0x9B914216, 0x50CD91B3, 0xD659E31D, 0x1D0530B8, + 0xEC53826D, 0x270F51C8, 0xA19B2366, 0x6AC7F0C3, + 0x77C2C07B, 0xBC9E13DE, 0x3A0A6170, 0xF156B2D5, + 0x03D6029B, 0xC88AD13E, 0x4E1EA390, 0x85427035, + 0x9847408D, 0x531B9328, 0xD58FE186, 0x1ED33223, + 0xEF8580F6, 0x24D95353, 0xA24D21FD, 0x6911F258, + 0x7414C2E0, 0xBF481145, 0x39DC63EB, 0xF280B04E, + 0x07AC0536, 0xCCF0D693, 0x4A64A43D, 0x81387798, + 0x9C3D4720, 0x57619485, 0xD1F5E62B, 0x1AA9358E, + 0xEBFF875B, 0x20A354FE, 0xA6372650, 0x6D6BF5F5, + 0x706EC54D, 0xBB3216E8, 0x3DA66446, 0xF6FAB7E3, + 0x047A07AD, 0xCF26D408, 0x49B2A6A6, 0x82EE7503, + 0x9FEB45BB, 0x54B7961E, 0xD223E4B0, 0x197F3715, + 0xE82985C0, 0x23755665, 0xA5E124CB, 0x6EBDF76E, + 0x73B8C7D6, 0xB8E41473, 0x3E7066DD, 0xF52CB578, + 0x0F580A6C, 0xC404D9C9, 0x4290AB67, 0x89CC78C2, + 0x94C9487A, 0x5F959BDF, 0xD901E971, 0x125D3AD4, + 0xE30B8801, 0x28575BA4, 0xAEC3290A, 0x659FFAAF, + 0x789ACA17, 0xB3C619B2, 0x35526B1C, 0xFE0EB8B9, + 0x0C8E08F7, 0xC7D2DB52, 0x4146A9FC, 0x8A1A7A59, + 0x971F4AE1, 0x5C439944, 0xDAD7EBEA, 0x118B384F, + 0xE0DD8A9A, 0x2B81593F, 0xAD152B91, 0x6649F834, + 0x7B4CC88C, 0xB0101B29, 0x36846987, 0xFDD8BA22, + 0x08F40F5A, 0xC3A8DCFF, 0x453CAE51, 0x8E607DF4, + 0x93654D4C, 0x58399EE9, 0xDEADEC47, 0x15F13FE2, + 0xE4A78D37, 0x2FFB5E92, 0xA96F2C3C, 0x6233FF99, + 0x7F36CF21, 0xB46A1C84, 0x32FE6E2A, 0xF9A2BD8F, + 0x0B220DC1, 0xC07EDE64, 0x46EAACCA, 0x8DB67F6F, + 0x90B34FD7, 0x5BEF9C72, 0xDD7BEEDC, 0x16273D79, + 0xE7718FAC, 0x2C2D5C09, 0xAAB92EA7, 0x61E5FD02, + 0x7CE0CDBA, 0xB7BC1E1F, 0x31286CB1, 0xFA74BF14, + 0x1EB014D8, 0xD5ECC77D, 0x5378B5D3, 0x98246676, + 0x852156CE, 0x4E7D856B, 0xC8E9F7C5, 0x03B52460, + 0xF2E396B5, 0x39BF4510, 0xBF2B37BE, 0x7477E41B, + 0x6972D4A3, 0xA22E0706, 0x24BA75A8, 0xEFE6A60D, + 0x1D661643, 0xD63AC5E6, 0x50AEB748, 0x9BF264ED, + 0x86F75455, 0x4DAB87F0, 0xCB3FF55E, 0x006326FB, + 0xF135942E, 0x3A69478B, 0xBCFD3525, 0x77A1E680, + 0x6AA4D638, 0xA1F8059D, 0x276C7733, 0xEC30A496, + 0x191C11EE, 0xD240C24B, 0x54D4B0E5, 0x9F886340, + 0x828D53F8, 0x49D1805D, 0xCF45F2F3, 0x04192156, + 0xF54F9383, 0x3E134026, 0xB8873288, 0x73DBE12D, + 0x6EDED195, 0xA5820230, 0x2316709E, 0xE84AA33B, + 0x1ACA1375, 0xD196C0D0, 0x5702B27E, 0x9C5E61DB, + 0x815B5163, 0x4A0782C6, 0xCC93F068, 0x07CF23CD, + 0xF6999118, 0x3DC542BD, 0xBB513013, 0x700DE3B6, + 0x6D08D30E, 0xA65400AB, 0x20C07205, 0xEB9CA1A0, + 0x11E81EB4, 0xDAB4CD11, 0x5C20BFBF, 0x977C6C1A, + 0x8A795CA2, 0x41258F07, 0xC7B1FDA9, 0x0CED2E0C, + 0xFDBB9CD9, 0x36E74F7C, 0xB0733DD2, 0x7B2FEE77, + 0x662ADECF, 0xAD760D6A, 0x2BE27FC4, 0xE0BEAC61, + 0x123E1C2F, 0xD962CF8A, 0x5FF6BD24, 0x94AA6E81, + 0x89AF5E39, 0x42F38D9C, 0xC467FF32, 0x0F3B2C97, + 0xFE6D9E42, 0x35314DE7, 0xB3A53F49, 0x78F9ECEC, + 0x65FCDC54, 0xAEA00FF1, 0x28347D5F, 0xE368AEFA, + 0x16441B82, 0xDD18C827, 0x5B8CBA89, 0x90D0692C, + 0x8DD55994, 0x46898A31, 0xC01DF89F, 0x0B412B3A, + 0xFA1799EF, 0x314B4A4A, 0xB7DF38E4, 0x7C83EB41, + 0x6186DBF9, 0xAADA085C, 0x2C4E7AF2, 0xE712A957, + 0x15921919, 0xDECECABC, 0x585AB812, 0x93066BB7, + 0x8E035B0F, 0x455F88AA, 0xC3CBFA04, 0x089729A1, + 0xF9C19B74, 0x329D48D1, 0xB4093A7F, 0x7F55E9DA, + 0x6250D962, 0xA90C0AC7, 0x2F987869, 0xE4C4ABCC + }, { + 0x00000000, 0xA6770BB4, 0x979F1129, 0x31E81A9D, + 0xF44F2413, 0x52382FA7, 0x63D0353A, 0xC5A73E8E, + 0x33EF4E67, 0x959845D3, 0xA4705F4E, 0x020754FA, + 0xC7A06A74, 0x61D761C0, 0x503F7B5D, 0xF64870E9, + 0x67DE9CCE, 0xC1A9977A, 0xF0418DE7, 0x56368653, + 0x9391B8DD, 0x35E6B369, 0x040EA9F4, 0xA279A240, + 0x5431D2A9, 0xF246D91D, 0xC3AEC380, 0x65D9C834, + 0xA07EF6BA, 0x0609FD0E, 0x37E1E793, 0x9196EC27, + 0xCFBD399C, 0x69CA3228, 0x582228B5, 0xFE552301, + 0x3BF21D8F, 0x9D85163B, 0xAC6D0CA6, 0x0A1A0712, + 0xFC5277FB, 0x5A257C4F, 0x6BCD66D2, 0xCDBA6D66, + 0x081D53E8, 0xAE6A585C, 0x9F8242C1, 0x39F54975, + 0xA863A552, 0x0E14AEE6, 0x3FFCB47B, 0x998BBFCF, + 0x5C2C8141, 0xFA5B8AF5, 0xCBB39068, 0x6DC49BDC, + 0x9B8CEB35, 0x3DFBE081, 0x0C13FA1C, 0xAA64F1A8, + 0x6FC3CF26, 0xC9B4C492, 0xF85CDE0F, 0x5E2BD5BB, + 0x440B7579, 0xE27C7ECD, 0xD3946450, 0x75E36FE4, + 0xB044516A, 0x16335ADE, 0x27DB4043, 0x81AC4BF7, + 0x77E43B1E, 0xD19330AA, 0xE07B2A37, 0x460C2183, + 0x83AB1F0D, 0x25DC14B9, 0x14340E24, 0xB2430590, + 0x23D5E9B7, 0x85A2E203, 0xB44AF89E, 0x123DF32A, + 0xD79ACDA4, 0x71EDC610, 0x4005DC8D, 0xE672D739, + 0x103AA7D0, 0xB64DAC64, 0x87A5B6F9, 0x21D2BD4D, + 0xE47583C3, 0x42028877, 0x73EA92EA, 0xD59D995E, + 0x8BB64CE5, 0x2DC14751, 0x1C295DCC, 0xBA5E5678, + 0x7FF968F6, 0xD98E6342, 0xE86679DF, 0x4E11726B, + 0xB8590282, 0x1E2E0936, 0x2FC613AB, 0x89B1181F, + 0x4C162691, 0xEA612D25, 0xDB8937B8, 0x7DFE3C0C, + 0xEC68D02B, 0x4A1FDB9F, 0x7BF7C102, 0xDD80CAB6, + 0x1827F438, 0xBE50FF8C, 0x8FB8E511, 0x29CFEEA5, + 0xDF879E4C, 0x79F095F8, 0x48188F65, 0xEE6F84D1, + 0x2BC8BA5F, 0x8DBFB1EB, 0xBC57AB76, 0x1A20A0C2, + 0x8816EAF2, 0x2E61E146, 0x1F89FBDB, 0xB9FEF06F, + 0x7C59CEE1, 0xDA2EC555, 0xEBC6DFC8, 0x4DB1D47C, + 0xBBF9A495, 0x1D8EAF21, 0x2C66B5BC, 0x8A11BE08, + 0x4FB68086, 0xE9C18B32, 0xD82991AF, 0x7E5E9A1B, + 0xEFC8763C, 0x49BF7D88, 0x78576715, 0xDE206CA1, + 0x1B87522F, 0xBDF0599B, 0x8C184306, 0x2A6F48B2, + 0xDC27385B, 0x7A5033EF, 0x4BB82972, 0xEDCF22C6, + 0x28681C48, 0x8E1F17FC, 0xBFF70D61, 0x198006D5, + 0x47ABD36E, 0xE1DCD8DA, 0xD034C247, 0x7643C9F3, + 0xB3E4F77D, 0x1593FCC9, 0x247BE654, 0x820CEDE0, + 0x74449D09, 0xD23396BD, 0xE3DB8C20, 0x45AC8794, + 0x800BB91A, 0x267CB2AE, 0x1794A833, 0xB1E3A387, + 0x20754FA0, 0x86024414, 0xB7EA5E89, 0x119D553D, + 0xD43A6BB3, 0x724D6007, 0x43A57A9A, 0xE5D2712E, + 0x139A01C7, 0xB5ED0A73, 0x840510EE, 0x22721B5A, + 0xE7D525D4, 0x41A22E60, 0x704A34FD, 0xD63D3F49, + 0xCC1D9F8B, 0x6A6A943F, 0x5B828EA2, 0xFDF58516, + 0x3852BB98, 0x9E25B02C, 0xAFCDAAB1, 0x09BAA105, + 0xFFF2D1EC, 0x5985DA58, 0x686DC0C5, 0xCE1ACB71, + 0x0BBDF5FF, 0xADCAFE4B, 0x9C22E4D6, 0x3A55EF62, + 0xABC30345, 0x0DB408F1, 0x3C5C126C, 0x9A2B19D8, + 0x5F8C2756, 0xF9FB2CE2, 0xC813367F, 0x6E643DCB, + 0x982C4D22, 0x3E5B4696, 0x0FB35C0B, 0xA9C457BF, + 0x6C636931, 0xCA146285, 0xFBFC7818, 0x5D8B73AC, + 0x03A0A617, 0xA5D7ADA3, 0x943FB73E, 0x3248BC8A, + 0xF7EF8204, 0x519889B0, 0x6070932D, 0xC6079899, + 0x304FE870, 0x9638E3C4, 0xA7D0F959, 0x01A7F2ED, + 0xC400CC63, 0x6277C7D7, 0x539FDD4A, 0xF5E8D6FE, + 0x647E3AD9, 0xC209316D, 0xF3E12BF0, 0x55962044, + 0x90311ECA, 0x3646157E, 0x07AE0FE3, 0xA1D90457, + 0x579174BE, 0xF1E67F0A, 0xC00E6597, 0x66796E23, + 0xA3DE50AD, 0x05A95B19, 0x34414184, 0x92364A30 + }, { + 0x00000000, 0xCCAA009E, 0x4225077D, 0x8E8F07E3, + 0x844A0EFA, 0x48E00E64, 0xC66F0987, 0x0AC50919, + 0xD3E51BB5, 0x1F4F1B2B, 0x91C01CC8, 0x5D6A1C56, + 0x57AF154F, 0x9B0515D1, 0x158A1232, 0xD92012AC, + 0x7CBB312B, 0xB01131B5, 0x3E9E3656, 0xF23436C8, + 0xF8F13FD1, 0x345B3F4F, 0xBAD438AC, 0x767E3832, + 0xAF5E2A9E, 0x63F42A00, 0xED7B2DE3, 0x21D12D7D, + 0x2B142464, 0xE7BE24FA, 0x69312319, 0xA59B2387, + 0xF9766256, 0x35DC62C8, 0xBB53652B, 0x77F965B5, + 0x7D3C6CAC, 0xB1966C32, 0x3F196BD1, 0xF3B36B4F, + 0x2A9379E3, 0xE639797D, 0x68B67E9E, 0xA41C7E00, + 0xAED97719, 0x62737787, 0xECFC7064, 0x205670FA, + 0x85CD537D, 0x496753E3, 0xC7E85400, 0x0B42549E, + 0x01875D87, 0xCD2D5D19, 0x43A25AFA, 0x8F085A64, + 0x562848C8, 0x9A824856, 0x140D4FB5, 0xD8A74F2B, + 0xD2624632, 0x1EC846AC, 0x9047414F, 0x5CED41D1, + 0x299DC2ED, 0xE537C273, 0x6BB8C590, 0xA712C50E, + 0xADD7CC17, 0x617DCC89, 0xEFF2CB6A, 0x2358CBF4, + 0xFA78D958, 0x36D2D9C6, 0xB85DDE25, 0x74F7DEBB, + 0x7E32D7A2, 0xB298D73C, 0x3C17D0DF, 0xF0BDD041, + 0x5526F3C6, 0x998CF358, 0x1703F4BB, 0xDBA9F425, + 0xD16CFD3C, 0x1DC6FDA2, 0x9349FA41, 0x5FE3FADF, + 0x86C3E873, 0x4A69E8ED, 0xC4E6EF0E, 0x084CEF90, + 0x0289E689, 0xCE23E617, 0x40ACE1F4, 0x8C06E16A, + 0xD0EBA0BB, 0x1C41A025, 0x92CEA7C6, 0x5E64A758, + 0x54A1AE41, 0x980BAEDF, 0x1684A93C, 0xDA2EA9A2, + 0x030EBB0E, 0xCFA4BB90, 0x412BBC73, 0x8D81BCED, + 0x8744B5F4, 0x4BEEB56A, 0xC561B289, 0x09CBB217, + 0xAC509190, 0x60FA910E, 0xEE7596ED, 0x22DF9673, + 0x281A9F6A, 0xE4B09FF4, 0x6A3F9817, 0xA6959889, + 0x7FB58A25, 0xB31F8ABB, 0x3D908D58, 0xF13A8DC6, + 0xFBFF84DF, 0x37558441, 0xB9DA83A2, 0x7570833C, + 0x533B85DA, 0x9F918544, 0x111E82A7, 0xDDB48239, + 0xD7718B20, 0x1BDB8BBE, 0x95548C5D, 0x59FE8CC3, + 0x80DE9E6F, 0x4C749EF1, 0xC2FB9912, 0x0E51998C, + 0x04949095, 0xC83E900B, 0x46B197E8, 0x8A1B9776, + 0x2F80B4F1, 0xE32AB46F, 0x6DA5B38C, 0xA10FB312, + 0xABCABA0B, 0x6760BA95, 0xE9EFBD76, 0x2545BDE8, + 0xFC65AF44, 0x30CFAFDA, 0xBE40A839, 0x72EAA8A7, + 0x782FA1BE, 0xB485A120, 0x3A0AA6C3, 0xF6A0A65D, + 0xAA4DE78C, 0x66E7E712, 0xE868E0F1, 0x24C2E06F, + 0x2E07E976, 0xE2ADE9E8, 0x6C22EE0B, 0xA088EE95, + 0x79A8FC39, 0xB502FCA7, 0x3B8DFB44, 0xF727FBDA, + 0xFDE2F2C3, 0x3148F25D, 0xBFC7F5BE, 0x736DF520, + 0xD6F6D6A7, 0x1A5CD639, 0x94D3D1DA, 0x5879D144, + 0x52BCD85D, 0x9E16D8C3, 0x1099DF20, 0xDC33DFBE, + 0x0513CD12, 0xC9B9CD8C, 0x4736CA6F, 0x8B9CCAF1, + 0x8159C3E8, 0x4DF3C376, 0xC37CC495, 0x0FD6C40B, + 0x7AA64737, 0xB60C47A9, 0x3883404A, 0xF42940D4, + 0xFEEC49CD, 0x32464953, 0xBCC94EB0, 0x70634E2E, + 0xA9435C82, 0x65E95C1C, 0xEB665BFF, 0x27CC5B61, + 0x2D095278, 0xE1A352E6, 0x6F2C5505, 0xA386559B, + 0x061D761C, 0xCAB77682, 0x44387161, 0x889271FF, + 0x825778E6, 0x4EFD7878, 0xC0727F9B, 0x0CD87F05, + 0xD5F86DA9, 0x19526D37, 0x97DD6AD4, 0x5B776A4A, + 0x51B26353, 0x9D1863CD, 0x1397642E, 0xDF3D64B0, + 0x83D02561, 0x4F7A25FF, 0xC1F5221C, 0x0D5F2282, + 0x079A2B9B, 0xCB302B05, 0x45BF2CE6, 0x89152C78, + 0x50353ED4, 0x9C9F3E4A, 0x121039A9, 0xDEBA3937, + 0xD47F302E, 0x18D530B0, 0x965A3753, 0x5AF037CD, + 0xFF6B144A, 0x33C114D4, 0xBD4E1337, 0x71E413A9, + 0x7B211AB0, 0xB78B1A2E, 0x39041DCD, 0xF5AE1D53, + 0x2C8E0FFF, 0xE0240F61, 0x6EAB0882, 0xA201081C, + 0xA8C40105, 0x646E019B, 0xEAE10678, 0x264B06E6 + } +}; diff --git a/lzma/crc32_tablegen.c b/lzma/crc32_tablegen.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31a4d27 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc32_tablegen.c @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +/// \file crc32_tablegen.c +/// \brief Generate crc32_table_le.h and crc32_table_be.h +/// +/// Compiling: gcc -std=c99 -o crc32_tablegen crc32_tablegen.c +/// Add -DWORDS_BIGENDIAN to generate big endian table. +/// Add -DLZ_HASH_TABLE to generate lz_encoder_hash_table.h (little endian). +// +// Author: Lasse Collin +// +// This file has been put into the public domain. +// You can do whatever you want with this file. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#include +#include "../../common/tuklib_integer.h" + + +static uint32_t crc32_table[8][256]; + + +static void +init_crc32_table(void) +{ + static const uint32_t poly32 = UINT32_C(0xEDB88320); + + for (size_t s = 0; s < 8; ++s) { + for (size_t b = 0; b < 256; ++b) { + uint32_t r = s == 0 ? b : crc32_table[s - 1][b]; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { + if (r & 1) + r = (r >> 1) ^ poly32; + else + r >>= 1; + } + + crc32_table[s][b] = r; + } + } + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + for (size_t s = 0; s < 8; ++s) + for (size_t b = 0; b < 256; ++b) + crc32_table[s][b] = bswap32(crc32_table[s][b]); +#endif + + return; +} + + +static void +print_crc32_table(void) +{ + printf("/* This file has been automatically generated by " + "crc32_tablegen.c. */\n\n" + "const uint32_t lzma_crc32_table[8][256] = {\n\t{"); + + for (size_t s = 0; s < 8; ++s) { + for (size_t b = 0; b < 256; ++b) { + if ((b % 4) == 0) + printf("\n\t\t"); + + printf("0x%08" PRIX32, crc32_table[s][b]); + + if (b != 255) + printf(",%s", (b+1) % 4 == 0 ? "" : " "); + } + + if (s == 7) + printf("\n\t}\n};\n"); + else + printf("\n\t}, {"); + } + + return; +} + + +static void +print_lz_table(void) +{ + printf("/* This file has been automatically generated by " + "crc32_tablegen.c. */\n\n" + "const uint32_t lzma_lz_hash_table[256] = {"); + + for (size_t b = 0; b < 256; ++b) { + if ((b % 4) == 0) + printf("\n\t"); + + printf("0x%08" PRIX32, crc32_table[0][b]); + + if (b != 255) + printf(",%s", (b+1) % 4 == 0 ? "" : " "); + } + + printf("\n};\n"); + + return; +} + + +int +main(void) +{ + init_crc32_table(); + +#ifdef LZ_HASH_TABLE + print_lz_table(); +#else + print_crc32_table(); +#endif + + return 0; +} diff --git a/lzma/crc64_fast.c b/lzma/crc64_fast.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2604887 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc64_fast.c @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +/// \file crc64.c +/// \brief CRC64 calculation +/// +/// Calculate the CRC64 using the slice-by-four algorithm. This is the same +/// idea that is used in crc32_fast.c, but for CRC64 we use only four tables +/// instead of eight to avoid increasing CPU cache usage. +// +// Author: Lasse Collin +// +// This file has been put into the public domain. +// You can do whatever you want with this file. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#include + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# define A1(x) ((x) >> 56) +#else +# define A1 A +#endif + +extern const uint64_t lzma_crc64_table[4][256]; + +// See the comments in crc32_fast.c. They aren't duplicated here. +extern uint64_t +lzma_crc64(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size, uint64_t crc) +{ + crc = ~crc; + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + crc = bswap64(crc); +#endif + + if (size > 4) { + while ((uintptr_t)(buf) & 3) { + crc = lzma_crc64_table[0][*buf++ ^ A1(crc)] ^ S8(crc); + --size; + } + + const uint8_t *const limit = buf + (size & ~(size_t)(3)); + size &= (size_t)(3); + + while (buf < limit) { +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + const uint32_t tmp = (crc >> 32) + ^ *(const uint32_t *)(buf); +#else + const uint32_t tmp = crc ^ *(const uint32_t *)(buf); +#endif + buf += 4; + + crc = lzma_crc64_table[3][A(tmp)] + ^ lzma_crc64_table[2][B(tmp)] + ^ S32(crc) + ^ lzma_crc64_table[1][C(tmp)] + ^ lzma_crc64_table[0][D(tmp)]; + } + } + + while (size-- != 0) + crc = lzma_crc64_table[0][*buf++ ^ A1(crc)] ^ S8(crc); + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + crc = bswap64(crc); +#endif + + return ~crc; +} + +extern uint64_t +lzma_crc64_8bchk(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size, uint64_t crc, uint64_t *cnt) +{ + crc = ~crc; + uint64_t cnt1 = 0; + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + crc = bswap64(crc); +#endif + + if (size > 4) { + while ((uintptr_t)(buf) & 3) { + crc = lzma_crc64_table[0][*buf++ ^ A1(crc)] ^ S8(crc); + --size; + } + + const uint8_t *const limit = buf + (size & ~(size_t)(3)); + size &= (size_t)(3); + + while (buf < limit) { + uint32_t val = *(const uint32_t *)(buf); +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + const uint32_t tmp = (crc >> 32) ^ val; +#else + const uint32_t tmp = crc ^ val; +#endif + buf += 4; + val >>= 7; cnt1 += (val & 1); + val >>= 8; cnt1 += (val & 1); + + crc = lzma_crc64_table[3][A(tmp)] + ^ lzma_crc64_table[2][B(tmp)] + ^ S32(crc) + ^ lzma_crc64_table[1][C(tmp)] + ^ lzma_crc64_table[0][D(tmp)]; + } + } + + while (size-- != 0) + crc = lzma_crc64_table[0][*buf++ ^ A1(crc)] ^ S8(crc); + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + crc = bswap64(crc); +#endif + + *cnt = cnt1; + return ~crc; +} diff --git a/lzma/crc64_table.c b/lzma/crc64_table.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7930cae --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc64_table.c @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +/// \file crc64_table.c +/// \brief Precalculated CRC64 table with correct endianness +// +// Author: Lasse Collin +// +// This file has been put into the public domain. +// You can do whatever you want with this file. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +/* + * This gives us BYTE_ORDER macro both on Linux and Solaris derived + * systems. + */ +#include + +#if BYTE_ORDER == LITTLE_ENDIAN +# include "crc64_table_le.h" +#else +# include "crc64_table_be.h" +#endif + diff --git a/lzma/crc64_table_be.h b/lzma/crc64_table_be.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea074f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc64_table_be.h @@ -0,0 +1,521 @@ +/* This file has been automatically generated by crc64_tablegen.c. */ + +const uint64_t lzma_crc64_table[4][256] = { + { + UINT64_C(0x0000000000000000), UINT64_C(0x6F5FA703BE4C2EB3), + UINT64_C(0x5BA040A8573684F4), UINT64_C(0x34FFE7ABE97AAA47), + UINT64_C(0x335E8FFF84C3D07B), UINT64_C(0x5C0128FC3A8FFEC8), + UINT64_C(0x68FECF57D3F5548F), UINT64_C(0x07A168546DB97A3C), + UINT64_C(0x66BC1EFF0987A1F7), UINT64_C(0x09E3B9FCB7CB8F44), + UINT64_C(0x3D1C5E575EB12503), UINT64_C(0x5243F954E0FD0BB0), + UINT64_C(0x55E291008D44718C), UINT64_C(0x3ABD360333085F3F), + UINT64_C(0x0E42D1A8DA72F578), UINT64_C(0x611D76AB643EDBCB), + UINT64_C(0x4966335138A19B7D), UINT64_C(0x2639945286EDB5CE), + UINT64_C(0x12C673F96F971F89), UINT64_C(0x7D99D4FAD1DB313A), + UINT64_C(0x7A38BCAEBC624B06), UINT64_C(0x15671BAD022E65B5), + UINT64_C(0x2198FC06EB54CFF2), UINT64_C(0x4EC75B055518E141), + UINT64_C(0x2FDA2DAE31263A8A), UINT64_C(0x40858AAD8F6A1439), + UINT64_C(0x747A6D066610BE7E), UINT64_C(0x1B25CA05D85C90CD), + UINT64_C(0x1C84A251B5E5EAF1), UINT64_C(0x73DB05520BA9C442), + UINT64_C(0x4724E2F9E2D36E05), UINT64_C(0x287B45FA5C9F40B6), + UINT64_C(0x92CC66A2704237FB), UINT64_C(0xFD93C1A1CE0E1948), + UINT64_C(0xC96C260A2774B30F), UINT64_C(0xA633810999389DBC), + UINT64_C(0xA192E95DF481E780), UINT64_C(0xCECD4E5E4ACDC933), + UINT64_C(0xFA32A9F5A3B76374), UINT64_C(0x956D0EF61DFB4DC7), + UINT64_C(0xF470785D79C5960C), UINT64_C(0x9B2FDF5EC789B8BF), + UINT64_C(0xAFD038F52EF312F8), UINT64_C(0xC08F9FF690BF3C4B), + UINT64_C(0xC72EF7A2FD064677), UINT64_C(0xA87150A1434A68C4), + UINT64_C(0x9C8EB70AAA30C283), UINT64_C(0xF3D11009147CEC30), + UINT64_C(0xDBAA55F348E3AC86), UINT64_C(0xB4F5F2F0F6AF8235), + UINT64_C(0x800A155B1FD52872), UINT64_C(0xEF55B258A19906C1), + UINT64_C(0xE8F4DA0CCC207CFD), UINT64_C(0x87AB7D0F726C524E), + UINT64_C(0xB3549AA49B16F809), UINT64_C(0xDC0B3DA7255AD6BA), + UINT64_C(0xBD164B0C41640D71), UINT64_C(0xD249EC0FFF2823C2), + UINT64_C(0xE6B60BA416528985), UINT64_C(0x89E9ACA7A81EA736), + UINT64_C(0x8E48C4F3C5A7DD0A), UINT64_C(0xE11763F07BEBF3B9), + UINT64_C(0xD5E8845B929159FE), UINT64_C(0xBAB723582CDD774D), + UINT64_C(0xA187C3EBCA2BB664), UINT64_C(0xCED864E8746798D7), + UINT64_C(0xFA2783439D1D3290), UINT64_C(0x9578244023511C23), + UINT64_C(0x92D94C144EE8661F), UINT64_C(0xFD86EB17F0A448AC), + UINT64_C(0xC9790CBC19DEE2EB), UINT64_C(0xA626ABBFA792CC58), + UINT64_C(0xC73BDD14C3AC1793), UINT64_C(0xA8647A177DE03920), + UINT64_C(0x9C9B9DBC949A9367), UINT64_C(0xF3C43ABF2AD6BDD4), + UINT64_C(0xF46552EB476FC7E8), UINT64_C(0x9B3AF5E8F923E95B), + UINT64_C(0xAFC512431059431C), UINT64_C(0xC09AB540AE156DAF), + UINT64_C(0xE8E1F0BAF28A2D19), UINT64_C(0x87BE57B94CC603AA), + UINT64_C(0xB341B012A5BCA9ED), UINT64_C(0xDC1E17111BF0875E), + UINT64_C(0xDBBF7F457649FD62), UINT64_C(0xB4E0D846C805D3D1), + UINT64_C(0x801F3FED217F7996), UINT64_C(0xEF4098EE9F335725), + UINT64_C(0x8E5DEE45FB0D8CEE), UINT64_C(0xE10249464541A25D), + UINT64_C(0xD5FDAEEDAC3B081A), UINT64_C(0xBAA209EE127726A9), + UINT64_C(0xBD0361BA7FCE5C95), UINT64_C(0xD25CC6B9C1827226), + UINT64_C(0xE6A3211228F8D861), UINT64_C(0x89FC861196B4F6D2), + UINT64_C(0x334BA549BA69819F), UINT64_C(0x5C14024A0425AF2C), + UINT64_C(0x68EBE5E1ED5F056B), UINT64_C(0x07B442E253132BD8), + UINT64_C(0x00152AB63EAA51E4), UINT64_C(0x6F4A8DB580E67F57), + UINT64_C(0x5BB56A1E699CD510), UINT64_C(0x34EACD1DD7D0FBA3), + UINT64_C(0x55F7BBB6B3EE2068), UINT64_C(0x3AA81CB50DA20EDB), + UINT64_C(0x0E57FB1EE4D8A49C), UINT64_C(0x61085C1D5A948A2F), + UINT64_C(0x66A93449372DF013), UINT64_C(0x09F6934A8961DEA0), + UINT64_C(0x3D0974E1601B74E7), UINT64_C(0x5256D3E2DE575A54), + UINT64_C(0x7A2D961882C81AE2), UINT64_C(0x1572311B3C843451), + UINT64_C(0x218DD6B0D5FE9E16), UINT64_C(0x4ED271B36BB2B0A5), + UINT64_C(0x497319E7060BCA99), UINT64_C(0x262CBEE4B847E42A), + UINT64_C(0x12D3594F513D4E6D), UINT64_C(0x7D8CFE4CEF7160DE), + UINT64_C(0x1C9188E78B4FBB15), UINT64_C(0x73CE2FE4350395A6), + UINT64_C(0x4731C84FDC793FE1), UINT64_C(0x286E6F4C62351152), + UINT64_C(0x2FCF07180F8C6B6E), UINT64_C(0x4090A01BB1C045DD), + UINT64_C(0x746F47B058BAEF9A), UINT64_C(0x1B30E0B3E6F6C129), + UINT64_C(0x420F87D795576CC9), UINT64_C(0x2D5020D42B1B427A), + 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UINT64_C(0xEDCDEA9B181B3288), UINT64_C(0xF02360C53A379354), + UINT64_C(0xD610FE275C427130), UINT64_C(0xCBFE74797E6ED0EC), + UINT64_C(0x9A77C3E390A9B5F8), UINT64_C(0x879949BDB2851424), + UINT64_C(0xA1AAD75FD4F0F640), UINT64_C(0xBC445D01F6DC579C), + UINT64_C(0x74F1233D072C2A36), UINT64_C(0x691FA96325008BEA), + UINT64_C(0x4F2C37814375698E), UINT64_C(0x52C2BDDF6159C852), + UINT64_C(0x034B0A458F9EAD46), UINT64_C(0x1EA5801BADB20C9A), + UINT64_C(0x38961EF9CBC7EEFE), UINT64_C(0x257894A7E9EB4F22), + UINT64_C(0x9B8571CC164924D6), UINT64_C(0x866BFB923465850A), + UINT64_C(0xA05865705210676E), UINT64_C(0xBDB6EF2E703CC6B2), + UINT64_C(0xEC3F58B49EFBA3A6), UINT64_C(0xF1D1D2EABCD7027A), + UINT64_C(0xD7E24C08DAA2E01E), UINT64_C(0xCA0CC656F88E41C2), + UINT64_C(0x38C129F48AE82973), UINT64_C(0x252FA3AAA8C488AF), + UINT64_C(0x031C3D48CEB16ACB), UINT64_C(0x1EF2B716EC9DCB17), + UINT64_C(0x4F7B008C025AAE03), UINT64_C(0x52958AD220760FDF), + UINT64_C(0x74A614304603EDBB), UINT64_C(0x69489E6E642F4C67), + UINT64_C(0xD7B57B059B8D2793), UINT64_C(0xCA5BF15BB9A1864F), + UINT64_C(0xEC686FB9DFD4642B), UINT64_C(0xF186E5E7FDF8C5F7), + UINT64_C(0xA00F527D133FA0E3), UINT64_C(0xBDE1D8233113013F), + UINT64_C(0x9BD246C15766E35B), UINT64_C(0x863CCC9F754A4287), + UINT64_C(0xEC9136AE1CA42CBC), UINT64_C(0xF17FBCF03E888D60), + UINT64_C(0xD74C221258FD6F04), UINT64_C(0xCAA2A84C7AD1CED8), + UINT64_C(0x9B2B1FD69416ABCC), UINT64_C(0x86C59588B63A0A10), + UINT64_C(0xA0F60B6AD04FE874), UINT64_C(0xBD188134F26349A8), + UINT64_C(0x03E5645F0DC1225C), UINT64_C(0x1E0BEE012FED8380), + UINT64_C(0x383870E3499861E4), UINT64_C(0x25D6FABD6BB4C038), + UINT64_C(0x745F4D278573A52C), UINT64_C(0x69B1C779A75F04F0), + UINT64_C(0x4F82599BC12AE694), UINT64_C(0x526CD3C5E3064748), + UINT64_C(0xA0A13C6791602FF9), UINT64_C(0xBD4FB639B34C8E25), + UINT64_C(0x9B7C28DBD5396C41), UINT64_C(0x8692A285F715CD9D), + UINT64_C(0xD71B151F19D2A889), UINT64_C(0xCAF59F413BFE0955), + UINT64_C(0xECC601A35D8BEB31), UINT64_C(0xF1288BFD7FA74AED), + UINT64_C(0x4FD56E9680052119), UINT64_C(0x523BE4C8A22980C5), + UINT64_C(0x74087A2AC45C62A1), UINT64_C(0x69E6F074E670C37D), + UINT64_C(0x386F47EE08B7A669), UINT64_C(0x2581CDB02A9B07B5), + UINT64_C(0x03B253524CEEE5D1), UINT64_C(0x1E5CD90C6EC2440D) + } +}; diff --git a/lzma/crc64_tablegen.c b/lzma/crc64_tablegen.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fddaa7e --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc64_tablegen.c @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +/// \file crc64_tablegen.c +/// \brief Generate crc64_table_le.h and crc64_table_be.h +/// +/// Compiling: gcc -std=c99 -o crc64_tablegen crc64_tablegen.c +/// Add -DWORDS_BIGENDIAN to generate big endian table. +// +// Author: Lasse Collin +// +// This file has been put into the public domain. +// You can do whatever you want with this file. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#include +#include "../../common/tuklib_integer.h" + + +static uint64_t crc64_table[4][256]; + + +extern void +init_crc64_table(void) +{ + static const uint64_t poly64 = UINT64_C(0xC96C5795D7870F42); + + for (size_t s = 0; s < 4; ++s) { + for (size_t b = 0; b < 256; ++b) { + uint64_t r = s == 0 ? b : crc64_table[s - 1][b]; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { + if (r & 1) + r = (r >> 1) ^ poly64; + else + r >>= 1; + } + + crc64_table[s][b] = r; + } + } + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN + for (size_t s = 0; s < 4; ++s) + for (size_t b = 0; b < 256; ++b) + crc64_table[s][b] = bswap64(crc64_table[s][b]); +#endif + + return; +} + + +static void +print_crc64_table(void) +{ + printf("/* This file has been automatically generated by " + "crc64_tablegen.c. */\n\n" + "const uint64_t lzma_crc64_table[4][256] = {\n\t{"); + + for (size_t s = 0; s < 4; ++s) { + for (size_t b = 0; b < 256; ++b) { + if ((b % 2) == 0) + printf("\n\t\t"); + + printf("UINT64_C(0x%016" PRIX64 ")", + crc64_table[s][b]); + + if (b != 255) + printf(",%s", (b+1) % 2 == 0 ? "" : " "); + } + + if (s == 3) + printf("\n\t}\n};\n"); + else + printf("\n\t}, {"); + } + + return; +} + + +int +main(void) +{ + init_crc64_table(); + print_crc64_table(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/lzma/crc_macros.h b/lzma/crc_macros.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8e22c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma/crc_macros.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// +/// \file crc_macros.h +/// \brief Some endian-dependent macros for CRC32 and CRC64 +// +// Author: Lasse Collin +// +// This file has been put into the public domain. +// You can do whatever you want with this file. +// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#include + +#ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# define A(x) ((x) >> 24) +# define B(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xFF) +# define C(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xFF) +# define D(x) ((x) & 0xFF) + +# define S8(x) ((x) << 8) +# define S32(x) ((x) << 32) + +#else +# define A(x) ((x) & 0xFF) +# define B(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xFF) +# define C(x) (((x) >> 16) & 0xFF) +# define D(x) ((x) >> 24) + +# define S8(x) ((x) >> 8) +# define S32(x) ((x) >> 32) +#endif diff --git a/lzma_compress.c b/lzma_compress.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..076ec63 --- /dev/null +++ b/lzma_compress.c @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#define SZ_ERROR_DESTLEN 100 +#define LZMA_MAX_DICT (1 << 30) +#define LZMA_DICT_THRESH (1 << 29) +#define LZMA_DEFAULT_DICT (1 << 24) + +CLzmaEncProps *p = NULL; + +static ISzAlloc g_Alloc = { + slab_alloc, + slab_free, + NULL +}; + +/* + * The two functions below are not thread-safe, by design. + */ +int +lzma_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize) +{ + if (!p) { + p = (CLzmaEncProps *)slab_alloc(NULL, sizeof (CLzmaEncProps)); + LzmaEncProps_Init(p); + /* + * Set the dictionary size and fast bytes based on level. + */ + if (*level < 8) { + /* + * Choose a dict size with a balance between perf and + * compression. + */ + p->dictSize = LZMA_DEFAULT_DICT; + } else { + /* + * Let LZMA determine best dict size. + */ + p->dictSize = 0; + } + /* Determine the fast bytes value. */ + if (*level < 7) + p->fb = 32; + else if (*level < 10) + p->fb = 64; + else + p->fb = 128; + if (*level > 9) *level = 9; + p->level = *level; + LzmaEncProps_Normalize(p); + } + *data = p; + return (0); +} + +int +lzma_deinit(void **data) +{ + if (p) { + slab_free(NULL, p); + p = NULL; + } + *data = NULL; + return (0); +} + +static void +lzerr(int err) +{ + switch (err) { + case SZ_ERROR_MEM: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Memory allocation error\n"); + break; + case SZ_ERROR_PARAM: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Incorrect paramater\n"); + break; + case SZ_ERROR_WRITE: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Write callback error\n"); + break; + case SZ_ERROR_PROGRESS: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Progress callback errored\n"); + break; + case SZ_ERROR_OUTPUT_EOF: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Output buffer overflow\n"); + break; + case SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Unsupported properties\n"); + break; + case SZ_ERROR_DESTLEN: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Output chunk size too small\n"); + break; + case SZ_ERROR_DATA: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Data Error\n"); + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, "LZMA: Unknown error code: %d\n", err); + } +} + +/* + * LZMA compressed segment format(simplified) + * ------------------------------------------ + * Offset Size Description + * 0 1 Special LZMA properties for compressed data + * 1 4 Dictionary size (little endian) + * 13 Compressed data + * + * Derived from + * We do not store the uncompressed chunk size here. It is stored in + * our chunk header. + */ +int +lzma_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + size_t props_len = LZMA_PROPS_SIZE; + SRes res; + Byte *_dst; + CLzmaEncProps *props = (CLzmaEncProps *)data; + + if (*dstlen < LZMA_PROPS_SIZE) { + lzerr(SZ_ERROR_DESTLEN); + return (-1); + } + props->level = level; + + _dst = (Byte *)dst; + *dstlen -= LZMA_PROPS_SIZE; + res = LzmaEncode(_dst + LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, dstlen, src, srclen, + props, _dst, &props_len, 0, NULL, &g_Alloc, &g_Alloc); + + if (res != 0) { + lzerr(res); + return (-1); + } + + *dstlen += LZMA_PROPS_SIZE; + return (0); +} + +int +lzma_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + size_t _srclen; + const uchar_t *_src; + SRes res; + ELzmaStatus status; + + _srclen = srclen - LZMA_PROPS_SIZE; + _src = (uchar_t *)src + LZMA_PROPS_SIZE + CHDR_SZ; + + if ((res = LzmaDecode((uchar_t *)dst, dstlen, _src, &_srclen, + src + CHDR_SZ, LZMA_PROPS_SIZE, LZMA_FINISH_ANY, + &status, &g_Alloc)) != SZ_OK) { + lzerr(res); + return (-1); + } + return (0); +} + diff --git a/main.c b/main.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eac8238 --- /dev/null +++ b/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain/LGPL source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +/* + * pcompress - Do a chunked parallel compression/decompression of a file. + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* Needed for CLzmaEncprops. */ +#include + +/* + * We use 5MB chunks by default. + */ +#define DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE (5 * 1024 * 1024) + +struct wdata { + struct cmp_data **dary; + int wfd; + int nprocs; +}; + + +static void * writer_thread(void *dat); +static int init_algo(const char *algo, int bail); + +static compress_func_ptr _compress_func; +static compress_func_ptr _decompress_func; +static init_func_ptr _init_func; +static deinit_func_ptr _deinit_func; +static int main_cancel; +static int adapt_mode = 0; +static int pipe_mode = 0; +static int nthreads = 0; +static int hide_stats = 1; +static unsigned int chunk_num; +static const char *exec_name; +static const char *algo = NULL; + +static void +usage(void) +{ + fprintf(stderr, + "Usage:\n" + "1) To compress a file:\n" + " %s -c [-l ] [-s ] \n" + " Where can be the folowing:\n" + " zlib - The base Zlib format compression (not Gzip).\n" + " lzma - The LZMA (Lempel-Ziv Markov) algorithm from 7Zip.\n" + " bzip2 - Bzip2 Algorithm from libbzip2.\n" + " ppmd - The PPMd algorithm excellent for textual data. PPMd requires\n" + " at least 64MB X CPUs more memory than the other modes.\n" + " adapt - Adaptive mode where lzma or bzip2 will be used per chunk,\n" + " depending on which one produces better compression. This mode\n" + " is obviously fairly slow and requires double the memory of\n" + " standalone bzip2 or lzma modes.\n" + " adapt2 - Adaptive mode which includes lzma, bzip2 and ppmd. This requires\n" + " even more memory than adapt mode, is more slower and potentially\n" + " produces the best compression.\n" + " - This can be in bytes or can use the following suffixes:\n" + " g - Gigabyte, m - Megabyte, k - Kilobyte.\n" + " Larger chunks produce better compression at the cost of memory.\n" + " - Can be a number from 0 meaning minimum and 14 meaning\n" + " maximum compression.\n\n" + "2) To decompress a file compressed using above command:\n" + " %s -d \n" + "3) To operate as a pipe, read from stdin and write to stdout:\n" + " %s <-c ...|-d ...> -p\n" + "4) Number of threads can optionally be specified: -t <1 - 256 count>\n" + "5) Pass '-M' to display memory allocator statistics\n\n", + exec_name, exec_name, exec_name); +} + +/* + * This routine is called in multiple threads. Calls the decompression handler + * as encoded in the file header. For adaptive mode the handler adapt_decompress() + * in turns looks at the chunk header and call the actualy decompression + * routine. + */ +static void * +perform_decompress(void *dat) +{ + struct cmp_data *tdat = (struct cmp_data *)dat; + ssize_t _chunksize; + int type, rv; + typeof (tdat->crc64) crc64; + uchar_t HDR; + uchar_t *cseg; + +redo: + sem_wait(&tdat->start_sem); + if (unlikely(tdat->cancel)) { + tdat->len_cmp = 0; + sem_post(&tdat->cmp_done_sem); + return (0); + } + + /* + * If the last read returned a 0 quit. + */ + if (tdat->rbytes == 0) { + tdat->len_cmp = 0; + tdat->crc64 = 0; + goto cont; + } + + cseg = tdat->compressed_chunk + sizeof (crc64); + _chunksize = tdat->chunksize; + tdat->crc64 = htonll(*((typeof (crc64) *)(tdat->compressed_chunk))); + HDR = *cseg; + if (HDR & CHSIZE_MASK) { + uchar_t *rseg; + + tdat->rbytes -= sizeof (ssize_t); + tdat->len_cmp -= sizeof (ssize_t); + rseg = tdat->compressed_chunk + tdat->rbytes; + _chunksize = ntohll(*((ssize_t *)rseg)); + } + if (HDR & COMPRESSED) { + rv = tdat->decompress(cseg, tdat->len_cmp, tdat->uncompressed_chunk, + &_chunksize, tdat->level, tdat->data); + } else { + memcpy(cseg + CHDR_SZ, tdat->uncompressed_chunk, _chunksize); + } + tdat->len_cmp = _chunksize; + + if (rv == -1) { + tdat->len_cmp = 0; + fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Chunk %d, decompression failed.\n", tdat->id); + goto cont; + } + /* + * Re-compute checksum of original uncompressed chunk. + * If it does not match we set length of chunk to 0 to indicate + * exit to the writer thread. + */ + crc64 = lzma_crc64(tdat->uncompressed_chunk, _chunksize, 0); + if (crc64 != tdat->crc64) { + tdat->len_cmp = 0; + fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Chunk %d, checksums do not match.\n", tdat->id); + } + +cont: + sem_post(&tdat->cmp_done_sem); + goto redo; +} + +/* + * File decompression routine. + * + * Compressed file Format + * ---------------------- + * File Header: + * Algorithm string: 8 bytes. + * Version number: 4 bytes. + * Chunk size: 8 bytes. + * Compression Level: 4 bytes; + * + * Chunk Header: + * Compressed length: 8 bytes. + * CRC64 Checksum: 8 bytes. + * Chunk flags: 1 byte. + * + * Chunk Flags, 8 bits: + * I I I I I I I I + * | | | | + * | | | `- 0 - Uncompressed + * | | | 1 - Compressed + * | | | + * | | `------------- 1 - Bzip2 (Adaptive Mode) + * | `---------------- 1 - Lzma (Adaptive Mode) + * | + * `---------------------- 1 - Last Chunk flag + * + * A file trailer to indicate end. + * Zero Compressed length: 8 zero bytes. + */ +#define UNCOMP_BAIL err = 1; goto uncomp_done + +static void +start_decompress(const char *filename, const char *to_filename) +{ + char tmpfile[MAXPATHLEN]; + char algorithm[ALGO_SZ]; + struct stat sbuf; + struct wdata w; + int compfd = -1, i, p; + int uncompfd = -1, err, np, bail; + int version, nprocs, thread = 0, level; + ssize_t chunksize, compressed_chunksize; + struct cmp_data **dary, *tdat; + pthread_t writer_thr; + + err = 0; + /* + * Open files and do sanity checks. + */ + if (!pipe_mode) { + if ((compfd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, 0)) == -1) + err_exit(1, "Cannot open: %s", filename); + + if (fstat(compfd, &sbuf) == -1) + err_exit(1, "Cannot stat: %s", filename); + if (sbuf.st_size == 0) + return; + + if ((uncompfd = open(to_filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0)) == -1) { + close(compfd); + err_exit(1, "Cannot open: %s", to_filename); + } + } else { + compfd = fileno(stdin); + if (compfd == -1) { + perror("fileno "); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + uncompfd = fileno(stdout); + if (uncompfd == -1) { + perror("fileno "); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + } + + /* + * Read file header pieces and verify. + */ + if (Read(compfd, algorithm, ALGO_SZ) < ALGO_SZ) { + perror("Read: "); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + if (init_algo(algorithm, 0) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a pcompressed file.\n", filename); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + + if (Read(compfd, &version, sizeof (version)) < sizeof (version) || + Read(compfd, &chunksize, sizeof (chunksize)) < sizeof (chunksize) || + Read(compfd, &level, sizeof (level)) < sizeof (level)) { + perror("Read: "); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + + version = ntohl(version); + chunksize = ntohll(chunksize); + level = ntohl(level); + + if (version != 1) { + fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported version: %d\n", version); + err = 1; + goto uncomp_done; + } + + compressed_chunksize = chunksize + (chunksize >> 6) + sizeof (uint64_t) + + sizeof (chunksize); + + if (nthreads == 0) + nprocs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); + else + nprocs = nthreads; + + fprintf(stderr, "Scaling to %d threads\n", nprocs); + dary = (struct cmp_data **)slab_alloc(NULL, sizeof (struct cmp_data *) * nprocs); + for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { + dary[i] = (struct cmp_data *)slab_alloc(NULL, sizeof (struct cmp_data)); + if (!dary[i]) { + fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + tdat = dary[i]; + tdat->compressed_chunk = (uchar_t *)slab_alloc(NULL, + compressed_chunksize + CHDR_SZ); + if (!tdat->compressed_chunk) { + fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + tdat->uncompressed_chunk = (uchar_t *)slab_alloc(NULL, chunksize); + if (!tdat->uncompressed_chunk) { + fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + tdat->cmp_seg = tdat->uncompressed_chunk; + tdat->chunksize = chunksize; + tdat->compress = _compress_func; + tdat->decompress = _decompress_func; + tdat->cancel = 0; + tdat->level = level; + sem_init(&(tdat->start_sem), 0, 0); + sem_init(&(tdat->cmp_done_sem), 0, 0); + sem_init(&(tdat->write_done_sem), 0, 1); + if (_init_func) + _init_func(&(tdat->data), &(tdat->level), chunksize); + if (pthread_create(&(tdat->thr), NULL, perform_decompress, + (void *)tdat) != 0) { + perror("Error in thread creation: "); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + } + thread = 1; + + w.dary = dary; + w.wfd = uncompfd; + w.nprocs = nprocs; + if (pthread_create(&writer_thr, NULL, writer_thread, (void *)(&w)) != 0) { + perror("Error in thread creation: "); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + + /* + * Now read from the compressed file in variable compressed chunk size. + * First the size is read from the chunk header and then as many bytes + + * CRC64 checksum size are read and passed to decompression thread. + * Chunk sequencing is ensured. + */ + chunk_num = 0; + np = 0; + bail = 0; + while (!bail) { + ssize_t rb; + + if (main_cancel) break; + for (p = 0; p < nprocs; p++) { + np = p; + tdat = dary[p]; + sem_wait(&tdat->write_done_sem); + if (main_cancel) break; + tdat->id = chunk_num; + + /* + * First read length of compressed chunk. + */ + rb = Read(compfd, &tdat->len_cmp, sizeof (tdat->len_cmp)); + if (rb != sizeof (tdat->len_cmp)) { + if (rb < 0) perror("Read: "); + else + fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete chunk %d header," + "file corrupt\n", chunk_num); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + tdat->len_cmp = htonll(tdat->len_cmp); + /* + * Zero compressed len means end of file. + */ + if (tdat->len_cmp == 0) { + bail = 1; + break; + } + + /* + * Now read compressed chunk including the crc64 checksum. + */ + tdat->rbytes = Read(compfd, tdat->compressed_chunk, + tdat->len_cmp + sizeof(tdat->crc64) + CHDR_SZ); + + if (main_cancel) break; + if (tdat->rbytes < tdat->len_cmp + sizeof(tdat->crc64) + CHDR_SZ) { + if (tdat->rbytes < 0) { + perror("Read: "); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "Incomplete chunk %d, file corrupt.\n", + chunk_num); + UNCOMP_BAIL; + } + } + sem_post(&tdat->start_sem); + chunk_num++; + } + } + + + if (!main_cancel) { + for (p = 0; p < nprocs; p++) { + if (p == np) continue; + tdat = dary[p]; + sem_wait(&tdat->write_done_sem); + } + thread = 0; + } +uncomp_done: + if (thread) { + for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { + tdat = dary[i]; + tdat->cancel = 1; + tdat->len_cmp = 0; + sem_post(&tdat->start_sem); + sem_post(&tdat->cmp_done_sem); + pthread_join(tdat->thr, NULL); + } + pthread_join(writer_thr, NULL); + } + + /* + * Ownership and mode of target should be same as original. + */ + fchmod(uncompfd, sbuf.st_mode); + if (fchown(uncompfd, sbuf.st_uid, sbuf.st_gid) == -1) + perror("Chown "); + if (dary != NULL) { + for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { + slab_free(NULL, dary[i]->uncompressed_chunk); + slab_free(NULL, dary[i]->compressed_chunk); + if (_deinit_func) + _deinit_func(&(tdat->data)); + slab_free(NULL, dary[i]); + } + slab_free(NULL, dary); + } + if (!pipe_mode) { + if (compfd != -1) close(compfd); + if (uncompfd != -1) close(uncompfd); + } + + slab_cleanup(hide_stats); +} + +static void * +perform_compress(void *dat) { + struct cmp_data *tdat = (struct cmp_data *)dat; + typeof (tdat->chunksize) _chunksize, len_cmp; + int type, rv; + +redo: + sem_wait(&tdat->start_sem); + if (unlikely(tdat->cancel)) { + tdat->len_cmp = 0; + sem_post(&tdat->cmp_done_sem); + return (0); + } + + /* + * Compute checksum of original uncompressed chunk. + */ + tdat->crc64 = lzma_crc64(tdat->uncompressed_chunk, tdat->rbytes, 0); + + _chunksize = tdat->rbytes; + rv = tdat->compress(tdat->uncompressed_chunk, tdat->rbytes, + tdat->compressed_chunk + CHDR_SZ, &_chunksize, tdat->level, + tdat->data); + + /* + * Sanity check to ensure compressed data is lesser than original. + * If at all compression expands/does not shrink data then the chunk + * will be left uncompressed. Also if the compression errored the + * chunk will be left uncompressed. + */ + tdat->len_cmp = _chunksize; + if (_chunksize >= tdat->chunksize || rv < 0) { + memcpy(tdat->compressed_chunk + CHDR_SZ, tdat->uncompressed_chunk, + tdat->rbytes); + type = UNCOMPRESSED; + tdat->len_cmp = tdat->rbytes; + } else { + type = COMPRESSED; + } + + /* + * Insert compressed chunk length and CRC64 checksum into + * chunk header. + */ + len_cmp = tdat->len_cmp; + *((typeof (len_cmp) *)(tdat->cmp_seg)) = htonll(tdat->len_cmp); + *((typeof (tdat->crc64) *)(tdat->cmp_seg + sizeof (tdat->crc64))) = htonll(tdat->crc64); + tdat->len_cmp += CHDR_SZ; + tdat->len_cmp += sizeof (len_cmp); + tdat->len_cmp += sizeof (tdat->crc64); + + if (adapt_mode) + type |= (rv << 4); + + /* + * If last chunk is less than chunksize, store this length as well. + */ + if (tdat->rbytes < tdat->chunksize) { + type |= CHSIZE_MASK; + *((typeof (tdat->rbytes) *)(tdat->cmp_seg + tdat->len_cmp)) = htonll(tdat->rbytes); + tdat->len_cmp += sizeof (tdat->rbytes); + len_cmp += sizeof (tdat->rbytes); + *((typeof (len_cmp) *)(tdat->cmp_seg)) = htonll(len_cmp); + } + /* + * Set the chunk header flags. + */ + *(tdat->compressed_chunk) = type; + +cont: + sem_post(&tdat->cmp_done_sem); + goto redo; +} + +static void * +writer_thread(void *dat) { + int p; + struct wdata *w = (struct wdata *)dat; + struct cmp_data *tdat; + ssize_t wbytes; + +repeat: + for (p = 0; p < w->nprocs; p++) { + tdat = w->dary[p]; + sem_wait(&tdat->cmp_done_sem); + if (tdat->len_cmp == 0) { + goto do_cancel; + } + + wbytes = Write(w->wfd, tdat->cmp_seg, tdat->len_cmp); + if (unlikely(wbytes != tdat->len_cmp)) { + int i; + + perror("Chunk Write: "); +do_cancel: + main_cancel = 1; + for (i = 0; i < w->nprocs; i++) { + tdat->cancel = 1; + sem_post(&tdat->start_sem); + sem_post(&tdat->write_done_sem); + } + return (0); + } + sem_post(&tdat->write_done_sem); + } + goto repeat; +} + +/* + * File compression routine. Can use as many threads as there are + * logical cores unless user specified something different. There is + * not much to gain from nthreads > n logical cores however. + */ +#define COMP_BAIL err = 1; goto comp_done + +static void +start_compress(const char *filename, uint64_t chunksize, int level) +{ + struct wdata w; + char tmpfile[MAXPATHLEN]; + char to_filename[MAXPATHLEN]; + ssize_t compressed_chunksize; + ssize_t n_chunksize, rbytes; + int version; + struct stat sbuf; + int compfd = -1, uncompfd = -1, err; + int i, thread = 0, bail; + int nprocs, np, p; + struct cmp_data **dary = NULL, *tdat; + pthread_t writer_thr; + uchar_t *cread_buf, *pos; + + /* + * Compressed buffer size must include zlib scratch space and + * chunk header space. + * See + * + * We do this unconditionally whether user mentioned zlib or not + * to keep it simple. While zlib scratch space is only needed at + * runtime, chunk header is stored in the file. + * + * See start_decompress() routine for details of chunk header. + * We also keep extra 8-byte space for the last chunk's size. + */ + compressed_chunksize = chunksize + (chunksize >> 6) + + sizeof (chunksize) + sizeof (uint64_t) + sizeof (chunksize); + err = 0; + + /* A host of sanity checks. */ + if (!pipe_mode) { + if ((uncompfd = open(filename, O_RDWR, 0)) == -1) + err_exit(1, "Cannot open: %s", filename); + + if (fstat(uncompfd, &sbuf) == -1) { + close(uncompfd); + err_exit(1, "Cannot stat: %s", filename); + } + + if (!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) { + close(uncompfd); + err_exit(0, "File %s is not a regular file.\n", filename); + } + + if (sbuf.st_size == 0) { + close(uncompfd); + return; + } + + /* + * Adjust chunk size for small files. We then get an archive with + * a single chunk for the entire file. + */ + if (sbuf.st_size < chunksize) { + chunksize = sbuf.st_size; + } + + /* + * Create a temporary file to hold compressed data which is renamed at + * the end. The target file name is same as original file with the '.pz' + * extension appended. + */ + strcpy(tmpfile, filename); + strcpy(tmpfile, dirname(tmpfile)); + strcat(tmpfile, "/.pcompXXXXXX"); + snprintf(to_filename, sizeof (to_filename), "%s" COMP_EXTN, filename); + if ((compfd = mkstemp(tmpfile)) == -1) { + perror("mkstemp "); + COMP_BAIL; + } + } else { + /* + * Use stdin/stdout for pipe mode. + */ + compfd = fileno(stdout); + if (compfd == -1) { + perror("fileno "); + COMP_BAIL; + } + uncompfd = fileno(stdin); + if (uncompfd == -1) { + perror("fileno "); + COMP_BAIL; + } + } + + if (nthreads == 0) + nprocs = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); + else + nprocs = nthreads; + + fprintf(stderr, "Scaling to %d threads\n", nprocs); + dary = (struct cmp_data **)slab_alloc(NULL, sizeof (struct cmp_data *) * nprocs); + cread_buf = (uchar_t *)slab_alloc(NULL, chunksize); + if (!cread_buf) { + fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); + COMP_BAIL; + } + + for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { + dary[i] = (struct cmp_data *)slab_alloc(NULL, sizeof (struct cmp_data)); + if (!dary[i]) { + fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); + COMP_BAIL; + } + tdat = dary[i]; + tdat->cmp_seg = (uchar_t *)slab_alloc(NULL, compressed_chunksize + CHDR_SZ); + tdat->compressed_chunk = tdat->cmp_seg + sizeof (chunksize) + sizeof (uint64_t); + if (!tdat->compressed_chunk) { + fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); + COMP_BAIL; + } + tdat->uncompressed_chunk = (uchar_t *)slab_alloc(NULL, chunksize); + if (!tdat->uncompressed_chunk) { + fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); + COMP_BAIL; + } + tdat->chunksize = chunksize; + tdat->compress = _compress_func; + tdat->decompress = _decompress_func; + tdat->cancel = 0; + tdat->level = level; + sem_init(&(tdat->start_sem), 0, 0); + sem_init(&(tdat->cmp_done_sem), 0, 0); + sem_init(&(tdat->write_done_sem), 0, 1); + if (_init_func) + _init_func(&(tdat->data), &(tdat->level), chunksize); + + if (pthread_create(&(tdat->thr), NULL, perform_compress, + (void *)tdat) != 0) { + perror("Error in thread creation: "); + COMP_BAIL; + } + } + thread = 1; + + w.dary = dary; + w.wfd = compfd; + w.nprocs = nprocs; + if (pthread_create(&writer_thr, NULL, writer_thread, (void *)(&w)) != 0) { + perror("Error in thread creation: "); + COMP_BAIL; + } + + /* + * Write out file header. First insert hdr elements into mem buffer + * then write out the full hdr in one shot. + */ + memset(cread_buf, 0, ALGO_SZ); + strncpy(cread_buf, algo, ALGO_SZ); + version = htonl(VERSION); + n_chunksize = htonll(chunksize); + level = htonl(level); + pos = cread_buf + ALGO_SZ; + memcpy(pos, &version, sizeof (version)); + pos += sizeof (version); + memcpy(pos, &n_chunksize, sizeof (n_chunksize)); + pos += sizeof (n_chunksize); + memcpy(pos, &level, sizeof (level)); + pos += sizeof (level); + if (Write(compfd, cread_buf, pos - cread_buf) != pos - cread_buf) { + perror("Write "); + COMP_BAIL; + } + + /* + * Now read from the uncompressed file in 'chunksize' sized chunks, independently + * compress each chunk and write it out. Chunk sequencing is ensured. + */ + chunk_num = 0; + np = 0; + bail = 0; + + /* + * Read the first chunk into a spare buffer (a simple double-buffering). + */ + rbytes = Read(uncompfd, cread_buf, chunksize); + while (!bail) { + uchar_t *tmp; + + if (main_cancel) break; + for (p = 0; p < nprocs; p++) { + np = p; + tdat = dary[p]; + if (main_cancel) break; + /* Wait for previous chunk compression to complete. */ + sem_wait(&tdat->write_done_sem); + if (main_cancel) break; + + /* + * Once previous chunk is done swap already read buffer and + * it's size into the thread data. + */ + tdat->id = chunk_num; + tmp = tdat->uncompressed_chunk; + tdat->uncompressed_chunk = cread_buf; + cread_buf = tmp; + tdat->rbytes = rbytes; + if (rbytes < chunksize) { + bail = 1; + if (rbytes < 0) { + perror("Read: "); + COMP_BAIL; + + } else if (tdat->rbytes == 0) { /* EOF */ + break; + } + np = nprocs + 1; + sem_post(&tdat->start_sem); + break; + } + /* Signal the compression thread to start */ + sem_post(&tdat->start_sem); + /* + * Read the next buffer we want to process while previous + * buffer is in progress. + */ + rbytes = Read(uncompfd, cread_buf, chunksize); + chunk_num++; + } + } + + if (!main_cancel) { + /* Wait for all remaining chunks to finish. */ + for (p = 0; p < nprocs; p++) { + if (p == np) continue; + tdat = dary[p]; + sem_wait(&tdat->write_done_sem); + } + } else { + err = 1; + } + +comp_done: + if (thread) { + for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { + tdat = dary[i]; + tdat->cancel = 1; + tdat->len_cmp = 0; + sem_post(&tdat->start_sem); + sem_post(&tdat->cmp_done_sem); + pthread_join(tdat->thr, NULL); + } + pthread_join(writer_thr, NULL); + } + + if (err) { + if (compfd != -1 && !pipe_mode) + unlink(tmpfile); + fprintf(stderr, "Error compressing file: %s\n", filename); + } else { + /* + * Write a trailer of zero chunk length. + */ + compressed_chunksize = 0; + if (Write(compfd, &compressed_chunksize, + sizeof (compressed_chunksize)) < 0) { + perror("Write "); + err = 1; + } + + /* + * Rename the temporary file to the actual compressed file + * unless we are in a pipe. + */ + if (!pipe_mode) { + /* + * Ownership and mode of target should be same as original. + */ + fchmod(compfd, sbuf.st_mode); + if (fchown(compfd, sbuf.st_uid, sbuf.st_gid) == -1) + perror("chown "); + + if (rename(tmpfile, to_filename) == -1) { + perror("Cannot rename temporary file "); + unlink(tmpfile); + } + } + } + if (dary != NULL) { + for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) { + slab_free(NULL, dary[i]->uncompressed_chunk); + slab_free(NULL, dary[i]->cmp_seg); + if (_deinit_func) + _deinit_func(&(dary[i]->data)); + slab_free(NULL, dary[i]); + } + slab_free(NULL, dary); + } + slab_free(NULL, cread_buf); + if (!pipe_mode) { + if (compfd != -1) close(compfd); + if (uncompfd != -1) close(uncompfd); + } + + slab_cleanup(hide_stats); +} + +/* + * Check the algorithm requested and set the callback routine pointers. + */ +static int +init_algo(const char *algo, int bail) +{ + int rv = 1, i; + char algorithm[8]; + + /* Copy given string into known length buffer to avoid memcmp() overruns. */ + strncpy(algorithm, algo, 8); + if (memcmp(algorithm, "zlib", 4) == 0) { + _compress_func = zlib_compress; + _decompress_func = zlib_decompress; + _init_func = zlib_init; + _deinit_func = NULL; + rv = 0; + + } else if (memcmp(algorithm, "lzma", 4) == 0) { + _compress_func = lzma_compress; + _decompress_func = lzma_decompress; + _init_func = lzma_init; + _deinit_func = lzma_deinit; + rv = 0; + + } else if (memcmp(algorithm, "bzip2", 5) == 0) { + _compress_func = bzip2_compress; + _decompress_func = bzip2_decompress; + _init_func = bzip2_init; + _deinit_func = NULL; + rv = 0; + + } else if (memcmp(algorithm, "ppmd", 4) == 0) { + _compress_func = ppmd_compress; + _decompress_func = ppmd_decompress; + _init_func = ppmd_init; + _deinit_func = ppmd_deinit; + rv = 0; + + /* adapt2 and adapt ordering of the checks matters here. */ + } else if (memcmp(algorithm, "adapt2", 6) == 0) { + _compress_func = adapt_compress; + _decompress_func = adapt_decompress; + _init_func = adapt2_init; + _deinit_func = adapt_deinit; + adapt_mode = 1; + rv = 0; + + } else if (memcmp(algorithm, "adapt", 5) == 0) { + _compress_func = adapt_compress; + _decompress_func = adapt_decompress; + _init_func = adapt_init; + _deinit_func = adapt_deinit; + adapt_mode = 1; + rv = 0; + } + + return (rv); +} + +int +main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + char *filename = NULL; + char *to_filename = NULL; + ssize_t chunksize = DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE; + int opt, level, num_rem; + int do_compress = 0; + int do_uncompress = 0; + + exec_name = get_execname(argv[0]); + level = 6; + slab_init(); + + while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "dc:s:l:pt:M")) != -1) { + int ovr; + + switch (opt) { + case 'd': + do_uncompress = 1; + break; + + case 'c': + do_compress = 1; + algo = optarg; + if (init_algo(algo, 1) != 0) { + err_exit(1, "Invalid algorithm %s\n", optarg); + } + break; + + case 's': + ovr = parse_numeric(&chunksize, optarg); + if (ovr == 1) + err_exit(0, "Chunk size too large %s", optarg); + else if (ovr == 2) + err_exit(0, "Invalid number %s", optarg); + + if (chunksize < MIN_CHUNK) { + err_exit(0, "Minimum chunk size is %ld\n", MIN_CHUNK); + } + break; + + case 'l': + level = atoi(optarg); + if (level < 0 || level > 14) + err_exit(0, "Compression level should be in range 0 - 14\n"); + break; + + case 'p': + pipe_mode = 1; + break; + + case 't': + nthreads = atoi(optarg); + if (nthreads < 1 || nthreads > 256) + err_exit(0, "Thread count should be in range 1 - 256\n"); + break; + + case 'M': + hide_stats = 0; + break; + + case '?': + default: + usage(); + exit(1); + break; + } + } + + if ((do_compress && do_uncompress) || (!do_compress && !do_uncompress)) { + usage(); + exit(1); + } + + /* + * Remaining mandatory arguments are the filenames. + */ + num_rem = argc - optind; + if (pipe_mode && num_rem > 0 ) { + fprintf(stderr, "Filename(s) unexpected for pipe mode\n"); + usage(); + exit(1); + } + + if (num_rem == 0 && !pipe_mode) { + usage(); /* At least 1 filename needed. */ + exit(1); + + } else if (num_rem == 1) { + if (do_compress) { + char apath[MAXPATHLEN]; + + if ((filename = realpath(argv[optind], NULL)) == NULL) + err_exit(1, "%s", argv[optind]); + /* Check if compressed file exists */ + strcpy(apath, filename); + strcat(apath, COMP_EXTN); + if ((to_filename = realpath(apath, NULL)) != NULL) { + free(filename); + err_exit(0, "Compressed file %s exists\n", to_filename); + } + } else { + usage(); + exit(1); + } + } else if (num_rem == 2) { + if (do_uncompress) { + if ((filename = realpath(argv[optind], NULL)) == NULL) + err_exit(1, "%s", argv[optind]); + optind++; + if ((to_filename = realpath(argv[optind], NULL)) != NULL) { + free(filename); + free(to_filename); + err_exit(0, "File %s exists\n", argv[optind]); + } + to_filename = argv[optind]; + } else { + usage(); + exit(1); + } + } else { + usage(); + exit(1); + } + main_cancel = 0; + + /* + * Start the main routines. + */ + if (do_compress) + start_compress(filename, chunksize, level); + else if (do_uncompress) + start_decompress(filename, to_filename); + + free(filename); + free((void *)exec_name); + return (0); +} diff --git a/pcompress.h b/pcompress.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e101c02 --- /dev/null +++ b/pcompress.h @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#ifndef _PCOMPRESS_H +#define _PCOMPRESS_H + +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define CHDR_SZ 1 +#define ALGO_SZ 8 +#define MIN_CHUNK 2048 +#define VERSION 1 + +#define COMPRESSED 1 +#define UNCOMPRESSED 0 +#define CHSIZE_MASK 0x80 +#define BZIP2_A_NUM 16 +#define LZMA_A_NUM 32 +#define COMPRESS_LZMA 1 +#define COMPRESS_BZIP2 2 +#define COMPRESS_PPMD 3 +#define COMP_EXTN ".pz" + +/* Pointer type for compress and decompress functions. */ +typedef int (*compress_func_ptr)(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *destlen, int level, void *data); + +/* Pointer type for algo specific init/deinit functions. */ +typedef int (*init_func_ptr)(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +typedef int (*deinit_func_ptr)(void **data); + +extern uint64_t lzma_crc64(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size, uint64_t crc); +extern uint64_t lzma_crc64_8bchk(const uint8_t *buf, size_t size, + uint64_t crc, uint64_t *cnt); + +extern int zlib_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *destlen, int level, void *data); +extern int lzma_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *destlen, int level, void *data); +extern int bzip2_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *destlen, int level, void *data); +extern int adapt_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); +extern int ppmd_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); + +extern int zlib_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); +extern int lzma_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); +extern int bzip2_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); +extern int adapt_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); +extern int ppmd_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data); + +extern int adapt_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +extern int adapt2_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +extern int lzma_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +extern int ppmd_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +extern int bzip2_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +extern int zlib_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize); +extern int adapt_deinit(void **data); +extern int lzma_deinit(void **data); +extern int ppmd_deinit(void **data); + +/* + * Per-thread data structure for compression and decompression threads. + */ +struct cmp_data { + uchar_t *cmp_seg; + uchar_t *compressed_chunk; + uchar_t *uncompressed_chunk; + ssize_t rbytes; + ssize_t chunksize; + ssize_t len_cmp; + uint64_t crc64; + int level; + unsigned int id; + compress_func_ptr compress; + compress_func_ptr decompress; + int cancel; + sem_t start_sem; + sem_t cmp_done_sem; + sem_t write_done_sem; + void *data; + pthread_t thr; +}; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/ppmd_compress.c b/ppmd_compress.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b48cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/ppmd_compress.c @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/* + * PPMd model order to working set memory size mappings. + */ +unsigned int ppmd8_mem_sz[] = { + (16 << 20), + (16 << 20), + (32 << 20), + (32 << 20), + (64 << 20), + (64 << 20), + (100 << 20), + (100 << 20), + (400 << 20), + (400 << 20), + (700 << 20), + (700 << 20), + (700 << 20), + (1200 << 20), + (1200 << 20) +}; + +static ISzAlloc g_Alloc = { + slab_alloc, + slab_free, + NULL +}; + +int +ppmd_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize) +{ + CPpmd8 *_ppmd; + + _ppmd = (CPpmd8 *)slab_alloc(NULL, sizeof (CPpmd8)); + if (!_ppmd) + return (-1); + + /* Levels 0 - 14 correspond to PPMd model orders 0 - 14. */ + if (*level > 14) *level = 14; + _ppmd->Order = *level; + + _ppmd->Base = 0; + _ppmd->Size = 0; + if (!Ppmd8_Alloc(_ppmd, ppmd8_mem_sz[*level], &g_Alloc)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.\n"); + return (-1); + } + Ppmd8_Construct(_ppmd); + *data = _ppmd; + if (*level > 9) *level = 9; + return (0); +} + +int +ppmd_deinit(void **data) +{ + CPpmd8 *_ppmd = (CPpmd8 *)(*data); + if (_ppmd) { + Ppmd8_Free(_ppmd, &g_Alloc); + slab_free(NULL, _ppmd); + } + *data = NULL; + return (0); +} + +int +ppmd_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + CPpmd8 *_ppmd = (CPpmd8 *)data; + uchar_t *_src = (uchar_t *)src; + UInt32 i; + + Ppmd8_RangeEnc_Init(_ppmd); + Ppmd8_Init(_ppmd, _ppmd->Order, PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_RESTART); + _ppmd->buf = (Byte *)dst; + _ppmd->bufLen = *dstlen; + _ppmd->bufUsed = 0; + + Ppmd8_EncodeBuffer(_ppmd, _src, srclen); + Ppmd8_EncodeSymbol(_ppmd, -1); + Ppmd8_RangeEnc_FlushData(_ppmd); + + *dstlen = _ppmd->bufUsed; + return (0); +} + +int +ppmd_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, + size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + CPpmd8 *_ppmd = (CPpmd8 *)data; + Byte *_src = (Byte *)src + CHDR_SZ; + Byte *_dst = (Byte *)dst; + size_t i; + int res; + + if (*((char *)_src) < 2) + return (-1); + + _ppmd->buf = (Byte *)_src; + _ppmd->bufLen = srclen; + _ppmd->bufUsed = 0; + Ppmd8_RangeDec_Init(_ppmd); + Ppmd8_Init(_ppmd, _ppmd->Order, PPMD8_RESTORE_METHOD_RESTART); + + res = Ppmd8_DecodeToBuffer(_ppmd, _dst, *dstlen, &i); + if (res < 0 && res != -1) { + if (Ppmd8_DecodeSymbol(_ppmd) != -1) + return (-1); + i++; + } + + if (i < *dstlen) + return (-1); + return (0); +} diff --git a/utils.c b/utils.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f129b06 --- /dev/null +++ b/utils.c @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "utils.h" + +void +err_exit(int show_errno, const char *format, ...) +{ + int err = errno; + va_list args; + + va_start(args, format); + vfprintf(stderr, format, args); + va_end(args); + + if (show_errno) + fprintf(stderr, "\nError: %s\n", strerror(err)); + exit(1); +} + +/* + * Fetch the command name that started the current process. + * The returned string must be freed by the caller. + */ +const char * +get_execname(const char *argv0) +{ + char path[MAXPATHLEN]; + char apath[128]; + char *tmp1, *tmp2; + pid_t pid; + + /* The easiest case: we are in linux */ + if (readlink("/proc/self/exe", path, MAXPATHLEN) != -1) { + return (strdup(basename(path))); + } + + /* Next easy case: Solaris/Illumos */ + pid = getpid(); + sprintf(apath, "/proc/%d/path/a.out", pid); + if (readlink(apath, path, MAXPATHLEN) != -1) { + return (strdup(basename(path))); + } + + /* Oops... not in linux, not in Solaris no guarantee */ + /* check if we have something like execve("foobar", NULL, NULL) */ + if (argv0 == NULL) { + /* Give up */ + return (strdup("Unknown")); + } + + tmp1 = strdup(argv0); + tmp2 = strdup(basename(tmp1)); + free(tmp1); + return (tmp2); +} + +/* + * Routines to parse a numeric string which can have the following suffixes: + * k - Kilobyte + * m - Megabyte + * g - Gigabyte + * + * The number should fit in an ssize_t data type. + * Numeric overflow is also checked. The routine parse_numeric() returns + * 1 if there was a numeric overflow. + */ +static int +raise_by_multiplier(ssize_t *val, int mult, int power) { + ssize_t result; + + while (power-- > 0) { + result = *val * mult; + if (result/mult != *val) + return (1); + *val = result; + } + return (0); +} + +int +parse_numeric(ssize_t *val, const char *str) +{ + int i, ovr; + char *mult; + + *val = strtoll(str, &mult, 0); + if (*mult != '\0') { + switch (*mult) { + case 'k': + case 'K': + ovr = raise_by_multiplier(val, 1024, 1); + break; + case 'm': + case 'M': + ovr = raise_by_multiplier(val, 1024, 2); + break; + case 'g': + case 'G': + ovr = raise_by_multiplier(val, 1024, 3); + break; + default: + ovr = 2; + } + } + + return (ovr); +} + +/* + * Read/Write helpers to ensure a full chunk is read or written + * unless there is an error. + */ +ssize_t +Read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count) +{ + ssize_t rcount, rem; + uchar_t *cbuf; + + rem = count; + cbuf = (uchar_t *)buf; + do { + rcount = read(fd, cbuf, rem); + if (rcount < 0) return (rcount); + if (rcount == 0) break; + rem = rem - rcount; + cbuf += rcount; + } while (rem); + return (count - rem); +} + +ssize_t +Write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) +{ + ssize_t wcount, rem; + uchar_t *cbuf; + + rem = count; + cbuf = (uchar_t *)buf; + do { + wcount = write(fd, cbuf, rem); + if (wcount < 0) return (wcount); + rem = rem - wcount; + cbuf += wcount; + } while (rem); + return (count - rem); +} + diff --git a/utils.h b/utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..665ba6c --- /dev/null +++ b/utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#ifndef _UTILS_H +#define _UTILS_H + +#include +#include + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define ulong_t u_long +#define uchar_t u_char +#define uint8_t u_char +#define uint64_t u_int64_t +#define uint32_t u_int32_t +#if ULONG_MAX == 4294967295UL +# ifndef UINT64_C +# define UINT64_C(n) n ## ULL +# endif +#else +# ifndef UINT64_C +# define UINT64_C(n) n ## UL +# endif +#endif +typedef unsigned long uintptr_t; + +#undef WORDS_BIGENDIAN +#if BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN +# define WORDS_BIGENDIAN +# ifndef htonll +# define htonll(x) (x) +# endif +# ifndef ntonll +# define ntohll(x) (x) +# endif +#else +# ifndef htonll +# define htonll(x) __bswap_64(x) +# endif +# ifndef ntohll +# define ntohll(x) __bswap_64(x) +# endif +#endif + + +// These allow helping the compiler in some often-executed branches, whose +// result is almost always the same. +#ifdef __GNUC__ +# define likely(expr) __builtin_expect(expr, 1) +# define unlikely(expr) __builtin_expect(expr, 0) +# define ATOMIC_ADD(var, val) __sync_fetch_and_add(&var, val) +# define ATOMIC_SUB(var, val) __sync_fetch_and_sub(&var, val) +#else +# define likely(expr) (expr) +# define unlikely(expr) (expr) +# if defined(sun) || defined (__sun) +# include +# define ATOMIC_ADD(var, val) atomic_add_int(&var, val) +# define ATOMIC_SUB(var, val) atomic_add_int(&var, -val) +# else +// Dunno what to do +# define ATOMIC_ADD(var, val) var += val +# define ATOMIC_SUB(var, val) var -= val +# endif +#endif + +extern void err_exit(int show_errno, const char *format, ...); +extern const char *get_execname(const char *); +extern int parse_numeric(ssize_t *val, const char *str); +extern ssize_t Read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count); +extern ssize_t Write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count); + +/* + * Roundup v to the nearest power of 2. From Bit Twiddling Hacks: + * + */ +static inline unsigned int +roundup_pow_two(unsigned int v) { + v--; + v |= v >> 1; + v |= v >> 2; + v |= v >> 4; + v |= v >> 8; + v |= v >> 16; + v++; + return (v); +} + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif diff --git a/zlib_compress.c b/zlib_compress.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd30c79 --- /dev/null +++ b/zlib_compress.c @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +/* + * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- + * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. + * + * Copyright (C) 2012 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. + * Use is subject to license terms. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + *, + * + * This program includes partly-modified public domain source + * code from the LZMA SDK: + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static void * +slab_alloc_ui(void *p, unsigned int items, unsigned int size) { + void *ptr; + size_t tot = (size_t)items * (size_t)size; + + ptr = slab_alloc(p, tot); + return (ptr); +} + +int +zlib_init(void **data, int *level, ssize_t chunksize) +{ + if (*level > 9) *level = 9; + return (0); +} + +static +void zerr(int ret) +{ + switch (ret) { + case Z_ERRNO: + perror(" "); + break; + case Z_STREAM_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Zlib: Invalid compression level\n"); + break; + case Z_DATA_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Zlib: Invalid or incomplete deflate data\n"); + break; + case Z_MEM_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Zlib: Out of memory\n"); + break; + case Z_VERSION_ERROR: + fprintf(stderr, "Zlib: Version mismatch!\n"); + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, "Zlib: Unknown error code: %d\n", ret); + } +} + +int +zlib_compress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + z_stream zs; + int ret; + + zs.next_in = src; + zs.avail_in = srclen; + zs.next_out = dst; + zs.avail_out = *dstlen; + + zs.zalloc = slab_alloc_ui; + zs.zfree = slab_free; + zs.opaque = NULL; + + ret = deflateInit(&zs, level); + if (ret != Z_OK) { + zerr(ret); + return (-1); + } + + ret = deflate(&zs, Z_FINISH); + if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) { + deflateEnd(&zs); + if (ret == Z_OK) + zerr(Z_BUF_ERROR); + else + zerr(ret); + return (-1); + } + *dstlen = zs.total_out; + ret = deflateEnd(&zs); + if (ret != Z_OK) { + zerr(ret); + return (-1); + } + return (0); +} + +int +zlib_decompress(void *src, size_t srclen, void *dst, size_t *dstlen, int level, void *data) +{ + z_stream zs; + int err; + + bzero(&zs, sizeof (zs)); + zs.next_in = (unsigned char *)src + CHDR_SZ; + zs.avail_in = srclen; + zs.next_out = dst; + zs.avail_out = *dstlen; + + zs.zalloc = slab_alloc_ui; + zs.zfree = slab_free; + zs.opaque = NULL; + + if ((err = inflateInit(&zs)) != Z_OK) { + zerr(err); + return (-1); + } + + if ((err = inflate(&zs, Z_FINISH)) != Z_STREAM_END) { + inflateEnd(&zs); + if (err == Z_OK) + zerr(Z_BUF_ERROR); + else + zerr(err); + return (-1); + } + + *dstlen = zs.total_out; + inflateEnd(&zs); + return (0); +}