Merge pull request #38 from szepeviktor/patch-1

Updating options
This commit is contained in:
Moinak Ghosh 2015-06-14 16:13:00 +05:30
commit c52306fe6d

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@ -74,64 +74,50 @@ is not the usual GNU Autoconf script.
<options> can be one of the following:
--prefix=<val> The installation prefix.
This is set to /usr by default. However alternate
prefix needs to eb used during packaging.
<options> can be one of the following:
--enable-debug Enable debug mode compilation.
This reduces the compiler optimization level to
basic and taks out all the loop optimization flags.
This is primarily to aid debugging.
--prefix=<val> The installation prefix (default: /usr).
--disable-allocator Disable use of internal memory allocator mechanism.
The internal allocator can be totally disabled by
setting this build time flag. It is also possible
to dynamically disable the allocator by setting the
following env variable:
--enable-debug Enable debug mode compilation (default: disabled).
--enable-debug-stats Enable printing of some verbose debug info.
This at present shows some info related to Dedupe
--disable-allocator Disable use of internal memory allocator mechanism (default: enabled).
--enable-debug-stats Enable printing of some verbose debug info (default: disabled).
--with-openssl=<path to OpenSSL installation tree> (Default: System)
This defaults to the system's OpenSSL library. You can use this option
if you want to use an alternate OpenSSL installation.
--with-zlib=<path to zlib installation tree> (Default: System)
Enable building against an alternate Zlib installation.
--with-bzlib=<path to Bzip2 library installation tree> (Default: System)
Enable building against an alternate Bzip2 and library
--with-libarchive=<path to libarchive installation tree> (Default: System)
Enable building against an alternate libarchive installation.
Pcompress only uses basic Libarchive functionality of
creating PAX archives. No other functionality or filter
support is used. So a local static libarchive build with
most features disabled can be used with this option.
Enable building against an alternate Bzip2 and library installation.
--with-external-libbsc=<path to libbsc source tree>
Enable building with exernal libbsc sources. In the LGPL licensed
sources a fork of the previous LGPL licensed libbsc source tree is
already included in the Pcompress repo. The same is not true for the
MPLv2 licensed sources. So libbsc has to be downloaded separately
from: and linked into Pcompress using this option.
The current libbsc sources are licensed with ASLv2.
Enable building with exernal libbsc sources. Can be used to link with
ASLv2 libbsc when using MPLv2 licensed sources.
--no-sse-detect Do not try to detect the CPU's SSE capability. This
mode will simply use SSE2 as the fallback default.
Using SSE4 and later improves performance significantly.
--wavpack-dir=<path to WavPack source tree>
Points to the directory containing the WavPack sources. This option
must be specified if --disable-wavpack is not provided.
--disable-wavpack Disables the WavPack filter.
--no-sse-detect Do NOT attempt to probe the system's SSE capability for build flags.
Implies '--no-avx-detect' below.
--no-avx-detect Do NOT attempt to probe the system's AVX capability for build flags.
--no-1.3-archive-compat Disable compatibility with compressed archives created with Pcompress
version 1.3 (default: retain compatibility). Hash formats changed from
version 1.3 to 1.4 so this option is required if files created using
1.3 need to be decompressed by version 1.4 onwards.
--use-key256 Use 256-bit encryption keys. Default key length is
--help Display the help message.
--limit-key128 Limit key length to 128-bit encryption keys. Otherwise the default is to
use 256-bit keys changeable at runtime via the '-k <keylen>' option.
--help Display this help message.
Additional compilation flags can be passed to make like this: