/* packJPG v2.5i (12/12/2013) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ packJPG is a compression program specially designed for further compression of JPEG images without causing any further loss. Typically it reduces the file size of a JPEG file by 20%. LGPL v3 license and special permissions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All programs in this package are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html. If the LGPL v3 license is not compatible with your software project you might contact us and ask for a special permission to use the packJPG library under different conditions. In any case, usage of the packJPG algorithm under the LGPL v3 or above is highly advised and special permissions will only be given where necessary on a case by case basis. This offer is aimed mainly at closed source freeware developers seeking to add PJG support to their software projects. Copyright 2006...2013 by HTW Aalen University and Matthias Stirner. Usage of packJPG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JPEG files are compressed and PJG files are decompressed using this command: "packJPG [file(s)]" packJPG recognizes file types on its own and decides whether to compress (JPG) or decompress (PJG). For unrecognized file types no action is taken. Files are recognized by content, not by extension. packJPG supports wildcards like "*.*" and drag and drop of multiple files. Filenames for output files are created automatically. In default mode, files are never overwritten. If a filename is already in use, packJPG creates a new filename by adding underscores. If "-" is used as a filename input from stdin is assumed and output is written to stdout. This can be useful for example if jpegtran is to be used as a preprocessor. Usage examples: "packJPG *.pjg" "packJPG lena.jpg" "packJPG kodim??.jpg" "packJPG - < sail.pjg > sail.jpg" Command line switches ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -ver verify files after processing -v? level of verbosity; 0,1 or 2 is allowed (default 0) -np no pause after processing files -o overwrite existing files -p proceed on warnings -d discard meta-info By default, compression is cancelled on warnings. If warnings are skipped by using "-p", most files with warnings can also be compressed, but JPEG files reconstructed from PJG files might not be bitwise identical with the original JPEG files. There won't be any loss to image data or quality however. Unnecessary meta information can be discarded using "-d". This reduces compressed files' sizes. Be warned though, reconstructed files won't be bitwise identical with the original files and meta information will be lost forever. As with "-p" there won't be any loss to image data or quality. There is no known case in which a file compressed by packJPG (without the "-p" option, see above) couldn't be reconstructed to exactly the state it was before. If you want an additional layer of safety you can also use the verify option "-ver". In this mode, files are compressed, then decompressed and the decompressed file compared to the original file. If this test doesn't pass there will be an error message and the compressed file won't be written to the drive. Please note that the "-ver" option should never be used in conjunction with the "-d" and/or "-p" options. As stated above, the "-p" and "-d" options will most likely lead to reconstructed JPG files not being bitwise identical to the original JPG files. In turn, the verification process may fail on various files although nothing actually went wrong. Usage examples: "packJPG -v1 -o baboon.pjg" "packJPG -ver lena.jpg" "packJPG -d tiffany.jpg" "packJPG -p *.jpg" Known Limitations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ packJPG is a compression program specially for JPEG files, so it doesn't compress other file types. packJPG has low error tolerance. JPEG files might not work with packJPG even if they work perfectly with other image processing software. The command line switch "-p" can be used to increase error tolerance and compatibility. If you try to drag and drop to many files at once, there might be a windowed error message about missing privileges. In that case you can try it again with less files or consider using the command prompt. packJPG has been tested to work perfectly with thousands of files from the command line. This issue also happens with drag and drop in other applications, so it might not be a limitation of packJPG but a limitation of Windows. Compressed PJG files are not compatible between different packJPG versions. You will get an error message if you try to decompress PJG files with a different version than the one used for compression. You may download older versions of packJPG from: http://www.elektronik.htw-aalen.de/packJPG/binaries/old/ Open source release / developer info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The packJPG source codes is found inside the "source" subdirectory. Additional documents aimed to developers, containing detailed instructions on compiling the source code and using special functionality, are included in the "packJPG" subdirectory. History ~~~~~~~ v1.9a (04/20/2007) (non public) - first released version - only for testing purposes v2.0 (05/28/2007) (public) - first public version of packJPG - minor improvements to overall compression - minor bugfixes v2.2 (08/05/2007) (public) - around 40% faster compression & decompression - major improvements to overall compression (around 2% on average) - reading from stdin, writing to stdout - smaller executable - minor bugfixes - various minor improvements v2.3 (09/18/2007) (public) - compatibility with JPEG progressive mode - compatibility with JPEG extended sequential mode - compatibility with the CMYK color space - compatibility with older CPUs - around 15% faster compression & decompression - new switch: [-d] (discard meta-info) - various bugfixes v2.3a (11/21/2007) (public) - crash issue with certain images fixed - compatibility with packJPG v2.3 maintained v2.3b (12/20/2007) (public) - some minor errors in the packJPG library fixed - compatibility with packJPG v2.3 maintained v2.4 (03/24/2010) (public) - major improvements (1%...2%) to overall compression - around 10% faster compression & decompression - major improvements to JPG compatibility - size of executable reduced to ~33% - new switch: [-ver] (verify file after processing) - new switch: [-np] (no pause after processing) - new progress bar output mode - arithmetic coding routines rewritten from scratch - various smaller improvements to numerous to list here - new SFX (self extracting) archive format v2.5 (11/11/2011) (public) - improvements (~0.5%) to overall compression - several minor bugfixes - major code cleanup - removed packJPX from the package - added packARC to the package - packJPG is now open source! v2.5a (11/21/11) (public) - source code compatibility improvements (Gerhard Seelmann) - avoid some compiler warnings (Gerhard Seelmann) - source code clean up (Gerhard Seelmann) v2.5b (01/27/12) (public) - further removal of redundant code - some fixes for the packJPG static library - compiler fix for Mac OS (thanks to Sergio Lopez) - improved compression ratio calculation - eliminated the need for temp files v2.5c (04/13/12) (public) - various source code optimizations v2.5d (07/03/12) (public) - fixed a rare bug with progressive JPEG v2.5e (07/03/12) (public) - some minor source code optimizations - changed packJPG licensing to LGPL - moved packARC to a separate package v2.5f (02/24/13) (public) - fixed a minor bug in the JPG parser (thanks to Stephan Busch) v2.5g (09/14/13) (public) - fixed a rare crash bug with manipulated JPEG files v2.5h (12/07/13) (public) - added a warning for inefficient huffman coding (thanks to Moinak Ghosh) v2.5i (12/12/13) (public) - fixed possible crash with malformed JPEG (thanks to Moinak Ghosh) Acknowledgements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ packJPG is the result of countless hours of research and development. It is part of my final year project for Hochschule Aalen. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Seelmann from Hochschule Aalen supported my development of packJPG with his extensive knowledge in the field of data compression. Without his advice, packJPG would not be possible. The official homepage of packJPG is currently maintained by Hochschule Aalen staff. packJPG logo and icon are designed by Michael Kaufmann. Contact ~~~~~~~ The official home of packJPG: http://www.elektronik.htw-aalen.de/packjpg/ For questions and bug reports: packjpg (at) htw-aalen.de ____________________________________ packJPG by Matthias Stirner, 12/2013 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "bitops.h" #include "aricoder.h" #include "pjpgtbl.h" #include "dct8x8.h" #if defined BUILD_DLL // define BUILD_LIB from the compiler options if you want to compile a DLL! #define BUILD_LIB #endif #if defined BUILD_LIB // define BUILD_LIB as compiler option if you want to compile a library! #include "packjpglib.h" #endif #define INTERN static #define INIT_MODEL_S(a,b,c) new model_s( a, b, c, 255 ) #define INIT_MODEL_B(a,b) new model_b( a, b, 255 ) // #define USE_PLOCOI // uncomment to use loco-i predictor instead of 1DDCT predictor // #define DEV_BUILD // uncomment to include developer functions // #define DEV_INFOS // uncomment to include developer information #define QUANT(cm,bp) ( cmpnfo[cm].qtable[ bp ] ) #define MAX_V(cm,bp) ( ( QUANT(cm,bp) > 0 ) ? ( ( freqmax[bp] + QUANT(cm,bp) - 1 ) / QUANT(cm,bp) ) : 0 ) // #define QUN_V(v,cm,bp) ( ( QUANT(cm,bp) > 0 ) ? ( ( v > 0 ) ? ( v + (QUANT(cm,bp)/2) ) / QUANT(cm,bp) : ( v - (QUANT(cm,bp)/2) ) / QUANT(cm,bp) ) : 0 ) #define ENVLI(s,v) ( ( v > 0 ) ? v : ( v - 1 ) + ( 1 << s ) ) #define DEVLI(s,n) ( ( n >= ( 1 << (s - 1) ) ) ? n : n + 1 - ( 1 << s ) ) #define E_ENVLI(s,v) ( v - ( 1 << s ) ) #define E_DEVLI(s,n) ( n + ( 1 << s ) ) #define ABS(v1) ( (v1 < 0) ? -v1 : v1 ) #define ABSDIFF(v1,v2) ( (v1 > v2) ? (v1 - v2) : (v2 - v1) ) #define IPOS(w,v,h) ( ( v * w ) + h ) #define NPOS(n1,n2,p) ( ( ( p / n1 ) * n2 ) + ( p % n1 ) ) #define ROUND_F(v1) ( (v1 < 0) ? (int) (v1 - 0.5) : (int) (v1 + 0.5) ) #define DIV_INT(v1,v2) ( (v1 < 0) ? (v1 - (v2>>1)) / v2 : (v1 + (v2>>1)) / v2 ) #define B_SHORT(v1,v2) ( ( ((int) v1) << 8 ) + ((int) v2) ) #define BITLEN1024P(v) ( pbitlen_0_1024[ v ] ) #define BITLEN2048N(v) ( (pbitlen_n2048_2047+2048)[ v ] ) #define CLAMPED(l,h,v) ( ( v < l ) ? l : ( v > h ) ? h : v ) #define MEM_ERRMSG "out of memory error" #define FRD_ERRMSG "could not read file / file not found: %s" #define FWR_ERRMSG "could not write file / file write-protected: %s" #define MSG_SIZE 128 #define BARLEN 36 /* ----------------------------------------------- struct declarations ----------------------------------------------- */ struct componentInfo { unsigned short* qtable; // quantization table int huffdc; // no of huffman table (DC) int huffac; // no of huffman table (AC) int sfv; // sample factor vertical int sfh; // sample factor horizontal int mbs; // blocks in mcu int bcv; // block count vertical (interleaved) int bch; // block count horizontal (interleaved) int bc; // block count (all) (interleaved) int ncv; // block count vertical (non interleaved) int nch; // block count horizontal (non interleaved) int nc; // block count (all) (non interleaved) int sid; // statistical identity int jid; // jpeg internal id }; struct huffCodes { unsigned short cval[ 256 ]; unsigned short clen[ 256 ]; unsigned short max_eobrun; }; struct huffTree { unsigned short l[ 256 ]; unsigned short r[ 256 ]; }; /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: main interface ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined( BUILD_LIB ) INTERN void initialize_options( int argc, char** argv ); INTERN void process_ui( void ); INTERN inline const char* get_status( bool (*function)() ); INTERN void show_help( void ); #endif INTERN void process_file( void ); INTERN void execute( bool (*function)() ); /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: main functions ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined( BUILD_LIB ) INTERN bool check_file( void ); INTERN bool swap_streams( void ); INTERN bool compare_output( void ); #endif INTERN bool reset_buffers( void ); INTERN bool read_jpeg( void ); INTERN bool merge_jpeg( void ); INTERN bool decode_jpeg( void ); INTERN bool recode_jpeg( void ); INTERN bool adapt_icos( void ); INTERN bool predict_dc( void ); INTERN bool unpredict_dc( void ); INTERN bool check_value_range( void ); INTERN bool calc_zdst_lists( void ); INTERN bool pack_pjg( void ); INTERN bool unpack_pjg( void ); /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: jpeg-specific ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool jpg_setup_imginfo( void ); INTERN bool jpg_parse_jfif( unsigned char type, unsigned int len, unsigned char* segment ); INTERN bool jpg_rebuild_header( void ); INTERN int jpg_decode_block_seq( abitreader* huffr, huffTree* dctree, huffTree* actree, short* block ); INTERN int jpg_encode_block_seq( abitwriter* huffw, huffCodes* dctbl, huffCodes* actbl, short* block ); INTERN int jpg_decode_dc_prg_fs( abitreader* huffr, huffTree* dctree, short* block ); INTERN int jpg_encode_dc_prg_fs( abitwriter* huffw, huffCodes* dctbl, short* block ); INTERN int jpg_decode_ac_prg_fs( abitreader* huffr, huffTree* actree, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ); INTERN int jpg_encode_ac_prg_fs( abitwriter* huffw, huffCodes* actbl, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ); INTERN int jpg_decode_dc_prg_sa( abitreader* huffr, short* block ); INTERN int jpg_encode_dc_prg_sa( abitwriter* huffw, short* block ); INTERN int jpg_decode_ac_prg_sa( abitreader* huffr, huffTree* actree, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ); INTERN int jpg_encode_ac_prg_sa( abitwriter* huffw, abytewriter* storw, huffCodes* actbl, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ); INTERN int jpg_decode_eobrun_sa( abitreader* huffr, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ); INTERN int jpg_encode_eobrun( abitwriter* huffw, huffCodes* actbl, int* eobrun ); INTERN int jpg_encode_crbits( abitwriter* huffw, abytewriter* storw ); INTERN int jpg_next_huffcode( abitreader *huffw, huffTree *ctree ); INTERN int jpg_next_mcupos( int* mcu, int* cmp, int* csc, int* sub, int* dpos, int* rstw ); INTERN int jpg_next_mcuposn( int* cmp, int* dpos, int* rstw ); INTERN int jpg_skip_eobrun( int* cmp, int* dpos, int* rstw, int* eobrun ); INTERN void jpg_build_huffcodes( unsigned char *clen, unsigned char *cval, huffCodes *hc, huffTree *ht ); /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: pjg-specific ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_zstscan( aricoder* enc, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_encode_zdst_high( aricoder* enc, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_encode_zdst_low( aricoder* enc, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_encode_dc( aricoder* enc, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_encode_ac_high( aricoder* enc, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_encode_ac_low( aricoder* enc, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_encode_generic( aricoder* enc, unsigned char* data, int len ); INTERN bool pjg_encode_bit( aricoder* enc, unsigned char bit ); INTERN bool pjg_decode_zstscan( aricoder* dec, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_decode_zdst_high( aricoder* dec, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_decode_zdst_low( aricoder* dec, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_decode_dc( aricoder* dec, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_decode_ac_high( aricoder* dec, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_decode_ac_low( aricoder* dec, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_decode_generic( aricoder* dec, unsigned char** data, int* len ); INTERN bool pjg_decode_bit( aricoder* dec, unsigned char* bit ); INTERN void pjg_get_zerosort_scan( unsigned char* sv, int cmp ); INTERN bool pjg_optimize_header( void ); INTERN bool pjg_unoptimize_header( void ); INTERN void pjg_aavrg_prepare( unsigned short** abs_coeffs, int* weights, unsigned short* abs_store, int cmp ); INTERN int pjg_aavrg_context( unsigned short** abs_coeffs, int* weights, int pos, int p_y, int p_x, int r_x ); INTERN int pjg_lakh_context( signed short** coeffs_x, signed short** coeffs_a, int* pred_cf, int pos ); INTERN void get_context_nnb( int pos, int w, int *a, int *b ); /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: DCT ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN int idct_2d_fst_8x8( int cmp, int dpos, int ix, int iy ); #endif INTERN int idct_2d_fst_1x8( int cmp, int dpos, int ix, int iy ); INTERN int idct_2d_fst_8x1( int cmp, int dpos, int ix, int iy ); /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: prediction ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined( USE_PLOCOI ) INTERN int dc_coll_predictor( int cmp, int dpos ); #else INTERN int dc_1ddct_predictor( int cmp, int dpos ); #endif INTERN inline int plocoi( int a, int b, int c ); INTERN inline int median_int( int* values, int size ); INTERN inline float median_float( float* values, int size ); /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: miscelaneous helpers ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined( BUILD_LIB ) INTERN inline void progress_bar( int current, int last ); INTERN inline char* create_filename( const char* base, const char* extension ); INTERN inline char* unique_filename( const char* base, const char* extension ); INTERN inline void set_extension( char* filename, const char* extension ); INTERN inline void add_underscore( char* filename ); #endif INTERN inline bool file_exists( const char* filename ); /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: developers functions ----------------------------------------------- */ // these are developers functions, they are not needed // in any way to compress jpg or decompress pjg #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN int collmode = 0; // write mode for collections: 0 -> std, 1 -> dhf, 2 -> squ, 3 -> unc INTERN bool dump_hdr( void ); INTERN bool dump_huf( void ); INTERN bool dump_coll( void ); INTERN bool dump_zdst( void ); INTERN bool dump_file( const char* base, const char* ext, void* data, int bpv, int size ); INTERN bool dump_errfile( void ); INTERN bool dump_info( void ); INTERN bool dump_dist( void ); INTERN bool dump_pgm( void ); #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- global variables: library only variables ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN int lib_in_type = -1; INTERN int lib_out_type = -1; #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- global variables: data storage ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN unsigned short qtables[4][64]; // quantization tables INTERN huffCodes hcodes[2][4]; // huffman codes INTERN huffTree htrees[2][4]; // huffman decoding trees INTERN unsigned char htset[2][4]; // 1 if huffman table is set INTERN unsigned char* grbgdata = NULL; // garbage data INTERN unsigned char* hdrdata = NULL; // header data INTERN unsigned char* huffdata = NULL; // huffman coded data INTERN int hufs = 0 ; // size of huffman data INTERN int hdrs = 0 ; // size of header INTERN int grbs = 0 ; // size of garbage INTERN unsigned int* rstp = NULL; // restart markers positions in huffdata INTERN unsigned int* scnp = NULL; // scan start positions in huffdata INTERN int rstc = 0 ; // count of restart markers INTERN int scnc = 0 ; // count of scans INTERN int rsti = 0 ; // restart interval INTERN char padbit = -1 ; // padbit (for huffman coding) INTERN unsigned char* rst_err = NULL; // number of wrong-set RST markers per scan INTERN unsigned char* zdstdata[4] = { NULL }; // zero distribution (# of non-zeroes) lists (for higher 7x7 block) INTERN unsigned char* eobxhigh[4] = { NULL }; // eob in x direction (for higher 7x7 block) INTERN unsigned char* eobyhigh[4] = { NULL }; // eob in y direction (for higher 7x7 block) INTERN unsigned char* zdstxlow[4] = { NULL }; // # of non zeroes for first row INTERN unsigned char* zdstylow[4] = { NULL }; // # of non zeroes for first collumn INTERN signed short* colldata[4][64] = {{NULL}}; // collection sorted DCT coefficients INTERN unsigned char* freqscan[4] = { NULL }; // optimized order for frequency scans (only pointers to scans) INTERN unsigned char zsrtscan[4][64]; // zero optimized frequency scan INTERN int adpt_idct_8x8[ 4 ][ 8 * 8 * 8 * 8 ]; // precalculated/adapted values for idct (8x8) INTERN int adpt_idct_1x8[ 4 ][ 1 * 1 * 8 * 8 ]; // precalculated/adapted values for idct (1x8) INTERN int adpt_idct_8x1[ 4 ][ 8 * 8 * 1 * 1 ]; // precalculated/adapted values for idct (8x1) /* ----------------------------------------------- global variables: info about image ----------------------------------------------- */ // seperate info for each color component INTERN componentInfo cmpnfo[ 4 ]; INTERN int cmpc = 0; // component count INTERN int imgwidth = 0; // width of image INTERN int imgheight = 0; // height of image INTERN int sfhm = 0; // max horizontal sample factor INTERN int sfvm = 0; // max verical sample factor INTERN int mcuv = 0; // mcus per line INTERN int mcuh = 0; // mcus per collumn INTERN int mcuc = 0; // count of mcus /* ----------------------------------------------- global variables: info about current scan ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int cs_cmpc = 0 ; // component count in current scan INTERN int cs_cmp[ 4 ] = { 0 }; // component numbers in current scan INTERN int cs_from = 0 ; // begin - band of current scan ( inclusive ) INTERN int cs_to = 0 ; // end - band of current scan ( inclusive ) INTERN int cs_sah = 0 ; // successive approximation bit pos high INTERN int cs_sal = 0 ; // successive approximation bit pos low /* ----------------------------------------------- global variables: info about files ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN char* jpgfilename = NULL; // name of JPEG file INTERN char* pjgfilename = NULL; // name of PJG file INTERN int jpgfilesize; // size of JPEG file INTERN int pjgfilesize; // size of PJG file INTERN int jpegtype = 0; // type of JPEG coding: 0->unknown, 1->sequential, 2->progressive INTERN int filetype; // type of current file INTERN iostream* str_in = NULL; // input stream INTERN iostream* str_out = NULL; // output stream #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN iostream* str_str = NULL; // storage stream INTERN char** filelist = NULL; // list of files to process INTERN int file_cnt = 0; // count of files in list INTERN int file_no = 0; // number of current file INTERN char** err_list = NULL; // list of error messages INTERN int* err_tp = NULL; // list of error types #endif #if defined(DEV_INFOS) INTERN int dev_size_hdr = 0; INTERN int dev_size_cmp[ 4 ] = { 0 }; INTERN int dev_size_zsr[ 4 ] = { 0 }; INTERN int dev_size_dc[ 4 ] = { 0 }; INTERN int dev_size_ach[ 4 ] = { 0 }; INTERN int dev_size_acl[ 4 ] = { 0 }; INTERN int dev_size_zdh[ 4 ] = { 0 }; INTERN int dev_size_zdl[ 4 ] = { 0 }; #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- global variables: messages ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN char errormessage [ MSG_SIZE ]; INTERN bool (*errorfunction)(); INTERN int errorlevel; // meaning of errorlevel: // -1 -> wrong input // 0 -> no error // 1 -> warning // 2 -> fatal error /* ----------------------------------------------- global variables: settings ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined( BUILD_LIB ) INTERN int verbosity = -1; // level of verbosity INTERN bool overwrite = false; // overwrite files yes / no INTERN bool wait_exit = true; // pause after finished yes / no INTERN int verify_lv = 0; // verification level ( none (0), simple (1), detailed output (2) ) INTERN int err_tol = 1; // error threshold ( proceed on warnings yes (2) / no (1) ) INTERN bool disc_meta = false; // discard meta-info yes / no INTERN bool developer = false; // allow developers functions yes/no INTERN bool auto_set = true; // automatic find best settings yes/no INTERN int action = A_COMPRESS;// what to do with JPEG/PJG files INTERN FILE* msgout = stdout;// stream for output of messages INTERN bool pipe_on = false; // use stdin/stdout instead of filelist #else INTERN int err_tol = 1; // error threshold ( proceed on warnings yes (2) / no (1) ) INTERN bool disc_meta = false; // discard meta-info yes / no INTERN bool auto_set = true; // automatic find best settings yes/no INTERN int action = A_COMPRESS;// what to do with JPEG/PJG files #endif INTERN unsigned char nois_trs[ 4 ] = {6,6,6,6}; // bit pattern noise threshold INTERN unsigned char segm_cnt[ 4 ] = {10,10,10,10}; // number of segments #if !defined( BUILD_LIB ) INTERN unsigned char orig_set[ 8 ] = { 0 }; // store array for settings #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- global variables: info about program ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN const unsigned char appversion = 25; INTERN const char* subversion = "h"; INTERN const char* apptitle = "packJPG"; INTERN const char* appname = "packjpg"; INTERN const char* versiondate = "12/07/2013"; INTERN const char* author = "Matthias Stirner / Se"; #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN const char* website = "http://www.elektronik.htw-aalen.de/packjpg/"; INTERN const char* copyright = "2006-2013 HTW Aalen University & Matthias Stirner"; INTERN const char* email = "packjpg (at) htw-aalen.de"; INTERN const char* pjg_ext = "pjg"; INTERN const char* jpg_ext = "jpg"; #endif INTERN const char pjg_magic[] = { 'J', 'S' }; /* ----------------------------------------------- main-function ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) int main( int argc, char** argv ) { sprintf( errormessage, "no errormessage specified" ); clock_t begin, end; int error_cnt = 0; int warn_cnt = 0; double acc_jpgsize = 0; double acc_pjgsize = 0; int kbps; double cr; double total; errorlevel = 0; // read options from command line initialize_options( argc, argv ); // write program info to screen fprintf( msgout, "\n--> %s v%i.%i%s (%s) by %s <--\n", apptitle, appversion / 10, appversion % 10, subversion, versiondate, author ); fprintf( msgout, "Copyright %s\nAll rights reserved\n\n", copyright ); // check if user input is wrong, show help screen if it is if ( ( file_cnt == 0 ) || ( ( !developer ) && ( (action != A_COMPRESS) || (!auto_set) || (verify_lv > 1) ) ) ) { show_help(); return -1; } // display warning if not using automatic settings if ( !auto_set ) { fprintf( msgout, " custom compression settings: \n" ); fprintf( msgout, " -------------------------------------------------\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " no of segments -> %3i[0] %3i[1] %3i[2] %3i[3]\n", segm_cnt[0], segm_cnt[1], segm_cnt[2], segm_cnt[3] ); fprintf( msgout, " noise threshold -> %3i[0] %3i[1] %3i[2] %3i[3]\n", nois_trs[0], nois_trs[1], nois_trs[2], nois_trs[3] ); fprintf( msgout, " -------------------------------------------------\n\n" ); } // (re)set program has to be done first reset_buffers(); // process file(s) - this is the main function routine begin = clock(); for ( file_no = 0; file_no < file_cnt; file_no++ ) { // process current file process_ui(); // store error message and type if any if ( errorlevel > 0 ) { err_list[ file_no ] = (char*) calloc( MSG_SIZE, sizeof( char ) ); err_tp[ file_no ] = errorlevel; if ( err_list[ file_no ] != NULL ) strcpy( err_list[ file_no ], errormessage ); } // count errors / warnings / file sizes if ( errorlevel >= err_tol ) error_cnt++; else { if ( errorlevel == 1 ) warn_cnt++; acc_jpgsize += jpgfilesize; acc_pjgsize += pjgfilesize; } } end = clock(); // errors summary: only needed for -v2 or progress bar if ( ( verbosity == -1 ) || ( verbosity == 2 ) ) { // print summary of errors to screen if ( error_cnt > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "\n\nfiles with errors:\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "------------------\n" ); for ( file_no = 0; file_no < file_cnt; file_no++ ) { if ( err_tp[ file_no ] >= err_tol ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s (%s)\n", filelist[ file_no ], err_list[ file_no ] ); } } } // print summary of warnings to screen if ( warn_cnt > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "\n\nfiles with warnings:\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "------------------\n" ); for ( file_no = 0; file_no < file_cnt; file_no++ ) { if ( err_tp[ file_no ] == 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s (%s)\n", filelist[ file_no ], err_list[ file_no ] ); } } } } // show statistics fprintf( msgout, "\n\n-> %i file(s) processed, %i error(s), %i warning(s)\n", file_cnt, error_cnt, warn_cnt ); if ( ( file_cnt > error_cnt ) && ( verbosity != 0 ) && ( action == A_COMPRESS ) ) { acc_jpgsize /= 1024.0; acc_pjgsize /= 1024.0; total = (double) ( end - begin ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; kbps = ( total > 0 ) ? ( acc_jpgsize / total ) : acc_jpgsize; cr = ( acc_jpgsize > 0 ) ? ( 100.0 * acc_pjgsize / acc_jpgsize ) : 0; fprintf( msgout, " --------------------------------- \n" ); if ( total >= 0 ) { fprintf( msgout, " total time : %8.2f sec\n", total ); fprintf( msgout, " avrg. kbyte per s : %8i byte\n", kbps ); } else { fprintf( msgout, " total time : %8s sec\n", "N/A" ); fprintf( msgout, " avrg. kbyte per s : %8s byte\n", "N/A" ); } fprintf( msgout, " avrg. comp. ratio : %8.2f %%\n", cr ); fprintf( msgout, " --------------------------------- \n" ); #if defined(DEV_INFOS) if ( acc_jpgsize > 0 ) { fprintf( msgout, " header %% : %8.2f %%\n", 100.0 * dev_size_hdr / acc_jpgsize ); if ( dev_size_cmp[0] > 0 ) fprintf( msgout, " component [0] %% : %8.2f %%\n", 100.0 * dev_size_cmp[0] / acc_jpgsize ); if ( dev_size_cmp[1] > 0 ) fprintf( msgout, " component [1] %% : %8.2f %%\n", 100.0 * dev_size_cmp[1] / acc_jpgsize ); if ( dev_size_cmp[2] > 0 ) fprintf( msgout, " component [2] %% : %8.2f %%\n", 100.0 * dev_size_cmp[2] / acc_jpgsize ); if ( dev_size_cmp[3] > 0 ) fprintf( msgout, " component [3] %% : %8.2f %%\n", 100.0 * dev_size_cmp[3] / acc_jpgsize ); fprintf( msgout, " --------------------------------- \n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( dev_size_cmp[i] == 0 ) break; fprintf( msgout, " ac coeffs h [%i] %% : %8.2f %%\n", i, 100.0 * dev_size_ach[i] / acc_jpgsize ); fprintf( msgout, " ac coeffs l [%i] %% : %8.2f %%\n", i, 100.0 * dev_size_acl[i] / acc_jpgsize ); fprintf( msgout, " dc coeffs [%i] %% : %8.2f %%\n", i, 100.0 * dev_size_dc[i] / acc_jpgsize ); fprintf( msgout, " zero dist h [%i] %% : %8.2f %%\n", i, 100.0 * dev_size_zdh[i] / acc_jpgsize ); fprintf( msgout, " zero dist l [%i] %% : %8.2f %%\n", i, 100.0 * dev_size_zdl[i] / acc_jpgsize ); fprintf( msgout, " zero sort [%i] %% : %8.2f %%\n", i, 100.0 * dev_size_zsr[i] / acc_jpgsize ); fprintf( msgout, " --------------------------------- \n" ); } } #endif } // pause before exit if ( wait_exit && ( msgout != stderr ) ) { fprintf( msgout, "\n\n< press ENTER >\n" ); fgetc( stdin ); } return 0; } #endif /* ----------------------- Begin of library only functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- DLL export converter function ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(BUILD_LIB) EXPORT bool pjglib_convert_stream2stream( char* msg ) { // process in main function return pjglib_convert_stream2mem( NULL, NULL, msg ); } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- DLL export converter function ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(BUILD_LIB) EXPORT bool pjglib_convert_file2file( char* in, char* out, char* msg ) { // init streams pjglib_init_streams( (void*) in, 0, 0, (void*) out, 0 ); // process in main function return pjglib_convert_stream2mem( NULL, NULL, msg ); } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- DLL export converter function ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(BUILD_LIB) EXPORT bool pjglib_convert_stream2mem( unsigned char** out_file, unsigned int* out_size, char* msg ) { clock_t begin, end; int total; float cr; // use automatic settings auto_set = true; // (re)set buffers reset_buffers(); action = A_COMPRESS; // main compression / decompression routines begin = clock(); // process one file process_file(); // fetch pointer and size of output (only for memory output) if ( ( errorlevel < err_tol ) && ( lib_out_type == 1 ) && ( out_file != NULL ) && ( out_size != NULL ) ) { *out_size = str_out->getsize(); *out_file = str_out->getptr(); } // close iostreams if ( str_in != NULL ) delete( str_in ); str_in = NULL; if ( str_out != NULL ) delete( str_out ); str_out = NULL; end = clock(); // copy errormessage / remove files if error (and output is file) if ( errorlevel >= err_tol ) { if ( lib_out_type == 0 ) { if ( filetype == F_JPG ) { if ( file_exists( pjgfilename ) ) remove( pjgfilename ); } else if ( filetype == F_PJG ) { if ( file_exists( jpgfilename ) ) remove( jpgfilename ); } } if ( msg != NULL ) strcpy( msg, errormessage ); return false; } // get compression info total = (int) ( (double) (( end - begin ) * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); cr = ( jpgfilesize > 0 ) ? ( 100.0 * pjgfilesize / jpgfilesize ) : 0; // write success message else if ( msg != NULL ) { switch( filetype ) { case F_JPG: sprintf( msg, "Compressed to %s (%.2f%%) in %ims", pjgfilename, cr, ( total >= 0 ) ? total : -1 ); break; case F_PJG: sprintf( msg, "Decompressed to %s (%.2f%%) in %ims", jpgfilename, cr, ( total >= 0 ) ? total : -1 ); break; case F_UNK: sprintf( msg, "Unknown filetype" ); break; } } return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- DLL export init input (file/mem) ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(BUILD_LIB) EXPORT void pjglib_init_streams( void* in_src, int in_type, int in_size, void* out_dest, int out_type ) { /* a short reminder about input/output stream types: if input is file ---------------- in_scr -> name of input file in_type -> 0 in_size -> ignore if input is memory ------------------ in_scr -> array containg data in_type -> 1 in_size -> size of data array if input is *FILE (f.e. stdin) ------------------------------ in_src -> stream pointer in_type -> 2 in_size -> ignore vice versa for output streams! */ unsigned char buffer[ 2 ]; // (re)set errorlevel errorfunction = NULL; errorlevel = 0; jpgfilesize = 0; pjgfilesize = 0; // open input stream, check for errors str_in = new iostream( in_src, in_type, in_size, 0 ); if ( str_in->chkerr() ) { sprintf( errormessage, "error opening input stream" ); errorlevel = 2; return; } // open output stream, check for errors str_out = new iostream( out_dest, out_type, 0, 1 ); if ( str_out->chkerr() ) { sprintf( errormessage, "error opening output stream" ); errorlevel = 2; return; } // free memory from filenames if needed if ( jpgfilename != NULL ) free( jpgfilename ); jpgfilename = NULL; if ( pjgfilename != NULL ) free( pjgfilename ); pjgfilename = NULL; // check input stream str_in->read( buffer, 1, 2 ); if ( ( buffer[0] == 0xFF ) && ( buffer[1] == 0xD8 ) ) { // file is JPEG filetype = F_JPG; // copy filenames jpgfilename = (char*) calloc( ( in_type == 0 ) ? strlen( (char*) in_src ) + 1 : 32, sizeof( char ) ); pjgfilename = (char*) calloc( ( out_type == 0 ) ? strlen( (char*) out_dest ) + 1 : 32, sizeof( char ) ); strcpy( jpgfilename, ( in_type == 0 ) ? (char*) in_src : "JPG in memory" ); strcpy( pjgfilename, ( out_type == 0 ) ? (char*) out_dest : "PJG in memory" ); } else if ( (buffer[0] == pjg_magic[0]) && (buffer[1] == pjg_magic[1]) ) { // file is PJG filetype = F_PJG; // copy filenames pjgfilename = (char*) calloc( ( in_type == 0 ) ? strlen( (char*) in_src ) + 1 : 32, sizeof( char ) ); jpgfilename = (char*) calloc( ( out_type == 0 ) ? strlen( (char*) out_dest ) + 1 : 32, sizeof( char ) ); strcpy( pjgfilename, ( in_type == 0 ) ? (char*) in_src : "PJG in memory" ); strcpy( jpgfilename, ( out_type == 0 ) ? (char*) out_dest : "JPG in memory" ); } else { // file is neither filetype = F_UNK; sprintf( errormessage, "filetype of input stream is unknown" ); errorlevel = 2; return; } // store types of in-/output lib_in_type = in_type; lib_out_type = out_type; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- DLL export version information ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(BUILD_LIB) EXPORT const char* pjglib_version_info( void ) { static char v_info[ 256 ]; // copy version info to string sprintf( v_info, "--> %s library v%i.%i%s (%s) by %s <--", apptitle, appversion / 10, appversion % 10, subversion, versiondate, author ); return (const char*) v_info; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- DLL export version information ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(BUILD_LIB) EXPORT const char* pjglib_short_name( void ) { static char v_name[ 256 ]; // copy version info to string sprintf( v_name, "%s v%i.%i%s", apptitle, appversion / 10, appversion % 10, subversion ); return (const char*) v_name; } #endif /* ----------------------- End of libary only functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Begin of main interface functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- reads in commandline arguments ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN void initialize_options( int argc, char** argv ) { int tmp_val; char** tmp_flp; int i; // get memory for filelist & preset with NULL filelist = (char**) calloc( argc, sizeof( char* ) ); for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) filelist[ i ] = NULL; // preset temporary filelist pointer tmp_flp = filelist; // read in arguments while ( --argc > 0 ) { argv++; // switches begin with '-' if ( strcmp((*argv), "-p" ) == 0 ) { err_tol = 2; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-d" ) == 0 ) { disc_meta = true; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-ver" ) == 0 ) { verify_lv = ( verify_lv < 1 ) ? 1 : verify_lv; } else if ( sscanf( (*argv), "-v%i", &tmp_val ) == 1 ){ verbosity = tmp_val; verbosity = ( verbosity < 0 ) ? 0 : verbosity; verbosity = ( verbosity > 2 ) ? 2 : verbosity; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-vp" ) == 0 ) { verbosity = -1; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-np" ) == 0 ) { wait_exit = false; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-o" ) == 0 ) { overwrite = true; } #if defined(DEV_BUILD) else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-dev") == 0 ) { developer = true; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-test") == 0 ) { verify_lv = 2; } else if ( sscanf( (*argv), "-t%i,%i", &i, &tmp_val ) == 2 ) { i = ( i < 0 ) ? 0 : i; i = ( i > 3 ) ? 3 : i; tmp_val = ( tmp_val < 0 ) ? 0 : tmp_val; tmp_val = ( tmp_val > 10 ) ? 10 : tmp_val; nois_trs[ i ] = tmp_val; auto_set = false; } else if ( sscanf( (*argv), "-s%i,%i", &i, &tmp_val ) == 2 ) { i = ( i < 0 ) ? 0 : i; i = ( i > 3 ) ? 3 : i; tmp_val = ( tmp_val < 1 ) ? 1 : tmp_val; tmp_val = ( tmp_val > 49 ) ? 49 : tmp_val; segm_cnt[ i ] = tmp_val; auto_set = false; } else if ( sscanf( (*argv), "-t%i", &tmp_val ) == 1 ) { tmp_val = ( tmp_val < 0 ) ? 0 : tmp_val; tmp_val = ( tmp_val > 10 ) ? 10 : tmp_val; nois_trs[0] = tmp_val; nois_trs[1] = tmp_val; nois_trs[2] = tmp_val; nois_trs[3] = tmp_val; auto_set = false; } else if ( sscanf( (*argv), "-s%i", &tmp_val ) == 1 ) { tmp_val = ( tmp_val < 1 ) ? 1 : tmp_val; tmp_val = ( tmp_val > 64 ) ? 64 : tmp_val; segm_cnt[0] = tmp_val; segm_cnt[1] = tmp_val; segm_cnt[2] = tmp_val; segm_cnt[3] = tmp_val; auto_set = false; } else if ( sscanf( (*argv), "-coll%i", &tmp_val ) == 1 ) { tmp_val = ( tmp_val < 0 ) ? 0 : tmp_val; tmp_val = ( tmp_val > 5 ) ? 5 : tmp_val; collmode = tmp_val; action = A_COLL_DUMP; } else if ( sscanf( (*argv), "-fcol%i", &tmp_val ) == 1 ) { tmp_val = ( tmp_val < 0 ) ? 0 : tmp_val; tmp_val = ( tmp_val > 5 ) ? 5 : tmp_val; collmode = tmp_val; action = A_FCOLL_DUMP; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-split") == 0 ) { action = A_SPLIT_DUMP; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-zdst") == 0 ) { action = A_ZDST_DUMP; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-info") == 0 ) { action = A_TXT_INFO; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-dist") == 0 ) { action = A_DIST_INFO; } else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-pgm") == 0 ) { action = A_PGM_DUMP; } else if ( ( strcmp((*argv), "-comp") == 0) ) { action = A_COMPRESS; } #endif else if ( strcmp((*argv), "-") == 0 ) { // switch standard message out stream msgout = stderr; // use "-" as placeholder for stdin *(tmp_flp++) = (char*) "-"; } else { // if argument is not switch, it's a filename *(tmp_flp++) = *argv; } } // count number of files (or filenames) in filelist for ( file_cnt = 0; filelist[ file_cnt ] != NULL; file_cnt++ ); // alloc arrays for error messages and types storage err_list = (char**) calloc( file_cnt, sizeof( char* ) ); err_tp = (int*) calloc( file_cnt, sizeof( int ) ); // backup settings - needed to restore original setting later if ( !auto_set ) { orig_set[ 0 ] = nois_trs[ 0 ]; orig_set[ 1 ] = nois_trs[ 1 ]; orig_set[ 2 ] = nois_trs[ 2 ]; orig_set[ 3 ] = nois_trs[ 3 ]; orig_set[ 4 ] = segm_cnt[ 0 ]; orig_set[ 5 ] = segm_cnt[ 1 ]; orig_set[ 6 ] = segm_cnt[ 2 ]; orig_set[ 7 ] = segm_cnt[ 3 ]; } else { for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) orig_set[ i ] = 0; } } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- UI for processing one file ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN void process_ui( void ) { clock_t begin, end; const char* actionmsg = NULL; const char* errtypemsg = NULL; int total, bpms; float cr; errorfunction = NULL; errorlevel = 0; jpgfilesize = 0; pjgfilesize = 0; #if !defined(DEV_BUILD) action = A_COMPRESS; #endif // compare file name, set pipe if needed if ( ( strcmp( filelist[ file_no ], "-" ) == 0 ) && ( action == A_COMPRESS ) ) { pipe_on = true; filelist[ file_no ] = (char*) "STDIN"; } else { pipe_on = false; } if ( verbosity >= 0 ) { // standard UI fprintf( msgout, "\nProcessing file %i of %i \"%s\" -> ", file_no + 1, file_cnt, filelist[ file_no ] ); if ( verbosity > 1 ) fprintf( msgout, "\n----------------------------------------" ); // check input file and determine filetype execute( check_file ); // get specific action message if ( filetype == F_UNK ) actionmsg = "unknown filetype"; else switch ( action ) { case A_COMPRESS: actionmsg = ( filetype == F_JPG ) ? "Compressing" : "Decompressing"; break; case A_SPLIT_DUMP: actionmsg = "Splitting"; break; case A_COLL_DUMP: actionmsg = "Extracting Colls"; break; case A_FCOLL_DUMP: actionmsg = "Extracting FColls"; break; case A_ZDST_DUMP: actionmsg = "Extracting ZDST lists"; break; case A_TXT_INFO: actionmsg = "Extracting info"; break; case A_DIST_INFO: actionmsg = "Extracting distributions"; break; case A_PGM_DUMP: actionmsg = "Converting"; break; } if ( verbosity < 2 ) fprintf( msgout, "%s -> ", actionmsg ); } else { // progress bar UI // update progress message fprintf( msgout, "Processing file %2i of %2i ", file_no + 1, file_cnt ); progress_bar( file_no, file_cnt ); fprintf( msgout, "\r" ); execute( check_file ); } fflush( msgout ); // main function routine begin = clock(); // streams are initiated, start processing file process_file(); // close iostreams if ( str_in != NULL ) delete( str_in ); str_in = NULL; if ( str_out != NULL ) delete( str_out ); str_out = NULL; if ( str_str != NULL ) delete( str_str ); str_str = NULL; // delete if broken or if output not needed if ( ( !pipe_on ) && ( ( errorlevel >= err_tol ) || ( action != A_COMPRESS ) ) ) { if ( filetype == F_JPG ) { if ( file_exists( pjgfilename ) ) remove( pjgfilename ); } else if ( filetype == F_PJG ) { if ( file_exists( jpgfilename ) ) remove( jpgfilename ); } } end = clock(); // speed and compression ratio calculation total = (int) ( (double) (( end - begin ) * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); bpms = ( total > 0 ) ? ( jpgfilesize / total ) : jpgfilesize; cr = ( jpgfilesize > 0 ) ? ( 100.0 * pjgfilesize / jpgfilesize ) : 0; if ( verbosity >= 0 ) { // standard UI if ( verbosity > 1 ) fprintf( msgout, "\n----------------------------------------" ); // display success/failure message switch ( verbosity ) { case 0: if ( errorlevel < err_tol ) { if ( action == A_COMPRESS ) fprintf( msgout, "%.2f%%", cr ); else fprintf( msgout, "DONE" ); } else fprintf( msgout, "ERROR" ); if ( errorlevel > 0 ) fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); break; case 1: fprintf( msgout, "%s\n", ( errorlevel < err_tol ) ? "DONE" : "ERROR" ); break; case 2: if ( errorlevel < err_tol ) fprintf( msgout, "\n-> %s OK\n", actionmsg ); else fprintf( msgout, "\n-> %s ERROR\n", actionmsg ); break; } // set type of error message switch ( errorlevel ) { case 0: errtypemsg = "none"; break; case 1: errtypemsg = ( err_tol > 1 ) ? "warning (ignored)" : "warning (skipped file)"; break; case 2: errtypemsg = "fatal error"; break; } // error/ warning message if ( errorlevel > 0 ) { fprintf( msgout, " %s -> %s:\n", get_status( errorfunction ), errtypemsg ); fprintf( msgout, " %s\n", errormessage ); } if ( (verbosity > 0) && (errorlevel < err_tol) && (action == A_COMPRESS) ) { if ( total >= 0 ) { fprintf( msgout, " time taken : %7i msec\n", total ); fprintf( msgout, " byte per ms : %7i byte\n", bpms ); } else { fprintf( msgout, " time taken : %7s msec\n", "N/A" ); fprintf( msgout, " byte per ms : %7s byte\n", "N/A" ); } fprintf( msgout, " comp. ratio : %7.2f %%\n", cr ); } if ( ( verbosity > 1 ) && ( action == A_COMPRESS ) ) fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); } else { // progress bar UI // if this is the last file, update progress bar one last time if ( file_no + 1 == file_cnt ) { // update progress message fprintf( msgout, "Processed %2i of %2i files ", file_no + 1, file_cnt ); progress_bar( 1, 1 ); fprintf( msgout, "\r" ); } } } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- gets statusmessage for function ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN inline const char* get_status( bool (*function)() ) { if ( function == NULL ) { return "unknown action"; } else if ( function == *check_file ) { return "Determining filetype"; } else if ( function == *read_jpeg ) { return "Reading header & image data"; } else if ( function == *merge_jpeg ) { return "Merging header & image data"; } else if ( function == *decode_jpeg ) { return "Decompressing JPEG image data"; } else if ( function == *recode_jpeg ) { return "Recompressing JPEG image data"; } else if ( function == *adapt_icos ) { return "Adapting DCT precalc. tables"; } else if ( function == *predict_dc ) { return "Applying prediction to DC"; } else if ( function == *unpredict_dc ) { return "Removing prediction from DC"; } else if ( function == *check_value_range ) { return "Checking values range"; } else if ( function == *calc_zdst_lists ) { return "Calculating zero dist lists"; } else if ( function == *pack_pjg ) { return "Compressing data to PJG"; } else if ( function == *unpack_pjg ) { return "Uncompressing data from PJG"; } else if ( function == *swap_streams ) { return "Swapping input/output streams"; } else if ( function == *compare_output ) { return "Verifying output stream"; } else if ( function == *reset_buffers ) { return "Resetting program"; } #if defined(DEV_BUILD) else if ( function == *dump_hdr ) { return "Writing header data to file"; } else if ( function == *dump_huf ) { return "Writing huffman data to file"; } else if ( function == *dump_coll ) { return "Writing collections to files"; } else if ( function == *dump_zdst ) { return "Writing zdist lists to files"; } else if ( function == *dump_errfile ) { return "Writing error info to file"; } else if ( function == *dump_info ) { return "Writing info to files"; } else if ( function == *dump_dist ) { return "Writing distributions to files"; } else if ( function == *dump_pgm ) { return "Writing converted image to pgm"; } #endif else { return "Function description missing!"; } } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- shows help in case of wrong input ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN void show_help( void ) { fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); fprintf( msgout, "Website: %s\n", website ); fprintf( msgout, "Email : %s\n", email ); fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); fprintf( msgout, "Usage: %s [switches] [filename(s)]", appname ); fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-ver] verify files after processing\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-v?] set level of verbosity (max: 2) (def: 0)\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-np] no pause after processing files\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-o] overwrite existing files\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-p] proceed on warnings\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-d] discard meta-info\n" ); #if defined(DEV_BUILD) if ( developer ) { fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-s?] set global number of segments (1<=s<=49)\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-t?] set global noise threshold (0<=t<=10)\n" ); fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-s?,?] set number of segments for component\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-t?,?] set noise threshold for component\n" ); fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-test] test algorithms, alert if error\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-split] split jpeg (to header & image data)\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-coll?] write collections (0=std,1=dhf,2=squ,3=unc)\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-fcol?] write predicted collections (see above)\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-zdst] write zero distribution lists\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-info] write debug info to .nfo file\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-dist] write distribution data to file\n" ); fprintf( msgout, " [-pgm] convert and write to pgm files\n" ); } #endif fprintf( msgout, "\n" ); fprintf( msgout, "Examples: \"%s -v1 -o baboon.%s\"\n", appname, pjg_ext ); fprintf( msgout, " \"%s -p *.%s\"\n", appname, jpg_ext ); } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- processes one file ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN void process_file( void ) { if ( filetype == F_JPG ) { switch ( action ) { case A_COMPRESS: execute( read_jpeg ); execute( decode_jpeg ); execute( check_value_range ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( predict_dc ); execute( calc_zdst_lists ); execute( pack_pjg ); #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) if ( verify_lv > 0 ) { // verifcation execute( reset_buffers ); execute( swap_streams ); execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( unpredict_dc ); execute( recode_jpeg ); execute( merge_jpeg ); execute( compare_output ); } #endif break; #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) case A_SPLIT_DUMP: execute( read_jpeg ); execute( dump_hdr ); execute( dump_huf ); break; case A_COLL_DUMP: execute( read_jpeg ); execute( decode_jpeg ); execute( dump_coll ); break; case A_FCOLL_DUMP: execute( read_jpeg ); execute( decode_jpeg ); execute( check_value_range ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( predict_dc ); execute( dump_coll ); break; case A_ZDST_DUMP: execute( read_jpeg ); execute( decode_jpeg ); execute( check_value_range ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( predict_dc ); execute( calc_zdst_lists ); execute( dump_zdst ); break; case A_TXT_INFO: execute( read_jpeg ); execute( dump_info ); break; case A_DIST_INFO: execute( read_jpeg ); execute( decode_jpeg ); execute( check_value_range ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( predict_dc ); execute( dump_dist ); break; case A_PGM_DUMP: execute( read_jpeg ); execute( decode_jpeg ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( dump_pgm ); break; #else default: break; #endif } } else if ( filetype == F_PJG ) { switch ( action ) { case A_COMPRESS: execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( unpredict_dc ); execute( recode_jpeg ); execute( merge_jpeg ); #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) if ( verify_lv > 0 ) { // verify execute( reset_buffers ); execute( swap_streams ); execute( read_jpeg ); execute( decode_jpeg ); execute( check_value_range ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( predict_dc ); execute( calc_zdst_lists ); execute( pack_pjg ); execute( compare_output ); } #endif break; #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) case A_SPLIT_DUMP: execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( unpredict_dc ); execute( recode_jpeg ); execute( dump_hdr ); execute( dump_huf ); break; case A_COLL_DUMP: execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( unpredict_dc ); execute( dump_coll ); break; case A_FCOLL_DUMP: execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( dump_coll ); break; case A_ZDST_DUMP: execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( dump_zdst ); break; case A_TXT_INFO: execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( dump_info ); break; case A_DIST_INFO: execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( dump_dist ); break; case A_PGM_DUMP: execute( unpack_pjg ); execute( adapt_icos ); execute( unpredict_dc ); execute( dump_pgm ); break; #else default: break; #endif } } #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) // write error file if verify lv > 1 if ( ( verify_lv > 1 ) && ( errorlevel >= err_tol ) ) dump_errfile(); #endif // reset buffers reset_buffers(); } /* ----------------------------------------------- main-function execution routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN void execute( bool (*function)() ) { if ( errorlevel < err_tol ) { #if !defined BUILD_LIB clock_t begin, end; bool success; int total; // write statusmessage if ( verbosity == 2 ) { fprintf( msgout, "\n%s ", get_status( function ) ); for ( int i = strlen( get_status( function ) ); i <= 30; i++ ) fprintf( msgout, " " ); } // set starttime begin = clock(); // call function success = ( *function )(); // set endtime end = clock(); if ( ( errorlevel > 0 ) && ( errorfunction == NULL ) ) errorfunction = function; // write time or failure notice if ( success ) { total = (int) ( (double) (( end - begin ) * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); if ( verbosity == 2 ) fprintf( msgout, "%6ims", ( total >= 0 ) ? total : -1 ); } else { errorfunction = function; if ( verbosity == 2 ) fprintf( msgout, "%8s", "ERROR" ); } #else // call function ( *function )(); // store errorfunction if needed if ( ( errorlevel > 0 ) && ( errorfunction == NULL ) ) errorfunction = function; #endif } } /* ----------------------- End of main interface functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Begin of main functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- check file and determine filetype ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN bool check_file( void ) { unsigned char fileid[ 2 ] = { 0, 0 }; const char* filename = filelist[ file_no ]; // open input stream, check for errors str_in = new iostream( (void*) filename, ( !pipe_on ) ? 0 : 2, 0, 0 ); if ( str_in->chkerr() ) { sprintf( errormessage, FRD_ERRMSG, filename ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // free memory from filenames if needed if ( jpgfilename != NULL ) free( jpgfilename ); jpgfilename = NULL; if ( pjgfilename != NULL ) free( pjgfilename ); pjgfilename = NULL; // immediately return error if 2 bytes can't be read if ( str_in->read( fileid, 1, 2 ) != 2 ) { filetype = F_UNK; sprintf( errormessage, "file doesn't contain enough data" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // check file id, determine filetype if ( ( fileid[0] == 0xFF ) && ( fileid[1] == 0xD8 ) ) { // file is JPEG filetype = F_JPG; // create filenames if ( !pipe_on ) { jpgfilename = (char*) calloc( strlen( filename ) + 1, sizeof( char ) ); strcpy( jpgfilename, filename ); pjgfilename = ( overwrite ) ? create_filename( filename, (char*) pjg_ext ) : unique_filename( filename, (char*) pjg_ext ); } else { jpgfilename = create_filename( "STDIN", NULL ); pjgfilename = create_filename( "STDOUT", NULL ); } // open output stream, check for errors str_out = new iostream( (void*) pjgfilename, ( !pipe_on ) ? 0 : 2, 0, 1 ); if ( str_out->chkerr() ) { sprintf( errormessage, FWR_ERRMSG, pjgfilename ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // JPEG specific settings - restore original settings if ( orig_set[ 0 ] == 0 ) auto_set = true; else { nois_trs[ 0 ] = orig_set[ 0 ]; nois_trs[ 1 ] = orig_set[ 1 ]; nois_trs[ 2 ] = orig_set[ 2 ]; nois_trs[ 3 ] = orig_set[ 3 ]; segm_cnt[ 0 ] = orig_set[ 4 ]; segm_cnt[ 1 ] = orig_set[ 5 ]; segm_cnt[ 2 ] = orig_set[ 6 ]; segm_cnt[ 3 ] = orig_set[ 7 ]; auto_set = false; } } else if ( ( fileid[0] == pjg_magic[0] ) && ( fileid[1] == pjg_magic[1] ) ) { // file is PJG filetype = F_PJG; // create filenames if ( !pipe_on ) { pjgfilename = (char*) calloc( strlen( filename ) + 1, sizeof( char ) ); strcpy( pjgfilename, filename ); jpgfilename = ( overwrite ) ? create_filename( filename, (char*) jpg_ext ) : unique_filename( filename, (char*) jpg_ext ); } else { jpgfilename = create_filename( "STDOUT", NULL ); pjgfilename = create_filename( "STDIN", NULL ); } // open output stream, check for errors str_out = new iostream( (void*) jpgfilename, ( !pipe_on ) ? 0 : 2, 0, 1 ); if ( str_out->chkerr() ) { sprintf( errormessage, FWR_ERRMSG, jpgfilename ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // PJG specific settings - auto unless specified otherwise auto_set = true; } else { // file is neither filetype = F_UNK; sprintf( errormessage, "filetype of file \"%s\" is unknown", filename ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- swap streams / init verification ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN bool swap_streams( void ) { char dmp[ 2 ]; // store input stream str_str = str_in; str_str->rewind(); // replace input stream by output stream / switch mode for reading / read first bytes str_in = str_out; str_in->switch_mode(); str_in->read( dmp, 1, 2 ); // open new stream for output / check for errors str_out = new iostream( NULL, 1, 0, 1 ); if ( str_out->chkerr() ) { sprintf( errormessage, "error opening comparison stream" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- comparison between input & output ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN bool compare_output( void ) { unsigned char* buff_ori; unsigned char* buff_cmp; int bsize = 1024; int dsize; int i, b; // init buffer arrays buff_ori = ( unsigned char* ) calloc( bsize, sizeof( char ) ); buff_cmp = ( unsigned char* ) calloc( bsize, sizeof( char ) ); if ( ( buff_ori == NULL ) || ( buff_cmp == NULL ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; free(buff_ori); free(buff_cmp); return false; } // switch output stream mode / check for stream errors str_out->switch_mode(); while ( true ) { if ( str_out->chkerr() ) sprintf( errormessage, "error in comparison stream" ); else if ( str_in->chkerr() ) sprintf( errormessage, "error in output stream" ); else if ( str_str->chkerr() ) sprintf( errormessage, "error in input stream" ); else break; errorlevel = 2; free(buff_ori); free(buff_cmp); return false; } // compare sizes dsize = str_str->getsize(); if ( str_out->getsize() != dsize ) { sprintf( errormessage, "file sizes do not match" ); errorlevel = 2; free(buff_ori); free(buff_cmp); return false; } // compare files byte by byte for ( i = 0; i < dsize; i++ ) { b = i % bsize; if ( b == 0 ) { str_str->read( buff_ori, sizeof( char ), bsize ); str_out->read( buff_cmp, sizeof( char ), bsize ); } if ( buff_ori[ b ] != buff_cmp[ b ] ) { sprintf( errormessage, "difference found at 0x%X", i ); errorlevel = 2; free(buff_ori); free(buff_cmp); return false; } } // free buffers free( buff_ori ); free( buff_cmp ); return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- set each variable to its initial value ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool reset_buffers( void ) { int cmp, bpos; int i; // -- free buffers -- // free buffers & set pointers NULL if ( hdrdata != NULL ) free ( hdrdata ); if ( huffdata != NULL ) free ( huffdata ); if ( grbgdata != NULL ) free ( grbgdata ); if ( rst_err != NULL ) free ( rst_err ); if ( rstp != NULL ) free ( rstp ); if ( scnp != NULL ) free ( scnp ); hdrdata = NULL; huffdata = NULL; grbgdata = NULL; rst_err = NULL; rstp = NULL; scnp = NULL; // free image arrays for ( cmp = 0; cmp < 4; cmp++ ) { if ( zdstdata[ cmp ] != NULL ) free( zdstdata[cmp] ); if ( eobxhigh[ cmp ] != NULL ) free( eobxhigh[cmp] ); if ( eobyhigh[ cmp ] != NULL ) free( eobyhigh[cmp] ); if ( zdstxlow[ cmp ] != NULL ) free( zdstxlow[cmp] ); if ( zdstylow[ cmp ] != NULL ) free( zdstylow[cmp] ); zdstdata[ cmp ] = NULL; eobxhigh[ cmp ] = NULL; eobyhigh[ cmp ] = NULL; zdstxlow[ cmp ] = NULL; zdstylow[ cmp ] = NULL; freqscan[ cmp ] = (unsigned char*) stdscan; for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) { if ( colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ] != NULL ) free( colldata[cmp][bpos] ); colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ] = NULL; } } // -- set variables -- // preset componentinfo for ( cmp = 0; cmp < 4; cmp++ ) { cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfv = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfh = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].mbs = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].bcv = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].bch = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].bc = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].ncv = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].nch = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].nc = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].sid = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].jid = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].qtable = NULL; cmpnfo[ cmp ].huffdc = -1; cmpnfo[ cmp ].huffac = -1; } // preset imgwidth / imgheight / component count imgwidth = 0; imgheight = 0; cmpc = 0; // preset mcu info variables / restart interval sfhm = 0; sfvm = 0; mcuc = 0; mcuh = 0; mcuv = 0; rsti = 0; // reset quantization / huffman tables for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { htset[ 0 ][ i ] = 0; htset[ 1 ][ i ] = 0; for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) qtables[ i ][ bpos ] = 0; } // preset jpegtype jpegtype = 0; // reset padbit padbit = -1; return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- Read in header & image data ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool read_jpeg( void ) { unsigned char* segment = NULL; // storage for current segment unsigned int ssize = 1024; // current size of segment array unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int crst = 0; // current rst marker counter unsigned int cpos = 0; // rst marker counter unsigned char tmp; abytewriter* huffw; abytewriter* hdrw; abytewriter* grbgw; // preset count of scans scnc = 0; // start headerwriter hdrw = new abytewriter( 4096 ); hdrs = 0; // size of header data, start with 0 // start huffman writer huffw = new abytewriter( 0 ); hufs = 0; // size of image data, start with 0 // alloc memory for segment data first segment = ( unsigned char* ) calloc( ssize, sizeof( char ) ); if ( segment == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // JPEG reader loop while ( true ) { if ( type == 0xDA ) { // if last marker was sos // switch to huffman data reading mode cpos = 0; crst = 0; while ( true ) { // read byte from imagedata if ( str_in->read( &tmp, 1, 1 ) == 0 ) break; // non-0xFF loop if ( tmp != 0xFF ) { crst = 0; while ( tmp != 0xFF ) { huffw->write( tmp ); if ( str_in->read( &tmp, 1, 1 ) == 0 ) break; } } // treatment of 0xFF if ( tmp == 0xFF ) { if ( str_in->read( &tmp, 1, 1 ) == 0 ) break; // read next byte & check if ( tmp == 0x00 ) { crst = 0; // no zeroes needed -> ignore 0x00. write 0xFF huffw->write( 0xFF ); } else if ( tmp == 0xD0 + ( cpos % 8 ) ) { // restart marker // increment rst counters cpos++; crst++; } else { // in all other cases leave it to the header parser routines // store number of wrongly set rst markers if ( crst > 0 ) { if ( rst_err == NULL ) { rst_err = (unsigned char*) calloc( scnc + 1, sizeof( char ) ); if ( rst_err == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } } } if ( rst_err != NULL ) { // realloc and set only if needed rst_err = ( unsigned char* ) realloc( rst_err, ( scnc + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) ); if ( rst_err == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } if ( crst > 255 ) { sprintf( errormessage, "Severe false use of RST markers (%i)", crst ); errorlevel = 1; crst = 255; } rst_err[ scnc ] = crst; } // end of current scan scnc++; // on with the header parser routines segment[ 0 ] = 0xFF; segment[ 1 ] = tmp; break; } } else { // otherwise this means end-of-file, so break out break; } } } else { // read in next marker if ( str_in->read( segment, 1, 2 ) != 2 ) break; if ( segment[ 0 ] != 0xFF ) { // ugly fix for incorrect marker segment sizes sprintf( errormessage, "size mismatch in marker segment FF %2X", type ); errorlevel = 2; if ( type == 0xFE ) { // if last marker was COM try again if ( str_in->read( segment, 1, 2 ) != 2 ) break; if ( segment[ 0 ] == 0xFF ) errorlevel = 1; } if ( errorlevel == 2 ) { delete ( hdrw ); delete ( huffw ); free ( segment ); return false; } } } // read segment type type = segment[ 1 ]; // if EOI is encountered make a quick exit if ( type == 0xD9 ) { // get pointer for header data & size hdrdata = hdrw->getptr(); hdrs = hdrw->getpos(); // get pointer for huffman data & size huffdata = huffw->getptr(); hufs = huffw->getpos(); // everything is done here now break; } // read in next segments' length and check it if ( str_in->read( segment + 2, 1, 2 ) != 2 ) break; len = 2 + B_SHORT( segment[ 2 ], segment[ 3 ] ); if ( len < 4 ) break; // realloc segment data if needed if ( ssize < len ) { segment = ( unsigned char* ) realloc( segment, len ); if ( segment == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; delete ( hdrw ); delete ( huffw ); return false; } ssize = len; } // read rest of segment, store back in header writer if ( str_in->read( ( segment + 4 ), 1, ( len - 4 ) ) != ( unsigned short ) ( len - 4 ) ) break; hdrw->write_n( segment, len ); } // JPEG reader loop end // free writers delete ( hdrw ); delete ( huffw ); // check if everything went OK if ( ( hdrs == 0 ) || ( hufs == 0 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "unexpected end of data encountered" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // store garbage after EOI if needed grbs = str_in->read( &tmp, 1, 1 ); if ( grbs > 0 ) { grbgw = new abytewriter( 1024 ); grbgw->write( tmp ); while( true ) { len = str_in->read( segment, 1, ssize ); if ( len == 0 ) break; grbgw->write_n( segment, len ); } grbgdata = grbgw->getptr(); grbs = grbgw->getpos(); delete ( grbgw ); } // free segment free( segment ); // get filesize jpgfilesize = str_in->getsize(); // parse header for image info if ( !jpg_setup_imginfo() ) { return false; } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- Merges header & image data to jpeg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool merge_jpeg( void ) { unsigned char SOI[ 2 ] = { 0xFF, 0xD8 }; // SOI segment unsigned char EOI[ 2 ] = { 0xFF, 0xD9 }; // EOI segment unsigned char mrk = 0xFF; // marker start unsigned char stv = 0x00; // 0xFF stuff value unsigned char rst = 0xD0; // restart marker unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int hpos = 0; // current position in header unsigned int ipos = 0; // current position in imagedata unsigned int rpos = 0; // current restart marker position unsigned int cpos = 0; // in scan corrected rst marker position unsigned int scan = 1; // number of current scan unsigned int tmp; // temporary storage variable // write SOI str_out->write( SOI, 1, 2 ); // JPEG writing loop while ( true ) { // store current header position tmp = hpos; // seek till start-of-scan for ( type = 0x00; type != 0xDA; ) { if ( ( int ) hpos >= hdrs ) break; type = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; len = 2 + B_SHORT( hdrdata[ hpos + 2 ], hdrdata[ hpos + 3 ] ); hpos += len; } // write header data to file str_out->write( hdrdata + tmp, 1, ( hpos - tmp ) ); // get out if last marker segment type was not SOS if ( type != 0xDA ) break; // (re)set corrected rst pos cpos = 0; // write & expand huffman coded image data for ( ipos = scnp[ scan - 1 ]; ipos < scnp[ scan ]; ipos++ ) { // write current byte str_out->write( huffdata + ipos, 1, 1 ); // check current byte, stuff if needed if ( huffdata[ ipos ] == 0xFF ) str_out->write( &stv, 1, 1 ); // insert restart markers if needed if ( rstp != NULL ) { if ( ipos == rstp[ rpos ] ) { rst = 0xD0 + ( cpos % 8 ); str_out->write( &mrk, 1, 1 ); str_out->write( &rst, 1, 1 ); rpos++; cpos++; } } } // insert false rst markers at end if needed if ( rst_err != NULL ) { while ( rst_err[ scan - 1 ] > 0 ) { rst = 0xD0 + ( cpos % 8 ); str_out->write( &mrk, 1, 1 ); str_out->write( &rst, 1, 1 ); cpos++; rst_err[ scan - 1 ]--; } } // proceed with next scan scan++; } // write EOI str_out->write( EOI, 1, 2 ); // write garbage if needed if ( grbs > 0 ) str_out->write( grbgdata, 1, grbs ); // errormessage if write error if ( str_out->chkerr() ) { sprintf( errormessage, "write error, possibly drive is full" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // get filesize jpgfilesize = str_out->getsize(); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- JPEG decoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool decode_jpeg( void ) { abitreader* huffr; // bitwise reader for image data unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int hpos = 0; // current position in header int lastdc[ 4 ]; // last dc for each component short block[ 64 ]; // store block for coeffs int peobrun; // previous eobrun int eobrun; // run of eobs int rstw; // restart wait counter int cmp, bpos, dpos; int mcu, sub, csc; int eob, sta; // open huffman coded image data for input in abitreader huffr = new abitreader( huffdata, hufs ); // preset count of scans scnc = 0; // JPEG decompression loop while ( true ) { // seek till start-of-scan, parse only DHT, DRI and SOS for ( type = 0x00; type != 0xDA; ) { if ( ( int ) hpos >= hdrs ) break; type = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; len = 2 + B_SHORT( hdrdata[ hpos + 2 ], hdrdata[ hpos + 3 ] ); if ( ( type == 0xC4 ) || ( type == 0xDA ) || ( type == 0xDD ) ) { if ( !jpg_parse_jfif( type, len, &( hdrdata[ hpos ] ) ) ) { return false; } } hpos += len; } // get out if last marker segment type was not SOS if ( type != 0xDA ) break; // check if huffman tables are available for ( csc = 0; csc < cs_cmpc; csc++ ) { cmp = cs_cmp[ csc ]; if ( ( ( cs_sal == 0 ) && ( htset[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ] == 0 ) ) || ( ( cs_sah > 0 ) && ( htset[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ] == 0 ) ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "huffman table missing in scan%i", scnc ); delete huffr; errorlevel = 2; return false; } } // intial variables set for decoding cmp = cs_cmp[ 0 ]; csc = 0; mcu = 0; sub = 0; dpos = 0; // JPEG imagedata decoding routines while ( true ) { // (re)set last DCs for diff coding lastdc[ 0 ] = 0; lastdc[ 1 ] = 0; lastdc[ 2 ] = 0; lastdc[ 3 ] = 0; // (re)set status eob = 0; sta = 0; // (re)set eobrun eobrun = 0; peobrun = 0; // (re)set rst wait counter rstw = rsti; // decoding for interleaved data if ( cs_cmpc > 1 ) { if ( jpegtype == 1 ) { // ---> sequential interleaved decoding <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // decode block eob = jpg_decode_block_seq( huffr, &(htrees[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ]), &(htrees[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ]), block ); // check for non optimal coding if ( ( eob > 1 ) && ( block[ eob - 1 ] == 0 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "reconstruction of inefficient coding not supported" ); errorlevel = 1; } // fix dc block[ 0 ] += lastdc[ cmp ]; lastdc[ cmp ] = block[ 0 ]; // copy to colldata for ( bpos = 0; bpos < eob; bpos++ ) colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ] = block[ bpos ]; // check for errors, proceed if no error encountered if ( eob < 0 ) sta = -1; else sta = jpg_next_mcupos( &mcu, &cmp, &csc, &sub, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else if ( cs_sah == 0 ) { // ---> progressive interleaved DC decoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation first stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { sta = jpg_decode_dc_prg_fs( huffr, &(htrees[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ]), block ); // fix dc for diff coding colldata[cmp][0][dpos] = block[0] + lastdc[ cmp ]; lastdc[ cmp ] = colldata[cmp][0][dpos]; // bitshift for succesive approximation colldata[cmp][0][dpos] <<= cs_sal; // next mcupos if no error happened if ( sta != -1 ) sta = jpg_next_mcupos( &mcu, &cmp, &csc, &sub, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else { // ---> progressive interleaved DC decoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation later stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // decode next bit sta = jpg_decode_dc_prg_sa( huffr, block ); // shift in next bit colldata[cmp][0][dpos] += block[0] << cs_sal; // next mcupos if no error happened if ( sta != -1 ) sta = jpg_next_mcupos( &mcu, &cmp, &csc, &sub, &dpos, &rstw ); } } } else // decoding for non interleaved data { if ( jpegtype == 1 ) { // ---> sequential non interleaved decoding <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // decode block eob = jpg_decode_block_seq( huffr, &(htrees[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ]), &(htrees[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ]), block ); // check for non optimal coding if ( ( eob > 1 ) && ( block[ eob - 1 ] == 0 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "reconstruction of inefficient coding not supported" ); errorlevel = 1; } // fix dc block[ 0 ] += lastdc[ cmp ]; lastdc[ cmp ] = block[ 0 ]; // copy to colldata for ( bpos = 0; bpos < eob; bpos++ ) colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ] = block[ bpos ]; // check for errors, proceed if no error encountered if ( eob < 0 ) sta = -1; else sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else if ( cs_to == 0 ) { if ( cs_sah == 0 ) { // ---> progressive non interleaved DC decoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation first stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { sta = jpg_decode_dc_prg_fs( huffr, &(htrees[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ]), block ); // fix dc for diff coding colldata[cmp][0][dpos] = block[0] + lastdc[ cmp ]; lastdc[ cmp ] = colldata[cmp][0][dpos]; // bitshift for succesive approximation colldata[cmp][0][dpos] <<= cs_sal; // check for errors, increment dpos otherwise if ( sta != -1 ) sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else { // ---> progressive non interleaved DC decoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation later stage <--- while( sta == 0 ) { // decode next bit sta = jpg_decode_dc_prg_sa( huffr, block ); // shift in next bit colldata[cmp][0][dpos] += block[0] << cs_sal; // check for errors, increment dpos otherwise if ( sta != -1 ) sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } } } else { if ( cs_sah == 0 ) { // ---> progressive non interleaved AC decoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation first stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { if ( eobrun == 0 ) { // decode block eob = jpg_decode_ac_prg_fs( huffr, &(htrees[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), block, &eobrun, cs_from, cs_to ); if ( eobrun > 0 ) { // check for non optimal coding if ( ( eob == cs_from ) && ( peobrun > 0 ) && ( peobrun < hcodes[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ].max_eobrun - 1 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "reconstruction of inefficient coding not supported" ); errorlevel = 1; } peobrun = eobrun; eobrun--; } else peobrun = 0; // copy to colldata for ( bpos = cs_from; bpos < eob; bpos++ ) colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ] = block[ bpos ] << cs_sal; } else eobrun--; // check for errors if ( eob < 0 ) sta = -1; else sta = jpg_skip_eobrun( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw, &eobrun ); // proceed only if no error encountered if ( sta == 0 ) sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else { // ---> progressive non interleaved AC decoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation later stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // copy from colldata for ( bpos = cs_from; bpos <= cs_to; bpos++ ) block[ bpos ] = colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ]; if ( eobrun == 0 ) { // decode block (long routine) eob = jpg_decode_ac_prg_sa( huffr, &(htrees[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), block, &eobrun, cs_from, cs_to ); if ( eobrun > 0 ) { // check for non optimal coding if ( ( eob == cs_from ) && ( peobrun > 0 ) && ( peobrun < hcodes[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ].max_eobrun - 1 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "reconstruction of inefficient coding not supported" ); errorlevel = 1; } // store eobrun peobrun = eobrun; eobrun--; } else peobrun = 0; } else { // decode block (short routine) eob = jpg_decode_eobrun_sa( huffr, block, &eobrun, cs_from, cs_to ); eobrun--; } // copy back to colldata for ( bpos = cs_from; bpos <= cs_to; bpos++ ) colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ] += block[ bpos ] << cs_sal; // proceed only if no error encountered if ( eob < 0 ) sta = -1; else sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } } } } // unpad huffman reader / check padbit if ( padbit != -1 ) { if ( padbit != huffr->unpad( padbit ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "inconsistent use of padbits" ); padbit = 1; errorlevel = 1; } } else { padbit = huffr->unpad( padbit ); } // evaluate status if ( sta == -1 ) { // status -1 means error sprintf( errormessage, "decode error in scan%i / mcu%i", scnc, ( cs_cmpc > 1 ) ? mcu : dpos ); delete huffr; errorlevel = 2; return false; } else if ( sta == 2 ) { // status 2/3 means done scnc++; // increment scan counter break; // leave decoding loop, everything is done here } // else if ( sta == 1 ); // status 1 means restart - so stay in the loop } } // check for missing data if ( huffr->peof ) { sprintf( errormessage, "coded image data truncated / too short" ); errorlevel = 1; } // check for surplus data if ( !huffr->eof ) { sprintf( errormessage, "surplus data found after coded image data" ); errorlevel = 1; } // clean up delete( huffr ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- JPEG encoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool recode_jpeg( void ) { abitwriter* huffw; // bitwise writer for image data abytewriter* storw; // bytewise writer for storage of correction bits unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int hpos = 0; // current position in header int lastdc[ 4 ]; // last dc for each component0 short block[ 64 ]; // store block for coeffs int eobrun; // run of eobs int rstw; // restart wait counter int cmp, bpos, dpos; int mcu, sub, csc; int eob, sta; int tmp; // open huffman coded image data in abitwriter huffw = new abitwriter( 0 ); huffw->fillbit = padbit; // init storage writer storw = new abytewriter( 0 ); // preset count of scans and restarts scnc = 0; rstc = 0; // JPEG decompression loop while ( true ) { // seek till start-of-scan, parse only DHT, DRI and SOS for ( type = 0x00; type != 0xDA; ) { if ( ( int ) hpos >= hdrs ) break; type = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; len = 2 + B_SHORT( hdrdata[ hpos + 2 ], hdrdata[ hpos + 3 ] ); if ( ( type == 0xC4 ) || ( type == 0xDA ) || ( type == 0xDD ) ) { if ( !jpg_parse_jfif( type, len, &( hdrdata[ hpos ] ) ) ) { return false; } hpos += len; } else { hpos += len; continue; } } // get out if last marker segment type was not SOS if ( type != 0xDA ) break; // (re)alloc scan positons array if ( scnp == NULL ) scnp = ( unsigned int* ) calloc( scnc + 2, sizeof( int ) ); else scnp = ( unsigned int* ) realloc( scnp, ( scnc + 2 ) * sizeof( int ) ); if ( scnp == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // (re)alloc restart marker positons array if needed if ( rsti > 0 ) { tmp = rstc + ( ( cs_cmpc > 1 ) ? ( mcuc / rsti ) : ( cmpnfo[ cs_cmp[ 0 ] ].bc / rsti ) ); if ( rstp == NULL ) rstp = ( unsigned int* ) calloc( tmp + 1, sizeof( int ) ); else rstp = ( unsigned int* ) realloc( rstp, ( tmp + 1 ) * sizeof( int ) ); if ( rstp == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } } // intial variables set for encoding cmp = cs_cmp[ 0 ]; csc = 0; mcu = 0; sub = 0; dpos = 0; // store scan position scnp[ scnc ] = huffw->getpos(); // JPEG imagedata encoding routines while ( true ) { // (re)set last DCs for diff coding lastdc[ 0 ] = 0; lastdc[ 1 ] = 0; lastdc[ 2 ] = 0; lastdc[ 3 ] = 0; // (re)set status sta = 0; // (re)set eobrun eobrun = 0; // (re)set rst wait counter rstw = rsti; // encoding for interleaved data if ( cs_cmpc > 1 ) { if ( jpegtype == 1 ) { // ---> sequential interleaved encoding <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // copy from colldata for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) block[ bpos ] = colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ]; // diff coding for dc block[ 0 ] -= lastdc[ cmp ]; lastdc[ cmp ] = colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ]; // encode block eob = jpg_encode_block_seq( huffw, &(hcodes[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), &(hcodes[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), block ); // check for errors, proceed if no error encountered if ( eob < 0 ) sta = -1; else sta = jpg_next_mcupos( &mcu, &cmp, &csc, &sub, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else if ( cs_sah == 0 ) { // ---> progressive interleaved DC encoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation first stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // diff coding & bitshifting for dc tmp = colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ] >> cs_sal; block[ 0 ] = tmp - lastdc[ cmp ]; lastdc[ cmp ] = tmp; // encode dc sta = jpg_encode_dc_prg_fs( huffw, &(hcodes[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ]), block ); // next mcupos if no error happened if ( sta != -1 ) sta = jpg_next_mcupos( &mcu, &cmp, &csc, &sub, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else { // ---> progressive interleaved DC encoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation later stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // fetch bit from current bitplane block[ 0 ] = BITN( colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ], cs_sal ); // encode dc correction bit sta = jpg_encode_dc_prg_sa( huffw, block ); // next mcupos if no error happened if ( sta != -1 ) sta = jpg_next_mcupos( &mcu, &cmp, &csc, &sub, &dpos, &rstw ); } } } else // encoding for non interleaved data { if ( jpegtype == 1 ) { // ---> sequential non interleaved encoding <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // copy from colldata for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) block[ bpos ] = colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ]; // diff coding for dc block[ 0 ] -= lastdc[ cmp ]; lastdc[ cmp ] = colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ]; // encode block eob = jpg_encode_block_seq( huffw, &(hcodes[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), &(hcodes[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), block ); // check for errors, proceed if no error encountered if ( eob < 0 ) sta = -1; else sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else if ( cs_to == 0 ) { if ( cs_sah == 0 ) { // ---> progressive non interleaved DC encoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation first stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // diff coding & bitshifting for dc tmp = colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ] >> cs_sal; block[ 0 ] = tmp - lastdc[ cmp ]; lastdc[ cmp ] = tmp; // encode dc sta = jpg_encode_dc_prg_fs( huffw, &(hcodes[ 0 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffdc ]), block ); // check for errors, increment dpos otherwise if ( sta != -1 ) sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } } else { // ---> progressive non interleaved DC encoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation later stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // fetch bit from current bitplane block[ 0 ] = BITN( colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ], cs_sal ); // encode dc correction bit sta = jpg_encode_dc_prg_sa( huffw, block ); // next mcupos if no error happened if ( sta != -1 ) sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } } } else { if ( cs_sah == 0 ) { // ---> progressive non interleaved AC encoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation first stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // copy from colldata for ( bpos = cs_from; bpos <= cs_to; bpos++ ) block[ bpos ] = FDIV2( colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ], cs_sal ); // encode block eob = jpg_encode_ac_prg_fs( huffw, &(hcodes[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), block, &eobrun, cs_from, cs_to ); // check for errors, proceed if no error encountered if ( eob < 0 ) sta = -1; else sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } // encode remaining eobrun jpg_encode_eobrun( huffw, &(hcodes[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), &eobrun ); } else { // ---> progressive non interleaved AC encoding <--- // ---> succesive approximation later stage <--- while ( sta == 0 ) { // copy from colldata for ( bpos = cs_from; bpos <= cs_to; bpos++ ) block[ bpos ] = FDIV2( colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ][ dpos ], cs_sal ); // encode block eob = jpg_encode_ac_prg_sa( huffw, storw, &(hcodes[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), block, &eobrun, cs_from, cs_to ); // check for errors, proceed if no error encountered if ( eob < 0 ) sta = -1; else sta = jpg_next_mcuposn( &cmp, &dpos, &rstw ); } // encode remaining eobrun jpg_encode_eobrun( huffw, &(hcodes[ 1 ][ cmpnfo[cmp].huffac ]), &eobrun ); // encode remaining correction bits jpg_encode_crbits( huffw, storw ); } } } // pad huffman writer huffw->pad( padbit ); // evaluate status if ( sta == -1 ) { // status -1 means error sprintf( errormessage, "encode error in scan%i / mcu%i", scnc, ( cs_cmpc > 1 ) ? mcu : dpos ); delete huffw; errorlevel = 2; return false; } else if ( sta == 2 ) { // status 2 means done scnc++; // increment scan counter break; // leave decoding loop, everything is done here } else if ( sta == 1 ) { // status 1 means restart if ( rsti > 0 ) // store rstp & stay in the loop rstp[ rstc++ ] = huffw->getpos() - 1; } } } // safety check for error in huffwriter if ( huffw->error ) { delete huffw; sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // get data into huffdata huffdata = huffw->getptr(); hufs = huffw->getpos(); delete huffw; // remove storage writer delete storw; // store last scan & restart positions scnp[ scnc ] = hufs; if ( rstp != NULL ) rstp[ rstc ] = hufs; return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- adapt ICOS tables for quantizer tables ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool adapt_icos( void ) { unsigned short quant[ 64 ]; // local copy of quantization int ipos; int cmp; for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { // make a local copy of the quantization values, check for ( ipos = 0; ipos < 64; ipos++ ) { quant[ ipos ] = QUANT( cmp, zigzag[ ipos ] ); if ( quant[ ipos ] >= 2048 ) // if this is true, it can be safely assumed (for 8 bit JPEG), that all coefficients are zero quant[ ipos ] = 0; } // adapt idct 8x8 table for ( ipos = 0; ipos < 64 * 64; ipos++ ) adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ipos ] = icos_idct_8x8[ ipos ] * quant[ ipos % 64 ]; // adapt idct 1x8 table for ( ipos = 0; ipos < 8 * 8; ipos++ ) adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ipos ] = icos_idct_1x8[ ipos ] * quant[ ( ipos % 8 ) * 8 ]; // adapt idct 8x1 table for ( ipos = 0; ipos < 8 * 8; ipos++ ) adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ipos ] = icos_idct_1x8[ ipos ] * quant[ ipos % 8 ]; } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- filter DC coefficients ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool predict_dc( void ) { signed short* coef; int absmaxp; int absmaxn; int corr_f; int cmp, dpos; // apply prediction, store prediction error instead of DC for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { absmaxp = MAX_V( cmp, 0 ); absmaxn = -absmaxp; corr_f = ( ( 2 * absmaxp ) + 1 ); for ( dpos = cmpnfo[cmp].bc - 1; dpos > 0; dpos-- ) { coef = &(colldata[cmp][0][dpos]); #if defined( USE_PLOCOI ) (*coef) -= dc_coll_predictor( cmp, dpos ); // loco-i predictor #else (*coef) -= dc_1ddct_predictor( cmp, dpos ); // 1d dct #endif // fix range if ( (*coef) > absmaxp ) (*coef) -= corr_f; else if ( (*coef) < absmaxn ) (*coef) += corr_f; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- unpredict DC coefficients ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool unpredict_dc( void ) { signed short* coef; int absmaxp; int absmaxn; int corr_f; int cmp, dpos; // remove prediction, store DC instead of prediction error for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { absmaxp = MAX_V( cmp, 0 ); absmaxn = -absmaxp; corr_f = ( ( 2 * absmaxp ) + 1 ); for ( dpos = 1; dpos < cmpnfo[cmp].bc; dpos++ ) { coef = &(colldata[cmp][0][dpos]); #if defined( USE_PLOCOI ) (*coef) += dc_coll_predictor( cmp, dpos ); // loco-i predictor #else (*coef) += dc_1ddct_predictor( cmp, dpos ); // 1d dct predictor #endif // fix range if ( (*coef) > absmaxp ) (*coef) -= corr_f; else if ( (*coef) < absmaxn ) (*coef) += corr_f; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- checks range of values, error if out of bounds ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool check_value_range( void ) { int absmax; int cmp, bpos, dpos; // out of range should never happen with unmodified JPEGs for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) { absmax = MAX_V( cmp, bpos ); for ( dpos = 0; dpos < cmpnfo[cmp].bc; dpos++ ) if ( ( colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos] > absmax ) || ( colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos] < -absmax ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "value out of range error: cmp%i, frq%i, val %i, max %i", cmp, bpos, colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos], absmax ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- calculate zero distribution lists ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool calc_zdst_lists( void ) { int cmp, bpos, dpos; int b_x, b_y; // this functions counts, for each DCT block, the number of non-zero coefficients for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { // preset zdstlist memset( zdstdata[cmp], 0, cmpnfo[cmp].bc * sizeof( char ) ); // calculate # on non-zeroes per block (separately for lower 7x7 block & first row/collumn) for ( bpos = 1; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) { b_x = unzigzag[ bpos ] % 8; b_y = unzigzag[ bpos ] / 8; if ( b_x == 0 ) { for ( dpos = 0; dpos < cmpnfo[cmp].bc; dpos++ ) if ( colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos] != 0 ) zdstylow[cmp][dpos]++; } else if ( b_y == 0 ) { for ( dpos = 0; dpos < cmpnfo[cmp].bc; dpos++ ) if ( colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos] != 0 ) zdstxlow[cmp][dpos]++; } else { for ( dpos = 0; dpos < cmpnfo[cmp].bc; dpos++ ) if ( colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos] != 0 ) zdstdata[cmp][dpos]++; } } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- packs all parts to compressed pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pack_pjg( void ) { aricoder* encoder; unsigned char hcode; int cmp; #if defined(DEV_INFOS) int dev_size = 0; #endif // PJG-Header str_out->write( (void*) pjg_magic, 1, 2 ); // store settings if not auto if ( !auto_set ) { hcode = 0x00; str_out->write( &hcode, 1, 1 ); str_out->write( nois_trs, 1, 4 ); str_out->write( segm_cnt, 1, 4 ); } // store version number hcode = appversion; str_out->write( &hcode, 1, 1 ); // init arithmetic compression encoder = new aricoder( str_out, 1 ); // discard meta information from header if option set if ( disc_meta ) if ( !jpg_rebuild_header() ) return false; // optimize header for compression if ( !pjg_optimize_header() ) return false; // set padbit to 1 if previously unset if ( padbit == -1 ) padbit = 1; // encode JPG header #if !defined(DEV_INFOS) if ( !pjg_encode_generic( encoder, hdrdata, hdrs ) ) return false; #else dev_size = str_out->getpos(); if ( !pjg_encode_generic( encoder, hdrdata, hdrs ) ) return false; dev_size_hdr += str_out->getpos() - dev_size; #endif // store padbit (padbit can't be retrieved from the header) if ( !pjg_encode_bit( encoder, padbit ) ) return false; // also encode one bit to signal false/correct use of RST markers if ( !pjg_encode_bit( encoder, ( rst_err == NULL ) ? 0 : 1 ) ) return false; // encode # of false set RST markers per scan if ( rst_err != NULL ) if ( !pjg_encode_generic( encoder, rst_err, scnc ) ) return false; // encode actual components data for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { #if !defined(DEV_INFOS) // encode frequency scan ('zero-sort-scan') if ( !pjg_encode_zstscan( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; // encode zero-distribution-lists for higher (7x7) ACs if ( !pjg_encode_zdst_high( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; // encode coefficients for higher (7x7) ACs if ( !pjg_encode_ac_high( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; // encode zero-distribution-lists for lower ACs if ( !pjg_encode_zdst_low( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; // encode coefficients for first row / collumn ACs if ( !pjg_encode_ac_low( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; // encode coefficients for DC if ( !pjg_encode_dc( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; #else dev_size = str_out->getpos(); // encode frequency scan ('zero-sort-scan') if ( !pjg_encode_zstscan( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; dev_size_zsr[ cmp ] += str_out->getpos() - dev_size; dev_size = str_out->getpos(); // encode zero-distribution-lists for higher (7x7) ACs if ( !pjg_encode_zdst_high( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; dev_size_zdh[ cmp ] += str_out->getpos() - dev_size; dev_size = str_out->getpos(); // encode coefficients for higher (7x7) ACs if ( !pjg_encode_ac_high( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; dev_size_ach[ cmp ] += str_out->getpos() - dev_size; dev_size = str_out->getpos(); // encode zero-distribution-lists for lower ACs if ( !pjg_encode_zdst_low( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; dev_size_zdl[ cmp ] += str_out->getpos() - dev_size; dev_size = str_out->getpos(); // encode coefficients for first row / collumn ACs if ( !pjg_encode_ac_low( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; dev_size_acl[ cmp ] += str_out->getpos() - dev_size; dev_size = str_out->getpos(); // encode coefficients for DC if ( !pjg_encode_dc( encoder, cmp ) ) return false; dev_size_dc[ cmp ] += str_out->getpos() - dev_size; dev_size_cmp[ cmp ] = dev_size_zsr[ cmp ] + dev_size_zdh[ cmp ] + dev_size_zdl[ cmp ] + dev_size_ach[ cmp ] + dev_size_acl[ cmp ] + dev_size_dc[ cmp ]; #endif } // encode checkbit for garbage (0 if no garbage, 1 if garbage has to be coded) if ( !pjg_encode_bit( encoder, ( grbs > 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) return false; // encode garbage data only if needed if ( grbs > 0 ) if ( !pjg_encode_generic( encoder, grbgdata, grbs ) ) return false; // finalize arithmetic compression delete( encoder ); // errormessage if write error if ( str_out->chkerr() ) { sprintf( errormessage, "write error, possibly drive is full" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // get filesize pjgfilesize = str_out->getsize(); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- unpacks compressed pjg to colldata ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool unpack_pjg( void ) { aricoder* decoder; unsigned char hcode; unsigned char cb; int cmp; // check header codes ( maybe position in other function ? ) while( true ) { str_in->read( &hcode, 1, 1 ); if ( hcode == 0x00 ) { // retrieve compression settings from file str_in->read( nois_trs, 1, 4 ); str_in->read( segm_cnt, 1, 4 ); auto_set = false; } else if ( hcode >= 0x14 ) { // compare version number if ( hcode != appversion ) { sprintf( errormessage, "incompatible file, use %s v%i.%i", appname, hcode / 10, hcode % 10 ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } else break; } else { sprintf( errormessage, "unknown header code, use newer version of %s", appname ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } } // init arithmetic compression decoder = new aricoder( str_in, 0 ); // decode JPG header if ( !pjg_decode_generic( decoder, &hdrdata, &hdrs ) ) return false; // retrieve padbit from stream if ( !pjg_decode_bit( decoder, &cb ) ) return false; padbit = cb; // decode one bit that signals false /correct use of RST markers if ( !pjg_decode_bit( decoder, &cb ) ) return false; // decode # of false set RST markers per scan only if available if ( cb == 1 ) if ( !pjg_decode_generic( decoder, &rst_err, NULL ) ) return false; // undo header optimizations if ( !pjg_unoptimize_header() ) return false; // discard meta information from header if option set if ( disc_meta ) if ( !jpg_rebuild_header() ) return false; // parse header for image-info if ( !jpg_setup_imginfo() ) return false; // decode actual components data for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { // decode frequency scan ('zero-sort-scan') if ( !pjg_decode_zstscan( decoder, cmp ) ) return false; // decode zero-distribution-lists for higher (7x7) ACs if ( !pjg_decode_zdst_high( decoder, cmp ) ) return false; // decode coefficients for higher (7x7) ACs if ( !pjg_decode_ac_high( decoder, cmp ) ) return false; // decode zero-distribution-lists for lower ACs if ( !pjg_decode_zdst_low( decoder, cmp ) ) return false; // decode coefficients for first row / collumn ACs if ( !pjg_decode_ac_low( decoder, cmp ) ) return false; // decode coefficients for DC if ( !pjg_decode_dc( decoder, cmp ) ) return false; } // retrieve checkbit for garbage (0 if no garbage, 1 if garbage has to be coded) if ( !pjg_decode_bit( decoder, &cb ) ) return false; // decode garbage data only if available if ( cb == 0 ) grbs = 0; else if ( !pjg_decode_generic( decoder, &grbgdata, &grbs ) ) return false; // finalize arithmetic compression delete( decoder ); // get filesize pjgfilesize = str_in->getsize(); return true; } /* ----------------------- End of main functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Begin of JPEG specific functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- Parses header for imageinfo ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool jpg_setup_imginfo( void ) { unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int hpos = 0; // position in header int cmp, bpos; int i; // header parser loop while ( ( int ) hpos < hdrs ) { type = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; len = 2 + B_SHORT( hdrdata[ hpos + 2 ], hdrdata[ hpos + 3 ] ); // do not parse DHT & DRI if ( ( type != 0xDA ) && ( type != 0xC4 ) && ( type != 0xDD ) ) { if ( !jpg_parse_jfif( type, len, &( hdrdata[ hpos ] ) ) ) return false; } hpos += len; } // check if information is complete if ( cmpc == 0 ) { sprintf( errormessage, "header contains incomplete information" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { if ( ( cmpnfo[cmp].sfv == 0 ) || ( cmpnfo[cmp].sfh == 0 ) || ( cmpnfo[cmp].qtable == NULL ) || ( cmpnfo[cmp].qtable[0] == 0 ) || ( jpegtype == 0 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "header information is incomplete" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } } // do all remaining component info calculations for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { if ( cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfh > sfhm ) sfhm = cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfh; if ( cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfv > sfvm ) sfvm = cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfv; } mcuv = ( int ) ceil( (float) imgheight / (float) ( 8 * sfhm ) ); mcuh = ( int ) ceil( (float) imgwidth / (float) ( 8 * sfvm ) ); mcuc = mcuv * mcuh; for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { cmpnfo[ cmp ].mbs = cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfv * cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfh; cmpnfo[ cmp ].bcv = mcuv * cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfh; cmpnfo[ cmp ].bch = mcuh * cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfv; cmpnfo[ cmp ].bc = cmpnfo[ cmp ].bcv * cmpnfo[ cmp ].bch; cmpnfo[ cmp ].ncv = ( int ) ceil( (float) imgheight * ( (float) cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfh / ( 8.0 * sfhm ) ) ); cmpnfo[ cmp ].nch = ( int ) ceil( (float) imgwidth * ( (float) cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfv / ( 8.0 * sfvm ) ) ); cmpnfo[ cmp ].nc = cmpnfo[ cmp ].ncv * cmpnfo[ cmp ].nch; } // decide components' statistical ids if ( cmpc <= 3 ) { for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) cmpnfo[ cmp ].sid = cmp; } else { for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) cmpnfo[ cmp ].sid = 0; } // alloc memory for further operations for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { // alloc memory for colls for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) { colldata[cmp][bpos] = (short int*) calloc ( cmpnfo[cmp].bc, sizeof( short ) ); if (colldata[cmp][bpos] == NULL) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } } // alloc memory for zdstlist / eob x / eob y zdstdata[cmp] = (unsigned char*) calloc( cmpnfo[cmp].bc, sizeof( char ) ); eobxhigh[cmp] = (unsigned char*) calloc( cmpnfo[cmp].bc, sizeof( char ) ); eobyhigh[cmp] = (unsigned char*) calloc( cmpnfo[cmp].bc, sizeof( char ) ); zdstxlow[cmp] = (unsigned char*) calloc( cmpnfo[cmp].bc, sizeof( char ) ); zdstylow[cmp] = (unsigned char*) calloc( cmpnfo[cmp].bc, sizeof( char ) ); if ( ( zdstdata[cmp] == NULL ) || ( eobxhigh[cmp] == NULL ) || ( eobyhigh[cmp] == NULL ) || ( zdstxlow[cmp] == NULL ) || ( zdstylow[cmp] == NULL ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } } // also decide automatic settings here if ( auto_set ) { for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { for ( i = 0; conf_sets[ i ][ cmpnfo[cmp].sid ] > (unsigned int) cmpnfo[ cmp ].bc; i++ ); segm_cnt[ cmp ] = conf_segm[ i ][ cmpnfo[cmp].sid ]; nois_trs[ cmp ] = conf_ntrs[ i ][ cmpnfo[cmp].sid ]; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- Parse routines for JFIF segments ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool jpg_parse_jfif( unsigned char type, unsigned int len, unsigned char* segment ) { unsigned int hpos = 4; // current position in segment, start after segment header int lval, rval; // temporary variables int skip; int cmp; int i; switch ( type ) { case 0xC4: // DHT segment // build huffman trees & codes while ( hpos < len ) { lval = LBITS( segment[ hpos ], 4 ); rval = RBITS( segment[ hpos ], 4 ); if ( ((lval < 0) || (lval >= 2)) || ((rval < 0) || (rval >= 4)) ) break; hpos++; // build huffman codes & trees jpg_build_huffcodes( &(segment[ hpos + 0 ]), &(segment[ hpos + 16 ]), &(hcodes[ lval ][ rval ]), &(htrees[ lval ][ rval ]) ); htset[ lval ][ rval ] = 1; skip = 16; for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) skip += ( int ) segment[ hpos + i ]; hpos += skip; } if ( hpos != len ) { // if we get here, something went wrong sprintf( errormessage, "size mismatch in dht marker" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } return true; case 0xDB: // DQT segment // copy quantization tables to internal memory while ( hpos < len ) { lval = LBITS( segment[ hpos ], 4 ); rval = RBITS( segment[ hpos ], 4 ); if ( (lval < 0) || (lval >= 2) ) break; if ( (rval < 0) || (rval >= 4) ) break; hpos++; if ( lval == 0 ) { // 8 bit precision for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) { qtables[ rval ][ i ] = ( unsigned short ) segment[ hpos + i ]; if ( qtables[ rval ][ i ] == 0 ) break; } hpos += 64; } else { // 16 bit precision for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) { qtables[ rval ][ i ] = B_SHORT( segment[ hpos + (2*i) ], segment[ hpos + (2*i) + 1 ] ); if ( qtables[ rval ][ i ] == 0 ) break; } hpos += 128; } } if ( hpos != len ) { // if we get here, something went wrong sprintf( errormessage, "size mismatch in dqt marker" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } return true; case 0xDD: // DRI segment // define restart interval rsti = B_SHORT( segment[ hpos ], segment[ hpos + 1 ] ); return true; case 0xDA: // SOS segment // prepare next scan cs_cmpc = segment[ hpos ]; if ( cs_cmpc > cmpc ) { sprintf( errormessage, "%i components in scan, only %i are allowed", cs_cmpc, cmpc ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } hpos++; for ( i = 0; i < cs_cmpc; i++ ) { for ( cmp = 0; ( segment[ hpos ] != cmpnfo[ cmp ].jid ) && ( cmp < cmpc ); cmp++ ); if ( cmp == cmpc ) { sprintf( errormessage, "component id mismatch in start-of-scan" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } cs_cmp[ i ] = cmp; cmpnfo[ cmp ].huffdc = LBITS( segment[ hpos + 1 ], 4 ); cmpnfo[ cmp ].huffac = RBITS( segment[ hpos + 1 ], 4 ); if ( ( cmpnfo[ cmp ].huffdc < 0 ) || ( cmpnfo[ cmp ].huffdc >= 4 ) || ( cmpnfo[ cmp ].huffac < 0 ) || ( cmpnfo[ cmp ].huffac >= 4 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "huffman table number mismatch" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } hpos += 2; } cs_from = segment[ hpos + 0 ]; cs_to = segment[ hpos + 1 ]; cs_sah = LBITS( segment[ hpos + 2 ], 4 ); cs_sal = RBITS( segment[ hpos + 2 ], 4 ); // check for errors if ( ( cs_from > cs_to ) || ( cs_from > 63 ) || ( cs_to > 63 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "spectral selection parameter out of range" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } if ( ( cs_sah >= 12 ) || ( cs_sal >= 12 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "successive approximation parameter out of range" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } return true; case 0xC0: // SOF0 segment // coding process: baseline DCT case 0xC1: // SOF1 segment // coding process: extended sequential DCT case 0xC2: // SOF2 segment // coding process: progressive DCT // set JPEG coding type if ( type == 0xC2 ) jpegtype = 2; else jpegtype = 1; // check data precision, only 8 bit is allowed lval = segment[ hpos ]; if ( lval != 8 ) { sprintf( errormessage, "%i bit data precision is not supported", lval ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // image size, height & component count imgheight = B_SHORT( segment[ hpos + 1 ], segment[ hpos + 2 ] ); imgwidth = B_SHORT( segment[ hpos + 3 ], segment[ hpos + 4 ] ); cmpc = segment[ hpos + 5 ]; if ( ( imgwidth == 0 ) || ( imgheight == 0 ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, "resolution is %ix%i, possible malformed JPEG", imgwidth, imgheight ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } if ( cmpc > 4 ) { sprintf( errormessage, "image has %i components, max 4 are supported", cmpc ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } hpos += 6; // components contained in image for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { cmpnfo[ cmp ].jid = segment[ hpos ]; cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfv = LBITS( segment[ hpos + 1 ], 4 ); cmpnfo[ cmp ].sfh = RBITS( segment[ hpos + 1 ], 4 ); cmpnfo[ cmp ].qtable = qtables[ segment[ hpos + 2 ] ]; hpos += 3; } return true; case 0xC3: // SOF3 segment // coding process: lossless sequential sprintf( errormessage, "sof3 marker found, image is coded lossless" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xC5: // SOF5 segment // coding process: differential sequential DCT sprintf( errormessage, "sof5 marker found, image is coded diff. sequential" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xC6: // SOF6 segment // coding process: differential progressive DCT sprintf( errormessage, "sof6 marker found, image is coded diff. progressive" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xC7: // SOF7 segment // coding process: differential lossless sprintf( errormessage, "sof7 marker found, image is coded diff. lossless" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xC9: // SOF9 segment // coding process: arithmetic extended sequential DCT sprintf( errormessage, "sof9 marker found, image is coded arithm. sequential" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xCA: // SOF10 segment // coding process: arithmetic extended sequential DCT sprintf( errormessage, "sof10 marker found, image is coded arithm. progressive" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xCB: // SOF11 segment // coding process: arithmetic extended sequential DCT sprintf( errormessage, "sof11 marker found, image is coded arithm. lossless" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xCD: // SOF13 segment // coding process: arithmetic differntial sequential DCT sprintf( errormessage, "sof13 marker found, image is coded arithm. diff. sequential" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xCE: // SOF14 segment // coding process: arithmetic differential progressive DCT sprintf( errormessage, "sof14 marker found, image is coded arithm. diff. progressive" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xCF: // SOF15 segment // coding process: arithmetic differntial lossless sprintf( errormessage, "sof15 marker found, image is coded arithm. diff. lossless" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xE0: // APP0 segment case 0xE1: // APP1 segment case 0xE2: // APP2 segment case 0xE3: // APP3 segment case 0xE4: // APP4 segment case 0xE5: // APP5 segment case 0xE6: // APP6 segment case 0xE7: // APP7 segment case 0xE8: // APP8 segment case 0xE9: // APP9 segment case 0xEA: // APP10 segment case 0xEB: // APP11 segment case 0xEC: // APP12 segment case 0xED: // APP13 segment case 0xEE: // APP14 segment case 0xEF: // APP15 segment case 0xFE: // COM segment // do nothing - return true return true; case 0xD0: // RST0 segment case 0xD1: // RST1 segment case 0xD2: // RST2 segment case 0xD3: // RST3 segment case 0xD4: // RST4 segment case 0xD5: // RST5 segment case 0xD6: // RST6 segment case 0xD7: // RST7 segment // return errormessage - RST is out of place here sprintf( errormessage, "rst marker found out of place" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xD8: // SOI segment // return errormessage - start-of-image is out of place here sprintf( errormessage, "soi marker found out of place" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; case 0xD9: // EOI segment // return errormessage - end-of-image is out of place here sprintf( errormessage, "eoi marker found out of place" ); errorlevel = 2; return false; default: // unknown marker segment // return warning sprintf( errormessage, "unknown marker found: FF %2X", type ); errorlevel = 1; return true; } } /* ----------------------------------------------- JFIF header rebuilding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool jpg_rebuild_header( void ) { abytewriter* hdrw; // new header writer unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int hpos = 0; // position in header // start headerwriter hdrw = new abytewriter( 4096 ); // header parser loop while ( ( int ) hpos < hdrs ) { type = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; len = 2 + B_SHORT( hdrdata[ hpos + 2 ], hdrdata[ hpos + 3 ] ); // discard any unneeded meta info if ( ( type == 0xDA ) || ( type == 0xC4 ) || ( type == 0xDB ) || ( type == 0xC0 ) || ( type == 0xC1 ) || ( type == 0xC2 ) || ( type == 0xDD ) ) { hdrw->write_n( &(hdrdata[ hpos ]), len ); } hpos += len; } // replace current header with the new one free( hdrdata ); hdrdata = hdrw->getptr(); hdrs = hdrw->getpos(); delete( hdrw ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- sequential block decoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_decode_block_seq( abitreader* huffr, huffTree* dctree, huffTree* actree, short* block ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; unsigned char z; int eob = 64; int bpos; int hc; // decode dc hc = jpg_next_huffcode( huffr, dctree ); if ( hc < 0 ) return -1; // return error else s = ( unsigned char ) hc; n = huffr->read( s ); block[ 0 ] = DEVLI( s, n ); // decode ac for ( bpos = 1; bpos < 64; ) { // decode next hc = jpg_next_huffcode( huffr, actree ); // analyse code if ( hc > 0 ) { z = LBITS( hc, 4 ); s = RBITS( hc, 4 ); n = huffr->read( s ); if ( ( z + bpos ) >= 64 ) return -1; // run is to long while ( z > 0 ) { // write zeroes block[ bpos++ ] = 0; z--; } block[ bpos++ ] = ( short ) DEVLI( s, n ); // decode cvli } else if ( hc == 0 ) { // EOB eob = bpos; // while( bpos < 64 ) // fill remaining block with zeroes // block[ bpos++ ] = 0; break; } else { return -1; // return error } } // return position of eob return eob; } /* ----------------------------------------------- sequential block encoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_encode_block_seq( abitwriter* huffw, huffCodes* dctbl, huffCodes* actbl, short* block ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; unsigned char z; int bpos; int hc; // encode DC s = BITLEN2048N( block[ 0 ] ); n = ENVLI( s, block[ 0 ] ); huffw->write( dctbl->cval[ s ], dctbl->clen[ s ] ); huffw->write( n, s ); // encode AC z = 0; for ( bpos = 1; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) { // if nonzero is encountered if ( block[ bpos ] != 0 ) { // write remaining zeroes while ( z >= 16 ) { huffw->write( actbl->cval[ 0xF0 ], actbl->clen[ 0xF0 ] ); z -= 16; } // vli encode s = BITLEN2048N( block[ bpos ] ); n = ENVLI( s, block[ bpos ] ); hc = ( ( z << 4 ) + s ); // write to huffman writer huffw->write( actbl->cval[ hc ], actbl->clen[ hc ] ); huffw->write( n, s ); // reset zeroes z = 0; } else { // increment zero counter z++; } } // write eob if needed if ( z > 0 ) huffw->write( actbl->cval[ 0x00 ], actbl->clen[ 0x00 ] ); return 64 - z; } /* ----------------------------------------------- progressive DC decoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_decode_dc_prg_fs( abitreader* huffr, huffTree* dctree, short* block ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; int hc; // decode dc hc = jpg_next_huffcode( huffr, dctree ); if ( hc < 0 ) return -1; // return error else s = ( unsigned char ) hc; n = huffr->read( s ); block[ 0 ] = DEVLI( s, n ); // return 0 if everything is ok return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- progressive DC encoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_encode_dc_prg_fs( abitwriter* huffw, huffCodes* dctbl, short* block ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; // encode DC s = BITLEN2048N( block[ 0 ] ); n = ENVLI( s, block[ 0 ] ); huffw->write( dctbl->cval[ s ], dctbl->clen[ s ] ); huffw->write( n, s ); // return 0 if everything is ok return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- progressive AC decoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_decode_ac_prg_fs( abitreader* huffr, huffTree* actree, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; unsigned char z; int eob = to + 1; int bpos; int hc; int l; int r; // decode ac for ( bpos = from; bpos <= to; ) { // decode next hc = jpg_next_huffcode( huffr, actree ); if ( hc < 0 ) return -1; l = LBITS( hc, 4 ); r = RBITS( hc, 4 ); // analyse code if ( ( l == 15 ) || ( r > 0 ) ) { // decode run/level combination z = l; s = r; n = huffr->read( s ); if ( ( z + bpos ) > to ) return -1; // run is to long while ( z > 0 ) { // write zeroes block[ bpos++ ] = 0; z--; } block[ bpos++ ] = ( short ) DEVLI( s, n ); // decode cvli } else { // decode eobrun eob = bpos; s = l; n = huffr->read( s ); (*eobrun) = E_DEVLI( s, n ); // while( bpos <= to ) // fill remaining block with zeroes // block[ bpos++ ] = 0; break; } } // return position of eob return eob; } /* ----------------------------------------------- progressive AC encoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_encode_ac_prg_fs( abitwriter* huffw, huffCodes* actbl, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; unsigned char z; int bpos; int hc; // encode AC z = 0; for ( bpos = from; bpos <= to; bpos++ ) { // if nonzero is encountered if ( block[ bpos ] != 0 ) { // encode eobrun jpg_encode_eobrun( huffw, actbl, eobrun ); // write remaining zeroes while ( z >= 16 ) { huffw->write( actbl->cval[ 0xF0 ], actbl->clen[ 0xF0 ] ); z -= 16; } // vli encode s = BITLEN2048N( block[ bpos ] ); n = ENVLI( s, block[ bpos ] ); hc = ( ( z << 4 ) + s ); // write to huffman writer huffw->write( actbl->cval[ hc ], actbl->clen[ hc ] ); huffw->write( n, s ); // reset zeroes z = 0; } else { // increment zero counter z++; } } // check eob, increment eobrun if needed if ( z > 0 ) { (*eobrun)++; // check eobrun, encode if needed if ( (*eobrun) == actbl->max_eobrun ) jpg_encode_eobrun( huffw, actbl, eobrun ); return 1 + to - z; } else { return 1 + to; } } /* ----------------------------------------------- progressive DC SA decoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_decode_dc_prg_sa( abitreader* huffr, short* block ) { // decode next bit of dc coefficient block[ 0 ] = huffr->read( 1 ); // return 0 if everything is ok return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- progressive DC SA encoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_encode_dc_prg_sa( abitwriter* huffw, short* block ) { // enocode next bit of dc coefficient huffw->write( block[ 0 ], 1 ); // return 0 if everything is ok return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- progressive AC SA decoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_decode_ac_prg_sa( abitreader* huffr, huffTree* actree, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; signed char z; signed char v; int bpos = from; int eob = to; int hc; int l; int r; // decode AC succesive approximation bits if ( (*eobrun) == 0 ) while ( bpos <= to ) { // decode next hc = jpg_next_huffcode( huffr, actree ); if ( hc < 0 ) return -1; l = LBITS( hc, 4 ); r = RBITS( hc, 4 ); // analyse code if ( ( l == 15 ) || ( r > 0 ) ) { // decode run/level combination z = l; s = r; if ( s == 0 ) v = 0; else if ( s == 1 ) { n = huffr->read( 1 ); v = ( n == 0 ) ? -1 : 1; // fast decode vli } else return -1; // decoding error // write zeroes / write correction bits while ( true ) { if ( block[ bpos ] == 0 ) { // skip zeroes / write value if ( z > 0 ) z--; else { block[ bpos++ ] = v; break; } } else { // read correction bit n = huffr->read( 1 ); block[ bpos ] = ( block[ bpos ] > 0 ) ? n : -n; } if ( bpos++ >= to ) return -1; // error check } } else { // decode eobrun eob = bpos; s = l; n = huffr->read( s ); (*eobrun) = E_DEVLI( s, n ); break; } } // read after eob correction bits if ( (*eobrun) > 0 ) { for ( ; bpos <= to; bpos++ ) { if ( block[ bpos ] != 0 ) { n = huffr->read( 1 ); block[ bpos ] = ( block[ bpos ] > 0 ) ? n : -n; } } } // return eob return eob; } /* ----------------------------------------------- progressive AC SA encoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_encode_ac_prg_sa( abitwriter* huffw, abytewriter* storw, huffCodes* actbl, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; unsigned char z; int eob = from; int bpos; int hc; // check if block contains any newly nonzero coefficients and find out position of eob for ( bpos = to; bpos >= from; bpos-- ) { if ( ( block[ bpos ] == 1 ) || ( block[ bpos ] == -1 ) ) { eob = bpos + 1; break; } } // encode eobrun if needed if ( ( eob > from ) && ( (*eobrun) > 0 ) ) { jpg_encode_eobrun( huffw, actbl, eobrun ); jpg_encode_crbits( huffw, storw ); } // encode AC z = 0; for ( bpos = from; bpos < eob; bpos++ ) { // if zero is encountered if ( block[ bpos ] == 0 ) { z++; // increment zero counter if ( z == 16 ) { // write zeroes if needed huffw->write( actbl->cval[ 0xF0 ], actbl->clen[ 0xF0 ] ); jpg_encode_crbits( huffw, storw ); z = 0; } } // if nonzero is encountered else if ( ( block[ bpos ] == 1 ) || ( block[ bpos ] == -1 ) ) { // vli encode s = BITLEN2048N( block[ bpos ] ); n = ENVLI( s, block[ bpos ] ); hc = ( ( z << 4 ) + s ); // write to huffman writer huffw->write( actbl->cval[ hc ], actbl->clen[ hc ] ); huffw->write( n, s ); // write correction bits jpg_encode_crbits( huffw, storw ); // reset zeroes z = 0; } else { // store correction bits n = block[ bpos ] & 0x1; storw->write( n ); } } // fast processing after eob for ( ;bpos <= to; bpos++ ) { if ( block[ bpos ] != 0 ) { // store correction bits n = block[ bpos ] & 0x1; storw->write( n ); } } // check eob, increment eobrun if needed if ( eob <= to ) { (*eobrun)++; // check eobrun, encode if needed if ( (*eobrun) == actbl->max_eobrun ) { jpg_encode_eobrun( huffw, actbl, eobrun ); jpg_encode_crbits( huffw, storw ); } } // return eob return eob; } /* ----------------------------------------------- run of EOB SA decoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_decode_eobrun_sa( abitreader* huffr, short* block, int* eobrun, int from, int to ) { unsigned short n; int bpos; // fast eobrun decoding routine for succesive approximation for ( bpos = from; bpos <= to; bpos++ ) { if ( block[ bpos ] != 0 ) { n = huffr->read( 1 ); block[ bpos ] = ( block[ bpos ] > 0 ) ? n : -n; } } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- run of EOB encoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_encode_eobrun( abitwriter* huffw, huffCodes* actbl, int* eobrun ) { unsigned short n; unsigned char s; int hc; if ( (*eobrun) > 0 ) { while ( (*eobrun) > actbl->max_eobrun ) { huffw->write( actbl->cval[ 0xE0 ], actbl->clen[ 0xE0 ] ); huffw->write( E_ENVLI( 14, 32767 ), 14 ); (*eobrun) -= actbl->max_eobrun; } BITLEN( s, (*eobrun) ); s--; n = E_ENVLI( s, (*eobrun) ); hc = ( s << 4 ); huffw->write( actbl->cval[ hc ], actbl->clen[ hc ] ); huffw->write( n, s ); (*eobrun) = 0; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- correction bits encoding routine ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_encode_crbits( abitwriter* huffw, abytewriter* storw ) { unsigned char* data; int len; int i; // peek into data from abytewriter len = storw->getpos(); if ( len == 0 ) return 0; data = storw->peekptr(); // write bits to huffwriter for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) huffw->write( data[ i ], 1 ); // reset abytewriter, discard data storw->reset(); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- returns next code (from huffman-tree & -data) ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_next_huffcode( abitreader *huffw, huffTree *ctree ) { int node = 0; while ( node < 256 ) { node = ( huffw->read( 1 ) == 1 ) ? ctree->r[ node ] : ctree->l[ node ]; if ( node == 0 ) break; } return ( node - 256 ); } /* ----------------------------------------------- calculates next position for MCU ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_next_mcupos( int* mcu, int* cmp, int* csc, int* sub, int* dpos, int* rstw ) { int sta = 0; // status // increment all counts where needed if ( ( ++(*sub) ) >= cmpnfo[(*cmp)].mbs ) { (*sub) = 0; if ( ( ++(*csc) ) >= cs_cmpc ) { (*csc) = 0; (*cmp) = cs_cmp[ 0 ]; (*mcu)++; if ( (*mcu) >= mcuc ) sta = 2; else if ( rsti > 0 ) if ( --(*rstw) == 0 ) sta = 1; } else { (*cmp) = cs_cmp[(*csc)]; } } // get correct position in image ( x & y ) if ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].sfh > 1 ) { // to fix mcu order (*dpos) = ( (*mcu) / mcuh ) * cmpnfo[(*cmp)].sfh + ( (*sub) / cmpnfo[(*cmp)].sfv ); (*dpos) *= cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch; (*dpos) += ( (*mcu) % mcuh ) * cmpnfo[(*cmp)].sfv + ( (*sub) % cmpnfo[(*cmp)].sfv ); } else if ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].sfv > 1 ) { // simple calculation to speed up things if simple fixing is enough (*dpos) = ( (*mcu) * cmpnfo[(*cmp)].mbs ) + (*sub); } else { // no calculations needed without subsampling (*dpos) = (*mcu); } return sta; } /* ----------------------------------------------- calculates next position (non interleaved) ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_next_mcuposn( int* cmp, int* dpos, int* rstw ) { // increment position (*dpos)++; // fix for non interleaved mcu - horizontal if ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch != cmpnfo[(*cmp)].nch ) { if ( (*dpos) % cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch == cmpnfo[(*cmp)].nch ) (*dpos) += ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch - cmpnfo[(*cmp)].nch ); } // fix for non interleaved mcu - vertical if ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bcv != cmpnfo[(*cmp)].ncv ) { if ( (*dpos) / cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch == cmpnfo[(*cmp)].ncv ) (*dpos) = cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bc; } // check position if ( (*dpos) >= cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bc ) return 2; else if ( rsti > 0 ) if ( --(*rstw) == 0 ) return 1; return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- skips the eobrun, calculates next position ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int jpg_skip_eobrun( int* cmp, int* dpos, int* rstw, int* eobrun ) { if ( (*eobrun) > 0 ) // error check for eobrun { // compare rst wait counter if needed if ( rsti > 0 ) { if ( (*eobrun) > (*rstw) ) return -1; else (*rstw) -= (*eobrun); } // fix for non interleaved mcu - horizontal if ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch != cmpnfo[(*cmp)].nch ) { (*dpos) += ( ( ( (*dpos) % cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch ) + (*eobrun) ) / cmpnfo[(*cmp)].nch ) * ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch - cmpnfo[(*cmp)].nch ); } // fix for non interleaved mcu - vertical if ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bcv != cmpnfo[(*cmp)].ncv ) { if ( (*dpos) / cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch >= cmpnfo[(*cmp)].ncv ) (*dpos) += ( cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bcv - cmpnfo[(*cmp)].ncv ) * cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bch; } // skip blocks (*dpos) += (*eobrun); // reset eobrun (*eobrun) = 0; // check position if ( (*dpos) == cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bc ) return 2; else if ( (*dpos) > cmpnfo[(*cmp)].bc ) return -1; else if ( rsti > 0 ) if ( (*rstw) == 0 ) return 1; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- creates huffman-codes & -trees from dht-data ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN void jpg_build_huffcodes( unsigned char *clen, unsigned char *cval, huffCodes *hc, huffTree *ht ) { int nextfree; int code; int node; int i, j, k; // fill with zeroes memset( hc->clen, 0, 256 * sizeof( short ) ); memset( hc->cval, 0, 256 * sizeof( short ) ); memset( ht->l, 0, 256 * sizeof( short ) ); memset( ht->r, 0, 256 * sizeof( short ) ); // 1st part -> build huffman codes // creating huffman-codes k = 0; code = 0; // symbol-value of code is its position in the table for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < (int) clen[ i ]; j++ ) { hc->clen[ (int) cval[k] ] = 1 + i; hc->cval[ (int) cval[k] ] = code; k++; code++; } code = code << 1; } // find out eobrun max value hc->max_eobrun = 0; for ( i = 14; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( hc->clen[ i << 4 ] > 0 ) { hc->max_eobrun = ( 2 << i ) - 1; break; } } // 2nd -> part use codes to build the coding tree // initial value for next free place nextfree = 1; // work through every code creating links between the nodes (represented through ints) for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { // (re)set current node node = 0; // go through each code & store path for ( j = hc->clen[ i ] - 1; j > 0; j-- ) { if ( BITN( hc->cval[ i ], j ) == 1 ) { if ( ht->r[ node ] == 0 ) ht->r[ node ] = nextfree++; node = ht->r[ node ]; } else{ if ( ht->l[ node ] == 0 ) ht->l[ node ] = nextfree++; node = ht->l[ node ]; } } // last link is number of targetvalue + 256 if ( hc->clen[ i ] > 0 ) { if ( BITN( hc->cval[ i ], 0 ) == 1 ) ht->r[ node ] = i + 256; else ht->l[ node ] = i + 256; } } } /* ----------------------- End of JPEG specific functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- End of PJG specific functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes frequency scanorder to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_zstscan( aricoder* enc, int cmp ) { model_s* model; unsigned char freqlist[ 64 ]; int tpos; // true position int cpos; // coded position int c, i; // calculate zero sort scan pjg_get_zerosort_scan( zsrtscan[cmp], cmp ); // preset freqlist for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) freqlist[ i ] = stdscan[ i ]; // init model model = INIT_MODEL_S( 64, 64, 1 ); // encode scanorder for ( i = 1; i < 64; i++ ) { // reduce range of model model->exclude_symbols( 'a', 64 - i ); // compare remaining list to remainnig scan tpos = 0; for ( c = i; c < 64; c++ ) { // search next val != 0 in list for ( tpos++; freqlist[ tpos ] == 0; tpos++ ); // get out if not a match if ( freqlist[ tpos ] != zsrtscan[ cmp ][ c ] ) break; } if ( c == 64 ) { // remaining list is in sorted scanorder // encode zero and make a quick exit encode_ari( enc, model, 0 ); break; } // list is not in sorted order -> next pos hat to be encoded cpos = 1; // encode position for ( tpos = 0; freqlist[ tpos ] != zsrtscan[ cmp ][ i ]; tpos++ ) if ( freqlist[ tpos ] != 0 ) cpos++; // remove from list freqlist[ tpos ] = 0; // encode coded position in list encode_ari( enc, model, cpos ); model->shift_context( cpos ); } // delete model delete( model ); // set zero sort scan as freqscan freqscan[ cmp ] = zsrtscan[ cmp ]; return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes # of non zeroes to pjg (high) ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_zdst_high( aricoder* enc, int cmp ) { model_s* model; unsigned char* zdstls; int dpos; int a, b; int bc; int w; // init model, constants model = INIT_MODEL_S( 49 + 1, 25 + 1, 1 ); zdstls = zdstdata[ cmp ]; w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; // arithmetic encode zero-distribution-list for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { // context modelling - use average of above and left as context get_context_nnb( dpos, w, &a, &b ); a = ( a >= 0 ) ? zdstls[ a ] : 0; b = ( b >= 0 ) ? zdstls[ b ] : 0; // shift context model->shift_context( ( a + b + 2 ) / 4 ); // encode symbol encode_ari( enc, model, zdstls[ dpos ] ); } // clean up delete( model ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes # of non zeroes to pjg (low) ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_zdst_low( aricoder* enc, int cmp ) { model_s* model; unsigned char* zdstls_x; unsigned char* zdstls_y; unsigned char* ctx_zdst; unsigned char* ctx_eobx; unsigned char* ctx_eoby; int dpos; int bc; // init model, constants model = INIT_MODEL_S( 8, 8, 2 ); zdstls_x = zdstxlow[ cmp ]; zdstls_y = zdstylow[ cmp ]; ctx_eobx = eobxhigh[ cmp ]; ctx_eoby = eobyhigh[ cmp ]; ctx_zdst = zdstdata[ cmp ]; bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; // arithmetic encode zero-distribution-list (first row) for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { model->shift_context( ( ctx_zdst[dpos] + 3 ) / 7 ); // shift context model->shift_context( ctx_eobx[dpos] ); // shift context encode_ari( enc, model, zdstls_x[ dpos ] ); // encode symbol } // arithmetic encode zero-distribution-list (first collumn) for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { model->shift_context( ( ctx_zdst[dpos] + 3 ) / 7 ); // shift context model->shift_context( ctx_eoby[dpos] ); // shift context encode_ari( enc, model, zdstls_y[ dpos ] ); // encode symbol } // clean up delete( model ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes DC coefficients to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_dc( aricoder* enc, int cmp ) { unsigned char* segm_tab; model_s* mod_len; model_b* mod_sgn; model_b* mod_res; unsigned char* zdstls; // pointer to zero distribution list signed short* coeffs; // pointer to current coefficent data unsigned short* absv_store; // absolute coefficients values storage unsigned short* c_absc[ 6 ]; // quick access array for contexts int c_weight[ 6 ]; // weighting for contexts int ctx_avr; // 'average' context int ctx_len; // context for bit length int max_val; // max value int max_len; // max bitlength int dpos; int clen, absv, sgn; int snum; int bt, bp; int p_x, p_y; int r_x; //, r_y; int w, bc; // decide segmentation setting segm_tab = segm_tables[ segm_cnt[ cmp ] - 1 ]; // get max absolute value/bit length max_val = MAX_V( cmp, 0 ); max_len = BITLEN1024P( max_val ); // init models for bitlenghts and -patterns mod_len = INIT_MODEL_S( max_len + 1, ( segm_cnt[cmp] > max_len ) ? segm_cnt[cmp] : max_len + 1, 2 ); mod_res = INIT_MODEL_B( ( segm_cnt[cmp] < 16 ) ? 1 << 4 : segm_cnt[cmp], 2 ); mod_sgn = INIT_MODEL_B( 1, 0 ); // set width/height of each band bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; // allocate memory for absolute values storage absv_store = (unsigned short*) calloc ( bc, sizeof( short ) ); if ( absv_store == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // set up context quick access array pjg_aavrg_prepare( c_absc, c_weight, absv_store, cmp ); // locally store pointer to coefficients and zero distribution list coeffs = colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ]; zdstls = zdstdata[ cmp ]; // arithmetic compression loop for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { //calculate x/y positions in band p_y = dpos / w; // r_y = h - ( p_y + 1 ); p_x = dpos % w; r_x = w - ( p_x + 1 ); // get segment-number from zero distribution list and segmentation set snum = segm_tab[ zdstls[dpos] ]; // calculate contexts (for bit length) ctx_avr = pjg_aavrg_context( c_absc, c_weight, dpos, p_y, p_x, r_x ); // AVERAGE context ctx_len = BITLEN1024P( ctx_avr ); // BITLENGTH context // shift context / do context modelling (segmentation is done per context) shift_model( mod_len, ctx_len, snum ); // simple treatment if coefficient is zero if ( coeffs[ dpos ] == 0 ) { // encode bit length (0) of current coefficient encode_ari( enc, mod_len, 0 ); } else { // get absolute val, sign & bit length for current coefficient absv = ABS( coeffs[dpos] ); clen = BITLEN1024P( absv ); sgn = ( coeffs[dpos] > 0 ) ? 0 : 1; // encode bit length of current coefficient encode_ari( enc, mod_len, clen ); // encoding of residual // first set bit must be 1, so we start at clen - 2 for ( bp = clen - 2; bp >= 0; bp-- ) { shift_model( mod_res, snum, bp ); // shift in 2 contexts // encode/get bit bt = BITN( absv, bp ); encode_ari( enc, mod_res, bt ); } // encode sign encode_ari( enc, mod_sgn, sgn ); // store absolute value absv_store[ dpos ] = absv; } } // free memory / clear models free( absv_store ); delete ( mod_len ); delete ( mod_res ); delete ( mod_sgn ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes high (7x7) AC coefficients to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_ac_high( aricoder* enc, int cmp ) { unsigned char* segm_tab; model_s* mod_len; model_b* mod_sgn; model_b* mod_res; unsigned char* zdstls; // pointer to zero distribution list unsigned char* eob_x; // pointer to x eobs unsigned char* eob_y; // pointer to y eobs signed short* coeffs; // pointer to current coefficent data unsigned short* absv_store; // absolute coefficients values storage unsigned short* c_absc[ 6 ]; // quick access array for contexts int c_weight[ 6 ]; // weighting for contexts unsigned char* sgn_store; // sign storage for context unsigned char* sgn_nbh; // left signs neighbor unsigned char* sgn_nbv; // upper signs neighbor int ctx_avr; // 'average' context int ctx_len; // context for bit length int ctx_sgn; // context for sign int max_val; // max value int max_len; // max bitlength int bpos, dpos; int clen, absv, sgn; int snum; int bt, bp; int i; int b_x, b_y; int p_x, p_y; int r_x; //, r_y; int w, bc; // decide segmentation setting segm_tab = segm_tables[ segm_cnt[ cmp ] - 1 ]; // init models for bitlenghts and -patterns mod_len = INIT_MODEL_S( 11, ( segm_cnt[cmp] > 11 ) ? segm_cnt[cmp] : 11, 2 ); mod_res = INIT_MODEL_B( ( segm_cnt[cmp] < 16 ) ? 1 << 4 : segm_cnt[cmp], 2 ); mod_sgn = INIT_MODEL_B( 9, 1 ); // set width/height of each band bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; // allocate memory for absolute values & signs storage absv_store = (unsigned short*) calloc ( bc, sizeof( short ) ); sgn_store = (unsigned char*) calloc ( bc, sizeof( char ) ); zdstls = (unsigned char*) calloc ( bc, sizeof( char ) ); if ( ( absv_store == NULL ) || ( sgn_store == NULL ) || ( zdstls == NULL ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; free(absv_store); free(sgn_store); free(zdstls); return false; } // set up quick access arrays for signs context sgn_nbh = sgn_store - 1; sgn_nbv = sgn_store - w; // locally store pointer to eob x / eob y eob_x = eobxhigh[ cmp ]; eob_y = eobyhigh[ cmp ]; // preset x/y eobs memset( eob_x, 0x00, bc * sizeof( char ) ); memset( eob_y, 0x00, bc * sizeof( char ) ); // make a local copy of the zero distribution list for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) zdstls[ dpos ] = zdstdata[ cmp ][ dpos ]; // work through lower 7x7 bands in order of freqscan for ( i = 1; i < 64; i++ ) { // work through blocks in order of frequency scan bpos = (int) freqscan[cmp][i]; b_x = unzigzag[ bpos ] % 8; b_y = unzigzag[ bpos ] / 8; if ( ( b_x == 0 ) || ( b_y == 0 ) ) continue; // process remaining coefficients elsewhere // preset absolute values/sign storage memset( absv_store, 0x00, bc * sizeof( short ) ); memset( sgn_store, 0x00, bc * sizeof( char ) ); // set up average context quick access arrays pjg_aavrg_prepare( c_absc, c_weight, absv_store, cmp ); // locally store pointer to coefficients coeffs = colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ]; // get max bit length max_val = MAX_V( cmp, bpos ); max_len = BITLEN1024P( max_val ); // arithmetic compression loo for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { // skip if beyound eob if ( zdstls[dpos] == 0 ) continue; //calculate x/y positions in band p_y = dpos / w; // r_y = h - ( p_y + 1 ); p_x = dpos % w; r_x = w - ( p_x + 1 ); // get segment-number from zero distribution list and segmentation set snum = segm_tab[ zdstls[dpos] ]; // calculate contexts (for bit length) ctx_avr = pjg_aavrg_context( c_absc, c_weight, dpos, p_y, p_x, r_x ); // AVERAGE context ctx_len = BITLEN1024P( ctx_avr ); // BITLENGTH context // shift context / do context modelling (segmentation is done per context) shift_model( mod_len, ctx_len, snum ); mod_len->exclude_symbols( 'a', max_len ); // simple treatment if coefficient is zero if ( coeffs[ dpos ] == 0 ) { // encode bit length (0) of current coefficien encode_ari( enc, mod_len, 0 ); } else { // get absolute val, sign & bit length for current coefficient absv = ABS( coeffs[dpos] ); clen = BITLEN1024P( absv ); sgn = ( coeffs[dpos] > 0 ) ? 0 : 1; // encode bit length of current coefficient encode_ari( enc, mod_len, clen ); // encoding of residual // first set bit must be 1, so we start at clen - 2 for ( bp = clen - 2; bp >= 0; bp-- ) { shift_model( mod_res, snum, bp ); // shift in 2 contexts // encode/get bit bt = BITN( absv, bp ); encode_ari( enc, mod_res, bt ); } // encode sign ctx_sgn = ( p_x > 0 ) ? sgn_nbh[ dpos ] : 0; // sign context if ( p_y > 0 ) ctx_sgn += 3 * sgn_nbv[ dpos ]; // IMPROVE !!!!!!!!!!! mod_sgn->shift_context( ctx_sgn ); encode_ari( enc, mod_sgn, sgn ); // store absolute value/sign, decrement zdst absv_store[ dpos ] = absv; sgn_store[ dpos ] = sgn + 1; zdstls[dpos]--; // recalculate x/y eob if ( b_x > eob_x[dpos] ) eob_x[dpos] = b_x; if ( b_y > eob_y[dpos] ) eob_y[dpos] = b_y; } } // flush models mod_len->flush_model( 1 ); mod_res->flush_model( 1 ); mod_sgn->flush_model( 1 ); } // free memory / clear models free( absv_store ); free( sgn_store ); free( zdstls ); delete ( mod_len ); delete ( mod_res ); delete ( mod_sgn ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes first row/col AC coefficients to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_ac_low( aricoder* enc, int cmp ) { model_s* mod_len; model_b* mod_sgn; model_b* mod_res; model_b* mod_top; unsigned char* zdstls; // pointer to row/col # of non-zeroes signed short* coeffs; // pointer to current coefficent data signed short* coeffs_x[ 8 ]; // prediction coeffs - current block signed short* coeffs_a[ 8 ]; // prediction coeffs - neighboring block int pred_cf[ 8 ]; // prediction multipliers int ctx_lak; // lakhani context int ctx_abs; // absolute context int ctx_len; // context for bit length int ctx_res; // bit plane context for residual int ctx_sgn; // context for sign int max_valp; // max value (+) int max_valn; // max value (-) int max_len; // max bitlength int thrs_bp; // residual threshold bitplane int* edge_c; // edge criteria int bpos, dpos; int clen, absv, sgn; int bt, bp; int i; int b_x, b_y; int p_x, p_y; int w, bc; // init models for bitlenghts and -patterns mod_len = INIT_MODEL_S( 11, ( segm_cnt[cmp] > 11 ) ? segm_cnt[cmp] : 11, 2 ); mod_res = INIT_MODEL_B( 1 << 4, 2 ); mod_top = INIT_MODEL_B( ( nois_trs[cmp] > 4 ) ? 1 << nois_trs[cmp] : 1 << 4, 3 ); mod_sgn = INIT_MODEL_B( 11, 1 ); // set width/height of each band bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; // work through each first row / first collumn band for ( i = 2; i < 16; i++ ) { // alternate between first row and first collumn b_x = ( i % 2 == 0 ) ? i / 2 : 0; b_y = ( i % 2 == 1 ) ? i / 2 : 0; bpos = (int) zigzag[ b_x + (8*b_y) ]; // locally store pointer to band coefficients coeffs = colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ]; // store pointers to prediction coefficients if ( b_x == 0 ) { for ( ; b_x < 8; b_x++ ) { coeffs_x[ b_x ] = colldata[ cmp ][ zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ]; coeffs_a[ b_x ] = colldata[ cmp ][ zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ] - 1; pred_cf[ b_x ] = icos_base_8x8[ b_x * 8 ] * QUANT ( cmp, zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ); } b_x = 0; zdstls = zdstylow[ cmp ]; edge_c = &p_x; } else { // if ( b_y == 0 ) for ( ; b_y < 8; b_y++ ) { coeffs_x[ b_y ] = colldata[ cmp ][ zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ]; coeffs_a[ b_y ] = colldata[ cmp ][ zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ] - w; pred_cf[ b_y ] = icos_base_8x8[ b_y * 8 ] * QUANT ( cmp, zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ); } b_y = 0; zdstls = zdstxlow[ cmp ]; edge_c = &p_y; } // get max bit length / other info max_valp = MAX_V( cmp, bpos ); max_valn = -max_valp; max_len = BITLEN1024P( max_valp ); thrs_bp = ( max_len > nois_trs[cmp] ) ? max_len - nois_trs[cmp] : 0; // arithmetic compression loop for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { // skip if beyound eob if ( zdstls[ dpos ] == 0 ) continue; // calculate x/y positions in band p_y = dpos / w; p_x = dpos % w; // edge treatment / calculate LAKHANI context if ( (*edge_c) > 0 ) ctx_lak = pjg_lakh_context( coeffs_x, coeffs_a, pred_cf, dpos ); else ctx_lak = 0; ctx_lak = CLAMPED( max_valn, max_valp, ctx_lak ); ctx_len = BITLEN2048N( ctx_lak ); // BITLENGTH context // shift context / do context modelling (segmentation is done per context) shift_model( mod_len, ctx_len, zdstls[ dpos ] ); mod_len->exclude_symbols( 'a', max_len ); // simple treatment if coefficient is zero if ( coeffs[ dpos ] == 0 ) { // encode bit length (0) of current coefficient encode_ari( enc, mod_len, 0 ); } else { // get absolute val, sign & bit length for current coefficient absv = ABS( coeffs[dpos] ); clen = BITLEN2048N( absv ); sgn = ( coeffs[dpos] > 0 ) ? 0 : 1; // encode bit length of current coefficient encode_ari( enc, mod_len, clen ); // encoding of residual bp = clen - 2; // first set bit must be 1, so we start at clen - 2 ctx_res = ( bp >= thrs_bp ) ? 1 : 0; ctx_abs = ABS( ctx_lak ); ctx_sgn = ( ctx_lak == 0 ) ? 0 : ( ctx_lak > 0 ) ? 1 : 2; for ( ; bp >= thrs_bp; bp-- ) { shift_model( mod_top, ctx_abs >> thrs_bp, ctx_res, clen - thrs_bp ); // shift in 3 contexts // encode/get bit bt = BITN( absv, bp ); encode_ari( enc, mod_top, bt ); // update context ctx_res = ctx_res << 1; if ( bt ) ctx_res |= 1; } for ( ; bp >= 0; bp-- ) { shift_model( mod_res, zdstls[ dpos ], bp ); // shift in 2 contexts // encode/get bit bt = BITN( absv, bp ); encode_ari( enc, mod_res, bt ); } // encode sign shift_model( mod_sgn, ctx_len, ctx_sgn ); encode_ari( enc, mod_sgn, sgn ); // decrement # of non zeroes zdstls[ dpos ]--; } } // flush models mod_len->flush_model( 1 ); mod_res->flush_model( 1 ); mod_top->flush_model( 1 ); mod_sgn->flush_model( 1 ); } // free memory / clear models delete ( mod_len ); delete ( mod_res ); delete ( mod_top ); delete ( mod_sgn ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes a stream of generic (8bit) data to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_generic( aricoder* enc, unsigned char* data, int len ) { model_s* model; int i; // arithmetic encode data model = INIT_MODEL_S( 256 + 1, 256, 1 ); for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { encode_ari( enc, model, data[ i ] ); model->shift_context( data[ i ] ); } // encode end-of-data symbol (256) encode_ari( enc, model, 256 ); delete( model ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes one bit to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_encode_bit( aricoder* enc, unsigned char bit ) { model_b* model; // encode one bit model = INIT_MODEL_B( 1, -1 ); encode_ari( enc, model, bit ); delete( model ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- encodes frequency scanorder to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_decode_zstscan( aricoder* dec, int cmp ) { model_s* model;; unsigned char freqlist[ 64 ]; int tpos; // true position int cpos; // coded position int i; // set first position in zero sort scan zsrtscan[ cmp ][ 0 ] = 0; // preset freqlist for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) freqlist[ i ] = stdscan[ i ]; // init model model = INIT_MODEL_S( 64, 64, 1 ); // encode scanorder for ( i = 1; i < 64; i++ ) { // reduce range of model model->exclude_symbols( 'a', 64 - i ); // decode symbol cpos = decode_ari( dec, model ); model->shift_context( cpos ); if ( cpos == 0 ) { // remaining list is identical to scan // fill the scan & make a quick exit for ( tpos = 0; i < 64; i++ ) { while ( freqlist[ ++tpos ] == 0 ); zsrtscan[ cmp ][ i ] = freqlist[ tpos ]; } break; } // decode position from list for ( tpos = 0; tpos < 64; tpos++ ) { if ( freqlist[ tpos ] != 0 ) cpos--; if ( cpos == 0 ) break; } // write decoded position to zero sort scan zsrtscan[ cmp ][ i ] = freqlist[ tpos ]; // remove from list freqlist[ tpos ] = 0; } // delete model delete( model ); // set zero sort scan as freqscan freqscan[ cmp ] = zsrtscan[ cmp ]; return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- decodes # of non zeroes from pjg (high) ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_decode_zdst_high( aricoder* dec, int cmp ) { model_s* model; unsigned char* zdstls; int dpos; int a, b; int bc; int w; // init model, constants model = INIT_MODEL_S( 49 + 1, 25 + 1, 1 ); zdstls = zdstdata[ cmp ]; w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; // arithmetic decode zero-distribution-list for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { // context modelling - use average of above and left as context get_context_nnb( dpos, w, &a, &b ); a = ( a >= 0 ) ? zdstls[ a ] : 0; b = ( b >= 0 ) ? zdstls[ b ] : 0; // shift context model->shift_context( ( a + b + 2 ) / 4 ); // decode symbol zdstls[ dpos ] = decode_ari( dec, model ); } // clean up delete( model ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- decodes # of non zeroes from pjg (low) ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_decode_zdst_low( aricoder* dec, int cmp ) { model_s* model; unsigned char* zdstls_x; unsigned char* zdstls_y; unsigned char* ctx_zdst; unsigned char* ctx_eobx; unsigned char* ctx_eoby; int dpos; int bc; // init model, constants model = INIT_MODEL_S( 8, 8, 2 ); zdstls_x = zdstxlow[ cmp ]; zdstls_y = zdstylow[ cmp ]; ctx_eobx = eobxhigh[ cmp ]; ctx_eoby = eobyhigh[ cmp ]; ctx_zdst = zdstdata[ cmp ]; bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; // arithmetic encode zero-distribution-list (first row) for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { model->shift_context( ( ctx_zdst[dpos] + 3 ) / 7 ); // shift context model->shift_context( ctx_eobx[dpos] ); // shift context zdstls_x[ dpos ] = decode_ari( dec, model ); // decode symbol } // arithmetic encode zero-distribution-list (first collumn) for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { model->shift_context( ( ctx_zdst[dpos] + 3 ) / 7 ); // shift context model->shift_context( ctx_eoby[dpos] ); // shift context zdstls_y[ dpos ] = decode_ari( dec, model ); // decode symbol } // clean up delete( model ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- decodes DC coefficients from pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_decode_dc( aricoder* dec, int cmp ) { unsigned char* segm_tab; model_s* mod_len; model_b* mod_sgn; model_b* mod_res; unsigned char* zdstls; // pointer to zero distribution list signed short* coeffs; // pointer to current coefficent data unsigned short* absv_store; // absolute coefficients values storage unsigned short* c_absc[ 6 ]; // quick access array for contexts int c_weight[ 6 ]; // weighting for contexts int ctx_avr; // 'average' context int ctx_len; // context for bit length int max_val; // max value int max_len; // max bitlength int dpos; int clen, absv, sgn; int snum; int bt, bp; int p_x, p_y; int r_x; //, r_y; int w, bc; // decide segmentation setting segm_tab = segm_tables[ segm_cnt[ cmp ] - 1 ]; // get max absolute value/bit length max_val = MAX_V( cmp, 0 ); max_len = BITLEN1024P( max_val ); // init models for bitlenghts and -patterns mod_len = INIT_MODEL_S( max_len + 1, ( segm_cnt[cmp] > max_len ) ? segm_cnt[cmp] : max_len + 1, 2 ); mod_res = INIT_MODEL_B( ( segm_cnt[cmp] < 16 ) ? 1 << 4 : segm_cnt[cmp], 2 ); mod_sgn = INIT_MODEL_B( 1, 0 ); // set width/height of each band bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; // allocate memory for absolute values storage absv_store = (unsigned short*) calloc ( bc, sizeof( short ) ); if ( absv_store == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // set up context quick access array pjg_aavrg_prepare( c_absc, c_weight, absv_store, cmp ); // locally store pointer to coefficients and zero distribution list coeffs = colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ]; zdstls = zdstdata[ cmp ]; // arithmetic compression loop for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { //calculate x/y positions in band p_y = dpos / w; // r_y = h - ( p_y + 1 ); p_x = dpos % w; r_x = w - ( p_x + 1 ); // get segment-number from zero distribution list and segmentation set snum = segm_tab[ zdstls[dpos] ]; // calculate contexts (for bit length) ctx_avr = pjg_aavrg_context( c_absc, c_weight, dpos, p_y, p_x, r_x ); // AVERAGE context ctx_len = BITLEN1024P( ctx_avr ); // BITLENGTH context // shift context / do context modelling (segmentation is done per context) shift_model( mod_len, ctx_len, snum ); // decode bit length of current coefficient clen = decode_ari( dec, mod_len ); // simple treatment if coefficient is zero if ( clen == 0 ) { // coeffs[ dpos ] = 0; } else { // decoding of residual absv = 1; // first set bit must be 1, so we start at clen - 2 for ( bp = clen - 2; bp >= 0; bp-- ) { shift_model( mod_res, snum, bp ); // shift in 2 contexts // decode bit bt = decode_ari( dec, mod_res ); // update absv absv = absv << 1; if ( bt ) absv |= 1; } // decode sign sgn = decode_ari( dec, mod_sgn ); // copy to colldata coeffs[ dpos ] = ( sgn == 0 ) ? absv : -absv; // store absolute value/sign absv_store[ dpos ] = absv; } } // free memory / clear models free( absv_store ); delete ( mod_len ); delete ( mod_res ); delete ( mod_sgn ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- decodes high (7x7) AC coefficients to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_decode_ac_high( aricoder* dec, int cmp ) { unsigned char* segm_tab; model_s* mod_len; model_b* mod_sgn; model_b* mod_res; unsigned char* zdstls; // pointer to zero distribution list unsigned char* eob_x; // pointer to x eobs unsigned char* eob_y; // pointer to y eobs signed short* coeffs; // pointer to current coefficent data unsigned short* absv_store; // absolute coefficients values storage unsigned short* c_absc[ 6 ]; // quick access array for contexts int c_weight[ 6 ]; // weighting for contexts unsigned char* sgn_store; // sign storage for context unsigned char* sgn_nbh; // left signs neighbor unsigned char* sgn_nbv; // upper signs neighbor int ctx_avr; // 'average' context int ctx_len; // context for bit length int ctx_sgn; // context for sign int max_val; // max value int max_len; // max bitlength int bpos, dpos; int clen, absv, sgn; int snum; int bt, bp; int i; int b_x, b_y; int p_x, p_y; int r_x; int w, bc; // decide segmentation setting segm_tab = segm_tables[ segm_cnt[ cmp ] - 1 ]; // init models for bitlenghts and -patterns mod_len = INIT_MODEL_S( 11, ( segm_cnt[cmp] > 11 ) ? segm_cnt[cmp] : 11, 2 ); mod_res = INIT_MODEL_B( ( segm_cnt[cmp] < 16 ) ? 1 << 4 : segm_cnt[cmp], 2 ); mod_sgn = INIT_MODEL_B( 9, 1 ); // set width/height of each band bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; // allocate memory for absolute values & signs storage absv_store = (unsigned short*) calloc ( bc, sizeof( short ) ); sgn_store = (unsigned char*) calloc ( bc, sizeof( char ) ); zdstls = (unsigned char*) calloc ( bc, sizeof( char ) ); if ( ( absv_store == NULL ) || ( sgn_store == NULL ) ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; free(absv_store); free(sgn_store); free(zdstls); return false; } // set up quick access arrays for signs context sgn_nbh = sgn_store - 1; sgn_nbv = sgn_store - w; // locally store pointer to eob x / eob y eob_x = eobxhigh[ cmp ]; eob_y = eobyhigh[ cmp ]; // preset x/y eobs memset( eob_x, 0x00, bc * sizeof( char ) ); memset( eob_y, 0x00, bc * sizeof( char ) ); // make a local copy of the zero distribution list for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) zdstls[ dpos ] = zdstdata[ cmp ][ dpos ]; // work through lower 7x7 bands in order of freqscan for ( i = 1; i < 64; i++ ) { // work through blocks in order of frequency scan bpos = (int) freqscan[cmp][i]; b_x = unzigzag[ bpos ] % 8; b_y = unzigzag[ bpos ] / 8; if ( ( b_x == 0 ) || ( b_y == 0 ) ) continue; // process remaining coefficients elsewhere // preset absolute values/sign storage memset( absv_store, 0x00, bc * sizeof( short ) ); memset( sgn_store, 0x00, bc * sizeof( char ) ); // set up average context quick access arrays pjg_aavrg_prepare( c_absc, c_weight, absv_store, cmp ); // locally store pointer to coefficients coeffs = colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ]; // get max bit length max_val = MAX_V( cmp, bpos ); max_len = BITLEN1024P( max_val ); // arithmetic compression loop for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { // skip if beyound eob if ( zdstls[dpos] == 0 ) continue; //calculate x/y positions in band p_y = dpos / w; // r_y = h - ( p_y + 1 ); p_x = dpos % w; r_x = w - ( p_x + 1 ); // get segment-number from zero distribution list and segmentation set snum = segm_tab[ zdstls[dpos] ]; // calculate contexts (for bit length) ctx_avr = pjg_aavrg_context( c_absc, c_weight, dpos, p_y, p_x, r_x ); // AVERAGE context ctx_len = BITLEN1024P( ctx_avr ); // BITLENGTH context // shift context / do context modelling (segmentation is done per context) shift_model( mod_len, ctx_len, snum ); mod_len->exclude_symbols( 'a', max_len ); // decode bit length of current coefficient clen = decode_ari( dec, mod_len ); // simple treatment if coefficient is zero if ( clen == 0 ) { // coeffs[ dpos ] = 0; } else { // decoding of residual absv = 1; // first set bit must be 1, so we start at clen - 2 for ( bp = clen - 2; bp >= 0; bp-- ) { shift_model( mod_res, snum, bp ); // shift in 2 contexts // decode bit bt = decode_ari( dec, mod_res ); // update absv absv = absv << 1; if ( bt ) absv |= 1; } // decode sign ctx_sgn = ( p_x > 0 ) ? sgn_nbh[ dpos ] : 0; // sign context if ( p_y > 0 ) ctx_sgn += 3 * sgn_nbv[ dpos ]; // IMPROVE! !!!!!!!!!!! mod_sgn->shift_context( ctx_sgn ); sgn = decode_ari( dec, mod_sgn ); // copy to colldata coeffs[ dpos ] = ( sgn == 0 ) ? absv : -absv; // store absolute value/sign, decrement zdst absv_store[ dpos ] = absv; sgn_store[ dpos ] = sgn + 1; zdstls[dpos]--; // recalculate x/y eob if ( b_x > eob_x[dpos] ) eob_x[dpos] = b_x; if ( b_y > eob_y[dpos] ) eob_y[dpos] = b_y; } } // flush models mod_len->flush_model( 1 ); mod_res->flush_model( 1 ); mod_sgn->flush_model( 1 ); } // free memory / clear models free( absv_store ); free( sgn_store ); free( zdstls ); delete ( mod_len ); delete ( mod_res ); delete ( mod_sgn ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- decodes high (7x7) AC coefficients to pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_decode_ac_low( aricoder* dec, int cmp ) { model_s* mod_len; model_b* mod_sgn; model_b* mod_res; model_b* mod_top; unsigned char* zdstls; // pointer to row/col # of non-zeroes signed short* coeffs; // pointer to current coefficent data signed short* coeffs_x[ 8 ]; // prediction coeffs - current block signed short* coeffs_a[ 8 ]; // prediction coeffs - neighboring block int pred_cf[ 8 ]; // prediction multipliers int ctx_lak; // lakhani context int ctx_abs; // absolute context int ctx_len; // context for bit length int ctx_res; // bit plane context for residual int ctx_sgn; // context for sign int max_valp; // max value (+) int max_valn; // max value (-) int max_len; // max bitlength int thrs_bp; // residual threshold bitplane int* edge_c; // edge criteria int bpos, dpos; int clen, absv, sgn; int bt, bp; int i; int b_x, b_y; int p_x, p_y; int w, bc; // init models for bitlenghts and -patterns mod_len = INIT_MODEL_S( 11, ( segm_cnt[cmp] > 11 ) ? segm_cnt[cmp] : 11, 2 ); mod_res = INIT_MODEL_B( 1 << 4, 2 ); mod_top = INIT_MODEL_B( ( nois_trs[cmp] > 4 ) ? 1 << nois_trs[cmp] : 1 << 4, 3 ); mod_sgn = INIT_MODEL_B( 11, 1 ); // set width/height of each band bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; // work through each first row / first collumn band for ( i = 2; i < 16; i++ ) { // alternate between first row and first collumn b_x = ( i % 2 == 0 ) ? i / 2 : 0; b_y = ( i % 2 == 1 ) ? i / 2 : 0; bpos = (int) zigzag[ b_x + (8*b_y) ]; // locally store pointer to band coefficients coeffs = colldata[ cmp ][ bpos ]; // store pointers to prediction coefficients if ( b_x == 0 ) { for ( ; b_x < 8; b_x++ ) { coeffs_x[ b_x ] = colldata[ cmp ][ zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ]; coeffs_a[ b_x ] = colldata[ cmp ][ zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ] - 1; pred_cf[ b_x ] = icos_base_8x8[ b_x * 8 ] * QUANT ( cmp, zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ); } b_x = 0; zdstls = zdstylow[ cmp ]; edge_c = &p_x; } else { // if ( b_y == 0 ) for ( ; b_y < 8; b_y++ ) { coeffs_x[ b_y ] = colldata[ cmp ][ zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ]; coeffs_a[ b_y ] = colldata[ cmp ][ zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ] - w; pred_cf[ b_y ] = icos_base_8x8[ b_y * 8 ] * QUANT ( cmp, zigzag[b_x+(8*b_y)] ); } b_y = 0; zdstls = zdstxlow[ cmp ]; edge_c = &p_y; } // get max bit length / other info max_valp = MAX_V( cmp, bpos ); max_valn = -max_valp; max_len = BITLEN1024P( max_valp ); thrs_bp = ( max_len > nois_trs[cmp] ) ? max_len - nois_trs[cmp] : 0; // arithmetic compression loop for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) { // skip if beyound eob if ( zdstls[ dpos ] == 0 ) continue; //calculate x/y positions in band p_y = dpos / w; p_x = dpos % w; // edge treatment / calculate LAKHANI context if ( (*edge_c) > 0 ) ctx_lak = pjg_lakh_context( coeffs_x, coeffs_a, pred_cf, dpos ); else ctx_lak = 0; ctx_lak = CLAMPED( max_valn, max_valp, ctx_lak ); ctx_len = BITLEN2048N( ctx_lak ); // BITLENGTH context // shift context / do context modelling (segmentation is done per context) shift_model( mod_len, ctx_len, zdstls[ dpos ] ); mod_len->exclude_symbols( 'a', max_len ); // decode bit length of current coefficient clen = decode_ari( dec, mod_len ); // simple treatment if coefficients == 0 if ( clen == 0 ) { // coeffs[ dpos ] = 0; } else { // decoding of residual bp = clen - 2; // first set bit must be 1, so we start at clen - 2 ctx_res = ( bp >= thrs_bp ) ? 1 : 0; ctx_abs = ABS( ctx_lak ); ctx_sgn = ( ctx_lak == 0 ) ? 0 : ( ctx_lak > 0 ) ? 1 : 2; for ( ; bp >= thrs_bp; bp-- ) { shift_model( mod_top, ctx_abs >> thrs_bp, ctx_res, clen - thrs_bp ); // shift in 3 contexts // decode bit bt = decode_ari( dec, mod_top ); // update context ctx_res = ctx_res << 1; if ( bt ) ctx_res |= 1; } absv = ( ctx_res == 0 ) ? 1 : ctx_res; // !!!! for ( ; bp >= 0; bp-- ) { shift_model( mod_res, zdstls[ dpos ], bp ); // shift in 2 contexts // decode bit bt = decode_ari( dec, mod_res ); // update absv absv = absv << 1; if ( bt ) absv |= 1; } // decode sign shift_model( mod_sgn, zdstls[ dpos ], ctx_sgn ); sgn = decode_ari( dec, mod_sgn ); // copy to colldata coeffs[ dpos ] = ( sgn == 0 ) ? absv : -absv; // decrement # of non zeroes zdstls[ dpos ]--; } } // flush models mod_len->flush_model( 1 ); mod_res->flush_model( 1 ); mod_top->flush_model( 1 ); mod_sgn->flush_model( 1 ); } // free memory / clear models delete ( mod_len ); delete ( mod_res ); delete ( mod_top ); delete ( mod_sgn ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- deodes a stream of generic (8bit) data from pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_decode_generic( aricoder* dec, unsigned char** data, int* len ) { abytewriter* bwrt; model_s* model; int c; // start byte writer bwrt = new abytewriter( 1024 ); // decode header, ending with 256 symbol model = INIT_MODEL_S( 256 + 1, 256, 1 ); while ( true ) { c = decode_ari( dec, model ); if ( c == 256 ) break; bwrt->write( (unsigned char) c ); model->shift_context( c ); } delete( model ); // check for out of memory if ( bwrt->error ) { delete bwrt; sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // get data/length and close byte writer (*data) = bwrt->getptr(); if ( len != NULL ) (*len) = bwrt->getpos(); delete bwrt; return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- decodes one bit from pjg ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_decode_bit( aricoder* dec, unsigned char* bit ) { model_b* model; model = INIT_MODEL_B( 1, -1 ); (*bit) = decode_ari( dec, model ); delete( model ); return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- get zero sort frequency scan vector ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN void pjg_get_zerosort_scan( unsigned char* sv, int cmp ) { unsigned int zdist[ 64 ]; // distributions of zeroes per band int bc = cmpnfo[cmp].bc; int bpos, dpos; bool done = false; int swap; int i; // preset sv & zdist for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) { sv[ i ] = i; zdist[ i ] = 0; } // count zeroes for each frequency for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) for ( dpos = 0; dpos < bc; dpos++ ) if ( colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos] == 0 ) zdist[ bpos ]++; // bubble sort according to count of zeroes (descending order) while ( !done ) { done = true; for ( i = 2; i < 64; i++ ) if ( zdist[ i ] < zdist[ i - 1 ] ) { swap = zdist[ i ]; zdist[ i ] = zdist[ i - 1 ]; zdist[ i - 1 ] = swap; swap = sv[ i ]; sv[ i ] = sv[ i - 1 ]; sv[ i - 1 ] = swap; done = false; } } } /* ----------------------------------------------- optimizes JFIF header for compression ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_optimize_header( void ) { unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int hpos = 0; // position in header unsigned int fpos; // end of marker position unsigned int skip; // bytes to skip unsigned int spos; // sub position int i; // search for DHT (0xFFC4) & DQT (0xFFDB) marker segments // header parser loop while ( ( int ) hpos < hdrs ) { type = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; len = 2 + B_SHORT( hdrdata[ hpos + 2 ], hdrdata[ hpos + 3 ] ); if ( type == 0xC4 ) { // for DHT fpos = hpos + len; // reassign length to end position hpos += 4; // skip marker & length while ( hpos < fpos ) { hpos++; // table found - compare with each of the four standard tables for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { for ( spos = 0; spos < std_huff_lengths[ i ]; spos++ ) { if ( hdrdata[ hpos + spos ] != std_huff_tables[ i ][ spos ] ) break; } // check if comparison ok if ( spos != std_huff_lengths[ i ] ) continue; // if we get here, the table matches the standard table // number 'i', so it can be replaced hdrdata[ hpos + 0 ] = std_huff_lengths[ i ] - 16 - i; hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ] = i; for ( spos = 2; spos < std_huff_lengths[ i ]; spos++ ) hdrdata[ hpos + spos ] = 0x00; // everything done here, so leave break; } skip = 16; for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) skip += ( int ) hdrdata[ hpos + i ]; hpos += skip; } } else if ( type == 0xDB ) { // for DQT fpos = hpos + len; // reassign length to end position hpos += 4; // skip marker & length while ( hpos < fpos ) { i = LBITS( hdrdata[ hpos ], 4 ); hpos++; // table found if ( i == 1 ) { // get out for 16 bit precision hpos += 128; continue; } // do diff coding for 8 bit precision for ( spos = 63; spos > 0; spos-- ) hdrdata[ hpos + spos ] -= hdrdata[ hpos + spos - 1 ]; hpos += 64; } } else { // skip segment hpos += len; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- undoes the header optimizations ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN bool pjg_unoptimize_header( void ) { unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int hpos = 0; // position in header unsigned int fpos; // end of marker position unsigned int skip; // bytes to skip unsigned int spos; // sub position int i; // search for DHT (0xFFC4) & DQT (0xFFDB) marker segments // header parser loop while ( ( int ) hpos < hdrs ) { type = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; len = 2 + B_SHORT( hdrdata[ hpos + 2 ], hdrdata[ hpos + 3 ] ); if ( type == 0xC4 ) { // for DHT fpos = hpos + len; // reassign length to end position hpos += 4; // skip marker & length while ( hpos < fpos ) { hpos++; // table found - check if modified if ( hdrdata[ hpos ] > 2 ) { // reinsert the standard table i = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; for ( spos = 0; spos < std_huff_lengths[ i ]; spos++ ) { hdrdata[ hpos + spos ] = std_huff_tables[ i ][ spos ]; } } skip = 16; for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) skip += ( int ) hdrdata[ hpos + i ]; hpos += skip; } } else if ( type == 0xDB ) { // for DQT fpos = hpos + len; // reassign length to end position hpos += 4; // skip marker & length while ( hpos < fpos ) { i = LBITS( hdrdata[ hpos ], 4 ); hpos++; // table found if ( i == 1 ) { // get out for 16 bit precision hpos += 128; continue; } // undo diff coding for 8 bit precision for ( spos = 1; spos < 64; spos++ ) hdrdata[ hpos + spos ] += hdrdata[ hpos + spos - 1 ]; hpos += 64; } } else { // skip segment hpos += len; } } return true; } /* ----------------------------------------------- preparations for special average context ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN void pjg_aavrg_prepare( unsigned short** abs_coeffs, int* weights, unsigned short* abs_store, int cmp ) { int w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; // set up quick access arrays for all prediction positions abs_coeffs[ 0 ] = abs_store + ( 0 + ((-2)*w) ); // top-top abs_coeffs[ 1 ] = abs_store + ( -1 + ((-1)*w) ); // top-left abs_coeffs[ 2 ] = abs_store + ( 0 + ((-1)*w) ); // top abs_coeffs[ 3 ] = abs_store + ( 1 + ((-1)*w) ); // top-right abs_coeffs[ 4 ] = abs_store + ( -2 + (( 0)*w) ); // left-left abs_coeffs[ 5 ] = abs_store + ( -1 + (( 0)*w) ); // left // copy context weighting factors weights[ 0 ] = abs_ctx_weights_lum[ 0 ][ 0 ][ 2 ]; // top-top weights[ 1 ] = abs_ctx_weights_lum[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 1 ]; // top-left weights[ 2 ] = abs_ctx_weights_lum[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 2 ]; // top weights[ 3 ] = abs_ctx_weights_lum[ 0 ][ 1 ][ 3 ]; // top-right weights[ 4 ] = abs_ctx_weights_lum[ 0 ][ 2 ][ 0 ]; // left-left weights[ 5 ] = abs_ctx_weights_lum[ 0 ][ 2 ][ 1 ]; // left } /* ----------------------------------------------- special average context used in coeff encoding ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int pjg_aavrg_context( unsigned short** abs_coeffs, int* weights, int pos, int p_y, int p_x, int r_x ) { int ctx_avr = 0; // AVERAGE context int w_ctx = 0; // accumulated weight of context int w_curr; // current weight of context // different cases due to edge treatment if ( p_y >= 2 ) { w_curr = weights[ 0 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 0 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; w_curr = weights[ 2 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 2 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; if ( p_x >= 2 ) { w_curr = weights[ 1 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 1 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; w_curr = weights[ 4 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 4 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; w_curr = weights[ 5 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 5 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; } else if ( p_x == 1 ) { w_curr = weights[ 1 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 1 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; w_curr = weights[ 5 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 5 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; } if ( r_x >= 1 ) { w_curr = weights[ 3 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 3 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; } } else if ( p_y == 1 ) { w_curr = weights[ 2 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 2 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; if ( p_x >= 2 ) { w_curr = weights[ 1 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 1 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; w_curr = weights[ 4 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 4 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; w_curr = weights[ 5 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 5 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; } else if ( p_x == 1 ) { w_curr = weights[ 1 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 1 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; w_curr = weights[ 5 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 5 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; } if ( r_x >= 1 ) { w_curr = weights[ 3 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 3 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; } } else { if ( p_x >= 2 ) { w_curr = weights[ 4 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 4 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; w_curr = weights[ 5 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 5 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; } else if ( p_x == 1 ) { w_curr = weights[ 5 ]; ctx_avr += abs_coeffs[ 5 ][ pos ] * w_curr; w_ctx += w_curr; } } // return average context return ( w_ctx != 0 ) ? ( ctx_avr + ( w_ctx / 2 ) ) / w_ctx : 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------- lakhani ac context used in coeff encoding ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int pjg_lakh_context( signed short** coeffs_x, signed short** coeffs_a, int* pred_cf, int pos ) { int pred = 0; // calculate partial prediction pred -= ( coeffs_x[ 1 ][ pos ] + coeffs_a[ 1 ][ pos ] ) * pred_cf[ 1 ]; pred -= ( coeffs_x[ 2 ][ pos ] - coeffs_a[ 2 ][ pos ] ) * pred_cf[ 2 ]; pred -= ( coeffs_x[ 3 ][ pos ] + coeffs_a[ 3 ][ pos ] ) * pred_cf[ 3 ]; pred -= ( coeffs_x[ 4 ][ pos ] - coeffs_a[ 4 ][ pos ] ) * pred_cf[ 4 ]; pred -= ( coeffs_x[ 5 ][ pos ] + coeffs_a[ 5 ][ pos ] ) * pred_cf[ 5 ]; pred -= ( coeffs_x[ 6 ][ pos ] - coeffs_a[ 6 ][ pos ] ) * pred_cf[ 6 ]; pred -= ( coeffs_x[ 7 ][ pos ] + coeffs_a[ 7 ][ pos ] ) * pred_cf[ 7 ]; // normalize / quantize partial prediction pred = ( ( pred > 0 ) ? ( pred + (pred_cf[0]/2) ) : ( pred - (pred_cf[0]/2) ) ) / pred_cf[ 0 ]; // complete prediction pred += coeffs_a[ 0 ][ pos ]; return pred; } /* ----------------------------------------------- Calculates coordinates for nearest neighbor context ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN void get_context_nnb( int pos, int w, int *a, int *b ) { // this function calculates and returns coordinates for // a simple 2D context if ( pos == 0 ) { *a = -1; *b = -1; } else if ( ( pos % w ) == 0 ) { *b = pos - w; if ( pos >= ( w << 1 ) ) *a = pos - ( w << 1 ); else *a = *b; } else if ( pos < w ) { *a = pos - 1; if ( pos >= 2 ) *b = pos - 2; else *b = *a; } else { *a = pos - 1; *b = pos - w; } } /* ----------------------- End of PJG specific functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Begin ofDCT specific functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- inverse DCT transform using precalc tables (fast) ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN int idct_2d_fst_8x8( int cmp, int dpos, int ix, int iy ) { int idct = 0; int ixy; // calculate start index ixy = ( ( iy << 3 ) + ix ) << 6; // begin transform idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 0 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 1 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 1 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 5 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 2 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 6 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 3 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 14 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 4 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 15 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 5 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 27 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 6 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 28 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 7 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 2 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 8 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 4 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 9 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 7 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 10 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 13 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 11 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 16 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 12 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 26 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 13 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 29 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 14 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 42 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 15 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 3 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 16 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 8 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 17 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 12 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 18 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 17 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 19 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 25 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 20 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 30 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 21 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 41 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 22 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 43 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 23 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 9 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 24 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 11 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 25 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 18 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 26 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 24 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 27 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 31 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 28 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 40 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 29 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 44 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 30 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 53 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 31 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 10 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 32 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 19 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 33 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 23 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 34 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 32 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 35 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 39 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 36 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 45 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 37 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 52 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 38 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 54 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 39 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 20 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 40 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 22 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 41 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 33 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 42 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 38 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 43 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 46 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 44 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 51 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 45 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 55 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 46 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 60 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 47 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 21 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 48 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 34 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 49 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 37 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 50 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 47 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 51 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 50 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 52 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 56 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 53 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 59 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 54 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 61 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 55 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 35 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 56 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 36 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 57 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 48 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 58 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 49 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 59 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 57 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 60 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 58 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 61 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 62 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 62 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 63 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 63 ]; return idct; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- inverse DCT transform using precalc tables (fast) ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int idct_2d_fst_8x1( int cmp, int dpos, int ix, int iy ) { int idct = 0; int ixy; // calculate start index ixy = ix << 3; // begin transform idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ixy + 0 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 1 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ixy + 1 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 5 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ixy + 2 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 6 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ixy + 3 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 14 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ixy + 4 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 15 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ixy + 5 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 27 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ixy + 6 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 28 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_8x1[ cmp ][ ixy + 7 ]; return idct; } /* ----------------------------------------------- inverse DCT transform using precalc tables (fast) ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN int idct_2d_fst_1x8( int cmp, int dpos, int ix, int iy ) { int idct = 0; int ixy; // calculate start index ixy = iy << 3; // begin transform idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 0 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 2 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 1 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 3 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 2 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 9 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 3 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 10 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 4 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 20 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 5 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 21 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 6 ]; idct += colldata[ cmp ][ 35 ][ dpos ] * adpt_idct_1x8[ cmp ][ ixy + 7 ]; return idct; } /* ----------------------- End of DCT specific functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Begin of prediction functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- returns predictor for collection data ----------------------------------------------- */ #if defined(USE_PLOCOI) INTERN int dc_coll_predictor( int cmp, int dpos ) { signed short* coefs = colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ]; int w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; int a, b, c; if ( dpos < w ) { a = coefs[ dpos - 1 ]; b = 0; c = 0; } else if ( (dpos%w) == 0 ) { a = 0; b = coefs[ dpos - w ]; c = 0; } else { a = coefs[ dpos - 1 ]; b = coefs[ dpos - w ]; c = coefs[ dpos - 1 - w ]; } return plocoi( a, b, c ); } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- 1D DCT predictor for DC coefficients ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(USE_PLOCOI) INTERN int dc_1ddct_predictor( int cmp, int dpos ) { int w = cmpnfo[cmp].bch; int px = ( dpos % w ); int py = ( dpos / w ); int pred; int pa = 0; int pb = 0; int xa = 0; int xb = 0; int swap; // store current block DC coefficient swap = colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ]; colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ] = 0; // calculate prediction if ( ( px > 0 ) && ( py > 0 ) ) { pa = idct_2d_fst_8x1( cmp, dpos - 1, 7, 0 ); pb = idct_2d_fst_1x8( cmp, dpos - w, 0, 7 ); xa = idct_2d_fst_8x1( cmp, dpos, 0, 0 ); xb = idct_2d_fst_1x8( cmp, dpos, 0, 0 ); pred = ( ( pa - xa ) + ( pb - xb ) ) * ( 8 / 2 ); } else if ( px > 0 ) { pa = idct_2d_fst_8x1( cmp, dpos - 1, 7, 0 ); xa = idct_2d_fst_8x1( cmp, dpos, 0, 0 ); pred = ( pa - xa ) * 8; } else if ( py > 0 ) { pb = idct_2d_fst_1x8( cmp, dpos - w, 0, 7 ); xb = idct_2d_fst_1x8( cmp, dpos, 0, 0 ); pred = ( pb - xb ) * 8; } else { pred = 0; } // write back current DCT coefficient colldata[ cmp ][ 0 ][ dpos ] = swap; // clamp and quantize predictor pred = CLAMPED( -( 1024 * DCT_RSC_FACTOR ), ( 1016 * DCT_RSC_FACTOR ), pred ); pred = pred / QUANT( cmp, 0 ); pred = DCT_RESCALE( pred ); return pred; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- loco-i predictor ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN inline int plocoi( int a, int b, int c ) { // a -> left; b -> above; c -> above-left int min, max; min = ( a < b ) ? a : b; max = ( a > b ) ? a : b; if ( c >= max ) return min; if ( c <= min ) return max; return a + b - c; } /* ----------------------------------------------- calculates median out of an integer array ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN inline int median_int( int* values, int size ) { int middle = ( size >> 1 ); bool done; int swap; int i; // sort data first done = false; while ( !done ) { done = true; for ( i = 1; i < size; i++ ) if ( values[ i ] < values[ i - 1 ] ) { swap = values[ i ]; values[ i ] = values[ i - 1 ]; values[ i - 1 ] = swap; done = false; } } // return median return ( ( size % 2 ) == 0 ) ? ( values[ middle ] + values[ middle - 1 ] ) / 2 : values[ middle ]; } /* ----------------------------------------------- calculates median out of an float array ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN inline float median_float( float* values, int size ) { int middle = ( size >> 1 ); bool done; float swap; int i; // sort data first done = false; while ( !done ) { done = true; for ( i = 1; i < size; i++ ) if ( values[ i ] < values[ i - 1 ] ) { swap = values[ i ]; values[ i ] = values[ i - 1 ]; values[ i - 1 ] = swap; done = false; } } // return median if ( ( size % 2 ) == 0 ) { return ( values[ middle ] + values[ middle - 1 ] ) / 2.0; } else return ( values[ middle ] ); } /* ----------------------- End of prediction functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Begin of miscellaneous helper functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- displays progress bar on screen ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN inline void progress_bar( int current, int last ) { int barpos = ( ( current * BARLEN ) + ( last / 2 ) ) / last; int i; // generate progress bar fprintf( msgout, "[" ); #if defined(_WIN32) for ( i = 0; i < barpos; i++ ) fprintf( msgout, "\xFE" ); #else for ( i = 0; i < barpos; i++ ) fprintf( msgout, "X" ); #endif for ( ; i < BARLEN; i++ ) fprintf( msgout, " " ); fprintf( msgout, "]" ); } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- creates filename, callocs memory for it ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN inline char* create_filename( const char* base, const char* extension ) { int len = strlen( base ) + ( ( extension == NULL ) ? 0 : strlen( extension ) + 1 ) + 1; char* filename = (char*) calloc( len, sizeof( char ) ); // create a filename from base & extension strcpy( filename, base ); set_extension( filename, extension ); return filename; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- creates filename, callocs memory for it ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN inline char* unique_filename( const char* base, const char* extension ) { int len = strlen( base ) + ( ( extension == NULL ) ? 0 : strlen( extension ) + 1 ) + 1; char* filename = (char*) calloc( len, sizeof( char ) ); // create a unique filename using underscores strcpy( filename, base ); set_extension( filename, extension ); while ( file_exists( filename ) ) { len += sizeof( char ); filename = (char*) realloc( filename, len ); add_underscore( filename ); } return filename; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- changes extension of filename ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN inline void set_extension( char* filename, const char* extension ) { char* extstr; // find position of extension in filename extstr = ( strrchr( filename, '.' ) == NULL ) ? strrchr( filename, '\0' ) : strrchr( filename, '.' ); // set new extension if ( extension != NULL ) { (*extstr++) = '.'; strcpy( extstr, extension ); } else (*extstr) = '\0'; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- adds underscore after filename ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) INTERN inline void add_underscore( char* filename ) { char* tmpname = (char*) calloc( strlen( filename ) + 1, sizeof( char ) ); char* extstr; // copy filename to tmpname strcpy( tmpname, filename ); // search extension in filename extstr = strrchr( filename, '.' ); // add underscore before extension if ( extstr != NULL ) { (*extstr++) = '_'; strcpy( extstr, strrchr( tmpname, '.' ) ); } else sprintf( filename, "%s_", tmpname ); // free memory free( tmpname ); } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- checks if a file exists ----------------------------------------------- */ INTERN inline bool file_exists( const char* filename ) { // needed for both, executable and library FILE* fp = fopen( filename, "rb" ); if ( fp == NULL ) return false; else { fclose( fp ); return true; } } /* ----------------------- End of miscellaneous helper functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- Begin of developers functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------- Writes header file ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_hdr( void ) { const char* ext = "hdr"; const char* basename = filelist[ file_no ]; if ( !dump_file( basename, ext, hdrdata, 1, hdrs ) ) return false; return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- Writes huffman coded file ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_huf( void ) { const char* ext = "huf"; const char* basename = filelist[ file_no ]; if ( !dump_file( basename, ext, huffdata, 1, hufs ) ) return false; return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- Writes collections of DCT coefficients ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_coll( void ) { FILE* fp; char* fn; const char* ext[ 4 ]; const char* base; int cmp, bpos, dpos; int i, j; ext[0] = "coll0"; ext[1] = "coll1"; ext[2] = "coll2"; ext[3] = "coll3"; base = filelist[ file_no ]; for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { // create filename fn = create_filename( base, ext[ cmp ] ); // open file for output fp = fopen( fn, "wb" ); if ( fp == NULL ){ sprintf( errormessage, FWR_ERRMSG, fn); errorlevel = 2; return false; } free( fn ); switch ( collmode ) { case 0: // standard collections for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) fwrite( colldata[cmp][bpos], sizeof( short ), cmpnfo[cmp].bc, fp ); break; case 1: // sequential order collections, 'dhufs' for ( dpos = 0; dpos < cmpnfo[cmp].bc; dpos++ ) for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) fwrite( &(colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos]), sizeof( short ), 1, fp ); break; case 2: // square collections dpos = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 64; ) { bpos = zigzag[ i++ ]; fwrite( &(colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos]), sizeof( short ), cmpnfo[cmp].bch, fp ); if ( ( i % 8 ) == 0 ) { dpos += cmpnfo[cmp].bch; if ( dpos >= cmpnfo[cmp].bc ) { dpos = 0; } else { i -= 8; } } } break; case 3: // uncollections for ( i = 0; i < ( cmpnfo[cmp].bcv * 8 ); i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < ( cmpnfo[cmp].bch * 8 ); j++ ) { bpos = zigzag[ ( ( i % 8 ) * 8 ) + ( j % 8 ) ]; dpos = ( ( i / 8 ) * cmpnfo[cmp].bch ) + ( j / 8 ); fwrite( &(colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos]), sizeof( short ), 1, fp ); } break; case 4: // square collections / alt order (even/uneven) dpos = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 64; ) { bpos = even_zigzag[ i++ ]; fwrite( &(colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos]), sizeof( short ), cmpnfo[cmp].bch, fp ); if ( ( i % 8 ) == 0 ) { dpos += cmpnfo[cmp].bch; if ( dpos >= cmpnfo[cmp].bc ) { dpos = 0; } else { i -= 8; } } } break; case 5: // uncollections / alt order (even/uneven) for ( i = 0; i < ( cmpnfo[cmp].bcv * 8 ); i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < ( cmpnfo[cmp].bch * 8 ); j++ ) { bpos = even_zigzag[ ( ( i % 8 ) * 8 ) + ( j % 8 ) ]; dpos = ( ( i / 8 ) * cmpnfo[cmp].bch ) + ( j / 8 ); fwrite( &(colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos]), sizeof( short ), 1, fp ); } break; } fclose( fp ); } return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- Writes zero distribution data to file; ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_zdst( void ) { const char* ext[4]; const char* basename; int cmp; ext[0] = "zdst0"; ext[1] = "zdst1"; ext[2] = "zdst2"; ext[3] = "zdst3"; basename = filelist[ file_no ]; for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) if ( !dump_file( basename, ext[cmp], zdstdata[cmp], 1, cmpnfo[cmp].bc ) ) return false; return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- Writes to file ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_file( const char* base, const char* ext, void* data, int bpv, int size ) { FILE* fp; char* fn; // create filename fn = create_filename( base, ext ); // open file for output fp = fopen( fn, "wb" ); if ( fp == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, FWR_ERRMSG, fn); errorlevel = 2; return false; } free( fn ); // write & close fwrite( data, bpv, size, fp ); fclose( fp ); return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- Writes error info file ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_errfile( void ) { FILE* fp; char* fn; // return immediately if theres no error if ( errorlevel == 0 ) return true; // create filename based on errorlevel if ( errorlevel == 1 ) { fn = create_filename( filelist[ file_no ], "wrn.nfo" ); } else { fn = create_filename( filelist[ file_no ], "err.nfo" ); } // open file for output fp = fopen( fn, "w" ); if ( fp == NULL ){ sprintf( errormessage, FWR_ERRMSG, fn); errorlevel = 2; return false; } free( fn ); // write status and errormessage to file fprintf( fp, "--> error (level %i) in file \"%s\" <--\n", errorlevel, filelist[ file_no ] ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); // write error specification to file fprintf( fp, " %s -> %s:\n", get_status( errorfunction ), ( errorlevel == 1 ) ? "warning" : "error" ); fprintf( fp, " %s\n", errormessage ); // done, close file fclose( fp ); return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- Writes info to textfile ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_info( void ) { FILE* fp; char* fn; unsigned char type = 0x00; // type of current marker segment unsigned int len = 0; // length of current marker segment unsigned int hpos = 0; // position in header int cmp, bpos; int i; // create filename fn = create_filename( filelist[ file_no ], "nfo" ); // open file for output fp = fopen( fn, "w" ); if ( fp == NULL ){ sprintf( errormessage, FWR_ERRMSG, fn); errorlevel = 2; return false; } free( fn ); // info about image fprintf( fp, "\n\n\n", jpgfilename ); fprintf( fp, "coding process: %s\n", ( jpegtype == 1 ) ? "sequential" : "progressive" ); // fprintf( fp, "no of scans: %i\n", scnc ); fprintf( fp, "imageheight: %i / imagewidth: %i\n", imgheight, imgwidth ); fprintf( fp, "component count: %i\n", cmpc ); fprintf( fp, "mcu count: %i/%i/%i (all/v/h)\n\n", mcuc, mcuv, mcuh ); // info about header fprintf( fp, "\nfile header structure:\n" ); fprintf( fp, " type length hpos\n" ); // header parser loop for ( hpos = 0; (int) hpos < hdrs; hpos += len ) { type = hdrdata[ hpos + 1 ]; len = 2 + B_SHORT( hdrdata[ hpos + 2 ], hdrdata[ hpos + 3 ] ); fprintf( fp, " FF%2X %6i %6i\n", type, len, hpos ); } fprintf( fp, " _END 0 %6i\n", hpos ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); // info about compression settings fprintf( fp, "\ncompression settings:\n" ); fprintf( fp, " no of segments -> %3i[0] %3i[1] %3i[2] %3i[3]\n", segm_cnt[0], segm_cnt[1], segm_cnt[2], segm_cnt[3] ); fprintf( fp, " noise threshold -> %3i[0] %3i[1] %3i[2] %3i[3]\n", nois_trs[0], nois_trs[1], nois_trs[2], nois_trs[3] ); fprintf( fp, "\n" ); // info about components for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "component number %i ->\n", cmp ); fprintf( fp, "sample factors: %i/%i (v/h)\n", cmpnfo[cmp].sfv, cmpnfo[cmp].sfh ); fprintf( fp, "blocks per mcu: %i\n", cmpnfo[cmp].mbs ); fprintf( fp, "block count (mcu): %i/%i/%i (all/v/h)\n", cmpnfo[cmp].bc, cmpnfo[cmp].bcv, cmpnfo[cmp].bch ); fprintf( fp, "block count (sng): %i/%i/%i (all/v/h)\n", cmpnfo[cmp].nc, cmpnfo[cmp].ncv, cmpnfo[cmp].nch ); fprintf( fp, "quantiser table ->" ); for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) { bpos = zigzag[ i ]; if ( ( i % 8 ) == 0 ) fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%4i, ", QUANT( cmp, bpos ) ); } fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "maximum values ->" ); for ( i = 0; i < 64; i++ ) { bpos = zigzag[ i ]; if ( ( i % 8 ) == 0 ) fprintf( fp, "\n" ); fprintf( fp, "%4i, ", MAX_V( cmp, bpos ) ); } fprintf( fp, "\n\n" ); } fclose( fp ); return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- Writes distribution for use in valdist.h ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_dist( void ) { FILE* fp; char* fn; unsigned int dist[ 1024 + 1 ]; int cmp, bpos, dpos; int i; // create filename fn = create_filename( filelist[ file_no ], "dist" ); // open file for output fp = fopen( fn, "wb" ); free( fn ); if ( fp == NULL ){ sprintf( errormessage, FWR_ERRMSG, fn); errorlevel = 2; return false; } // calculate & write distributions for each frequency for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) for ( bpos = 0; bpos < 64; bpos++ ) { // preset dist with zeroes for ( i = 0; i <= 1024; i++ ) dist[ i ] = 0; // get distribution for ( dpos = 0; dpos < cmpnfo[cmp].bc; dpos++ ) dist[ ABS( colldata[cmp][bpos][dpos] ) ]++; // write to file fwrite( dist, sizeof( int ), 1024 + 1, fp ); } // close file fclose( fp ); return true; } #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- Do inverse DCT and write pgms ----------------------------------------------- */ #if !defined(BUILD_LIB) && defined(DEV_BUILD) INTERN bool dump_pgm( void ) { unsigned char* imgdata; FILE* fp; char* fn; const char* ext[4]; int cmp, dpos; int pix_v; int xpos, ypos, dcpos; int x, y; ext[0] = "cmp0.pgm"; ext[1] = "cmp1.pgm"; ext[2] = "cmp2.pgm"; ext[3] = "cmp3.pgm"; for ( cmp = 0; cmp < cmpc; cmp++ ) { // create filename fn = create_filename( filelist[ file_no ], ext[ cmp ] ); // open file for output fp = fopen( fn, "wb" ); if ( fp == NULL ){ sprintf( errormessage, FWR_ERRMSG, fn ); errorlevel = 2; free( fn ); return false; } free( fn ); // alloc memory for image data imgdata = (unsigned char*) calloc ( cmpnfo[cmp].bc * 64, sizeof( char ) ); if ( imgdata == NULL ) { sprintf( errormessage, MEM_ERRMSG ); errorlevel = 2; fclose( fp ); return false; } for ( dpos = 0; dpos < cmpnfo[cmp].bc; dpos++ ) { // do inverse DCT, store in imgdata dcpos = ( ( ( dpos / cmpnfo[cmp].bch ) * cmpnfo[cmp].bch ) << 6 ) + ( ( dpos % cmpnfo[cmp].bch ) << 3 ); for ( y = 0; y < 8; y++ ) { ypos = dcpos + ( y * ( cmpnfo[cmp].bch << 3 ) ); for ( x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { xpos = ypos + x; pix_v = idct_2d_fst_8x8( cmp, dpos, x, y ); pix_v = DCT_RESCALE( pix_v ); pix_v = pix_v + 128; imgdata[ xpos ] = ( unsigned char ) CLAMPED( 0, 255, pix_v ); } } } // write PGM header fprintf( fp, "P5\n" ); fprintf( fp, "# created by %s v%i.%i%s (%s) by %s\n", apptitle, appversion / 10, appversion % 10, subversion, versiondate, author ); fprintf( fp, "%i %i\n", cmpnfo[cmp].bch * 8, cmpnfo[cmp].bcv * 8 ); fprintf( fp, "255\n" ); // write image data fwrite( imgdata, sizeof( char ), cmpnfo[cmp].bc * 64, fp ); // free memory free( imgdata ); // close file fclose( fp ); } return true; } #endif /* ----------------------- End of developers functions -------------------------- */ /* ----------------------- End of file -------------------------- */