// packPNMlib.h - function declarations for the packPNM library #if defined BUILD_DLL #define EXPORT __declspec( dllexport ) #else #define EXPORT extern #endif /* ----------------------------------------------- function declarations: library only functions ----------------------------------------------- */ EXPORT bool ppnlib_convert_stream2stream( char* msg ); EXPORT bool ppnlib_convert_file2file( char* in, char* out, char* msg ); EXPORT bool ppnlib_convert_stream2mem( unsigned char** out_file, unsigned int* out_size, char* msg ); EXPORT void ppnlib_init_streams( void* in_src, int in_type, int in_size, void* out_dest, int out_type ); EXPORT const char* ppnlib_version_info( void ); EXPORT const char* ppnlib_short_name( void ); /* a short reminder about input/output stream types for the ppnlib_init_streams() function if input is file ---------------- in_scr -> name of input file in_type -> 0 in_size -> ignore if input is memory ------------------ in_scr -> array containg data in_type -> 1 in_size -> size of data array if input is *FILE (f.e. stdin) ------------------------------ in_src -> stream pointer in_type -> 2 in_size -> ignore vice versa for output streams! */