/* * This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi- * algorithm lossless compression and decompression program. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program. * If not, see . * * moinakg@belenix.org, http://moinakg.wordpress.com/ * */ /* Threads.c */ #include "Threads.h" #ifdef ENV_BEOS #include #else #include #include #endif #include #if defined(__linux__) #define PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP #endif #ifdef ENV_BEOS /* TODO : optimize the code and verify the returned values */ WRes Thread_Create(CThread *thread, THREAD_FUNC_RET_TYPE (THREAD_FUNC_CALL_TYPE *startAddress)(void *), LPVOID parameter) { thread->_tid = spawn_thread((int32 (*)(void *))startAddress, "CThread", B_LOW_PRIORITY, parameter); if (thread->_tid >= B_OK) { resume_thread(thread->_tid); } else { thread->_tid = B_BAD_THREAD_ID; } thread->_created = 1; return 0; // SZ_OK; } WRes Thread_Wait(CThread *thread) { int ret; if (thread->_created == 0) return EINVAL; if (thread->_tid >= B_OK) { status_t exit_value; wait_for_thread(thread->_tid, &exit_value); thread->_tid = B_BAD_THREAD_ID; } else { return EINVAL; } thread->_created = 0; return 0; } WRes Thread_Close(CThread *thread) { if (!thread->_created) return SZ_OK; thread->_tid = B_BAD_THREAD_ID; thread->_created = 0; return SZ_OK; } WRes Event_Create(CEvent *p, BOOL manualReset, int initialSignaled) { p->_index_waiting = 0; p->_manual_reset = manualReset; p->_state = (initialSignaled ? TRUE : FALSE); p->_created = 1; p->_sem = create_sem(1,"event"); return 0; } WRes Event_Set(CEvent *p) { int index; acquire_sem(p->_sem); p->_state = TRUE; for(index = 0 ; index < p->_index_waiting ; index++) { send_data(p->_waiting[index], '7zCN', NULL, 0); } p->_index_waiting = 0; release_sem(p->_sem); return 0; } WRes Event_Reset(CEvent *p) { acquire_sem(p->_sem); p->_state = FALSE; release_sem(p->_sem); return 0; } WRes Event_Wait(CEvent *p) { acquire_sem(p->_sem); while (p->_state == FALSE) { thread_id sender; p->_waiting[p->_index_waiting++] = find_thread(NULL); release_sem(p->_sem); /* int msg = */ receive_data(&sender, NULL, 0); acquire_sem(p->_sem); } if (p->_manual_reset == FALSE) { p->_state = FALSE; } release_sem(p->_sem); return 0; } WRes Event_Close(CEvent *p) { if (p->_created) { p->_created = 0; delete_sem(p->_sem); } return 0; } WRes Semaphore_Create(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 initiallyCount, UInt32 maxCount) { p->_index_waiting = 0; p->_count = initiallyCount; p->_maxCount = maxCount; p->_created = 1; p->_sem = create_sem(1,"sem"); return 0; } WRes Semaphore_ReleaseN(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 releaseCount) { UInt32 newCount; int index; if (releaseCount < 1) return EINVAL; acquire_sem(p->_sem); newCount = p->_count + releaseCount; if (newCount > p->_maxCount) { release_sem(p->_sem); return EINVAL; } p->_count = newCount; for(index = 0 ; index < p->_index_waiting ; index++) { send_data(p->_waiting[index], '7zCN', NULL, 0); } p->_index_waiting = 0; release_sem(p->_sem); return 0; } WRes Semaphore_Wait(CSemaphore *p) { acquire_sem(p->_sem); while (p->_count < 1) { thread_id sender; p->_waiting[p->_index_waiting++] = find_thread(NULL); release_sem(p->_sem); /* int msg = */ receive_data(&sender, NULL, 0); acquire_sem(p->_sem); } p->_count--; release_sem(p->_sem); return 0; } WRes Semaphore_Close(CSemaphore *p) { if (p->_created) { p->_created = 0; delete_sem(p->_sem); } return 0; } WRes CriticalSection_Init(CCriticalSection * lpCriticalSection) { lpCriticalSection->_sem = create_sem(1,"cc"); return 0; } #else /* !ENV_BEOS */ WRes Thread_Create(CThread *thread, THREAD_FUNC_RET_TYPE (THREAD_FUNC_CALL_TYPE *startAddress)(void *), LPVOID parameter) { pthread_attr_t attr; int ret; thread->_created = 0; ret = pthread_attr_init(&attr); if (ret) return ret; ret = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); if (ret) return ret; ret = pthread_create(&thread->_tid, &attr, (void * (*)(void *))startAddress, parameter); /* ret2 = */ pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); if (ret) return ret; thread->_created = 1; return 0; // SZ_OK; } WRes Thread_Wait(CThread *thread) { void *thread_return; int ret; if (thread->_created == 0) return EINVAL; ret = pthread_join(thread->_tid,&thread_return); thread->_created = 0; return ret; } WRes Thread_Close(CThread *thread) { if (!thread->_created) return SZ_OK; pthread_detach(thread->_tid); thread->_tid = 0; thread->_created = 0; return SZ_OK; } #ifdef DEBUG_SYNCHRO #include static void dump_error(int ligne,int ret,const char *text,void *param) { printf("\n##T%d#ERROR2 (l=%d) %s : param=%p ret = %d (%s)##\n",(int)pthread_self(),ligne,text,param,ret,strerror(ret)); // abort(); } WRes Event_Create(CEvent *p, BOOL manualReset, int initialSignaled) { int ret; pthread_mutexattr_t mutexattr; memset(&mutexattr,0,sizeof(mutexattr)); ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutexattr); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"Event_Create::pthread_mutexattr_init",&mutexattr); ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mutexattr,PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"Event_Create::pthread_mutexattr_settype",&mutexattr); ret = pthread_mutex_init(&p->_mutex,&mutexattr); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"Event_Create::pthread_mutexattr_init",&p->_mutex); if (ret == 0) { ret = pthread_cond_init(&p->_cond,0); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"Event_Create::pthread_cond_init",&p->_cond); p->_manual_reset = manualReset; p->_state = (initialSignaled ? TRUE : FALSE); p->_created = 1; } return ret; } WRes Event_Set(CEvent *p) { int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"ES::pthread_mutex_lock",&p->_mutex); if (ret == 0) { p->_state = TRUE; ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&p->_cond); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"ES::pthread_cond_broadcast",&p->_cond); if (ret == 0) { ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"ES::pthread_mutex_unlock",&p->_mutex); } } return ret; } WRes Event_Reset(CEvent *p) { int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"ER::pthread_mutex_lock",&p->_mutex); if (ret == 0) { p->_state = FALSE; ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"ER::pthread_mutex_unlock",&p->_mutex); } return ret; } WRes Event_Wait(CEvent *p) { int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"EW::pthread_mutex_lock",&p->_mutex); if (ret == 0) { while ((p->_state == FALSE) && (ret == 0)) { ret = pthread_cond_wait(&p->_cond, &p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"EW::pthread_cond_wait",&p->_mutex); } if (ret == 0) { if (p->_manual_reset == FALSE) { p->_state = FALSE; } ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"EW::pthread_mutex_unlock",&p->_mutex); } } return ret; } WRes Event_Close(CEvent *p) { if (p->_created) { int ret; p->_created = 0; ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"EC::pthread_mutex_destroy",&p->_mutex); ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&p->_cond); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"EC::pthread_cond_destroy",&p->_cond); } return 0; } WRes Semaphore_Create(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 initiallyCount, UInt32 maxCount) { int ret; pthread_mutexattr_t mutexattr; memset(&mutexattr,0,sizeof(mutexattr)); ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutexattr); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemC::pthread_mutexattr_init",&mutexattr); ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mutexattr,PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemC::pthread_mutexattr_settype",&mutexattr); ret = pthread_mutex_init(&p->_mutex,&mutexattr); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemC::pthread_mutexattr_init",&p->_mutex); if (ret == 0) { ret = pthread_cond_init(&p->_cond,0); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemC::pthread_cond_init",&p->_mutex); p->_count = initiallyCount; p->_maxCount = maxCount; p->_created = 1; } return ret; } WRes Semaphore_ReleaseN(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 releaseCount) { int ret; if (releaseCount < 1) return EINVAL; ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemR::pthread_mutex_lock",&p->_mutex); if (ret == 0) { UInt32 newCount = p->_count + releaseCount; if (newCount > p->_maxCount) { ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemR::pthread_mutex_unlock",&p->_mutex); return EINVAL; } p->_count = newCount; ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&p->_cond); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemR::pthread_cond_broadcast",&p->_cond); if (ret == 0) { ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemR::pthread_mutex_unlock",&p->_mutex); } } return ret; } WRes Semaphore_Wait(CSemaphore *p) { int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemW::pthread_mutex_lock",&p->_mutex); if (ret == 0) { while ((p->_count < 1) && (ret == 0)) { ret = pthread_cond_wait(&p->_cond, &p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemW::pthread_cond_wait",&p->_mutex); } if (ret == 0) { p->_count--; ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"SemW::pthread_mutex_unlock",&p->_mutex); } } return ret; } WRes Semaphore_Close(CSemaphore *p) { if (p->_created) { int ret; p->_created = 0; ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->_mutex); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"Semc::pthread_mutex_destroy",&p->_mutex); ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&p->_cond); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"Semc::pthread_cond_destroy",&p->_cond); } return 0; } WRes CriticalSection_Init(CCriticalSection * lpCriticalSection) { if (lpCriticalSection) { int ret; pthread_mutexattr_t mutexattr; memset(&mutexattr,0,sizeof(mutexattr)); ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutexattr); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"CS I::pthread_mutexattr_init",&mutexattr); ret = pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mutexattr,PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"CS I::pthread_mutexattr_settype",&mutexattr); ret = pthread_mutex_init(&lpCriticalSection->_mutex,&mutexattr); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"CS I::pthread_mutexattr_init",&lpCriticalSection->_mutex); return ret; } return EINTR; } void CriticalSection_Enter(CCriticalSection * lpCriticalSection) { if (lpCriticalSection) { int ret = pthread_mutex_lock(&(lpCriticalSection->_mutex)); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"CS::pthread_mutex_lock",&(lpCriticalSection->_mutex)); } } void CriticalSection_Leave(CCriticalSection * lpCriticalSection) { if (lpCriticalSection) { int ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&(lpCriticalSection->_mutex)); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"CS::pthread_mutex_unlock",&(lpCriticalSection->_mutex)); } } void CriticalSection_Delete(CCriticalSection * lpCriticalSection) { if (lpCriticalSection) { int ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&(lpCriticalSection->_mutex)); if (ret != 0) dump_error(__LINE__,ret,"CS::pthread_mutex_destroy",&(lpCriticalSection->_mutex)); } } #else WRes Event_Create(CEvent *p, BOOL manualReset, int initialSignaled) { pthread_mutex_init(&p->_mutex,0); pthread_cond_init(&p->_cond,0); p->_manual_reset = manualReset; p->_state = (initialSignaled ? TRUE : FALSE); p->_created = 1; return 0; } WRes Event_Set(CEvent *p) { pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); p->_state = TRUE; pthread_cond_broadcast(&p->_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); return 0; } WRes Event_Reset(CEvent *p) { pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); p->_state = FALSE; pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); return 0; } WRes Event_Wait(CEvent *p) { pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); while (p->_state == FALSE) { pthread_cond_wait(&p->_cond, &p->_mutex); } if (p->_manual_reset == FALSE) { p->_state = FALSE; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); return 0; } WRes Event_Close(CEvent *p) { if (p->_created) { p->_created = 0; pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&p->_cond); } return 0; } WRes Semaphore_Create(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 initiallyCount, UInt32 maxCount) { pthread_mutex_init(&p->_mutex,0); pthread_cond_init(&p->_cond,0); p->_count = initiallyCount; p->_maxCount = maxCount; p->_created = 1; return 0; } WRes Semaphore_ReleaseN(CSemaphore *p, UInt32 releaseCount) { UInt32 newCount; if (releaseCount < 1) return EINVAL; pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); newCount = p->_count + releaseCount; if (newCount > p->_maxCount) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); return EINVAL; } p->_count = newCount; pthread_cond_broadcast(&p->_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); return 0; } WRes Semaphore_Wait(CSemaphore *p) { pthread_mutex_lock(&p->_mutex); while (p->_count < 1) { pthread_cond_wait(&p->_cond, &p->_mutex); } p->_count--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&p->_mutex); return 0; } WRes Semaphore_Close(CSemaphore *p) { if (p->_created) { p->_created = 0; pthread_mutex_destroy(&p->_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&p->_cond); } return 0; } WRes CriticalSection_Init(CCriticalSection * lpCriticalSection) { return pthread_mutex_init(&(lpCriticalSection->_mutex),0); } #endif /* DEBUG_SYNCHRO */ #endif /* ENV_BEOS */ WRes ManualResetEvent_Create(CManualResetEvent *p, int initialSignaled) { return Event_Create(p, TRUE, initialSignaled); } WRes ManualResetEvent_CreateNotSignaled(CManualResetEvent *p) { return ManualResetEvent_Create(p, 0); } WRes AutoResetEvent_Create(CAutoResetEvent *p, int initialSignaled) { return Event_Create(p, FALSE, initialSignaled); } WRes AutoResetEvent_CreateNotSignaled(CAutoResetEvent *p) { return AutoResetEvent_Create(p, 0); }