Moinak Ghosh 30dee9a1a9 Improve check in E8E9 filter to avoid unnecessary encodes.
Allow small increase in output chunk size for transform preprocessing (E8E9).
Ensure chunk allocations always include oerhead size.
2015-01-25 23:17:23 -08:00

1195 lines
38 KiB

* This file is a part of Pcompress, a chunked parallel multi-
* algorithm lossless compression and decompression program.
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Moinak Ghosh. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* moinakg@belenix.org, http://moinakg.wordpress.com/
#include "types.hpp"
#include "dis.hpp"
#include <utils.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef __APPLE__
#include <malloc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
/* Version history:
* 1.00 (Nov 2009) Initial release
* 1.01 (Jan 2011) Don't assert on bytes > MAXINSTR when dealing with jump tables
* 1.02 (Nov 2013) (Moinak Ghosh) Changes to integrate with Pcompress.
* Adapted and modified from:
* http://www.farbrausch.de/~fg/code/disfilter/
/* This is a filter for x86 binary code, intended to improve its compressibility
* by standard algorithms. The basic ideas are quite old; for example, the LZX
* algorithm used in Microsoft .CAB files uses a special preprocessor that
* converts the target address in CALL opcodes from a relative offset to an
* absolute address. This simple transforms greatly helps both LZ-based and
* statistical coders: the same function being called repeatedly now results
* in the same byte sequence for the call being repeated, instead of having
* a different encoding every time. The preprocessor doesn't really understand
* the instruction stream; it just looks for a 0xE8 byte (the opcode for near
* call) and adds the current position to the 4 bytes that follow it.
* Most modern compressors include this filter or variations, to be used on .EXE
* files; newer variants usually try to detect whether the target offset would be
* within the executable image to reduce the number of false positives. Another
* common modification stores the transformed offsets in big endian byte order:
* this clusters the high bits (which are likely to be similar along a stretch of
* code) together with the opcode, again yielding somewhat better compression.
* However, all this is based on a very limited understanding of x86 binary code.
* It is possible to do significantly with a more thorough understanding of the
* bytestream and its underlying structure. This algorithm borrows heavily from the
* Split-Stream^2 method described in [1] (or, more precisely, an earlier variant
* published somewhen in 2004; I don't remember the details anymore). It also introduces
* some (to my knowledge) novel ideas, though.
* The basic idea behind Split-Stream is to disassemble the target program,
* splitting it into several distinct streams that can be coded separately. Examples
* of such streams are the opcodes themselves, 8 bit immediates, 32 bit immediates,
* jump and call target addresses, and so on - the idea being that the individual
* fields are highly correlated amongst themselves, but largely independent of each
* other. Splitting the streams reduces the context dilution (the inclusion of
* irrelevant values in the context used for prediction) that otherwise harms compression
* in compiled code. Since the actual compressor in kkrunchy is a LZ-based dictionary
* coder and not a context coder, there's no easy way to mix multiple models or use
* alphabets with more than 256 symbols; hence the streams are simply stored sequentially,
* with a small header denoting the size of each. This interface sacrifices some
* compression potential, but has the advantage that the filter inputs and outputs
* simple bytestreams; kkrunchy actually compresses the (several hundred bytes long)
* unfiltering code along with the transformed code, so part of the decompressor is
* stored in compressed form. This results in a somewhat peculiar "bootstrapping"
* decompression process but saved roughly 200 bytes when it was originally written;
* a big enough gain to be worth it when targeting 64k executables.
* The actual list of streams that are identified can be found below (the "Streams" enum).
* To categorize which byte belongs where, the code needs to be disassembled. This
* is simpler than it sounds, given the complexity of x86 instruction encoding;
* luckily, there's no need to fully "understand" each instruction. We mainly need to
* be able to identify the opcode, the addressing mode used, and the presence of
* immediate data fields. This is implemented using a mostly table-driven disassembler.
* Since the original decoder was heavily optimized for size and the tables need to be
* included with the decoder, the encoding is very compact: It mainly consists of two
* tables of 256 entries each with 4 bits per entry used - the first table describing
* one-byte opcodes, the second for two-byte opcodes (when this code was written, there
* were no three-byte opcodes yet). There are some simplifications present in the tables
* and the disassembler, where doing so poses no problems. For example, all prefixes
* are treated as one-byte opcodes with no operands; this is incorrect, but as long as
* the encoder and decoder agree on it, there's no problem. There's also no need to
* distinguish between different instructions when they all have the same addressing modes
* and combination of immediate operands. All this gets rid of a lot of special cases.
* There is one significant deviation from the PPMexe paper [1], though: the code
* is very careful never to assume that its parsing of the instruction stream is correct,
* and absolutely no irreversible transforms take place (such as the instruction
* rescheduling in [1]). Unrecognizable and invalid opcodes are preserved. This is done
* by using a very uncommon opcode as escape code, encapsulating otherwise invalid
* sequences within the bytestream. This property is critical in practice: code sections
* often contain jump tables and other data that isn't decodable as x86 instruction
* stream. Corrupting such data during the compression process is unacceptable.
* The target adresses of near jumps and calls of course still get converted from
* relative to absolute; additionally, all values larger than 8 bit are stored in big
* endian byte order. Both transforms are trivial to undo on the decoder side and yield
* notable improvements in compression ratio. Additionally, the last 255 call targets
* are kept in an array that's updated using the "move to front" heuristic. If a target
* occurs repeatedly (as is common in practice), the offset doesn't need to be coded at
* all; instead the position in the array is transmitted. (This is the ST_CALL_IDX
* stream). Additionally, the instruction stream is analyzed to identify potential
* call targets (i.e. start addresses of functions) even before they are first
* referenced: if a RET or INT3 opcode is found in the instruction stream, the filter
* assumes that the next instruction is likely to start a new function (MSVC++ uses
* INT3 opcodes to fill the "no man's land" between functions) and adds its address to
* the function table automatically. Typical overall hit rates for the function table
* are between 70 and 80 per cent - so only a quarter of all call target addresses ever
* needs to be stored explicitly.
* The most common type of data intermixed with code sections is jump tables and
* virtual function tables. Generally speaking, any data inside the code section is
* bad for the filter; its statistics are very different from the binary code being
* encoded which hurts compression, and it causes the disassembler to lose sync
* temporarily. To work around this problem, the encoder tries to identify jump
* tables, using another escape code to identify them in the output stream. The
* heuristic used here is rather simple, but works very well: When an instruction
* is expected, the encoder looks at the next 12 bytes. If they evaluate to
* addresses within the code section when interpreted as 3 dwords, the encoder assumes
* that it has found a jump table (or vtable). Jump table entries are encoded the
* same way that call targets are.
* [1] "PPMexe: Program Compression"
* M. Drinic, D. Kirovski, and H. Vo, MS Research
* ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol.29, (no.1), 2007.
* http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/darkok/papers/TOPLAS.pdf
#define DISFILTER_BLOCK (32768)
#define ORIGSIZE 2
#define NORMAL_HDR (1 + 2)
#define EXTENDED_HDR (1 + 2 + 2)
// Dispack min reduction should be 8%, otherwise we abort
#define DIS_MIN_REDUCE (2622)
#define MAXINSTR 15 // maximum size of a single instruction in bytes (actually, decodeable ones are shorter)
enum Opcodes
// 1-byte opcodes of special interest (for one reason or another)
OP_2BYTE = 0x0f, // start of 2-byte opcode
OP_OSIZE = 0x66, // operand size prefix
OP_CALLF = 0x9a,
OP_RETNI = 0xc2, // ret near+immediate
OP_RETN = 0xc3,
OP_ENTER = 0xc8,
OP_INT3 = 0xcc,
OP_INTO = 0xce,
OP_CALLN = 0xe8,
OP_JMPF = 0xea,
OP_ICEBP = 0xf1,
// escape codes we use (these need to be 1-byte opcodes without an address or immediate operand!)
// formats
enum InstructionFormat
// encoding mode
fNM = 0x0, // no ModRM
fAM = 0x1, // no ModRM, "address mode" (jumps or direct addresses)
fMR = 0x2, // ModRM present
fMEXTRA = 0x3, // ModRM present, includes extra bits for opcode
fMODE = 0x3, // bitmask for mode
// no ModRM: size of immediate operand
fNI = 0x0, // no immediate
fBI = 0x4, // byte immediate
fWI = 0x8, // word immediate
fDI = 0xc, // dword immediate
fTYPE = 0xc, // type mask
// address mode: type of address operand
fAD = 0x0, // absolute address
fDA = 0x4, // dword absolute jump target
fBR = 0x8, // byte relative jump target
fDR = 0xc, // dword relative jump target
// others
fERR = 0xf // denotes invalid opcodes
enum Streams
ST_OP, // prefixes, first byte of opcode
ST_SIB, // SIB byte
ST_CALL_IDX, // call table index
ST_DISP8_R0, // byte displacement on ModRM, reg no. 0 and following
ST_JUMP8, // short jump
ST_IMM8, // 8-bit immediate
ST_IMM16, // 16-bit immediate
ST_IMM32, // 32-bit immediate
ST_DISP32, // 32-bit displacement
ST_ADDR32, // 32-bit direct address
ST_CALL32, // 32-bit call target
ST_JUMP32, // 32-bit jump target
// these components of the instruction stream are also identified
// seperately, but stored together with another stream since there's
// high correlation between them (or just because one streams provides
// good context to predict the other)
ST_MODRM = ST_OP, // ModRM byte
ST_OP2 = ST_OP, // second byte of opcode
ST_AJUMP32 = ST_JUMP32, // absolute jump target
// These helper functions assume that this code is being compiled on a
// little-endian platform with no alignment restrictions on data accesses.
// If this isn't a safe assumption, change these functions appropriately.
// All byte order dependent operations end up calling them.
// I also use the VC++ _byteswap intrinsics to implement big endian stores;
// if your compiler doesn't have them, it should be trivial to get rid of them.
static inline sU8 Load8(const sU8 *s) { return *s; }
static inline sU16 Load16(const sU8 *s) { return *((const sU16 *) s); }
static inline sU16 Load16B(const sU8 *s) { return _byteswap_ushort(Load16(s)); }
static inline sU32 Load32(const sU8 *s) { return *((const sU32 *) s); }
static inline sU32 Load32B(const sU8 *s) { return _byteswap_ulong(Load32(s)); }
static inline void Store8(sU8 *d,sU8 v) { *d = v; }
static inline void Store16(sU8 *d,sU16 v) { *((sU16 *) d) = v; }
static inline void Store16B(sU8 *d,sU16 v) { *((sU16 *) d) = _byteswap_ushort(v); }
static inline void Store32(sU8 *d,sU32 v) { *((sU32 *) d) = v; }
static inline void Store32B(sU8 *d,sU32 v) { *((sU32 *) d) = _byteswap_ulong(v); }
static inline sU8 Fetch8(sU8 *&s) { return *s++; }
static inline sU16 Fetch16(sU8 *&s) { sU16 v = Load16(s); s += 2; return v; }
static inline sU16 Fetch16B(sU8 *&s) { sU16 v = Load16B(s); s += 2; return v; }
static inline sU32 Fetch32(sU8 *&s) { sU32 v = Load32(s); s += 4; return v; }
static inline sU32 Fetch32B(sU8 *&s) { sU32 v = Load32B(s); s += 4; return v; }
static inline sU8 Write8(sU8 *&d,sU8 v) { Store8(d,v); d += 1; return v; }
static inline sU16 Write16(sU8 *&d,sU16 v) { Store16(d,v); d += 2; return v; }
static inline sU32 Write32(sU8 *&d,sU32 v) { Store32(d,v); d += 4; return v; }
static sU32 MoveToFront(sU32 *table,sInt pos,sU32 val)
for(;pos > 0;pos--)
table[pos] = table[pos-1];
table[0] = val;
return val;
static inline void AddMTF(sU32 *mtf,sU32 val)
static sInt FindMTF(sU32 *mtf,sU32 val)
for(sInt i=0;i<255;i++)
if(mtf[i] == val)
return i;
return -1;
struct DataBuffer
sInt Size,Max;
sU8 *Data;
Max = 256;
Data = (sU8 *) malloc(Max);
void ResetBuffer()
Size = 0;
sU8 *Add(sInt bytes)
Max = (Max*2 < Size+bytes) ? Size+bytes : Max*2;
Data = (sU8 *) realloc(Data,Max);
sU8 *ret = Data+Size;
Size += bytes;
return ret;
// 1-byte opcodes
sU8 Table1[256] =
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // 0
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // 1
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // 2
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // 3
fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // 4
fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // 5
fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fDI,fMR|fDI,fNM|fBI,fMR|fBI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // 6
fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR, // 7
fMR|fBI,fMR|fDI,fMR|fBI,fMR|fBI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // 8
fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fAM|fDA,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // 9
fAM|fAD,fAM|fAD,fAM|fAD,fAM|fAD,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // a
fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fDI,fNM|fDI, // b
fMR|fBI,fMR|fBI,fNM|fWI,fNM|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fBI,fMR|fDI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fWI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fBI,fERR ,fNM|fNI, // c
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // d
fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fAM|fBR,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fNM|fBI,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fAD,fAM|fBR,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // e
// 2-byte opcodes
sU8 Table2[256] =
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fNM|fNI,fERR ,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR , // 0
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR , // 1
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // 2
fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fERR ,fNM|fNI,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR , // 3
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // 4
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // 5
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // 6
fMR|fBI,fMR|fBI,fMR|fBI,fMR|fBI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fNI,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // 7
fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR,fAM|fDR, // 8
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // 9
fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fBI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fMR|fNI,fMR|fBI,fMR|fNI,fERR ,fMR|fNI, // a
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // b
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI,fNM|fNI, // c
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // d
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // e
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fERR , // f
// escape opcodes using ModRM byte to get more variants
sU8 TableX[32] =
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
fMR|fBI,fERR ,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // escapes for 0xf6
fMR|fDI,fERR ,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI, // escapes for 0xf7
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR ,fERR , // escapes for 0xfe
fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fMR|fNI,fERR ,fMR|fNI,fERR ,fMR|fNI,fERR , // escapes for 0xff
struct DisFilterCtx
DataBuffer Buffer[ST_MAX];
sU32 FuncTable[256];
sBool NextIsFunc;
sU32 CodeStart,CodeEnd;
DisFilterCtx(sU32 codeStart,sU32 codeEnd)
ResetCtx(codeStart, codeEnd);
void ResetCtx(sU32 codeStart,sU32 codeEnd)
NextIsFunc = sTRUE;
for(sInt i=0;i<256;i++)
FuncTable[i] = 0;
CodeStart = codeStart;
CodeEnd = codeEnd;
for (sInt i=0; i<ST_MAX; i++)
sInt DetectJumpTable(sU8 *instr, sU32 addr, sU8 *srcEnd)
assert(addr < CodeEnd);
sInt nMax = (CodeEnd - addr) / 4;
sInt count = 0;
// Check for overflow
if (instr + (nMax + 1) * 4 > srcEnd) {
return (0);
sU32 codedAddr = Load32(instr + count*4);
if(codedAddr >= CodeStart && codedAddr < CodeEnd)
if(count < 3) // if it's less than 3 entries, it's probably not a jump table.
count = 0;
return count;
sInt ProcessInstr(sU8 *instr, sU32 memory, sU8 *srcEnd)
if(sInt nJump = DetectJumpTable(instr, memory, srcEnd))
// probable jump table with nJump entries
sInt remaining = nJump;
sInt count = (remaining < 256) ? remaining : 256;
for(sInt i=0;i<count;i++)
sU32 target = Fetch32(instr);
sInt ind = FindMTF(FuncTable,target);
if(ind == -1)
remaining -= count;
return nJump*4;
sU8 *start = instr;
sInt code = Fetch8(instr);
sInt code2 = 0;
sBool o16 = sFALSE;
sInt flags;
if(NextIsFunc && code != 0xcc)
NextIsFunc = sFALSE;
if(code == OP_OSIZE)
o16 = sTRUE;
code = Fetch8(instr);
if(code == OP_2BYTE)
code2 = Fetch8(instr);
flags = Table2[code2];
flags = Table1[code];
if(code == OP_RETNI || code == OP_RETN || code == OP_INT3) // return. function is going to start next.
NextIsFunc = sTRUE;
if(flags == fMEXTRA)
flags = TableX[((*instr >> 3) & 7) | ((code & 0x01) << 3) | ((code & 0x08) << 1)];
if(flags != fERR)
if(code == OP_2BYTE)
if(code == OP_CALLF || code == OP_JMPF || code == OP_ENTER)
// far call/jump have a *48-bit* immediate address. we deal with it here by copying the segment index
// manually and encoding the rest as a normal 32-bit direct address.
// similarly, enter has a word operand and a byte operand. again, we code the word here, and
// deal with the byte later during the normal flow.
if((flags & fMODE) == fMR)
sInt modrm = Copy8(ST_MODRM,instr);
sInt sib = 0;
if((modrm & 0x07) == 4 && modrm < 0xc0)
sib = Copy8(ST_SIB,instr);
if((modrm & 0xc0) == 0x40) // register+byte displacement
Copy8(ST_DISP8_R0 + (modrm & 0x07),instr);
if((modrm & 0xc0) == 0x80 || (modrm & 0xc7) == 0x05 || (modrm < 0x40 && (sib & 0x07) == 5))
// register+dword displacement
Copy32((modrm & 0xc7) == 0x05 ? ST_ADDR32 : ST_DISP32,instr);
if((flags & fMODE) == fAM)
switch(flags & fTYPE)
case fAD: Copy32(ST_ADDR32,instr); break;
case fDA: Copy32(ST_AJUMP32,instr); break;
case fBR: Copy8(ST_JUMP8,instr); break;
case fDR:
sU32 target = Fetch32(instr);
target += (instr - start) + memory;
if(code != OP_CALLN) // not a near call
sInt ind = FindMTF(FuncTable,target);
if(ind == -1)
switch(flags & fTYPE)
case fBI: Copy8(ST_IMM8,instr); break;
case fWI: Copy16(ST_IMM16,instr); break;
case fDI:
return instr - start;
else // couldn't decode instruction
Put8(ST_OP,ESCAPE); // escape code
Put8(ST_OP,*start); // the unrecognized opcode
return 1;
sU8 *Flush(sU8 *out, sU32 &sz)
sU32 size = 0;
if (sz < ST_MAX * 16)
return (NULL);
size = ST_MAX * 4; // 4 bytes per stream to encode the size
for(sInt i=0;i<ST_MAX;i++) {
size += Buffer[i].Size;
if (size >= sz) return (NULL); // Check for output overflow
// Output ptr is supplied by caller
sU8 *outPtr = out;
for(sInt i=0;i<ST_MAX;i++)
for(sInt i=0;i<ST_MAX;i++)
outPtr += Buffer[i].Size;
assert(outPtr == out + size);
sz = size;
return out;
sU8 Put8(sInt stream,sU8 v) { Store8 (Buffer[stream].Add(1),v); return v; }
sU16 Put16(sInt stream,sU16 v) { Store16B(Buffer[stream].Add(2),v); return v; }
sU32 Put32(sInt stream,sU32 v) { Store32B(Buffer[stream].Add(4),v); return v; }
sU8 Copy8(sInt stream,sU8 *&s) { return Put8 (stream,Fetch8(s)); }
sU16 Copy16(sInt stream,sU8 *&s) { return Put16(stream,Fetch16(s)); }
sU32 Copy32(sInt stream,sU8 *&s) { return Put32(stream,Fetch32(s)); }
sU8 *
DisFilter(sU8 *src, sU32 size, sU32 origin, sU8 *dst, sU32 &outputSize)
sU8 *srcEnd = src + size;
DisFilterCtx ctx(origin,origin+size);
if (size < MAXINSTR)
return (NULL);
// main loop: handle everything but the last few bytes
sU32 pos = 0;
while(pos < size - MAXINSTR)
sInt bytes = ctx.ProcessInstr(src + pos, origin + pos, srcEnd);
pos += bytes;
// for the last few bytes, be very careful not to read past the end
// of the input instruction stream. create a check point on every
// instruction; if PackInstr would've read past the end of the input
// stream, we undo the last step.
while(pos < size)
// copy remaining instr bytes into buffer
sU8 instrBuf[MAXINSTR] = { 0 };
memcpy(instrBuf,src + pos,size - pos);
// save current output size for all streams
sInt checkpt[ST_MAX];
for(sInt i=0;i<ST_MAX;i++)
checkpt[i] = ctx.Buffer[i].Size;
// process the instruction
sInt bytes = ctx.ProcessInstr(instrBuf, origin + pos, srcEnd);
if(pos + bytes <= size) // valid instruction
pos += bytes;
// we read past the end. restore to checkpoint!
for(sInt i=0;i<ST_MAX;i++)
ctx.Buffer[i].Size = checkpt[i];
// if there's still bytes left, encode them as escapes.
while(pos < size)
return ctx.Flush(dst, outputSize);
static inline sU8 Copy8(sU8 *&d,sU8 *&s) { sU8 v = Fetch8(s); Write8(d,v); return v; }
static inline sU16 Copy16(sU8 *&d,sU8 *&s) { sU16 v = Fetch16B(s); Write16(d,v); return v; }
static inline sU32 Copy32(sU8 *&d,sU8 *&s) { sU32 v = Fetch32B(s); Write32(d,v); return v; }
// some helpers for bounds checking. this really sucks, but I didn't see any
// better way to make this safe...
#define CheckSrc(strm,size) if(stream[strm]+size > streamEnd[strm]) return sFALSE
#define CheckDst(size) if(dest+size > destEnd) return sFALSE
#define CheckSrcDst(strm,size) if(stream[strm]+size > streamEnd[strm] || dest+size > destEnd) return sFALSE
#define Copy8Chk(strm) do { CheckSrcDst(strm,1); Copy8 (dest,stream[strm]); } while(0)
#define Copy16Chk(strm) do { CheckSrcDst(strm,2); Copy16(dest,stream[strm]); } while(0)
#define Copy32Chk(strm) do { CheckSrcDst(strm,4); Copy32(dest,stream[strm]); } while(0)
DisUnFilter(sU8 *source,sU32 sourceSize,sU8 *dest,sU32 destSize,sU32 memStart)
sU8 *stream[ST_MAX];
sU8 *streamEnd[ST_MAX];
sU32 funcTable[256];
// read header (list of stream sizes)
if(sourceSize < ST_MAX*4)
return sFALSE;
sU8 *hdr = source;
sU8 *cur = source + ST_MAX*4;
for(sInt i=0;i<ST_MAX;i++)
stream[i] = cur;
cur += Fetch32(hdr);
streamEnd[i] = cur;
if(cur != source + sourceSize)
return sFALSE; // size doesn't make sense
// start decoding
for(sInt i=0;i<256;i++)
funcTable[i] = 0;
sBool nextIsFunc = sTRUE;
sU8 *destStart = dest;
sU8 *destEnd = destStart + destSize;
sU8 *start = dest;
sU32 memory = memStart + (dest - destStart);
sInt code = Fetch8(stream[ST_OP]);
if(code == JUMPTAB) // jump table escape
sInt count = Fetch8(stream[ST_JUMPTBL_COUNT]) + 1;
for(sInt i=0;i<count;i++)
sU32 target;
sInt ind = Fetch8(stream[ST_CALL_IDX]);
target = MoveToFront(funcTable,ind-1,funcTable[ind-1]);
target = Fetch32B(stream[ST_CALL32]);
if(nextIsFunc && code != OP_INT3)
nextIsFunc = sFALSE;
if(code == ESCAPE) // escape
sInt flags = 0;
sBool o16 = sFALSE;
if(code == OP_OSIZE) // operand size prefix
o16 = sTRUE;
code = Copy8(dest,stream[ST_OP]);
if(code == OP_RETNI || code == OP_RETN || code == OP_INT3) // return/padding
nextIsFunc = sTRUE; // next opcode is likely to be first of a new function
if(code == OP_2BYTE) // two-byte opcode, additional opcode byte follows
flags = Table2[Copy8(dest,stream[ST_OP2])];
flags = Table1[code];
assert(flags != fERR);
if(code == OP_CALLF || code == OP_JMPF || code == OP_ENTER)
// far call/jump have a *48-bit* immediate address. we deal with it here by copying the segment
// index manually and encoding the rest as a normal 32-bit direct address.
// similarly, enter has a word operand and a byte operand. again, we code the word here, and
// deal with the byte later during the normal flow.
if(flags & fMR)
sInt modrm = Copy8(dest,stream[ST_MODRM]);
sInt sib = 0;
if(flags == fMEXTRA)
flags = TableX[((modrm >> 3) & 7) | ((code & 0x01) << 3) | ((code & 0x08) << 1)];
if((modrm & 0x07) == 4 && modrm < 0xc0)
sib = Copy8(dest,stream[ST_SIB]);
if((modrm & 0xc0) == 0x40) // register+byte displacement
sInt st = (modrm & 0x07) + ST_DISP8_R0;
if((modrm & 0xc0) == 0x80 || (modrm & 0xc7) == 0x05 || (modrm < 0x40 && (sib & 0x07) == 0x05))
sInt st = (modrm & 0xc7) == 5 ? ST_ADDR32 : ST_DISP32;
if((flags & fMODE) == fAM)
switch(flags & fTYPE)
case fAD: Copy32Chk(ST_ADDR32); break;
case fDA: Copy32Chk(ST_AJUMP32); break;
case fBR: Copy8Chk(ST_JUMP8); break;
case fDR:
sU32 target;
if(code == OP_CALLN)
sInt ind = Fetch8(stream[ST_CALL_IDX]);
target = MoveToFront(funcTable,ind-1,funcTable[ind-1]);
target = Fetch32B(stream[ST_CALL32]);
target = Fetch32B(stream[ST_JUMP32]);
target -= (dest - start) + 4 + memory;
switch(flags & fTYPE)
case fBI: Copy8Chk(ST_IMM8); break;
case fWI: Copy16Chk(ST_IMM16); break;
case fDI:
return sTRUE;
* NOTE: function unused. Retained for future need.
#if 0
* Try to estimate if the given data block contains 32-bit x86 instructions
* especially of the call and jmp variety.
* Estimator is adapted from CSC 3.2 Analyzer (Fu Siyuan).
static int
is_x86_code(uchar_t *buf, int len)
uint32_t avgFreq, freq[256] = {0};
uint32_t freq0x80[2] = {0};
uint32_t ln = len;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (i = 0; i< 256; i++) {
freq0x80[i>>7] += freq[i];
avgFreq = ln>>8;
return (freq[0x8b] > avgFreq && freq[0x00] > avgFreq * 2 && freq[0xE8] > 6);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* E8 E9 Call/Jmp transform routines. Convert relative Call and Jmp addresses
* to absolute values to improve compression. A couple of tricks are employed:
* 1) Avoid transforming zero adresses or where adding the current offset to
* to the presumed address results in a zero result. This avoids a bunch of
* false positives.
* 2) Store transformed values in big-endian format. This improves compression.
Forward_E89(uint8_t *src, uint64_t sz)
uint32_t i;
uint32_t size, conversions;
if (sz > UINT32_MAX || sz < 25) {
return (-1);
size = sz;
i = 0;
conversions = 0;
while (i < size-4) {
if ((src[i] & 0xfe) == 0xe8 &&
(src[i+4] == 0 || src[i+4] == 0xff))
uint32_t off;
off = (src[i+1] | (src[i+2] << 8) | (src[i+3] << 16));
if (off > 0) {
off += i;
off &= 0xffffff;
if (off > 0) {
src[i+1] = (uint8_t)(off >> 16);
src[i+2] = (uint8_t)(off >> 8);
src[i+3] = (uint8_t)off;
if (conversions < 10)
return (-1);
return (0);
Inverse_E89(uint8_t *src, uint64_t sz)
uint32_t i;
uint32_t size;
if (sz > UINT32_MAX) {
return (-1);
size = sz;
i = size-5;;
while (i > 0) {
if ((src[i] & 0xfe) == 0xe8 &&
(src[i+4] == 0 || src[i+4] == 0xff))
uint32_t val;
val = (src[i+3] | (src[i+2] << 8) | (src[i+1] << 16));
if (val > 0) {
val -= i;
val &= 0xffffff;
if (val > 0) {
src[i+1] = (uint8_t)val;
src[i+2] = (uint8_t)(val >> 8);
src[i+3] = (uint8_t)(val >> 16);
return (0);
* NOTE: function unused. Retained for future need.
#if 0
* 32-bit x86 executable packer top-level routines. Detected x86 executable data
* are passed through these encoding routines. The data chunk is split into 32KB
* blocks and each block is separately Dispack-ed. The code tries to detect if
* a block contains valid x86 code by trying to estimate some instruction metrics.
dispack_encode(uchar_t *from, uint64_t fromlen, uchar_t *to, uint64_t *dstlen)
uchar_t *pos, *hdr, type, *pos_to, *to_last;
sU32 len;
double strt, en;
if (fromlen > UINT32_MAX)
return (-1);
if (fromlen < DISFILTER_BLOCK)
return (-1);
strt = get_wtime_millis();
pos = from;
len = (sU32)fromlen;
pos_to = to;
to_last = to + *dstlen;
while (len > 0) {
DisFilterCtx ctx(0, DISFILTER_BLOCK);
sU32 sz;
sU16 origsize;
sU32 out;
sU8 *rv;
sz = len;
hdr = pos_to;
type = 0;
origsize = sz;
type |= ORIGSIZE;
pos_to += EXTENDED_HDR;
U16_P(hdr + NORMAL_HDR) = LE16(origsize);
} else {
pos_to += NORMAL_HDR;
out = sz;
if (is_x86_code(pos, sz)) {
ctx.ResetCtx(0, sz);
rv = DisFilter(ctx, pos, sz, 0, pos_to, out);
} else {
rv = NULL;
if (rv != pos_to || sz == out) {
if (pos_to + origsize >= to_last) {
return (-1);
memcpy(pos_to, pos, origsize);
*hdr = type;
U16_P(hdr) = LE16(origsize);
pos_to += origsize;
} else {
sU16 csize;
if (pos_to + out >= to_last) {
return (-1);
*hdr = type;
csize = out;
U16_P(hdr) = LE16(csize);
pos_to += csize;
pos += sz;
len -= sz;
*dstlen = pos_to - to;
en = get_wtime_millis();
cerr << "Dispack: Processed at " << get_mb_s(fromlen, strt, en) << " MB/s" << endl;
if ((fromlen - *dstlen) < DIS_MIN_REDUCE) {
cerr << "Dispack: Failed, reduction too less" << endl;
return (-1);
cerr << "Dispack: srclen: " << fromlen << ", dstlen: " << *dstlen << endl;
return (0);
* This function retained for ability to decode older archives encoded using raw block
* dispack.
dispack_decode(uchar_t *from, uint64_t fromlen, uchar_t *to, uint64_t *dstlen)
uchar_t *pos, type, *pos_to, *to_last;
uint64_t len;
pos = from;
len = fromlen;
pos_to = to;
to_last = to + *dstlen;
while (len > 0) {
sU32 sz, cmpsz;
type = *pos++;
cmpsz = LE16(U16_P(pos));
pos += 2;
len -= 2;
if (type & ORIGSIZE) {
sz = LE16(U16_P(pos));
pos += 2;
len -= 2;
if (type & DISFILTERED) {
if (pos_to + sz > to_last) {
return (-1);
if (DisUnFilter(pos, cmpsz, pos_to, sz, 0) != sTRUE) {
return (-1);
pos += cmpsz;
pos_to += sz;
len -= cmpsz;
} else {
if (pos_to + cmpsz > to_last) {
return (-1);
memcpy(pos_to, pos, cmpsz);
* If E8E9 was applied on this block, apply the inverse transform.
* This only happens if this block was detected as x86 instruction
* stream and Dispack was tried but it failed.
pos += cmpsz;
pos_to += cmpsz;
len -= cmpsz;
*dstlen = pos_to - to;
return (0);
#ifdef __cplusplus