Added read and write capacity handling.

This stuff is weird because it's obvious how to adjust the LP, but
understanding what things mean intuitively is weird. I settled on the
new load being the inverse of the peak throughput possible. With default
load, we assume capacity at every node is 1.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Whittaker 2021-01-20 21:52:19 -08:00
parent 11fe478c2b
commit 1b84ec3134

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# TODO(mwhittaker): We can define a set of read quorums that are not minimal.
# Does this mess things up?
from typing import (Dict, Iterator, Generic, List, Optional, Set, Tuple,
TypeVar, Union)
import collections
@ -10,6 +13,9 @@ T = TypeVar('T')
class Expr(Generic[T]):
def nodes(self) -> Set['Node[T]']:
raise NotImplementedError
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
raise NotImplementedError
@ -27,15 +33,43 @@ class Expr(Generic[T]):
class Node(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self, x: T) -> None:
def __init__(self,
x: T,
capacity: Optional[float] = None,
read_capacity: Optional[float] = None,
write_capacity: Optional[float] = None) -> None:
self.x = x
# A user either specifies capacity or (read_capacity and
# write_capacity), but not both.
if (capacity is None and
read_capacity is None and
write_capacity is None):
self.read_capacity = 1.0
self.write_capacity = 1.0
elif (capacity is not None and
read_capacity is None and
write_capacity is None):
self.read_capacity = capacity
self.write_capacity = capacity
elif (capacity is None and
read_capacity is not None and
write_capacity is not None):
self.read_capacity = read_capacity
self.write_capacity = write_capacity
raise ValueError('You must specify capacity or (read_capacity '
'and write_capacity)')
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.x)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Node({self.x})'
def nodes(self) -> Set['Node[T]']:
return {self}
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
yield {self.x}
@ -45,6 +79,12 @@ class Node(Expr[T]):
def dual(self) -> Expr:
return self
def _read_capacities(self) -> Dict[T, float]:
return {self.x: self.read_capacity}
def _write_capacities(self) -> Dict[T, float]:
return {self.x: self.write_capacity}
class Or(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> None:
@ -59,6 +99,9 @@ class Or(Expr[T]):
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Or({})'
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in])
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for e in
yield from e.quorums()
@ -83,6 +126,9 @@ class And(Expr[T]):
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'And({})'
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in])
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for subquorums in itertools.product(*[e.quorums() for e in]):
yield set.union(*subquorums)
@ -108,6 +154,9 @@ class Choose(Expr[T]):
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Chose({self.k}, {})'
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in])
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for combo in itertools.combinations(, self.k):
for subquorums in itertools.product(*[e.quorums() for e in combo]):
@ -230,25 +279,34 @@ class QuorumSystem(Generic[T]):
def _load_optimal_strategy(self,
read_fraction: Dict[float, float]) -> \
# TODO(mwhittaker): Explain f_r calculation.
fr = sum(f * weight for (f, weight) in read_fraction.items())
reads = list(self.read_quorums())
writes = list(self.write_quorums())
read_load: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
read_weights: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
for (i, r) in enumerate(reads):
read_quorums = list(self.read_quorums())
write_quorums = list(self.write_quorums())
nodes = self.reads.nodes() | self.writes.nodes()
read_capacity = {node.x: node.read_capacity for node in nodes}
write_capacity = {node.x: node.write_capacity for node in nodes}
read_quorum_vars: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
x_to_read_quorum_vars: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = \
for (i, read_quorum) in enumerate(read_quorums):
v = pulp.LpVariable(f'r{i}', 0, 1)
for node in r:
for x in read_quorum:
write_load: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = collections.defaultdict(list)
write_weights: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
for (i, r) in enumerate(writes):
write_quorum_vars: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
x_to_write_quorum_vars: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = \
for (i, write_quorum) in enumerate(write_quorums):
v = pulp.LpVariable(f'w{i}', 0, 1)
for node in r:
for x in write_quorum:
# Form the linear program to find the load.
problem = pulp.LpProblem("load", pulp.LpMinimize)
@ -258,20 +316,25 @@ class QuorumSystem(Generic[T]):
# write probabilities.
l = pulp.LpVariable('l', 0, 1)
problem += l
problem += (sum(read_weights) == 1, 'valid read strategy')
problem += (sum(write_weights) == 1, 'valid write strategy')
for node in read_load.keys() | write_load.keys():
node_load: pulp.LpAffineExpression = 0
if node in read_load:
node_load += fr * sum(read_load[node])
if node in write_load:
node_load += (1 - fr) * sum(write_load[node])
problem += (node_load <= l, node)
problem += (sum(read_quorum_vars) == 1, 'valid read strategy')
problem += (sum(write_quorum_vars) == 1, 'valid write strategy')
for node in nodes:
x = node.x
x_load: pulp.LpAffineExpression = 0
if x in x_to_read_quorum_vars:
x_load += fr * sum(x_to_read_quorum_vars[x]) / read_capacity[x]
if x in x_to_write_quorum_vars:
x_load += ((1 - fr) * sum(x_to_write_quorum_vars[x]) /
problem += (x_load <= l, x)
# print(problem)
return ExplicitStrategy(reads, [v.varValue for v in read_weights],
writes, [v.varValue for v in write_weights])
return ExplicitStrategy(nodes,
[v.varValue for v in read_quorum_vars],
[v.varValue for v in write_quorum_vars])
# for v in read_weights + write_weights:
# print(f'{} = {v.varValue}')
# return l.varValue
@ -290,10 +353,14 @@ class Strategy(Generic[T]):
class ExplicitStrategy(Strategy[T]):
def __init__(self,
nodes: Set[Node[T]],
reads: List[Set[T]],
read_weights: List[float],
writes: List[Set[T]],
write_weights: List[float]) -> None:
self.nodes = nodes
self.read_capacity = {node.x: node.read_capacity for node in nodes}
self.write_capacity = {node.x: node.write_capacity for node in nodes}
self.reads = reads
self.read_weights = read_weights
self.writes = writes
@ -310,7 +377,8 @@ class ExplicitStrategy(Strategy[T]):
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f'ExplicitStrategy(reads={self.reads}, ' +
return (f'ExplicitStrategy(nodes={self.nodes}, '+
f'reads={self.reads}, ' +
f'read_weights={self.read_weights},' +
f'writes={self.writes}, ' +
@ -322,25 +390,28 @@ class ExplicitStrategy(Strategy[T]):
fr = sum(f * weight for (f, weight) in d.items())
read_load: Dict[T, float] = collections.defaultdict(float)
for (r, p) in zip(self.reads, self.read_weights):
for node in r:
read_load[node] += p
for (read_quorum, weight) in zip(self.reads, self.read_weights):
for x in read_quorum:
read_load[x] += weight
write_load: Dict[T, float] = collections.defaultdict(float)
for (w, p) in zip(self.writes, self.write_weights):
for node in w:
write_load[node] += p
for (write_quorum, weight) in zip(self.writes, self.write_weights):
for x in write_quorum:
write_load[x] += weight
node_loads: List[float] = []
for node in read_load.keys() | write_load.keys():
node_load = 0.0
if node in read_load:
node_load += fr * read_load[node]
if node in write_load:
node_load += (1 - fr) * write_load[node]
loads: List[float] = []
for node in self.nodes:
x = node.x
load = 0.0
if x in read_load:
load += fr * read_load[x] / self.read_capacity[x]
if x in write_load:
load += (1 - fr) * write_load[x] / self.write_capacity[x]
return max(node_loads)
return max(loads)
# TODO(mwhittaker): Add read/write load and capacity and read/write cap.
def get_read_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
return np.random.choice(self.reads, p=self.read_weights)
@ -349,30 +420,40 @@ class ExplicitStrategy(Strategy[T]):
return np.random.choice(self.writes, p=self.write_weights)
a = Node('a')
b = Node('b')
c = Node('c')
d = Node('d')
e = Node('e')
f = Node('f')
g = Node('g')
h = Node('h')
i = Node('i')
a = Node('a', write_capacity=200, read_capacity=400)
b = Node('b', write_capacity=100, read_capacity=200)
c = Node('c', write_capacity=50, read_capacity=100)
qs = QuorumSystem(reads = a*b + a*c)
sigma = qs.strategy(read_fraction=0.5)
print(1 / sigma.load(read_fraction=0.5))
# d = Node('d')
# e = Node('e')
# f = Node('f')
# g = Node('g')
# h = Node('h')
# i = Node('i')
# grid = QuorumSystem(reads=a*b*c + d*e*f + g*h*i)
# sigma = grid.strategy(0.1)
# print(grid)
# print(sigma)
wpaxos = QuorumSystem(reads=majority([majority([a, b, c]),
majority([d, e, f]),
majority([g, h, i])]))
sigma_1 = wpaxos.strategy(read_fraction=0.1)
sigma_5 = wpaxos.strategy(read_fraction=0.5)
sigma_9 = wpaxos.strategy(read_fraction=0.9)
sigma_even = wpaxos.strategy(read_fraction={0.1: 2, 0.5: 2, 0.9: 1})
for sigma in [sigma_1, sigma_5, sigma_9, sigma_even]:
frs = [0.1, 0.5, 0.9, {0.1: 2, 0.5: 2, 0.9: 1}]
print([sigma.load(fr) for fr in frs])
# wpaxos = QuorumSystem(reads=majority([majority([a, b, c]),
# majority([d, e, f]),
# majority([g, h, i])]))
# sigma_1 = wpaxos.strategy(read_fraction=0.1)
# sigma_5 = wpaxos.strategy(read_fraction=0.5)
# sigma_9 = wpaxos.strategy(read_fraction=0.9)
# sigma_even = wpaxos.strategy(read_fraction={0.1: 2, 0.5: 2, 0.9: 1})
# for sigma in [sigma_1, sigma_5, sigma_9, sigma_even]:
# frs = [0.1, 0.5, 0.9, {0.1: 2, 0.5: 2, 0.9: 1}]
# print([sigma.load(fr) for fr in frs])
# - num_quorums
# - has dups?