Split up code into separate modules.

This commit is contained in:
Michael Whittaker 2021-01-22 14:47:07 -08:00
parent 630effa405
commit 7f1a1a3934
7 changed files with 577 additions and 562 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from quorums.quorums import * from quorums import *
a = Node('a') a = Node('a')
b = Node('b') b = Node('b')

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from .expr import Node, choose, majority
from .quorum_system import QuorumSystem

quorums/distribution.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
Fraction = float
Weight = float
Probability = float
Distribution = Union[
# For example, 1 means 100% reads.
# For example, 0.25 means 25% reads.
# For example, {0.25: 1, 0.8: 2} means 25% reads one third of the time and
# 80% reads two thirds of the time.
Dict[Fraction, Weight],
def canonicalize(d: Distribution) -> Dict[Fraction, Probability]:
if isinstance(d, int):
if d < 0 or d > 1:
raise ValueError('distribution must be in the range [0, 1]')
return {float(d): 1.}
elif isinstance(d, float):
if d < 0 or d > 1:
raise ValueError('distribution must be in the range [0, 1]')
return {d: 1.}
elif isinstance(d, dict):
if len(d) == 0:
raise ValueError('distribution cannot empty')
if any(weight < 0 for weight in d.values()):
raise ValueError('distribution cannot have negative weights')
total_weight = sum(d.values())
if total_weight == 0:
raise ValueError('distribution cannot have zero weight')
return {float(f): weight / total_weight
for (f, weight) in d.items()
if weight > 0}
raise ValueError('distribution must be an int, a float, a Dict[float, '
'float] or a List[Tuple[float, float]]')
def canonicalize_rw(read_fraction: Optional[Distribution],
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution]) \
-> Dict[Fraction, Probability]:
if read_fraction is None and write_fraction is None:
raise ValueError('Either read_fraction or write_fraction must be given')
elif read_fraction is not None and write_fraction is not None:
raise ValueError('Only one of read_fraction or write_fraction can be '
elif read_fraction is not None:
return canonicalize(read_fraction)
assert write_fraction is not None
return {1 - f: weight
for (f, weight) in canonicalize(write_fraction).items()}

quorums/expr.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
from typing import Dict, Iterator, Generic, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar
import itertools
import pulp
T = TypeVar('T')
def _min_hitting_set(sets: Iterator[Set[T]]) -> int:
x_vars: Dict[T, pulp.LpVariable] = dict()
next_id = itertools.count()
problem = pulp.LpProblem("min_hitting_set", pulp.LpMinimize)
for (i, xs) in enumerate(sets):
for x in xs:
if x not in x_vars:
id = next(next_id)
x_vars[x] = pulp.LpVariable(f'x{id}', cat=pulp.LpBinary)
problem += sum(x_vars[x] for x in xs) >= 1
problem += sum(x_vars.values())
return int(sum(v.varValue for v in x_vars.values()))
class Expr(Generic[T]):
def __add__(self, rhs: 'Expr[T]') -> 'Expr[T]':
def _or(lhs: Expr[T], rhs: Expr[T]) -> 'Or[T]':
if isinstance(lhs, Or) and isinstance(rhs, Or):
return Or(lhs.es + rhs.es)
elif isinstance(lhs, Or):
return Or(lhs.es + [rhs])
elif isinstance(rhs, Or):
return Or([lhs] + rhs.es)
return Or([lhs, rhs])
return _or(self, rhs)
def __mul__(self, rhs: 'Expr[T]') -> 'Expr[T]':
def _and(lhs: Expr[T], rhs: Expr[T]) -> 'And[T]':
if isinstance(lhs, And) and isinstance(rhs, And):
return And(lhs.es + rhs.es)
elif isinstance(lhs, And):
return And(lhs.es + [rhs])
elif isinstance(rhs, And):
return And([lhs] + rhs.es)
return And([lhs, rhs])
return _and(self, rhs)
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
raise NotImplementedError
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
def elements(self) -> Set[T]:
return {node.x for node in self.nodes()}
def nodes(self) -> Set['Node[T]']:
raise NotImplementedError
def resilience(self) -> int:
if self.dup_free():
return self._dup_free_min_failures() - 1
return _min_hitting_set(self.quorums()) - 1
def dual(self) -> 'Expr[T]':
raise NotImplementedError
def dup_free(self) -> bool:
return len(self.nodes()) == self._num_leaves()
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
class Node(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self,
x: T,
capacity: Optional[float] = None,
read_capacity: Optional[float] = None,
write_capacity: Optional[float] = None) -> None:
self.x = x
# A user either specifies capacity or (read_capacity and
# write_capacity), but not both.
if (capacity is None and
read_capacity is None and
write_capacity is None):
self.read_capacity = 1.0
self.write_capacity = 1.0
elif (capacity is not None and
read_capacity is None and
write_capacity is None):
self.read_capacity = capacity
self.write_capacity = capacity
elif (capacity is None and
read_capacity is not None and
write_capacity is not None):
self.read_capacity = read_capacity
self.write_capacity = write_capacity
raise ValueError('You must specify capacity or (read_capacity '
'and write_capacity)')
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.x)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Node({self.x})'
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
yield {self.x}
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return self.x in xs
def nodes(self) -> Set['Node[T]']:
return {self}
def dual(self) -> Expr:
return self
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
return 1
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
return 1
class Or(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> None:
if len(es) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'Or cannot be constructed with an empty list')
self.es = es
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '(' + ' + '.join(str(e) for e in self.es) + ')'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Or({self.es})'
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for e in self.es:
yield from e.quorums()
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return any(e.is_quorum(xs) for e in self.es)
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in self.es])
def dual(self) -> Expr:
return And([e.dual() for e in self.es])
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
return sum(e._num_leaves() for e in self.es)
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
return sum(e._dup_free_min_failures() for e in self.es)
class And(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> None:
if len(es) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'And cannot be constructed with an empty list')
self.es = es
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '(' + ' * '.join(str(e) for e in self.es) + ')'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'And({self.es})'
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for subquorums in itertools.product(*[e.quorums() for e in self.es]):
yield set.union(*subquorums)
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return all(e.is_quorum(xs) for e in self.es)
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in self.es])
def dual(self) -> Expr:
return Or([e.dual() for e in self.es])
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
return sum(e._num_leaves() for e in self.es)
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
return min(e._dup_free_min_failures() for e in self.es)
class Choose(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self, k: int, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> None:
if k <= 0 or k > len(es):
raise ValueError(f'k must be in the range [1, {len(es)}]')
self.k = k
self.es = es
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'choose{self.k}(' + ', '.join(str(e) for e in self.es) + ')'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Chose({self.k}, {self.es})'
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for combo in itertools.combinations(self.es, self.k):
for subquorums in itertools.product(*[e.quorums() for e in combo]):
yield set.union(*subquorums)
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return sum(1 if e.is_quorum(xs) else 0 for e in self.es) >= self.k
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in self.es])
def dual(self) -> Expr:
# TODO(mwhittaker): Prove that this is in fact the dual.
return Choose(len(self.es) - self.k + 1, [e.dual() for e in self.es])
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
return sum(e._num_leaves() for e in self.es)
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
return sum(sorted(e._dup_free_min_failures() for e in self.es)[:self.k])
def choose(k: int, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> Expr[T]:
if k == 1:
return Or(es)
elif k == len(es):
return And(es)
return Choose(k, es)
def majority(es: List[Expr[T]]) -> Expr[T]:
return choose(len(es) // 2 + 1, es)

quorums/quorum_system.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
# TODO(mwhittaker): We can define a set of read quorums that are not minimal.
# Does this mess things up?
from . import distribution
from .distribution import Distribution
from .expr import Expr, Node
from .strategy import ExplicitStrategy, Strategy
from typing import Dict, Iterator, Generic, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar
import collections
import itertools
import pulp
T = TypeVar('T')
class QuorumSystem(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, reads: Optional[Expr[T]] = None,
writes: Optional[Expr[T]] = None) -> None:
if reads is not None and writes is not None:
# TODO(mwhittaker): Think of ways to make this more efficient.
assert all(len(r & w) > 0
for (r, w) in itertools.product(reads.quorums(),
self.reads = reads
self.writes = writes
elif reads is not None and writes is None:
self.reads = reads
self.writes = reads.dual()
elif reads is None and writes is not None:
self.reads = writes.dual()
self.writes = writes
raise ValueError('A QuorumSystem must be instantiated with a set '
'of read quorums or a set of write quorums')
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'QuorumSystem(reads={self.reads}, writes={self.writes})'
def read_quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
return self.reads.quorums()
def write_quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
return self.writes.quorums()
def is_read_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return self.reads.is_quorum(xs)
def is_write_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return self.writes.is_quorum(xs)
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return self.reads.nodes() | self.writes.nodes()
def resilience(self) -> int:
return min(self.read_resilience(), self.write_resilience())
def read_resilience(self) -> int:
return self.reads.resilience()
def write_resilience(self) -> int:
return self.writes.resilience()
def strategy(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
f: int = 0) \
-> 'Strategy[T]':
if f < 0:
raise ValueError('f must be >= 0')
d = distribution.canonicalize_rw(read_fraction, write_fraction)
if f == 0:
return self._load_optimal_strategy(
xs = [node.x for node in self.nodes()]
read_quorums = list(self._f_resilient_quorums(f, xs, self.reads))
write_quorums = list(self._f_resilient_quorums(f, xs, self.reads))
if len(read_quorums) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'There are no {f}-resilient read quorums')
if len(write_quorums) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'There are no {f}-resilient write quorums')
return self._load_optimal_strategy(read_quorums, write_quorums, d)
def dup_free(self) -> bool:
return self.reads.dup_free() and self.writes.dup_free()
def _f_resilient_quorums(self,
f: int,
xs: List[T],
e: Expr) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
assert f >= 1
def helper(s: Set[T], i: int) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
if all(e.is_quorum(s - set(failure))
for failure in itertools.combinations(s, min(f, len(s)))):
yield set(s)
for j in range(i, len(xs)):
yield from helper(s, j + 1)
return helper(set(), 0)
def load(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
f: int = 0) \
-> float:
sigma = self.strategy(read_fraction, write_fraction, f)
return sigma.load(read_fraction, write_fraction)
def _load_optimal_strategy(self,
read_quorums: List[Set[T]],
write_quorums: List[Set[T]],
read_fraction: Dict[float, float]) \
-> 'Strategy[T]':
# TODO(mwhittaker): Explain f_r calculation.
fr = sum(f * weight for (f, weight) in read_fraction.items())
nodes = self.reads.nodes() | self.writes.nodes()
read_capacity = {node.x: node.read_capacity for node in nodes}
write_capacity = {node.x: node.write_capacity for node in nodes}
read_quorum_vars: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
x_to_read_quorum_vars: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = \
for (i, read_quorum) in enumerate(read_quorums):
v = pulp.LpVariable(f'r{i}', 0, 1)
for x in read_quorum:
write_quorum_vars: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
x_to_write_quorum_vars: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = \
for (i, write_quorum) in enumerate(write_quorums):
v = pulp.LpVariable(f'w{i}', 0, 1)
for x in write_quorum:
# Form the linear program to find the load.
problem = pulp.LpProblem("load", pulp.LpMinimize)
# If we're trying to balance the strategy, then we want to minimize the
# pairwise absolute differences between the read probabilities and the
# write probabilities.
l = pulp.LpVariable('l', 0, 1)
problem += l
problem += (sum(read_quorum_vars) == 1, 'valid read strategy')
problem += (sum(write_quorum_vars) == 1, 'valid write strategy')
for node in nodes:
x = node.x
x_load: pulp.LpAffineExpression = 0
if x in x_to_read_quorum_vars:
x_load += fr * sum(x_to_read_quorum_vars[x]) / read_capacity[x]
if x in x_to_write_quorum_vars:
x_load += ((1 - fr) * sum(x_to_write_quorum_vars[x]) /
problem += (x_load <= l, x)
return ExplicitStrategy(nodes,
[v.varValue for v in read_quorum_vars],
[v.varValue for v in write_quorum_vars])

View file

@ -1,567 +1,6 @@
# TODO(mwhittaker): We can define a set of read quorums that are not minimal. # TODO(mwhittaker): We can define a set of read quorums that are not minimal.
# Does this mess things up? # Does this mess things up?
from typing import (Dict, Iterator, Generic, List, Optional, Set, Tuple,
TypeVar, Union)
import collections
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pulp
T = TypeVar('T')
def _min_hitting_set(sets: Iterator[Set[T]]) -> int:
x_vars: Dict[T, pulp.LpVariable] = dict()
next_id = itertools.count()
problem = pulp.LpProblem("min_hitting_set", pulp.LpMinimize)
for (i, xs) in enumerate(sets):
for x in xs:
if x not in x_vars:
id = next(next_id)
x_vars[x] = pulp.LpVariable(f'x{id}', cat=pulp.LpBinary)
problem += sum(x_vars[x] for x in xs) >= 1
problem += sum(x_vars.values())
return int(sum(v.varValue for v in x_vars.values()))
class Expr(Generic[T]):
def __add__(self, rhs: 'Expr[T]') -> 'Expr[T]':
return _or(self, rhs)
def __mul__(self, rhs: 'Expr[T]') -> 'Expr[T]':
return _and(self, rhs)
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
raise NotImplementedError
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
def elements(self) -> Set[T]:
return {node.x for node in self.nodes()}
def nodes(self) -> Set['Node[T]']:
raise NotImplementedError
def resilience(self) -> int:
if self.dup_free():
return self._dup_free_min_failures() - 1
return _min_hitting_set(self.quorums()) - 1
def dual(self) -> 'Expr[T]':
raise NotImplementedError
def dup_free(self) -> bool:
return len(self.nodes()) == self._num_leaves()
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError
class Node(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self,
x: T,
capacity: Optional[float] = None,
read_capacity: Optional[float] = None,
write_capacity: Optional[float] = None) -> None:
self.x = x
# A user either specifies capacity or (read_capacity and
# write_capacity), but not both.
if (capacity is None and
read_capacity is None and
write_capacity is None):
self.read_capacity = 1.0
self.write_capacity = 1.0
elif (capacity is not None and
read_capacity is None and
write_capacity is None):
self.read_capacity = capacity
self.write_capacity = capacity
elif (capacity is None and
read_capacity is not None and
write_capacity is not None):
self.read_capacity = read_capacity
self.write_capacity = write_capacity
raise ValueError('You must specify capacity or (read_capacity '
'and write_capacity)')
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.x)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Node({self.x})'
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
yield {self.x}
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return self.x in xs
def nodes(self) -> Set['Node[T]']:
return {self}
def dual(self) -> Expr:
return self
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
return 1
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
return 1
class Or(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> None:
if len(es) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'Or cannot be constructed with an empty list')
self.es = es
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '(' + ' + '.join(str(e) for e in self.es) + ')'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Or({self.es})'
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for e in self.es:
yield from e.quorums()
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return any(e.is_quorum(xs) for e in self.es)
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in self.es])
def dual(self) -> Expr:
return And([e.dual() for e in self.es])
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
return sum(e._num_leaves() for e in self.es)
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
return sum(e._dup_free_min_failures() for e in self.es)
class And(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> None:
if len(es) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'And cannot be constructed with an empty list')
self.es = es
def __str__(self) -> str:
return '(' + ' * '.join(str(e) for e in self.es) + ')'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'And({self.es})'
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for subquorums in itertools.product(*[e.quorums() for e in self.es]):
yield set.union(*subquorums)
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return all(e.is_quorum(xs) for e in self.es)
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in self.es])
def dual(self) -> Expr:
return Or([e.dual() for e in self.es])
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
return sum(e._num_leaves() for e in self.es)
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
return min(e._dup_free_min_failures() for e in self.es)
class Choose(Expr[T]):
def __init__(self, k: int, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> None:
if k <= 0 or k > len(es):
raise ValueError(f'k must be in the range [1, {len(es)}]')
self.k = k
self.es = es
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'choose{self.k}(' + ', '.join(str(e) for e in self.es) + ')'
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Chose({self.k}, {self.es})'
def quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
for combo in itertools.combinations(self.es, self.k):
for subquorums in itertools.product(*[e.quorums() for e in combo]):
yield set.union(*subquorums)
def is_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return sum(1 if e.is_quorum(xs) else 0 for e in self.es) >= self.k
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return set.union(*[e.nodes() for e in self.es])
def dual(self) -> Expr:
# TODO(mwhittaker): Prove that this is in fact the dual.
return Choose(len(self.es) - self.k + 1, [e.dual() for e in self.es])
def _num_leaves(self) -> int:
return sum(e._num_leaves() for e in self.es)
def _dup_free_min_failures(self) -> int:
return sum(sorted(e._dup_free_min_failures() for e in self.es)[:self.k])
def _and(lhs: Expr[T], rhs: Expr[T]) -> 'And[T]':
if isinstance(lhs, And) and isinstance(rhs, And):
return And(lhs.es + rhs.es)
elif isinstance(lhs, And):
return And(lhs.es + [rhs])
elif isinstance(rhs, And):
return And([lhs] + rhs.es)
return And([lhs, rhs])
def _or(lhs: Expr[T], rhs: Expr[T]) -> 'Or[T]':
if isinstance(lhs, Or) and isinstance(rhs, Or):
return Or(lhs.es + rhs.es)
elif isinstance(lhs, Or):
return Or(lhs.es + [rhs])
elif isinstance(rhs, Or):
return Or([lhs] + rhs.es)
return Or([lhs, rhs])
def choose(k: int, es: List[Expr[T]]) -> Expr[T]:
if k == 1:
return Or(es)
elif k == len(es):
return And(es)
return Choose(k, es)
def majority(es: List[Expr[T]]) -> Expr[T]:
return choose(len(es) // 2 + 1, es)
ReadFraction = float
ReadWriteFraction = float
Weight = float
Probability = float
Distribution = Union[
# For example, 1 means 100% reads.
# For example, 0.25 means 25% reads.
# For example, {0.25: 1, 0.8: 2} means 25% reads one third of the time and
# 80% reads two thirds of the time.
Dict[ReadWriteFraction, Weight],
def _canonicalize_distribution(d: Distribution) \
-> Dict[ReadWriteFraction, Probability]:
if isinstance(d, int):
if d < 0 or d > 1:
raise ValueError('distribution must be in the range [0, 1]')
return {float(d): 1.}
elif isinstance(d, float):
if d < 0 or d > 1:
raise ValueError('distribution must be in the range [0, 1]')
return {d: 1.}
elif isinstance(d, dict):
if len(d) == 0:
raise ValueError('distribution cannot empty')
if any(weight < 0 for weight in d.values()):
raise ValueError('distribution cannot have negative weights')
total_weight = sum(d.values())
if total_weight == 0:
raise ValueError('distribution cannot have zero weight')
return {float(f): weight / total_weight
for (f, weight) in d.items()
if weight > 0}
raise ValueError('distribution must be an int, a float, a Dict[float, '
'float] or a List[Tuple[float, float]]')
def _canonicalize_rw_distribution(read_fraction: Optional[Distribution],
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution]) \
-> Dict[ReadFraction, Probability]:
if read_fraction is None and write_fraction is None:
raise ValueError('Either read_fraction or write_fraction must be given')
elif read_fraction is not None and write_fraction is not None:
raise ValueError('Only one of read_fraction or write_fraction can be '
elif read_fraction is not None:
return _canonicalize_distribution(read_fraction)
assert write_fraction is not None
return {1 - f: weight
for (f, weight) in
class QuorumSystem(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, reads: Optional[Expr[T]] = None,
writes: Optional[Expr[T]] = None) -> None:
if reads is not None and writes is not None:
# TODO(mwhittaker): Think of ways to make this more efficient.
assert all(len(r & w) > 0
for (r, w) in itertools.product(reads.quorums(),
self.reads = reads
self.writes = writes
elif reads is not None and writes is None:
self.reads = reads
self.writes = reads.dual()
elif reads is None and writes is not None:
self.reads = writes.dual()
self.writes = writes
raise ValueError('A QuorumSystem must be instantiated with a set '
'of read quorums or a set of write quorums')
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'QuorumSystem(reads={self.reads}, writes={self.writes})'
def read_quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
return self.reads.quorums()
def write_quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
return self.writes.quorums()
def is_read_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return self.reads.is_quorum(xs)
def is_write_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return self.writes.is_quorum(xs)
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return self.reads.nodes() | self.writes.nodes()
def resilience(self) -> int:
return min(self.read_resilience(), self.write_resilience())
def read_resilience(self) -> int:
return self.reads.resilience()
def write_resilience(self) -> int:
return self.writes.resilience()
def strategy(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
f: int = 0) \
-> 'Strategy[T]':
if f < 0:
raise ValueError('f must be >= 0')
d = _canonicalize_rw_distribution(read_fraction, write_fraction)
if f == 0:
return self._load_optimal_strategy(
xs = [node.x for node in self.nodes()]
read_quorums = list(self._f_resilient_quorums(f, xs, self.reads))
write_quorums = list(self._f_resilient_quorums(f, xs, self.reads))
if len(read_quorums) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'There are no {f}-resilient read quorums')
if len(write_quorums) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'There are no {f}-resilient write quorums')
return self._load_optimal_strategy(read_quorums, write_quorums, d)
def dup_free(self) -> bool:
return self.reads.dup_free() and self.writes.dup_free()
def _f_resilient_quorums(self,
f: int,
xs: List[T],
e: Expr) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
assert f >= 1
def helper(s: Set[T], i: int) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
if all(e.is_quorum(s - set(failure))
for failure in itertools.combinations(s, min(f, len(s)))):
yield set(s)
for j in range(i, len(xs)):
yield from helper(s, j + 1)
return helper(set(), 0)
def load(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
f: int = 0) \
-> float:
sigma = self.strategy(read_fraction, write_fraction, f)
return sigma.load(read_fraction, write_fraction)
def _load_optimal_strategy(self,
read_quorums: List[Set[T]],
write_quorums: List[Set[T]],
read_fraction: Dict[float, float]) \
-> 'Strategy[T]':
# TODO(mwhittaker): Explain f_r calculation.
fr = sum(f * weight for (f, weight) in read_fraction.items())
nodes = self.reads.nodes() | self.writes.nodes()
read_capacity = {node.x: node.read_capacity for node in nodes}
write_capacity = {node.x: node.write_capacity for node in nodes}
read_quorum_vars: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
x_to_read_quorum_vars: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = \
for (i, read_quorum) in enumerate(read_quorums):
v = pulp.LpVariable(f'r{i}', 0, 1)
for x in read_quorum:
write_quorum_vars: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
x_to_write_quorum_vars: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = \
for (i, write_quorum) in enumerate(write_quorums):
v = pulp.LpVariable(f'w{i}', 0, 1)
for x in write_quorum:
# Form the linear program to find the load.
problem = pulp.LpProblem("load", pulp.LpMinimize)
# If we're trying to balance the strategy, then we want to minimize the
# pairwise absolute differences between the read probabilities and the
# write probabilities.
l = pulp.LpVariable('l', 0, 1)
problem += l
problem += (sum(read_quorum_vars) == 1, 'valid read strategy')
problem += (sum(write_quorum_vars) == 1, 'valid write strategy')
for node in nodes:
x = node.x
x_load: pulp.LpAffineExpression = 0
if x in x_to_read_quorum_vars:
x_load += fr * sum(x_to_read_quorum_vars[x]) / read_capacity[x]
if x in x_to_write_quorum_vars:
x_load += ((1 - fr) * sum(x_to_write_quorum_vars[x]) /
problem += (x_load <= l, x)
return ExplicitStrategy(nodes,
[v.varValue for v in read_quorum_vars],
[v.varValue for v in write_quorum_vars])
class Strategy(Generic[T]):
def load(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None) \
-> float:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_read_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_write_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
raise NotImplementedError
class ExplicitStrategy(Strategy[T]):
def __init__(self,
nodes: Set[Node[T]],
reads: List[Set[T]],
read_weights: List[float],
writes: List[Set[T]],
write_weights: List[float]) -> None:
self.nodes = nodes
self.read_capacity = {node.x: node.read_capacity for node in nodes}
self.write_capacity = {node.x: node.write_capacity for node in nodes}
self.reads = reads
self.read_weights = read_weights
self.writes = writes
self.write_weights = write_weights
def __str__(self) -> str:
non_zero_reads = {tuple(r): p
for (r, p) in zip(self.reads, self.read_weights)
if p > 0}
non_zero_writes = {tuple(w): p
for (w, p) in zip(self.writes, self.write_weights)
if p > 0}
return (f'ExplicitStrategy(reads={non_zero_reads}, ' +
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f'ExplicitStrategy(nodes={self.nodes}, '+
f'reads={self.reads}, ' +
f'read_weights={self.read_weights},' +
f'writes={self.writes}, ' +
def load(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None) \
-> float:
d = _canonicalize_rw_distribution(read_fraction, write_fraction)
fr = sum(f * weight for (f, weight) in d.items())
read_load: Dict[T, float] = collections.defaultdict(float)
for (read_quorum, weight) in zip(self.reads, self.read_weights):
for x in read_quorum:
read_load[x] += weight
write_load: Dict[T, float] = collections.defaultdict(float)
for (write_quorum, weight) in zip(self.writes, self.write_weights):
for x in write_quorum:
write_load[x] += weight
loads: List[float] = []
for node in self.nodes:
x = node.x
load = 0.0
if x in read_load:
load += fr * read_load[x] / self.read_capacity[x]
if x in write_load:
load += (1 - fr) * write_load[x] / self.write_capacity[x]
return max(loads)
# TODO(mwhittaker): Add read/write load and capacity and read/write cap.
def get_read_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
return np.random.choice(self.reads, p=self.read_weights)
def get_write_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
return np.random.choice(self.writes, p=self.write_weights)
# a = Node('a') # a = Node('a')

quorums/strategy.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
from . import distribution
from .distribution import Distribution
from .expr import Node
from typing import Dict, Generic, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar
import collections
import numpy as np
T = TypeVar('T')
class Strategy(Generic[T]):
def load(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None) \
-> float:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_read_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_write_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
raise NotImplementedError
class ExplicitStrategy(Strategy[T]):
def __init__(self,
nodes: Set[Node[T]],
reads: List[Set[T]],
read_weights: List[float],
writes: List[Set[T]],
write_weights: List[float]) -> None:
self.nodes = nodes
self.read_capacity = {node.x: node.read_capacity for node in nodes}
self.write_capacity = {node.x: node.write_capacity for node in nodes}
self.reads = reads
self.read_weights = read_weights
self.writes = writes
self.write_weights = write_weights
def __str__(self) -> str:
non_zero_reads = {tuple(r): p
for (r, p) in zip(self.reads, self.read_weights)
if p > 0}
non_zero_writes = {tuple(w): p
for (w, p) in zip(self.writes, self.write_weights)
if p > 0}
return (f'ExplicitStrategy(reads={non_zero_reads}, ' +
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (f'ExplicitStrategy(nodes={self.nodes}, '+
f'reads={self.reads}, ' +
f'read_weights={self.read_weights},' +
f'writes={self.writes}, ' +
def load(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None) \
-> float:
d = distribution.canonicalize_rw(read_fraction, write_fraction)
fr = sum(f * weight for (f, weight) in d.items())
read_load: Dict[T, float] = collections.defaultdict(float)
for (read_quorum, weight) in zip(self.reads, self.read_weights):
for x in read_quorum:
read_load[x] += weight
write_load: Dict[T, float] = collections.defaultdict(float)
for (write_quorum, weight) in zip(self.writes, self.write_weights):
for x in write_quorum:
write_load[x] += weight
loads: List[float] = []
for node in self.nodes:
x = node.x
load = 0.0
if x in read_load:
load += fr * read_load[x] / self.read_capacity[x]
if x in write_load:
load += (1 - fr) * write_load[x] / self.write_capacity[x]
return max(loads)
# TODO(mwhittaker): Add read/write load and capacity and read/write cap.
def get_read_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
return np.random.choice(self.reads, p=self.read_weights)
def get_write_quorum(self) -> Set[T]:
return np.random.choice(self.writes, p=self.write_weights)