from . import distribution from . import geometry from .distribution import Distribution from .expr import Node from .geometry import Point, Segment from .strategy import Strategy from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, TypeVar import collections import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np T = TypeVar('T') def plot_node_load(filename: str, strategy: Strategy[T], nodes: Optional[List[Node[T]]] = None, read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None, write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_node_load_on(ax, strategy, nodes, read_fraction, write_fraction) ax.set_xlabel('Node') ax.set_ylabel('Load') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(filename) def plot_node_load_on(ax: plt.Axes, strategy: Strategy[T], nodes: Optional[List[Node[T]]] = None, read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None, write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None): _plot_node_load_on(ax, strategy, nodes or list(strategy.nodes), scale=1, scale_by_node_capacity=True, read_fraction=read_fraction, write_fraction=write_fraction) def plot_node_utilization(filename: str, strategy: Strategy[T], nodes: Optional[List[Node[T]]] = None, read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None, write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_node_utilization_on(ax, strategy, nodes, read_fraction, write_fraction) ax.set_xlabel('Node') ax.set_ylabel('Utilization') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(filename) def plot_node_utilization_on(ax: plt.Axes, strategy: Strategy[T], nodes: Optional[List[Node[T]]] = None, read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None, write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None): _plot_node_load_on(ax, strategy, nodes or list(strategy.nodes), scale=strategy.capacity(read_fraction, write_fraction), scale_by_node_capacity=True, read_fraction=read_fraction, write_fraction=write_fraction) def plot_node_throughput(filename: str, strategy: Strategy[T], nodes: Optional[List[Node[T]]] = None, read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None, write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_node_throughput_on(ax, strategy, nodes, read_fraction, write_fraction) ax.set_xlabel('Node') ax.set_ylabel('Throughput') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(filename) def plot_node_throughput_on(ax: plt.Axes, strategy: Strategy[T], nodes: Optional[List[Node[T]]] = None, read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None, write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None): _plot_node_load_on(ax, strategy, nodes or list(strategy.nodes), scale=strategy.capacity(read_fraction, write_fraction), scale_by_node_capacity=False, read_fraction=read_fraction, write_fraction=write_fraction) def _plot_node_load_on(ax: plt.Axes, sigma: Strategy[T], nodes: List[Node[T]], scale: float, scale_by_node_capacity: bool, read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None, write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None): d = distribution.canonicalize_rw(read_fraction, write_fraction) x_list = [node.x for node in nodes] x_index = {x: i for (i, x) in enumerate(x_list)} x_ticks = list(range(len(x_list))) def one_hot(quorum: Set[T]) -> np.array: bar_heights = np.zeros(len(x_list)) for x in quorum: bar_heights[x_index[x]] = 1 return bar_heights def plot_quorums(quorums: List[Set[T]], weights: List[float], fraction: float, bottoms: np.array, capacities: np.array, cmap: matplotlib.colors.Colormap): for (i, (quorum, weight)) in enumerate(zip(quorums, weights)): bar_heights = scale * fraction * weight * one_hot(quorum) if scale_by_node_capacity: bar_heights /= capacities, bar_heights, bottom=bottoms, color=cmap(0.75 - i * 0.5 / len(quorums)), edgecolor='white', width=0.8) for j, (bar_height, bottom) in enumerate(zip(bar_heights, bottoms)): # TODO(mwhittaker): Fix the unhappy typechecker. text = ''.join(str(x) for x in sorted(list(quorum))) if bar_height != 0: ax.text(x_ticks[j], bottom + bar_height / 2, text, ha='center', va='center') bottoms += bar_heights fr = sum(weight * fr for (fr, weight) in d.items()) fw = 1 - fr read_capacities = np.array([node.read_capacity for node in nodes]) write_capacities = np.array([node.write_capacity for node in nodes]) bottoms = np.zeros(len(x_list)) plot_quorums(sigma.reads, sigma.read_weights, fr, bottoms, read_capacities,'Reds')) plot_quorums(sigma.writes, sigma.write_weights, fw, bottoms, write_capacities,'Blues')) ax.set_xticks(x_ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(str(x) for x in x_list) def plot_load_distribution(filename: str, strategy: Strategy[T], nodes: Optional[List[Node[T]]] = None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_load_distribution_on(ax, strategy, nodes) ax.set_xlabel('Read Fraction') ax.set_ylabel('Load') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(filename) def _group(segments: Dict[T, Segment]) -> Dict[Segment, List[T]]: groups: Dict[Segment, List[T]] = collections.defaultdict(list) for x, segment in segments.items(): matches = (s for s in groups if segment.approximately_equal(s)) groups[next(matches, segment)].append(x) return groups def plot_load_distribution_on(ax: plt.Axes, strategy: Strategy[T], nodes: Optional[List[Node[T]]] = None): nodes = nodes or list(strategy.nodes) # We want to plot every node's load distribution. Multiple nodes might # have the same load distribution, so we group the nodes by their # distribution. The grouping is a little annoying because two floats # might not be exactly equal but pretty close. groups = _group({ node.x: Segment( Point(0, strategy.node_load(node, read_fraction=0)), Point(1, strategy.node_load(node, read_fraction=1)) ) for node in nodes }) # Compute and plot the max of all segments. We plot the load first so that # it lies underneath the node loads. path = geometry.max_of_segments(list(groups.keys())) ax.plot([p[0] for p in path], [p[1] for p in path], label='load', linewidth=4) # We plot the node loads second so that they appear above the load. for segment, xs in groups.items(): ax.plot([segment.l.x, segment.r.x], [segment.l.y, segment.r.y], '--', label=','.join(str(x) for x in xs), linewidth=2, alpha=0.75)