\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage{pervasives} \begin{document} \begin{center} {\Large Quorum Systems} \today{} \end{center} {\input{sections/quorum_systems.tex}} {\input{sections/read_write_quorum_systems.tex}} {\input{sections/recursive_quorum_systems.tex}} \TODO[michael]{Prove that for every read-write quorum system, there exists a coterie with at least as good load.} \TODO[michael]{Prove that if P dominates Q, then P has equal or lower load.} \TODO[michael]{The above shows that the optimal load quorum system is a non-dominated coterie. Maybe this is useful? We can generate every NDC?} \TODO[michael]{Understand how domination relates to subsumption.} \TODO[michael]{Understand dual-major, dual-minor, and self-dual.} \TODO[michael]{Extend these notions to read-write quorums.} \TODO[michael]{Enumerate all read-write quorums on four nodes and see the ones we can and can't subsume.} \TODO[michael]{Prove that if I have the read quorums R, then the write quorums are bar(R).} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{references} \end{document}