135 lines
4.3 KiB
135 lines
4.3 KiB
from .distribution import Distribution
from .expr import choose, Expr, Node
from .quorum_system import (LATENCY, LOAD, NETWORK, NoStrategyFoundError,
QuorumSystem, Strategy)
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, TypeVar
import datetime
import itertools
T = TypeVar('T')
class NoQuorumSystemFoundError(ValueError):
def _partitionings(xs: List[T]) -> Iterator[List[List[T]]]:
_partitionings(xs) yields all possible partitionings of xs. For example,
_partitionings([1, 2, 3]) yields
[[1], [2], [3]]
[[1, 2], [3]]
[[1, 3], [2]]
[[2, 3], [1]]
[[1, 2, 3]]
if len(xs) == 0:
def helper(xs: List[T]) -> Iterator[List[List[T]]]:
if len(xs) == 0:
yield []
x = xs[0]
for partition in helper(xs[1:]):
yield [[x]] + partition
for i in range(len(partition)):
yield partition[:i] + [[x] + partition[i]] + partition[i+1:]
yield from helper(xs)
def _dup_free_exprs(nodes: List[Node[T]],
max_height: int = 0) -> Iterator[Expr[T]]:
_dup_free_exprs(nodes) yields all possible duplicate free expressions over
`nodes` with height at most `max_height`. If `max_height` is not positive,
there is no height limit. Note that an expression might be yielded more
than once.
assert len(nodes) > 0
if len(nodes) == 1:
yield nodes[0]
if max_height == 1:
for k in range(1, len(nodes) + 1):
yield choose(k, nodes) # type: ignore
for partitioning in _partitionings(nodes):
# We ignore the partitioning that includes every node in a single
# partition.
if len(partitioning) == 1:
subiterators = [_dup_free_exprs(p, max_height-1) for p in partitioning]
for subexprs in itertools.product(*subiterators):
for k in range(1, len(subexprs) + 1):
yield choose(k, list(subexprs))
def search(nodes: List[Node[T]],
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
optimize: str = LOAD,
resilience: int = 0,
load_limit: Optional[float] = None,
network_limit: Optional[float] = None,
latency_limit: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None,
f: int = 0,
timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=0)) \
-> QuorumSystem[T]:
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
def metric(sigma: Strategy[T]) -> float:
if optimize == LOAD:
return sigma.load(read_fraction, write_fraction)
elif optimize == NETWORK:
return sigma.network_load(read_fraction, write_fraction)
return sigma.latency(read_fraction, write_fraction).total_seconds()
opt_qs: Optional[QuorumSystem[T]] = None
opt_metric: Optional[float] = None
def do_search(exprs: Iterator[Expr[T]]) -> None:
nonlocal opt_qs
nonlocal opt_metric
for reads in exprs:
qs = QuorumSystem(reads=reads)
if qs.resilience() < resilience:
sigma = qs.strategy(optimize = optimize,
load_limit = load_limit,
network_limit = network_limit,
latency_limit = latency_limit,
read_fraction = read_fraction,
write_fraction = write_fraction,
f = f)
sigma_metric = metric(sigma)
if opt_metric is None or sigma_metric < opt_metric:
opt_qs = qs
opt_metric = sigma_metric
except NoStrategyFoundError:
if (timeout != datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) and
datetime.datetime.now() - start_time >= timeout):
do_search(_dup_free_exprs(nodes, max_height=2))
if opt_qs is None:
raise ValueError('no quorum system found')
return opt_qs