2021-01-14 11:32:00 -08:00

184 lines
7.2 KiB

% A pretty color palette taken from https://flatuicolors.com/palette/defo. To
% see a preview of the different colors, use the \showcolors command below.
\tikzstyle{swatch}=[minimum width=3cm, minimum height=0.5cm, y=0.5cm]
\node[swatch, fill=flatdarkgray] at (0, 9) {\texttt{flatdarkgray}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatgray] at (0, 8) {\texttt{flatgray}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatred] at (0, 7) {\texttt{flatred}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatorange] at (0, 6) {\texttt{flatorange}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatyellow] at (0, 5) {\texttt{flatyellow}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatdenim] at (0, 4) {\texttt{flatdenim}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatpurple] at (0, 3) {\texttt{flatpurple}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatblue] at (0, 2) {\texttt{flatblue}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatgreen] at (0, 1) {\texttt{flatgreen}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatcyan] at (0, 0) {\texttt{flatcyan}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatdarkgrayalt] at (3, 9) {\texttt{flatdarkgrayalt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatgrayalt] at (3, 8) {\texttt{flatgrayalt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatredalt] at (3, 7) {\texttt{flatredalt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatorangealt] at (3, 6) {\texttt{flatorangealt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatyellowalt] at (3, 5) {\texttt{flatyellowalt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatdenimalt] at (3, 4) {\texttt{flatdenimalt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatpurplealt] at (3, 3) {\texttt{flatpurplealt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatbluealt] at (3, 2) {\texttt{flatbluealt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatgreenalt] at (3, 1) {\texttt{flatgreenalt}};
\node[swatch, fill=flatcyanalt] at (3, 0) {\texttt{flatcyanalt}};
% New theorem environments.
% Toggleable TODOs.
% \togglefalse{showtodos}
\iftoggle{showtodos}{{\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{TODO(#1): #2}}}}{}%
% Toggleable notes.
% \togglefalse{shownotes}
\iftoggle{shownotes}{{\textcolor{red}{NOTE(#1): #2}}}{}%
% Labels and references. To label a figure use the \figlabel command, to label
% a lemma, use the \lemlabel command, etc. Similarly, use the \figref, lemref,
% etc. commands to reference these labels. For example:
% \begin{figure}
% % ...
% \caption{A nice figure}\figlabel{MyNiceFigure}
% \end{figure}
% Refer to \figref{MyNiceFigure} for a nice figure.
% Toggle showlabels to show or hide all labels.
% \toggletrue{showlabels}
% Surrounding symbols.
\DeclarePairedDelimiterX{\setst}[2]{\{}{\}}{#1 \,\delimsize|\, #2}
% Symbols and abbreviations.
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/74132
\newcommand{\defeq}{\stackrel{\mathclap{\mbox{\normalfont \tiny def}}}{=}}
% Misc.
% Tech report environment.
% If you're writing a paper and there's too much content, you might want to
% move some content out of the paper and into the technical report version of
% the paper. To do this, you can put the content in the techreport environment
% like this:
% This text will appear in the paper and tech report.
% \begin{techreport}
% This text will only appear in the tech report.
% \end{techreport}
% When the techreportenabled toggle is enabled, the tech report content will be
% shown. When the toggle is disabled, the tech report content will be hidden.
% Moreover, when the toggle is enabled, the tech report content will be shown
% with a red bar on its left margin to make it easier for readers to figure out
% what is new in the tech report.