Michael Whittaker 9aac3a7541 Added load plots.
I merged Strategy and ExplicitStrategy for now. I also pruned zero
probability quorums from the strategies. The load plots are cool. I want
to plot capacity plots now, though it's a little tricky.
2021-01-27 16:22:16 -08:00

267 lines
11 KiB

# TODO(mwhittaker): We can define a set of read quorums that are not minimal.
# Does this mess things up?
from . import distribution
from .distribution import Distribution
from .expr import Expr, Node
from .strategy import Strategy
from typing import Dict, Iterator, Generic, List, Optional, Set, TypeVar
import collections
import itertools
import pulp
T = TypeVar('T')
class QuorumSystem(Generic[T]):
def __init__(self, reads: Optional[Expr[T]] = None,
writes: Optional[Expr[T]] = None) -> None:
if reads is not None and writes is not None:
optimal_writes = reads.dual()
if not all(optimal_writes.is_quorum(write_quorum)
for write_quorum in writes.quorums()):
raise ValueError(
'Not all read quorums intersect all write quorums')
self.reads = reads
self.writes = writes
elif reads is not None and writes is None:
self.reads = reads
self.writes = reads.dual()
elif reads is None and writes is not None:
self.reads = writes.dual()
self.writes = writes
raise ValueError('A QuorumSystem must be instantiated with a set '
'of read quorums or a set of write quorums')
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'QuorumSystem(reads={self.reads}, writes={self.writes})'
def read_quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
return self.reads.quorums()
def write_quorums(self) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
return self.writes.quorums()
def is_read_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return self.reads.is_quorum(xs)
def is_write_quorum(self, xs: Set[T]) -> bool:
return self.writes.is_quorum(xs)
def nodes(self) -> Set[Node[T]]:
return self.reads.nodes() | self.writes.nodes()
def resilience(self) -> int:
return min(self.read_resilience(), self.write_resilience())
def read_resilience(self) -> int:
return self.reads.resilience()
def write_resilience(self) -> int:
return self.writes.resilience()
def strategy(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
f: int = 0) \
-> 'Strategy[T]':
if f < 0:
raise ValueError('f must be >= 0')
d = distribution.canonicalize_rw(read_fraction, write_fraction)
if f == 0:
return self._load_optimal_strategy(
xs = [node.x for node in self.nodes()]
read_quorums = list(self._f_resilient_quorums(f, xs, self.reads))
write_quorums = list(self._f_resilient_quorums(f, xs, self.reads))
if len(read_quorums) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'There are no {f}-resilient read quorums')
if len(write_quorums) == 0:
raise ValueError(f'There are no {f}-resilient write quorums')
return self._load_optimal_strategy(read_quorums, write_quorums, d)
def dup_free(self) -> bool:
return self.reads.dup_free() and self.writes.dup_free()
def _f_resilient_quorums(self,
f: int,
xs: List[T],
e: Expr) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
assert f >= 1
def helper(s: Set[T], i: int) -> Iterator[Set[T]]:
if all(e.is_quorum(s - set(failure))
for failure in itertools.combinations(s, min(f, len(s)))):
yield set(s)
for j in range(i, len(xs)):
yield from helper(s, j + 1)
return helper(set(), 0)
def load(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
f: int = 0) \
-> float:
sigma = self.strategy(read_fraction, write_fraction, f)
return sigma.load(read_fraction, write_fraction)
def capacity(self,
read_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
write_fraction: Optional[Distribution] = None,
f: int = 0) \
-> float:
return 1 / self.load(read_fraction, write_fraction, f)
def _load_optimal_strategy(self,
read_quorums: List[Set[T]],
write_quorums: List[Set[T]],
read_fraction: Dict[float, float]) \
-> 'Strategy[T]':
Consider the following 2x2 grid quorum system.
a b
c d
read_quorums = [{a, b}, {c, d}]
write_quorums = [{a, c}, {a, d}, {b, c}, {b, d}]
We can form a linear program to compute the optimal load of this quorum
system for some fixed read fraction fr as follows. First, we create a
variable ri for every read quorum i and a variable wi for every write
quorum i. ri represents the probabilty of selecting the ith read
quorum, and wi represents the probabilty of selecting the ith write
quorum. We introduce an additional variable l that represents the load
and solve the following linear program.
min L subject to
r0 + r1 + r2 = 1
w0 + w1 = 1
fr (r0) + (1 - fr) (w0 + w1) <= L # a's load
fr (r0) + (1 - fr) (w2 + w3) <= L # b's load
fr (r1) + (1 - fr) (w0 + w2) <= L # c's load
fr (r1) + (1 - fr) (w1 + w3) <= L # d's load
If we assume every element x has read capacity rcap_x and write
capacity wcap_x, then we adjust the linear program like this.
min L subject to
r0 + r1 + r2 = 1
w0 + w1 = 1
fr/rcap_a (r0) + (1 - fr)/wcap_a (w0 + w1) <= L # a's load
fr/rcap_b (r0) + (1 - fr)/wcap_b (w2 + w3) <= L # b's load
fr/rcap_c (r1) + (1 - fr)/wcap_c (w0 + w2) <= L # c's load
fr/rcap_d (r1) + (1 - fr)/wcap_d (w1 + w3) <= L # d's load
Assume we have fr = 0.9 with 80% probabilty and fr = 0.5 with 20%. Then
we adjust the linear program as follows to find the strategy that
minimzes the average load.
min 0.8 * L_0.9 + 0.2 * L_0.5 subject to
r0 + r1 + r2 = 1
w0 + w1 = 1
0.9/rcap_a (r0) + 0.1/wcap_a (w0 + w1) <= L_0.9 # a's load
0.9/rcap_b (r0) + 0.1/wcap_b (w2 + w3) <= L_0.9 # b's load
0.9/rcap_c (r1) + 0.1/wcap_c (w0 + w2) <= L_0.9 # c's load
0.9/rcap_d (r1) + 0.1/wcap_d (w1 + w3) <= L_0.9 # d's load
0.5/rcap_a (r0) + 0.5/wcap_a (w0 + w1) <= L_0.5 # a's load
0.5/rcap_b (r0) + 0.5/wcap_b (w2 + w3) <= L_0.5 # b's load
0.5/rcap_c (r1) + 0.5/wcap_c (w0 + w2) <= L_0.5 # c's load
0.5/rcap_d (r1) + 0.5/wcap_d (w1 + w3) <= L_0.5 # d's load
nodes = self.reads.nodes() | self.writes.nodes()
read_capacity = {node.x: node.read_capacity for node in nodes}
write_capacity = {node.x: node.write_capacity for node in nodes}
# Create a variable for every read quorum and every write quorum. While
# we do this, map each element x to the read and write quorums that
# it's in. For example, image we have the following read and write
# quorums:
# read_quorums = [{a}, {a, b}, {a, c}]
# write_quorums = [{a, b}, {a, b, c}]
# Then, we'd have
# read_quorum_vars = [r0, r1, 2]
# write_quorum_vars = [w0, w1]
# x_to_read_quorum_vars = {a: [r1, r2, r3], b: [r1], c: [r2]}
# x_to_write_quorum_vars = {a: [w1, w2], b: [w2, w2], c: [w2]}
read_quorum_vars: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
x_to_read_quorum_vars: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = \
for (i, read_quorum) in enumerate(read_quorums):
v = pulp.LpVariable(f'r{i}', 0, 1)
for x in read_quorum:
write_quorum_vars: List[pulp.LpVariable] = []
x_to_write_quorum_vars: Dict[T, List[pulp.LpVariable]] = \
for (i, write_quorum) in enumerate(write_quorums):
v = pulp.LpVariable(f'w{i}', 0, 1)
for x in write_quorum:
# Create a variable for every load.
load_vars = {fr: pulp.LpVariable(f'l_{fr}', 0, 1)
for fr in read_fraction.keys()}
# Form the linear program to find the load.
problem = pulp.LpProblem("load", pulp.LpMinimize)
# First, we add our objective.
problem += sum(weight * load_vars[fr]
for (fr, weight) in read_fraction.items())
# Next, we make sure that the probabilities we select form valid
# probabilty distributions.
problem += (sum(read_quorum_vars) == 1, 'valid read strategy')
problem += (sum(write_quorum_vars) == 1, 'valid write strategy')
# Finally, we add constraints for every value of fr.
for fr, weight in read_fraction.items():
for node in nodes:
x = node.x
x_load: pulp.LpAffineExpression = 0
if x in x_to_read_quorum_vars:
x_load += (fr * sum(x_to_read_quorum_vars[x]) /
if x in x_to_write_quorum_vars:
x_load += ((1 - fr) * sum(x_to_write_quorum_vars[x]) /
problem += (x_load <= load_vars[fr], f'{x}{fr}')
# Solve the linear program.
non_zero_read_quorums = [
(rq, v.varValue)
for (rq, v) in zip(read_quorums, read_quorum_vars)
if v.varValue != 0]
non_zero_write_quorums = [
(wq, v.varValue)
for (wq, v) in zip(write_quorums, write_quorum_vars)
if v.varValue != 0]
return Strategy(nodes,
[rq for (rq, _) in non_zero_read_quorums],
[weight for (_, weight) in non_zero_read_quorums],
[wq for (wq, _) in non_zero_write_quorums],
[weight for (_, weight) in non_zero_write_quorums])