This commit is contained in:
Gregory Burd 2024-05-26 21:37:16 -04:00
parent 1356b02303
commit ded941b5ee
3 changed files with 148 additions and 246 deletions

View file

@ -5,12 +5,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define DEBUG
/* Setting SKIPLIST_MAX_HEIGHT will do two things:
* 1) limit our max height across all instances of this data structure.
* 2) remove a heap allocation on frequently used paths, insert/remove/etc.
* so, use it when you need it.
// Include our monolithic ADT, the Skiplist!
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -20,8 +14,8 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define TEST_ARRAY_SIZE 10
#define VALIDATE
//define SNAPSHOTS
// define SNAPSHOTS
#define DOT
@ -181,7 +175,7 @@ SKIPLIST_DECL_VALIDATE(ex, api_, entries)
SKIPLIST_DECL_DOT(ex, api_, entries)
static void
sprintf_ex_node(ex_node_t *node, char *buf)
sprintf(buf, "%d:%s", node->key, node->value);
@ -189,51 +183,8 @@ sprintf_ex_node(ex_node_t *node, char *buf)
// Function for this demo application.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int __xorshift32_state = 0;
// Xorshift algorithm for PRNG
uint32_t x = __xorshift32_state;
if (x == 0)
x = 123456789;
x ^= x << 13;
x ^= x >> 17;
x ^= x << 5;
__xorshift32_state = x;
return x;
// Seed the PRNG
__xorshift32_state = 8675309;
__xorshift32_state = (unsigned int)time(NULL) ^ getpid();
static char *
to_lower(char *str)
char *p = str;
for (; *p; ++p)
*p = (char)(*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z' ? *p | 0x60 : *p);
return str;
static char *
to_upper(char *str)
char *p = str;
for (; *p; ++p)
*p = (char)(*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z' ? *p & ~0x20 : *p);
return str;
/* convert a number into the Roman numeral equivalent, allocates a string caller must free */
static char *
int_to_roman_numeral(int num)
@ -266,18 +217,11 @@ int_to_roman_numeral(int num)
return res;
shuffle(int *array, size_t n)
/* calculate the floor of the log base 2 of a number m (⌊log2(m)⌋) */
static int
floor_log2(unsigned int m)
if (n > 1) {
size_t i;
for (i = n - 1; i > 0; i--) {
size_t j = (unsigned int)(xorshift32() % (i + 1)); /* NOLINT(*-msc50-cpp) */
int t = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = t;
return (int)floor(log(m) / log(2));
@ -289,17 +233,25 @@ typedef struct {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* The head node's height is always 1 more than the tallest node, that location
is where we store the total hits, or "m". */
#define splay_list_m(m) list->slh_head->entries.sle_levels[list->slh_head->entries.sle_height].hits
int rc;
char *numeral;
#ifdef DOT
char msg[1024];
memset(msg, 0, 1024);
size_t n_snaps = 0;
snap_info_t snaps[TEST_ARRAY_SIZE * 2 + 1];
#ifdef DOT
of = fopen("/tmp/", "w");
if (!of) {
@ -314,162 +266,114 @@ main()
return ENOMEM;
rc = api_skip_init_ex(list);
list->slh_prng_state = 12;
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Set the PRNG state to a known constant for reproducible generation, easing debugging. */
list->slh_prng_state = 12;
#ifdef DOT
api_skip_dot_ex(of, list, gen++, "init", sprintf_ex_node);
if (api_skip_get_ex(list, 0) != NULL)
perror("found a non-existent item!");
api_skip_del_ex(list, 0);
/* Insert TEST_ARRAY_SIZE key/value pairs into the list. */
int i, j;
char *numeral;
#ifdef DOT
char msg[1024];
memset(msg, 0, 1024);
int amt = TEST_ARRAY_SIZE, asz = (amt * 2) + 1;
int array[(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE * 2) + 1];
for (j = 0, i = -amt; i <= amt; i++, j++)
array[j] = i;
shuffle(array, asz);
/* This example mirrors the example given in the paper about splay-lists
to test implementation against research. */
for (i = 0; i < asz; i++) {
/* Snapshot the first iteration, and then every 5th after that. */
if (i % 5 == 0) {
snaps[i].length = api_skip_length_ex(list);
snaps[i].key = array[i];
snaps[i].snap_id = api_skip_snapshot_ex(list);
numeral = to_lower(int_to_roman_numeral(array[i]));
rc = api_skip_put_ex(list, array[i], numeral);
for (int i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(i);
if ((rc = api_skip_put_ex(list, i, numeral)))
perror("put failed");
#ifdef DOT
sprintf(msg, "put key: %d value: %s", i, numeral);
api_skip_dot_ex(of, list, gen++, msg, sprintf_ex_node);
char *v = api_skip_get_ex(list, array[i]);
char *upper_numeral = calloc(1, strlen(v) + 1);
strncpy(upper_numeral, v, strlen(v));
assert(strncmp(v, upper_numeral, strlen(upper_numeral)) == 0);
api_skip_set_ex(list, array[i], upper_numeral);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-1);
api_skip_dup_ex(list, -1, numeral);
#ifdef DOT
sprintf(msg, "put dup key: %d value: %s", i, numeral);
api_skip_dot_ex(of, list, gen++, msg, sprintf_ex_node);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(1);
api_skip_dup_ex(list, 1, numeral);
#ifdef DOT
sprintf(msg, "put dup key: %d value: %s", i, numeral);
api_skip_dot_ex(of, list, gen++, msg, sprintf_ex_node);
api_skip_del_ex(list, 0);
if (api_skip_get_ex(list, 0) != NULL)
perror("found a deleted item!");
api_skip_del_ex(list, 0);
if (api_skip_get_ex(list, 0) != NULL)
perror("found a deleted item!");
int key = TEST_ARRAY_SIZE + 1;
api_skip_del_ex(list, key);
key = -(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE)-1;
api_skip_del_ex(list, key);
/* Now we're going to poke around the internals a bit to set things up.
This first time around we're going to build the list by hand, later
we'll ensure that we can build this shape using only API calls. */
ex_node_t *head = list->slh_head;
ex_node_t *tail = list->slh_tail;
ex_node_t *node_1 = head->entries.sle_levels[0].next;
ex_node_t *node_2 = node_1->entries.sle_levels[0].next;
ex_node_t *node_3 = node_2->entries.sle_levels[0].next;
ex_node_t *node_4 = node_3->entries.sle_levels[0].next;
ex_node_t *node_5 = node_4->entries.sle_levels[0].next;
ex_node_t *node_6 = node_5->entries.sle_levels[0].next;
// Head/Tail-nodes are height 3, ...
head->entries.sle_height = tail->entries.sle_height = 3;
// Head-node
head->entries.sle_levels[3].hits = 10;
head->entries.sle_levels[2].hits = 5;
head->entries.sle_levels[1].hits = 1;
head->entries.sle_levels[0].hits = 1;
head->entries.sle_levels[1].next = node_2;
head->entries.sle_levels[2].next = node_6;
head->entries.sle_levels[3].next = tail;
// Tail-node
tail->entries.sle_levels[3].hits = 0;
tail->entries.sle_levels[2].hits = 0;
tail->entries.sle_levels[1].hits = 0;
tail->entries.sle_levels[0].hits = 1;
tail->entries.sle_levels[1].next = tail;
tail->entries.sle_levels[2].next = tail;
tail->entries.sle_levels[3].next = tail;
// First node has key "1", height "0", hits(0) = 1
node_1->entries.sle_height = 0;
node_1->entries.sle_levels[0].hits = 1;
// Second node has key "2", height "1", hits(0) = 1, hits(1) = 0
node_2->entries.sle_height = 1;
node_2->entries.sle_levels[0].hits = 1;
node_2->entries.sle_levels[1].hits = 0;
node_2->entries.sle_levels[1].next = node_3;
// Third node has key "3", height "1", hits(0) = 1, hits(1) = 2
node_3->entries.sle_height = 1;
node_3->entries.sle_levels[0].hits = 1;
node_3->entries.sle_levels[1].hits = 2;
node_3->entries.sle_levels[1].next = node_6;
// Fourth node has key "4", height "0", hits(0) = 1
node_4->entries.sle_height = 0;
node_4->entries.sle_levels[0].hits = 1;
// Fifth node has key "5", height "0", hits(0) = 1
node_5->entries.sle_height = 0;
node_5->entries.sle_levels[0].hits = 1;
// Sixth node has key "6", height "2", hits(0) = 5, hits(1) = 0, hits(2) = 0
node_6->entries.sle_height = 2;
node_6->entries.sle_levels[0].hits = 5;
node_6->entries.sle_levels[1].hits = 0;
node_6->entries.sle_levels[2].hits = 0;
node_6->entries.sle_levels[1].next = tail;
node_6->entries.sle_levels[2].next = tail;
#ifdef DOT
sprintf(msg, "deleted key: %d, value: %s", 0, numeral);
sprintf(msg, "manually adjusted");
api_skip_dot_ex(of, list, gen++, msg, sprintf_ex_node);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE));
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GTE, -(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE)-1)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-2);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GTE, -2)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(1);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GTE, 0)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(2);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GTE, 2)->value, numeral) == 0);
assert(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GTE, (TEST_ARRAY_SIZE + 1)) == NULL);
printf("m = %ld\n", splay_list_m(list));
printf("(⌊log2(m)⌋) = %d\n", floor_log2(splay_list_m(list)));
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE));
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GT, -(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE)-1)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-1);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GT, -2)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(1);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GT, 0)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(2);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GT, 1)->value, numeral) == 0);
assert(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_GT, TEST_ARRAY_SIZE) == NULL);
assert(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LT, -(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE)) == NULL);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-2);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LT, -1)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-1);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LT, 0)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(1);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LT, 2)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LT, (TEST_ARRAY_SIZE + 1))->value, numeral) == 0);
assert(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LTE, -(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE)-1) == NULL);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-2);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LTE, -2)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(-1);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LTE, 0)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(2);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LTE, 2)->value, numeral) == 0);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(TEST_ARRAY_SIZE);
assert(strcmp(api_skip_pos_ex(list, SKIP_LTE, (TEST_ARRAY_SIZE + 1))->value, numeral) == 0);
// Walk backward by 2 and test snapshot restore.
for (i = n_snaps; i > 0; i -= 2) {
api_skip_restore_snapshot_ex(list, snaps[i].snap_id);
assert(api_skip_length_ex(list) == snaps[i].length);
numeral = int_to_roman_numeral(snaps[i].key);
assert(strncmp(api_skip_get_ex(list, snaps[i].key), numeral, strlen(numeral)) == 0);
if (!(rc = api_skip_contains_ex(list, 5)))
perror("missing element 5");
#ifdef DOT
sprintf(msg, "contains(5)");
api_skip_dot_ex(of, list, gen++, msg, sprintf_ex_node);
#ifdef DOT

View file

@ -5,12 +5,6 @@
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define DEBUG
/* Setting SKIPLIST_MAX_HEIGHT will do two things:
* 1) limit our max height across all instances of this data structure.
* 2) remove a heap allocation on frequently used paths, insert/remove/etc.
* so, use it when you need it.
// Include our monolithic ADT, the Skiplist!
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -181,7 +175,7 @@ SKIPLIST_DECL_VALIDATE(ex, api_, entries)
SKIPLIST_DECL_DOT(ex, api_, entries)
static void
sprintf_ex_node(ex_node_t *node, char *buf)
sprintf(buf, "%d:%s", node->key, node->value);
@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ sprintf_ex_node(ex_node_t *node, char *buf)
int __xorshift32_state = 0;
// Xorshift algorithm for PRNG
static uint32_t
uint32_t x = __xorshift32_state;
@ -205,7 +199,7 @@ xorshift32()
return x;
static void
// Seed the PRNG
@ -216,6 +210,7 @@ xorshift32_seed()
/* convert upper case characters to lower case */
static char *
to_lower(char *str)
@ -225,6 +220,7 @@ to_lower(char *str)
return str;
/* convert lower case characters to upper case */
static char *
to_upper(char *str)
@ -234,6 +230,7 @@ to_upper(char *str)
return str;
/* convert a number into the Roman numeral equivalent, allocates a string caller must free */
static char *
int_to_roman_numeral(int num)
@ -266,7 +263,8 @@ int_to_roman_numeral(int num)
return res;
/* shuffle an array of length n */
static void
shuffle(int *array, size_t n)
if (n > 1) {
@ -301,9 +299,9 @@ main()
#ifdef DOT
of = fopen("/tmp/", "w");
of = fopen("/tmp/", "w");
if (!of) {
perror("Failed to open file /tmp/");
perror("Failed to open file /tmp/");
return 1;
@ -314,10 +312,14 @@ main()
return ENOMEM;
rc = api_skip_init_ex(list);
list->slh_prng_state = 12;
if (rc)
return rc;
/* Set the PRNG state to a known constant for reproducible generation, easing debugging. */
list->slh_prng_state = 12;
#ifdef DOT
api_skip_dot_ex(of, list, gen++, "init", sprintf_ex_node);

View file

@ -205,10 +205,10 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
* Every Skiplist node has to hvae an additional section of data used to manage
* Every Skiplist node has to have an additional section of data used to manage
* nodes in the list. The rest of the datastructure is defined by the use case.
* This housekeeping portion is the SKIPLIST_ENTRY, see below. It maintains the
* array of forward pointers to nodes and has a height, this height is a a
* array of forward pointers to nodes and has a height, this height is a
* zero-based count of levels, so a height of `0` means one (1) level and a
* height of `4` means five (5) forward pointers (levels) in the node, [0-4).
@ -241,11 +241,14 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
#define __SKIP_ENTRIES_B2T_FROM(field, elm, off) for (size_t lvl = off; lvl <= elm->field.sle_height; lvl++)
#define __SKIP_IS_LAST_ENTRY_B2T() if (lvl + 1 == elm->field.sle_height)
/* Iterate over the subtree to the left (v, or 'lt') and right (u, or 'gt') or "CHu" and "CHv". */
/* Iterate over the left (v) subtree or right (u) subtree or "CHu" and "CHv". */
#define __SKIP_SUBTREE_CHv(decl, field, list, path, nth) \
for (decl##_node_t *elm = path[nth].node; elm->field.sle_levels[path[nth].in].next == path[nth].node; elm = elm->field.sle_prev)
#define __SKIP_SUBTREE_CHu(decl, field, list, path, nth) \
for (decl##_node_t *elm = path[nth].node; elm != path[nth].node->field.sle_levels[0].next; elm = elm->field.sle_levels[0].next)
#define __SKIP_SUBTREE_CHhx(decl, field, list, path, nth) \
for (decl##_node_t *elm = path[nth].node->field.sle_levels[path[nth].in].next->field.sle_prev; elm != path[nth].node->field.sle_prev; \
elm = elm->field.sle_prev)
* Skiplist declarations and access methods.
@ -639,8 +642,8 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
/* Total hits, `k`, across all nodes. */ \
m_total_hits = slist->slh_head->field.sle_levels[slist->slh_head->field.sle_height].hits; \
/* Height of the head node, should be close to floor(log(m_total_hits)). */ \
k_threshold = slist->slh_head->field.sle_height + 1; \
/* Height of the head node, should be equal to floor(log(m_total_hits)). */ \
k_threshold = slist->slh_head->field.sle_height; \
/* Moving backwards along the path... \
* - path[0] contains a match, if there was one \
@ -648,17 +651,19 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
* - path[len] is where the locate() terminated, just before path[0] \
* if there was a match \
*/ \
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) { \
i = 0; \
do { \
hits_CHu = hits_CHv = 0; \
if (path[i].node == slist->slh_head || path[i].node == slist->slh_tail) \
continue; \
__SKIP_SUBTREE_CHu(decl, field, slist, path, i) \
__SKIP_SUBTREE_CHhx(decl, field, slist, path, i) \
{ \
hits_CHu += elm->field.sle_levels[i].hits; \
hits_CHu += elm->field.sle_levels[0].hits; \
} \
__SKIP_SUBTREE_CHv(decl, field, slist, path, i) \
__SKIP_SUBTREE_CHhx(decl, field, slist, path, i + 1) \
{ \
hits_CHv += elm->field.sle_levels[i].hits; \
hits_CHv += elm->field.sle_levels[0].hits; \
} \
u_hits = hits_CHu + hits_CHv; \
@ -710,7 +715,7 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
if (path[i - 1].in != 0) \
path[i - 1].node->field.sle_levels[path[i - 1].in].next->field.sle_levels[path[i - 1].in].next = path[i].node; \
} \
} \
} while (i++ < len); \
} \
/** \
@ -743,7 +748,8 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
path[i + 1].pu += elm->field.sle_levels[path[i + 1].in].hits; \
} \
path[i + 1].node = elm; \
path[i + 1].node->field.sle_levels[path[i + 1].in].hits++; \
if (path[i + 1].in > 0) \
path[i + 1].node->field.sle_levels[path[i + 1].in].hits++; \
len++; \
} while (i--); \
elm = elm->field.sle_levels[0].next; \
@ -776,16 +782,6 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
memset(path, 0, sizeof(__skiplist_path_##decl##_t) * SKIPLIST_MAX_HEIGHT + 1); \
/* First element in path should be NULL, rest should start pointing at tail. */ \
path[0].node = NULL; \
path[0].in = 0; \
path[0].pu = 0; \
for (i = 1; i < slist->slh_head->entries.sle_height + 1; i++) { \
path[i].node = slist->slh_tail; \
path[i].in = 0; \
path[i].pu = 0; \
} \
/* Find a `path` to `new` in the list and a match (`path[0]`) if it exists. */ \
len = __skip_locate_##decl(slist, new, path); \
node = path[0].node; \
@ -1074,7 +1070,7 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
if (np > 0) \
return np; \
/* Increase the the list's era/age. */ \
/* Increase the list's era/age. */ \
slist->slh_snap.cur_era++; \
} \
@ -1116,7 +1112,7 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
if (np > 0) \
return np; \
/* Increase the the list's era/age. */ \
/* Increase the list's era/age. */ \
slist->slh_snap.cur_era++; \
} \
/* We found it, set the next->prev to the node->prev keeping in mind \
@ -1129,8 +1125,8 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
break; \
/* ... adjust the next pointer at that level. */ \
path[i + 1].node->field.sle_levels[i].next = node->field.sle_levels[i].next; \
/* Adjust the height so we're only pointing at the tail once at \
the top so we don't waste steps later when searching. */ \
/* Adjust the height such that we're only pointing at the tail once at \
the top that way we don't waste steps later when searching. */ \
if (path[i + 1].node->field.sle_levels[i].next == slist->slh_tail) { \
height = path[i + 1].node->field.sle_height; \
path[i + 1].node->field.sle_height = height - 1; \
@ -1843,7 +1839,6 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
static void __skip_dot_node_##decl(FILE *os, decl##_t *slist, decl##_node_t *node, size_t nsg, skip_sprintf_node_##decl##_t fn) \
{ \
char buf[2048]; \
size_t width; \
decl##_node_t *next; \
__skip_dot_write_node_##decl(os, nsg, node); \
@ -1852,8 +1847,9 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
__SKIP_ENTRIES_T2B(field, node) \
{ \
next = (node->field.sle_levels[lvl].next == slist->slh_tail) ? NULL : node->field.sle_levels[lvl].next; \
width = __skip_dot_width_##decl(slist, node, next ? next : slist->slh_tail); \
fprintf(os, " { <w%lu> %lu | <f%lu> ", lvl, width, lvl); \
(void)__skip_dot_width_##decl; \
/* size_t width = __skip_dot_width_##decl(slist, node, next ? next : slist->slh_tail); */ \
fprintf(os, " { <w%lu> %lu | <f%lu> ", lvl, node->field.sle_levels[lvl].hits, lvl); \
if (next) \
fprintf(os, "%p } |", (void *)next); \
else \
@ -1862,7 +1858,7 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
} \
if (fn) { \
fn(node, buf); \
fprintf(os, " <f0> \u219F %lu \u226B %s \"\n", node->field.sle_height + 1, buf); \
fprintf(os, " <f0> \u219F %lu \u226B %s \"\n", node->field.sle_height, buf); \
} else { \
fprintf(os, " <f0> \u219F %lu \"\n", node->field.sle_height); \
} \
@ -1927,7 +1923,7 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
int prefix##skip_dot_##decl(FILE *os, decl##_t *slist, size_t nsg, char *msg, skip_sprintf_node_##decl##_t fn) \
{ \
int letitgo = 0; \
size_t width, i; \
size_t i; \
decl##_node_t *node, *next; \
if (slist == NULL || fn == NULL) \
@ -1961,8 +1957,8 @@ void __attribute__((format(printf, 4, 5))) __skip_diag_(const char *file, int li
__SKIP_ENTRIES_T2B(field, node) \
{ \
next = (node->field.sle_levels[lvl].next == slist->slh_tail) ? NULL : node->field.sle_levels[lvl].next; \
width = __skip_dot_width_##decl(slist, node, next ? next : slist->slh_tail); \
fprintf(os, "{ %lu | <f%lu> ", width, lvl); \
/* size_t width = __skip_dot_width_##decl(slist, node, next ? next : slist->slh_tail); */ \
fprintf(os, "{ %lu | <f%lu> ", node->field.sle_levels[lvl].hits, lvl); \
if (next) \
fprintf(os, "%p }", (void *)next); \
else \