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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
sub getConfig {
my $basename = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $value = `grep ^$key: $basename.def`;
$value =~ s/^$key\:\s+//;
chomp $value;
return $value
my $dataSeries = shift @ARGV;
my @tok = split /\-/, $dataSeries;
my $usage = "Usage $0 GRAPH_NAME-SERIES_NAME\n";
@tok == 2 || die $usage;
#(-r $tok[0]) || (-r $tok[0]) || die ("Couldn't open ."$tok[0]."\n");
my $seriesLine = `grep Data-Series\: $tok[0].def | grep '$tok[1] '`
|| die "No Data-Series entry\n";
$seriesLine =~ /^\S+\:\s+(\S+)\s+(.+)$/ || die "Bad data series line\n ($seriesLine)\n";
my $seriesName = $1;
my $command = $2;
## Change command so that the first token ends in .exe, and starts
## with ./ (ie: "foo bar" -> "./foo.exe bar")
$command =~ s/^(\S+)(.+)$/.\/$1.exe$2/;
my $range = getConfig($tok[0], "X-Range");
defined($range) || die "No X-Range entry";
warn "-------- GENERATE GRAPH DATA ----------\n";
#warn "Series line:\t$seriesLine\rRange:$range";
my @a = eval "(".$range.")";
if(-e "$") {
my $i = 0;
while(-e "$dataSeries.$") {
`mv $ $dataSeries.$`;
foreach my $x (@a) {
# The eval lets the $x in command be expanded.
eval "print \"echo $command | ../timer >> $\n\";";
eval "`echo $command | ../timer >> $`";
warn "----- END GENERATE GRAPH DATA ---------\n";