2010-09-20 16:09:44 +00:00
require 'ffi'
module Stasis
class Raw
extend FFI::Library
## Stasis typedefs
typedef :uchar, :byte
typedef :int, :xid
typedef :int64, :lsn
typedef :int64, :pageid
typedef :int32, :slotid
typedef :int16, :pageoff
typedef :int16, :pagetype
typedef :pointer, :iterator
typedef :pointer, :bytes
# Not a managed struct, won't be GC'ed
class RecordId < FFI::Struct
layout :page, :pageid,
:slot, :slotid,
2010-10-19 23:11:20 +00:00
:size, :int64
2010-09-20 16:09:44 +00:00
Stasis::ROOT_RID = RecordId.new
Stasis::ROOT_RID[:page] = 1
Stasis::ROOT_RID[:slot] = 0
Stasis::ROOT_RID[:size] = -1
Stasis::NULLRID = RecordId.new
Stasis::NULLRID[:page] = 0
Stasis::NULLRID[:slot] = 0
Stasis::NULLRID[:size] = -1
typedef RecordId.by_value, :recordid
## Functions exported by libstasis.so
ffi_lib "stasis"
attach_function 'Tinit', [ ], :int
attach_function 'Tdeinit', [ ], :int
attach_function 'Tbegin', [ ], :xid
attach_function 'Tcommit', [ :xid ], :int
attach_function 'TsoftCommit', [ :xid ], :int
attach_function 'TforceCommits', [ ], :void
attach_function 'Tabort', [ :xid ], :int
attach_function 'Tprepare', [ :xid ], :int
attach_function 'Talloc', [ :xid, :int ], :recordid
attach_function 'TrecordType', [ :xid, :recordid ], :int
attach_function 'TrecordSize', [ :xid, :recordid ], :int
attach_function 'Tset', [ :xid, :recordid, :bytes ], :int
# the string is an out parameter
attach_function 'Tread', [ :xid, :recordid, :bytes ], :int
# The second two parameters should be -1.
attach_function 'ThashCreate', [ :xid, :int, :int ], :recordid
attach_function 'ThashInsert', [ :xid, :recordid,
:bytes, :int,
:bytes, :int ], :int
attach_function 'ThashRemove', [ :xid, :recordid,
:bytes, :int ], :int
## Note: The pointer is an OUT param
attach_function 'ThashLookup', [ :xid, :recordid,
:bytes, :int, :pointer ], :int
attach_function 'ThashGenericIterator', [ :xid, :recordid ], :iterator
attach_function 'Titerator_next', [:xid, :iterator], :int
## Note: The pointer is an OUT param
attach_function 'Titerator_key', [:xid, :iterator, :pointer], :int
## Note: The pointer is an OUT param
attach_function 'Titerator_value', [:xid, :iterator, :pointer], :int
attach_function 'Titerator_tupleDone', [:xid, :iterator ], :void
attach_function 'Titerator_close', [:xid, :iterator], :void