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2005-03-02 05:47:38 +00:00
#include <config.h>
#include <stasis/common.h>
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
#include "../page.h"
#include <stasis/operations/pageOperations.h>
#include <stasis/operations/arrayList.h>
#include <stasis/transactional.h>
#include <stasis/bufferManager.h>
#include <assert.h>
2005-03-02 05:47:38 +00:00
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
#include <math.h>
2005-03-02 05:47:38 +00:00
Implement resizable arrays, just like java's ArrayList class.
Essentially, the base page contains a fixed size array of rids
pointing at contiguous blocks of pages. Each block is twice as
big as the previous block.
The base block is of type FIXED_PAGE, of int's. The first few slots are reserved:
typedef struct {
int firstPage;
int initialSize;
int multiplier;
int size;
int maxOffset;
} TarrayListParameters;
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
static TarrayListParameters pageToTLP(int xid, Page * p);
static int getBlockContainingOffset(TarrayListParameters tlp, int offset, int * firstSlotInBlock);
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
2005-02-22 03:10:54 +00:00
compensated_function recordid TarrayListAlloc(int xid, int count, int multiplier, int size) {
int firstPage;
try_ret(NULLRID) {
firstPage = TpageAllocMany(xid, count+1);
} end_ret(NULLRID);
TarrayListParameters tlp;
tlp.firstPage = firstPage;
tlp.initialSize = count;
tlp.multiplier = multiplier;
tlp.size = size;
tlp.maxOffset = 0;
recordid rid; = firstPage;
rid.size = size;
rid.slot = 0;
2005-02-22 03:10:54 +00:00
try_ret(NULLRID) {
Tupdate(xid, rid, &tlp, OPERATION_ARRAY_LIST_ALLOC);
} end_ret(NULLRID);
return rid;
static int operateAlloc(int xid, Page * p, lsn_t lsn, recordid rid, const void * dat) {
const TarrayListParameters * tlp = dat;
int firstPage = tlp->firstPage;
int count = tlp->initialSize;
int multiplier = tlp->multiplier;
int size = tlp->size;
/* Allocing this page -> implicit lock, but latch to conformt to
fixedPage's interface. */
writelock(p->rwlatch, 0);
stasis_fixed_initialize_page(p, sizeof(int), stasis_fixed_records_per_page(sizeof(int)));
recordid countRid, multiplierRid, slotSizeRid, maxOffset, firstDataPageRid; = = = = = p->id;
countRid.size = multiplierRid.size = slotSizeRid.size = maxOffset.size = firstDataPageRid.size = sizeof(int);
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
countRid.slot = 0;
multiplierRid.slot = 1;
slotSizeRid.slot = 2;
maxOffset.slot = 3;
firstDataPageRid.slot = 4;
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
int firstDataPage = firstPage + 1;
(*(int*)stasis_record_write_begin(xid, p, countRid))= count;
(*(int*)stasis_record_write_begin(xid, p, multiplierRid))= multiplier;
(*(int*)stasis_record_write_begin(xid, p, firstDataPageRid))= firstDataPage;
(*(int*)stasis_record_write_begin(xid, p, slotSizeRid))= size;
(*(int*)stasis_record_write_begin(xid, p, maxOffset))= -1;
*stasis_page_type_ptr(p) = ARRAY_LIST_PAGE;
stasis_page_lsn_write(xid, p, lsn);
recordid ret; = firstPage;
ret.slot = 0; /* slot = # of slots in array... */
ret.size = size;
return 0;
Operation getArrayListAlloc() {
Operation o = {
OPERATION_NOOP, /* Since TpageAllocMany will be undone, the page we touch will be nuked anyway, so set this to NO-OP. */
return o;
/** @todo locking for arrayList... this isn't pressing since currently
the only thing that calls arraylist (the hashtable
2005-03-02 05:47:38 +00:00
implementations) serialize bucket list operations anyway...
@todo this function calls pow(), which is horribly inefficient.
static compensated_function int TarrayListExtendInternal(int xid, recordid rid, int slots, int op) {
2005-02-22 03:10:54 +00:00
Page * p;
try_ret(compensation_error()) {
p = loadPage(xid,;
} end_ret(compensation_error());
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
readlock(p->rwlatch, 0);
TarrayListParameters tlp = pageToTLP(xid, p);
p = NULL;
int lastCurrentBlock;
if(tlp.maxOffset == -1) {
lastCurrentBlock = -1;
} else{
lastCurrentBlock = getBlockContainingOffset(tlp, tlp.maxOffset, NULL);
int lastNewBlock = getBlockContainingOffset(tlp, tlp.maxOffset+slots, NULL);
DEBUG("lastCurrentBlock = %d, lastNewBlock = %d\n", lastCurrentBlock, lastNewBlock);
recordid tmp; /* recordid of slot in base page that holds new block. */ =;
tmp.size = sizeof(int);
recordid tmp2; /* recordid of newly created pages. */
tmp2.slot = 0;
tmp2.size = tlp.size;
/* Iterate over the (small number) of indirection blocks that need to be updated */
try_ret(compensation_error()) {
for(int i = lastCurrentBlock+1; i <= lastNewBlock; i++) {
/* Alloc block i */
2005-03-02 05:47:38 +00:00
int blockSize = tlp.initialSize * pow(tlp.multiplier, i);
int newFirstPage = TpageAllocMany(xid, blockSize);
DEBUG("block %d\n", i);
/* We used to call OPERATION_INITIALIZE_FIXED_PAGE on each page in current indirection block. */
tmp.slot = i + FIRST_DATA_PAGE_OFFSET;
/* Iterate over the (large number) of new blocks, clearing their contents */
/* @todo XXX arraylist generates N log entries initing pages.
It should generate 1 entry. (Need better LSN handling first.)*/
recordid newpage;
newpage.slot = 0;
newpage.size = tlp.size;
for(int i = newFirstPage; i < newFirstPage + blockSize; i++) { = i;
TupdateRaw(xid, newpage, 0, OPERATION_FIXED_PAGE_ALLOC);
TupdateRaw(xid, tmp, &newFirstPage, op);
DEBUG("Tset: {%d, %d, %d} = %d\n",, tmp.slot, tmp.size, newFirstPage);
int newMaxOffset = tlp.maxOffset+slots;
TupdateRaw(xid, tmp, &newMaxOffset, op);
} end_ret(compensation_error());
return 0;
compensated_function int TarrayListInstantExtend(int xid, recordid rid, int slots) {
return TarrayListExtendInternal(xid, rid, slots, OPERATION_INSTANT_SET);
compensated_function int TarrayListExtend(int xid, recordid rid, int slots) {
return TarrayListExtendInternal(xid, rid, slots, OPERATION_SET);
compensated_function int TarrayListLength(int xid, recordid rid) {
Page * p = loadPage(xid,;
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
readlock(p->rwlatch, 0);
TarrayListParameters tlp = pageToTLP(xid, p);
return tlp.maxOffset+1;
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
@todo XXX latching for dereference arraylist rid (and other dereference functions...)
recordid dereferenceArrayListRid(int xid, Page * p, int offset) {
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
TarrayListParameters tlp = pageToTLP(xid, p);
int rec_per_page = stasis_fixed_records_per_page((size_t)tlp.size);
int lastHigh = 0;
int pageRidSlot = 0; /* The slot on the root arrayList page that contains the first page of the block of interest */
assert(tlp.maxOffset >= offset);
pageRidSlot = getBlockContainingOffset(tlp, offset, &lastHigh);
int dataSlot = offset - lastHigh; /* The offset in the block of interest of the slot we want. */
int blockPage = dataSlot / rec_per_page; /* The page in the block of interest that contains the slot we want */
int blockSlot = dataSlot - blockPage * rec_per_page;
int thePage;
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
recordid rid = { p->id, pageRidSlot + FIRST_DATA_PAGE_OFFSET, sizeof(int) };
thePage = *(int*)stasis_record_read_begin(xid,p,rid);
unlock(p->rwlatch); = thePage + blockPage;
rid.slot = blockSlot;
rid.size = tlp.size;
return rid;
static int getBlockContainingOffset(TarrayListParameters tlp, int offset, int * firstSlotInBlock) {
int rec_per_page = stasis_fixed_records_per_page((size_t)tlp.size);
long thisHigh = rec_per_page * tlp.initialSize;
int lastHigh = 0;
int pageRidSlot = 0;
int currentPageLength = tlp.initialSize;
while(((long)offset) >= thisHigh) {
pageRidSlot ++;
lastHigh = thisHigh;
currentPageLength *= tlp.multiplier;
thisHigh += rec_per_page * currentPageLength;
if(firstSlotInBlock) {
*firstSlotInBlock = lastHigh;
return pageRidSlot;
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
static TarrayListParameters pageToTLP(int xid, Page * p) {
TarrayListParameters tlp;
tlp.firstPage = p->id;
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
/* tlp.maxOffset = *(int*)fixed_record_ptr(p, 3); */
recordid rid = { p->id, 0, sizeof(int) };
tlp.initialSize = *(int*)stasis_record_read_begin(xid, p, rid);
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
rid.slot = 1;
tlp.multiplier = *(int*)stasis_record_read_begin(xid, p, rid);
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
rid.slot = 2;
tlp.size = *(int*)stasis_record_read_begin(xid, p, rid);
2007-06-07 21:53:09 +00:00
rid.slot = 3;
tlp.maxOffset = *(int*)stasis_record_read_begin(xid, p, rid);
return tlp;