updated recovery section.

This commit is contained in:
Sears Russell 2006-08-02 00:48:31 +00:00
parent 7c8491206d
commit a8360f5d10

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@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
% EAB: flex, basis, stable, dura
% Stasys: SYStem for Adaptable Transactional Storage:
\newcommand{\diff}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{\bf #1}}
@ -431,23 +431,27 @@ to build a system that enables a wider range of data management options.
%was more difficult than implementing from scratch (winfs), scaling
%down doesn't work (variance in performance, footprint),
\section{Transactions in \yad}
\section{Conventional Transactions in \yad}
\rcs{This whole section is new, and is intended to replace what is now section 4.}
\rcs{This section is missing references to prior work. Bill mentioned
PhD theses that talk about this layering, but I've been too busy
coding to read them.}
This section describes how \yad implements transactions that are
similar to those provided by relational database systems. In addition
to providing a review of how modern transactional systems function,
this section lays out the functionality that \yad provides to the
applications built on top of it. It also explains how \yads
transactions are roughly structured as two levels of abstraction.
operations built on top of it. It also explains how \yads
operations are roughly structured as two levels of abstraction.
The lower level of \yads transactions provides atomic
The lower level of a \yad operation provides atomic
updates to regions of the disk. These updates do not have to deal
with concurrency, but the portion of the page file that they read and
write must be atomically updated, even if the system crashes.
The higher level leverages the ability to atomically apply operations
The higher level atomically applies operations
to the page file to provide operations that span multiple pages and
copes with concurrency issues. Surprisingly, the implementations
of these two layers are only loosely coupled.
@ -478,12 +482,13 @@ and corrupted pages may be recovered by restoring the page from
backup. For simplicity, this section ignores mechanisms that detect
and restore torn pages, and assumes that page writes are atomic.
While the techniques described in this section rely on the ability to
atomically update disk pages, \yad provides facilities that allow
custom operations to make weaker assumptions.
atomically update disk pages, this restriction is relaxed by other
recovery mechanisms.
\subsubsection{Extending \yad with new operations}
Figure~\ref{fig:wal} shows how custom {\em operations} interact with
Figure~\ref{fig:structure} shows how custom operations interact with
\yad. If an application does not need to make use of concurrent
transactions, directly manipulating the page file is as simple as
ensuring that each update to the page file occurs inside of an
@ -492,11 +497,12 @@ by registering a callback with \yad at startup, and then calling {\em
Tupdate()} to invoke the operation at runtime. Each operation should
be deterministic, provide an inverse, and acquire all of its arguments
from a struct that is passed via Tupdate(). (Operations that affect
more than one page, or do not provide inverses will be described later.)
As long as these requirements are met, \yad will provide atomic,
durable trasactions that make use of the operation, and many of \yads
general-purpose optimizations.
more than one page, and ones that do not provide inverses will be
described later.) The same callbacks are used during forward opertion
as during recovery. Therefore operations provide a single redo
function and a single undo function. (There is no ``do''
function.) This reduces the amount of recovery-specific code in the
\subsubsection{\yads Recovery Algorithm}
@ -511,11 +517,15 @@ Recovery occurs in three phases, Analysis, Redo and Undo.
``Analysis'' is beyond the scope of this paper. ``Redo'' plays the
log forward in time, applying any updates that did not make it to disk
before the system crashed. ``Undo'' runs the log backwards in time,
only applying portions that correspond to aborted transactions.
only applying portions that correspond to aborted transactions. This
section only considers physical undo. Section~\ref{sec:nta} describes
the distinction between physical and logical undo, and describes
logical undo. A summary of the stages of recovery and the invariants
they establish is presented in Figure~\ref{fig:conventional-recovery}.
Redo is the only phase that makes use of the LSN's stored on pages.
Redo is the only phase that makes use of LSN's stored on pages.
It simply compares the page LSN to the LSN of each log entry. If the
log entry's LSN is higer than the page LSN, then the log entry is
log entry's LSN is higher than the page LSN, then the log entry is
applied. Otherwise, the log entry is skipped. Redo does not write
log entries to disk, as it is replaying events that have already been
@ -537,7 +547,9 @@ completes. This allows transactions to use more memory than is
physically available, and makes it easier to flush frequently written
pages to disk. Second, pages do not need to be {\em forced}; a
transaction commits simply by flushing the log. If it had to force
pages to disk it would incur the cost of random I/O.
pages to disk it would incur the cost of random I/O. Also, if
multiple transactions commit in a small window of time, the log only
needs to be forced to disk once.
\subsubsection{Alternatives to Steal / no-Force}
@ -555,7 +567,7 @@ Recovery's Undo and Redo phases both will process the log entry, but
one of them will have no effect. If an operation chooses not to
provide a Redo implementation, then its Undo implementation will need
to determine whether or not the Redo was applied. If it omits Undo,
then Redo must check to see if it is part of a transaction that
then Redo must consult recovery to see if it is part of a transaction that
\subsection{Concurrent Transactions}
@ -581,26 +593,27 @@ data into a tree, and the following sequence of events:
\item Transaction A calls abort
If abort simply restored the pages to the state they were in before A
updated them, then the data item that Transaction B inserted would be
updated them, then the data item that transaction B inserted would be
lost. Operations that apply changes to pages without an understanding
of the data they manipulate are called {\em physical operations}.
If we constrained the tree structure to fit on a single page, then the
If we constrain the tree structure to fit on a single page, then the
``insert'' operation's inverse could be a ``remove'' operation. Such
operations are called {\em logical operations}. Both would take a
single page, and update the tree accordingly. This would allow abort
to remove A's data from the tree without losing B's updates.
operations are called {\em logical operations}. In this case, both
operations would traverse tree nodes to determine what updates should
be applied and modify the tree accordingly. This would allow abort to
remove A's data from the tree without losing B's updates.
The problem becomes more complex if we allow the tree to span multiple
pages. If we use a single log entry to record the update and the
system crashes, then there is no guarantee that the LSNs of the pages
that the log entry manipulated will match, or that the two pages will
that the log entry manipulates will match, or that the two pages will
contain physically consistent portions of the tree structure.
Splitting the operation into multiple log entries does not solve the
problem. Physical operations allow concurrent transactions to violate
the physical consistency of the tree, while logical operations cannot
span more than one page.
In general, physical operations cause concurrent transactions to
violate the physical consistency of data structures during abort.
Logical operations that span more than one page cannot safely be
redone during recovery.
{\em Nested Top Actions} provide an elegant solution to this problem.
A nested top action uses physical undo while a data structure is being
@ -701,7 +714,232 @@ Locking is largely orthoganol to the concepts desribed in this paper.
We make no assumptions regarding lock managers being used by higher
level code in the remainder of this discussion.
\section{LSN-free pages.}
\rcs{After working through the torn page argument, I realized that
this style of transaction allows you to produce log entries that make
non-localized updates to the page file. I think this means that we
can avoid writing out physical undo information for our nested top
actions, and write the redo in a single entry. This is particularly
interesting because LSN-free recovery will break horribly if the
logical undo of a nested transaction reads or writes bytes that happen
to be written or read by a partial nested top action that is being
physically rolled back. If nested top actions are atomic log
entities, the problem cannot occur. Of course, this approach has its
limits; the longer a log entry is, the more transactions will block
waiting for it to be appended to the end of the log. Also, if we mix
LSN and LSN-free operations in the same nested top action, we need the
physical undo.}
\rcs{ Do something with this text... Logical operations that are constrained to a single page are often
called {\em physiological operations}, and are used throughout \yad.
Note that physioloical operations are not necessarily idempotent, and
they rely upon the consistency of the page they modify. In
Section~\ref{XXX}, \yad used page LSN's to guarantee that the
operations recorded in the log are atomically applied exactly
once. The recovery scheme described in this section does not provide
these guarantees and is incompatible with physiological operations.}
The recovery algorithm described above uses LSN's to determine the
version number of each page during recovery. This is a common
technique. As far as we know, is used by all database systems that
update data in place. Unfortunately, this makes it difficult to map
large objects onto pages, as the LSN's break up the object. It
is tempting to store the LSN's elsewhere, but then they would not be
written atomically with their page, which defeats their purpose.
This section explains how we can avoid storing LSN's on pages in \yad
without giving up durable transactional updates. In the process, we
are able to relax the atomicity assumptions that we make regarding
writes to disk. These relaxed assumptions allow recovery to repair
torn pages without performing media recovery, and allow arbitrary
ranges of the page file to be updated by a single physical operation.
\yads implementation does not currently support the recovery algorithm
described in this section. However, \yad avoids hard-coding most of
the relevant subsytems. LSN-free pages are essentially an alternative
protocol for atomically and durably applying updates to the page file.
We plan to eventually support the coexistance of LSN-free pages,
traditional pages, and similar third-party modules within the same
page file, log, transactions, and even logical operations.
\subsection{Blind writes}
Recall that LSN's were introduced to prevent recovery from applying
updates more than once, and to prevent recovery from applying old
updates to newer versions of pages. This was necessary because some
operations that manipulate pages are not idempotent, or simply make
use of state stored in the page. We can avoid such problems by
eliminating such operations and instead making use of deterministic
REDO operations that do not examine page state. We call such
operations ``blind writes.''
For concreteness, assume that all physical operations produce log
entries that contain a set of byte ranges, and the pre- and
post-value of each byte in the range.
Recovery works the same way as it does above, except that is computes
a lower bound of each page LSN instead of reading the LSN from the
page. One possible lower bound is the LSN of the most recent log
truncation or checkpoint. Alternatively, \yad could occasionally
write information about the state of the buffer manager to the log.
Although the mechanism used for recovery is similar, the invariants
maintained during recovery have changed. With conventional
transactions, if a page in the page file is internally consistent
immediately after a crash, then the page will remain internally
consistent throughout the recovery process. This is not the case with
our LSN-free scheme. If a consistent, relatively new, version of a
page is on disk immediately after a crash, then that page may be
overwritten using physical log entries that are older than it.
Therefore, the page will contain a mixture of new and old bytes, and
any data structures stored on the page may be inconsistent. However,
once the redo phase is complete, any old bytes will be overwritten by
their most recent values, so the page will contain an internally
consistent, up-to-date version of itself.
(Section~\ref{sec:torn-page} explains this in more detail.)
Undo can then proceed normally as long as the operations that it logs
to disk only perform blind-writes. Since this restriction also
applies to normal operations, we suspect this will not pose many
practical problems.
As long as operations are limited to blind writes we do not need to
store LSN's in pages. The rest of this section describes how this
allows standard filesystem and database optimizations to be easily
combined, and shows that the removal of LSN's from pages actually
simplifies some aspects of recovery.
\subsection{Zero-copy I/O}
We originally developed LSN-free pages as an efficient method for
storing large (multi-page) objects in the filesystem. If a large
object is stored in pages that contain LSN's, then in order to read
that large object the system must read each page individually, and
then use the CPU to copy the portions of the page that contain data
into a second buffer.
this approach to a modern filesystem, which allows applications to
perform a DMA copy of the data into memory, avoiding the expensive
byte-by-byte copy of the data, and allowing the CPU to be used for
more productive purposes. Furthermore, modern operating systems allow
network services to use DMA and network adaptor hardware to read data
from disk, and send it over a network socket without passing it
through the CPU. Again, this frees the CPU, allowing it to perform
other tasks.
We believe that LSN free pages will allow reads to make use of such
optimizations in a straightforward fashion. Zero copy writes are more challenging, but could be
performed by performing a DMA write to a portion of the log file.
However, doing this complicates log truncation, and does not address
the problem of updating the page file. We suspect that contributions
from the log based filesystem~\cite{lfs} literature can address these problems in
a straightforward fashion. In particular, we imagine storing
portions of the log (the portion that stores the blob) in the
page file, or other addressable storage. In the worst case,
the blob would have to be relocated in order to defragment the
storage. Assuming the blob was relocated once, this would amount
to a total of three, mostly sequential disk operations. (Two
writes and one read.) However, in the best case, the blob would only need to written once.
In contrast, a conventional atomic blob implementation would always need
to write the blob twice.
Alternatively, we could use DMA to overwrite the blob in the page file
in a non-atomic fashion, providing filesystem style semantics.
(Existing database servers often provide this mode based on the
observation that many blobs are static data that does not really need
to be updated transactionally.~\cite{sqlserver}) Of course, \yad could
also support other approaches to blob storage, such as B-Tree layouts
that allow arbitrary insertions and deletions in the middle of
\subsection{Concurrent recoverable virtual memory}
Our LSN-free pages are somewhat similar to the recovery scheme used by
RVM, recoverable virtual memory. That system used purely physical
logging and LSN-free pages so that it could use mmap() to map portions
of the page file into application memory\cite{lrvm}. However, without
support for logical log entries and nested top actions, it would be
difficult to implement a concurrent, durable data structure using RVM.
We plan to add RVM style transactional memory to \yad in a way that is
compatible with fully concurrent collections such as hash tables and
tree structures. Of course, since \yad will support coexistance of
conventional and LSN-free pages, applications would be free to use the
\yad data structure implementations as well.
\subsection{Page-independent transactions}
\rcs{I don't like this section heading...} Recovery schemes that make
use of per-page LSN's assume that each page is written to disk
atomically even though that is generally not the case. Such schemes
deal with this problem by using page formats that allow partially
written pages to be detected. Media recovery allows them to recover
these pages.
The Redo phase of the LSN-free recovery algorithm actually creates a
torn page each time it applies an old log entry to a new page.
However, it guarantees that all such torn pages will be repaired by
the time Redo completes. In the process, it also repairs any pages
that were torn by a crash. Instead of relying upon atomic page
updates, LSN-free recovery relies upon a weaker property.
For LSN-free recovery to work properly after a crash, each bit in
persistent storage must be either:
\item The old version of a bit that was being overwritten during a crash.
\item The newest version of the bit written to storage.
\item Detectably corrupt (the storage hardware issues an error when the
bit is read).
Modern drives provide these properties at a sector level: Each sector
is atomically updated, or it fails a checksum when read, triggering an
error. If a sector is found to be corrupt, then media recovery can be
used to restore the sector from the most recent backup.
Figure~\ref{fig:todo} provides an example page, and a number of log
entries that were applied to it. Assume that the initial version of
the page, with LSN $0$, is on disk, and the disk is in the process of
writing out the version with LSN $2$ when the system crashes. When
recovery reads the page from disk, it may encounter any combination of
sectors from these two versions.
Note that the first and last two sectors are not overwritten by any
of the log entries that Redo will play back. Therefore, their value
is unchanged in both versions of the page. Since Redo will not change
them, we know that they will have the correct value when it completes.
The remainder of the sectors are overwritten at some point in the log.
If we constrain the updates to overwrite an entire page at once, then
the initial on-disk value of these sectors would not have any affect
on the outcome of Redo. Furthermore, since the redo entries are
played back in order, each sector would contain the most up to date
version after redo.
Of course, we do not want to constrain log entries to update entire
sectors at once. In order to support finer grained logging, we simply
repeat the above argument on the byte or bit level. Each bit is
either overwritten by redo, or has a known, correct, value before
redo. Since all operations performed by redo are blind writes, they
can be applied regardless of whether the page is logically consistent.
Since LSN-free recovery only relies upon atomic updates at the bit
level, it prevents pages from becoming a limit to the size of atomic
page file updates. This allows operations to atomically manipulate
(potentially non-contiguous) regions of arbitrary size by producing a
single log entry.
This is particularly convenient when dealing with nested top actions.
Normally, a nested top action performs a number of updates to the page
file, and logs a physical undo entry for each one. Upon completion,
it writes a logical undo entry. The physical undo entries take up
space in the log, and reduce the amount of log bandwidth available for
other tasks. In cases where a nested top action can be completed by
only logging blind writes, the logical undo that would normally
complete the nested top action can replace the physical undo entries.
This only works because the log entry and its logical undo are
atomically applied to the page file. With conventional transactions,
this technique is limited to operations that update a single page.
LSN-free pages remove this limitation.
\section{Transactional Pages}
@ -1281,7 +1519,6 @@ described, and the semantics provided by the levels it builds upon.}
\rcs{This section needs to be merged into the new section 3, because that is where we discuss how to add new log operations. (In with the new nested top action stuff, probably). That will leave a section to focus on LSN-free pages, and other things that break the ARIES assumptions. That way, blind writes and lsn-free pages can be in the same place.}
\caption{\sf\label{fig:structure} The portions of \yad that directly interact with new operations.}