Fixed some parsing / tokenization problems (added support for more characters / whitespace within tuples.

Implemented perl driver (and sample .cgi) for toplevel.c's network server.
This commit is contained in:
Sears Russell 2008-03-05 02:31:58 +00:00
parent 4e4585b4c1
commit c5a75a9102
6 changed files with 385 additions and 42 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package Referential;
use strict;
use Expect;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use URI::Escape;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %self;
$self{port} = shift;
$self{host} = shift || "localhost";
$self{log} = 1;
$self{socket} = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $self{host},
PeerPort => $self{port},
Proto => "tcp",
or die "Couldn't connect to $self{host}:$self{port} : $!\n";
$self{exp} = Expect->exp_init($self{socket});
my @prompt;
push @prompt, '-re', '.*\>\s*';
my $patidx = $self{exp}->expect(10, @prompt);
if(!defined($patidx)) {
die "Didn't get prompt\n";
return bless \%self, $class;
sub escape {
my $self = shift;
my $s = shift;
return uri_escape($s, "^A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~'");
sub unescape {
my $self = shift;
my $s = shift;
return uri_unescape($s);
sub query {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
#warn "REFERENTIAL QUERY: query $q\n";
$self->{exp}->send("query $q\n");
my @pat;
my @tpls;
push @tpls, '-re', '^[A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~\'%.,\ ]+[^\r\n]';
push @tpls, '-re', '.*\>\s*';
my @tups;
while(my $idx = $self->{exp}->expect(10, @tpls)) {
if($idx==1) {
my $match = $self->{exp}->exp_match();
chomp $match;
my @tok = split ",", $match;
my @tok2;
for(my $i = 0; $i < @tok; $i++) {
push @tok2, $self->unescape($tok[$i]);
push @tups, \@tok2;
} elsif($idx == 2) {
return \@tups;
sub _cmd {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
my $m = shift;
if($self->{log}) {
my $d = `date`;
chomp $d;
warn "\n[$d] REFERENTIAL_CMD: $m $q\n";
$self->{exp}->send("$m $q\n");
my @pats;
push @pats, '-re', '.*\>\s*';
my $idx = $self->{exp}->expect(10, @pats);
if($idx != 1) {
warn "No prompt?!?\n";
return 0;
return 1;
sub insert {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
return _cmd($self, $q, "insert");
sub delete {
my $self = shift;
my $q = shift;
return _cmd($self, $q, "delete");
sub close {
my $self = shift;

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ static int ts_tryNext(int xid, void * it) {
static int ts_key(int xid, void * it, byte ** key) {
static int ts_value(int xid, void * it, byte ** val) {
@ -40,13 +40,14 @@ static void ts_releaseLock(int xid, void *it) {
char ** split(char * in, char ** freeme, int* count, char * delim) {
*freeme = strdup(in);
*count = 0;
char * tok = strtok(*freeme, delim);
char * strtoks;
char * tok = strtok_r(*freeme, delim,&strtoks);
char ** ret = 0;
while(tok) {
ret = realloc(ret, sizeof(char*) * *count);
ret[(*count)-1] = tok;
tok = strtok(NULL,delim);
tok = strtok_r(NULL,delim,&strtoks);
ret = realloc(ret, sizeof(char*) * ((*count)+1));
@ -95,6 +96,48 @@ void tplFree(char ** tup) {
int isWhitelistChar(char c) {
return(c == ';'
c == '/'
c == '?'
c == ':'
c == '@'
c == '&'
c == '='
c == '+'
c == '$'
c == '['
c == ']'
c == '-'
c == '_'
c == '.'
c == '!'
c == '~'
c == '*'
c == '\''
c == '%'
c == '\\');
lladdIterator_t* ReferentialAlgebra_OpenTableScanner(int xid, recordid catalog,
char * tablename) {
char * table;
@ -201,7 +244,7 @@ static void kv_tupleDone(int xid, void * it) {
static void kv_releaseLock(int xid, void *it) {
kv_impl * kv = it;
Titerator_releaseLock(xid, kv->it);
/// ///
@ -222,6 +265,41 @@ lladdIterator_t* ReferentialAlgebra_Select(int xid, lladdIterator_t * it, char *
return new_it;
char * strtokempt(char *str, const char * delim, char ** saveptr, int * extra) {
char * ret;
if(str) {
*saveptr = str;
ret = *saveptr;
if(!(**saveptr)) {
if(*extra) {
*extra = 0;
return ret;
} else {
return 0;
do {
for(int i = 0; delim[i]; i++) {
if(**saveptr == delim[i]) {
// terminate returned string
**saveptr = 0;
// consume deliminator character from last time.
//printf("extra: %d\n",*extra);
*extra = 1;
return ret;
// consume character we just looked at.
} while(**saveptr);
// printf("extra: %d\n",*extra);
*extra = 0;
return ret;
static int matchPredicate(const char const * tup, char ** pred) {
char * tupcpy = strdup(tup);
int colcount = 0;
@ -230,8 +308,10 @@ static int matchPredicate(const char const * tup, char ** pred) {
char ** tok = malloc((predcount+1) * sizeof(char**));
char * ths;
const char const * DELIM = ", ";
if((ths = strtok(tupcpy, DELIM))) {
const char const * DELIM = ",";
char * strtoks;
int extra = 0;
if((ths = strtokempt(tupcpy, DELIM,&strtoks,&extra))) {
if(colcount > predcount) {
@ -241,7 +321,7 @@ static int matchPredicate(const char const * tup, char ** pred) {
tok[colcount-1] = ths;
while((ths = strtok(NULL, DELIM))) {
while((ths = strtokempt(NULL, DELIM,&strtoks,&extra))) {
if(colcount > predcount) {
@ -438,7 +518,7 @@ static int matchComparator(char ** tup1,
while(pred[col] && match) {
char * lhs_start = pred[col];
char * lhs_end = lhs_start;
while(isalnum(*lhs_end)) { lhs_end++; }
while(isWhitelistChar(*lhs_end)||isalnum(*lhs_end)) { lhs_end++; }
int lhs_len = lhs_end - lhs_start;
char * lhs = calloc(lhs_len+1,sizeof(char));
@ -447,7 +527,7 @@ static int matchComparator(char ** tup1,
char * op_start = lhs_end;
while(isblank(*op_start)) { op_start++; }
char * op_end = op_start;
while(!(isblank(*op_end) || isalnum(*op_end))) { op_end++; }
while(!(isblank(*op_end) || isWhitelistChar(*lhs_end)||isalnum(*op_end))) { op_end++; }
int op_len = op_end - op_start;
char * op = calloc(op_len+1,sizeof(char));
@ -456,7 +536,7 @@ static int matchComparator(char ** tup1,
char * rhs_start = op_end;
while(isblank(*rhs_start)) { rhs_start++; }
char * rhs_end = rhs_start;
while(isalnum(*rhs_end)) { rhs_end++; }
while(isWhitelistChar(*lhs_end)||isalnum(*rhs_end)) { rhs_end++; }
int rhs_len = rhs_end - rhs_start;
char * rhs = calloc(rhs_len+1,sizeof(char));
@ -644,31 +724,38 @@ void ReferentialAlgebra_init() {
@return one of the above. If returns STRING, set *tok to be the new
token. (*tok should be freed by caller in this case)
int nextToken(char ** head, char ** tok);
int nextToken(char ** head, char ** tok, int breakOnSpace);
char** parseTuple(char ** head) {
char **tok = calloc(1,sizeof(char*));;
char * mytok;
char ret = nextToken(head, &mytok);
char ret = nextToken(head, &mytok,0);
assert(ret == LBRACKET);
int count = 0;
while(1) {
ret = nextToken(head, &mytok);
ret = nextToken(head, &mytok,0);
if(ret == RBRACKET) {
assert(ret == STRING);
tok = realloc(tok, sizeof(char*)*(count+1));
tok[count] = 0;
tok[count-1] = mytok;
ret = nextToken(head, &mytok);
if(ret == STRING) { free(mytok); }
if(ret == RBRACKET) {
if(ret != COMMA) {
if(ret == COMMA) {
tok = realloc(tok, sizeof(char*)*(count+1));
tok[count] = 0;
tok[count-1] = calloc(1,sizeof(char));
} else if(ret == STRING) {
tok = realloc(tok, sizeof(char*)*(count+1));
tok[count] = 0;
tok[count-1] = mytok;
ret = nextToken(head, &mytok,0);
if(ret == STRING) { free(mytok); }
if(ret == RBRACKET) {
if(ret != COMMA) {
return 0;
} else {
return 0;
@ -719,12 +806,17 @@ lladdIterator_t * parseExpression(int xid, recordid catalog,
return 0;
char * foo;
char ret = nextToken(head, &foo);
assert(ret == RPAREN);
return it;
char ret = nextToken(head, &foo,0);
if(ret != RPAREN) {
return 0;
} else {
return it;
} else {
char * tablename;
char ret = nextToken(head, &tablename);
char ret = nextToken(head, &tablename,1);
assert(ret == STRING);
lladdIterator_t * it2 =
ReferentialAlgebra_OpenTableScanner(xid, catalog, tablename);
@ -740,7 +832,7 @@ lladdIterator_t * parseExpression(int xid, recordid catalog,
int nextToken(char ** head, char ** tok) {
int nextToken(char ** head, char ** tok, int breakOnSpace) {
while(isblank(**head) && **head) { (*head)++; }
switch(**head) {
case LPAREN: {
@ -770,10 +862,25 @@ int nextToken(char ** head, char ** tok) {
default: {
if(!**head) { return EOS; };
char * first = *head;
while(isalnum(**head)||**head=='*'||**head=='=') { (*head)++; }
||(**head==' '&&!breakOnSpace)) {
char * last = *head;
*tok = calloc(1 + last - first, sizeof(char));
strncpy(*tok, first, last - first); // The remaining byte is the null terminator.
// The remaining byte is the null terminator
strncpy(*tok, first, last - first);
int i = (last-first)-1;
int firstloop = 1;
while((*tok)[i] == ' ') {
(*tok)[i] = '\0';
if(firstloop) {
firstloop = 0;
return STRING;
} break;

View file

@ -6,15 +6,16 @@
#include "algebra.h"
int executeInsert(int xid, recordid tables, char * insert) {
char * linecopy = strdup(insert+strlen("insert"));
char * tbl = strtok(linecopy," ");
char * tup = strtok(NULL,"\r\n");
char * strtoks;
char * tbl = strtok_r(linecopy," ",&strtoks);
char * tup = strtok_r(NULL,"\r\n",&strtoks);
if((!tbl) || (!tup)) {
printf("parse error\n");
return 0;
char * tupcopy = strdup(tup);
char * key = strtok(tupcopy,",");
char * trunctup = strtok(NULL,"\r\n");
char * key = strtok_r(tupcopy,",",&strtoks);
char * trunctup = strtok_r(NULL,"\r\n",&strtoks);
char * table;
if(!trunctup) {
trunctup = "";
@ -35,15 +36,16 @@ int executeInsert(int xid, recordid tables, char * insert) {
int executeDelete(int xid, recordid tables, char * delete) {
char * linecopy = strdup(delete+strlen("delete"));
char * tbl = strtok(linecopy," ");
char * tup = strtok(NULL,"\r\n");
char * strtoks;
char * tbl = strtok_r(linecopy," ",&strtoks);
char * tup = strtok_r(NULL,"\r\n",&strtoks);
if((!tbl) || (!tup)) {
printf("parse error\n");
return 0;
char * table;
char * tupcopy = strdup(tup);
char * key = strtok(tupcopy,",");
char * key = strtok_r(tupcopy,",",&strtoks);
int sz = ThashLookup(xid, tables, (byte*)tbl, strlen(tbl)+1, (byte**)&table);
if(sz == -1) {
printf("Unknown table %s\n", tbl);

src/apps/referential/survey.cgi Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use Referential;
sub printResponse {
my $t = shift;
print "<p>$$t[0]: ".($$t[1]?'Yes':'No')."</p>\n";
if(defined ($$t[2]) && $$t[2] =~ /\S/) {
print "<b>Comment:</b><pre>\n".$$t[2]."</pre>";
my $ref = new Referential("6667");
my $cgi = new CGI;
if(param('name')) {
my $name = $ref->escape(param('name'));
my $vote = $ref->escape(param('vote'));
my $comments = $ref->escape(param('comments'));
print header;
print "\n\n<html><head><title>Survey repsonse completed</title></head></html>\n";
print "<body><h1>Thanks!</h1>\n";
my $tups = $ref->query("{s ($name,*,*) peeps}");
if(defined $$tups[0][0]) {
print "<h2>Found and deleted old response:</h2>";
$ref->insert("peeps $name,$vote,$comments");
$tups = $ref->query("{s ($name,*,*) peeps}");
if(defined $$tups[0][0]) {
print "<h2>Recorded your response:</h2>";
} else {
print "query failed!\n";
print "</body></html>";
} elsif(param('secret') eq 'wellkept') {
my $format = param("format") || "html";
my $tups = $ref->query("peeps");
if($format ne 'html') {
print header('text/plain')."\n\nVote tabulation\n";
foreach my $t (@{$tups}) {
print "$$t[1],$$t[0]\n";
print "\n";
} else {
print header."\n\n<html><head><title>Responses</title></head><body><h1>Responses</h1>";
foreach my $t (@{$tups}) {
print "</body></html>";
} else {
print header."\n\n".qq(
Name: <input type='text' name='name'/>
<p>Will you attend?</p>
<input type="radio" name="vote" value="1">Yes</input>
<input type="radio" name="vote" value="0">No</input>
<textarea name="comments" cols="72" rows="10">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

src/apps/referential/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Referential;
my $r = new Referential($ARGV[0]);
print "Connected...\n";
my $tups = $r->query("{s (foo,*,*,*) TABLES}");
my @tups = @{$tups};
if(@tups != 1) {
die("Expected one foo table, found ".(@tups+0));
#print "test $tups[0][3]\n";
$r->insert("foo a,b,c");
$r->insert("foo b,c,d");
$tups = $r->query("foo");
foreach my $t (@{$tups}) {
print ((join ",",@{$t})."\n");
$r->delete("foo b");
$tups = $r->query("foo");
foreach my $t (@{$tups}) {
print ((join ",",@{$t})."\n");

View file

@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ int openInterpreter(FILE * in, FILE * out, recordid hash) {
if(!strncmp(line,"create",strlen("create"))) {
char * linecopy = strdup(line+strlen("create"));
char * tablename = strtok(linecopy, " \r\n");
char * strtoks;
char * tablename = strtok_r(linecopy, " \r\n",&strtoks);
size_t sz;
byte* delme;
@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
int xid = Tbegin();
if(TrecordType(xid, ROOT_RECORD) == INVALID_SLOT) {
printf("Creating new store\n");
rootEntry = Talloc(xid, sizeof(recordid));
assert( ==;
assert(rootEntry.slot == ROOT_RECORD.slot);
@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
} else {
startServer(argv[2], hash);
printf("Shutting down...\n");
} else {
if(argc == 2) {