forgot to commit b-tree source files

This commit is contained in:
Sears Russell 2009-07-29 21:04:08 +00:00
parent ebd6b14dbf
commit c961b34903
2 changed files with 210 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
* bTree.c
* Created on: Jul 26, 2009
* Author: sears
static stasis_comparator_t * btree_comparators;
static int stasis_btree_byte_array_comparator(const void * a, size_t alen, const void * b, size_t blen, void* arg) {
size_t len = alen;
if(len > blen) { len = blen; }
if(arg && len > (uintptr_t) arg) { len = (uintptr_t) arg; }
if(len == 1) { DEBUG("%c <-> %c", *(char*)a, *(char*)b); }
if(len == 4) { DEBUG("%d <-> %d", *(int*)a, *(int*)b); }
// DEBUG("%lld %lld %lld %lld", (long long) arg, alen, blen, len);
int ret = memcmp(a, b, len);
if(!(ret || arg)) {
ret = (alen < blen) ? -1 : ((alen > blen) ? 1 : 0);
DEBUG(" = %d\n", ret);
return ret;
void BtreeInit() {
// todo: register iterator
// register comparators
btree_comparators = calloc(MAX_COMPARATOR, sizeof(stasis_comparator_t));
btree_comparators[BYTE_ARRAY_COMPARATOR] = stasis_btree_byte_array_comparator;
typedef struct {
int height;
pageid_t root;
stasis_comparator_id_t cmp_id;
} stasis_op_btree_page_header;
typedef struct {
pageid_t page;
} btree_internal_pair;
typedef struct {
uint16_t keylen;
} btree_leaf_pair;
recordid TbtreeCreate(int xid, stasis_comparator_id_t cmp_id) {
stasis_op_btree_page_header header;
header.root = TpageAlloc(xid);
TinitializeSlottedPage(xid, header.root);
header.height = 1; // leaf
header.cmp_id = cmp_id;
recordid rid = Talloc(xid, sizeof(header));
Tset(xid, rid, &header);
return rid;
static int cmp_slot(int xid, Page *p, slotid_t slot, byte * key, size_t keySize, int leaf, stasis_comparator_t cmp, void * cmp_arg) {
recordid rid = {p->id, slot, 0};
rid.size = stasis_record_length_read(xid, p, rid);
if(rid.size == INVALID_SLOT) { return 1; } // treat invalid slots as infinity.
byte * cur = malloc(rid.size);
stasis_record_read(xid, p, rid, cur);
byte * cur_ptr;
size_t cur_len;
if(leaf) {
cur_ptr = (byte*)(1+(btree_leaf_pair*)cur);
cur_len = ((btree_leaf_pair*)cur)->keylen;
} else {
cur_ptr = (byte*)(1+(btree_internal_pair*)cur);
cur_len = stasis_record_length_read(xid, p, rid)-sizeof(btree_internal_pair);
int res = cmp(key, keySize, cur_ptr, cur_len, cmp_arg);
return res;
static slotid_t find_in_page(int xid, Page * p, byte * key, size_t keySize, int leaf, int* found, stasis_comparator_t cmp, void * cmp_arg) {
slotid_t slot;
int res = 1;
recordid lastrid = stasis_record_last(xid, p);
for(slot = 0; slot <= lastrid.slot; slot++) {
res = cmp_slot(xid, p, slot, key, keySize, leaf, cmp, cmp_arg);
if(res <= 0) { break; } // if the key is less than or equal to the slot, then stop looking.
if(res == 0) {
// have the right slot.
*found = 1;
} else {
// have the slot after the one we want, or are at edge of page.
*found = 0;
if(slot > lastrid.slot) {
DEBUG("end of page\n");
// ret is the slot we want.
} else if(slot == 0) {
DEBUG("start of page\n");
} else {
slot --;
DEBUG("too far\n");
DEBUG("found = %d, res = %d, ret = %lld\n", *found, res, slot);
return slot;
static slotid_t stasis_btree_helper(int xid, stasis_op_btree_page_header h, byte* key, size_t keySize,
int * found, pageid_t ** path, stasis_comparator_t cmp, void * cmp_arg) {
pageid_t next = h.root;
*path = calloc(h.height, sizeof(pageid_t));
for(int i = 0; i < h.height-1; i++) {
Page *p = loadPage(xid, next);
(*path)[i] = next;
int ignored;
next = find_in_page(xid, p, key, keySize, 0, &ignored, cmp, cmp_arg);
// leaf page
Page * p = loadPage(xid, next);
(*path)[h.height-1] = next;
DEBUG("leaf: %lld\n", next);
readlock(p->rwlatch, 0);
slotid_t slot = find_in_page(xid, p, key, keySize, 1, found, cmp, cmp_arg);
DEBUG("slot: %lld (found = %d)\n", slot, *found);
return slot;
int TbtreeLookup(int xid, recordid rid, void * cmp_arg, byte * key, size_t keySize, byte ** value, size_t* valueSize) {
stasis_op_btree_page_header h;
Tread(xid, rid, (byte*)&h);
pageid_t * path;
int found;
slotid_t slot = stasis_btree_helper(xid, h, key, keySize, &found, &path, btree_comparators[h.cmp_id], cmp_arg);
recordid slotrid = { path[h.height-1], slot, 0 };
if(found) {
Page * p = loadPage(xid,;
readlock(p->rwlatch, 0);
slotrid.size = stasis_record_length_read(xid, p, slotrid);
btree_leaf_pair * buf = malloc(slotrid.size);
stasis_record_read(xid, p, slotrid, (byte*)buf);
*valueSize = slotrid.size - (buf->keylen + sizeof(btree_leaf_pair));
*value = malloc(*valueSize);
memcpy(*value, ((byte*)(buf+1))+buf->keylen, *valueSize);
} else {
*value = 0;
*valueSize = INVALID_SLOT;
return found;
int TbtreeInsert(int xid, recordid rid, void *cmp_arg, byte *key, size_t keySize, byte *value, size_t valueSize) {
stasis_op_btree_page_header h;
Tread(xid, rid, (byte*)&h);
pageid_t * path;
int found;
slotid_t slot = stasis_btree_helper(xid, h, key, keySize, &found, &path, btree_comparators[h.cmp_id], cmp_arg);
recordid slotrid = {path[h.height-1], slot, 0};
Page *p = loadPage(xid,;
if(found) {
// delete old value
stasis_record_free(xid, p, slotrid);
stasis_record_compact_slotids(xid, p); // could do better with different api
size_t sz = sizeof(btree_leaf_pair) + keySize + valueSize;
btree_leaf_pair *buf = malloc(sz);
buf->keylen = keySize;
memcpy(buf+1, key, keySize);
memcpy(((byte*)(buf+1))+keySize, value, valueSize);
recordid newrid = stasis_record_alloc_begin(xid, p, sz);
if(newrid.size == sz) {
stasis_record_alloc_done(xid, p, newrid);
stasis_record_write(xid, p, newrid, (byte*)buf);
stasis_record_splice(xid, p, slotrid.slot, newrid.slot);
DEBUG("created new record: %lld %d -> %d %d\n",, newrid.slot, slotrid.slot, newrid.size);
} else {
assert(newrid.size == sz); // XXX handle splits...
return found;

stasis/operations/bTree.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* bTree.h
* Created on: Jul 29, 2009
* Author: sears
#ifndef BTREE_H_
#define BTREE_H_
#include <stasis/transactional.h>
typedef int(*stasis_comparator_t)(const void*, size_t, const void*, size_t, void*);
typedef int16_t stasis_comparator_id_t;
void BtreeInit();
recordid TbtreeCreate(int xid, stasis_comparator_id_t cmp_id);
int TbtreeLookup(int xid, recordid rid, void * cmp_arg, byte * key, size_t keySize, byte ** value, size_t* valueSize);
int TbtreeInsert(int xid, recordid rid, void *cmp_arg, byte *key, size_t keySize, byte *value, size_t valueSize);
#endif /* BTREE_H_ */