First stab at automated benchmark execution; broke compatibility with old,, and added a Makefile that attempts to
intelligently manage binaries, and benchmarking data, with support for interruputed runs, etc. Also, extended the .def format to include enough information to run the benchmarks
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 539 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# This lets us keep the .def files in their own directory, but treat
# them as though they're in the current (per run) directory.
BINARIES=linearHashNTA logicalHash bdbHash
all-binaries = $(patsubst %, %.exe, ${BINARIES})
all-r-files = $(patsubst %, %.R, $(GRAPHS))
all-defs = $(patsubst %, %.def, $(GRAPHS))
RFLAGS=--no-save --no-load
all: all-graphs all-results ${all-binaries}
all-graphs : all-png-graphs all-pdf-graphs all-ps-graphs
all-results : $(patsubst %, %.results, $(GRAPHS))
all-png-graphs : $(patsubst %, %.png, $(GRAPHS))
all-pdf-graphs : $(patsubst %, %.pdf, $(GRAPHS))
all-ps-graphs : $(patsubst %,, $(GRAPHS))
# XXX the "|| true" is a hack; grep -v returns failure if there
# are no matching lines.... Really, we should check to see if it returned 2.
%.results : %.def ${all-binaries}
$(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) `grep Data-Series\: $< | \
perl -ne 's/[\"\s]+/\t/g;print;print"\n"' | \
cut -f2 | \
perl -ne 'chomp;print"$*-";print;print".dat\n"'` \
| grep -v 'is up to date.' || true
%.png: %.results %.def
../plot --format png $* | R $(RFLAGS) > /dev/null
%.pdf: %.results %.def
../plot --format pdf $* | R $(RFLAGS) > /dev/null
|||| %.results %.def
../plot --format ps $* | R $(RFLAGS) > /dev/null
%.def : defs/%.def
ln -s $< .
%.dat : ${all-binaries} ${all-defs}
../generateGraphData $*
cp defs/$@ $@
%.R : %.def
|||| $* > $*.R
clean :
rm -f *.def *.R *.png *.pdf *.ps
veryclean : clean
rm -f *.exe *.dat *.results binaries
touch binaries
# "binaries" is an empty file that's newer than the executables in
# this directory. It is used as an empty target, and records the time
# at which this run was initiated. (It is 'built' from the
# executables by copying them into the current directory, and touching
# 'binaries'. This prevents new binaries from inadvertantly being
# copied into archived benchmark directories.
# Note that this makefile recursively calls itself... there must be a
# better way. The problem is that we need to prevent make from
# realizing that we build the .exe from the original binary.
# Otherwise, it would copy over the archived binary when we recompile...
%.exe : binaries
$(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) $*.exe.tmp
mv $*.exe.tmp $*.exe
%.exe.tmp : %
cp $< $*.exe.tmp
benchmarks : binaries $(patsubst %.exe, %.dat, $(wildcard *.exe))
touch benchmarks
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Title: Bulk Load Time - Single Transaction
Plot-Type: 2D Line
X-Label: Insertions
Y-Label: Seconds
X-Range: qw(10 50 100 500 1000)
Data-Series: "LINEAR_HASH_NTA" linearHashNTA 1 $x
Data-Series: "Linear_Hash" logicalHash 1 $x
Data-Series: "Berkeley_DB" bdbHash 1 $x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Title: Bulk Load Time - Single Transaction
X-Label: Insertions
Y-Label: Seconds
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Title: Concurrent Transactions Per Second
X-Label: Number of concurrent requests
Y-Label: TPS
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Title: Concurrent Transactions Per Second
X-Label: Number of concurrent requests
Y-Label: TPS
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $dataSeries = shift @ARGV;
my @tok = split /\-/, $dataSeries;
my $usage = "Usage $0 GRAPH_NAME-SERIES_NAME\n";
@tok == 2 || die $usage;
#(-r $tok[0]) || (-r $tok[0]) || die ("Couldn't open ."$tok[0]."\n");
my $seriesLine = `grep Data-Series\: $tok[0].def | grep $tok[1]`
|| die "No Data-Series entry\n";
my $range = `grep X-Range\: $tok[0].def` || die "No X-Range entry\n";
warn "Series line:\t$seriesLine\rRange:$range";
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
#my $R_PREAMBLE = qq{
# postscript("", width = 9.75, height = 6.375,
# horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special",
# family = "ComputerModern")
# };
my $outputFormat = "pdf";
my $width = 5;
my $height = 4;
my $dpi = 100;
sub set_format {
my $format = shift;
if($format eq "pdf") {
pdf("__PLOT_NAME__.pdf", width = $width, height = $height,
horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special")
# family = "ComputerModern")
} elsif ($format eq "ps") {
postscript("", width = $width, height = $height,
horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special",
family = "ComputerModern")
} elsif ($format eq "png") {
my $pwidth = $width * $dpi;
my $pheight = $height * $dpi;
png(filename = "__PLOT_NAME__.png", width = $pwidth, height = $pheight,
pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = $dpi)
} else {
die ("Unknown format. Known formats are: pdf ps png\n");
my $R_READ = qq{
my $R_FIRST_PLOT = qq{
plot(__NAME__\$V1, __NAME__\$V2, type="b",
ylim=c(0, max(__NAME_Y_LIST__)),
xlab="__XLAB__", ylab="__YLAB__",
main="__TITLE__", pch=1, col=1)
my $R_NEXT_PLOT = qq{
lines(__NAME__\$V1, __NAME__\$V2, type="b", pch=__N__+1, col=__N__+1)
my $R_LEGEND = qq{
legend((0 * max(__NAME_X_LIST__)), max(__NAME_Y_LIST__), legend=c(__NAME_LABEL_LIST__), bty="n", pch=c(1:__COUNT__), col=c(1:__COUNT__))
my $R_FINISH = qq{
sub replaceAll {
my $cmd = shift;
my $arglist_ref = shift;
my %arglist = %{$arglist_ref};
foreach my $i (keys %arglist) {
$cmd =~ s/$i/$arglist{$i}/g;
return $cmd;
sub getConfig {
my $basename = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $value = `grep ^$key: $basename.def`;
$value =~ s/^$key\:\s+//;
chomp $value;
return $value
sub filesToLabels {
my $array_ref = shift;
my @array = @{$array_ref};
for(my $i = 0; $i < @array; $i++) {
chomp $array[$i];
$array[$i] =~ s/^[^\-]+\-//;
$array[$i] =~ s/\.dat$//;
$array[$i] =~ s/[-_]/ /g;
my $ret = '"' . join ('", "', @array). '"';
return $ret;
sub labelsToVars {
my $i = shift;
$i =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9\"\,]//g;
$i =~ s/\,/, /g;
return $i;
sub varsToXList {
my $i = shift;
$i =~ s/\"\,/\$V1\",/g;
$i =~ s/\"$/\$V1\"/;
$i =~ s/\"//g;
return $i;
sub varsToYList {
my $i = shift;
$i =~ s/\"\,/\$V2\",/g;
$i =~ s/\"$/\$V2\"/;
$i =~ s/\"//g;
return $i;
my %vals;
my $usage = "Usage: $0 [--format (pdf|ps|png)] [--width in] [--height -in] GRAPH_NAME\n";
my $basename;
while (@ARGV) {
if($ARGV[0] eq '--format') {
shift @ARGV;
$outputFormat = shift @ARGV;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--width') {
shift @ARGV;
$width = shift @ARGV;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--height') {
shift @ARGV;
$height = shift @ARGV;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--dpi') {
shift @ARGV;
$dpi = shift @ARGV;
} else {
&& die ("Multiple graphs specified. Invalid parameter?\n$usage");
$basename = shift(@ARGV);
defined($basename) || die $usage;
my @files = `ls $basename-*.dat`;
for(my $i =0; $i < @files; $i++) {
chomp $files[$i];
$vals{__PLOT_NAME__} = $basename;
$vals{__XLAB__} = getConfig($basename, "X-Label");
$vals{__YLAB__} = getConfig($basename, "Y-Label");
$vals{__TITLE__} = getConfig($basename, "Title");
$vals{__NAME_LABEL_LIST__} = filesToLabels(\@files);
my $vars = labelsToVars($vals{__NAME_LABEL_LIST__});
$vals{__NAME_X_LIST__} = varsToXList($vars);
$vals{__NAME_Y_LIST__} = varsToYList($vars);
$vals{__COUNT__} = @files;
my @names = split /[\"\,\s]+/, $vars;
if($names[0] =~ /^\s*$/) {
shift @names;
$vals{__FILE__} = $files[0];
$vals{__NAME__} = $names[0];
$vals{__N__} = 0;
print replaceAll($R_PREAMBLE, \%vals);
print replaceAll($R_READ, \%vals);
for(my $n = 1 ; $n < @names; $n++) {
$vals{__FILE__} = $files[$n];
$vals{__NAME__} = $names[$n];
print replaceAll($R_READ, \%vals);
$vals{__FILE__} = $files[0];
$vals{__NAME__} = $names[0];
print replaceAll($R_FIRST_PLOT, \%vals);
for(my $n = 1 ; $n < @names; $n++) {
$vals{__FILE__} = $files[$n];
$vals{__NAME__} = $names[$n];
$vals{__N__} = $n;
print replaceAll($R_NEXT_PLOT, \%vals);
print replaceAll($R_LEGEND, \%vals);
print replaceAll($R_FINISH, \%vals);
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $CI80 = 1;
my $CI90 = 2;
my $CI95 = 3;
my $CI98 = 4;
my $CI99 = 5;
my $CI99_8 = 6;
my $CI99_9 = 7;
my $tdistribution =
qq(1 3.078 6.314 12.71 31.82 63.66 318.3 637 1
2 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925 22.330 31.6 2
3 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841 10.210 12.92 3
4 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 7.173 8.610 4
5 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 5.893 6.869 5
6 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 5.208 5.959 6
7 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499 4.785 5.408 7
8 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355 4.501 5.041 8
9 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250 4.297 4.781 9
10 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 4.144 4.587 10
11 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106 4.025 4.437 11
12 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055 3.930 4.318 12
13 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012 3.852 4.221 13
14 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977 3.787 4.140 14
15 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947 3.733 4.073 15
16 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921 3.686 4.015 16
17 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898 3.646 3.965 17
18 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 3.610 3.922 18
19 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 3.579 3.883 19
20 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 3.552 3.850 20
21 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831 3.527 3.819 21
22 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819 3.505 3.792 22
23 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807 3.485 3.768 23
24 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 3.467 3.745 24
25 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 3.450 3.725 25
26 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 3.435 3.707 26
27 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 3.421 3.690 27
28 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 3.408 3.674 28
29 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.396 3.659 29
30 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 3.385 3.646 30
32 1.309 1.694 2.037 2.449 2.738 3.365 3.622 32
34 1.307 1.691 2.032 2.441 2.728 3.348 3.601 34
36 1.306 1.688 2.028 2.434 2.719 3.333 3.582 36
38 1.304 1.686 2.024 2.429 2.712 3.319 3.566 38
40 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 3.307 3.551 40
42 1.302 1.682 2.018 2.418 2.698 3.296 3.538 42
44 1.301 1.680 2.015 2.414 2.692 3.286 3.526 44
46 1.300 1.679 2.013 2.410 2.687 3.277 3.515 46
48 1.299 1.677 2.011 2.407 2.682 3.269 3.505 48
50 1.299 1.676 2.009 2.403 2.678 3.261 3.496 50
55 1.297 1.673 2.004 2.396 2.668 3.245 3.476 55
60 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 3.232 3.460 60
65 1.295 1.669 1.997 2.385 2.654 3.220 3.447 65
70 1.294 1.667 1.994 2.381 2.648 3.211 3.435 70
80 1.292 1.664 1.990 2.374 2.639 3.195 3.416 80
100 1.290 1.660 1.984 2.364 2.626 3.174 3.390 100
150 1.287 1.655 1.976 2.351 2.609 3.145 3.357 150
200 1.286 1.653 1.972 2.345 2.601 3.131 3.340 200
### How tight should the CI be?
my $myCI = $CI95;
my $maxRuns = 10;
my $plusMinus = 0.05;
my $use_gettimeofday = 1;
my @ttbl;
sub parse_t_distribution {
## Takes the $tdistribution string and parses it into a nice, fat array.
my $i = 0;
my @lines = split /\n/, $tdistribution;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my @tok = split /\s+/, $line;
pop @tok; ## Remove trailing n.
while($i < $tok[0]) {
push @ttbl, \@tok;
# print("$i " . join ("-", @tok) . "\n");
sub runit_gettimeofday {
my $cmd = shift;
`rm -rf storefile.txt logfile.txt blob0_file.txt blob1_file.txt TXNAPP bdb; sync; sleep 1`;
my $start_sec = `getTimeOfDay`;
my $end_sec = `getTimeOfDay`;
my $time = ($end_sec - $start_sec) / 1000.0;
return $time;
sub runit_returntime {
my $cmd = shift;
`rm -rf storefile.txt logfile.txt blob0_file.txt blob1_file.txt TXNAPP bdb; sync; sleep 1`;
my $time = `$cmd`;
return $time;
sub runbatch {
my $cmd = shift;
my $sum_x = 0;
my $sum_x_squared = 0;
my $n = 0;
my $variance = 100000;
my $mean = 0;
my $x = 0;
my $s = 10;
my $max_range = 0;
my $cur_range = 1;
while( 1 ) {
if ($n > 5) {
if($maxRuns < $n) {
if($cur_range < $max_range) {
if ($use_gettimeofday) {
$x = runit_gettimeofday($cmd);
} else {
$x = runit_returntime($cmd);
$sum_x += $x;
$sum_x_squared += ($x * $x);
$variance = ($sum_x_squared/$n) - ($sum_x/$n)*($sum_x/$n);
$mean = $sum_x / $n;
my $s;
my $sigma;
if($variance <= 0) {
$s = 0;
$sigma = 0;
} else {
$s = sqrt($variance/$n);
$sigma = sqrt($variance);
print("Time: $x s: $s Mean: $mean Stdev: $sigma\n");
$cur_range = $s * $ttbl[$n-1][$myCI];
$max_range = $plusMinus * $mean;
if($cur_range > $max_range) {
printf("CI FAILED. mean was: $mean\t$cmd\n");
} else {
printf("CI mean was: $mean\t$cmd\n");
while (@ARGV) {
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-return") {
$use_gettimeofday = 0;
shift @ARGV;
else {
die "unknown argument";
while (my $cmd = <>) {
Reference in a new issue