#include "indirect.h" #include "slotted.h" #include #include #include #include "../blobManager.h" #include "../page.h" #include void indirectInitialize(Page * p, int height) { *level_ptr(p) = height; *page_type_ptr(p) = INDIRECT_PAGE; memset(p->memAddr, INVALID_SLOT, ((size_t)level_ptr(p)) - ((size_t)p->memAddr)); } /** @todo Is locking for dereferenceRID really necessary? */ compensated_function recordid dereferenceRID(int xid, recordid rid) { Page * page; try_ret(NULLRID) { page = loadPage(xid, rid.page); readlock(page->rwlatch, 0); } end_ret(NULLRID); // printf("a"); fflush(stdout); int offset = 0; int max_slot; while(*page_type_ptr(page) == INDIRECT_PAGE) { int i = 0; for(max_slot = *maxslot_ptr(page, i); ( max_slot + offset ) <= rid.slot; max_slot = *maxslot_ptr(page, i)) { i++; assert(max_slot != INVALID_SLOT); } if(i) { offset += *maxslot_ptr(page, i - 1); } /** else, the adjustment to the offset is zero */ int nextPage = *page_ptr(page, i); unlock(page->rwlatch); releasePage(page); try_ret(NULLRID) { page = loadPage(xid, nextPage); readlock(page->rwlatch, 0); } end_ret(NULLRID); } // printf("b"); fflush(stdout); rid.page = page->id; rid.slot -= offset; unlock(page->rwlatch); releasePage(page); // printf("c"); fflush(stdout); return rid; } #define min(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y)) /** Would be static, but there is a unit test for this function */ unsigned int calculate_level (unsigned int number_of_pages) { long long tmp = INDIRECT_POINTERS_PER_PAGE; unsigned int level = 1; while(tmp < number_of_pages) { tmp *= INDIRECT_POINTERS_PER_PAGE; level++; } return level; } compensated_function recordid __rallocMany(int xid, int parentPage, int recordSize, int recordCount); /** @todo is there a way to implement rallocMany so that it doesn't have to physically log pre- and post-images of the allocated space? */ compensated_function recordid rallocMany(int xid, int recordSize, int recordCount) { recordid ret; int page; try_ret(NULLRID) { page = TpageAlloc(xid/*, SLOTTED_PAGE*/); }end_ret(NULLRID); try_ret(NULLRID) { ret = __rallocMany(xid, page, recordSize, recordCount); }end_ret(NULLRID); return ret; } compensated_function recordid __rallocMany(int xid, int parentPage, int recordSize, int recordCount) { /* How many levels of pages do we need? */ int physical_size; recordid rid; if(recordSize > BLOB_THRESHOLD_SIZE) { physical_size = sizeof(blob_record_t); } else { physical_size = recordSize; } int records_per_page = (USABLE_SIZE_OF_PAGE - SLOTTED_PAGE_HEADER_OVERHEAD) / (physical_size + SLOTTED_PAGE_OVERHEAD_PER_RECORD); /* we need to take the floor */ int number_of_pages = (int)ceil( (double)recordCount / (double)records_per_page); /* need to take ceiling here */ Page p; byte buffer[PAGE_SIZE]; p.memAddr = buffer; p.rwlatch = initlock(); p.loadlatch = initlock(); if(number_of_pages > 1) { int level = calculate_level(number_of_pages); DEBUG("recordsize = %d, physicalsize = %d, recordCount = %d, level = %d\n", recordSize, physical_size, recordCount, level); /* OK, now allocate the pages. */ int next_level_records_per_page = records_per_page; for(int i = 0; i < (level - 1); i++) { next_level_records_per_page *= INDIRECT_POINTERS_PER_PAGE; } int newPageCount = (int)ceil((double)recordCount / (double)next_level_records_per_page); int firstChildPage; try_ret(NULLRID) { firstChildPage = TpageAllocMany(xid, newPageCount/*, SLOTTED_PAGE*/);/*pageAllocMultiple(newPageCount); */ } end_ret(NULLRID); int tmpRecordCount = recordCount; int thisChildPage = firstChildPage; while(tmpRecordCount > 0) { try_ret(NULLRID) { __rallocMany(xid, thisChildPage, recordSize, min(tmpRecordCount, next_level_records_per_page)); } end_ret(NULLRID); tmpRecordCount -= next_level_records_per_page; thisChildPage ++; } assert((thisChildPage-firstChildPage)== newPageCount); tmpRecordCount = recordCount; indirectInitialize(&p, level); int i = 0; for(tmpRecordCount = recordCount; tmpRecordCount > 0; tmpRecordCount -= next_level_records_per_page) { *page_ptr(&p, i) = firstChildPage + i; if(i) { *maxslot_ptr(&p, i) = *maxslot_ptr(&p, i-1) + min(tmpRecordCount+1, next_level_records_per_page); } else { *maxslot_ptr(&p, i) = min(tmpRecordCount+1, next_level_records_per_page); } i++; } assert(i == newPageCount); } else { DEBUG("recordsize = %d, recordCount = %d, level = 0 (don't need indirect pages)\n", recordSize, recordCount); /* Initialize leaves. (As SLOTTED_PAGE's) */ slottedPageInitialize(&p); p.id = parentPage; for(int i = 0; i < recordCount; i++) { /* Normally, we would worry that the page id isn't set, but we're discarding the recordid returned by page ralloc anyway. */ slottedRawRalloc(&p, recordSize); } } try_ret(NULLRID) { TpageSet(xid, parentPage, p.memAddr); } end_ret(NULLRID); rid.page = parentPage; rid.slot = RECORD_ARRAY; rid.size = recordSize; deletelock(p.rwlatch); deletelock(p.loadlatch); return rid; } compensated_function int indirectPageRecordCount(int xid, recordid rid) { Page * p; try_ret(-1){ p = loadPage(xid, rid.page); }end_ret(-1); readlock(p->rwlatch, 0); int i = 0; unsigned int ret; if(*page_type_ptr(p) == INDIRECT_PAGE) { while(*maxslot_ptr(p, i) > 0) { i++; } if(!i) { ret = 0; } else { ret = (*maxslot_ptr(p, i-1)) - 1; } } else if (*page_type_ptr(p) == SLOTTED_PAGE) { int numslots = *numslots_ptr(p); ret = 0; for(int i = 0; i < numslots; i++) { if(isValidSlot(p, i)) { ret++; } } } else { printf("Unknown page type in indirectPageRecordCount\n"); abort(); } unlock(p->rwlatch); releasePage(p); return ret; }