LLADD is an experimental Lightweight Library for Atomicity and Durability of Data. Please see the COPYING file for licensing information. To build, do: ./configure make make check make install To build the API and internals documentation, run: make docs after configure. 'make check' requires the GNU check library, 'make doc' requires Doxygen. We haven't tested make install. ;) If you want to install check to a non-standard location, try this: ./configure --with-check=/home/eecs/sears/check This package contains a copy of Peter Graf's Program Base Library, PBL, which is distributed under the terms of the LGPL. The original version can be found at: http://mission.base.com/peter/source/ LLADD's version of the package adds the jbhash.* files, and compiles PBL using LLADD's make files. Currently, LLADD's hash table implementations are based upon code from PBL, and pbl is used in a number of places throughout LLADD. In order to use gcc's profiling and coverage tools (gprof, and gcov, respectively), execute this command: export CFLAGS="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -pg -O0" ./configure make clean make check The 'make check' step will output profiles and test coverage that reflects the test cases. You can simply invoke 'make' if you are interested in profiling the library for a specific program. To produce the gcov output, you may then run this command in src/ ls *.c logger/*.c operations/*.c page/*.c | xargs -n 1 gcov | grep executed | sort -k1,1n Or, run this: lcov -c --directory . > tmp.info genhtml tmp.info For HTML output.