/************************************************************************ * @file implementation of variable-sized slotted pages STRUCTURE OF A PAGE
 | DATA SECTION                 +--------->| RID: (PAGE, 0)        |    |
 |          +-----------------+ |          +-----------------------+    |
 |      +-->| RID: (PAGE, 1)  | |                                       |
 |      |   +-----------------+ |                                       |
 |      |                       |                                       |
 |      ----------------+       |        +------------------------------+
 |                      |       |   +--->| RID: (PAGE, n)               |
 |                      |       |   |    +------------------------------+
 |  ^ FREE SPACE        |       |   |                                   |
 |  |                   |       |   |                                   |
 |  +-------------------|-------|---|--------------------+              |
 |                      |       |   |                    |              |
 |        +-------------|-------|---+                    |              |
 |        |             |       |                        |              |
 |    +---|---+-----+---|---+---|---+--------------+-----|------+-------+
 |    | slotn | ... | slot1 | slot0 | num of slots | free space |  ***  |
*** = @see page.h for information on this field. NOTE: - slots are zero indexed. - slots are of implemented as (offset, length) Slotted page layout: END: lsn (4 bytes) type (2 bytes) free space (2 bytes) num of slots (2 bytes) freelist head(2 bytes) slot 0 (4 bytes) slot 1 (4 bytes) ... slot n (4 bytes) ... unused ... record n (x bytes) ... record 0 (y bytes) record 1 (z bytes) START $Id$ @todo slotted.c Should know that specific record types (like blobs) exist, (but should not hardcode information about these types) This has been handled, except in slottedPostRalloc... ************************************************************************/ #define SLOTTED_PAGE_OVERHEAD_PER_RECORD (2 * sizeof(short)) #define SLOTTED_PAGE_HEADER_OVERHEAD (3 * sizeof(short)) //#define SLOTTED_PAGE_CHECK_FOR_OVERLAP 1 //#define SLOTTED_PAGE_SKIP_SANITY_CHECKS 1 #ifdef LONG_TEST #define SLOTTED_PAGE_CHECK_FOR_OVERLAP 1 #endif #define freespace_ptr(page) shorts_from_end((page), 1) #define numslots_ptr(page) shorts_from_end((page), 2) #define freelist_ptr(page) shorts_from_end((page), 3) #define slot_ptr(page, n) shorts_from_end((page), (2*(n))+4) #define slot_length_ptr(page, n) shorts_from_end((page), (2*(n))+5) #define record_ptr(page, n) bytes_from_start((page), *slot_ptr((page), (n))) #define isValidSlot(page, n) ((*slot_ptr((page), (n)) == INVALID_SLOT) ? 0 : 1) void slottedPageInit(); void slottedPageDeinit(); page_impl slottedImpl(); page_impl boundaryTagImpl();