Stasis is an experimental flexible transactional storage library. Please see the COPYING file for licensing information. More information about installation, a tutorial and API documentation are available at: First, make sure you have the appropriate dependencies: 'make check' requires the GNU check library, 'make doc' requires Doxygen. You'll need Berkeley DB to build; it isn't actually used by Stasis, but I haven't gotten around to making it optional. You also need libconfuse; it is used by some of the programs that ship with Stasis. To build, do: ./reconf or ./reconf-1.8 You'll need to have a version of automake >= 1.7 for ./reconf to work, or have automake 1.8 for ./reconf-1.8 to work. Different packages of automake should be able to coexist on the same system, and probably ship with your distribution. ./configure make make check make install To build the API and internals documentation, run: make docs after configure. We don't support "make install". ;) For up-to date coverage reports and unit test pass rates, see The unit test logs for lcov describe how the coverage report was generated.