#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $num_threads = 50; # # Script to generate benchmarking scripts for the SOSP submission. # # This supports the following graphs: # # * Comparison with Berkeley DB: # # - Single-threaded raw throughput for LLADD's opeartions and # Berkeley DB's storage methods. # # - Multithreaded hash-based transactions per second. # # - Multithreaded response time distributions # # * Object serialization benchmarks: # # - OASYS memory footprint (@todo: How to limit berkeley db's # memory footprint?) # o Three graphs (fixed memory pool size) # # 100% object changed / update # 50% # 10% # # o Three lines per Graph: LLADD diff, LLADD naive, Berkeley DB # # * Validation of flexibilty / ability to perform optimizations # # - Load burst absorption (LLADD w/ async vs LLADD w/out async) # # - Transitive closure (oo7 subset) (LLADD naive vs LLADD # optimized: async + TsetRange()) # # - CHT: Throughput vs number of replica groups: Disk Force vs # Two sites in RAM. # # ## This perl script generates the input to timer.pl, which in turn ## generates the input to plotting.pl, which generates performance ## graphs. :) ## Single threaded raw-throughput graph: open(LLADD_NTA_HASH, ">LLADD_NTA_HASH.script"); open(LLADD_FAST_HASH, ">LLADD_FAST_HASH.script"); open(LLADD_ARRAY_LIST, ">LLADD_ARRAY_LIST.script"); open(LLADD_LINKED_LIST, ">LLADD_LINKED_LIST.script"); open(LLADD_RECORDID, ">LLADD_RECORDID.script"); open(BDB_HASH, ">BDB_HASH.script"); open(BDB_RAW, ">BDB_RAW.script"); open(BULK_LOAD, ">BULK_LOAD.script"); print BDB_RAW "cp ../berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded ../berkeleyDB/bdbRawThreaded"; print BULK_LOAD "cp ../berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded ../berkeleyDB/bdbRawThreaded"; for(my $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i ++) { my $insert_count = $i * 100000; my $thread_count = 200; my $threaded_insert_count = $insert_count / 200; print LLADD_NTA_HASH "../linearHashNTAThreaded 1 $insert_count\n"; print LLADD_FAST_HASH "../logicalHash 1 $insert_count\n"; # could do ./naiveHash instead... print LLADD_ARRAY_LIST "../arrayListSet 1 $insert_count\n"; print LLADD_LINKED_LIST "../pageOrientedListNTA 1 $insert_count\n"; # could do ./linkedList instead... print LLADD_RECORDID "../rawSet 1 $insert_count\n"; print BDB_HASH "../berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded 1 $insert_count 0 1\n"; print BDB_RAW "../berkeleyDB/bdbRawThreaded 1 $insert_count 0 0\n"; print BULK_LOAD "../linearHashNTAThreaded 1 $insert_count\n"; print BULK_LOAD "../logicalHash 1 $insert_count\n"; # could do ./naiveHash instead... print BULK_LOAD "../arrayListSet 1 $insert_count\n"; print BULK_LOAD "../pageOrientedListNTA 1 $insert_count\n"; # could do ./linkedList instead... print BULK_LOAD "../rawSet 1 $insert_count\n"; print BULK_LOAD "../berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded 1 $insert_count 0 1\n"; print BULK_LOAD "../berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded 1 $insert_count 0 0\n"; } close(LLADD_NTA_HASH); close(LLADD_FAST_HASH); close(LLADD_ARRAY_LIST); close(LLADD_LINKED_LIST); close(LLADD_RECORDID); close(BDB_HASH); close(BDB_RAW); close(BULK_LOAD); ## Throughput vs. number of transactions open(LLADD_HASH_TPS, ">LLADD_HASH_TPS.script"); open(BDB_HASH_TPS, ">BDB_HASH_TPS.script"); open(LLADD_RECNO_TPS, ">LLADD_RECNO_TPS.script"); open(BDB_RECNO_TPS, ">BDB_RECNO_TPS.script"); open(TPS, ">TPS.script"); for(my $i = 0; $i <= 200; $i ++ ) { my $insert_threads = $i * 10; if($insert_threads == 0) { $insert_threads = 1; } my $insert_per_thread = 1000; # / $insert_threads; print LLADD_HASH_TPS "../linearHashNTAThreaded $insert_threads $insert_per_thread 1\n"; print BDB_HASH_TPS "../berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded $insert_threads $insert_per_thread 1 1\n"; print TPS "../linearHashNTAThreaded $insert_threads $insert_per_thread 1\n"; print TPS "../berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded $insert_threads $insert_per_thread 1 1\n"; } close(TPS); ## Response time degradation open(LLADD_SEDA, ">LLADD_SEDA.script"); open(BDB_SEDA, ">BDB_SEDA.script"); open(SEDA, ">SEDA.script"); for(my $i = 1; $i <= 20; $i ++) { # my $insert_count = $i * 100000; my $num_threads = $i * 20; my $tps_per_thread = 10; print LLADD_SEDA "../linearHashNTAWriteRequests $num_threads $tps_per_thread 1\n"; print BDB_SEDA "../berkeleyDB/bdbHashWriteRequests $num_threads $tps_per_thread 1\n"; print SEDA "../linearHashNTAWriteRequests $num_threads $tps_per_thread 1\n"; print SEDA "../berkeleyDB/bdbHashWriteRequests $num_threads $tps_per_thread 1\n"; } close LLADD_SEDA; close BDB_SEDA; close SEDA; exit; ## ---------------- OASYS STUFF --------------------------- # blah blah blah ## ---------------- ASYNC STUFF -------------------------- # load bursts # trans closure ## ---------------- CHT STUFF ----------------------------- #cht vs # hosts. #open(LLADD_THREADED, ">LLADD_THREADED.script" ); #open(LLADD_LOGICAL, ">LLADD_LOGICAL.script" ); #open(LLADD_PHYSICAL, ">LLADD_PHYSICAL.script" ); #open(LLADD_RAW_PHYSICAL, ">LLADD_RAW_PHYSICAL.script"); #open(BDB_RAW_INSERT, ">BDB_RAW_INSERT.script" ); #open(BDB_HASH_INSERT, ">BDB_HASH_INSERT.script" ); # New tests #open(LLADD_NTA, ">LLADD_NTA.script"); #open(LLADD_LINKED_LIST, ">LLADD_LINKED_LIST.script"); #open(LLADD_PAGED_LIST, ">LLADD_PAGED_LIST.script"); #open(BDB_HASH_THREADED, ">BDB_HASH_THREADED.script"); #open(EVERYTHING, ">EVERYTHING.script" ); for(my $i = 1; $i <= 10; $i += .5) { my $insert_count = $i * 100000; my $threaded_insert_count = $insert_count / $num_threads; print LLADD_THREADED "./linearHashNTAThreaded $num_threads $threaded_insert_count\n"; print LLADD_LOGICAL "./logicalHash 1 $insert_count\n"; print LLADD_PHYSICAL "./naiveHash 1 $insert_count\n"; print LLADD_RAW_PHYSICAL "./arrayListSet 1 $insert_count\n"; print BDB_RAW_INSERT "./berkeleyDB/bdbRaw 1 $insert_count\n"; print BDB_HASH_INSERT "./berkeleyDB/bdbHash 1 $insert_count\n"; print LLADD_NTA "./linearHashNTA 1 $insert_count\n"; print LLADD_LINKED_LIST "./linkedListNTA 1 $insert_count\n"; print LLADD_PAGED_LIST "./pageOrientedListNTA 1 $insert_count\n"; print BDB_HASH_THREADED "./berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded $num_threads $threaded_insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./linearHashNTAThreaded $num_threads $threaded_insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./logicalHash 1 $insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./naiveHash 1 $insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./arrayListSet 1 $insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./berkeleyDB/bdbRaw 1 $insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./linearHashNTA 1 $insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./linkedListNTA 1 $insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./pageOrientedListNTA 1 $insert_count\n"; if($i < 4) { print EVERYTHING "./berkeleyDB/bdbHashThreaded $num_threads $threaded_insert_count\n"; print EVERYTHING "./berkeleyDB/bdbHash 1 $insert_count\n"; } } close(LLADD_THREADED); close(LLADD_LOGICAL); close(LLADD_PHYSICAL); close(LLADD_RAW_PHYSICAL); close(BDB_RAW_INSERT); close(BDB_HASH_INSERT); close(EVERYTHING); close(LLADD_NTA); close(LLADD_LINKED_LIST); close(LLADD_PAGED_LIST); close(BDB_HASH_THREADED);