/*--- This software is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California, and other parties. The following terms apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in individual files. The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses. Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where they apply. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY DERIVATIVES THEREOF, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. GOVERNMENT USE: If you are acquiring this software on behalf of the U.S. government, the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" in the software and related documentation as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs) in Clause 52.227.19 (c) (2). If you are acquiring the software on behalf of the Department of Defense, the software shall be classified as "Commercial Computer Software" and the Government shall have only "Restricted Rights" as defined in Clause 252.227-7013 (c) (1) of DFARs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the authors grant the U.S. Government and others acting in its behalf permission to use and distribute the software in accordance with the terms specified in this license. ---*/ /** * @defgroup LLADD_CORE Core API * * The minimal subset of LLADD necessary to implement transactional consistency. * * This module includes the standard API (excluding operations), the * logger, the buffer mananger, and recovery code. * * In theory, the other .h files that are installed in /usr/include * aren't needed for application developers. * * @todo Move as much of the stuff in lladd/ to src/lladd/ as possible. * */ /** @mainpage Introduction to LLADD @section compiling Compiling and installation Prerequisites: - automake 1.8+: needed to build from CVS - libconfuse: configuration file parser_range - libcheck: A unit testing framework (optional, needed to run most of the self-tests) - BerkeleyDB: Used by the benchmarking code for purposes of comparison (Should eventually be made optional) The benchmarks have been tested with BerkeleyDB 4,2 Development is currently performed under Debian's Testing branch. Unless noted above, the most recent version is the one used for development. To compile LLADD, first check out a copy with CVS, then: @code $ ./reconf $ ./configure $ make $ make check @endcode 'make install' is currently broken. Look in utilities/ for an example of a simple program that uses LLADD. Currently, most generally useful programs written on top of LLADD belong in lladd/src/apps, while utilities/ contains programs useful for debugging the library. @section usage Using LLADD in your software Synopsis: @code #include ... Tinit(); int i = 42; int xid = Tbegin(); recordid rid = Talloc(xid, sizeof(int)); Tset(xid, rid, i); // the application is responsible for memory management. // Here, stack-allocated integers are used, although memory // from malloc() works as well. Tcommit(xid); int j; xid = Tbegin(); Tread(xid, rid, &j); // j is now 42. Tdealloc(xid, rid); Tabort(xid); Tdeinit(); @endcode Hopefully, Tbegin(), Talloc(), Tset(), Tcommit(), Tabort() and Tdealloc() are self explanatory. If not, they are covered in detail elsewhere. Tinit() and Tdeinit() initialize the library, and clean up when the program is finished. Other partiularly useful functions are ThashAlloc(), ThashDelete(), ThashInsert(), ThashRemove(), and ThashLookup() which provide a re-entrant linear hash implementation. Currently, the hashtable only supports fixed length keys and values (the lengths are set when the hashtable is created). ThashIterator() and ThashNext() provide an iterator over the hashtable's values. Also of general use is the Tprepare() function which guarantees that a transaction's current state will survive a system crash, but does not cause the transaction to commit. @subsection bootstrap Reopening a closed data store LLADD imposes as little structure upon the application's data structures as possible. Therefore, it does not maintain any information about the contents or naming of objects within the page file. This means that the application must maintain such information manually. In order to facilitate this, LLADD provides the function TgetRecordType() and guarantess that the first recordid returned by any allocation will point to the same page and slot as the constant ROOT_RECORD. TgetRecordType will return NULLRID if the record passed to it does not exist. Therefore, the following code will safely initialize or reopen a data store: @code Tinit(); recordid rootEntry; int xid = Tbegin(); if(TrecordType(xid, ROOT_RECORD) == UNINITIALIZED_RECORD) { // ThashAlloc() will work here as well. rootEntry = Talloc(xid, sizeof(something)); assert(ROOT_RECORD.page == rootEntry.page); assert(ROOT_RECORD.slot == rootEntry.slot); // newRoot.size will be sizeof(something) from above. // Continue initialization procedures... } else { // The store already is initialized. rootEntry = ROOT_RECORD; rootEntry.size = sizeof(something); // Same as sizeof(something) above. // Perform any application initialization based upon its contents... } @endcode @todo Explain how to determine the correct value of rootEntry.size in the case of a hashtable. @see OPERATIONS for more operations that may be useful for your software. @subsection consistency Using LLADD in multithreaded applications. Unless otherwise noted, LLADD's operations are re-entrant. This means that an application may call them concurrently without corrupting LLADD's internal data structures. However, this does not mean that LLADD provides full transactional consistency or serializable schedules. Therefore, an application must manipulate data in a way that ensures logical consistency. In other words, if two threads attempt to write to the same data value simultaneously, the result is undefined. In database terms, you could say that LLADD only provides latches, or that all read and write locks are 'short'. If you are unfamiliar with the terms above, but are familiar with multithreaded software development, don't worry. These semantics closely match those provided by typical operating system thread implementations, and we recommend the use of pthread's mutexes, or a similar synchronization mechanism to protect the logical consistency of application data. Finally, LLADD asumes that each thread has its own transaction; concurrent calls within the same transaction are not supported. This restriction may be lifted in the future. @section selfTest The self-test suite LLADD includes an extensive self test suite which may be invoked by running 'make check' in LLADD's root directory. @section archictecture LLADD's architecture @todo Provide a brief summary of LLADD's architecture. @section extending Implementing you own operations @todo Provide a tutorial that explains howto extend LLADD with new operations. @see increment.h for an example of a very simple logical operation. @see linearHashNTA.h for a more sophisticated example that makes use of Nested Top Actions. @section roadmap Roadmap @todo Fill out the roadmap section. */ /** * @defgroup OPERATIONS Logical Operations * * Implementations of logical operations, and the interfaces that allow new operations to be added. * * @todo Write a brief howto to explain the implementation of new operations. * */ /** * @file * * Defines LLADD's primary interface. * * * * @todo error handling * * @ingroup LLADD_CORE * $Id$ */ #ifndef __TRANSACTIONAL_H__ #define __TRANSACTIONAL_H__ #include "common.h" BEGIN_C_DECLS /** * represents how to look up a record on a page * @todo size should be 64bit. Unfortunately, 'long' is 32 bit on ia32... * @todo signed long long is a stopgap fix.. should do this in a prinicpled way. */ typedef struct { int page; int slot; signed long long size; } recordid; extern const recordid ROOT_RECORD; extern const recordid NULLRID; /** If a recordid's slot field is set to this, then the recordid represents an array of fixed-length records starting at slot zero of the recordid's page. @todo Support read-only arrays of variable length records, and then someday read / write / insert / delete arrays... */ #define RECORD_ARRAY (-1) #include "operations.h" /** * Currently, LLADD has a fixed number of transactions that may be * active at one time. */ #define EXCEED_MAX_TRANSACTIONS 1 /** * @param xid transaction ID * @param LSN last log that this transaction used */ typedef struct { int xid; long LSN; } Transaction; /** * initialize the transactional system, including running recover (if * necessary), building the operations_table, and opening the logs * @return 0 on success * @throws error code on error */ int Tinit(); /** * @return positive transaction ID on success, negative return value on error */ int Tbegin(); /** * Used when extending LLADD. * Operation implementors should wrap around this function to provide more mnuemonic names. * * @param xid The current transaction. * @param rid The record the operation pertains to. For some logical operations, this will be a dummy record. * @param dat Application specific data to be recorded in the log (for undo/redo), and to be passed to the implementation of op. * @param op The operation's offset in operationsTable * * @see operations.h set.h */ compensated_function void Tupdate(int xid, recordid rid, const void *dat, int op); /** * @param xid transaction ID * @param rid reference to page/slot * @param dat buffer into which data goes */ compensated_function void Tread(int xid, recordid rid, void *dat); void TreadUnlocked(int xid, recordid rid, void *dat); /** * @param xid transaction ID * @return 0 on success * @throws error vallue on error */ int Tcommit(int xid); /** * @param xid The current transaction * @param size The size, in bytes of the new record you wish to allocate * @returns A new recordid. On success, this recordid's size will be * the requested size. On failure, its size will be zero. */ recordid Talloc(int xid, long size); /* @function Tabort * @param xid transaction ID * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. */ int Tabort(int xid); /** * flushes all pages, cleans up log * @return 0 on success * @throws error value on error */ int Tdeinit(); /** * Used by the recovery process. * Revives Tprepare'ed transactions. * * @param xid The xid that is to be revived. * @param lsn The lsn of that xid's most recent PREPARE entry in the log. */ void Trevive(int xid, long lsn); /** * Used by the recovery process. * * Sets the number of active transactions. * Should not be used elsewhere. * * @param xid The new active transaction count. */ void TsetXIDCount(int xid); /** This is used by log truncation. */ lsn_t transactions_minRecLSN(); END_C_DECLS #endif