#include #include #include #include #include #include "../page.h" /** A from-scratch implementation of linear hashing. Uses the arrayList operations to implement its hashbuckets. */ #define BUCKETS_OFFSET (2) #define headerKeySize (headerRidA->page) #define headerValSize (headerRidA->slot) #define headerHashBits (headerRidB->page) #define headerNextSplit (headerRidB->slot) #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { recordid next; } hashEntry; void instant_expand (int xid, recordid hash, int next_split, int i, int keySize, int valSize); extern pblHashTable_t * openHashes ; /*pblHashTable_t * openHashes = NULL; */ static int operateUndoInsert(int xid, Page * p, lsn_t lsn, recordid rid, const void * dat) { int keySize = rid.size; int valSize = rid.slot; rid.slot = 0; rid.size = sizeof(recordid); if(!pblHtLookup(openHashes, &rid.page, sizeof(int))) { abort(); /* ThashOpen(xid, rid); */ } ThashInstantDelete(xid, rid, dat, keySize, valSize); return 0; } typedef struct { int keySize; int valSize; } undoDeleteArg; static int operateUndoDelete(int xid, Page * p, lsn_t lsn, recordid rid, const void * dat) { const undoDeleteArg * arg = dat; int keySize = arg->keySize; int valSize = arg->valSize; const byte * argBytes = (byte*)(arg+1); rid.slot = 0; /* TreadUnlocked(xid, dereferenceArrayListRid(p, rid.slot), &headerRidA); */ /* TreadUnlocked(xid, rid, &headerRidA); */ assert(keySize == sizeof(int)); assert(valSize == sizeof(recordid)); rid.size = sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize; ThashInstantInsert(xid, rid, argBytes, keySize, argBytes + keySize, valSize); return 0; } static int noop (int xid, Page * p, lsn_t lsn, recordid rid, const void * dat) { pageWriteLSN(p, lsn); return 0; } Operation getLinearInsert() { Operation o = { OPERATION_LINEAR_INSERT, SIZEOF_RECORD, OPERATION_UNDO_LINEAR_INSERT, &noop }; return o; } Operation getLinearDelete() { Operation o = { OPERATION_LINEAR_DELETE, SIZEOF_RECORD, OPERATION_UNDO_LINEAR_DELETE, &noop }; return o; } Operation getUndoLinearInsert() { Operation o = { OPERATION_UNDO_LINEAR_INSERT, SIZEOF_RECORD, OPERATION_NOOP, &operateUndoInsert }; return o; } Operation getUndoLinearDelete() { Operation o = { OPERATION_UNDO_LINEAR_DELETE, SIZEOF_RECORD, OPERATION_NOOP, &operateUndoDelete }; return o; } void TlogicalHashInsert(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize) { /* Write undo-only log entry. */ recordid * headerRidB = pblHtLookup(openHashes, &hashRid.page, sizeof(int)); assert(headerRidB); hashRid.slot = valSize; hashRid.size = keySize; Tupdate(xid, hashRid, key, OPERATION_LINEAR_INSERT); /* Perform redo-only insert. */ hashRid.size = sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize; ThashInstantInsert(xid, hashRid, key, keySize, val, valSize); instant_expand(xid, hashRid, headerNextSplit, headerHashBits, keySize, valSize); } int TlogicalHashDelete(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize) { if(ThashLookup(xid, hashRid, key, keySize, val, valSize)) { undoDeleteArg * arg = malloc(sizeof(undoDeleteArg) + keySize+valSize); arg->keySize = keySize; arg->valSize = valSize; memcpy(arg+1, key, keySize); memcpy(((byte*)(arg+1)) + keySize, val, valSize); hashRid.size = sizeof(undoDeleteArg) + keySize + valSize; Tupdate(xid, hashRid, arg, OPERATION_LINEAR_DELETE); free(arg); /* hashRid.size = sizeof(recordid); */ ThashInstantDelete(xid, hashRid, key, keySize, valSize); return 1; } else { return 0; } } void instant_rehash(int xid, recordid hash, int next_split, int i, int keySize, int valSize); void instant_update_hash_header(int xid, recordid hash, int i, int next_split); int instant_deleteFromBucket(int xid, recordid hash, int bucket_number, hashEntry * bucket_contents, const void * key, int keySize, int valSize, recordid * deletedEntry); void instant_insertIntoBucket(int xid, recordid hashRid, int bucket_number, hashEntry * bucket_contents, hashEntry * e, int keySize, int valSize, int skipDelete); int findInBucket(int xid, recordid hashRid, int bucket_number, const void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize); /*int findInBucket(int xid, recordid hashRid, int bucket_number, const void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize) { hashEntry * e = malloc(sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); recordid bucket = hashRid; recordid nextEntry; bucket.slot = bucket_number; TreadUnlocked(xid, bucket, &nextEntry); if(nextEntry.size) { assert(nextEntry.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); } int found = 0; while(nextEntry.size > 0) { TreadUnlocked(xid, nextEntry, e); if(!memcmp(key, e+1, keySize)) { memcpy(val, ((byte*)(e+1))+keySize, valSize); found = 1; break; } nextEntry = e->next; } free(e); return found; }*/ /*int extendCount = 0; void instant_expand (int xid, recordid hash, int next_split, int i, int keySize, int valSize) { extendCount ++; if(extendCount >= 70) { TarrayListInstantExtend(xid, hash, 100); int j; for(j = 0; j < 100; j++) { if(next_split >= twoToThe(i-1)+2) { i++; next_split = 2; } instant_rehash(xid, hash, next_split, i, keySize, valSize); next_split++; } instant_update_hash_header(xid, hash, i, next_split); extendCount = 0; } }*/ void instant_expand (int xid, recordid hash, int next_split, int i, int keySize, int valSize) { /* Total hack; need to do this better, by storing stuff in the hash table headers.*/ static int count = 4096 * .25; count --; #define AMORTIZE 1000 #define FF_AM 750 if(count <= 0 && !(count * -1) % FF_AM) { recordid * headerRidB = pblHtLookup(openHashes, &(hash.page), sizeof(int)); int j; TarrayListInstantExtend(xid, hash, AMORTIZE); for(j = 0; j < AMORTIZE; j++) { if(next_split >= twoToThe(i-1)+2) { i++; next_split = 2; } instant_rehash(xid, hash, next_split, i, keySize, valSize); next_split++; headerNextSplit = next_split; headerHashBits = i; } instant_update_hash_header(xid, hash, i, next_split); } } void instant_update_hash_header(int xid, recordid hash, int i, int next_split) { recordid * headerRidB = pblHtLookup(openHashes, &hash.page, sizeof(int)); headerHashBits = i; headerNextSplit = next_split; hash.slot = 1; TinstantSet(xid, hash, headerRidB); } //void instant_rehash(int xid, recordid hashRid, int next_split, int i, int keySize, int valSize) { /* Picture of what's going on: [BucketA]->ba_contents-> ... -> A -> B -> C -> ... [BucketB]->bb_contents-> ... -> D -> NULL We want to move to another bucket, but can't allow the page file to contain a set of pages where B, C, or D are inaccesible. Here is the set of pointers that we want: [BucketA]->ba_contents-> ... -> A -> C -> ... [BucketB]->bb_contents-> D -> B Here is the order in which we must write pages: D -> B A -> C B -> NULL We do this in a while loop until the buckets are split. Once this is queued up for the log, we can write the new metadate for the hash table, and release our locks on A and B. On recovery, if the metadata is stale, then we look for the first entry in BucketB that is also in BucketA and do this: (Duplicate, B, should be in bucket B) [BucketA]->ba_contents-> ... -> A -> B -> C [BucketB]->ba_contents-> ... -> D -> B -> C A -> C B -> NULL Next case (Duplicate, C, should be in bucket A): [BucketA]->ba_contents-> ... -> A -> C -> ... [BucketB]->ba_contents-> ... -> D -> B -> C -> ... B -> NULL Now that there are no duplicates, we simply re-run split (whether we found a duplicate, or not). */ /** @todo Actually implement recovery for linearHash. */ /* int firstA = 1; // Is 'A' the recordid of a bucket? int firstD = 1; // What about 'D'? assert(hashRid.size == sizeof(recordid)); recordid ba = hashRid; ba.slot = next_split; recordid bb = hashRid; bb.slot = next_split + twoToThe(i-1); recordid NULLRID; NULLRID.page = 0; NULLRID.slot=0; NULLRID.size = 0; recordid ba_contents; TreadUnlocked(xid, ba, &ba_contents); recordid bb_contents = NULLRID; TinstantSet(xid, bb, &bb_contents);//TreadUnlocked(xid, bb, &bb_contents); recordid A = ba; //ba_contents; recordid D = bb; //bb_contents; recordid B = ba_contents; recordid C; hashEntry * D_contents = calloc(1,sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); hashEntry * A_contents = calloc(1,sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); hashEntry * B_contents = calloc(1,sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); while(B.size) { assert(B.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, B, B_contents); C = B_contents->next; int old_hash = hash(B_contents+1, keySize, i-1, ULONG_MAX) + 2; int new_hash = hash(B_contents+1, keySize, i, ULONG_MAX) + 2; assert(next_split == old_hash); assert(new_hash == old_hash || new_hash == old_hash + twoToThe(i-1)); if(new_hash == old_hash) { A = B; B = C; C.size = -1; firstA = 0; } else { if(firstD) { // D is a bucket entry assert(B.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(D.size == sizeof(recordid)); TinstantSet(xid, D, &B); } else { // D is the tail of our list. assert(D.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(B.size == 0 || B.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, D, D_contents); D_contents->next = B; TinstantSet(xid, D, D_contents); } if(firstA) { assert(C.size == 0 || C.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(A.size == sizeof(recordid)); TinstantSet(xid, A, &C); } else { // A is somewhere in the first list. assert(A.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(C.size == 0 || C.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, A, A_contents); A_contents->next = C; TinstantSet(xid, A, A_contents); } // B _can't_ be a bucket. assert(B.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, B, B_contents); B_contents->next = NULLRID; TinstantSet(xid, B, B_contents); // Update Loop State D = B; B = C; C.size = -1; firstD = 0; } } free(D_contents); free(A_contents); free(B_contents); } */ void instant_rehash(int xid, recordid hashRid, int next_split, int i, int keySize, int valSize) { int firstA = 1; // Is 'A' the recordid of a bucket? int firstD = 1; // What about 'D'? /* assert(hashRid.size == sizeof(recordid)); */ assert(hashRid.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); recordid ba = hashRid; ba.slot = next_split; recordid bb = hashRid; bb.slot = next_split + twoToThe(i-1); recordid NULLRID; NULLRID.page = 0; NULLRID.slot=0; NULLRID.size = -1; // recordid ba_contents; TreadUnlocked(xid, ba, &ba_contents); // recordid bb_contents = NULLRID; /* Tset(xid, bb, &bb_contents); */ //TreadUnlocked(xid, bb, &bb_contents); hashEntry * D_contents = calloc(1,sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); hashEntry * A_contents = calloc(1,sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); hashEntry * B_contents = calloc(1,sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, ba, A_contents); TreadUnlocked(xid, bb, D_contents); recordid A = ba; //ba_contents; recordid D = bb; //bb_contents; recordid B = A_contents->next; recordid C; if(!A_contents->next.size) { /* Bucket A is empty, so we're done. */ free(D_contents); free(A_contents); free(B_contents); /* printf("Expand was a noop.\n"); fflush(NULL); */ return; } int old_hash; int new_hash = hash(A_contents+1, keySize, i, ULONG_MAX) + 2; while(new_hash != next_split) { // Need a record in A that belongs in the first bucket... recordid oldANext = A_contents->next; A_contents->next = NULLRID; if(firstD) { // assert(memcmp(&A_contents->next, &D_contents->next, sizeof(recordid))); TinstantSet(xid, D, A_contents); firstD = 0; } else { /* D at end of list => can overwrite next. */ D_contents->next = Talloc(xid, sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); /* @todo unfortunate to dealloc A's successor, then alloc.. */ // assert(memcmp(&A_contents->next, &D_contents->next, sizeof(recordid))); TinstantSet(xid, D_contents->next, A_contents); // assert(memcmp(&D, &D_contents->next, sizeof(recordid))); TinstantSet(xid, D, D_contents); D = A; } hashEntry * swap = D_contents; D_contents = A_contents; A_contents = swap; /* A_contents is now garbage. */ assert(A.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); if(oldANext.size == -1) { memset(A_contents, 0, sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); // assert(memcmp(&A_contents->next, &A, sizeof(recordid))); TinstantSet(xid, A, A_contents); free(D_contents); free(A_contents); free(B_contents); /* printf("Loop 1 returning.\n"); fflush(NULL); */ return; } assert(oldANext.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, oldANext, A_contents); // assert(memcmp(&A_contents->next, &A, sizeof(recordid))); TinstantSet(xid, A, A_contents); Tdealloc(xid, oldANext); new_hash = hash(A_contents+1, keySize, i, ULONG_MAX) + 2; } /* printf("Got past loop 1\n"); fflush(NULL); */ B = A_contents->next; while(B.size != -1) { assert(B.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, B, B_contents); C = B_contents->next; old_hash = hash(B_contents+1, keySize, i-1, ULONG_MAX) + 2; new_hash = hash(B_contents+1, keySize, i, ULONG_MAX) + 2; assert(next_split == old_hash); assert(new_hash == old_hash || new_hash == old_hash + twoToThe(i-1)); if(new_hash == old_hash) { A = B; B = C; C.size = -1; firstA = 0; } else { /* if(firstD) { // D is a bucket entry assert(B.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(D.size == sizeof(recordid)); Tset(xid, D, &B); } else { */ // D is the tail of our list. assert(D.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(B.size == -1 || B.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, D, D_contents); D_contents->next = B; assert(B.size != 0); // assert(memcmp(&D, &D_contents->next, sizeof(recordid))); TinstantSet(xid, D, D_contents); /* } */ /* if(firstA) { assert(C.size == 0 || C.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(A.size == sizeof(recordid)); Tset(xid, A, &C); } else { */ // A is somewhere in the first list. assert(A.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(C.size == -1 || C.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, A, A_contents); A_contents->next = C; assert(C.size != 0); // assert(memcmp(&A, &A_contents->next, sizeof(recordid))); TinstantSet(xid, A, A_contents); /* } */ // B _can't_ be a bucket. assert(B.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, B, B_contents); B_contents->next = NULLRID; TinstantSet(xid, B, B_contents); // Update Loop State D = B; B = C; C.size = -1; firstD = 0; } } free(D_contents); free(A_contents); free(B_contents); } void instant_insertIntoBucket(int xid, recordid hashRid, int bucket_number, hashEntry * bucket_contents, hashEntry * e, int keySize, int valSize, int skipDelete) { assert(hashRid.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + valSize + keySize); recordid deleteMe; if(!skipDelete) { if(instant_deleteFromBucket(xid, hashRid, bucket_number, bucket_contents, e+1, keySize, valSize, &deleteMe)) { if(deleteMe.size) { Tdealloc(xid, deleteMe); hashRid.slot = bucket_number; assert(hashRid.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + valSize + keySize); TreadUnlocked(xid, hashRid, bucket_contents); hashRid.slot = 0; } } } /*@todo consider recovery for insertIntoBucket. */ hashRid.slot = bucket_number; TreadUnlocked(xid, hashRid, bucket_contents); assert(hashRid.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); if(!bucket_contents->next.size) { // Size = 0 -> nothing in bucket. Size != 0 -> bucket occupied. e->next.page = 0; e->next.slot = 0; e->next.size = -1; TinstantSet(xid, hashRid, e); } else { recordid newEntry = Talloc(xid, sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); e->next = bucket_contents->next; bucket_contents->next = newEntry; assert(newEntry.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TinstantSet(xid, newEntry, e); assert(hashRid.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TinstantSet(xid, hashRid, bucket_contents); } } int instant_deleteFromBucket(int xid, recordid hash, int bucket_number, hashEntry * bucket_contents, const void * key, int keySize, int valSize, recordid * deletedEntry) { if(bucket_contents->next.size == 0) { return 0; } recordid this = hash; this.slot = bucket_number; int found = 0; if(!memcmp(bucket_contents+1, key, keySize)) { if(deletedEntry) deletedEntry->size = 0; /* size = 0 -> don't delete (this is a bucket!) */ if(bucket_contents->next.size == -1) { memset(bucket_contents, 0, sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TinstantSet(xid, this, bucket_contents); } else { assert(bucket_contents->next.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); recordid oldNext = bucket_contents->next; TreadUnlocked(xid, bucket_contents->next, bucket_contents); TinstantSet(xid, this, bucket_contents); *deletedEntry = oldNext; /* @todo delete from bucket really should do its own deallocation.. */ } return 1; } if(bucket_contents->next.size == -1) { return 0; } hashEntry * A = malloc(sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); hashEntry * B = malloc(sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); recordid Aaddr, Baddr; memcpy(B, bucket_contents, sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); Baddr = this; while(B->next.size != -1) { hashEntry * tmp = A; A = B; Aaddr = Baddr; B = tmp; assert(A->next.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); Baddr = A->next; TreadUnlocked(xid, Baddr, B); if(!memcmp(B+1, key, keySize)) { A->next = B->next; assert(Aaddr.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TinstantSet(xid, Aaddr, A); if(deletedEntry) { *deletedEntry = Baddr; } found = 1; break; } } free(A); free(B); return found; } /** @todo fine grained locking for insertIntoBucket and the other operations in this file. */ /*void instant_insertIntoBucket(int xid, recordid hashRid, int bucket_number, recordid bucket_contents, hashEntry * e, int keySize, int valSize, recordid newEntry, int skipDelete) { assert(newEntry.size == (sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize)); recordid deleteMe; if(!skipDelete) { if(instant_deleteFromBucket(xid, hashRid, bucket_number, bucket_contents, e+1, keySize, &deleteMe)) { //Tdealloc(xid, deleteMe); hashRid.slot = bucket_number; TreadUnlocked(xid, hashRid, &bucket_contents); hashRid.slot = 0; } } //@todo consider recovery for insertIntoBucket. recordid bucket = hashRid; bucket.slot = bucket_number; assert(bucket_contents.size == 0 || bucket_contents.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); assert(newEntry.size == sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); e->next = bucket_contents; TinstantSet(xid, newEntry, e); TinstantSet(xid, bucket, &newEntry); } int instant_deleteFromBucket(int xid, recordid hash, int bucket_number, recordid bucket_contents, const void * key, int keySize, recordid * deletedEntry) { hashEntry * e; recordid bucket = hash; bucket.slot = bucket_number; recordid nextEntry; nextEntry = bucket_contents; if(nextEntry.size) { e = calloc(1,nextEntry.size); } else { e = calloc(1,1); } int first = 1; int found = 0; recordid lastEntry; while(nextEntry.size > 0) { TreadUnlocked(xid, nextEntry, e); if(!memcmp(key, e+1, keySize)) { if(first) { assert(e->next.size < 40); TinstantSet(xid, bucket, &(e->next)); } else { recordid next = e->next; TreadUnlocked(xid, lastEntry, e); assert(next.size < 40); e->next = next; TinstantSet(xid, lastEntry, e); } *deletedEntry = nextEntry; found = 1; break; } lastEntry = nextEntry; first = 0; nextEntry = e->next; } free(e); return found; } */ /* Same as normal implementation, so commented it out. / * recordid ThashAlloc(int xid, int keySize, int valSize) { / * Want 16 buckets, doubling on overflow. * / recordid rid = TarrayListAlloc(xid, 16, 2, sizeof(recordid)); TarrayListExtend(xid, rid, 32+2); recordid headerRidA; recordid * headerRidB = malloc (sizeof(recordid)); headerKeySize = keySize; headerValSize = valSize; headerNextSplit = INT_MAX; headerHashBits = 4; rid.slot =0; Tset(xid, rid, &headerRidA); rid.slot =1; Tset(xid, rid, headerRidB); pblHtInsert(openHashes, &rid.page, sizeof(int), headerRidB); rid.slot =0; return rid; } */ /* void ThashInit() { openHashes = pblHtCreate(); } void ThashDeinit() { pblHtDelete(openHashes); } */ void ThashInstantInsert(int xid, recordid hashRid, const void * key, int keySize, const void * val, int valSize) { recordid * headerRidB = pblHtLookup(openHashes, &hashRid.page, sizeof(int)); assert(headerRidB); int bucket = hash(key, keySize, headerHashBits, headerNextSplit - 2) + 2; hashEntry * e = calloc(1,sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); memcpy(e+1, key, keySize); memcpy(((byte*)(e+1)) + keySize, val, valSize); /** @todo instantAlloc / instantDealloc */ /* recordid newEntry = Talloc(xid, sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); */ hashEntry * bucket_contents = malloc(sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); hashRid.slot = bucket; TreadUnlocked(xid, hashRid, bucket_contents); hashRid.slot = 0; instant_insertIntoBucket(xid, hashRid, bucket, bucket_contents, e, keySize, valSize, 0); free(e); } /** @todo hash hable probably should track the number of items in it, so that expand can be selectively called. */ void ThashInstantDelete(int xid, recordid hashRid, const void * key, int keySize, int valSize) { recordid * headerRidB = pblHtLookup(openHashes, &hashRid.page, sizeof(int)); recordid tmp = hashRid; tmp.slot = 1; int bucket_number = hash(key, keySize, headerHashBits, headerNextSplit - 2) + 2; recordid deleteMe; hashRid.slot = bucket_number; hashEntry * bucket_contents = malloc(sizeof(hashEntry) + keySize + valSize); TreadUnlocked(xid, hashRid, bucket_contents); hashRid.slot = 0; if(instant_deleteFromBucket(xid, hashRid, bucket_number, bucket_contents, key, keySize, valSize, &deleteMe)) { /* Tdealloc(xid, deleteMe); */ } } /*int ThashOpen(int xid, recordid hashRid) { recordid * headerRidB = malloc(sizeof(recordid)); hashRid.slot = 1; TreadUnlocked(xid, hashRid, headerRidB); pblHtInsert(openHashes, &hashRid.page, sizeof(int), headerRidB); return 0; }*/ void TlogicalHashUpdate(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize) { void * dummy = malloc(valSize); TlogicalHashDelete(xid, hashRid, key, keySize, dummy, valSize); free(dummy); TlogicalHashInsert(xid, hashRid, key, keySize, val, valSize); } /* int ThashClose(int xid, recordid hashRid) { recordid * freeMe = pblHtLookup(openHashes, &hashRid.page, sizeof(int)); pblHtRemove(openHashes, &hashRid.page, sizeof(int)); free(freeMe); return 0; } int ThashLookup(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * buf, int valSize) { recordid * headerRidB = pblHtLookup(openHashes, &hashRid.page, sizeof(int)); recordid tmp = hashRid; tmp.slot = 1; int bucket_number = hash(key, keySize, headerHashBits, headerNextSplit - 2) + 2; int ret = findInBucket(xid, hashRid, bucket_number, key, keySize, buf, valSize); return ret; } */