#include #include #include #include #include "logger/logMemory.h" lladdMultiplexer_t * lladdMultiplexer_alloc(int xid, lladdIterator_t * it, void (*multiplexer)(byte * key, size_t keySize, byte * value, size_t valueSize, byte ** multiplexKey, size_t * multiplexKeySize), /* lladdConsumer_t * getConsumer(struct lladdFifoPool_t* fifoPool, byte* multiplexKey, size_t multiplexKeySize), */ lladdFifoPool_t * fifoPool) { lladdMultiplexer_t * ret = malloc(sizeof(lladdMultiplexer_t)); ret->it = it; ret->multiplexer = multiplexer; ret->consumerHash = pblHtCreate(); // ret->getConsumer = getConsumer; ret->fifoPool = fifoPool; ret->xid = xid; return ret; } void * multiplexer_worker(void * arg); int lladdMultiplexer_start(lladdMultiplexer_t * multiplexer, pthread_attr_t * thread_attributes) { return pthread_create(&multiplexer->worker, thread_attributes, multiplexer_worker, multiplexer); } int lladdMultiplexer_join(lladdMultiplexer_t * multiplexer) { return pthread_join(multiplexer->worker,NULL); } void * multiplexer_worker(void * arg) { lladdMultiplexer_t * m = arg; lladdConsumer_t * consumer; while(Titerator_next(m->xid, m->it)) { byte * mkey, * key, * value; size_t mkeySize, keySize, valueSize; keySize = Titerator_key (m->xid, m->it, &key); valueSize = Titerator_value(m->xid, m->it, &value); m->multiplexer(key, keySize, value, valueSize, &mkey, &mkeySize); lladdFifo_t * fifo = m->fifoPool->getFifo(m->fifoPool, mkey, mkeySize); consumer = fifo->consumer; Tconsumer_push(m->xid, consumer, key, keySize, value, valueSize); lladdFifoPool_markDirty(m->xid, m->fifoPool, fifo); } // iterate over pblhash, closing consumers. Titerator_close(m->xid, m->it); /** @todo Does this belong in its own function in fifo.c? */ lladdFifoPool_t * pool = m->fifoPool; int i; for(i = 0; i < pool->fifoCount; i++) { Tconsumer_close(m->xid, pool->pool[i]->consumer); } if(m->fifoPool->dirtyPoolFifo) { Tconsumer_close(m->xid, m->fifoPool->dirtyPoolFifo->consumer); } return (void*)compensation_error(); } /* ****************** END OF MULTIXPLEXER IMPLEMENTATION ************** Sample callbacks follow. */ void multiplexHashLogByKey(byte * key, size_t keySize, byte * value, size_t valueSize, byte ** multiplexKey, size_t * multiplexKeySize) { // We don't care what the key is. It's probably an LSN. const LogEntry * log = (const LogEntry*) value; const byte * updateArgs = getUpdateArgs(log); // assume the log is a logical update entry. switch(log->contents.update.funcID) { // If you really want to know why insert takes // linearHash_remove_arg entries and vice versa, look at // linearHashNTA. Note that during normal (physiological forward) // operation, ThashInsert() *generates* insert args for its undo // implementation, ThashRemove() and vice versa. Therefore, // ThashRemove's operation implementation takes an insert // argument. case OPERATION_LINEAR_HASH_INSERT: { linearHash_remove_arg * arg = (linearHash_remove_arg*) updateArgs; // this *is* correct. Don't ask... *multiplexKey = (byte*) (arg+1); *multiplexKeySize = arg->keySize; } break; case OPERATION_LINEAR_HASH_REMOVE: { linearHash_insert_arg * arg = (linearHash_insert_arg*)updateArgs; // this *is* correct. Don't ask.... *multiplexKey = (byte*) (arg + 1); *multiplexKeySize = arg->keySize; } break; default: abort(); } }