/** This file handles all of the file I/O for pages. */ #include "page.h" #include #include "pageFile.h" #include #include "logger/logWriter.h" #include #include #define __USE_GNU /* For O_DIRECT.. */ #include #include static int stable = -1; /** Defined in bufferManager.c */ extern pthread_mutex_t add_pending_mutex; static pthread_mutex_t stable_mutex; static long myLseek(int f, long offset, int whence); static long myLseekNoLock(int f, long offset, int whence); void pageRead(Page *ret) { /* long fileSize; */ long pageoffset; long offset; /** @todo pageRead() is using fseek to calculate the file size on each read, which is inefficient. */ pageoffset = ret->id * PAGE_SIZE; /* flockfile(stable); */ pthread_mutex_lock(&stable_mutex); /* fileSize = myLseekNoLock(stable, 0, SEEK_END); */ /* DEBUG("Reading page %d\n", ret->id); */ /* if(!ret->memAddr) { ret->memAddr = malloc(PAGE_SIZE); } if(!ret->memAddr) { perror("pageFile.c"); fflush(NULL); } assert(ret->memAddr); */ /** @todo was manual extension of the storefile really necessary? */ /* if ((ret->id)*PAGE_SIZE >= fileSize) { myLseekNoLock(stable, (ret->id - 1) * PAGE_SIZE -1, SEEK_SET); if(1 != fwrite("", 1, 1, stable)) { if(feof(stable)) { printf("Unexpected eof extending storefile!\n"); fflush(NULL); abort(); } if(ferror(stable)) { printf("Error extending storefile! %d", ferror(stable)); fflush(NULL); abort(); } } }*/ offset = myLseekNoLock(stable, pageoffset, SEEK_SET); assert(offset == pageoffset); int read_size; read_size = read(stable, ret->memAddr, PAGE_SIZE); if(read_size != PAGE_SIZE) { if (!read_size) { long fileSize = myLseekNoLock(stable, 0, SEEK_END); offset = myLseekNoLock(stable, pageoffset, SEEK_SET); assert(offset == pageoffset); if(fileSize <= pageoffset) { memset(ret->memAddr, 0, PAGE_SIZE); write(stable, ret->memAddr, PAGE_SIZE); } } else if(read_size == -1) { perror("pageFile.c couldn't read"); fflush(NULL); assert(0); } else { printf("pageFile.c readfile: read_size = %d, errno = %d\n", read_size, errno); abort(); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stable_mutex); } void pageWrite(Page * ret) { long pageoffset = ret->id * PAGE_SIZE; long offset ; /* assert(ret->pending == 0); */ if(flushedLSN() < pageReadLSN(ret)) { DEBUG("pageWrite is calling syncLog()!\n"); syncLog(); } pthread_mutex_lock(&stable_mutex); offset = myLseekNoLock(stable, pageoffset, SEEK_SET); assert(offset == pageoffset); assert(ret->memAddr); /* DEBUG("Writing page %d\n", ret->id); */ int write_ret = write(stable, ret->memAddr, PAGE_SIZE); if(-1 == write_ret) { perror("pageFile.c couldn't write"); fflush(NULL); abort(); } else if(0 == write_ret) { /* now what? */ printf("write_ret is zero\n"); fflush(NULL); abort(); } else if(write_ret != PAGE_SIZE){ printf("write_ret is %d\n", write_ret); fflush(NULL); abort(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&stable_mutex); } void openPageFile() { DEBUG("Opening storefile.\n"); /* if( ! (stable = fopen(STORE_FILE, "r+"))) { / * file may not exist * / byte* zero = calloc(1, PAGE_SIZE); if(!(stable = fopen(STORE_FILE, "w+"))) { perror("Couldn't open or create store file"); abort(); } / * Write out one page worth of zeros to get started. * / / * if(1 != fwrite(zero, PAGE_SIZE, 1, stable)) { assert (0); } * / free(zero); } DEBUG("storefile opened.\n"); */ stable = open (STORE_FILE, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_DIRECT, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); if(stable == -1) { perror("couldn't open storefile"); fflush(NULL); abort(); } pthread_mutex_init(&stable_mutex, NULL); } void closePageFile() { int ret = close(stable); if(-1 == ret) { perror("Couldn't close storefile."); fflush(NULL); abort(); } stable = -1; } long myLseek(int f, long offset, int whence) { long ret; pthread_mutex_lock(&stable_mutex); ret = myLseekNoLock(f, offset, whence); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stable_mutex); return ret; } long myLseekNoLock(int f, long offset, int whence) { assert(! ( offset % 4096 )); long ret = lseek(f, offset, whence); if(ret == -1) { perror("Couldn't seek."); fflush(NULL); abort(); } return ret; } /*void myFwrite(const void * dat, long size, FILE * f) { int nmemb = fwrite(dat, size, 1, f); / * test * / if(nmemb != 1) { perror("myFwrite"); abort(); / * return FILE_WRITE_OPEN_ERROR; * / } }*/ long pageCount() { long fileSize = myLseek(stable, 0, SEEK_END); assert(! (fileSize % PAGE_SIZE)); return fileSize / PAGE_SIZE; }