Title: Bulk Load Time - Single Transaction Plot-Type: 2D Line X-Label: Insertions Y-Label: Seconds ### Example X-Range definitions. ### ### Explicitly list each value that should be run: ### 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 ### X-Range: 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 ### ### List a range of values, incremented by 1: ### 1, 2, ... 10 ### X-Range: 1..10 ### ### List a range of values, then pass each value ### into a perl expression: ### 100, 200 ... 1000 X-Range: 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 150000, 200000, 250000 ### For each command, the first argument is the number of ### transactions (fixed), while the second is the number ### of operations per transaction. $x will be replaced ### accordingly. Data-Series: Linear_Hash_NTA linearHashNTA 1 $x Data-Series: Linear_Hash logicalHash 1 $x Data-Series: Berkeley_DB bdbHash 1 $x ### ### These are passed into ci-parser. They are both perl expressions, ### and have access some predefied values. $time contains the $time ### (raw Y value) returned by an invocation of a command. @arg ### contains the arguments passed into the command. ### ### The example below graphs time against the number of hashtable ### operations (transactions * ops/transaction) in this running ### example. ### X-Calc: $arg[0] * $arg[1] Y-Calc: $time ### Another way of presenting the data: ### time / operation: #X-Calc: \$time / (\$arg[0] * \$arg[1]) ### number of operations: #Y-Calc: (\$arg[0](\$arg[1])) ### If true, then a graph will be produced even if some confidence ### intervals failed. Force-Calc: 1