
274 lines
7.7 KiB

#include "multicolumn.h"
#include "for-impl.h"
#include "rle-impl.h"
namespace rose {
Initialize a new multicolumn page
template <class TUPLE>
Multicolumn<TUPLE>::Multicolumn(int xid, Page *p, column_number_t column_count,
plugin_id_t * plugins) :
columns_(new byte*[column_count]),
*column_count_ptr() = column_count;
bytes_left_ = first_header_byte_ptr()- p_->memAddr;
first_exception_byte_ = first_header_byte_ptr() - p_->memAddr;
for(int i = 0; i < column_count; i++) {
*column_plugin_id_ptr(i) = plugins[i];
columns_[i] = new byte[USABLE_SIZE_OF_PAGE];
bytes_left_ -= (dispatcher_.bytes_used(i) + dispatcher_.max_overrun(i));
*stasis_page_type_ptr(p) = plugin_id();
p->pageType = *stasis_page_type_cptr(p);
p->impl = this;
template<class TUPLE>
Multicolumn<TUPLE>::Multicolumn(Page * p) :
columns_(new byte*[*column_count_ptr()]),
unpacked_(0) {
byte_off_t first_free = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < *column_count_ptr(); i++) {
byte * page_column_ptr = p_->memAddr + *column_offset_ptr(i);
dispatcher_.set_plugin(page_column_ptr,i, *column_plugin_id_ptr(i));
byte_off_t column_length = dispatcher_.bytes_used(i);
columns_[i] = p_->memAddr + *column_offset_ptr(i);
first_free = *column_offset_ptr(i) + column_length;
assert(first_free <= *exceptions_offset_ptr());
assert(first_exception_byte_ <= USABLE_SIZE_OF_PAGE);
bytes_left_ = *exceptions_offset_ptr() - first_free;
assert(*stasis_page_type_ptr(p) == (Multicolumn<TUPLE>::plugin_id()));
template <class TUPLE>
void Multicolumn<TUPLE>::pack() {
byte_off_t first_free = 0;
byte_off_t last_free = (intptr_t)(first_header_byte_ptr() - p_->memAddr);
if(unpacked_) {
*exceptions_len_ptr() = last_free - first_exception_byte_;
last_free -= *exceptions_len_ptr();
*exceptions_offset_ptr() = last_free;
for(int i = 0; i < *column_count_ptr(); i++) {
*column_offset_ptr(i) = first_free;
byte_off_t bytes_used = dispatcher_.bytes_used(i);
memcpy(column_base_ptr(i), columns_[i], bytes_used);
first_free += bytes_used;
assert(first_free <= last_free);
delete [] columns_[i];
columns_[i] = column_base_ptr(i);
unpacked_ = 0;
template <class TUPLE>
Multicolumn<TUPLE>::~Multicolumn() {
for(int i = 0; i < *column_count_ptr(); i++) {
if(unpacked_) delete [] columns_[i];
delete [] columns_;
/// Begin performance-critical code -------------------------------------------
Append a record to the page. This function is complicated by
the fact that each column was produced by a potentially
different template instantiation. Rather than harcode
compressor implementations, or fall back on virtual methods,
this function delegates compressor calls to PluginDispatcher.
Pstar<> (and potential future implementations of multicolumn)
benefit from this scheme as they can hardcode compressors at
compile time, allowing the correct append method to be inlined,
rather than invoked via a virtual method.
template <class TUPLE>
inline slot_index_t Multicolumn<TUPLE>::append(int xid,
TUPLE const & dat) {
slot_index_t ret = NOSPACE;
column_number_t i = 0;
const column_number_t cols = dat.column_count();
do {
slot_index_t newret = dispatcher_.recordAppend(xid, i, dat.get(i),
p_->memAddr, &bytes_left_);
//assert(ret == NOSPACE || newret == NOSPACE || newret == ret);
ret = newret;
} while(i < cols);
return bytes_left_ < 0 ? NOSPACE : ret;
Read a record (tuple) from the page.
@see append for a discussion of the implementation and
associated design tradeoffs.
template <class TUPLE>
inline TUPLE* Multicolumn<TUPLE>::recordRead(int xid, slot_index_t slot,
TUPLE *buf) {
column_number_t i = 0;
column_number_t cols = buf->column_count();
do {
void * ret = dispatcher_.recordRead(xid,columns_[i],i,slot,p_->memAddr,
if(!ret) {
return 0;
} while(i < cols);
return buf;
template <class TUPLE>
slot_index_t inline Multicolumn<TUPLE>::recordCount(int xid) {
slot_index_t rec = dispatcher_.recordCount(0);
// printf("column count ptr %d\n", *column_count_ptr());
for(slot_index_t i = 1; i < *column_count_ptr(); i++){
slot_index_t c = dispatcher_.recordCount(i);
rec = rec > c ? c : rec;
return rec;
template <class TUPLE>
inline TUPLE*
Multicolumn<TUPLE>::recordFind(int xid, TUPLE& val, TUPLE& scratch) {
column_number_t cols = scratch.column_count();
std::pair<slot_index_t,slot_index_t> pair_scratch;
std::pair<slot_index_t,slot_index_t> * ret = &pair_scratch;
pair_scratch.first = 0;
pair_scratch.second = recordCount(xid);
for(column_number_t i = 0; ret && i < cols; i++) {
ret = dispatcher_.recordFind(xid, i, ret->first, ret->second,
p_->memAddr, val.get(i), pair_scratch);
if(ret) {
recordRead(xid,ret->first, &scratch);
return &scratch;
} else {
return 0;
/// End performance-critical code ---------------------------------------------
/// Stuff below this line interfaces with Stasis' buffer manager --------------
Basic page_impl for multicolumn pages
@see stasis/page.h and pstar-impl.h
static const page_impl multicolumn_impl = {
0, // multicolumnRead,
0, // multicolumnWrite,
0, // multicolumnReadDone,
0, // multicolumnWriteDone,
0, // multicolumnGetType,
0, // multicolumnSetType,
0, // multicolumnGetLength,
0, // multicolumnFirst,
0, // multicolumnNext,
0, // multicolumnIsBlockSupported,
0, // multicolumnBlockFirst,
0, // multicolumnBlockNext,
0, // multicolumnBlockDone,
0, // multicolumnFreespace,
0, // multicolumnCompact,
0, // multicolumnPreRalloc,
0, // multicolumnPostRalloc,
0, // multicolumnFree,
0, // dereference_identity,
0, // multicolumnLoaded,
0, // multicolumnFlushed
0, // multicolumnCleanup
// XXX implement plugin_id(). Currently, it treats all instantiations of the
// same TUPLE template interchangably; this will break for binaries that
// manipulate more than one type of tuple..
template <class TUPLE>
inline plugin_id_t
Multicolumn<TUPLE>::plugin_id() {
template <class TUPLE>
void multicolumnLoaded(Page *p) {
p->LSN = *stasis_page_lsn_ptr(p);
assert(*stasis_page_type_ptr(p) == Multicolumn<TUPLE>::plugin_id());
p->impl = new Multicolumn<TUPLE>(p);
template <class TUPLE>
static void multicolumnFlushed(Page *p) {
*stasis_page_lsn_ptr(p) = p->LSN;
template <class TUPLE>
static void multicolumnCleanup(Page *p) {
delete (Multicolumn<TUPLE>*)p->impl;
p->impl = 0;
template <class TUPLE>
page_impl Multicolumn<TUPLE>::impl() {
page_impl ret = multicolumn_impl;
ret.page_type = Multicolumn<TUPLE>::plugin_id();
ret.pageLoaded = multicolumnLoaded<TUPLE>;
ret.pageFlushed = multicolumnFlushed<TUPLE>;
ret.pageCleanup = multicolumnCleanup<TUPLE>;
return ret;