
176 lines
6 KiB

#include <limits.h>
#include <stasis/page.h>
#include <stasis/constants.h>
#include "compression.h"
//#include "pstar.h" // for typedefs + consts (XXX add new header?)
#include "tuple.h" // XXX rename tuple.hx
#include "pluginDispatcher.h"
// Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Rusty Sears)
Page implementation for multi-column, compressed data
| col #0 compressed data (opaque) | col #1 compressed data (opaque) |
| ... | col \#N compressed data (opaque) | |
+-----+----------------------------------+ |
| Free space |
| |
| |
| +----------------------------------------+
| | Exceptions: |
+-----------------------------+ Includes data from multiple cols |
| |
| Exception data is managed (bytes are copied in and out of this |
| region) by the column implementations. Multicolumn mediates between |
| the columns, by recording the length and offset of this region. |
| |
| +---------------+---------------+
| ... | exception # 1 | exception # 0 |
| first header byte -> | col # N off, plugin | .. | col #1 off, plugin |
| col #0 off, plugin | exceptions len | exceptions off | # of cols | ? |
The 'exceptions' portion of the page grows down from
first_header_byte, while the column data portion grows up from byte
zero... This was an arbitrary decision, and complicated the
implementation somewhat...
Functions whose names end in "_ptr" return pointers to bytes in the
page. That memory is persistant; and will eventually be written
back to the page file.
namespace rose {
template <class TUPLE>
* A "pageLoaded()" callback function for Stasis' buffer manager.
void multicolumnLoaded(Page *p);
template <class TUPLE> class Multicolumn {
static page_impl impl();
static const plugin_id_t PAGE_FORMAT_ID = 1;
typedef TUPLE TUP;
Multicolumn(int xid, Page *p, column_number_t column_count,
plugin_id_t * plugins);
@return the compressor used for a column. The nature of the
mapping between table region and compressor instance is
implementation defined, but there will never be more than one
compressor per-column, per-page.
@param col The column whose compressor should be returned.
@return A pointer to a compressor. This pointer is guaranteed to
be valid until the next call to this Multicolumn object. After
that, the pointer returned here is invalid.
void* compressor(column_number_t col) {
return dispatcher_.compressor(col);
inline slot_index_t append(int xid, TUPLE const & dat);
inline TUPLE * recordRead(int xid, slot_index_t slot, TUPLE * buf);
inline TUPLE * recordFind(int xid, TUPLE& val, TUPLE& scratch);
inline slot_index_t recordCount(int xid);
inline void pack();
typedef struct column_header {
byte_off_t off;
plugin_id_t plugin_id;
} column_header;
Load an existing multicolumn Page
Multicolumn(Page * p);
The following functions perform pointer arithmetic. This code is
performance critical. These short, inlined functions mostly
perform simple arithmetic expression involving constants. g++'s
optimizer seems to combine and simplify these expressions for us.
See the page layout diagram at the top of this file for an
explanation of where these pointers are stored
inline column_number_t * column_count_ptr() {
return reinterpret_cast<column_number_t*>(p_->memAddr+USABLE_SIZE_OF_PAGE)-1;
inline byte_off_t * exceptions_offset_ptr() {
return reinterpret_cast<byte_off_t*>(column_count_ptr())-1;
inline byte_off_t * exceptions_len_ptr() {
return exceptions_offset_ptr()-1;;
inline column_header * column_header_ptr(column_number_t column_number) {
return reinterpret_cast<column_header*>(exceptions_len_ptr())-(1+column_number);
inline byte_off_t * column_offset_ptr(column_number_t column_number) {
return &(column_header_ptr(column_number)->off);
This stores the plugin_id associated with this page's compressor.
@see rose::plugin_id()
inline plugin_id_t * column_plugin_id_ptr(column_number_t column_number) {
return &(column_header_ptr(column_number)->plugin_id);
The first byte that contains data for this column.
The length of the column data can be determined by calling
COMPRESSOR's bytes_used() member function. (PluginDispatcher
can handle this).
inline byte * column_base_ptr(column_number_t column_number) {
return *column_offset_ptr(column_number) + p_->memAddr;
inline byte * first_header_byte_ptr() {
return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(column_header_ptr((*column_count_ptr())-1));
static inline plugin_id_t plugin_id();
Page * p_;
byte ** columns_;
byte_off_t first_exception_byte_;
PluginDispatcher dispatcher_;
int bytes_left_;
int unpacked_;
friend void multicolumnLoaded<TUPLE>(Page *p);
} // namespace rose