
36 lines
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A non-reentrant, experimental hashtable implementation. This hash
implementation provides the base of linearHash.h, and probably
is only of interest to LLADD's developers.
recordid ThashAlloc(int xid, int keySize, int valSize) ;
void TnaiveHashInsert(int xid, recordid hashRid,
void * key, int keySize,
void * val, int valSize);
/*void ThashDelete(int xid, recordid hashRid,
void * key, int keySize);*/
int TnaiveHashDelete(int xid, recordid hashRid,
void * key, int keySize, int valSize);
void TnaiveHashUpdate(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize);
int TnaiveHashLookup(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * buf, int valSize);
void ThashInit();
void ThashDeinit();
int ThashOpen(int xid, recordid hashRid, int keySize, int valSize);
int ThashClose(int xid, recordid hashRid) ;
void lockBucket(int bucket);
void unlockBucket(int bucket);
int lockBucketForKey(const byte * key, int keySize, recordid * headerRidB);