2006-04-24 02:34:42 +00:00

42 lines
1 KiB

author = {Dawson R. Engler and M. Frans Kaashoek},
title = {Exterminate All Operating System Abstractions},
journal = {HotOS},
year = {1995},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTpages = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {Lincoln Stein},
title = {How {P}erl Saved the {H}uman {G}enome {P}roject},
journal = {Dr Dobb's Journal},
year = {2001},
OPTkey = {},
OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTpages = {},
month = {July},
OPTnote = {},
OPTannote = {}
author = {B Zeeberg and J Riss and D Kane D and K Bussey and E Uchio and W Linehan and J Barret and J Weinstein},
title = {Mistaken identifiers: gene name errors can be introduced inadvertently when using {E}xcel in bioinformatics},
journal = {BMC Bioinformatics},
year = {2004},
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OPTvolume = {},
OPTnumber = {},
OPTpages = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {},
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