
59 lines
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Experimental (unreliable) hashtable implementation.
Instead of using Nested top actions, this hashtable implementation
uses carefully ordered redo-operations, and simple recovery code.
This reduces the amount of information written to the log, but
provides concurrency comparable to that provided by linearHashNTA.
#ifndef __LINEAR_HASH_H
#define __LINEAR_HASH_H
recordid ThashInstantAlloc(int xid, int keySize, int valSize) ;
void ThashInstantInsert(int xid, recordid hashRid,
const void * key, int keySize,
const void * val, int valSize);
void ThashInstantDelete(int xid, recordid hashRid,
const void * key, int keySize, int valSize);
void ThashInstantUpdate(int xid, recordid hashRid, const void * key, int keySize, const void * val, int valSize);
void TlogicalHashUpdate(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize);
void TlogicalHashInsert(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize);
int TlogicalHashDelete(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * val, int valSize);
int TlogicalHashLookup(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * buf, int valSize);
typedef struct {
long current_hashBucket;
recordid current_rid;
} linearHash_iterator;
typedef struct {
byte * key;
byte * value;
} linearHash_iteratorPair;
linearHash_iterator * TlogicalHashIterator(int xid, recordid hashRid);
void TlogicalHashIteratorFree(linearHash_iterator * it);
linearHash_iteratorPair TlogicalHashIteratorNext(int xid, recordid hashRid, linearHash_iterator * it, int keySize, int valSize);
Operation getLinearInsert();
Operation getLinearInsert();
Operation getLinearDelete();
Operation getUndoLinearInsert();
Operation getUndoLinearDelete();
/*int ThashLookup(int xid, recordid hashRid, void * key, int keySize, void * buf, int valSize);
void ThashInit();
void ThashDeinit();
int ThashOpen(int xid, recordid hashRid);
int ThashClose(int xid, recordid hashRid) ; */