2004-06-24 21:10:31 +00:00

456 lines
12 KiB

#include <lladd/operations/lladdhash.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <lladd/transactional.h>
static const recordid ZERO_RECORDID = {0,0,0};
typedef struct {
int ht;
size_t keylen;
size_t datlen;
} lladdHashRec_t;
static lladdHash_t * lladdHashes[MAX_LLADDHASHES];
int next_lladdHash = 0;
lladdHash_t * lHtCreate(int xid, int size) {
lladdHash_t *ht;
ht = lladdHashes[next_lladdHash] = (lladdHash_t*)malloc(sizeof(lladdHash_t));
if( ht ) {
recordid * hm = malloc(sizeof(recordid) * size);
if(hm) {
memset(hm, 0, sizeof(recordid)*size);
ht->size = size;
ht->store = next_lladdHash; /*Talloc(xid, sizeof(lladdHash_t));*/
ht->hashmap_record = Talloc(xid, sizeof(recordid) * size);
/*ht->hashmap = NULL;*/ /* Always should be NULL in the store, so that we know if we need to read it in */
/* Tset(xid, ht->store, ht); */
ht->hashmap = hm;
Tset(xid, ht->hashmap_record, ht->hashmap);
ht->iterIndex = 0;
ht->iterData = NULL;
return ht;
} else {
return NULL;
return NULL;
int lHtValid(int xid, lladdHash_t *ht) {
int ret;
lladdHash_t *test ; = (lladdHash_t*)malloc(sizeof(lladdHash_t));
Tread(xid, ht->store, test);
ret = ( test->store.size == ht->store.size
&& test->store.slot == ht->store.slot
&& test-> == ht-> ); */
/* TODO: Check hashmap_record? */
/* free(test); */
assert(0); /* unimplemented! */
return 1;
* Hash function generator, taken directly from pblhash
static int hash( const unsigned char * key, size_t keylen, int size ) {
int ret = 104729;
for( ; keylen-- > 0; key++ )
if( *key )
ret *= *key + keylen;
ret %= size;
return( ret % size );
/** Should be called the first time ht->hashmap is accessed by a library function.
Checks to see if the hashmap record has been read in, reads it if necessary, and then
returns a pointer to it. */
static recordid* _getHashMap(int xid, lladdHash_t *ht) {
if(! ht->hashmap) {
printf("Reading in hashmap.\n");
ht->hashmap = malloc(sizeof(recordid) * ht->size);
Tread(xid, ht->hashmap_record, ht->hashmap);
return ht->hashmap;
/* TODO: Insert and Remove need to bypass Talloc(), so that recovery won't crash. (Otherwise, we double-free records...This
was not noticed before, since recovery never freed pages.) */
int _lHtInsert(int xid, recordid garbage, lladdHashRec_t * arg) {
/* recordid ht_rec = arg->ht; */
size_t keylen = arg->keylen;
size_t datlen = arg->datlen;
void * key = ((void*)arg) + sizeof(lladdHashRec_t);
void * dat = ((void*)arg) + sizeof(lladdHashRec_t) + keylen;
lladdHash_t * ht;
int index;
recordid rid;
void *newd;
lladdHashItem_t newi;
// printf("Inserting %d -> %d\n", *(int*)key, *(int*)dat);
ht = lladdHashes[arg->ht];
/* Tread(xid, ht_rec, &ht); */
index = hash( key, keylen, ht->size);
rid = _getHashMap(xid, ht)[index];
/* printf("Inserting %d -> %s %d {%d %d %d}\n", *(int*)key, dat, index,, rid.slot, rid.size); */
if( rid.size == 0 ) { /* nothing with this hash has been inserted */ = Talloc(xid, sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+keylen+datlen);
newd = malloc(sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+keylen+datlen);
newi.keylen = keylen;
newi.datlen = datlen; = ZERO_RECORDID;
memcpy(newd, &newi, sizeof(lladdHashItem_t));
memcpy(newd+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t), key, keylen);
memcpy(newd+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+keylen, dat, datlen);
writeRecord(xid,, newd);
ht->hashmap[index] =;
/* Tset(xid, ht->store, ht); */
/* printf("Writing hashmap slot {%d %d %d}[%d] = {%d,%d,%d}.\n",,ht.hashmap_record.slot,ht.hashmap_record.size,
ht.hashmap[index].page,ht.hashmap[index].slot,ht.hashmap[index].size); */
writeRecord(xid, ht->hashmap_record, ht->hashmap);
} else {
void *item = NULL;
do {
free(item); /* NULL ignored by free */
item = malloc(rid.size);
Tread(xid, rid, item);
if( ((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->keylen == keylen && !memcmp(key, item+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t), keylen)) {
memcpy(item+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+keylen, dat, ((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->datlen);
writeRecord(xid, ((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->store, item);
return 0;
rid = ((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->next; /* could go off end of list */
} while( ((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->next.size != 0 );
/* now item is the tail */ = Talloc(xid, sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+keylen+datlen);
newd = malloc(sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+keylen+datlen);
newi.keylen = keylen;
newi.datlen = datlen; = ZERO_RECORDID;
memcpy(newd, &newi, sizeof(lladdHashItem_t));
memcpy(newd+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t), key, keylen);
memcpy(newd+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+keylen, dat, datlen);
writeRecord(xid,, newd);
((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->next =;
writeRecord(xid, ((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->store, item);
return 0;
/**Todo: ht->iterData is global to the hash table... seems like a bad idea! */
int lHtPosition( int xid, lladdHash_t *ht, const void *key, size_t key_length ) {
int index = hash(key, key_length, ht->size);
recordid rid = _getHashMap(xid, ht)[index];
if(rid.size == 0) {
printf("rid,size = 0\n");
return -1;
} else {
//void * item = NULL;
lladdHashItem_t * item = malloc(rid.size);
for(Tread(xid, rid, item) ;
!(item->keylen == key_length && !memcmp(key, ((void*)item)+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t), key_length)) ;
rid = item->next) {
if(rid.size == 0) {
printf("Found bucket, but item not here!\n");
return -1; // Not in hash table.
item = malloc(rid.size);
Tread(xid, rid, item);
/* item is what we want.. */
ht->iterIndex = index+1; //iterIndex is the index of the next interesting hash bucket.
ht->iterData = item; //Freed in lHtNext
return 0;
int lHtLookup( int xid, lladdHash_t *ht, const void *key, size_t keylen, void *buf ) {
int index = hash(key, keylen, ht->size);
recordid rid = _getHashMap(xid, ht)[index];
/* printf("lookup: %d -> %d {%d %d %d} \n", *(int*)key, index,, rid.slot, rid.size); */
if( rid.size == 0 ) { /* nothing inserted with this hash */
return -1;
} else {
void *item = NULL;
item = malloc(rid.size);
Tread(xid, rid, item);
for( ; !(((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->keylen == keylen && !memcmp(key, item+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t), keylen));
rid = ((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->next ) {
if( rid.size == 0) { /* at the end of the list and not found */
return -1;
item = malloc(rid.size);
Tread(xid, rid, item);
/* rid is what we want */
memcpy(buf, item+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->keylen, ((lladdHashItem_t*)item)->datlen);
return 0;
return 0;
int _lHtRemove( int xid, recordid garbage, lladdHashRec_t * arg) {
size_t keylen = arg->keylen;
void * key = ((void*)arg) + sizeof(lladdHashRec_t);
lladdHash_t * ht = lladdHashes[arg->ht];
int index;
recordid rid;
// printf("Removing %d\n", *(int*)key);
index = hash(key, keylen, ht->size);
rid = _getHashMap(xid, ht)[index];
if( rid.size == 0) { /* nothing inserted with this hash */
return -1;
} else {
void *del = malloc(rid.size);
Tread(xid, rid, del);
if( ((lladdHashItem_t*)del)->keylen == keylen && !memcmp(key, del+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t), keylen) ) {
/* the head is the entry to be removed */
/* if( buf ) {
memcpy( buf, del+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t*)+keylen, ((lladdHashItem_t*)del)->datlen);
} */
ht->hashmap[index] = ((lladdHashItem_t*)del)->next;
/* Tset(xid, ht->store, ht); */
writeRecord(xid, ht->hashmap_record, ht->hashmap);
/* TODO: dealloc rid */
return 0;
} else {
void * prevd = NULL;
while( ((lladdHashItem_t*)del)->next.size ) {
free(prevd); /* free will ignore NULL args */
prevd = del;
rid = ((lladdHashItem_t*)del)->next;
del = malloc(rid.size);
Tread(xid, rid, del);
if( ((lladdHashItem_t*)del)->keylen == keylen && !memcmp(key, del+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t), keylen) ) {
/* if( buf ) {
memcpy( buf, del+sizeof(lladdHashItem_t)+keylen, ((lladdHashItem_t*)del)->datlen);
} */
((lladdHashItem_t*)prevd)->next = ((lladdHashItem_t*)del)->next;
writeRecord(xid, ((lladdHashItem_t*)prevd)->store, prevd);
/* TODO: dealloc rid */
return 0;
/* could not find exact key */
return -1;
assert( 0 ); /* should not get here */
return -1;
int lHtFirst( int xid, lladdHash_t *ht, void *buf ) {
ht->iterIndex = 0;
ht->iterData = NULL;
return lHtNext( xid, ht, buf);
int lHtNext( int xid, lladdHash_t *ht, void *buf ) {
_getHashMap(xid, ht);
if( ht->iterData && (((lladdHashItem_t*)(ht->iterData))->next.size != 0) ) {
recordid next = ((lladdHashItem_t*)(ht->iterData))->next;
free( ht->iterData );
ht->iterData = malloc(next.size);
Tread(xid, next, ht->iterData);
} else {
while(ht->iterIndex < ht->size) {
if( ht->hashmap[ht->iterIndex].size )
if( ht->iterIndex == ht->size) /* went through and found no data */
return -1;
free( ht->iterData );
ht->iterData = malloc(ht->hashmap[ht->iterIndex].size); /* to account for the last post incr */
Tread(xid, ht->hashmap[ht->iterIndex++], ht->iterData); /* increment for next round */
return lHtCurrent(xid, ht, buf);
int lHtCurrent(int xid, lladdHash_t *ht, void *buf) {
if( ht->iterData ) {
memcpy(buf, ht->iterData + sizeof(lladdHashItem_t) + ((lladdHashItem_t*)(ht->iterData))->keylen, ((lladdHashItem_t*)(ht->iterData))->datlen);
return 0;
return -1;
int lHtCurrentKey(int xid, lladdHash_t *ht, void *buf) {
if( ht->iterData ) {
memcpy(buf, ht->iterData + sizeof(lladdHashItem_t), ((lladdHashItem_t*)(ht->iterData))->keylen);
return 0;
return -1;
int lHtDelete(int xid, lladdHash_t *ht) {
/* deralloc ht->store */
if(ht->hashmap) { free(ht->hashmap); }
return 0;
int lHtInsert(int xid, lladdHash_t *ht, const void *key, size_t keylen, void *dat, size_t datlen) {
recordid rid;
void * log_r;
lladdHashRec_t lir; = 0;
rid.slot = 0;
rid.size = sizeof(lladdHashRec_t) + keylen + datlen; = ht->store;
lir.keylen = keylen;
lir.datlen = datlen;
log_r = malloc(rid.size);
memcpy(log_r, &lir, sizeof(lladdHashRec_t));
memcpy(log_r+sizeof(lladdHashRec_t), key, keylen);
memcpy(log_r+sizeof(lladdHashRec_t)+keylen, dat, datlen);
/* printf("Tupdating: %d -> %s\n", *(int*)key, dat); */
Tupdate(xid,rid,log_r, OPERATION_LHINSERT);
return 0;
int lHtRemove( int xid, lladdHash_t *ht, const void *key, size_t keylen, void *buf, size_t buflen ) {
recordid rid;
void * log_r;
lladdHashRec_t lrr;
int ret = lHtLookup(xid, ht, key, keylen, buf);
/* printf("Looked up: %d\n", *(int*)buf); */
if(ret >= 0) { = 0;
rid.slot = 0;
rid.size = sizeof(lladdHashRec_t) + keylen + buflen; = ht->store;
lrr.keylen = keylen;
lrr.datlen = buflen;
log_r = malloc(sizeof(lladdHashRec_t) + keylen + buflen);
memcpy(log_r, &lrr, sizeof(lladdHashRec_t));
memcpy(log_r+sizeof(lladdHashRec_t), key, keylen);
memcpy(log_r+sizeof(lladdHashRec_t)+keylen, buf, buflen);
lrr.datlen = buflen;
Tupdate(xid,rid,log_r, OPERATION_LHREMOVE);
free (log_r);
return ret;
Operation getLHInsert() {
Operation o = {
SIZEOF_RECORD, /* use the size of the record as size of arg (nasty, ugly evil hack, since we end up passing in record = {0, 0, sizeof() */
return o;
Operation getLHRemove() {
Operation o = {
SIZEOF_RECORD, /* use the size of the record as size of arg (nasty, ugly evil hack.) */
return o;