
152 lines
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// Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: (Rusty Sears)
#include <limits.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "pstar.h"
namespace rose {
template <class TYPE, class COUNT_TYPE=uint16_t>
class Rle {
/** XXX this stuff is performance critical; should be template param.*/
typedef byte_off_t block_index_t;
typedef COUNT_TYPE copy_count_t;
static const copy_count_t MAX_COPY_COUNT = (copy_count_t)-1;
typedef TYPE TYP;
struct triple_t {
slot_index_t index;
copy_count_t copies;
//byte foo[100]; // <-- Uncomment to test boundaries
TYPE data;
static const int PLUGIN_ID = 1;
inline void offset(TYPE off) { nth_block_ptr(0)->data = off; };
inline size_t max_overrun() { return sizeof(triple_t); }
/** @see For::append */
inline slot_index_t append(int xid, const TYPE dat,
byte_off_t* except, byte * exceptions,
int * free_bytes);
/** @see For::recordRead */
inline TYPE *recordRead(int xid, slot_index_t slot, byte *exceptions,
TYPE *scratch);
/** @see For::recordFind */
inline std::pair<slot_index_t,slot_index_t>*
recordFind(int xid, slot_index_t start, slot_index_t stop,
byte *exceptions, TYPE value,
std::pair<slot_index_t,slot_index_t>& scratch);
void init_getspecific() {
// int ret =pthread_key_create(&last_key_, 0);
// assert(!ret);
This constructor initializes a new Rle region.
@param xid the transaction that created the new region. Passing
in a XID implies that the page has just been allocated.
@param mem A pointer to the buffer manager's copy of the Rle page.
Rle(int xid, void * mem): mem_(mem) {
*block_count_ptr() = 1;
triple_t * n = last_block_ptr();
n->index = 0;
n->copies = 0;
n->data = 0;
// pthread_mutex_init(&last_mut_,0);
inline slot_index_t recordCount() {
triple_t *n = last_block_ptr();
return (n->index) + (n->copies);
This constructor is called when existing RLE data is read from
Rle(void * mem): mem_(mem) {
Rle() : mem_(0) {
~Rle() {
// pthread_key_delete(last_key_);
@see For::bytes_used();
inline byte_off_t bytes_used() {
return ((intptr_t)(last_block_ptr()+1))-(intptr_t)mem_;
inline void init_mem(void * mem) {
// pthread_key_delete(last_key_); // need to set to zero in all threads....
// int ret = pthread_key_create(&last_key_,0);
// assert(!ret);
*block_count_ptr() = 1;
triple_t * n = nth_block_ptr(0);
n->index = 0;
n->copies = 0;
n->data = 0;
inline void mem(void * mem) {
// pthread_key_delete(last_key_); // need to set to zero in all threads....
// int ret = pthread_key_create(&last_key_,0);
// assert(!ret);
inline TYPE offset() { return nth_block_ptr(0)->dat; }
inline block_index_t* block_count_ptr() {
return reinterpret_cast<block_index_t*>(mem_);
inline triple_t* nth_block_ptr(block_index_t n) {
return reinterpret_cast<triple_t*>(block_count_ptr()+1) + n;
inline slot_index_t nth_low_index(block_index_t n) {
// return (reinterpret_cast<triple_t*>(block_count_ptr()+1) + n)->index;
return nth_block_ptr(n)->index;
inline slot_index_t nth_high_index(block_index_t n) {
triple_t* r = nth_block_ptr(n); // reinterpret_cast<triple_t*>(block_count_ptr()+1) + n;
return r->index + r->copies - 1;
inline slot_index_t nth_high_bound(block_index_t n) {
triple_t* r = nth_block_ptr(n); // reinterpret_cast<triple_t*>(block_count_ptr()+1) + n;
return r->index + r->copies;
inline TYPE* nth_data_ptr(block_index_t n) {
// printf("data %d: %lld\n", n, (long long) ((reinterpret_cast<triple_t*>(block_count_ptr()+1) + n)->data));
// return &((reinterpret_cast<triple_t*>(block_count_ptr()+1) + n)->data);
return &(nth_block_ptr(n)->data);
inline triple_t* last_block_ptr() {
return nth_block_ptr(*block_count_ptr()-1);
inline triple_t* new_block_ptr() {
return nth_block_ptr(*block_count_ptr());
void * mem_;
// block_index_t last_;
// pthread_mutex_t last_mut_;
// pthread_key_t last_key_;
} // namespace rose