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* diskTreeComponent.h
* Created on: Feb 18, 2010
* Author: sears
#include <stasis/transactional.h>
#include <stasis/operations.h>
#include <stasis/bufferManager.h>
#include <stasis/allocationPolicy.h>
#include <stasis/blobManager.h>
#include <stasis/page.h>
#include <stasis/truncation.h>
#include "regionAllocator.h"
#include "datapage.h"
#include "tuplemerger.h"
#include "datatuple.h"
class diskTreeComponent {
class internalNodes{
struct indexnode_rec {
pageid_t ptr;
typedef struct RegionAllocConf_t
recordid regionList;
pageid_t regionCount;
pageid_t nextPage;
pageid_t endOfRegion;
pageid_t regionSize;
} RegionAllocConf_t;
typedef pageid_t(*diskTreeComponent_page_allocator_t)(int, void *);
typedef void(*diskTreeComponent_page_deallocator_t)(int, void *);
internalNodes(int xid): region_alloc(new RegionAllocator(xid, 10000)) {create(xid);} // XXX shouldn't hardcode region size.
internalNodes(int xid, recordid root, recordid state, recordid dp_state)
: tree_state(state),
region_alloc(new RegionAllocator(xid, dp_state)) { lastLeaf = -1; }
recordid create(int xid);
void print_tree(int xid);
static void init_stasis();
static void deinit_stasis();
static pageid_t alloc_region(int xid, void *conf);
static pageid_t alloc_region_rid(int xid, void * ridp);
static void force_region_rid(int xid, recordid rid);
static pageid_t*list_region_rid(int xid, void * ridp,
pageid_t * region_len, pageid_t * region_count);
static void dealloc_region_rid(int xid, recordid rid);
static void free_region_rid(int xid, recordid tree,
diskTreeComponent_page_deallocator_t dealloc,
void *allocator_state);
static void writeNodeRecord(int xid, Page *p, recordid &rid,
const byte *key, size_t keylen, pageid_t ptr);
//return the left-most leaf, these are not data pages, although referred to as leaf
static pageid_t findFirstLeaf(int xid, Page *root, int64_t depth);
//return the right-most leaf
static pageid_t findLastLeaf(int xid, Page *root, int64_t depth) ;
//reads the given record and returns the page id stored in it
static pageid_t lookupLeafPageFromRid(int xid, recordid rid);
//returns a record that stores the pageid where the given key should be in, i.e. if it exists
static recordid lookup(int xid, Page *node, int64_t depth, const byte *key,
size_t keySize);
//returns the id of the data page that could contain the given key
static pageid_t findPage(int xid, recordid tree, const byte *key, size_t keySize);
//appends a leaf page, val_page is the id of the leaf page
//rmLeafID --> rightmost leaf id
static recordid appendPage(int xid, recordid tree, pageid_t & rmLeafID,
const byte *key,size_t keySize,
diskTreeComponent_page_allocator_t allocator, void *allocator_state,
long val_page);
static recordid appendInternalNode(int xid, Page *p,
int64_t depth,
const byte *key, size_t key_len,
pageid_t val_page, pageid_t lastLeaf,
diskTreeComponent_page_allocator_t allocator,
void *allocator_state);
static recordid buildPathToLeaf(int xid, recordid root, Page *root_p,
int64_t depth, const byte *key, size_t key_len,
pageid_t val_page, pageid_t lastLeaf,
diskTreeComponent_page_allocator_t allocator,
void *allocator_state);
inline RegionAllocator* get_alloc() { return region_alloc; }
Initialize a page for use as an internal node of the tree.
inline static void initializeNodePage(int xid, Page *p);
recordid &get_tree_state(){return tree_state;}
recordid &get_root_rec(){return root_rec;}
const static RegionAllocConf_t REGION_ALLOC_STATIC_INITIALIZER;
const static int64_t DEPTH;
const static int64_t COMPARATOR;
const static int64_t FIRST_SLOT;
const static size_t root_rec_size;
const static int64_t PREV_LEAF;
const static int64_t NEXT_LEAF;
pageid_t lastLeaf;
void print_tree(int xid, pageid_t pid, int64_t depth);
recordid tree_state;
recordid root_rec;
RegionAllocator* region_alloc;
class iterator {
iterator(int xid, recordid root);
iterator(int xid, recordid root, const byte* key, len_t keylen);
int next();
void close();
inline size_t key (byte **key) {
*key = (byte*)(t+1);
return current.size - sizeof(indexnode_rec);
inline size_t value(byte **value) {
*value = (byte*)&(t->ptr);
return sizeof(t->ptr);
inline void tupleDone() { }
inline void releaseLock() { }
Page * p;
int xid_;
bool done;
recordid current;
indexnode_rec *t;
int justOnePage;