
386 lines
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* \file
* Copyright (c) 2008 Yahoo, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
#include "LSMPersistentStoreImpl.h"
#include <dht/LogUtils.h>
#include <dht/ActionContext.h>
#include <tcpclient.h>
// Initialize the logger
static log4cpp::Category &log =
unsigned char* LSMPersistentStoreImpl::my_strcat(const std::string& table,
const std::string& tablet,
const std::string& key,
size_t * len) {
const char * a = table.c_str();
size_t alen = table.length();
const char * b = tablet.c_str();
size_t blen = tablet.length();
const char * c = key.c_str();
size_t clen = key.length();
// The following two bytes cannot occur in valid utf-8
const unsigned char low_eos = (unsigned char) 0xFE;
const unsigned char high_eos = (unsigned char) 0xFF;
const unsigned char zero = (unsigned char) 0x00;
(void) high_eos;
*len = alen + 1 + blen + 1 + clen + 1;
unsigned char * ret = (unsigned char*)malloc(*len);
unsigned char * buf = ret;
memcpy(buf, a, alen); buf += alen;
memcpy(buf, &low_eos, 1); buf ++;
memcpy(buf, b, blen); buf += blen;
memcpy(buf, &low_eos, 1); buf ++;
memcpy(buf, c, clen); buf += clen;
memcpy(buf, &zero, 1); buf = 0;
return ret;
unsigned char *
LSMPersistentStoreImpl::buf_key(const TabletMetadata&m,
const RecordKey& k, size_t * len) {
return my_strcat(m.table(), m.tablet(),, len);
unsigned char *
LSMPersistentStoreImpl::buf_val(const StorageRecord& val, size_t * len) {
uint64_t expiryTime = val.expiryTime();
uint32_t dataBlob_len, metadata_len; // Below, we assume these are of the same type.
const UtilityBuffer& dataBlob = val.dataBlob();
const UtilityBuffer& metadata = val.metadata();
dataBlob_len = dataBlob.dataSize();
metadata_len = metadata.dataSize();
DHT_DEBUG_STREAM() << "write storage record expiryTime " << expiryTime << " metadata len " << metadata_len << " datalen " << dataBlob_len;
*len = sizeof(expiryTime) + 2 * sizeof(dataBlob_len) + dataBlob_len + metadata_len;
unsigned char * ret = (unsigned char *) malloc(*len);
unsigned char * buf = ret;
memcpy(buf, &expiryTime, sizeof(expiryTime)); buf += sizeof(expiryTime);
memcpy(buf, &metadata_len, sizeof(metadata_len)); buf += sizeof(metadata_len);
memcpy(buf, &dataBlob_len, sizeof(dataBlob_len)); buf += sizeof(dataBlob_len);
memcpy(buf, const_cast<UtilityBuffer&>(metadata).buffer(),
metadata_len); buf += metadata_len;
memcpy(buf, const_cast<UtilityBuffer&>(dataBlob).buffer(),
dataBlob_len); buf += dataBlob_len;
return ret;
LSMPersistentStoreImpl::val_buf(StorageRecord& ret,
const unsigned char * buf, size_t buf_len) {
uint64_t expiryTime;
uint32_t dataBlob_len, metadata_len;
assert(buf_len >= sizeof(expiryTime) + sizeof(dataBlob_len) + sizeof(metadata_len));
// Copy header onto stack.
memcpy(&expiryTime, buf, sizeof(expiryTime)); buf += sizeof(expiryTime);
memcpy(&metadata_len, buf, sizeof(metadata_len)); buf += sizeof(metadata_len);
memcpy(&dataBlob_len, buf, sizeof(dataBlob_len)); buf += sizeof(dataBlob_len);
DHT_DEBUG_STREAM() << "read storage record expiryTime " << expiryTime << " metadata len " << metadata_len << " datalen " << dataBlob_len;
// Is there room in ret?
assert(buf_len >= sizeof(expiryTime) + sizeof(dataBlob_len) + sizeof(metadata_len)
+ metadata_len + dataBlob_len);
if(ret.metadata().bufSize() < metadata_len ||
ret.dataBlob().bufSize() < dataBlob_len) {
return SuCode::PStoreDataTruncated; // RCS: This is what the mysql implementation does.
// it's someewhat misleading, as we don't truncate anything.
// Copy the data into ret.
// ret->setName(recordName); // somebody else's problem....
memcpy(ret.metadata().buffer(), buf, metadata_len); buf += metadata_len;
memcpy(ret.dataBlob().buffer(), buf, dataBlob_len); buf += dataBlob_len;
return SuCode::SuOk;
LSMPersistentStoreImpl(bool isOrdered) : l_(NULL) { }
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
init(const SectionConfig &config)
if(!l_) // workaround bug 2870547
l_ = logstore_client_open("localhost", 32432, 60); // XXX hardcode none of these values
return l_ ? SuCode::SuOk : FwCode::NotFound;
bool LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
return true;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
addEmptyTablet(TabletMetadata& tabletMeta)
// This is a no-op; we'll simply prepend the tablet string to each record.
const std::string& mySQLTableName = tabletMeta.getTabletId();
if (mySQLTableName!=""){
return SuCode::PStoreTabletAlreadyExists;
std::string newLSMTableName;
SuCode::ResponseCode rc;
if ((rc = mySQLCoreImpl_.addEmptyTablet(tabletMeta.table(),
isOrdered_)) !=
SuCode::SuOk) {
return rc;
//Save the mysql table name back in TabletMetadata
tabletMeta.setTabletId(newLSMTableName); */
return SuCode::SuOk;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
dropTablet(TabletMetadata& tabletMeta)
DHT_DEBUG_STREAM() << "dropTablet called. Falling back on clearTabletRange()";
return clearTabletRange(tabletMeta, 0);
/* SuCode::ResponseCode rc;
const std::string& mySQLTableName = tabletMeta.getTabletId();
if ((rc = mySQLCoreImpl_.cleanupTablet(mySQLTableName)) != SuCode::SuOk) {
return SuCode::PStoreTabletCleanupFailed;
DHT_DEBUG_STREAM() << "successfully dropped table from mysql"; */
// alternate to dropTablet() for when a tablet has been split and the underlying
// mysql table is being shared...just wipe out the record range for the tablet
// that is being dropped.
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
clearTabletRange(TabletMetadata& tabletMeta, uint32_t removalLimit)
DHT_DEBUG_STREAM() << "clear tablet range is unimplemented. ignoring request";
// const std::string& mySQLTableName = tabletMeta.getTabletId();
// return mySQLCoreImpl_.deleteRange(mySQLTableName, tabletMeta.tablet(), removalLimit);
return SuCode::SuOk;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
getApproximateTableSize(TabletMetadata& tabletMeta,
int64_t& tableSize,
int64_t & rowCount)
DHT_DEBUG_STREAM() << "get approximate table size is unimplemented. returning dummy values";
tableSize = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
rowCount = 1024 * 1024;
// const std::string& mySQLTableName = tabletMeta.getTabletId();
// return mySQLCoreImpl_.getApproximateTableSize(mySQLTableName, tableSize, rowCount);
return SuCode::SuOk;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
get(const TabletMetadata& tabletMeta, StorageRecord& recordData)
size_t buflen;
unsigned char * buf = buf_key(tabletMeta, recordData.recordKey(), &buflen);
datatuple * key_tup = datatuple::create(buf, buflen);
datatuple * result = logstore_client_op(l_, OP_FIND, key_tup);
SuCode::ResponseCode ret;
if((!result) || result->isDelete()) {
ret = SuCode::PStoreRecordNotFound;
} else {
ret = val_buf(recordData, result->data(), result->datalen());
return ret;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
update(const TabletMetadata& tabletMeta, const StorageRecord& updateData)
SuCode::ResponseCode ret;
{ /// XXX hack. Copy of get() implementation, without the memcpy.
size_t buflen;
unsigned char * buf = buf_key(tabletMeta, updateData.recordKey(), &buflen);
datatuple * key_tup = datatuple::create(buf, buflen);
datatuple * result = logstore_client_op(l_, OP_FIND, key_tup);
if((!result) || result->isDelete()) {
RESPONSE_ERROR_STREAM(SuCode::PStoreRecordNotFound) << "EC:PSTORE:No matching " <<
" record to update";
ret = SuCode::PStoreRecordNotFound;
} else {
// skip val_buf ...
ret = SuCode::SuOk;
if(result) { datatuple::freetuple(result); } // XXX differentiate between dead connection and missing tuple
if(ret == SuCode::PStoreRecordNotFound) { return ret; }
return insert(tabletMeta, updateData);
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl:: // XXX what to do about update?
insert(const TabletMetadata& tabletMeta,
const StorageRecord& insertData) {
size_t keybuflen, valbuflen;
unsigned char * keybuf = buf_key(tabletMeta, insertData.recordKey(), &keybuflen);
unsigned char * valbuf = buf_val(insertData, &valbuflen);
datatuple * key_ins = datatuple::create(keybuf, keybuflen, valbuf, valbuflen);
datatuple * result = logstore_client_op(l_, OP_INSERT, key_ins);
return result ? SuCode::SuOk : SuCode::PStoreUnexpectedError;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
remove(const TabletMetadata& tabletMeta, const RecordKey& recordName)
size_t buflen;
unsigned char * buf = buf_key(tabletMeta, recordName, &buflen);
datatuple * key_ins = datatuple::create(buf, buflen);
datatuple * result = logstore_client_op(l_, OP_INSERT, key_ins);
return result ? SuCode::SuOk : SuCode::PStoreUnexpectedError;
StorageRecordIterator LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
scan(const TabletMetadata& tabletMeta, const ScanContinuation& continuation,
bool getMetadataOnly, const uint64_t expiryTime, unsigned int scanLimit)
/* const std::string& mySQLTableName = tabletMeta.getTabletId();
ScanContinuationAutoPtr newContinuation;
TabletRangeAutoPtr tabletRange;
if (SuCode::SuOk != tabletMeta.keyRange(tabletRange)){
BAD_CODE_ABORT("Bad tablet name");
} */
/* This is necessary once we turn on splits, because multiple tablets
* might reside in the same mysql table. Shouldnt scan beyond the
* upper limit of the tablet because that might be stale data left
* from before this tablet split.
/* newContinuation = continuation.getContinuationLimitedToTabletRange(
LSMIterator* iter = new LSMIterator(mySQLTableName, newContinuation,
expiryTime, scanLimit);
return StorageRecordIterator(iter); */
return StorageRecordIterator(NULL);
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
getSnapshotExporter(const TabletMetadata& tabletMeta,
const std::string& snapshotId,
SnapshotExporterAutoPtr& exporter)
/* const std::string& mySQLTableName = tabletMeta.getTabletId();
TabletRangeAutoPtr tabletRange;
ScanContinuationAutoPtr cont = tabletRange->getContinuationForTablet();
exporter = SnapshotExporterAutoPtr(
new LSMSnapshotExporter(mySQLTableName,cont,snapshotId));
return SuCode::SuOk;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
getSnapshotImporter(const TabletMetadata& tabletMeta,
const std::string& version,
const std::string& snapshotId,
SnapshotImporterAutoPtr& importer)
/* if (version == LSMSnapshotExporter::VERSION){
const std::string& mySQLTableName = tabletMeta.getTabletId();
return SuCode::SuOk;
RESPONSE_ERROR_STREAM(SuCode::PStoreUnexpectedError) <<
"EC:IMPOSSIBLE:Unknown snapshot version " << version <<" while trying to " <<
"import to tablet " << tabletMeta.tablet() << "of table " <<
return SuCode::PStoreUnexpectedError;
return SuCode::SuOk;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
getIncomingCopyProgress(const TabletMetadata& metadata,
const std::string& snapshotId,
int64_t& current,
int64_t& estimated) const
fprintf(stderr, "unsupported method getIncomingCopyProgrees called\n");
//This will be a problem when we have more than 1
//exporter/importer type. We will have to store the
//snapshot version somewhere in tablet metadata
/* const std::string& mySQLTableName = metadata.getTabletId();
return LSMSnapshotExporter::
estimated); */
return SuCode::SuOk;
SuCode::ResponseCode LSMPersistentStoreImpl::
getOutgoingCopyProgress(const TabletMetadata& metadata,
const std::string& snapshotId,
int64_t& current,
int64_t& estimated) const
fprintf(stderr, "unsupported method getOutgoingCopyProgrees called\n");
return 1;
// return LSMSnapshotExporter::
// getOutgoingCopyProgress(snapshotId,
// current,
// estimated);