/* * mergeManager.cpp * * Copyright 2010-2012 Yahoo! Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * Created on: May 19, 2010 * Author: sears */ #include "mergeManager.h" #include "mergeStats.h" #include "blsm.h" #include "math.h" #include "time.h" #include #define LEGACY_BACKPRESSURE mergeStats* mergeManager:: get_merge_stats(int mergeLevel) { if (mergeLevel == 0) { return c0; } else if (mergeLevel == 1) { return c1; } else if(mergeLevel == 2) { return c2; } else { abort(); } } mergeManager::~mergeManager() { still_running = false; pthread_cond_signal(&pp_cond); pthread_join(pp_thread, 0); pthread_join(update_progress_pthread, 0); pthread_cond_destroy(&pp_cond); delete c0; delete c1; delete c2; } void mergeManager::new_merge(int mergeLevel) { mergeStats * s = get_merge_stats(mergeLevel); if(s->merge_level == 0) { // target_size was set during startup } else if(s->merge_level == 1) { assert(c0->target_size); c1->target_size = (pageid_t)(*ltable->R() * (double)ltable->mean_c0_run_length); assert(c1->target_size); s->new_merge2(); } else if(s->merge_level == 2) { // target_size is infinity... s->new_merge2(); } else { abort(); } #ifdef EXTENDED_STATS gettimeofday(&s->stats_start,0); double elapsed = (tv_to_double(&s->stats_start) - tv_to_double(&s->stats_sleep)); s->stats_lifetime_elapsed += elapsed; (s->stats_elapsed) = elapsed; (s->stats_active) = 0; #endif } void mergeManager::set_c0_size(int64_t size) { assert(size); c0->target_size = size; } void mergeManager::update_progress(mergeStats * s, int delta) { s->delta += delta; if((!delta) || s->delta > UPDATE_PROGRESS_DELTA) { rwlc_writelock(ltable->header_mut); if(delta) { s->delta = 0; if(!s->need_tick) { s->need_tick = 1; } } if(s->merge_level == 2) { if(s->active) { s->in_progress = ((double)(s->bytes_in_large + s->bytes_in_small)) / (double)(get_merge_stats(s->merge_level-1)->mergeable_size + s->base_size); } else { s->in_progress = 0; } } else if(s->merge_level == 1) { // C0-C1 merge (c0 is continuously growing...) if(s->active) { // s->in_progress = ((double)(s->bytes_in_large+s->bytes_in_small)) / (double)(s->base_size+fmax(ltable->mean_c0_run_length,(double)s->bytes_in_small)); s->in_progress = ((double)(s->bytes_in_large+s->bytes_in_small)) / (double)(s->base_size+fmax(c0->target_size,(double)s->bytes_in_small)); //s->in_progress = ((double)(s->bytes_in_large+s->bytes_in_small)) / (((double)s->base_size)+(double)s->bytes_in_small); } else { s->in_progress = 0; } } if(s->target_size) { if(s->merge_level == 0) { s->out_progress = ((double)s->get_current_size()) / (double)ltable->mean_c0_run_length; } else { // To see what's going on in the following code, consider a // system with R = 3 and |C0| = 1. (R is the number of rounds that a // C1-C2 merge takes during a bulk load, and also the ratios |C1|/|C0| // and |C2|/|C1|). // |Cn| is the size of a given tree component, normalized to the amount // of data that can be inserted into C0 (because of red-black tree // overheads, the effective capacity of C0 is a function of the average // tuple size and the physical memory allotted to C0). // Here is a trace of the costs of each round of merges during // a bulk load (where no data is overwritten): // Round | App writes | I/O performed by C0-C1 | I/O performed by C1-C2 // 0 | 1 | 1 | // 1 | 1 | 3 = 2 * 1 + 1 | 0 (idle) // 2 | 1 | 7 = 2 * 3 + 1 | // 3 | 1 | 1 | // 4 | 1 | 3 | R (just a copy) // 5 | 1 | 7 | // 6 | 1 | 1 | // 7 | 1 | 3 | 3 * R = 2 * R + R // 8 | 1 | 7 | // 9 | 1 | 1 | // 10 | 1 | 3 | 2 ( 3 * R ) + R // 11 | 1 | 7 | // i | 1 | t(0) = 1 | u0 = u1 =...= uR = 0 // | | i < R: t(i) = 1+2*t(i-1)| u(i) = 2 * u(i-R) + R // | | i >=R: t(i) = t(i%R) | // Note that, at runtime, we can directly compute u(i) for the current // C1-C2 merge: // u_j <= (1 + \alpha) * (|c2| + |c1_mergeable|) [eq 1] // Where, \alpha is a constant between 0 and 1 that depends on the // number of and deletes in c1_mergeable. For now, we assume it is 1. // Now, for each C1-C2 round, we want to split the total disk // work evenly amongst the C0-C1 rounds. Thus, the amount // consumed by C1-C2 + C0-C1 should be equal (if possible) for // each pass over C0: // t(Rj) + u(Rj) = t(Rj+1) + u(Rj+1) = ... = t(Rj+R-1) + u(Rj+R-1) // Work for set of C0 passes during j'th C1-C2 merge: // work(j) = \sum_{k=0..R-1}{t(Rj+k)}+u_j [eq 2] // Ideally, we would like the amount of work performed during each // application visible round, i, to be the same throughout a given C1-C2 // merger. Unfortunately, there's no way to ensure that this will be the // case in general, as nothing prevents: // f(i) = (R * t[i] > u_j) // from being true. Therefore, we partition the i according to f(i). // t(i) is monotonically increasing, so this creates two contiguous sets. // Let R' be the first i where f(i) is true, or R if no such i exists. // [eq 3] // Then: // work'(j) = work(j) - \sum{k=R'...R-1} t(Rj+k) [eq 4] // We now define u_j(i); the amount of progress we would like the C1-C2 // merger to make in each application visible round. // The later rounds (where f(i) is true) already perform more work than // we'd like, so we set: // u_j(i) = 0 if f(i) [eq 5a] // We evenly divide the remaining work: // t(i) + u_j(i) = work'(j) / R' if not f(i) // The t(i) are fixed, giving us R' equations in R' unknowns; solving // for u_j(i): // u_j(i) = work'(j)/R' - t(i) if not f(i) [eq 5b] // Note 1: // If the tree is big enough, we compute R in a way that guarantees f(i) // is false. We do not do this for small trees because it leads to R<3, // which negatively impacts throughput. Therefore, we set R=3 and deal // with periodic transient increases in application-visible throughput. // Note 2: // If the working set is small, then C1 will not get bigger from one // merge to the next. To cope with this, we compute delta_c1_c2 by // figuring out what the percent complete for c2 should be once C1 is // full, assuming we're performing a bulk load. We set delta to the // difference between the current progress and the desired progress. If // delta is negative, then the C1-C2 merge will still be ahead of the // C0-C1 merge at the end of this round, so we set delta to zero, which // effectively puts the C2 merger to sleep. // eq 2: Compute t[i] (from table) and initial value of work(j) int merge_count = (int)ceil(*ltable->R()-0.1); // next, estimate merge_number (i) based on the size of c1. // ( i = R * j + merge_number) int merge_number = (int)floor(((double)c1->base_size)/(double)ltable->mean_c0_run_length); s->out_progress = ((double)merge_number + s->in_progress) / (double) merge_count; // eq 1: Compute u_j if(c2->active && c1->mergeable_size) { #ifdef LEGACY_BACKPRESSURE c1_c2_delta = c1->out_progress - c2->in_progress; #else pageid_t u__j = (pageid_t)(2.0 * (double)(c2->base_size + c1->mergeable_size)); double* t = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * merge_count); t[0] = ltable->mean_c0_run_length; double t__j = t[0]; for(int i = 1; i < merge_count; i++) { t[i] = t[i-1] * 2.0 + ltable->mean_c0_run_length; t__j += t[i]; } double work_j = t__j + u__j; // eq 3: Compute R' int R_prime; { double frac_work = work_j / (double)merge_count; for(R_prime = 0; R_prime < merge_count; R_prime++) { if(t[R_prime] > frac_work) break; } } // eq 4: Compute work' double work_prime_j = work_j; for(int i = R_prime; i < merge_count; i++) { work_prime_j -= t[i]; // u_j[i] will be set to zero, so no need to subtract it off. } // eq 5a,b: Compute the u_j(i)'s for this C1-C2 round: double* u_j = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * merge_count); for(int i = 0; i < R_prime; i++) { u_j[i] = work_prime_j / R_prime - t[i]; // [5b] } for(int i = R_prime; i < merge_count; i++) { u_j[i] = 0; // [5a] } // we now have everything we need to know how far along we should expect // c1 and c2 to be at the beginning and end of this pass. double expected_c1_start_progress = ((double)merge_number) / (double)merge_count; double expected_c2_start_progress = 0.0; double expected_c1_end_progress = ((double)(merge_number+1)) / (double)merge_count; double expected_c2_end_progress = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i <= merge_number; i++) { if(i < merge_number) { expected_c2_start_progress += u_j[i]; } expected_c2_end_progress += u_j[i]; } expected_c2_start_progress /= u__j; expected_c2_end_progress /= u__j; assert(expected_c1_start_progress > -0.01 && expected_c1_start_progress < 1.01 && expected_c2_start_progress > -0.01 && expected_c2_start_progress < 1.01 && expected_c1_end_progress > -0.01 && expected_c1_end_progress < 1.01 && expected_c2_end_progress > -0.01 && expected_c2_end_progress < 1.01 && expected_c1_start_progress <= expected_c1_end_progress && expected_c2_start_progress <= expected_c2_end_progress); double c1_scale_progress = (c1->out_progress - expected_c1_start_progress) / (expected_c1_end_progress - expected_c1_start_progress); double c2_scale_progress = (c2->in_progress - expected_c2_start_progress) / (expected_c2_end_progress - expected_c2_start_progress); c1_c2_delta = c1_scale_progress - c2_scale_progress; #endif } else { c1_c2_delta = -0.02; // Elsewhere, we try to keep this number between -0.05 and -0.01. } // Appendix to analysis: Computation of t(i) and u(i) for bulk-loads // This is not used above (since both can be computed at runtime), but // may be of use for future analysis. // t(i) is easily computable, but u(i) is less straightforward: // u(i) = 2 * u(i-R) + R // u(i+R) = 2 * u(i) + R // Subtracting: // u(i+R) - u(i) = 2u(i-R) - 2u(i) // u(i+R) = u(i) + 2u(u-R) // u(0) = 0; u(R) = R // Characteristic polynomial: // r^n = r^(n-1) + 2r^(n-2) // divide by r^(n-2): // r^2 = r + 2 ; r^2 - r - 2 = 0 // characteristic roots: // r = (1 +/- sqrt(1 + 8)) / 2 = 2 or -1 // 2^n*C - D = a_n // 2^0 * C - D = 0; C = D. // 2 * C - D = R ; C = D = R. // So, u(n) = 2^n*R - R // or: // sum{u(i..i+R-1)} = 2*floor(i/3)^R - R. } } #if EXTENDED_STATS struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, 0); double stats_elapsed_delta = tv_to_double(&now) - ts_to_double(&s->stats_last_tick); if(stats_elapsed_delta < 0.0000001) { stats_elapsed_delta = 0.0000001; } s->stats_lifetime_active += stats_elapsed_delta; s->stats_lifetime_elapsed += stats_elapsed_delta; s->stats_active += stats_elapsed_delta; s->stats_elapsed += stats_elapsed_delta; s->stats_lifetime_consumed += s->stats_bytes_in_small_delta; double stats_tau = 60.0; // number of seconds to look back for window computation. (this is the expected mean residence time in an exponential decay model, so the units are not so intuitive...) double stats_decay = exp((0.0-stats_elapsed_delta)/stats_tau); double_to_ts(&s->stats_last_tick, tv_to_double(&now)); double stats_window_bps = ((double)s->stats_bytes_in_small_delta) / (double)stats_elapsed_delta; s->stats_bps = (1.0-stats_decay) * stats_window_bps + stats_decay * s->stats_bps; s->stats_bytes_in_small_delta = 0; #endif rwlc_unlock(ltable->header_mut); } } /** * This function is invoked periodically by the merge threads. It updates mergeManager's statistics, and applies * backpressure as necessary. * * Here is the backpressure algorithm. * * We want to maintain these two invariants: * - for each byte consumed by the app->c0 threads, a byte is consumed by the c0->c1 merge thread. * - for each byte consumed by the c0->c1 thread, the c1->c2 thread consumes a byte * * More concretely (and taking into account varying values of R): * capacity(C_i) - current_size(C_i) >= size(C_i_mergeable) - bytes_consumed_by_next_merger * * where: * capacity c0 = c0_queue_size * capacity c1 = c1_queue_size * * current_size(c_i) = sum(bytes_out_delta) - sum(bytes_in_large_delta) * * bytes_consumed_by_merger = sum(stats_bytes_in_small_delta) */ void mergeManager::tick(mergeStats * s) { if(s && s->merge_level == 1) { // apply backpressure based on merge progress. if(s->need_tick) { s->need_tick = 0; // Only apply back pressure if next thread is not waiting on us. rwlc_readlock(ltable->header_mut); if(c1->mergeable_size && c2->active) { if(c1_c2_delta > -0.01) { DEBUG("Input is too far ahead. Delta is %f\n", c1_c2_delta); double delta = c1_c2_delta; rwlc_unlock(ltable->header_mut); delta += 0.01; // delta > 0; double slp = 0.001 + delta; struct timespec sleeptime; DEBUG("\ndisk sleeping %0.6f tree_megabytes %0.3f\n", slp, ((double)ltable->tree_bytes)/(1024.0*1024.0)); double_to_ts(&sleeptime,slp); nanosleep(&sleeptime, 0); update_progress(s, 0); s->need_tick = 1; } else { rwlc_unlock(ltable->header_mut); } } else { rwlc_unlock(ltable->header_mut); } } } else if((!s) || s->merge_level == 0) { // Simple backpressure algorithm based on how full C0 is. pageid_t cur_c0_sz; if(s) { // Is C0 bigger than is allowed? while((cur_c0_sz = s->get_current_size()) > ltable->max_c0_size) { // can't use s->current_size, since this is the thread that maintains that number... printf("\nMEMORY OVERRUN!!!! SLEEP!!!!\n"); struct timespec ts; double_to_ts(&ts, 0.1); nanosleep(&ts, 0); } // Linear backpressure model s->out_progress = ((double)cur_c0_sz)/((double)ltable->max_c0_size); } else { cur_c0_sz = c0->get_current_size(); } double delta = ((double)cur_c0_sz)/(0.95*(double)ltable->max_c0_size); // 0 <= delta <= 1.111... delta -= 1.0; if(delta > 0.00005) { double slp = 0.001 + 5.0 * delta; //0.0015 < slp < 1.112111.. if(!s) { // printf("sleeping!\n"); } DEBUG("\nmem sleeping %0.6f tree_megabytes %0.3f\n", slp, ((double)ltable->tree_bytes)/(1024.0*1024.0)); struct timespec sleeptime; double_to_ts(&sleeptime, slp); DEBUG("%d Sleep C %f\n", s->merge_level, slp); nanosleep(&sleeptime, 0); } } } void mergeManager::read_tuple_from_small_component(int merge_level, datatuple * tup) { if(tup) { mergeStats * s = get_merge_stats(merge_level); (s->num_tuples_in_small)++; #if EXTENDED_STATS (s->stats_bytes_in_small_delta) += tup->byte_length(); #endif (s->bytes_in_small) += tup->byte_length(); if(merge_level != 0) { update_progress(s, tup->byte_length()); } tick(s); } } void mergeManager::read_tuple_from_large_component(int merge_level, int tuple_count, pageid_t byte_len) { if(tuple_count) { mergeStats * s = get_merge_stats(merge_level); s->num_tuples_in_large += tuple_count; s->bytes_in_large += byte_len; if(merge_level != 0) { update_progress(s, byte_len); } } } void mergeManager::wrote_tuple(int merge_level, datatuple * tup) { mergeStats * s = get_merge_stats(merge_level); (s->num_tuples_out)++; (s->bytes_out) += tup->byte_length(); } void mergeManager::finished_merge(int merge_level) { mergeStats *s = get_merge_stats(merge_level); update_progress(s, 0); s->active = false; if(merge_level != 0) { get_merge_stats(merge_level - 1)->mergeable_size = 0; update_progress(get_merge_stats(merge_level-1), 0); } #if EXTENDED_STATS gettimeofday(&s->stats_done, 0); double elapsed = tv_to_double(&s->stats_done) - ts_to_double(&s->stats_last_tick); (s->stats_lifetime_active) += elapsed; (s->stats_lifetime_elapsed) += elapsed; (s->stats_elapsed) += elapsed; (s->stats_active) += elapsed; memcpy(&s->stats_sleep, &s->stats_done, sizeof(s->stats_sleep)); #define VERBOSE #ifdef VERBOSE fprintf(stdout, "\n"); s->pretty_print(stdout); #endif #endif update_progress(get_merge_stats(merge_level), 0); } void * mergeManager::update_progress_thread() { pthread_mutex_t dummy_mut; pthread_mutex_init(&dummy_mut, 0); while(still_running) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); struct timespec ts; double_to_ts(&ts, tv_to_double(&tv)+0.1); pthread_cond_timedwait(&update_progress_cond, &dummy_mut, &ts); // printf("Calling update progress\n"); update_progress(c0,0); } return 0; } void * mergeManager::pretty_print_thread() { pthread_mutex_t dummy_mut; pthread_mutex_init(&dummy_mut, 0); while(still_running) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); struct timespec ts; double_to_ts(&ts, tv_to_double(&tv)+1.01); pthread_cond_timedwait(&pp_cond, &dummy_mut, &ts); if(ltable) { rwlc_readlock(ltable->header_mut); pretty_print(stdout); rwlc_unlock(ltable->header_mut); } } printf("\n"); return 0; } void * merge_manager_pretty_print_thread(void * arg) { mergeManager * m = (mergeManager*)arg; return m->pretty_print_thread(); } void * merge_manager_update_progress_thread(void * arg) { mergeManager * m = (mergeManager*)arg; return m->update_progress_thread(); } double mergeManager::c1_c2_progress_delta() { return c1_c2_delta; } void mergeManager::init_helper(void) { struct timeval tv; c1_c2_delta = -0.02; // XXX move this magic number somewhere. It's also in update_progress. gettimeofday(&tv, 0); #if EXTENDED_STATS double_to_ts(&c0->stats_last_tick, tv_to_double(&tv)); double_to_ts(&c1->stats_last_tick, tv_to_double(&tv)); double_to_ts(&c2->stats_last_tick, tv_to_double(&tv)); #endif still_running = true; pthread_cond_init(&pp_cond, 0); pthread_create(&pp_thread, 0, merge_manager_pretty_print_thread, (void*)this); pthread_create(&update_progress_pthread, 0, merge_manager_update_progress_thread, (void*)this); } mergeManager::mergeManager(blsm *ltable): UPDATE_PROGRESS_PERIOD(0.005), ltable(ltable) { c0 = new mergeStats(0, ltable ? ltable->max_c0_size : 10000000); c1 = new mergeStats(1, (int64_t)(ltable ? ((double)(ltable->max_c0_size) * *ltable->R()) : 100000000.0) ); c2 = new mergeStats(2, 0); init_helper(); } mergeManager::mergeManager(blsm *ltable, int xid, recordid rid): UPDATE_PROGRESS_PERIOD(0.005), ltable(ltable) { marshalled_header h; Tread(xid, rid, &h); c0 = new mergeStats(xid, h.c0); c1 = new mergeStats(xid, h.c1); c2 = new mergeStats(xid, h.c2); init_helper(); } recordid mergeManager::talloc(int xid) { marshalled_header h; recordid ret = Talloc(xid, sizeof(h)); h.c0 = c0->talloc(xid); h.c1 = c1->talloc(xid); h.c2 = c2->talloc(xid); Tset(xid, ret, &h); return ret; } void mergeManager::marshal(int xid, recordid rid) { marshalled_header h; Tread(xid, rid, &h); c0->marshal(xid, h.c0); c1->marshal(xid, h.c1); c2->marshal(xid, h.c2); } void mergeManager::pretty_print(FILE * out) { #if EXTENDED_STATS blsm * lt = ltable; bool have_c0 = false; bool have_c0m = false; bool have_c1 = false; bool have_c1m = false; bool have_c2 = false; if(lt) { have_c0 = NULL != lt->get_tree_c0(); have_c0m = NULL != lt->get_tree_c0_mergeable(); have_c1 = NULL != lt->get_tree_c1(); have_c1m = NULL != lt->get_tree_c1_mergeable() ; have_c2 = NULL != lt->get_tree_c2(); } pageid_t mb = 1024 * 1024; fprintf(out,"[merge progress MB/s window (lifetime)]: app [%s %6lldMB tot %6lldMB cur ~ %3.0f%%/%3.0f%% %6.1fsec %4.1f (%4.1f)] %s %s [%s %3.0f%% ~ %3.0f%% %4.1f (%4.1f)] %s %s [%s %3.0f%% %4.1f (%4.1f)] %s ", c0->active ? "RUN" : "---", (long long)(c0->stats_lifetime_consumed / mb), (long long)(c0->get_current_size() / mb), 100.0 * c0->out_progress, 100.0 * ((double)c0->get_current_size())/(double)ltable->max_c0_size, c0->stats_lifetime_elapsed, c0->stats_bps/((double)mb), c0->stats_lifetime_consumed/(((double)mb)*c0->stats_lifetime_elapsed), have_c0 ? "C0" : "..", have_c0m ? "C0'" : "...", c1->active ? "RUN" : "---", 100.0 * c1->in_progress, 100.0 * c1->out_progress, c1->stats_bps/((double)mb), c1->stats_lifetime_consumed/(((double)mb)*c1->stats_lifetime_elapsed), have_c1 ? "C1" : "..", have_c1m ? "C1'" : "...", c2->active ? "RUN" : "---", 100.0 * c2->in_progress, c2->stats_bps/((double)mb), c2->stats_lifetime_consumed/(((double)mb)*c2->stats_lifetime_elapsed), have_c2 ? "C2" : ".."); #endif //#define PP_SIZES #ifdef PP_SIZES { pageid_t mb = 1024 * 1024; fprintf(out, "[target cur base in_small in_large, out, mergeable] C0 %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld ", c0->target_size/mb, c0->current_size/mb, c0->base_size/mb, c0->bytes_in_small/mb, c0->bytes_in_large/mb, c0->bytes_out/mb, c0->mergeable_size/mb); fprintf(out, "C1 %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld ", c1->target_size/mb, c1->current_size/mb, c1->base_size/mb, c1->bytes_in_small/mb, c1->bytes_in_large/mb, c1->bytes_out/mb, c1->mergeable_size/mb); fprintf(out, "C2 ---- %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld %4lld ", /*----*/ c2->current_size/mb, c2->base_size/mb, c2->bytes_in_small/mb, c2->bytes_in_large/mb, c2->bytes_out/mb, c2->mergeable_size/mb); } #endif // fprintf(out, "Throttle: %6.1f%% (cur) %6.1f%% (overall) ", 100.0*(last_throttle_seconds/(last_elapsed_seconds)), 100.0*(throttle_seconds/(elapsed_seconds))); // fprintf(out, "C0 size %4lld resident %4lld ", // 2*c0_queueSize/mb, // (c0->bytes_out - c0->bytes_in_large)/mb); // fprintf(out, "C1 size %4lld resident %4lld\r", // 2*c1_queueSize/mb, // (c1->bytes_out - c1->bytes_in_large)/mb); // fprintf(out, "C2 size %4lld\r", // 2*c2_queueSize/mb); // fprintf(out, "C1 MB/s (eff; active) %6.1f C2 MB/s %6.1f\r", // ((double)c1_totalConsumed)/((double)c1_totalWorktime), // ((double)c2_totalConsumed)/((double)c2_totalWorktime)); fflush(out); #if 0 // XXX would like to bring this back somehow... assert((!c1->active) || (c1->in_progress >= -0.01 && c1->in_progress < 1.02)); assert((!c2->active) || (c2->in_progress >= -0.01 && c2->in_progress < 1.10)); #endif fprintf(out, "\r"); }