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2019-06-25 20:12:40 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- =================================================== -->
<!-- Internal build targets for Berkeley DB Java Edition -->
<!-- All targets here are for internal use only and are -->
<!-- not part of the published package. -->
<!-- =================================================== -->
<project name="JEInternal" basedir="..">
<description>Internal targets for JE</description>
Properties that are intended to be passed via -D on the command line.
<!-- Arguments to be passed on the command line of the <java> task. -->
<property name="args" value=""/>
<property name="args1" value=""/>
<property name="args2" value=""/>
<property name="args3" value=""/>
<!-- Off-heap cache is on for Oracle JDK and is off for Zing JDK,
by default. -->
<condition property="offheap"
<equals arg1="${zing.jvm.options}" arg2=""/>
<!-- Default jar file for testing is the je.jar built here. -->
<property name="testjar" value="${jarfile}"/>
Common standalone test properties.
<property name="standalone.srcdir" location="${basedir}/test/standalone"/>
<property name="standalone.dir" location="${builddir}/test/standalone"/>
<property name="standalone.destdir" location="${standalone.dir}/classes"/>
<property name="unittest.classes" location="${builddir}/test/classes"/>
<property name="standalone.datadir" location="${standalone.dir}/data"/>
<property name="standalone.logfile" location="${standalone.dir}/log"/>
<property name="standalone.propfile"
<path id="standalone.compile.classpath">
<pathelement location="${destdir}"/>
<pathelement location="${standalone.destdir}"/>
<pathelement location="${unittest.classes}"/>
<pathelement path="${junit.jarfile}"/>
<path refid="clover.classpath"/>
<path id="standalone.test.classpath">
<pathelement location="${testjar}"/>
<pathelement location="${standalone.destdir}"/>
<pathelement location="${unittest.classes}"/>
<pathelement path="${junit.jarfile}"/>
<path refid="clover.classpath"/>
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<!-- Global Targets -->
<!-- ============================================================ -->
<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="${standalone.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${standalone.destdir}"/>
<target name="clean" depends="clean-standalone"/>
<target name="compile" depends="compile-standalone"/>
<target name="init-standalone" depends="init">
<delete dir="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<target name="clean-standalone" depends="init">
<delete dir="${standalone.destdir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${standalone.destdir}"/>
<target name="compile-standalone" depends="init-standalone">
<ant antfile="ant/compile.xml" dir="." inheritall="false">
<property name="srcdir" value="${standalone.srcdir}"/>
<property name="destdir" value="${standalone.destdir}"/>
<property name="include" value="**/*.java"/>
<reference refid="standalone.compile.classpath"
<!-- Outputs the version of the ${jvm} so it can be visually verified. -->
<target name="javaversion">
<java classname="xxNotUsed" fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}">
<jvmarg value="-version"/>
<!-- =================== Standalone regression tests ======================
Tests that have a standard Java main and are run separately via <java>
rather than via <junit>.
Specific test targets (e.g., MemoryStress) are also invoked via the
'standalone' target in build.xml, using -Dtestcase=TestName where TestName
is the name of the one of the targets below. Additional program args and
JVM args can be specified using -Dargs= and -Djvmargs=.
Each test program should:
+ fail (System.exit with non-zero value) if the test fails
+ write log information and errors to System.out and System.err
+ take command line arguments for environment home and other parameters
+ allow command line arguments to be repeated, so that the last specified
argument takes precendence; this allows specifying -Dargs="..." to
override arguments specified explicitly in the <java> task
+ Print the full command line at the start of the test
+ When an unexpected exception occurs, the test should fail; be sure to
catch Throwable not just Exception
+ Check for data correctness, as well as for exceptions; if a
correctness check fails, the test should fail
+ As part of correctness checking, check statistics to ensure that
activities relevant to the test are occurring (cache misses,
eviction, cleaning, etc)
Each test target below should:
+ run the <java> task to invoke the standalone test program
+ use fork="yes"
+ use failonerror="yes"
+ use output="${standalone.logfile}"
+ use the predefined standalone.test.classpath
+ pass ${standalone.datadir} as the environment directory argument
+ pass other program args using <arg>, followed by <arg line="${args}"/>
to allow overriding program args using -Dargs="..."
+ pass JVM args using <jvmarg>, followed by <jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
to allow overriding JVM args using -Djvmargs="..."
+ for stress tests, use <jvmarg value="-ea"/> to enable assertions
Each test may have any number of properties that can be passed via
-Dargs="...". However, a default regression test should run without
specifying any such properties.
Some tests (namely performance regressions such as BigRandom) are not meant
to fail or pass in an automated way, and instead they output data that must
be manually examined.
By default a test is run against the je.jar built here. -Dtestjar=JARFILE
may be used to run the test againt a different release of JE, as long as
the test only uses JE APIs that exist in that release, of course. For
example, this can be used to run BigRandom against an earlier released
version of JE.
+ For long-running test, you can specify
"-Djvmargs=-Xloggc:<file>, -XX:-PrintGCTimeStamps, -XX:-PrintGCDetails"
to monitor GC behaviors. This would be useful for performance tests.
+ In case of performance tuning standalone tests, it would be helpful to
print a full list of JE's perf tuning parameters(e.g. je.maxMemory,
je.cleaner.threads, etc) to logs and then do the comparisons.
======================================================================= -->
<target name="standalone" depends="javaversion">
<echo message="Running: ${testcase}"/>
<echo message="Using JE: ${testjar}"/>
<echo message="Using GC params: ${jvm.gc}"/>
<echo message="Overriding: args=${args} jvmargs=${jvmargs}"/>
<echo message="See results in: (${standalone.logfile})"/>
<antcall target="${testcase}" inheritrefs="true"/>
MemoryStress: Runs a stress test under low memory conditions to force an
OutOfMemoryError to occur if a memory cache budget bug exists. Also
outputs a detailed log.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=MemoryStress standalone
ant -Dtestcase=MemoryStress -Dargs="-dups" standalone
Run times on laptop with SSD:
16 min
13 min
<target name="MemoryStress">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx42m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-DsetErrorListener=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvm.gc}"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-nThreads"/>
<arg value="20"/>
<arg value="-nOps"/>
<arg value="500000"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
EnvSharedCache: Runs a stress test comparing EnvironmentStats with/without
setting EnvironmentConfig.setSharedCache(true) to see if the shared env
cache works efficiently. Also outputs a detailed log.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=EnvSharedCache standalone
ant -Dtestcase=EnvSharedCache -Dargs="-opentest" standalone
ant -Dtestcase=EnvSharedCache -Dargs="-eventest" standalone
Run times in SLC datacenter, with other tests on same physical machine:
30 min
568 min
32 min
<target name="EnvSharedCache">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx128m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-DsetErrorListener=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-v"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-envs"/>
<arg value="4"/>
<arg value="-threads"/>
<arg value="4"/>
<arg value="-keys"/>
<arg value="25000"/>
<arg value="-initonly"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg line="${args1}"/>
<!-- If it's opentest, use larger number of txns for a 12hour run. -->
<condition property="num.txns" value="600000">
<contains string="${args}" substring="-opentest"/>
<condition property="num.txns" value="25000">
<isset property="num.txns"/>
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
output="${standalone.logfile}" append="true">
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx128m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-DsetErrorListener=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-v"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-envs"/>
<arg value="4"/>
<arg value="-threads"/>
<arg value="4"/>
<arg value="-txns"/>
<arg value="${num.txns}"/>
<arg value="-cachetest"/>
<arg value="-shared"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<arg line="${args2}"/>
BigRandom: Outputs a detailed log and final throughput value.
Regression test: The final throughput (printed as the last line of the
log) should be roughly equal or greater than for the prior release.
ant -Dtestcase=BigRandom standalone
ant -Dtestcase=BigRandom -Dargs="-nosync" standalone
Run times in SLC datacenter, with other tests on same physical machine:
356 min
17 min
After each test is run, be sure to save the log file for comparing it to
subsequent runs and for generating graphs later. For example:
cp build/test/standalone/log bigrandom-je3.2.23-nosync-log
Not yet done:
+ move maxMemory to a command line argument so it can be overridden using
the args property.
+ automate running of gnuplot to produce graphs for comparing
multiple runs.
<target name="BigRandom">
<echo message="je.maxMemory=268435456"
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx360m"/>
<jvmarg value="-DsetErrorListener=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-initonly"/>
<arg value="-locality"/>
<arg value="5"/>
<arg value="-keys"/>
<arg value="10000000"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<echo message="result ${test.result}"/>
This stress test simulates such a scenario:
There are three threads. One is the CRUD thread, which create a new txn
object and processes CRUD operations within this txn. The other two threads
are the commit and abort threads, which commit/abort the txn created by
CRUD thread.
Regression tests: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=TxnInMultiThreadsStress standalone
Run times in SLC datacenter, with other tests on same physical machine:
35 sec
<target name="TxnInMultiThreadsStress">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-DsetErrorListener=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-c"/>
<arg value="-a"/>
<arg value="-ops"/>
<arg value="200000"/>
<arg value="-keySize"/>
<arg value="3000"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<echo message="result ${test.result}"/>
RemoveDbStress: Make sure no bugs are spotted when remove/truncate
database is being called and the log cleaner and checkpointer threads
are interacting with the db. Also outputs a detailed log and final
throughput value.
Regression test: The final throughput (printed as the last line of the
log) should be roughly equal or greater than for the prior release. The
test is normally run once as follows when needed.
Each run takes apprx 1 to 2 hours.
ant -Dtestcase=RemoveDbStress standalone
Run times in SLC datacenter, with other tests on same physical machine:
53 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
RemoveDbStress-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="RemoveDbStress">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-DsetErrorListener=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-iter"/>
<arg value="200000"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
BigDW: Runs a stress test to check if deferred write database works as
properly as a normal one by performing insertion, dup-deletion and read
operations against a normal database and a deferred write database. The
outputed throughput (printed as the last line of the log) should be around
30 ops/sec, and 20000 txns should be enough for apprx 10 mins run.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=BigDW standalone
ant -Dtestcase=BigDW -Dargs="-txns 100000" standalone
Run times in SLC datacenter, with other tests on same physical machine:
6 min
38 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
BigDW-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="BigDW">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx128m"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-v"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-init"/>
<arg value="-dupdel"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
ClosedDbEviction: Runs a stress test to test the efficiency of eviction of
closed database roots, to make sure that the eviction would not
cause corruption or concurrency bugs. Also prints a detailed log.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=ClosedDbEviction standalone
ant -Dtestcase=ClosedDbEviction -Dargs="-recovery 10000000" standalone
Run times in SLC datacenter, with other tests on same physical machine:
549 min
342 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
ClosedDbEviction-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="ClosedDbEviction">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-v"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-init"/>
<arg value="100000"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args1}"/>
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
output="${standalone.logfile}" append="true">
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xmx32m"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-v"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-contention"/>
<arg value="100000000"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<arg line="${args2}"/>
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
output="${standalone.logfile}" append="true">
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xmx32m"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-v"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-evict"/>
<arg value="20000000"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<arg line="${args3}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
ReplicationCleaning: Runs a stress test to test if JE replication does log
cleaning when the cleaner is enabled. Also, prints out a detailed log.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=ReplicationCleaning standalone
ant -Dtestcase=ReplicationCleaning -Dargs="-repNodeNum 8" standalone
Run times on laptop with SSD:
53 min
??? min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
ReplicationCleaning-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="ReplicationCleaning" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-Dverbose=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
ReplicaReading: Runs a stress test to test if reading operations on replica
works as expected. And verify the deadlock exception of ReplayTxn is gone
with the "lock stealing" changes. Finally, get a reasonable retry number
for reading operations on replica.
Regression tests: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=ReplicaReading standalone
ant -Dtestcase=ReplicaReading
-Dargs="-nPriThreads 4 -nSecThreads 4 -txnOps 30" standalone
Run times on laptop with SSD:
16 min
14 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
ReplicaReading-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="ReplicaReading" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-Dverbose=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-totalRounds"/>
<arg value="3200"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
ReplicaDbOps: Runs a stress test to test if database operations on replica
work as expected. This test also checks log cleaning.
Regression tests: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=ReplicaDbOps standalone
ant -Dtestcase=ReplicaDbOps -Dargs="-nThreads 4" standalone
Run times on laptop with SSD:
13 min
14 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
ReplicaDbOps-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="ReplicaDbOps" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-Dverbose=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
CleanWithSmallCache: Runs a stress test to test ...
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=CleanWithSmallCache standalone
Run time: because the cleaner never catches up it runs for the specified
-seconds, or almost 7 hours.
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
CleanWithSmallCache-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="CleanWithSmallCache">
<echo message="CleanWithSmallCache: write"/>
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx10m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg line="-records 40000 -key 48 -data 10 -random -cache 250k -seconds 2000 -write true -offheap ${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args1}"/>
<echo message="CleanWithSmallCache: clean"/>
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
output="${standalone.logfile}" append="true">
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx32m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg line="-records 40000 -key 48 -data 10 -random -cache 250k -seconds 22000 -read true -clean -offheap ${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<arg line="${args2}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
secure-config sets up the file to provide secure
communication among HA nodes if the property
is defined. For example:
ant -Dtestcase=FailoverReplica standalone
<target name="secure-config" if="">
<property name="ssldir" location="${basedir}/test/ssl"/>
<property name="ssl.keystore" location="${ssldir}/"/>
<property name="ssl.keystore.pwd" value="unittest"/>
<property name="ssl.cert.auth" value="CN=Unit Test"/>
<property name="ssl.truststore" location="${ssldir}/"/>
<echo message="je.rep.channelType=ssl${line.separator}"
<echo message="je.rep.ssl.keyStoreFile=${ssl.keystore}${line.separator}"
file="${standalone.propfile}" append="true"/>
<echo message="je.rep.ssl.keyStorePassword=${ssl.keystore.pwd}${line.separator}"
file="${standalone.propfile}" append="true"/>
<echo message="je.rep.ssl.trustStoreFile=${ssl.truststore}${line.separator}"
file="${standalone.propfile}" append="true"/>
<echo message="${line.separator}"
file="${standalone.propfile}" append="true"/>
<echo message="je.rep.ssl.authenticatorParams=${ssl.cert.auth}${line.separator}"
file="${standalone.propfile}" append="true"/>
The rep-net-config target should be a dependency of most HA tests.
It sets up the file with appropriate settings for replication
access based on other properties that have been set. If configurations
other than secure-config are needed, just add them to the depends list of
<target name="rep-net-config" depends="secure-config"/>
FailoverReplica: Exercise replica-only failovers, using FailoverTest with
appropriate parameters.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=FailoverReplica standalone
ant -Dtestcase=FailoverReplica -Dargs="-repGroupSize 8" standalone
Run times on laptop with SSD:
29 min
?? min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
FailoverReplica-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="FailoverReplica" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-Dverbose=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-mode"/>
<arg value="replica"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
FailoverMaster: Exercise master-only failovers, using FailoverTest with
appropriate parameters.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=FailoverMaster standalone
ant -Dtestcase=FailoverMaster -Dargs="-repGroupSize 8" standalone
Run times in SLC datacenter, with other tests on same physical machine:
130 min
145 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
FailoveMasterr-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="FailoverMaster" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx2048m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-Dverbose=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-mode"/>
<arg value="master"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
FailoverHybrid: Exercise replica and master failovers, using FailoverTest
with appropriate parameters.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=FailoverHybrid standalone
ant -Dtestcase=FailoverHybrid -Dargs="-repGroupSize 8" standalone
Run times on laptop with SSD:
48 min
59 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
FailoverHybridr-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="FailoverHybrid" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-Dverbose=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-mode"/>
<arg value="hybrid"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg value="-offheap"/>
<arg value="${offheap}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
TemporaryDbStress: Runs a stress test to simulate an Environment which
a small cache size, multiple cleaner threads setting on a large temporary
database to see whether this temporary database works normally in this
high cleaner-eviction concurrency environment.
Regression tests: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=TemporaryDbStress standalone
Run times on a laptop with an SSD:
112 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
TemporaryDbStress-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="TemporaryDbStress">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx16m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-DsetErrorListener=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvm.gc}"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg line="-totalOps"/>
<arg value="15000000"/>
<arg value="-subDir"/>
<arg value="3"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
OpenEnvStress: Runs a stress test to simulate the application that multiple
threads open multiple environments, check whether the synchronization flow
of creating environments is correct. Aslo check to see if the shared cache
Environments are really sharing cache.
Regression tests: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=OpenEnvStress standalone
Run times in SLC datacenter, with other tests on same physical machine:
21 min
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
OpenEnvStress-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="OpenEnvStress">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg value="-DsetErrorListener=true"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-root"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-numEnvs"/>
<arg value="20"/>
<arg value="-totalIterations"/>
<arg value="5000"/>
<arg value="-sharedCache"/>
<arg value="true"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
IOErrorStress: Runs a stress test to simulate IO errors (exceptions thrown
by RandomAccessFile) to ensure log corruption does not occur.
NOTE: setErrorListener is intentionally NOT specified below, like it is for
most other tests, so that invalidation of the environment will not be done
by the test framework. The environment should be invalidated by JE.
Regression tests: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=IOErrorStress standalone
ant -Dtestcase=IOErrorStress -Dargs="-cacheMB 1" standalone
Run time is specified with -minutes. 120 minutes is specified below and the
java task timeout is 180 minutes.
After each test is run, the log file is automatically copied to
IOErrorStress-<yyMMdd_HH>-log for comparing it to subsequent runs.
<target name="IOErrorStress">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-ea"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg value="-cacheMB"/>
<arg value="10"/>
<arg value="-minutes"/>
<arg value="120"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
MasterTransferExercise: Stressed the transition of a JE HA node from
master to replica status. One flavor of test has mimics an
application load of data record inserts, updates and deletes,
while the other executes database creates, renames, and
removes. Both flavors must be tested, because there is specialized
txn handling for database operations.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=MasterTransferExercise standalone
ant -Dtestcase=MasterTransferExercise -Dargs="-testType DbOps -numAppThreads 2" standalone
Run time of 10 minutes.
<target name="MasterTransferExercise" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
TTLStress: Test accessing records as they are expiring.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=TTLStress standalone
Run time of 30 minutes.
<target name="TTLStress" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
DeadlockStress: Test different scenarios about deadlock.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
ant -Dtestcase=DeadlockStress standalone
Run time of *** minutes.
TODO: Need to add more arguments.
<target name="DeadlockStress">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
DiskLimitStress: Tests full write load with a disk limit.
Regression test: Test should pass when run as follows:
# Test steady-state max throughput with one node.
ant -Dtestcase=DiskLimitStress standalone -Dargs="-nodes 1 -minutes 15"
# Test steady-state HA throughput.
ant -Dtestcase=DiskLimitStress standalone -Dargs="-nodes 3 -minutes 15"
# Test various violations of disk limit
ant -Dtestcase=DiskLimitStress standalone \
-Dargs="-nodes 3 -violations true -minutes 25"
Total run time of less than 60 minutes.
<target name="DiskLimitStress" depends="rep-net-config">
<java fork="yes" jvm="${jvm}" failonerror="yes"
<classpath refid="standalone.test.classpath"/>
<sysproperty key=""
<jvmarg value="-Xmx512m"/>
<jvmarg line="${jvmargs}"/>
<jvmarg line="${zing.jvm.options}"/>
<arg value="-h"/>
<arg value="${standalone.datadir}"/>
<arg line="${args}"/>
<format property="log.time" pattern="yyMMdd_HH"/>
<copy file="${standalone.logfile}"
GSGDocsBuild: Runs the in je_home/dist, to
automatically build four je's GSG documents.
<target name="GSGDocsBuild">
<exec executable="/bin/sh">
<arg value="${basedir}/dist/" />