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<h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="backgroundthreads"></a>Managing the Background Threads</h2>
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<span class="sect2">
<a href="backgroundthreads.html#cleaner">The Cleaner Thread</a>
<span class="sect2">
<a href="backgroundthreads.html#checkpointer">The Checkpointer Thread</a>
JE uses some background threads to keep your database resources within pre-configured limits. If they are
going to run, the background threads are started once per application per process. That is, if your application
opens the same environment multiple times, the background threads will be started just once for that process.
See the following list for the default conditions that gate whether an individual thread is run. Note that you
can prevent a background thread from running by using the appropriate <code class="filename"></code>
parameter, but this is not recommended for production use and those parameters are not described here.
The background threads are:
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
Cleaner thread.
Responsible for cleaning and deleting unused log files. See <a class="xref" href="backgroundthreads.html#cleaner" title="The Cleaner Thread">The Cleaner Thread</a> for more information.
This thread is run only if the environment is opened for write access.
Compressor thread.
Responsible for cleaning up the internal BTree as database records are deleted. The compressor thread
ensures that the BTree does not contain unused nodes. There is no need for you to manage the
compressor and so it is not described further in this manual.
This thread is run only if the environment is opened for write access.
Checkpointer thread.
Responsible for running checkpoints on your environment. See
<a class="xref" href="backgroundthreads.html#checkpointer" title="The Checkpointer Thread">The Checkpointer Thread</a> for more information.
This thread always runs.
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<h3 class="title"><a id="cleaner"></a>The Cleaner Thread</h3>
The cleaner thread is responsible for cleaning, or compacting, your log files for you.
Log file cleaning is described in <a class="xref" href="backuprestore.html#logcleaning" title="Cleaning the Log Files">Cleaning the Log Files</a>.
The following two properties may be of interest to you when managing the cleaner thread:
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
<code class="literal">je.cleaner.minUtilization</code>
Identifies the percentage of the log file space that must be used for utilized records. If the
percentage of log file space used by utilized records is too low, then the cleaner removes
obsolete records until this threshold is reached. Default is 50%.
<code class="literal">je.cleaner.expunge</code>
Identifies the cleaner's behavior in the event that it is able to remove a log file. If
<code class="literal">true</code>, the log files that have been cleaned are deleted from the file system. If
<code class="literal">false</code>, the log files that have been cleaned are renamed from
<code class="literal">NNNNNNNN.jdb</code> to <code class="literal">NNNNNNNN.del</code>. You are then responsible for
deleting the renamed files.
Note that the cleaner thread runs only if the environment is opened for write access. Also, be aware that
the cleaner is not guaranteed to finish running before the environment is closed, which can result in
unexpectedly large log files. See
<a class="xref" href="envclose.html" title="Closing Database Environments">Closing Database Environments</a> for more information.
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<h3 class="title"><a id="checkpointer"></a>The Checkpointer Thread</h3>
Automatically runs checkpoints. Checkpoints and the administration of this thread are described in
the <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB, Java Edition Getting Started with Transaction Processing</em> guide.
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