diff --git a/src/wterl_conn.erl b/src/wterl_conn.erl index a97a4ee..afe91ee 100644 --- a/src/wterl_conn.erl +++ b/src/wterl_conn.erl @@ -81,14 +81,15 @@ init([]) -> {ok, #state{}}. handle_call({open, Dir, Config, Caller}, _From, #state{conn=undefined}=State) -> - {Reply, NState} = case wterl:conn_open(Dir, wterl:config_to_bin(Config)) of - {ok, ConnRef}=OK -> - Monitor = erlang:monitor(process, Caller), - true = ets:insert(wterl_ets, {Monitor, Caller}), - {OK, State#state{conn = ConnRef}}; - Error -> - {Error, State} - end, + {Reply, NState} = + case wterl:conn_open(Dir, wterl:config_to_bin(Config)) of + {ok, ConnRef}=OK -> + Monitor = erlang:monitor(process, Caller), + true = ets:insert(wterl_ets, {Monitor, Caller}), + {OK, State#state{conn = ConnRef}}; + Error -> + {Error, State} + end, {reply, Reply, NState}; handle_call({open, _Dir, _Config, Caller}, _From,#state{conn=ConnRef}=State) -> Monitor = erlang:monitor(process, Caller),